What is the name of the fairy tale: The fox deceived the wolf. "The Fox and the Wolf." Russian folktale

There lived a grandfather and a woman.
The grandfather says to the woman: “You, woman, bake the pies, and I’ll go get the fish.” He caught fish and is taking a whole load home.
So he drives and sees: a fox curled up and lying on the road. Grandfather got off the cart, went up to the fox, but she didn’t stir, she lay there as if dead. “This will be a gift for my wife,” said the grandfather, took the fox and put it on the cart, and he himself walked ahead.
And the little fox seized the time and began to lightly throw out of the cart, one fish at a time, one fish at a time, one fish at a time. She threw out all the fish and left.
“Well, old woman,” says the grandfather, “what a collar I brought for your fur coat!”
- Where?
- There, on the cart, is both a fish and a collar.
A woman approached the cart: no collar, no fish, and began to scold her husband: “Oh, you!.. So and so! You still decided to deceive! Then the grandfather realized that the fox was not dead; I grieved and grieved, but there was nothing to do.

And the fox collected all the fish scattered along the road, sat down and eats for itself. A wolf comes towards her:
- Hello, gossip!
- Hello, kumanek!
- Give me the fish!
- Catch it yourself and eat it.
- I can't.
- Eka, after all, I caught it; you, kumanek, go to the river, lower your tail into the hole, sit and say: catch, fish, big and small, catch, fish, big and small. Then pull the tail out of the hole - you will see how many fish are attached to the tail.
The wolf went to the river, lowered his tail into the hole and sat. And the fox ate enough fish and also ran to the river.
The wolf sits and sings:
- Catch, fish, big and small! Catch, fish, big and small!
And the fox runs around the wolf and says:
- Make it clear, make it clear in the sky! Freeze, freeze, wolf's tail!
The wolf will say:
- Catch, fish, big and small.
And the fox:
- Freeze, freeze, wolf's tail!
- What are you saying there, little fox? - asks the wolf.
- It’s me, little top, helping you. I say: catch, fish, and even more!

The wolf is tired of sitting. He wants to pull his tail out of the hole, and the fox says:
- Wait, little top, I haven’t caught enough yet!
And again they began to say their own sentences. And the frost is getting stronger and stronger. The wolf's tail froze.
Lisa shouts:
- Well, pull it now!
The wolf pulled, but it was not to be.
The wolf looked around, wanted to call the fox for help, but there was no trace of her - she ran away.

“That’s how many fish there are!” - the wolf thinks. “And you won’t get it out!” He spent the whole night fiddling around, pulling out his tail.
Morning has come. The women went to the ice hole for water, saw a wolf and shouted:
- Wolf, wolf! Beat him! Beat him!
They ran up and started pounding: some with a rocker, some with a bucket, some with anything. The wolf jumped and jumped, tore off his tail and started running without looking back. “Okay,” he thinks, “I’ll repay you, gossip!”
Meanwhile, the fox got hungry and wanted to try to see if he could steal something else. She climbed into one of the huts where women were baking pancakes, but her head fell into a tub of dough, she got dirty and ran.
And the wolf came towards her: “Is this what you teach? I was beaten all over! The tail was torn off!”
“Eh, kumanek,” says the little fox-sister, “at least you’re bleeding, but I have a brain, I was beaten more painfully than you; I'm dragging along.
“And it’s true,” says the wolf, “where should you go, gossip; sit on me, I'll take you.
The fox sat on his back, and he carried her. Here the little fox-sister sits and quietly says: “The beaten one carries the unbeaten, the beaten one carries the unbeaten.”
- What are you saying, gossip?
- I, kumanek, say: the beaten one is lucky.
- Yes, gossip, yes!
The wolf took the fox to her hole, she jumped out, hid in the hole, and she laughed and laughed at the wolf.

The fairy tale “The Fox and the Wolf” is about a red-haired cheat who decided to use cunning to teach her old rival, the wolf, a lesson. Everyone loves fish, but getting it for both fox and wolf is problematic. But the guy knows how to do it very well. It was in relation to him that the fox showed her first cunning. I caught the fish by deception. And when I met a wolf, I used a second trick. Which one? Let's read about this in a fairy tale. And after reading the fairy tale, let’s remember the Russian proverb that we would like to remind the wolf.

"The Fox and the Wolf"
Russian folktale

The fox is very hungry, runs along the road and looks around: is it possible to get hold of something edible somewhere? She sees a man carrying frozen fish on a sleigh. “It would be nice to try some fish,” thought the fox. She ran forward, lay down on the road, threw back her tail, straightened her legs... Well, she was dead and that’s all! A man drove up, looked at the fox and said: “It would be a nice collar for a wife’s fur coat.” He took the fox by the tail and threw it into the sleigh, covered it with matting, and walked next to the horse. The little fox didn’t lie there for long: she made a hole in the sleigh and let’s throw the fish into it... Fish after fish, she threw them all out; and then she slowly climbed out of the sleigh. The man arrived home, looked around - no fish, no collar!

And the fox dragged all the fish to his hole; then she sat down by the hole and ate the fish. She sees a wolf running. His sides were sick from hunger. “Hello godfather, what are you eating!” - A fish, kumanek.

Give me at least one.
- Of course! Open your mouth! You see how clever you are: I caught, and you will eat.
- At least give me the head of a fish, gossip!
- Not a ponytail, kumanek! Catch it yourself and eat for your health.
- How did you catch it? Teach.
- If you please! Find a hole in the river, stick your tail in there, sit and say: catch it, fish, big and small, and you’ll catch it.

The wolf found an ice hole, stuck his tail into the water, sat and muttered: “Catch, fish, big, but still big.” And the fox came running and began to run around and say: “Freeze, freeze, wolf’s tail.”
- What are you saying, godfather? - asks the wolf.
- Same as you, kumanek: catch, fish, big and small.

Here again the wolf sits and repeats his own, and the fox says his own. “Isn’t it time to go, gossip?” - asks the wolf.

Not yet, I’ll tell you when the time comes,” the fox answers. Here again the wolf sits and says his things, and the fox says his things. The fox sees that the ice hole is well frozen, and says: “Well, now drag it, little kumanek!” The wolf pulled - it was not to be!

“You see how greedy you are!” - the fox reproaches the wolf: “I kept saying: catch it, the fish is big and even bigger, but now you can’t pull it out! Wait, I’ll call you for help.”

The fox ran into the village and started shouting under the windows: “Go to the river to beat the wolf, he’s frozen to the ice.” Men are running to the river, some with an ax and some with a pitchfork.

The wolf sees imminent trouble: he rushed with all his might, tore off his tail, and without a tail began to run away, wherever he could see; and the gossip shouts after him: “Come back, little bastard, you forgot your fish!”

Who among us has not heard the expression: “Catch, big and small fish.” But the fish didn’t even think about catching on its tail. But the wolf's tail was diligently freezing. And when the ice hole froze well, the fox showed his temper.

And the wolf just wants to repeat the Russian proverb: “You can’t take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.”

Once upon a time there lived a gray wolf. He wandered around the field for many days and nights. Snow piled up everywhere, apparently and invisible. All the paths were covered with snow, all the paths were snowy. The wolf’s stomach was completely empty. The wolf had not eaten for three whole days. He sat down and howled in a terrible voice. Suddenly he hears bells ringing faintly in the distance. It was a horse harnessed to a sleigh riding along the road. “That’s where my luck is,” thought the wolf. He ran as hard as he could. He jumped out onto the road angry, hungry. His eyes were burning, his teeth were chattering. Soon he thought I’ll be full. The horse realized what trouble was approaching, and ran fast, as fast as it could. And the grandfather and the woman were sitting in the sleigh, carrying a sleigh full of gifts. They saw the wolf, and the grandfather didn’t take the gun with him, that’s where the trouble was. The horse was completely exhausted, and the wolf kept catching up with them. with the woman, dump all the food that they bought at the market. The wolf was so happy that so much delicacy was lying on the road. Even with such happiness, his head was spinning, “Okay, so be it,” he said, why should I waste my energy. Run after the sleigh when I have so much food. Let them clean up with kindness and health while I’m being kind. Now I’m going to make a mountain of food for myself. The wolf just sat down to try what was tastier. He sees a fox running from the forest and heading straight towards him.
The wolf got very angry, quickly threw all the food into the bag and sat on it. The fox ran up to him and said: “Hello, gray one!” Why are you sitting here? Have you met anyone nearby? What does this smell like? can you tell me? I smell chicken and baked bread
and expensive cheese." “Have you completely lost your sense of smell, the fox?” answers the wolf. “Where does such joy come from in an open field? Go where you were going, good luck, fox. Today I’m very angry, I’ve been running around hungry for three days. I’m looking for food, and you are cheese, chicken, get out of here! ,Are you not happy with me at all, the wolf? It’s just me, a kind soul, running through the forest all day, looking for you. And you, ungrateful, drive me away.” “Okay, okay, fox, don’t be angry with me,” the wolf pitied her. Tell me what you need. I have no time to start conversations with you here." The fox thought and said: “Okay, so be it, I forgive you. I see you’ve completely lost your mind from hunger. Today is my name day. I invited everyone, set the table, but you’re not there.” .
How can I sit down at the table without you? Let's go, the wolf has been waiting for the festive dinner for a long time. What I don't have there. And chicken and hare, fatty fried cockerels to choose from." And she grins quietly at herself. She knows that the wolf cannot resist such a delicious meal. The wolf sits on his sack and thinks, “What should I do? How can I refuse such a dinner.” It’s just stupid, and no one will understand. And there’s nowhere to put your bag of food, and you can’t share it with the fox.”
And the fox is right there. She asks the wolf: “What is that in your bag?” I guessed it a long time ago, my sense of smell didn’t disappoint. The wolf replies: “There’s nothing there, I stuffed it with hay. It’s my feather bed, so I run around and carry it with me.” It's cold to sleep in the snow. Hungry and cold.
how to live further? The wolf howled OOOOO! Okay, okay, I found something to worry about. Hide the feather bed in the ravine. You'll have dinner with me and pick her up later. Who needs it?"
“The fox is right,” thought the wolf. I’ll have dinner, and then I’ll take the bag. Who knows when such happiness will smile at me again. And let this be in reserve.” He hid the bag and covered it with snow. The wolf calmed down and went to visit the fox. The little fox is very happy. She spied where the wolf hid the bag. Here they are walking through the forest, there is a lot of snow. The fox says: “You better go first, wolf, trample the path.” Otherwise my paws will drown in the snow. I don’t have the strength anymore, I’m tired.” The wolf went forward, walked on and didn’t look back. And that’s all the fox needed. She ran quickly, quickly. She shoveled the snow and found the bag.
She pulled him onto herself and ran into the forest. There she sat down in a clearing, near the Christmas trees. She took all the goodies out of the bag. The fox ate his fill and went to bed in his hole. And she had wonderful dreams. She was very glad that she was able to deceive the wolf like that. And the wolf is still wandering through the forest, still looking for the cunning fox. But he still can’t find her.

Reading fairy tales to children before bed is a great way to get closer to your child, introduce him to the interesting and fascinating world of books, and help your baby explore the modern world thanks to fairy-tale characters and their stories. In addition, reading together helps in the development of imagination and contributes to the healthy harmonious development of the child as a person. One of these fairy tales that children should start reading from a very early age is the fairy tale of the fox and the wolf - a collection of wisdom of the Russian people, which has been passed down to us from generation to generation.
Today, you can find the text of the fairy tale about the wolf and the fox on our website along with interesting colorful illustrations that help little listeners perceive the text by ear. What does the fairy tale about the wolf and the fox teach little listeners? There are a great many answers to this question. Firstly, like any Russian folk tale, it will teach your child to distinguish good from evil, and will tell you that not all beautiful and flattering speeches that they will probably hear in their life are worth listening to. This is not surprising, because, as a rule, they are pronounced by those who want to take advantage of another person for personal gain.
Secondly, another important example that the fairy tale about the fox and the wolf carries is that no matter how much you want to get what you want without much effort, the fastest and easiest path is not always the most correct. To achieve good results, you should not cheat, you need to try and work to achieve your goal.

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. One day the grandfather says to the woman:

“You, woman, bake the pies, and I’ll harness the sleigh and go get some fish.”

I caught a whole load of fish. He drives home and sees: a fox stretched out in the middle of the road, as if not alive.

An old man drove up to her, but she didn’t move. “It will be a nice collar for an old woman!” - thought the old man and put the fox in the sleigh.

And that’s all the fox needs: she began to lightly throw everything out of the cart, one fish after another, one fish after another.

She threw out all the fish and slowly ran away.

The grandfather came home and called the woman:

- Well, old woman, what a collar I brought for you! There, on the sleigh, are both the fish and the collar. Go get it!

The old woman approached the sleigh and looked - no collar, no fish. She returned to the hut and said:

- There’s nothing on the sleigh, grandfather, except for the matting!

Then the old man realized that the fox had deceived him! I grieved and grieved, but there was nothing to do.

Meanwhile, the fox collected all the fish in a pile on the road, sat down and eats.

A wolf runs past:

- Hello, fox! Give me some fish!

- Look what you are! Catch it yourself and eat it.

- Yes, I can’t!

- What are you! Go to the river, put your tail in the hole, sit and say: “Catch, fish, big and small!” The fish itself is on your tail and attaches itself.

The wolf ran to the river, lowered his tail into the hole, sat and said:

- Catch, fish, big and small!

And the frost is getting stronger and stronger. The wolf's tail froze tightly. The wolf sat on the river all night.

And in the morning the women came to the ice hole for water, saw a wolf and shouted:

- Wolf, wolf! Beat him!

The wolf goes back and forth, cannot pull out its tail. The woman threw the buckets and began to hit him with the yoke. Beat and beat, the wolf was eager and eager, tore off his tail and took off running.

A wolf is running, and a fox is running towards him, his head is bandaged with a scarf.

“So,” cries the wolf, “did you teach me how to fish?” They beat me up and tore off my tail!

- Oh, little top! - says the fox. “They only tore off your tail, but they smashed my whole head.” I'm dragging my feet!

“And that’s true,” says the wolf. - Where should you go, fox? Get on me, I'll take you.

A fox rides on a wolf and chuckles: “The beaten one carries the unbeaten.” The wolf has neither reason nor sense!

Try reading the fairy tale of the fox and the wolf with your child role-playing together, turn it into an exciting home dramatization that will become an exciting game for the whole family. After which, talk to him about what conclusions the child made from this story. What lesson did he learn from it? Help him get a correct idea of ​​the meaning and benefits of fairy tales using examples from your everyday life.
Thanks to such joint activities, your child will learn to avoid many mistakes in his life and understand the true intentions of the people around him. In addition, exciting reading together instills in the child an interest in the book. During school years, you won't have to force him to read. You will see, very little time will pass and your child will begin to reach out for new knowledge and draw it from numerous books.

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