Work schedule of cooks in the cold shop. Radchenko L.A. Organization of production at public catering establishments. Cold shop equipment

5.12. Organization of cold shop work

Cold shops are organized at enterprises with a workshop structure of production (restaurants, canteens, cafes, etc.).

In specialized enterprises and small-scale farms that sell a small range of cold snacks that have a workshop-free structure, a separate workplace is allocated for the preparation of cold dishes in a common production room.

Cold shops are designed for preparing, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks. The assortment of cold dishes depends on the type of enterprise and its class. Thus, in a 1st class restaurant, the assortment of cold dishes must include at least 10 dishes daily, and in a top class restaurant - 15 dishes. The range of cold shop products includes cold snacks, gastronomic products (meat, fish), cold dishes (boiled, fried, stuffed, jellied, etc.), lactic acid products, as well as cold sweet dishes (jelly, mousses, sambuca, jelly, compotes etc.), cold drinks, cold soups.

The production program of the cold shop is drawn up based on the assortment of dishes sold through the sales area, culinary stores, and also sent to buffets and other branches.

The cold shop is located, as a rule, in one of the brightest rooms with windows facing north or northwest. When planning a workshop, it is necessary to provide for a convenient connection with the hot workshop, where the heat treatment of products necessary for preparing cold dishes is carried out, as well as with the distribution and washing of tableware.

When organizing a cold shop, it is necessary to take into account its features: the products of the workshop, after manufacturing and portioning, are not subjected to secondary heat treatment, therefore it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary rules when organizing the production process, and for cooks - the rules of personal hygiene; cold dishes should be produced in quantities that can be sold in a short time. Undressed salads and vinaigrettes are stored in refrigerated cabinets at a temperature of 2-6°C for no more than 6 hours. Salads and vinaigrettes should be seasoned immediately before leaving; items left over from the previous day are not allowed for sale: salads, vinaigrettes, jellies, jellied dishes and other especially perishable cold dishes, as well as compotes and drinks of our own production.

Cold dishes are released after cooling in refrigerated cabinets and must have a temperature of 10-14°C, so the workshop has a sufficient amount of refrigeration equipment.

Considering that in a cold shop products are made from products that have undergone heat treatment and from products without additional processing, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the production of dishes from raw and cooked vegetables, fish and meat. In small enterprises, universal workplaces are organized, where cold dishes are consistently prepared in accordance with the production program; in large cold shops, specialized workplaces are organized.

In cold shops, mechanical equipment is used: universal drives P-II, PKh-06 with replaceable mechanisms (for slicing raw and boiled vegetables; for mixing salads and vinaigrettes; for whipping mousses, sambukas, cream, sour cream; for squeezing juices from fruits); machine for slicing boiled vegetables MPOV. These machines perform all sorts of operations: cutting raw and cooked vegetables, mixing salads and vinaigrettes (when they are prepared in large quantities), whipping, pureing, squeezing juices. In small workshops these operations are mainly performed manually.

In addition, in the workshop, with a large assortment of gastronomic products and sandwiches, small-scale mechanization tools are used: a machine for slicing gastronomic products MRGU-370 (for slicing and placing ham, sausage, cheese in trays); bread slicer MRKh; manual oil divider RDM.

The cold shop must be equipped with a sufficient amount of cold equipment. To store products and finished products, refrigerated cabinets (ShKh-0.4, ShKh-0.8, ShKh-1.2), production tables SOESM-2 with a refrigerated cabinet, SOESM-3 with a refrigerated cabinet, a slide and a container for salad are installed , low temperature counter for storing and dispensing ice cream. Restaurants and bars use ice makers to produce ice, which is used in the preparation of cocktails and cold drinks. The selection of refrigeration equipment depends on the capacity of the cold shop, the number of products and finished products to be stored.

The selection of production tables depends on the number of workers simultaneously working in the workshop, on the basis that the work front for each worker must be at least 1.5 m. Washing of vegetables, herbs, fruits is carried out in stationary or mobile baths or for this purpose a sectional modulated table with built-in washing tub SMVSM. In the cold shops of large canteens, mobile racks are used for short-term storage of dishes before sending them for sale. In restaurants, the cold shop has a serving counter.

An approximate layout of a cold shop is shown in Diagram 15.

Scheme 15. Layout of the cold shop of a public canteen:
1 - refrigerator ШХ-0.8; 2 - refrigerator ШХ-0.6; 3 - production table SP-1050; 4 - section-table with a refrigerated cabinet and slide SOESM-3; 5 - low-temperature counter CH-0.15; b- table section with refrigerated cabinet SOESM-2; 7 - mobile rack; 8 - washing bath VM-2SM with two compartments; 9 - MROV-160 machine for slicing boiled vegetables; 10 - manual oil divider RDM-5

In the cold shop, a variety of tools, equipment, and equipment are used: chef's knives, gastronomic knives (sausage knives, for slicing ham, cheese, butter, for curly slicing butter, knife-fork), tomato slicers, egg slicers, a device for slicing cheese, a butter scraper , cutting boards, manual juicers, devices for laying out dishes (Fig. 22), molds for jellied dishes, jellies, mousses.

Rice. 22. Inventory and devices used in the cold shop:
1 - gastronomic knives: a - fillet knives; b - gastronomic (sausage); c - for slicing ham; g - kitchen; d - with two handles for cutting cheese and butter; e, g - with one handle for cutting cheese and butter; h - for curly cutting of butter; and - knife-fork; 2 - manual tomato cutters; 3 - egg cutters; 4 - device for cutting cheese; 5 - manual oil divider; 6 - scraper for butter; 7 - cutting board; 8 - board for cutting lemons; 9 - manual juicers; 10 - slide for side dishes; 11 - trays for aspic dishes; 12 - forms for pates, jellied and sweet dishes; 13 - spatula-knife for laying out jellied dishes; 14 - spatula for laying out portioned dishes; 15 - production forks for laying out dishes; 16 - utensils for laying out dishes: a, b, c - salad utensils; g - device for canned fruits; d - tongs for laying out portioned dishes

In the cold shops of restaurants and other enterprises with a wide range of cold dishes and snacks, there are technological lines for the preparation of cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and drinks. On these lines, separate workplaces are organized for preparing salads and vinaigrettes; cutting gastronomic meat and fish products; portioning and presentation of dishes; for preparing jellied dishes; sandwiches; cold soups; sweet foods and drinks.

At the workplace for preparation salads and vinaigrettes use bathtubs or a table with a built-in washing tub to wash fresh vegetables and herbs. Cut raw and boiled vegetables on different cutting boards marked “OS” or “OV”, using chef’s knives. To mechanize cutting vegetables, install a universal drive PKH-0.6 with replaceable mechanisms.

The rational organization of the workplace consists of two production tables: on one table they cut vegetables, mix ingredients and season salads and vinaigrettes (this can be a modulated sectional table for small-scale mechanization SMMSM or a regular production table), on the other table they portion and prepare salads and vinaigrettes before release to the sales floor; for this operation, sectional modulated tables with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide SOESM-2 or SOESM-3 are used. On the table there are table scales VNTs-2, on the right are dishes with ready-made salad and measuring equipment for portioning it (spoons, spatulas, salad cutlery), on the left are tableware (salad bowls, appetizer plates). This is also where the dishes are prepared. Before decorating the salads, prepare the products used as decorations (make decorations from vegetables, cut boiled eggs, tomatoes, parsley, carbonate, lemons, etc.). Cutting is done with special tools and devices. Prepared products are stored in sections of a refrigerated slide (Fig. 23).

Rice. 23. Cooled slide of table section SOESM-3

At the workplace for preparation snacks from gastronomic products cut, portion and prepare dishes from meat and fish products (assorted fish, meat; sausages, ham, balyki, cheese, etc.). At the workplace, tables are installed for small-scale mechanization (machine MRGU-370 for slicing gastronomic products). Gastronomic knives are used to cut food manually. To control the weight of portions of gastronomic products, VNTs-2 scales are used.

If the assortment of cold dishes includes jellied dishes, then it is recommended to organize a specialized workplace for their preparation. Boiled and meat products are cut on production tables SP-1050, SP-1470, equipped with VNTs-2 scales for weighing portions of products, chef’s knives, cutting boards marked “MB”, “RV”, trays for placing weighed products. Before preparing the aspic dishes, prepare the products and decorate them using the following equipment: knives for carving and cutting vegetables, various shapes, etc. Portions of meat or fish are placed in prepared trays (with a capacity of 30-50 servings), dishes, forms; decorated with products located in the slide; pour lanspig using a pouring spoon and place it in a refrigerated cabinet or use a table with a refrigerated cabinet SOESM-2 or SOESM-3 for this purpose. If jellied dishes are prepared in trays, then upon release they are cut into portions and transferred to tableware (trays, snack plate) using special spatulas.

Sandwiches are the most common snack, especially in places of mass recreation, in school and student canteens, in buffets at entertainment enterprises, etc. Sandwiches are prepared from bread and butter, various gastronomic products and culinary products. In most cases, ordinary open sandwiches are prepared, but at enterprises serving passengers of various types of transport, road sandwiches (closed) are made; When serving banquets and receptions, snack sandwiches (canapés) are prepared.

The basic process of making sandwiches is cutting bread and food into portions. In addition, sandwiches are decorated with vegetables, herbs, lemons, olives, etc.

When the number of sandwiches sold is small, bread and food are cut manually, using gastronomic, cheese, bread knives, special devices for cutting eggs, etc. When making sandwiches in large quantities, it is necessary to install an MRKh bread slicer or gastronomic machine at the workplace. To speed up the process of dosing oil into portions, install a manual oil divider of the RDM type. If the butter for sandwiches needs to be given a special design (in the form of a rose, petal, etc.), then it is cut with a special molding scraper. When cutting and slicing products at the cook's workplace, in addition to cutting tools, there must be cutting boards marked in accordance with the product being processed. Products intended for sandwiches are cut no earlier than 30-40 minutes before sale and stored in a refrigerator.

Snack sandwiches (canapés) require a lot of labor, and they are served as snacks mainly at banquets and receptions where there are buffet tables. To speed up the process of preparing canapés, various recesses are used.

Recesses for preparing canapés

During the warm season, cold soups (okroshka, beetroot soup, botvinya, fruit soup) are in great demand. Cold soups are prepared from vegetables and other products using bread kvass, beet broth, and also from fruits. Cold soups are released chilled to a temperature of 12-14°C. When releasing them, edible ice produced by an ice maker is used to maintain the appropriate temperature.

Vegetables, meat and other products for cold soups are cooked in a hot shop. Then the vegetables are cooled and cut into small cubes or strips using a machine for cutting boiled vegetables or manually using three chef's knives. Chop green onions with a knife and grind with a wooden pestle with a small amount of salt until juice appears. Fresh cucumbers are peeled and cut by machine or by hand.

Sweet soups are prepared with fruit infusions. The basis for sweet soups is fresh or dried fruits or berries. Before cooking, they are sorted and washed thoroughly using a colander or mesh liners. Whole berries are used for making soups, fresh apples, pears are cut using a vegetable cutter, and the seed nests are first removed with a special device.

Fruit infusions and side dishes for sweet soups are prepared in a hot shop. They sell soups with boiled rice, pasta, etc.

From sweet dishes in the cold shop they prepare compotes, jelly, jellies, mousses, sambuca, etc. At the chef’s workplace for preparing sweet dishes they install a bath, a production table with a refrigerated cabinet, table scales VNTs-2 and use various equipment, tools, molds, tableware (Fig. 24). To perform many operations, a universal drive with replaceable mechanisms is used for rubbing fruits, berries, whipping cream, mousses, and sambucas.

Rice. 24. Inventory used in the cold shop:
1 - forms for jelly, cream, mousse, sambuca, ice cream, parfait; 2 - molds for jellied dishes; 3 - pate forms

Fruits and berries entering the workshop are sorted and washed in running water through a colander. Fruits and berries are sold in their natural form with sugar, milk, and cream.

For jellied sweet dishes, juice is squeezed out of berries and fruits using juicers. Syrups are cooked in a hot shop. The prepared syrup is poured into molds and trays. The syrup for the mousse is whipped using a replaceable mechanism attached to a universal drive. Sweet dishes (mousses, jellies) are served in glass bowls or dessert plates.

Compotes and drinks of our own production (lemon, cranberry, rosehip, etc.) are prepared in a hot shop, then cooled and portioned into glasses. For compotes made from fresh apples, use an apple cutter, which in one motion cuts out the seed nest and cuts the apple into 6-8 slices.

At large enterprises, a freezer is installed to prepare soft ice cream. For short-term storage and dispensing of industrially produced ice cream, a low-temperature counter PKHN-1-0.4 or a low-temperature section SN-0.15 is used.

Ice cream is sold in metal bowls in its natural form or with various fillings. Special spoons are used to portion ice cream.

Labour Organization

The operating mode of the cold shop is set depending on the type of enterprise and its operating mode. When the enterprise operates for 11 hours or more, workshop workers work on a staggered, two-team or combined schedule. The general management of the workshop is carried out by a foreman or a responsible employee of the VI or V category cooks.

The foreman organizes work to implement the production program in accordance with the menu plan. In the evening, labor-intensive dishes are prepared: jellies, jellied dishes, jelly, compotes, etc.

Time to prepare work at the beginning of the working day is used to select utensils, equipment, and obtain products in accordance with the production task. With good production organization, the time to prepare the work should be no more than 20 minutes. Cooks are given assignments according to their qualifications. The foreman monitors compliance with the rules of technology for preparing cold and sweet dishes and the release schedule in order to avoid interruptions in service to visitors.

In cold shops with a large volume of work, an operational division of labor is carried out, taking into account the qualifications of the cooks.

Cooks of the III category are engaged in the preparation of products included in the dishes (cooking vegetables, boiling or frying semi-finished meat and fish products, slicing vegetables, processing herring).

Chefs of the IV category are engaged in the preparation of dressings, portioning and presentation of cold dishes of mass demand (vegetable, fish, meat salads, vinaigrettes, jellies, marinated fish, etc.), and sweet dishes.

Chefs of the V category carry out the preparation and presentation of complex dishes (aspic, stuffed fish, galantine, assorted fish and meat, jellies, mousses, etc.).

At the end of the work shift, the cooks report for the work done, and the foreman or chef in charge draws up a report on the sale of dishes for the day to the sales area, buffets and branches.

Questions to test knowledge

1. Where is the cold shop organized?
2. What is the purpose of the cold shop? List the range of cold shop products.
3. What is the cold shop production program based on?
4. Describe the location of the cold shop.
5. What features should be taken into account when organizing a cold shop?
6. What mechanical equipment is used in the cold shop?
7. List the means of small-scale mechanization used in the cold shop.
8. What non-mechanical equipment is used in the cold shop?
9. List the types and types of cold equipment used in the cold shop.
10. What are the requirements for the layout of a cold shop?
11. List the inventory and tools used in the cold shop.
12. What technological food preparation lines can stand out in a cold shop?
13. What separate workplaces are organized in large cold shops?
14. Describe the organization of the workplace for preparing salads and vinaigrettes.
15. Describe the organization of the gastronomic products processing workplace.
16. Describe the organization of the workplace for preparing jellied dishes.
17. Describe the organization of sandwich making workplaces.
18. How is the preparation of cold soups organized in a cold workshop?
19. Describe the preparation of sweet dishes in a cold room.
20. What equipment is used for preparing soft ice cream and for storing and dispensing ice cream?
21. How is labor organized in a cold shop?
22. What are the technological lines in the sauce department intended for, what do they consist of?
23. How does organizing workplaces in the sauce department in a restaurant differ from organizing workplaces in a canteen?
24. Describe the organization of the technological process for preparing second courses in the sauce department.
25. What are the deadlines for the sale of second courses?
26. What rules must be followed in case of forced storage of leftover food?
27. What dishes and side dishes should not be left for the next day?
28. What safety measures established by medical-biological requirements and sanitary standards apply to food products?
29. List the types of kitchen utensils used in the hot shop.
30. List the inventory and tools used in the hot shop.
31. What jobs can be organized in the sauce department of the hot shop?
32. List the types and types of equipment used for frying and sautéing foods.
33. How to organize the workplace of a cook who prepares boiled, stewed and stewed dishes?
34. How is the process of preparing porridge and pasta organized?
35. What should be taken into account when selecting stovetop boilers for cooking porridges of various consistencies? Give examples.
36. Sales deadlines for sauces.

Tests to test knowledge (selection of equipment and tools)

Organization of cold shop work

Response code Name of inventory, tool Questions
1 Carving knife 1. A set of equipment, tools for preparing cold vegetable and sweet soups
2 bread knife
3 Cheese knife
4 Gastronomic knife 2. A set of equipment, tools for preparing jellied dishes
5 Manual oil divider
6 Vegetable decoration device
7 Egg cutter 3. A set of equipment for making sandwiches
8 Portable beater
9 Molds for jelly, mousse 4, Set of equipment for preparing vegetable salads
10 Apple slicer
11 Chef's knives 5. A set of equipment for preparing sweet dishes
12 Oil scraper
13 Form for aspic dishes

Cold dishes and snacks occupy one of the main places on the menu of catering establishments. Many of them are the hallmark of a restaurant or cafe and can attract many customers. This category of dishes not only adds variety to our food and decorates the feast, but also has a beneficial effect on digestion and promotes the complete absorption of main dishes. Cold shop cooks prepare cold dishes and snacks.

The cold workshop is one of the main production workshops, where they organize the production of salads, various kinds of snacks, seasonal cold first courses, gelled desserts, and also cool drinks brewed in the hot workshop. Cooking, portioning and decorating dishes must be carried out under conditions that ensure the optimal temperature for serving them - 14°C.

Cold shop dishes are not only offered to visitors to restaurants, cafes or canteens, but are in steady demand in stores and culinary departments, which are advisable to organize to increase the volume of sales of home-produced products.

Characteristic differences between a cold shop and other production shops

A special feature of this production area is that the products used for preparing dishes are in contact with the hands of cooks, the edges of cutting tools, and auxiliary equipment and do not undergo further heat treatment. That is why the main requirements for the operation of a cold shop are:

  • compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • compliance with storage times and temperatures;
  • delineation of cutting areas for boiled and raw vegetables;
  • delineation of areas for cutting gastronomy, meat and fish products.

All products required according to the recipes are stored in refrigerators or cabinets at a temperature of no more than 8°C. Functional containers and auxiliary equipment are used strictly for their intended purpose, for which they are specially marked:

  • OV - boiled vegetables;
  • OS - raw vegetables;
  • RV - boiled fish;
  • MB - boiled meat.

Cold dishes and snacks are prepared in limited quantities, since their sales period should not exceed one hour. With significant production volumes, semi-finished salad products can be pre-prepared. Raw or boiled products of the same name included in cold dishes are chopped, placed in labeled containers and stored in refrigerators for no more than 6 hours. They are used as demand for certain dishes arises. Boiled peeled vegetables are stored in refrigerators for no more than 12 hours.

Requirements for the cold shop premises

The area of ​​cold shops is regulated by SNiP, which indicates recommended parameters that depend on the type of food service enterprise and production capacity. It must ensure the organization of production in compliance with all technological requirements, allow the placement of all necessary equipment and create comfortable working conditions for service personnel. The cold shop is located on any floor except the underground, next to the dining room, where finished products are sent, and the kitchen, where the main raw materials come from.

The height of the room must be at least 3 meters. The walls, floor and ceiling are finished with hygienic materials, which allow maintaining sanitary conditions at a high level.

The cold shop must be supplied with: sewerage, cold and hot water, heating, ventilation and a power supply system with a voltage of 220 and 380 W. Particular attention is paid to lighting, where the main one should be natural, and the additional one should be artificial. In summer, to maintain the room temperature no higher than 18°C, it is necessary to provide air conditioning.

Organization of the production process in a cold shop

A cold shop is a special production workshop, the operation of which largely depends on the type and specifics of the enterprise. In the cold shops of restaurants and cafes, special attention is paid to the presentation of dishes and they are prepared in portions. In mass production, which is typical for canteens of schools, hospitals, boarding houses and large industrial enterprises, dishes are prepared in significant volumes, excluding labor-intensive decoration. Certain features of the work of cold shops are inherent in enterprises specializing in the production of sweets and desserts. But even taking into account all the differences in cold shops, strict separation of production areas is provided.

First of all, a technological line is provided for slicing raw and boiled vegetables and preparing salads from them. Mechanized cutting of vegetables has undeniable advantages over manual cutting. It not only increases productivity, but allows you to achieve ideal shredding parameters, which are one of the quality indicators of salads.

For cutting boiled meat, fish, gastronomic products and preparing dishes and snacks from them, a separate production area is organized, which is equipped with all the necessary equipment: cutting boards, knives, functional containers in which the chopped products are placed for storage in refrigerated cabinets.

At the next working area, the dishes are portioned, decorated and released for distribution. The workplace is organized at a refrigerated table, in the chamber of which additional ingredients are stored: vegetable oil, mayonnaise, herbs, peas, lemons. Nearby there are kitchen shelves for plates and salad bowls. The cutting of products is carried out by a cold shop chef of the 3rd and 4th categories, and the preparation and decoration of dishes is entrusted to the cooks of the 5th and 6th categories. Preparing aspic dishes is a long and labor-intensive process. Therefore, they are prepared in advance and stored in refrigerators. A separate production area is not allocated for these purposes, but the one that is freed by the end of the work shift is used.

Cold shop equipment

To ensure the technological process and organize the work places of cooks, the cold shop is equipped with mechanical, refrigeration and auxiliary equipment. Installation of heating equipment is not permitted here. The types and productivity of cold shop equipment depend on the range of products and the volume of its production. Since the main condition for storing food is the presence of cold, a refrigerated cabinet is placed in the workshop. In large workshops, a refrigeration chamber equipped with shelving can be installed. The total volume of refrigerated cabinets or chambers is calculated on the basis of the workshop menu plan, which indicates the assortment and number of dishes produced, but also takes into account a certain inventory.

To mechanize the process of cutting vegetables, the cold shop is equipped with an appropriate capacity with a certain set of cutting tools, which must perform all types of cutting required by the technology for preparing a particular dish. Even small catering establishments can significantly improve the quality of salads using professional low-power.

To cut gastronomic products, you cannot do without a slicer, which, by adjusting the thickness of the slices, provides high-quality and aesthetic slicing of sausages, cheeses and smoked meats. The slicer can be used for slicing bread, but if a significant portion of the assortment is sandwiches, a bread slicer of appropriate capacity can be installed in the cold workshop.

To prepare pates, cold sauces and other dishes that require fine grinding of ingredients, a cutter is needed. In addition, it performs whipping functions and can be used to prepare mousses, sambukas and whipped cream.

The Petrokhladotekhnika company offers a wide range of almost the entire range of equipment necessary for organizing the full operation of a cold shop. Our specialists will help you choose the optimal model, depending on the needs of production, and will provide any advice on organizing a competent technological process in the cold shop of any food enterprise.

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