Autosurfing will work. Autosurfing: programs for making money. Tips for making money on autosurfing with the withdrawal of real money

We have been looking for different ways for a long time fast automated earnings, but so far it all boiled down to the fact that instead of money we received either obscene pictures, or spyware, or watched advertisements, and at the same time, on our computers, in favor of someone else’s uncle, cryptocurrency was secretly mined, the mining script for which was carefully inserted by the scammer on your website, you can read about it.

And if in the previous case we were talking about the topic of fake distribution of bonuses to Payeer wallets, now we will talk about such a phenomenon as autosurfing sites . If anyone doesn’t know, this is how you make money by sequentially viewing sites or advertising inserts, and the transition between sites occurs automatically. That is, you just need to start autosurfing, and the advertising itself will load and change. And sometimes there are even honest services that pay for it and have good reviews.

But we would like to talk about a little-known resource called Autosurf Zarabatok Com. This service offers to enable autosurfing and earn almost 44 kopecks for each site viewed, that is, every 30 seconds. Everything is at the resource Autosurf Zarabatok Com painted so euphoniously and colorfully that we began to wonder why they are so zealously inviting and paying so generously. Therefore, we decided to review this website autosurfing project and write our reviews, which can be read below.

Autosurf Zarabatok Com – Look at the main page

The Autosurf service is located at the corresponding link https autosurf zarabatok com and its main page is a rather eye-pleasing business card with brief information about the service:

So far nothing complicated or exotic is visible in the description. It seems like a service where you can promote the performance of your site or earn 0.44 rubles by viewing other people’s sites. You can also invite friends and receive a fairly generous percentage of their earnings.

But two facts on this page are confusing. Firstly, 0.44 rubles is an exorbitantly inflated price for one site impression. On honest services this figure can be even 10 times lower. Secondly, in tiny small print at the very bottom of the site Autosurf Zarabatok Com a standard disclaimer is posted, which is often written on scam sites, which states that no one is responsible for anything, and in general, all promises of earnings are just fantasy and assumptions. Let's enlarge this text and take a closer look:

But this does not give any right to suspect the service of fraudulent tendencies. Maybe the creators are not sure that the payment for viewing an advertisement will be exactly the same as what is written on their main page, which is why they made such an unsubscribe. Therefore, you need to continue to study the service.

We press the registration button, come up with an Email and password to log in, and go to your personal account, which at first glance looks generally quite neat and civilized:

There is also a button to start automatic surfing. In theory, you can press it and start the earning process, and then go about your business. To withdraw money, you need to accumulate at least 500 rubles. Not a small minimum wage, of course, but taking into account that almost half a ruble is credited for one view, you can still try to accumulate the minimum amount for withdrawal, which is what we will do, along the way describing what began to confuse us in the process of automatic surfing.

Web surfing on Admin Autosurf - Something is wrong with the service

We had questions both before and during the surfing process. First of all, back on the main page AutoSurf analysis tools showed a huge number of errors associated with unsuccessful loading of some resources:

We see that it was not possible to load resources from the site LinkSlot. We looked at this site in a previous review of the Payeer bonuses distribution service and found out that LinkSlot— a special intermediary service for conveniently searching for advertising platforms and quickly inserting advertising blocks onto your website using a simple code.

Looks like the creator AutoSurf I wanted to make money by displaying advertisements on the main page, but something went wrong, some of the banners did not load. True, there are also questions regarding downloaded banners. For example, there is such a banner, which was nevertheless pulled out of the system LinkSlot:

The link leads to the resource Ptp Zarabatok Com, which is also some kind of system for making money on clicks and viewing ads, but about which there are quite bad reviews in the absence of positive ones.

But we are considering exactly Autosurf Zarabatok Com, so we return to DashBoard, or rather to our personal account, and the next thing that is very confusing is the list of sites that will be surfed:

There are a lot of strange links here, after clicking on which a chain of redirects begins. And in most cases, the redirect takes us to some site that is a generally recognized scam. For example, Perexod Info highlighted in the image takes us to a fraudulent blog, about which only the lazy have not written reviews, and about which it is known that this is definitely a fraudulent site:

Yes, and the BestChange exchanger is also fake, corresponding reviews have also been written about this. Are all scammers advertising and promoting their sites through Autosurf? Or do all these scams have a single creator, and is it all a huge network for making money on gullible people?

Let’s not rush to conclusions; we haven’t yet talked about the gusto itself—the surfing process itself. Visually, it looks like what any other surfing usually looks like - a bunch of flickering, obnoxious advertising and a countdown timer:

The script counts down 30 seconds, after which it follows the link Go Autosurf Zarabotok and takes the following address with an advertising site, which it inserts under the countdown panel. There were several things we didn’t like about this process, one of which was blatant. Firstly, part of the advertising is pulled out again from the LinkSlot service, that is, the creator of the site earns money for watching advertising Autosurf. And secondly, an analysis of existing objects showed that when content is displayed to us via the Go Autosurf link, in addition to advertising, the following objects are created and initialized:

In simple terms, the cryptocurrency mining process is starting! Again! This already happened in the distribution of payeer bonuses, and then the CoinHive library was also used, which is designed for the hidden extraction of cryptocurrency by using the processor resources of site visitors. Cryptocurrency mining was also confirmed by monitoring CPU load; an open tab with surfing actually consumes a huge part of the processor resources, even when no advertising is loading anymore.

This is a very unpleasant fact, because of which I want to stop working with the service under review and never access it again. Obviously, the service was primarily created to earn money for its author by displaying advertisements from Linkslot and through hidden cryptocurrency mining, which is not mentioned anywhere in the agreement and rules.

Zarabatok Com Dashboard - Who will pay

From all of the above, it is easy to conclude that even if you can earn something from the service in question, the costs - your efforts, your time, computer resources and electricity burned due to hidden mining - these costs will turn out to be much more significant than the unlikely the possibility of illusory earnings.

What will happen if a person is inspired by the possibility of automatic earnings and, not knowing anything about hidden mining and not knowing anything about what we wrote above, starts persistently looking at murky sites and advertising in anticipation of accumulating 500 rubles or more? Now let's demonstrate.

For example, we have accumulated almost 1000 rubles on our balance, spending a lot of time and adding up a lot of kilowatts of electricity to the meter. In your personal account, almost everything is ready for withdrawal:

Here, another point is added to the collection of doubts due to the fact that in the card number entry field there are no checks for the correctness of the input. There is only a check to see if something is entered in the field or not. But if instead of the card number you entered text or a set of characters, there is no difference for the system. This is unacceptable for reputable honest systems.

We click on the output button, and... we didn’t have to wait long, the following disappointing message appeared:

As you can see, the system asks us to pay money for a commission. This, unfortunately, in most cases is a sign of a scam. In normal systems, if a commission is charged when withdrawing money, then it is simply taken from the money withdrawn, and you will end up receiving an amount on your card that is slightly less than promised due to the commission written off. But in order to pay yourself... No, that won’t work.

By the way, let's see where we go if we click on the payment button:

Initially, the link led to some Oplata In, but in the process there was a redirection to a strange payment system Kassy Life, and this is a partner system from the main payment system E-Pay, which further increases the chances that we are dealing with a scam.

But even if, to hell with it, we pay these 188 rubles, will the money be withdrawn to our card? Of course no! After payment we receive a small archive, which contains a text file with the following content:

We see that for withdrawal there is now a new requirement - you need to invite 5 referrals so that they earn at least 500 rubles and then also pay a commission. Well, do we need it or do you? Of course not. It makes sense to stop here and admit that there is no money on the project Autosurf Zarabatok Com we won’t make money and it was created only to bring a lot of people here who will secretly mine cryptocurrency and who themselves will also pay the commission and invite new people to do the same.

Conclusions, reviews, results

Creator of the service Autosurf Zarabatok Com knows how to make money, this must be honestly admitted. Indeed, the offer to make money by autosurfing sites will attract a huge number of users from all over the Internet. You can show them all advertising and make money on it, you can mine cryptocurrency on their devices, and you can also ask them to “pay the commission,” voluntarily and with song.

All this is present on the considered service, and its creator is definitely not in poverty. As for the opportunity to earn money, it is most likely elusive and extremely unlikely, and we doubt that at least any visitor, after watching enough advertising, will be able to invite 5 people through referral links and convince them to also watch advertising and pay a commission. However, who knows, maybe there will be some.

In short, the reviews and conclusions will be clear: we are categorical Not We recommend contacting a website autosurfing service Autosurf Zarabatok Com, and its creator should be flogged with a belt for hidden mining on visitors’ devices, they need to be warned!

In order to avoid falling for such services and learn useful tips on how to make money on the Internet, we highly recommend that you subscribe in the form below.

Making money on the Internet through surfing and autosurfing is currently one of the simplest and most popular among beginners and users who want to get paid for easy work. In this article we will look at the difference between surfing and autosurfing, the specifics of this type of earnings, how to choose a suitable platform for work, examples of popular projects.

Process regular surfing sites consists of manually viewing advertising sites over a certain period of time. To confirm the action and pay for it, you must enter a captcha or specify the required symbol.

Autosurfing is an automatic browsing of Internet resources without user intervention, carried out using special software.

The amount of earnings depends on user activity and the correct choice of site to work on.

The essence of making money from surfing

Many people wonder: who pays money to view websites and why? It's simple - for promotion, promotion and advertising. High traffic and user interest in the resource have a positive effect on the site’s ranking in search results, so administrators are trying to raise it in this way.

Other webmasters advertise their information products through surfing or collect a subscription base by giving away free products. Of course, artificially increasing interest in the site is not entirely fair, but there is nothing wrong with that. You help them imitate search traffic, for which they pay you money. Moreover, this does not require any special skills. As for autosurfing, when you install a special program, it will earn money for you, and you will go about your business.

How to choose the right autosurfing platform

  • First of all, choose a site to work on that has the minimum amount for withdrawal so that, in any case, your labors are not in vain;
  • Register immediately several earning systems. This will help you earn the desired amount faster;
  • As for autosurfing, here you can choose a domestic or foreign site. They pay more at foreign sites, but you need to be careful here, as there may be a problem with withdrawing money. For withdrawals to an American wallet, there may be restrictions by age or country. Therefore, the principle of choosing a site is operations with earned funds.

Popular sites for surfing and autosurfing

On such projects, you can earn money not only from surfing, but also take advantage of other opportunities: completing tasks, passing tests, reading letters. There is one more important point of earning money - this referral system. If it is available on the website, then pay attention to what percentage it is. By inviting users to your team, you can significantly increase your personal earnings. Here are some popular and effective domestic sites for surfing and autosurfing:

Choose any method that suits you, be it surfing or autosurfing. This is the easiest type of online earnings for beginners, because even for very simple work on the Internet you can get money.

I welcome you to the site, I would like to introduce one of the ways to make money using a computer (laptop, tablet) using the Internet, let's talk about automatic site surfing.

Autosurfingthis is how to make money on the internet money using a browser or a special program for autosurfing, where all actions occur automatically and do not require monitoring the process. All you need to do is log in to the site, start autosurfing and enjoy receiving money or showing your site.

This type of earnings is the simplest and does not require much effort or any knowledge.

Today you can find many different surfing systems on the Internet. They all differ from each other, but the essence remains the same.

Services autosurfing can be divided into two categories:

  • with payments to

  • no payouts()

As a rule, each such system has its own currency. It may be called loans or something similar. In systems with payments, such currency can then be converted into real money and withdrawn to your electronic wallets.

In free services, as a rule, all earned credits are used to promote their own sites. That is, you look at someone's sites, and then someone looks at your sites. The result is mutual benefit, or also exchange them for money!

Let's take a closer look...

List of services for automatic earnings with money payments:

Autosurfing in the program

register, download the program, launch it and receive income in foreign currency on autopilot, and there is also a program for making money by completing tasks, surfing, and also, it is possible to install an extension for your browser and perform all actions automatically.

autosurf program, you need to register and download the program, launch it and let it earn money fully automatically while your computer is turned on, and you can also earn money on the site by completing tasks and reading letters.

After registration, go to the “surfing” menu and download the “socpublic agent” program, install and surf sites automatically. Automatic withdrawal of money to: WebMoney, Yandex, Payeer, PerfectMoney.

List of services with autosurfing for earning credits to increase traffic to your site, or exchange earned credits for money:

To increase traffic to your site, a lot of settings are provided, such as the time of stay on the site, geoterting, the number of visits per day, and so on... very convenient

Autosurfing in the program

It’s simple, register, download the program, launch it, earn credits from surfing and exchange them for viewing your sites

The best sponsors of surfing and Autosurfing

On this page of the site I want to introduce you to the best and proven sponsors of autosurfing.

The principle of operation on the sites proposed here is almost the same.On the site, you need to select the “Earn” item in the menu, then the “Autosurfing” option. Launchbrowsing websites and watching how credits are added to your account balance.Some sites have special programs for autosurfing. You only need one such programDownload it from the site once and run it every day. Surfing is endless, the program itself willearn credits. If you temporarily run out of sites to view, try changing your IP -address. With a new IP you will always have more views.Autosurfing on the Internet is the easiest and simplest way to make money. You are not required tomonetary investments and additional actions besides launching Autosurfing.

To register on the sites offered here, simply click on the project name

List of sites for Autosurfing:

Ebesucher - An excellent German site for earning money without investing money by automatically surfing and writing! Registration and interface in Russian. Everything is simple and clear. To surf, you need to download and install the program on the site itself. It will work automatically when you start surfing. Instructions are sent by email. They pay for letters. Enable in the settings so that they are sent to you by email. If you look on the site itself, then you need to make 2 clicks on the letter for it to open.
Withdrawing money to WebMoney and PayPal from 2 euros.

JetSwap- The best site for 24/7 autosurfing. There are practically no end to sites to view. There is a special program for autosurfing that can be downloaded simply from the websiteJetSwap. It can be launched when the computer is turned on. In order for the program to count viewed sites and credit credits, it must not be minimized, but moved to the bottom of the desktop. For this you will also receive an additional 100% refback from me. When the program is not minimized, I see your earnings and credit you with an additional percentage of credits to your earnings. In addition to autosurfing, the site has manual surfing (more credits are paid for it), and other types of earnings. Earned credits can be sold or used for website promotion. - Autosurfing on which you can earn $0.0004 per minute or credits, you can use them to promote your website or sell them on the exchange system. In addition, you can view sites in regular autosurfing, for which you will receive 10 times more money than in autosurfing. You can attract referrals to the site and earn additional income from them. There are plenty of sites for autosurfing, and this will be additional income for you at no cost.

Autosurfing for Bitcoin

AdbtcTop - The first autosurfing site for bitcoins. For each view you pay up to 50 satoshi. There are always a lot of surfing sites. Good referral program 7.5% of the cost of links viewed by your referrals + for each click on your referral link. Automatic withdrawal from 10,000 satoshi directly to your Bitcoin wallet.

Coinsurfer- Excellent autosurfing for automatically earning BTP points, which the system automatically exchanges for Satoshi every day. First you need to register on the site. Interface in English language, you can use a translator. Next, confirm your email and log into your account. To start autosurfing, you need to go to the surfbar tab. After 30 sec. autosurfing will begin. Pays to a blockchain or XAPO wallet. Minimum 0.001 BTC.

Autosurfing for credits

redsurf - A very good project for autosurfing. You can earn credits using a program that can be downloaded directly from the website. All earned credits can be used to promote your website. On a project, you can increase the levels for which more credits will be protected per view. There is a referral program with which you can significantly increase the number of loans. There is also a bonus program. For example, for 800 views you will be credited with an additional 300 credits, for 6000 - 1000, for 30000 - 3000.

FreeTraf- On this site you can view the sites of visitors, and for this you will receive unique views of your site.For each site viewed (min. 5 seconds) +1 view to your balance. The site also has an interesting referral program. Registration on the project is simple - just enter your email and password.

It's no secret that you can earn money using the Internet, but not all users know about it. In this article, we will get acquainted with exchanges that provide the opportunity to make money for their users using various autosurfing programs, which are very simple and easy to learn.


On this site you can find a very simple and free program for making money. Autosurfing in this application is carried out even in a minimized state, which is very convenient. Using the VipIP exchange, you can withdraw funds in rubles through such popular electronic wallets as WebMoney, Yandex.Money and Paer. Also worthy of attention is the fact that the exchange allows the use of browser plugins that will make it easier to work with autosurfing.


A project with endless autosurfing. The program is of international class; payments to its users are made in euros to such electronic wallets as PayPal, WebMoney, and so on. How much you will receive depends on the IP of the country in which you are located. The function of receiving paid letters from the Ebesucher exchange will allow you to increase your cash flow.

To work in this autosurf, you just need to launch “site browsing”, and then you will have a new tab open in your browser and begin endless scrolling of web pages.


A good site with its own automatic program for making money, the capabilities of which are aimed not only at autosurfing, but also at receiving paid emails.


This site provides one of the best programs for autosurfing, with which you can earn good money. Payments are made only to the Russian WebMoney wallet. The price of one view using autosurfing will depend on the number of active users on the project.


This project provides the best autosurfing for the money. The program has all the necessary conditions for making good money. Payments are made in dollars, which makes this service an international level project. You can withdraw funds to “WebMoney”, “PayPal”, “PerfectMoney”, also to “MasterCard” or a “Visa” card. This project differs from others in that the minimum amount for withdrawal of funds is 50 cents. Another feature is the presence of a seven-level affiliate program, which will enrich you for viewing one paid link by the user you invite.


Another site with a very convenient autosurfing program. If you compare it in terms of profitability with other sites, then it is certainly the best. Payments are made in rubles; in addition, the project has a six-level affiliate program, which makes it one of the best sites for autosurfing.


Surfsitmoney is a leading project in terms of the volume of credits earned through endless autosurfing. The program provides an endless stream of sites, for viewing which the user will receive credits and the opportunity to exchange them for dollars within the project.


A fairly old project with autosurfing, the advantage of which is the ability to create an infinite number of accounts without the need to link to an IP address. The Waspace autosurfing program will earn you credits, which you can exchange for cash through the wallets specified in your personal account.


Autosurfing programs on SeoSprint are worthy of the attention of any user who wants to earn as much money as possible via the Internet. They are distinguished by a large number of surfing for earning money, and besides, the prices for this method of earning money are high.


It provides its users with a good program for making money automatically. The money is transferred immediately in rubles to your account. After this, the funds can be immediately withdrawn to the specified electronic wallets. The WebSurf program allows you to earn money in a minimized state, which undoubtedly makes life easier for the user. In addition, on the exchange you can find a plugin for autosurfing through a browser.


Good service with several types of income. Reading letters, browsing websites, completing tasks, various competitions and an excellent affiliate program - all this is provided by E-clius to its users to earn money. In order to receive money today, you do not need to have any special skills or knowledge, you just need to go to this service and follow the instructions. The project is very relevant, as it was launched recently.


So, in this article we looked at the best programs for making money using autosurfing and more. There are a significant number of programs for autosurfing, and it is impossible to list them all. Each exchange has in its arsenal a unique program for making money. All of them are provided in a free format, which will allow absolutely any user to earn money without investing a penny, the main thing is to have the desire and enough free time.
