Occupy a new niche. All profitable business niches. How to choose a niche for business? Deep analysis is the key to success

“Mobile payments”

You yourself have noticed how quickly the number of smartphone users is growing. Experts believe that this market will continue to develop. In this regard, the promise of mobile payments is clearly visible. The largest banks, Internet companies, new payment systems working with electronic currencies offer a lot of new services. This is just the beginning; mobile payment market participants are announcing new opportunities. The market is very promising, because mobile accounts for a small percentage of the total payments. Consumers appreciate the convenience of these services and look forward to new opportunities.

“Internet of Things”

The first connection of an electrical device to the Internet occurred in 1990. Now technology allows you to connect TVs, watches, and electric lamps to the Internet. In Singapore, drivers use special radio keys to automatically pay tolls on the road. Developers predict the emergence of new opportunities - for example, a refrigerator that itself orders missing products, vehicles that remind you of the need for preventative repairs or refueling. Experts believe that in the future these technologies will become a part of human life.

Every day, network users throw in a huge amount of information. The developers offer an interesting approach to using our communication on social networks, data about preferences, habits and everyday concerns. Recording, analyzing and archiving this information can significantly make our lives easier and improve service in the service sector. In 2014, the insurance company Intouch proposed installing special mobile applications that analyze a motorist's driving style. For careful driving, users are offered insurance discounts of up to 20%. Big Data has prospects in many industries, because it is possible to create offers of services and goods to meet the constant needs of the consumer, simply by analyzing the range of his interests and frequent purchases.

This system of acquiring knowledge will soon replace traditional educational institutions. Already, the most advanced universities offer entire courses that can be listened to on the Internet for free. The resource savings and social impact of this approach to knowledge provision are enormous. A person just needs to have access to the Internet, and he can gain any knowledge that was previously available to only a small part of children from wealthy families. Some universities offer students of these courses to take tests and issue official documents confirming the acquisition of knowledge.

“Online trading and grocery delivery”

In developed countries, this trend is developing very quickly and is pushing traditional shopping trips out of the market. The ability to order groceries through a special service on the Internet and receive them through delivery upon arrival at home saves a lot of time. Retail chains are also happy to develop this area, because it allows you to reduce queues at the checkout counters and significantly reduce the cost of organizing work.

“Portable gadgets”

Sports bracelets that count the number of steps and distance during race walking and running, monitor heart rate and other medical indicators have become widespread. In the near future, developers predict the emergence of new smart gadgets - multifunctional watches, glasses, rings and bracelets. The only problem facing the mass dissemination of modern technologies in this area is the too high cost of new products. For now they are available to the wealthiest consumers. But manufacturers are actively working to reduce the cost of smart gadgets, because they can be used in almost all areas.

“3D printing”

Only the lazy have not heard or read about houses built using a 3D printer. These technologies are actively used in Asia, but are gradually entering the European market. Using 3D printing, it will be possible to produce almost any non-food product. We can already say that this method of production has revolutionized and expanded possibilities incredibly. There will soon be dramatic changes in the labor market and in many industries. This technology allows not only to save on the cost of goods, but also to produce things that were not even attempted to be put into production using traditional methods.


Surely you have already seen presentation videos with new developments by scientists. The introduction of drones for the delivery of purchases is being seriously discussed; cars are appearing that are controlled by an automated system and do not require active actions from the driver. Ideas from books, in which a robot nanny takes care of babies, or a robot gardener takes care of the lawn near the house, no longer seem fantastic and quietly enter our everyday life. It is noteworthy that in the modern world, large capital is not needed to create a progressive robot - interesting startups appear every day that can not only make people’s lives or work much easier, but also revolutionize the perception of robotics.


The sharp development and great prospects of this direction are noticeable even in everyday life. Devices that 5 years ago worked only after being connected to the electrical network are now equipped with batteries. With the development of alternative energy sources, this area has become even more interesting, and promises great prospects for those who can quickly adapt and start working with new technologies. The issue of conserving resources and creating new types of batteries that provide recharging without being tied to traditional energy sources is recognized as one of the most pressing today.

“Commercial real estate in the regions”

Modern offices and shopping centers are commonplace in megacities, but literally 100 km from big cities it is impossible to find decent commercial real estate premises. The demand for this type of real estate in the regions is very high; the prospects are also increased due to the relatively low cost of land plots. Experts say that interest in this area is quite high, especially in medium-sized cities with developing industries.

“Smart materials”

This direction covers many areas of the economy. Scientists are actively working to create super-strong, environmentally friendly and durable fabrics, construction and industrial materials. Many people know how high the expectations are for nanoparticles, which can revolutionize not only the economic but also the medical sphere.

“Components for automobiles”

The demand for cars is growing relentlessly, and forecasts show that this trend will continue in the coming decades. Manufacturers are constantly working to improve old models and create new ones. If only very large companies can handle the complete assembly of a car, then small enterprises can produce various components. International corporations are happy to enter into contracts with contractors around the world, because this allows them to significantly reduce the cost of cars.


With the development of technology and new discoveries by scientists, medicine is gaining more and more opportunities to cure diseases that were previously considered hopeless. At this stage, there is a clear tendency to change the basic approaches to the organization of healthcare. Those who can adopt innovative approaches have enormous prospects.


Environmental scientists are literally screaming that humanity is drowning and suffocating due to excess waste and irresponsible attitude towards its disposal. The emergence of new technologies for recycling waste into new products or energy sources has given the planet hope. In the coming decades, we can expect a sharp surge in activity in this direction. New enterprises specializing in waste disposal and recycling receive support from governments, non-profit and public organizations, because their activities are extremely important for all humanity.

“Private alternative energy”

An example is the appearance of solar panels in private households. As a rule, they fully satisfy the family’s needs; the excess can be sold to neighbors at affordable rates. In many countries, residents of cities and streets create associations and provide themselves with cheap energy. This trend will develop, because people really need it.


The development of technology is bringing people closer to space. They are talking seriously about space tourism, the possibility of creating settlements on other planets, and flights to other galaxies. The prospects of this direction are extremely high, because the resource of our planet is not eternal. The super profits of companies working in this direction also confirm this.

“Care for the Elderly”

The increase in the number of older people is a global trend. Modern medicine is making progress in treating many diseases and saving lives, but has not yet found a recipe for prolonging youth. The services of services that provide assistance to older people in solving various everyday issues, providing care for the sick, are in increasing demand, and this trend will develop.


The advantages of this method of starting a business are so obvious that every year more and more businessmen prefer this option. For large companies, this development path is also more profitable. Experts say that the franchising market will grow. This will lead to an increase in the level of service, a decrease in the number of bankruptcies and the unemployment rate. It’s not just large companies that are creating franchise offers. This method of development is also chosen by newcomers who have achieved some success and tested their business model in practice. Franchises are often offered by companies that specialize in the implementation of modern technologies, mobile applications and other progressive areas.


Scientists say that the role of agriculture will grow as the world's population increases. There are already very reasonable concerns about looming food shortages and the need to support more efficient agricultural practices. At the same time, active work is underway to develop environmentally friendly technologies. Those who manage to occupy this niche will soon find themselves a big winner. New discoveries make it possible to grow plants without soil, in an aquatic environment. Scientists are looking for new ways to replace dangerous pesticides with safer pest control products. There are many innovative and effective approaches to farming; it is only important to implement them and make money by reducing the cost of food.

“Geological exploration”

The issue of natural resources is very acute. Fortunately, the depths of the planet have not yet been fully explored, and every day there are reports of the discovery of a new deposit of oil, gas and other minerals. There is a real war going on in the world for natural resources, and those who are involved in the search and development of new deposits have great prospects for the future. But that's not all. Humanity is faced with the question of rational use of resources and finding new ways to extract them from the depths. The main task is to preserve nature as much as possible and not destroy forests and the top fertile layer of soil.

Reasoned choice of a business niche is the foundation of successful entrepreneurship. How to lay this foundation with minimal risks, and what market trend should you follow?

You heard it right: finding a niche for a business is an extremely difficult stage due to the abundance of options. At the same time, rich variability expands the boundaries of possibilities. Luck does not play the most important role in this matter, but attentiveness, sensitivity and intuition will become a lifeline in the turbulent sea of ​​market trends.

In 2019, there is no need to expect help from the state due to the numerous political events taking place in the country. The tax system has become more complex due to the emergence of new taxes and the strengthening of existing ones. The tax burden eliminates good projects, and reorientation occurs when choosing a niche.

Economic sanctions also affect the niche approach of enterprises, on the one hand, setting restrictions, on the other hand, opening up new niches for business, the development of which in the Russian Federation would not previously have brought profit.

Concept and meaning of niche

In a business context, the term “niche” refers to a narrow sector of customer needs whose satisfaction becomes someone’s business and generates profit. It’s simple – the desired product or service will be in demand among customers. In fact, there are no unnecessary niches. There is a need for each of them, otherwise market conditions would weed out the unpromising niche.

You need to sensibly assess competition. Filling a niche can also be profitable, but a lot of effort will have to be put into developing a unique offer that will set you apart from your competitors.

The narrower the better?

Most beginning entrepreneurs believe that a well-known, proven, in other words, occupied niche is a thing of the past, and they need to strive for something fundamentally new. The target audience is pleasantly shocked by the new convenience, your products are wildly popular, and money is flowing into your pocket. Leave this illusion behind and look at the situation through the eyes of a potential client.

A new product or service has appeared on the market that no one knows about. Everyone walks by, unable to understand the essence. Detailed explanations still leave the client confused and he leaves. He will return, of course! After 3-4 years, when the niche has successfully grown into the market and everyone understands its advantages.

When choosing a free and unknown niche, be prepared that the payback of your business will not come as quickly as you would like, while a known but unfilled niche will be in demand. At least until others borrow this idea and start implementing it on every corner.

If you want to choose an original niche, hoping that it will become the main advantage of your business, this is a wrong move. It is impossible to direct the audience's attention to an unnecessary product, no matter how exotic it may be.

Niche introduction

A well-chosen niche will allow an enterprise with a small market share to receive a large income, and a new niche will allow powerful corporations to find additional markets, expand their sphere of influence and refresh their image among the audience.

How do you know when you need a new niche? You can determine this by the following factors:

  • the company's income decreases;
  • products/services lose competitiveness;
  • the firm occupies a dying market share;
  • market position has weakened.

Then the new niche becomes a way to diversify the business, switching the search for a source of income to other areas. On the other hand, it helps to survive, strengthen positions in the market and move to another specialization without losses.

There are reasons for the decline in audience activity that we cannot influence. In 2019, this was a deterioration in the financial condition of clients due to the fall in the ruble exchange rate and rising prices. But many factors are within your sphere of influence.

Determining a promising niche

Once the essence and concept are understood, the question arises of how to choose a niche for business. First you need to decide on your target audience.

The idea that you should like what you do is a romantic assumption that often has nothing to do with reality.

You must see what the client needs and feel it. What does he want to get, what does he expect from you. For example, one of the students of the Business Youth school, a man slightly older than 30, was selling curlers. Trust me, he doesn't need curlers. He knew that girls needed it!

Your research of the target audience should not end with determining age, status, and type of activity. Communicate with people as an outsider, ask what they want, how it would be more convenient for them to purchase products, etc. Conduct a survey in the form of a questionnaire. However, the target audience can be not only a group of people, but also other organizations, depending on the structure of your business:

  • B2B – business to business – business orientation towards companies.
  • B2C – business to client – ​​a product/service is provided directly to the client.

The business model will determine the target audience, which you will research and study until you know all the intricacies of their purchasing behavior. Then you can determine your niche.

To find a niche, use the following diagram:

  • market segment (for example, shoes);
  • category (domestic or seasonal);
  • subcategory (summer shoes);
  • niche (sandals);
  • sub-niche (sandals with heels or low heels).

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This example may not have been chosen correctly, but the main thing you need to understand is the place of the niche among other structural elements of the market. That is, a niche is not shoes in general, based on the example, but a specific type of shoe.

Where to look for a niche

In order not to make a mistake, you need to open new niches in those segments, the development and filling of which is at the initial stage. In 2018, promising business areas include Internet technologies. It turned out that all roads, one way or another, lead to the Internet. Let's make sure of this.

Mobile payments

Experts consider this direction to be promising, because payment transactions via telephone are gaining popularity and are replacing similar banking transactions. This trend has emerged against the backdrop of a huge number of smartphones that provide access to the Internet. The positions of banks in their core area are gradually weakening due to the growing number of owners of “smart” phones, and this gap will be more noticeable in the future.

The niches that can be identified in this category are not selling smartphones. Please note that this niche is already occupied; there are plenty of iPhone sellers today. There is a shortage of mechanisms that would significantly simplify the transfer of money using mobile payments.

You can develop a program that will allow you to debit funds directly from a bank card to the organization’s account. Perhaps you can come up with something more interesting in this area.

Online training

Online learning was previously given the status of exclusively additional, auxiliary education, which is not considered serious. Many people think that education is a kind of way of self-affirmation, but not something that will allow you to get a specialty.

However, analysts predict an increasing role for online learning. Soon the importance of traditional universities will be reduced and rejected by modern students. Online you will be able to listen to lectures in different languages ​​from the best teachers and receive education from all over the world without leaving your home.

Organizing massive online courses accessible to everyone is a promising niche that is beneficial and not occupied. Organize your online university now, and by the very peak of the popularity of online learning, you will gain a large audience and get promoted.

Online sale of products with subsequent delivery

This niche is not new in the Russian Federation, but at this stage it is free. There are no such organizations that would represent their grocery delivery services throughout the country, there is no “network” that would penetrate large areas. Typically, this service is only available in large cities.

Often the problem is that the products are delivered by the staff of the supermarket itself, which is why there are restrictions. For example, food delivery is not carried out if the purchase amount is less than 1,200 rubles.

One more nuance - you need to look for exactly the supermarket website where there is an online store, because most often you will find those resources that contain information about cooperation, promotions, discounts, etc.

Your task is to become an online seller of products and organize their delivery. This niche can be conquered by offering favorable prices for the service along with an innovative idea.

"Smart" gadgets

Sports bracelets have appeared that analyze the owner’s health status and count the number of steps taken. Soon this function will be performed not only by bracelets, but also by watches, glasses, etc. In addition, it is not necessary to focus on health status.

A “smart” gadget can provide information about the driving style of a car, a product, a person within the boundaries of one staff. This direction is only gaining momentum and has good prospects.

Agricultural products

Do not think that the urgency of agricultural development is gaining momentum because of sanctions on the import of agricultural products into Russia. If these sanctions remain in effect for another three years, then this is not enough time for business development in the agricultural sector. Therefore, we will simply rely on the favorable agricultural background in Russia, in which business will flourish.

There are several popular niches in this direction:

  • Pet food. Unfortunately, they are produced in insufficient quantities, because the number of cattle on farms is steadily growing. The same applies to fish food, which, with the introduction of sanctions and rising prices for railway transportation, has become significantly less available on the shelves.
  • In Russia, red fish was practically not grown, since imports from Norway met demand. But sanctions create conditions in which it is possible to grow and fatten red fish.
  • Production of dairy products. What is not there is not there, and it is not only consumers who continue to complain about the quality of dairy products. It is necessary to organize dairies in Russia that will produce high-quality cheese, butter and milk.
  • Grain crops - the need for grain and wheat production has become more acute due to cattle breeding.

Don't think that only large-scale organizations will survive. Everything that we talked about above, and we will talk about further, are promising areas of small business, for which our country still has suitable soil.


Experts say that robots have enslaved the world, although this is actually a false assumption. In our country, a large market share belongs to several reputable companies, but this monopoly can be easily eliminated by engaging in small-scale production of robotics. Today, a few startups with the same small staff are promoting their technologies in a similar way.

You don't have to be a huge enterprise to get into robotics.

Firstly, with the development of the smartphone market, small parts for robots have become cheaper. Secondly, small-scale production technologies are being launched by many companies, and you can implement this too.

The main thing in this business is to choose a niche. Find out what problem needs a solution. Then create a model of the robot, assemble it and sell it at a relatively affordable price.

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Registration of an individual entrepreneur

Rechargeable batteries, batteries and chargers

With the increase in the number of gadgets, the question of charging them has arisen. These devices discharge quite quickly, and given how necessary their owners are, you can consider such a niche as innovative batteries and fuel cells.

Many electric vehicles also run on batteries, which again raises questions about new power technologies. More recently, replacement battery plates have been developed, and devices are already being sold that fully charge a smartphone in 30 seconds. What can you come up with?


If you have decided on a niche, but you have no desire to create a business from scratch, buy a profitable franchise! A franchise is always a minimal risk, because you will act under the protectorate of the franchisor. He will select a good place, and think through the design of the room, and most importantly, he will not let you burn out.

Today, a huge list of franchises has formed that occupy relatively new niches. For example, emergency hairdressing and vertical gardening.

Niches for small businesses

Taking a closer look at global problems, you can discover many promising market areas that will develop in the near future. These include waste management, elderly care, landscaping projects, healthcare, consumer and industrial materials with special properties, 3D printing, etc.

Following new trends, the following niches can be distinguished:

  • massage parlor;
  • private kindergarten;
  • eco-products;
  • accounting and legal services;
  • low-rise construction;
  • air purifiers;
  • furniture and other household items to order;
  • exclusive jewelry;
  • veterinary services;
  • exhibition business;
  • vending business;
  • seamless underwear;
  • clothing for the disabled;
  • solar battery;
  • small dairy plant;
  • installation/insulation of plastic windows;
  • home delivery of medicines;
  • equipment for rent.

Don't forget to test the niche. It is easy to determine its relevance and demand if your product does not belong to the category of know-how. To do this, go to Yandex.Wordstat and enter the words by which your product or service can be found.

Choose simple and laconic verbal structures. The program will show you how often this query is entered into the search bar, and you will know, firstly, whether your product is often asked for, and secondly, what keywords can be used when promoting products.

High and Low Value Transaction

Everyone knows that quite often simple words have a very deep meaning, which at first is incomprehensible. For example, it is better to earn more than to earn less.

But having said more or less, we are not just talking about small or large amounts of money, we are talking about specific money. We are talking directly about the money brought in by one transaction. A transaction is the moment at which the client makes a payment. In other words, this is a deal. The transaction cost is the amount of money you earned from one transaction. A business is characterized as the average cost of a transaction.

The bottom line is this: for a transaction in one business you can earn one hundred rubles, and in another - a thousand or twenty thousand, five hundred thousand or a million. It is very important that the effort spent in this, both in one and in another business, is the same, but the income from this is different.

For example, somewhere you received five thousand, and somewhere – five hundred thousand. The word “identical” does not need to compare, for example, the sale of seeds and the sale of an island in the Caribbean.

Twice five or five two

When choosing a niche, you need to clearly understand the following things. When two elements intersect, namely a low value transaction, or large flow, and a high value transaction, or small flow, the result will be normal money.

For example, in order to receive an income of 300,000 rubles, you need to make 100 transactions, the gross profit of which is three thousand rubles, or ten transactions, the gross profit of which is 30,000 rubles.

Many people claim that their goods are much cheaper, but they can buy in volume. But they often don’t understand where to get the volume.

For example, let's test several niches. For example, in selling T-shirts you will have 5 customers. You will spend the same amount of time on them, but the earnings will be very different.

First of all, you need to think very carefully about what kind of transactions you will have to work with. You need to decide on the figure you would like to earn, after which you need to divide it by the size of the transaction. This way you can find out the required number of transactions that need to be completed. Are you ready for this or not? It’s very good if you are ready and good luck to you!

Opening another business in a crowded niche is futile - more experienced competitors will win the fight. There are sectors with little competition and untapped markets. How to choose your own business niche and which search model to use.

Beginning entrepreneurs, as a rule, are aware that they are about to enter a market where competitors are already waiting for them. The only way to avoid the struggle for a place in the sun is to find a business niche that is free from competitors.

It may seem that the modern market is replete with all possible offers, but upon careful examination it turns out that opportunities for development exist. You can consider two strategies when looking for a free niche to develop a new business:

Development of the old market with new offers

We are talking about a narrow sector with little competition. The trump cards in this segment will be the high quality of goods and services or unusual offers.

New offers in an untapped market

This strategy is much more complex because it requires trading, production, or services that are unfamiliar to the consumer. In this way of business development, significant costs will be required for organizing a new type of production, registering a trademark, advertising campaign, market promotion, etc. It must be recognized that the chances of success with such a strategy are higher.

You can find an unoccupied niche by taking a closer look at the market, discussing with friends and relatives the needs for goods and services, and analyzing the state of a particular market segment. As a result of such research, it is quite possible that a niche will be identified, poorly developed or even free.

For small entrepreneurs, which is quite understandable, narrow market niches are attractive because they:

  • Little competition.
  • Individual approach to consumers.
  • Stable, albeit small, market capacity.

It is not easy to master a narrow market segment; it is necessary to carefully analyze all the positive and negative aspects, study the new product and the attitude of potential buyers towards it. Only after studying the characteristics of the selected segment can an advertising strategy be formed. If you decide to promote a completely new product, you will have to organize an unconventional advertising campaign to attract the attention of buyers.

Apparently, there is no way to guarantee an unmistakable choice of your place in business. In each individual case, the personality of the businessman himself will be of great importance in determining the direction of the business.

Apparently, the widespread opinion has a right to life that when choosing a direction, you need to evaluate the market and choose a niche with the least competition and a good margin. It is believed that this method guarantees successful entry into the niche. The method of choice seems certainly reasonable, but if you think about it, everything is not so simple.

Let's look at the automobile market - huge and highly competitive. Suddenly you realize that the trade in premium cars is completely undeveloped in your city. Those who wish cannot buy a Ferrari either in your city or in neighboring cities, and in the nearest metropolis there is only one showroom offering such cars. Here it is - an unoccupied niche with no competitors and with unimaginable margins.

With some effort, you open a car dealership with Ferrari. But for some reason there are no queues lining up for you. Despite all favorable conditions - demand, purchasing power of the population, absence of competitors - trade does not take place. What's the matter? It turns out that in order to sell a very expensive car, you need to belong among people who can buy it. This example, of course, is somewhat exaggerated. But the same principle applies to selling tomatoes at the market. When trading, it is impossible to achieve good results without mutual understanding with buyers.

Therefore, we will not risk confidently asserting that there are fail-safe algorithms for finding a successful business niche. Luck is a capricious young lady, it is impossible to be sure of her favor. But we can tell you three ways that will reduce the risks when entering your chosen niche.

Innovation model

This strategy is good for romantic businessmen who dream of changing the world for the better. Within this model, you don’t need to look for a suitable niche, but create your own. To implement this strategy you need a solid budget.

For example, you invented a pillow for insomnia. Now you need to not only produce your miracle pillows, but also convince people to buy them. You don’t even have to invent something yourself, you need to be able to push a completely new product onto the market. This is how we treat them as innovators or, but they were not pioneers in their industry. But it was they, not Xerox and Creative, who created the innovative niche.

Frankly speaking, it is unlikely that a mere mortal is able to create an innovative niche. You need very special conditions or unprecedented luck, or outstanding charisma, or a lot, a lot of money to be able to push your new niche onto the market. If everything succeeds, you will get everything at once - all the cream is yours. The obvious disadvantage of the strategy is high costs with a high probability of failure.

Verified models

Universal strategy. All the most advanced technologies are based on basic things. Sometimes, to enter an undeveloped niche, it is enough to choose an unpromoted base.

Here are examples of several “eternal themes”:

  1. Money. There is no need to explain to anyone why they are needed. And bankers are needed to streamline cash flow. Working with money is not new, but it is always attractive.
  2. Safety and Health. These are eternal values, since everyone wants to be healthy and confident in their own safety.
  3. Relationship. Hot topic. Skype brings in billions because they were able to offer us new ways of communication. There is something to think about - an unlimited audience is waiting for new proposals.
  4. Visual appeal. Everyone wants to be not just beautiful, it is very important to have a bright personality. Any help in creating an attractive image will be received with enthusiasm.
  5. Time– a non-renewable resource. Any automatic device that saves time finds many consumers.
  6. Entertainment. This market is truly inexhaustible - people spend money on pleasure without deep thought.
  7. Subculture. There are many types of subcultures, you need to identify and use them.

The list goes on, but you already understand that this method does not require discoveries. You just need to use mechanisms that have been known for a long time. True, many people prefer to use this method, and finding a fresh direction for business with financial prospects can be difficult.


Quite often, entrepreneurs’ hobbies become business projects. What's wrong with combining business with pleasure? For those who have decided to do business, but do not yet know how, this method is the most favorable. Monetizing a hobby is an easier form of adaptation in the business world. You will do what you do best, and even with the worst start you will not lose. You will get pleasure in any case - whether you can create a profitable business or not.


Choosing your niche is always difficult. If you find an unoccupied segment in which, in your opinion, there is a lot of free money and miraculously there are no competitors, do not rush to rejoice. Most likely, the “gold mine” is empty because competitors left it due to lack of prospects. Although it is possible that you have indeed stumbled upon “new lands” - go for it!

In a difficult economic environment, it is difficult for a business to stand on its feet.What niches for business 2019 relevant today?

Instability, lack of confidence in the future, and massive layoffs force people to look for new employment opportunities.

Many people think about starting their own business. Before starting a business, you need to familiarize yourself with the results of marketing analysis of market segments.

What to consider when choosing a business niche:

Market need;

Risk level;

Level of competition;

Degree of difficulty;

Required financial investments;


Based on marketing research data, a list of available business niches in Russia has been compiled.

The niche of mobile payments occupies the first place in the business market . Smartphones are in great demand among consumers. Increasingly, they are replacing desktop computers, laptops and tablets. The number of users is growing year by year.

Until recently, mobile payments were the priority business of banks. International companies not related to banking are actively introducing developed products into this niche.

In Russia, the niche of mobile payments is just beginning to be filled. There is a vast field of activity for doing business here – the World Wide Web.

The second place is occupied by the Internet of Things niche. The complexity of innovative developments that make it possible to perform certain operations without human intervention.

Unfilled business niches in 2019

Big Data– consolidation of information services. Quite a wide field of activity. There are several business developments that will occupy this business niche in the near future. Some of them are: custom-made services for the consumer; a fee for a specific service, regardless of the subscription.

Online training courses. This niche has a lot to fill. The demand for this method of learning is only growing every year.

Internet - sales and delivery of products. In megacities and large regional centers, the demand for this service is increasing. Increasingly, consumers are ordering groceries for home delivery via the Internet.

Application of the latest developments in medicine. Development and implementation of innovative methods in providing medical services to consumers.

Garbage recycling. One of the most profitable business niches. The need for waste management companies is great. There is a constant shortage of funds in regional budgets for the construction of processing enterprises.

Private energy as an alternative to the state energy system. Providing wind power to the Far North.

What should those who do not have a large amount of initial capital, but want to change their lives for the better, do? Whichbusiness niches in 2019will they remain relevant?

Accordingly, let’s consider niches that do not require exorbitant financial investments:

1. Business outsourcing. Providing legal and accounting assistance to companies. The services of competent lawyers and accountants are in demand in the labor market. An increasing number of executives of large companies are turning to outsourcing firms for help. Their number is small, but the demand for their services is growing.

To open and develop a business, it is enough to have the Internet and your own professional knowledge.

2.Work on-line. Earning money on the Internet remains in the leading position. Information on the availability of new business niches in 2019 is publicly available . There are a large number of niches that are actively being filled, but are unlikely to be completely filled in the near future. New niches are constantly emerging as demand for various services and products arises. Virtually all areas of business have moved to the Internet.

You can start an MLM business. To do this, just register with a network company as a consultant. Their marketing plan is structured in such a way that you can earn money in two ways. The first way is to build your structure on the Internet, attracting new people. The second way is to sell the company’s products with a markup. It is possible to combine both methods and earn good money.

You can sell your knowledge and make money from it.

With good knowledge of a foreign language, it is possible to perform technical and literary translations.

It is enough to have the desire to work and perseverance.

3.Services to the population:

hairdresser at home or a specialist visiting the client;

repair work;

courier delivery of food products;

car driving training;

tutoring work.

This niche is diverse. A person who has professional skills and knowledge will be able to apply them in creating his own business.

4. Providing assistance to lonely elderly and sick people. This niche is 10% filled. There are too many lonely people who find it difficult to move without assistance. They are ready to pay for the escort service. That is, there is no need to constantly be with them. As the need arises, people call and communicate their request.

In order to start engaging in this activity, it is enough to declare yourself in an advertising offer. Advertisements can be published in free advertising newspapers. A great way is to tell your friends and acquaintances about your offer. Most of them have relatives and friends who will need such a service.

5.Opening of a private kindergarten. For several years this niche has remained unfilled. First of all, this is due to the construction of new microdistricts in cities. Starting a business will require certain investments, but there is a government subsidy that will provide financial support at the initial stage. A prerequisite for opening a private kindergarten is the presence of a higher pedagogical education.

6.Making unique things and natural products with your own hands. High-quality, beautiful handmade items are in great demand among consumers. Soaps and creams containing exclusively natural ingredients are currently very popular. The main thing is that it brings considerable profit.

7.Farm organization. If you have your own house and plot of land, it is possible to open your own business. There are certain difficulties here; there will be no immediate profit. You will have to work hard and a lot. But, more often than not, such a business justifies itself within a couple of years.

There are business niches that are fully occupied. Getting there is problematic. Without major investments and a competing advertising campaign, competing with the “business sharks” is not the best idea.

There is also business niches 2019, which have either lost their relevance or there is no free niche.

What business is it not advisable to start this year? Let's consider irrelevant business niches.

The tourism business can be put in first place. The current political situation in the world - armed conflicts, terrorist attacks - has caused significant damage to it. Large travel agencies are rapidly developing new tourist routes, trying to stay afloat. Small agencies were forced to suspend their business.

In second place are real estate agencies. There are no free niches; there are enough of them in every city. The economic crisis affected them too.

Small private food and departmental stores took third place. The niche is filled.

The only option is to organize a mobile grocery store and travel around remote farms and villages. You can't make a big profit.

Entrepreneurs with small stores are forced to close them. Large retail chains “absorb” them. In addition, consumer purchasing power has decreased. Increased: rent; purchase price; cost of utilities.

Business niches 2019 open to those who are able to navigate the consumer demand market and are ready to invest maximum effort in the development of their business. In order for a business to become profitable and competitive, it is necessary to use marketing policies.

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Have you made a list of topics and phrases? Great, now is the time to check if they are in demand. To do this, go to this site and, one by one, type our topics in English into the search.

This is not a quick task, but it's worth it.

We translate phrases from our large list into English - and off we go. The larger the bold number in the rightmost column, the better. The site itself suggests that queries with a rating of more than 100 be considered a niche. By the way, in this way you can weed out initially unsuccessful queries. For example, the word “flower” has a rating of 0.03, and “flower pattern” has a rating of 0.25 - oops...

I usually check requests for America (the drop-down list to the right of the request field) - vectors and many diverse requests are often purchased there. The “Count” column is the number of pictures - your potential competitors, “views” is the number of images viewed by clients for this request, “sales” is the number of sales. Formulate your requests the way a potential buyer would.

Example requests:

wooden furniture vector - 18.37

freelancer - 59.16

thai massage - 78.57

Oh, you can draw on the topic of Thai massage - not exactly a niche, but the data is not bad.

When we have “found” potential niches, we need to go to shutterstock and test them in action. We enter a niche phrase into the search and see what they offer us to buy. As we all know, not all authors are attentive to the selection of keywords and often the search for a query turns up images that have nothing to do with the query.

Let's look at the request thai massage on Shutterstock. Oh, there are only photographs!

You need to go back to the niche search site and add the word “vector”, otherwise the results are not relevant at all.

Enter “thai massage vector” and get... 1,163! Wow! There are only 14 pictures on Shutterstock upon request (it’s funny that among them is one of mine, sent for the exam). In general, you shouldn’t be too happy - usually such huge numbers mean that real buyers simply don’t fill in such a request. Although it’s still worth trying to draw something relevant.

I'll tell you about a small embarrassment that happened to me not so long ago.

I looked around and realized - bah, the Olympics are coming! We urgently need to draw something Olympic! The Olympic infographic query showed a rating of 3,166! Well, what the hell - I thought - I checked the pictures on the stock - there was nothing like the Olympic infographics there! With the attitude of “now I’ll become a millionaire,” I drew several pictures and sent them for verification.

They were rejected with the wording “Trademark--Image potentially infringes on intellectual property rights”

I scratched my butt and realized that the Olympic rings cannot be used in pictures, because it is a trade mark, that is, an object whose use for commercial purposes is prohibited. I removed the rings from medals and pedestals, sent pictures again - again a refusal.

I wrote a letter to support. There they explained to me that the word “Olympic” is also a trade mark.

Okay, I spent a couple of hours clearing all the pictures from the word Olympic, I sent it, again it was rejected... “Please remove all keywords pertaining to the Olympic Games and Sochi 2014 (trademarked)”

In general, as it turned out through trial and error, the words Olympic, Olympics, Sochi 2014 cannot be used. They even cut down a picture with the word Sochi. Well, okay - I converted the Olympic infographics into just a sports one, God willing, it will be sold more often :) But it became clear why the niche search site showed such a high rating.
