Examples of virtual exhibitions in the library. A virtual exhibition is a guide in the flow of information. Housing construction and mortgages

The purpose of this exhibition is to introduce readers to monographs, textbooks, and reference publications that cover the topic of intellectual law in the field of education and science. Copyright protection, the basics of the scientific and educational approach, the economics of intellectual property - the range of issues covered in the review.

The exhibition will be useful for students, graduate students, university teachers, practitioners, as well as anyone interested in copyright issues.

For questions regarding patent information support of the educational process with electronic resources and printed publications, contact the Technology and Innovation Support Center (TSIS) of the Library Intellectual Center (room 227l)

Travel magazines

The world is huge and amazing. Perhaps a lifetime is not enough to even catch a glimpse of all the existing beauties. And it's worth spending some of your time and finances to see at least something. We present to you popular science magazines about travel, about everything that is interesting in the world.

Legal journals to help students

The rule of law begins with a citizen who, first of all, must know the laws of his country and the legal norms of his region. We bring to your attention the virtual exhibition “Legal Journals. To help the student." To get acquainted with the magazines presented at the exhibition, we invite you to the reading room of current periodicals (room 227l).

Environmental safety and environmental protection

Nature and man are a single whole, which means that by destroying nature, man destroys himself. Dangerous human intervention in nature already threatens to become a global danger to humanity. Therefore, nature conservation is one of the most pressing problems of our time.

We bring to your attention the virtual exhibition “Environmental Safety and Security environment" All presented publications are available in the collection of the reading room of current periodicals, room. 227l.


You can study foreign languages ​​not only in the context of “grammar and linguistics”, but also using the technique of immersion in art with the help of a foreign language. The main thing is that it is exciting, entertaining and not boring.

Is it really possible to get bored flipping through the pages of albums of reproductions of great artists? Perhaps, having become interested in their work, you will want to improve your knowledge of a foreign language in order to easily translate books filled with interesting information.

You can get acquainted with undeservedly forgotten books at the Linguistic and Regional Studies Center (room 218pa).

Liberal February and proletarian October

The virtual exhibition “Liberal February and Proletarian October” presents the resources of the Electronic Library System “University Library Online”. Selected materials allow us to study the significant event from various points of view - ideologists of Marxism and officers of the tsarist army, political figures and representatives of the Orthodox Church.

The materials are available for study in the electronic reading rooms of the Tomsk State University library (rooms 114p, 417p, 257ts, 227l).

Current state and prospects in the oil and gas and fuel industries

The virtual exhibition presents monographs, textbooks and teaching aids, collections of conference materials, reference publications with research by leading Russian scientists in history oil industry, introduces a modern view of the development of the global oil and gas market, general environmental problems production and oil refining of hydrocarbon fuels.

The presented literature is in the collection of the reading room of technical and economic sciences (Library Center, room - 144 c).

Computer one hundred percent

We present to your attention a series best books about computers and programs. Here you will find everything you want to know about computers, the Internet and the many programs that users use on their computers.

All presented publications are available in the library collection. You can find your favorite ones and others in the reading room of technical and economic sciences, room. 144ts.

Battle of Kulikovo 1380

September 21 marks the Day of Military Glory of Russia - the Day of the victory of Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380 (635 years ago).

The Battle of Kulikovo is a battle of Russian regiments led by the Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir Dmitry Ivanovich and the Horde army under the command of Khan Mamai on September 8, 1380 on the Kulikovo field (on the right bank of the Don, in the area where the Nepryadva River flows into it). It is a key event in the history of Rus'’s struggle against the Mongol-Tatar yoke and the unification of Russian lands around Moscow. The Battle of Kulikovo became the most important stage in the spiritual and moral revival of Rus' and the formation of its national identity.

We bring to your attention the virtual exhibition “Battle of Kulikovo 1380”. All presented publications are available in the library collection. You can find your favorite ones and others in the reading room of social sciences and humanities, room. 114p.

"Dear honor, dear glory"

As part of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of victory in World War II, we present to your attention the virtual exhibition and presentation “Dear Honor, Dear Glory.” In it presents books about the Great Patriotic War, which were named by our readers during the survey “What do I know about the Great Patriotic War?” Patriotic War(books, poems, songs, films).” You can familiarize yourself with the publications and obtain them at the library's Fiction Subscription (room 218pa).

Lermontov's poetic fire

October 15, 2014 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, who lived so little and managed to understand and write so much about time, about himself, about the secret abysses of the human soul.

We present to your attention a virtual exhibition in the form of a presentation about the most mysterious of Russian poets. You can familiarize yourself with the publications and receive them in the auditorium. 218pa.

New arrivals of the Linguistic and Regional Studies Center

We invite you to get acquainted with the new books and media resources received by the linguistic and cultural center of the library in the first half of 2014. You can familiarize yourself with the publications presented at the exhibition at the Linguistic and Regional Studies Center (218 pa).

Alternative medicine

To help scientific work

The section “GOSTs to help prepare scientific works” will help you competently compile a bibliographic list of references, arrange bibliographic records and bibliographic references.

You can familiarize yourself with the publications presented at the exhibition in the reading room of the information and bibliographic center (142c).

University pride

We present to your attention a virtual exhibition dedicated to the 75th anniversary of N.P. Kradin is a professor at Tomsk State University with 40 years of teaching experience, one of the most experienced architect teachers Far East, doctor of architecture, writer-historian and public figure.

Housing construction and mortgages

Scientific and educational literature presented at the exhibition and periodicals, published in recent years, will help teachers and students of the Institutes of Architecture and Construction and Economics and Management for educational and practical purposes, when writing tests, coursework and theses. This exhibition will also be of interest to anyone interested in housing construction issues.

TsBS Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod. Creation and use of electronic exhibitions in the library

Karzanova, A. Creation of electronic exhibitions in the library / A. Karzanova // Panorama of library experience. - Minsk, 2012. - P. 80-93. - (The library offers).

Examples of virtual exhibitions:

Children's and youth library in the resort town of Anapa. Virtual book exhibitions

Creation of electronic exhibitions in the library

The objects of innovation in the library are: technological processes, both products and services. The use of multimedia technologies makes it possible to introduce innovations into the traditional activities of the library - exhibitions. What is an electronic book exhibition?

Electronic exhibitions (virtual)- is a synthesis of traditional book and the latest electronic methods of presenting information. Virtual exhibition mobile, compact, informative and is an up-to-date guide in the vast flow of information. The virtual exhibition is mobile, compact, informative and is a relevant guide to the vast flow of information. The concept of “virtual book exhibition” includes a presentation of books in electronic PowerPoint format, an electronic exhibition of fully digitized publications, and complete digital collections of author’s works.

Thanks to the ability to organize permanent exhibitions, libraries can create cycles of virtual book exhibitions operating simultaneously.

Using the capabilities of hypertext allows you to focus on each book. Please note that moving around the exhibition using hyperlinks requires the user to active participation; the user has the opportunity to ignore sections that do not meet his interests and become more deeply acquainted with the publications that interest him. Hypertext links allow organizers to organize the space of an Internet page in such a way that the user can at any time get an idea of ​​the exhibition as a whole and of each book shown in the exhibition.

Electronic library exhibition can be created in PowerPoint format - electronic presentation. Currently, this format is widely used by us. The capabilities provided by this program allow you to create electronic exhibitions of literature, where the first slide represents the entire set of exhibited publications, and all subsequent slides represent individual publications or authors.

The main elements that make up an electronic exhibition are visuals and text.

The visual range is represented by illustrative material (book covers, spreads, illustrations, maps, photographs, etc.).

The text that accompanies and reveals the visual series consists of quotes, annotations, biographical information and bibliographic descriptions.

Conditions ensuring visual comfort:

  • the brightness of the object should be within reasonable limits;
  • the contrast of the image relative to the background must be selected taking into account the size of the object: the smaller its size, the higher the contrast should be;
  • The size of the symbol must be consistent with the visual acuity of the person. It also affects the speed and correctness of information perception; the visual sensation increases and decreases over 0.5 seconds.

When using animation effects in text fragments, it is necessary to take into account that an electronic library exhibition can be implemented in two modes: free demonstration mode and user-controlled demonstration. These modes require different viewing times.

It is more advisable to use animation effects in relation to the entire text or large fragments of it. Appearance of text according to the principle “ typewriter" - spelled out - slows down the time spent viewing the exhibition and, if the text is large enough, tires the eyesight.

When using traditional (static) drawings and photographs, it is important to choose the correct image scale. The size of the parts must correspond to the resolution of the screen and the acuity of human vision.

Electronic presentation of information requires careful handling of the color scheme. When choosing a color, experts recommend being guided by the following principles:

  • red and Blue colour and most of all they attract attention;
  • however, the blue color is of little use for painting small graphic objects that require maximum image clarity; for these purposes, the colors yellow-green, yellow and orange are used, and the blue color is used as an accentuating background for highlighted graphic elements;
  • it is advisable to use color rather than light (brightness) contrast;
  • dark purple, dark green, lemon yellow, yellow-green and pale pink shades and combinations cause negative reactions and should be used very carefully

Electronic exhibitions for children also have their own specifics. The ability to use not only animation, but also game moments makes this form of work especially attractive for children and teenagers. A library exhibition for children could include a literary quiz to take full advantage of the possibilities information technologies.

There are various models of electronic exhibitions:

  • exhibition-question;
  • exhibition-quote;
  • exhibition-chronicle;
  • exhibition-quiz;
  • crossword exhibition;
  • exhibition-illustration.

Their basis is still the same - a set of bibliographic descriptions and illustrative material.

The virtual exhibition provides librarians and readers with additional opportunities, namely:

  1. Use of information technology. The very “participation” of the computer in the conversation, the presence of book characters on the monitor screen, animation - all this is very popular not only with children, but also with adults. Perception through a computer serves as a kind of bait for readers, especially children. Bright, colorful, with animation, using game moments, switching children's attention from animated screensavers to a static page - all this makes the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic. Taking a book as a basis and creating electronic resources for children, you can not only provide the user with quick access to materials and information about documents, but also present the value of the book at a new level of understanding.
  2. The exhibition is designed for different audiences. Both one person and a large group of readers can get acquainted with the books either on their own or at an event with a librarian. And if you present it on the Internet, anyone can get to know it. The use of electronic exhibitions makes it possible for librarians to communicate remotely with readers, without being tied to the inevitable formalities in service.
  3. A large number of books may be on display.
  4. At any time, in a matter of minutes, you can change the slides and their arrangement, remove unnecessary ones or insert new ones, vary color scheme, or general design.
  5. The work of such an exhibition can be launched automatically, equipped with voiced text and demonstrated without special accompaniment.
  6. Possibility of developing electronic exhibitions as traveling exhibitions. It is very convenient to display them in different educational institutions, auditoriums, offices, classes.
  7. Electronic exhibitions save space. There is no need to work with racks, stands, exhibition cabinets.

In the book “Exhibition Activities of Public Libraries” N.V. Zbarovskaya provides an algorithm for preparing and organizing electronic book exhibitions:

  1. Development of an electronic book exhibition model:
    • choose the theme of your e-exhibition;
    • analyze what material you will need for
    • organizing an exhibition;
    • select the books and illustrations you need;
    • draw up a diagram of the exhibition.
  2. Technical preparation of the project:
    scan illustrations, prepare text materials;
    Create a separate folder on your disk in which to store your preliminary materials.
  3. Design of works in PowerPoint format:
    create 6-10 presentation slides yourself or using templates;
    illustrate slides using prepared materials, as well as animation effects;
    preview the exhibition;
    correct any shortcomings you notice;
    prepare the electronic exhibition for display.

Based on the material of any exhibition, you can develop its electronic version. Thus, the exhibition will take the form of a computer presentation.

Thus, an electronic (virtual) exhibition is the new kind information and library services to users. It is mobile, compact, informative, is an up-to-date guide to the vast flow of information and allows libraries to keep up with the times.

Today, to attract attention to a book, it is no longer enough to simply place it on an exhibition shelf. Users are increasingly turning to the Internet for the necessary information and the books they need. Therefore, librarians need to look for new forms of conveying information to their users.

The use of multimedia technologies makes it possible to introduce innovations into the traditional activities of the library - exhibitions.

Virtual exhibition - public demonstration on the Internet using Internet tools and tools of virtual images of specially selected and systematized printed works and other media, as well as publicly available electronic resources, recommended to remote library users for review, familiarization and use.

Purpose of the virtual exhibition – public Internet presentation various types documents. Such an exhibition is mobile, compact, informative and is a relevant guide to the vast flow of information. Each exhibition is made using an original multimedia design that simulates being at the exhibition, facilitating navigation and perception of information.

A virtual exhibition, in comparison with a traditional one, provides librarians and readers with additional opportunities and advantages.

Use of information technology makes the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic. Bright, colorful, with animation, the use of game moments, switching attention from animated screensavers to a static page, virtual exhibitions are attractive to readers, and especially to children.

A virtual exhibition is not limited by place and time – from any computer, anywhere and at any time of the day, you can get all the necessary information on this topic in full.

What problems does a virtual exhibition in a library solve? By creating virtual exhibitions, librarians solve several problems at once:

· are mastering a new type of work by applying digital technologies to exhibition work libraries;

· preserve the exposition for a longer period than is provided for by a traditional exhibition;

· support the preservation of the library collection by presenting material in electronic form;

· enable a remote user to use the library’s information resources.

Types and forms of virtual book exhibitions:

· One book exhibitions

· Exhibitions of book collections

· Presentation of covers and short annotations for books with musical accompaniment

· Book trailer collection

· Collection of audio recordings

· Book exhibition in the form of an interactive poster

· Exhibition of books in the form of a mind map

· Exhibition of books by an author in the form of a timeline

· Exhibition of books in the form of a 3D book.

Unlike the traditional one, the virtual exhibition provides librarians and readersadditional features:

1. use of information technology. Perception through a computer serves as a kind of bait for readers, especially children. Bright, colorful, with animation, using game moments, switching children’s attention from animated screensavers to a static page - all this makes the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic;

2. the use of the INTERNET makes it possible to get acquainted with the exhibition remotely, both en masse and on an individual basis;

3. mass participation. More books may be on display;

4. variability. At any time, you can quickly change slides and their arrangement, remove unnecessary ones or insert new ones, change the color scheme or overall design;

5. autonomy. The exhibition can be launched automatically, equipped with voiced text and demonstrated without special accompaniment;

6. mobility. Most often, electronic exhibitions are developed (organized) as traveling exhibitions. It is very convenient to demonstrate them in various educational institutions, auditoriums, offices, classes;

7. profitability. Electronic exhibitions save space. There is no need to work with racks, stands, exhibition cabinets.

Thanks to the ability to organize permanent exhibitions, libraries can create cycles of virtual book exhibitions operating simultaneously.


A virtual exhibition, like a traditional one, should consist of sections that are accompanied by quotes, introductory articles, and illustrative material. The exhibition should be user-friendly on the web and may contain the following information:

Visual (cover image, digitized parts of the book: preface, introduction, etc.),

Bibliographic data (bibliographic record and codes of the collection of the library presenting the exhibition),

Analytical information (annotations, abstracts for publications, reviews, reader reviews, etc.),

Digitized parts of the book (chapters, the most interesting excerpts, etc.),

You can also placeadditional materials on the exhibition theme:

Information about the availability of books in other libraries, online stores, etc.

Special requirements apply todesign of virtual exhibitions. The first slide should contain information related to the virtual exhibition as a whole. All subsequent slides are separate exhibits of the exhibition. The visual range of a virtual exhibition is represented by illustrative material (book covers, spreads, illustrations, maps, photographs, etc.). The text itself, accompanying and revealing the visuals, should consist of quotes, annotations, and biographical information. It is recommended to place hints and help messages at the top of the screen.

When using animation, two display mode options are taken into account: free display and user-controlled display. It is advisable to use animation effects in relation to the entire text or large fragments of it. The appearance of text like a typewriter slows down viewing time, and large text tires the eyesight. When using traditional drawings and photographs, it is important to choose the right image scale and use the color palette correctly. Moreover, if a graphic image is presented on the screen along with text, then it is recommended to leave 1/2 of the screen empty: the size of the details must correspond to the resolution of the screen and the acuity of human vision.

There is a certain set of conditions that ensure the user’s visual comfort when working with information in electronic form:

The brightness of the object should be within reasonable limits;

The contrast of the image relative to the background must be selected taking into account the size of the object: the smaller its size, the higher the contrast should be;

The eyes are most sensitive to yellow-green radiation, the least to violet and red;

The size of the symbol must be consistent with the person's visual acuity; it also affects the speed and accuracy of information perception;

Since the space of a virtual exhibition is limited by the size of the monitor, you should not overload it with special effects and color variety - the user’s attention should not be distracted by distracting moments. The exception is exhibitions for children who are attracted by the colors and animation effects. But you still need to remember that the abundance of animation, photos, pictures increases the page loading time.

It is also worth noting that creating a high-quality, attractive and easy-to-view virtual exhibition involves using modern technology and software.

We offer you virtual book exhibitions, created by school librarians of the Sarapul region.

"Bridge Theory" - a decoy book in the center

  • Through the protected places of the world with Baron Munchausen (Korotkova O.A., librarian of the Tarasovskaya secondary school)
  • "Borka, Tyapa and the Rocket" (Apysheva N.V., librarian of the Shevyryalovskaya secondary school)
  • Book trip (Galanova S.G., librarian of the MKOU Mazuninskaya secondary school)
  • In the footsteps of the Smesharikov heroes (Gagarina N.K., librarian of the MBOU NOSH village Severny)
  • « Pirates. Corsairs. Libustiers» (Buldakova A.N., librarian of the MBOU NOSH village Olenye Boloto)
  • “The light and goodness of V. Suteev’s fairy tales” (Askerova E.B., librarian of the Devyatovskaya secondary school)
  • "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish " (Valiullina S.I., librarian of the MBOU Sigaevskaya secondary school)
  • For adventure lovers” (can be downloaded in the MindJet program ) (Merzlyakova L.A., librarian of the Yurinsk secondary school)
  • “A story about an unknown hero” (N.V. Cherepanova, librarian of the MBOU Kigbaevskaya secondary school)




"Deviation from the norm"

John Wyndham's One Book Exhibition.

Askerova Elena Borisovna, librarian of the Devyatovskaya secondary school.

Quote: “After all, the dumber people are, the more they want everyone else to be just like them. And they are afraid of everyone who is not like them in at least some way...”

One book exhibition.

Buldakova Anzhelika Nikolaevna, librarian of the MBOU kindergarten school in the village of Olenye Boloto.

Have you read the book about Robinson Crusoe? Did you like it?

The only heroine of the book is the girl Karana. She threw herself from the ship that was carrying all her loved ones into the water to stay on the island with her lagging younger brother. She has to go through a lot: an earthquake, an attack by stray dogs, the death of her brother... Karana managed to establish a lonely life, provide herself with food and safe shelter.

She finds friends among animals and gives them names. Her only close friend is the dog Rontu, who replaces Friday for her. It’s amazing how this girl combines courage, intelligence, determination and the ability to feel sorry for a wounded dog, an otter. She also teaches us to endure and not despair in any difficult situations.

The book will appeal to everyone for whom nature is a true friend, and animals and birds are the same creatures of God as we ourselves.



Exhibition of one book based on the work of Elinor Porter.

The book “Pollyanna” by the American writer E. Porter is presented at the virtual book exhibition. This is a story about an extraordinary girl who sees only the good in people, never loses heart and teaches others to enjoy life. The book is relevant today more than ever, because very often in everyday life we ​​forget about kindness, mercy, and the ability to rejoice. The book will be of interest to girls of all ages, and it will also be of interest to adults.

The thematic exhibition is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Udmurt poet Flor Vasiliev

Sergeeva Valentina Anatolyevna, librarian of the MKOU Dulesovskaya secondary school.

In February 2014, Udmurtia solemnly celebrated the 80th anniversary of the birth of Flor Vasiliev. The virtual book exhibition “Flor Vasiliev - a beautiful flower of the Udmurt land” is dedicated to this event. The exhibition is designed for readership from the age of 10 years.


One day Katya and Manechka

Based on the book of the same name by children's writer Irina Pivovarova.

Samarina Natalya Nikolaevna, librarian of the MBOU Mostovinskaya secondary school.

At the exhibition, readers will be able to get acquainted not only with the author and the text of the book, but also learn about other books by Irina Pivovarova, watch cartoons based on her poems, and listen to songs, the author of which is also Irina Mikhailovna. Visitors to the exhibition will also be able to show off their creative abilities. The “Let's Draw” page will feature drawings created by readers. I hope that the “PlayGame” page will be of particular interest, where everyone can put together puzzles, solve a crossword puzzle, create a word cloud, etc. These two pages were created not so much for the sake of entertainment, but primarily in order to make the reading of the book conscious, to make readers think about the images of the characters in the book, their characters, actions, and will help them learn to highlight keywords

. The “Let's Compose” page is a review page. But simply writing reviews is boring and you don’t always want to, so here it is suggested to compose a syncwine based on the book you read.

“Life lessons from Elena Gabova”

Exhibition of one book based on the work of Elena Gabova “Two in Behavior”. Merzlyakova Lyudmila Arkadyevna,

Librarian of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Yurinskaya Secondary School. We present to your attention the book of the modern Russian writer Elena Vasilievna Gabova, “Two in Behavior.” They entered it stories and the story “Bore Dema”, for which in 2008 the writer was awarded the national children's prize “Cherished Dream” in the category “Best work about modern life children and adolescents, about their relationships with the adult world." The exhibition is designed for a readership of teenage children aged 12-15 years. This kindness, self-esteem. Elena Gabova's characters are ordinary guys, often from dysfunctional families, who find themselves in various difficult life situations. How difficult it is under such circumstances to gain spiritual integrity, trust in life and form character. The inner world of these teenagers is also complex; they, like everyone else, tend to make mistakes, search for themselves, hope and believe. All heroes are subjected to tests, each to their own, and the reader is subjected to them along with them, reflects, evaluates, and draws certain conclusions. This book will be interesting and useful for adults: teachers and parents to better understand children, look at the world through their eyes, come to their aid in time, see themselves from the outside and admit their mistakes.

"Girl from the City"

Virtual exhibition of one book by Voronkova L.F. "Girl from the city."

Kurochkina Tatyana Anatolevna, bLibrarian of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Shadrinskaya Secondary School.

The exhibition is intended for an audience from 3rd to 9th grade.

age. The purpose of the magazine is to tell about the best children's books and writers, to teachread the text thoughtfully, understand the structure of poetic speech, figurative expressions,develop logical thinking and imagination. The magazine's motto: “A book is your best defense.”The heroes of the magazine - the boy Chitaika and the wise Owlet - travel from issue to issuethe fairy-tale world of the book, cheerfully but convincingly proving that “Reading is the best teaching” and"A book is your spiritual protection." Each issue contains not only stories about new book releases,but also literary games, crosswords, works of the best modern authors, games

Based on the book by M.M. Prishvin

Galanova Svetlana Gennadievna, librarian of the MKOU Mazuninskaya secondary school.

We present to your attention a virtual book exhibition based on the book by M.M. Prishvin “The Pantry of the Sun”. The main theme of M.M.’s creativity Prishvina – man and nature, their relationships and mutual influence. Prishvin's books play an important role in studying the world around us and cultivating moral and aesthetic qualities in children. As in other works by M. Prishvin, “Pantry of the Sun” conveys the poetry of the forest, interesting observations of the habits of animals, there is a story about how peat is formed and much more. “Pantry of the Sun” is an educational book. This book exhibition will be interesting for students

Today, to attract attention to a book, it is no longer enough to simply place it on an exhibition shelf. Users are increasingly turning to the Internet for the necessary information and the books they need. Therefore, librarians need to look for new forms of conveying information to their users.

The use of multimedia technologies makes it possible to introduce innovations into the traditional activities of the library - exhibitions.

Virtual exhibition - public demonstration on the Internet using Internet tools and virtual image tools of specially selected and systematized printed works and other media, as well as publicly available electronic resources recommended to remote library users for viewing, familiarization and use.

Purpose of the virtual exhibition – public Internet - presentation of various types of documents. Such an exhibition is mobile, compact, informative and is a relevant guide to the vast flow of information. Each exhibition is made using an original multimedia design that simulates being at the exhibition, facilitating navigation and perception of information.

A virtual exhibition, in comparison with a traditional one, provides librarians and readers with additional opportunities and advantages.

Use of information technology makes the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic. Bright, colorful, with animation, the use of game moments, switching attention from animated screensavers to a static page, virtual exhibitions are attractive to readers, and especially to children.

A virtual exhibition is not limited by place and time – from any computer, anywhere and at any time of the day, you can get all the necessary information on this topic in full.

What problems does a virtual exhibition in a library solve? By creating virtual exhibitions, librarians solve several problems at once:

· master a new type of work by applying digital technologies to the library’s exhibition work;

· preserve the exposition for a longer period than is provided for by a traditional exhibition;

· support the preservation of the library collection by presenting material in electronic form;

· enable a remote user to use the library’s information resources.

Types and forms of virtual book exhibitions:

· One book exhibitions

· Exhibitions of book collections

· Presentation of covers and short annotations for books with musical accompaniment

· Book trailer collection

· Collection of audio recordings

· Book exhibition in the form of an interactive poster

· Exhibition of books in the form of a mind map

· Exhibition of books by an author in the form of a timeline

· Exhibition of books in the form of a 3D book.

Unlike the traditional one, the virtual exhibition provides librarians and readersadditional features:

1. use of information technology. Perception through a computer serves as a kind of bait for readers, especially children. Bright, colorful, with animation, using game moments, switching children’s attention from animated screensavers to a static page - all this makes the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic;

2. the use of the INTERNET makes it possible to get acquainted with the exhibition remotely, both en masse and on an individual basis;

3. mass participation. More books may be on display;

4. variability. At any time, you can quickly change slides and their arrangement, remove unnecessary ones or insert new ones, change the color scheme or overall design;

5. autonomy. The exhibition can be launched automatically, equipped with voiced text and demonstrated without special accompaniment;

6. mobility. Most often, electronic exhibitions are developed (organized) as traveling exhibitions. It is very convenient to demonstrate them in various educational institutions, auditoriums, offices, classes;

7. profitability. Electronic exhibitions save space. There is no need to work with racks, stands, exhibition cabinets.

Thanks to the ability to organize permanent exhibitions, libraries can create cycles of virtual book exhibitions operating simultaneously.


A virtual exhibition, like a traditional one, should consist of sections that are accompanied by quotes, introductory articles, and illustrative material. The exhibition should be user-friendly on the web and may contain the following information:

Visual (cover image, digitized parts of the book: preface, introduction, etc.),

Bibliographic data (bibliographic record and codes of the collection of the library presenting the exhibition),

Analytical information (annotations, abstracts for publications, reviews, reader reviews, etc.),

Digitized parts of the book (chapters, the most interesting excerpts, etc.),

You can also placeadditional materials on the exhibition theme:

Information about the availability of books in other libraries, online stores, etc.

Special requirements apply todesign of virtual exhibitions. The first slide should contain information related to the virtual exhibition as a whole. All subsequent slides are separate exhibits of the exhibition. The visual range of a virtual exhibition is represented by illustrative material (book covers, spreads, illustrations, maps, photographs, etc.). The text itself, accompanying and revealing the visuals, should consist of quotes, annotations, and biographical information. It is recommended to place hints and help messages at the top of the screen.

When using animation, two display mode options are taken into account: free display and user-controlled display. It is advisable to use animation effects in relation to the entire text or large fragments of it. The appearance of text like a typewriter slows down viewing time, and large text tires the eyesight. When using traditional drawings and photographs, it is important to choose the right image scale and use the color palette correctly. Moreover, if a graphic image is presented on the screen along with text, then it is recommended to leave 1/2 of the screen empty: the size of the details must correspond to the resolution of the screen and the acuity of human vision.

There is a certain set of conditions that ensure the user’s visual comfort when working with information in electronic form:

The brightness of the object should be within reasonable limits;

The contrast of the image relative to the background must be selected taking into account the size of the object: the smaller its size, the higher the contrast should be;

The eyes are most sensitive to yellow-green radiation, the least to violet and red;

The size of the symbol must be consistent with the person's visual acuity; it also affects the speed and accuracy of information perception;

Since the space of a virtual exhibition is limited by the size of the monitor, you should not overload it with special effects and color variety - the user’s attention should not be distracted by distracting moments. The exception is exhibitions for children who are attracted by the colors and animation effects. But you still need to remember that the abundance of animation, photos, pictures increases the page loading time.

It is also worth noting that creating a high-quality, attractive and easy-to-view virtual exhibition requires the use of modern technology and software.
