Test assignments for the course “Ethics of social work. Practical use of ethical values ​​in the work of a social worker Ethical principles of values ​​and responsibilities of social work

The philosophical science of axiology studies values.
Values social work. The highest values ​​are the individual and society. Social work considers the highest value of man in general.
Such values ​​as Human freedom, which allows a person to realize himself, justice, security, individuality and sociality, the humanistic meaning of social work. Differences provide an opportunity for fulfillment.

Values ​​are specific social definitions of objects in the surrounding world, revealing their positive or negative meaning for a person and society
The value system of professional social work includes the values ​​of various groups. It presents absolute and relative values; true and imaginary (false); positive and negative; recognized and unrecognized; enduring and situational; subjective and objective; everyday and professional; individual, group, ethnonational and universal; actual and potential; terminal and instrumental; material, spiritual, etc. All these groups of values, being the values ​​of professional social work, at the same time represent an integral part of the value system and resources of society. In social work they act as goals, motives, means, conditions, process, and the final result of activity. Social workers along with prof. Values ​​are carriers and implementers of universal human values ​​(peace, work, equality, justice, people)

The values ​​of modern professional social work have different scales and significance, and therefore their system represents values ​​of different levels:
. universal - recognized by the majority of modern humanity;
. societal - recognized primarily in a specific (Russian) society;
. professional - having significance mainly for the professional group, acquiring specificity due to the characteristics of professional activity;
. individual - the values ​​of specialists, their clients, and other individuals.
Hierarchy of values:
- human and society;
- Liberty;
— security;
- justice;
- labor;
— collectivism;
- equality.
It is possible to identify specific values ​​in professional social work, the implementation of which has a significant impact on its effectiveness. The specific values ​​of social work do not have independent significance for society as the main customer of the activity. However, for that part of society that is directly involved in professional social work, primarily for representatives of the professional group of social workers and their direct clients, the establishment of these values ​​in the public and individual consciousness of social workers is of great importance. Among the specific values ​​of social work, we should first of all highlight such as the good of man and society, human rights and individuality, professionalism, the humanistic meaning of activity, the social status of a person, his age and gender, etc.
Those. social work can be defined as a special type social activities, aimed at the formation, comprehension and implementation of humanistic values ​​and ideals in order to transform social reality and create a social situation in which it will be possible to achieve the humanistic ideal and the true well-being of the individual and society, ensuring their fruitful cooperation and interaction.

Professionally ethically significant values ​​of social work.

Their essence and typology

The philosophical science of axiology studies values.

Social work values. The highest values ​​are the individual and society. Social work considers the highest value of man in general.

Such values ​​as Human freedom, which allows a person to realize himself, justice, security, individuality and sociality, the humanistic meaning of social work. Differences provide an opportunity for fulfillment.

Values ​​are specific social definitions of objects in the surrounding world, revealing their positive or negative meaning for a person and society.

The value system of professional social work includes the values ​​of various groups. It presents absolute and relative values; true and imaginary (false); positive and negative; recognized and unrecognized; enduring and situational; subjective and objective; everyday and professional; individual, group, ethnonational and universal; actual and potential; terminal and instrumental; material, spiritual, etc. All these groups of values, being the values ​​of professional social work, at the same time represent an integral part of the value system and resources of society. In social work they act as goals, motives, means, conditions, process, and the final result of activity. Social workers along with prof. Values ​​are carriers and implementers of universal human values ​​(peace, work, equality, justice, people)

The values ​​of modern professional social work have different scales and significance, and therefore their system represents values ​​of different levels:

Universal - recognized by the majority of modern humanity;

Societal - recognized primarily in a specific (Russian) society;

Professional - having significance mainly for a professional group, acquiring specificity in connection with the characteristics of professional activity;

Individual - values ​​of specialists, their clients, and other individuals.

Hierarchy of values:

Human and society;






It is possible to identify specific values ​​in professional social work, the implementation of which has a significant impact on its effectiveness. The specific values ​​of social work do not have independent significance for society as the main customer of the activity. However, for that part of society that is directly involved in professional social work, primarily for representatives of the professional group of social workers and their direct clients, the establishment of these values ​​in the public and individual consciousness of social workers is of great importance. Among the specific values ​​of social work, we should first of all highlight such as the good of man and society, human rights and individuality, professionalism, the humanistic meaning of activity, the social status of a person, his age and gender, etc.

Those. social work can be defined as a special type of social activity aimed at the formation, comprehension and implementation of humanistic values ​​and ideals in order to transform social reality and create a social situation in which it will be possible to achieve the humanistic ideal and the true well-being of the individual and society, ensuring their fruitful cooperation and interactions.

24. basic methods of practice. Sc slave

Scientific method - it is a way of rational research and transformation of reality and shortest path achieving the goal. Social work methods are largely determined specifics of the object, which the activity is aimed at social worker, and specialization of a social worker, structure of social and other services. Due to this classification of social work methods is made:

✓ in areas and forms of social work,

✓ its objects -,

✓ subjects.

The task of social work is form in the process of developing and improving methods a new style thinking of citizens, a different philosophy and culture of behavior, social adaptation in society. Development and improvement of existing forms, methods, methods and techniques of activity intended for use by a specialist to solve social problems of clients, stimulating the activation of their powers to change an unfavorable life situation.

2. Methods in areas and forms of social work are divided into the following types:





socio-economic and etc.

Organizational methods - these are techniques and methods of activity used in the field of social work to solve organizational problems. They secure the rights, powers, responsibilities, as well as the degree of responsibility of various levels of management, social protection bodies, and social services for the final result. Their types:

✓ organizational and administrative;

✓ organizational and coordination;

✓ organizational and instructional;

✓ organizational and technical, etc. Social-non-psychological methods are divided into several groups:

methods of psychological research:

Observation is the systematic and purposeful perception of mental phenomena in order to study their meaning and specific changes in certain conditions;

Experiment - active participation in a social situation on the part of the researcher, recording accompanying changes in the behavior or state of the object being studied;

diagnostic - identification and change individual psychological personality traits;

psychogenetic - identification of the origin of individual psychological characteristics person, the role of genotype and environment in their formation. The most famous and informative of them is the twin method, which makes it possible to maximally equalize the impact of the environment on the individual:

longitudinal - long-term and systematic study of the same subjects, allowing us to determine the range of age-related and individual variability in the phases of a person’s life cycle;

life course research methods - studying individual development person from birth to death;

psychological assistance - increasing a person’s psychological competence: identifying existing or forming new resources that allow a person to solve the problems facing him, overcome difficulties and life crises. Methods include:

Psychological correction (psychotherapeutic) and rehabilitation, the purpose of which is to help a person with nervous

mental and psychosomatic diseases, acute or chronic mental trauma; psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis - providing psychological assistance to a practically healthy person in order to prevent psychosomatic diseases;

multifunctional methods - suggest the need to change the content and forms of work depending on the goals and objectives of social work.

Socio-economic methods - a set of techniques and methods by which actions are carried out that take into account the social interests and needs of people; are determined ways of dissatisfaction(in-kind and cash assistance, establishment of benefits and one-time benefits, patronage and consumer services, sanctions, etc.). Their goal is formation of optimal social norms assets; creation of an effective system of social protection of the population; promotion social mobility, performance of the state social service. The following economic methods are used in social work.

✓ statistical;

✓ mathematical;

✓ acceptance method optimal solutions(analysis of targeted actions and an objective comparative assessment of the possible results of these actions);

✓ balance;

✓ index;

✓ selective;

✓ technological analysis of time series, etc.

Pedagogical methods aimed at providing social assistance to a person as an individual and as a member of society in which the process of socialization and social orientation takes place. There are three main groups of them.

✓ methods of forming the consciousness of the individual (concepts, judgments, beliefs, assessments);

✓ organization of cognitive, practical activities and behavior (assignments, tasks, exercises, creation of special educational situations);

✓ stimulating the activity and behavior of an individual (evaluation, encouragement, censure, etc.).

3. Methods for objects of social work are divided into:

individual(social worker - client);

group(in a group of families and through a family);

community(working in a microsocial environment).

Individual work method represents direct assistance to the subject through personal interaction in the process of his adaptation to new living conditions.

In the process of working with this method, the social worker must:

✓ establish primary contact and determine the client’s needs for social services;

✓ study and understand the problem;

✓ motivate the need for social assistance;

✓ conceptualize the problem;

✓ identify and investigate the proposed solution;

✓ choose a strategic direction;

✓ implement solutions to problems, etc.

Method of social work with a group involves working both as a whole with a group of clients (family), and in a group - with each of its members separately.

Social work focuses on the social task and life situation And involves expanding the individual’s social space , developing his ability to solve personal problems through social connections.

Important in social work is teaching the client how to overcome loneliness(self-isolation from society), which in itself is a prerequisite for the emergence of social problems, and instilling in him the skills of working in a group and with a group (team).

Theories governing methods of co-operative work with a group.

field theory - considers a group as a certain community of individuals who have a specific goal and intra-group interests that change depending on the circumstances;

social exchange - suggests using some of the ideas from behaviorism in a group context:

social systems - suggests studying social systems in small groups, maintain traditions within them and adapt systems to their environment.

Group methods may include:

✓ working together on certain problems and tasks:

✓ diagnostic and correctional group procedures, the objects of which are socio-psychological phenomena that influence the behavior and activities of people.

Methods that involve not only research, diagnosis or modeling of socio-psychological phenomena, but also their optimization, improvement, development.

group discussion, used in the practice of team management. Its goal is to provide an opportunity to express one’s positions, a quick and productive solution to a group problem; influence on the opinions, positions and attitudes of discussion participants;

business game - reconstruction of the substantive and social content of a problem situation and its solution;

modification of social behavior - developing new life skills and habits that allow a person to adapt to an unfamiliar environment (for example, a social worker teaches a client how to meet new people, establish relationships, communicate with government officials, etc.);

socio-psychological training active methods of group psychological work with the aim of developing communication skills. Social work in the community represents professional assistance to individuals, groups, collectives living in the same territory and having common problems. For example, a community can be considered residents of one village, one block, compactly living representatives of another nationality, etc. The social community is characterized by:

✓ relative stability;

✓ more or less identical conditions and lifestyle;

✓ commonality of mass consciousness, social norms, value systems and interests.

4. Methods for subjects of social work are divided into the following types:

✓ applied by an individual specialist;

✓ social service team;

✓ social work management body

  • 25. Social rehabilitation: essence and content.
  • 26. Technology of consultation in social work.
  • 27. Technology of mediation in social work.
  • 28. Social prevention as a technology of social work and methods of its implementation.
  • 29. Technologies for working with older people
  • 1. Social status and mental characteristics of older people
  • 2. An elderly person in the family
  • 3. Medical and social rehabilitation of older people
  • 4. Social services and provision for older people.
  • 5. Social care for older people
  • 29. Essence and technology of S.R. With older people.
  • 30. Technology of social work with disabled people.
  • 31. The process of social work with a client: structure and content.
  • 32. Social technologies Work with the unemployed
  • 33. Technologies of social work in the Armed Forces.
  • Chapter 2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Status of Military Personnel”
  • §1. The need for adoption and general characteristics of the federal law “on the status of military personnel.”
  • §2. Rights and freedoms of military personnel.
  • 35. Specifics of social technologies. Work in penitentiary institutions.
  • 36. Technologies of social work in the enterprise
  • 37. Features of social work technologies in rural areas.
  • 38. Technologies of social work with the homeless
  • 39. Technologies of social work with orphans.
  • 40. Main goals, objectives and functions of social services.
  • 41. Problems of scientific organization of labor in social work.
  • 42. Modern technologies of social work with at-risk families
  • 43. Technologies of social work with drug addicts.
  • 44. Technologies of social work with families with children with disabilities.
  • 45. Professionally significant values ​​of social work. Their essence and typology.
  • 46. ​​International principles and standards of social work ethics.
  • 47. Professional and ethical requirements for the personality of a social worker.
  • 47. Professional and ethical requirements for the personality of social work.
  • 48. Social charity: its goals and main directions. The relationship between charity and social work.
  • 49. Socially oriented economy as the material basis for social work and social support for the population.
  • 50. Economic policy of the state essence and content
  • 51. Economic fundamentals of the activities of organizations, institutions and social services
  • 53. Features of research activities in social work.
  • 54. Methods of planning and organizing research in the field of social work.
  • 55. The essence of social and medical work. Subject and tasks.
  • 56. Features of social ecology. General principles and methods of environmental protection.
  • 57. Technologies of social work in medicine
  • 58. Health and a healthy lifestyle are the target parameters of social work.
  • 59. State legal foundations of social work in modern society.
  • 60. Social and legal status of a social worker.
  • 2. Spiritual and moral portrait of a social worker
  • 61. Management of the state system of social services.
  • 62. Management of social work as one of the areas of social work. Management.
  • 63. Subjects and objects of management in social work, their brief characteristics.
  • 64. Classification of social service institutions.
  • 65. The process of preparation and methods of making management decisions in the social sphere.
  • 67. Methodology of organizational and administrative work in social work centers and in the social work system.
  • 66. Planning in social services as a management function.
  • 67. Organizational activities to implement decisions and plans.
  • 68. Regulation and control in the social work system. Ways to improve management efficiency in organizations, institutions and social services.
  • 69. The essence of the effectiveness of management activities in the system of social services.
  • 69. The essence of the effectiveness of management activities in the system of social services.
  • 1. Social personnel Works
  • 3. Systematic approach to personnel development in social services. Sphere
  • 4. Certification of workers
  • 71. Motivation and stimulation of personnel activities in social services.
  • 72. Staffing of social services. Service
  • 73. Social work specialist as a subject of professional activity: personal characteristics and professional competence.
  • 74. Professionalism in social work: its components and formation factors. Professional risks.
  • 75. System of professional training of social specialists. Works in Russia.
  • 76. The system of social work management at the federal and regional levels and the powers of authorities in the field of social services.
  • 76. The system of management of social work at the federal and regional levels and the powers of authorities in the field of social services.
  • Municipal management in the field of social support for certain population groups
  • 80. Game techniques in the practice of social work, goals, objectives, content.
  • Gaming technologies
  • [ Periods
  • Academic
  • Informal
  • By the way players interact and modeling conventions
  • [By type of characters played
  • Classification of business games
  • Gameplay methodology
  • Stages of the game
  • Preparatory stage The main components are:
  • Prerequisites and initial framework of gaming technology
  • Practice order implementer
  • Implementer of ordering methodology.
  • Translator of methodological tools
  • Executor (standard implementer of macrogame technology norms)
  • 81. Head of social service. Manager's work culture
  • Management and Leadership Styles
  • The concept of management and its functions
  • Motivation criteria
  • Control functions
  • Leadership Tools
  • Subjective reasons
  • Rules for preventing conflicts
  • Management communication
  • 82. Features of the professional activities of social specialists. Works.
  • 83. The essence of social administration in modern social service organizations.
  • 84. The essence of professional deformation of a social work specialist
  • 86. Communications in social work.
  • 87. Gender relations in modern society.
  • 88. Family and its basic life functions.
  • 1. The main functions of the family and their relationship.
  • Types of family organization and family life cycle
  • 89. Main directions and mechanisms of social protection of the family. Social protection of motherhood and childhood.
  • 90. State family policy and mechanisms for its implementation.
  • 91. Equality between men and women as a social problem.
  • 92. The status of women in modern society.
  • 93. Women and employment: social aspects.
  • 94. Social and pedagogical process: essence, content, characteristics of components.
  • 95. Social and pedagogical problems of working with persons of deviant behavior. Deviant behavior as a problem of social work Concept and causes of deviant behavior
  • Reasons for deviant behavior
  • Basic forms of social control
  • 96. Education as a social value, socio-cultural phenomenon and pedagogical process.
  • 97. The system of social protection of the population in the Russian Federation: main areas of activity and organizational and legal forms.
  • 3. State guarantees and minimum social standards in the social protection system.
  • 98. Social services to the population: principles, functions, organizational forms and legal methods.
  • 99. Organizational and legal forms and types of social security of the population in the Russian Federation.
  • 100. The essence, content and goals of state social. Help the population.
  • I. Personality, its development and socialization at different age periods
  • 1. Interdisciplinary meaning of the concept of “personality”; socialization
  • 1.2. Grounds and goals of age periodization in the field of social work
  • 2. Specifics of social assistance to individuals at different age periods
  • 2.2. Problems of middle and mature age (using the example of social work with women)
  • 2.3. Social protection of elderly people and disabled people
  • 45. Professionally significant values ​​of social work. Their essence and typology.

    Research and justification of professionally significant values ​​of professional social work can significantly strengthen the theoretical foundations of professional activity and contribute to the knowledge of its meaning and content. It should be borne in mind that social work is not limited to the interaction between a social worker and a client: a social worker engaged in directly solving the client’s problems, if necessary, can and should involve in this activity representatives of any institutions, organizations and structures that are responsible for solving current issues, as well as private individuals. This means that the value system of professional social work certainly comes into interaction with the value systems of other types of activity, primarily professional, as well as with the individual value systems of individuals who are to one degree or another involved in social work. In this regard, the system of values ​​of professional social work influences the value systems of professional groups with whose representatives the social worker interacts, individuals, but at the same time it itself experiences a reciprocal influence from them.

    The values ​​of professional social work are organized into a specific system that functions and develops in accordance with the laws of existence and development of systems. Its elements are essentially interconnected, hierarchized, each value occupies a certain place in the system and performs certain functions. Therefore, the value system of social work is a structurally and functionally related set of values ​​that allow the collective professional group to organize its activities, solve assigned tasks, and achieve intended goals. It is obvious that the values ​​of professional social work have social significance and are part of a system of social and universal values, and under certain conditions (for example, in conditions of dehumanization of social relations) they can play the role of a stabilizing, protective principle, the basis of a system of humanistic values ​​in general. Therefore, it is legitimate to conclude that the value system of professional social work can influence not only the direct participants in the social work process, but also through them - on society as a whole, while experiencing a certain reciprocal influence on their part.

    The value system of professional social work is formed under the influence of certain factors, which must be taken into account in professional practice. Among them the most important are:

      ideal hierarchy of professional social values

    work, formed taking into account its humanistic meaning;

      the value system of modern Russian society, emerging as a combination of various components;

      usually – the traditional values ​​of the Russian people, primarily related to help and mutual assistance;

      system of universal human values;

      individual hierarchies of values ​​of specialists with a complex structure;

      value orientations of foreign social work specialists.

    The value system of professional social work includes

    values ​​of different groups. It presents absolute and relative values; positive and negative; true and imaginary (false); recognized and unrecognized; enduring (“eternal”) and situational; subjective and objective; everyday and professional; individual, group, ethnonational and universal; actual and potential; terminal and instrumental; simplest, interactionist, socialization and life meaning; material - material, spiritual - intellectual, ethical, aesthetic, etc. All these groups of values, being the values ​​of professional social work, at the same time represent an integral part of the value system and resources of society. In social work they act as goals, and motives, and means, and conditions, and the process, and the final result of activity.

    Man and society, taking into account the meaning and essence of social work, can be recognized as absolute values, while the good of man, his freedom and justice, in relation to him, work, collectivism and equality, security are also objectively and should be recognized as the highest terminal (ultimate) ) values. Of course, the instrumental ethical values ​​in this case should be the properties and qualities of both the specialist and his client, the moral norms and standards of society and the profession, the personal norms of the specialist and his client. At the same time, professional social work must objectively recognize the value of society as the most important form of organization of human life and the natural, irreplaceable and unchangeable environment of his life. The most significant inter-instrumental (operational) values ​​can be identified, on the one hand, as socially - and individually - positive norms of behavior, primarily ethical, and on the other - personal - moral qualities, abilities of people (such as dignity, conscience, independence, initiative, agonism, authority, humanity, benevolence, etc.).

    The values ​​of modern professional social work have different scale and significance, and therefore their system represents the values ​​of different levels:

      universal – recognized by the majority of modern humanity;

      societal – recognized primarily in a specific (Russian) society;

      professional – having significance mainly for a professional group, acquiring specificity in connection with the characteristics of professional activity;

      individual – values ​​of specialists and their clients. other personalities.

    Among the universal human values ​​one can distinguish such as man, his rights, life, peace, freedom, equality, etc. At the level of society, these values ​​can also be recognized, although they may be hierarchized in a different way. The system of professional values ​​of social work, in addition to the above-mentioned values, includes the gender and age of the individual, the resources of society to which the individual can be involved, the professionalism of specialists, the humanistic meaning of social work and others. Individual value systems may be different, but it is necessary that the hierarchy of the highest values ​​of specialists basically corresponds to the hierarchy of ethical values ​​of social work, since it is the specialist, realizing certain values ​​in his professional activities, who is responsible for the process of activity and for its result. At the same time, it is important that the highest value recognized by a specialist is a person. Values ​​determine all types of relationships, the state and activities of a person and society in reality, which serves as a certain basis, condition and means of life of a person and society, the partial realization of their values ​​already in the present. Therefore, actual values ​​assigned by society, a professional group and each individual and realized by them in professional and everyday activities can be considered as a certain basis for the realization of human value.

    It is obvious that if a hierarchy of socially significant values ​​has not developed and favorable conditions have not been created for the creative self-realization of each human personality, the proclamation of a person as the highest value can be considered only a formal act, which does not entail or guarantee the actual realization of a person’s value either in the present or in the future. future. Therefore, it is necessary that not only the value of a person in all its multi-valued integrity in itself, but also a certain integral system of values ​​and priorities, hierarchized based on their role in the realization of a person’s value, be established in the public consciousness. Such values, forming a hierarchy, at the top of which is the value of a person and his life, honor and dignity, well-being, happiness, can be recognized as society, freedom, security, justice, labor, equality, collectivism and some others, which are the most important ethical terminal values.

    The real hierarchy of values, depending on the society, can differ significantly from the ideal one, as a result of which in every society or profession at every moment in time there can exist and be considered the only correct hierarchy of values ​​that has developed empirically, under the influence of life conditions, which can include not only the values ​​considered higher, but also others. As a result, social work, focusing on the ideal hierarchy of values, must also take into account the hierarchy of values ​​actually functioning in society.

    Human as the main value of modern civilization is the main value for social work. The realization of this value is the main direction and meaning of the specialist’s activity. Society is a natural, independent and unchanging environment for human life. The essence of man as a social being can be realized only in a community of people, and only in society do such values ​​as the value of a person and his life, honor and dignity, individuality and self-sufficiency make sense. Only in society is it possible to realize the most important human needs - social, related to communication, establishing various connections and relationships with other people, which ultimately provides the opportunity for activity and interaction. A person’s need for communication and joint activity is the basis of his sociality and, therefore, the most important basis for recognizing the high value of society as the highest and at the same time natural form of organizing human life and his immanent existence. Outside of society, a person loses a significant part of his social and spiritual qualities, which may not develop in him at all, if his formation in the early stages of ontogenesis occurred outside the community of people and determined only the development of the biological essence of man. The life of a person as a human being is largely determined and regulated by society with the help of various social institutions that promote the observance of human rights, control the fulfillment of his duties, ensure his optimal development and achievement of the maximum possible well-being in given specific historical conditions in the context of the main goals of the development of the human community . As a result, a person is a product of the activities of society in the broadest sense.

    Social work outside of society completely loses its humanistic meaning, and indeed any meaning at all: inclusion in the tribal culture (socialization) first of all means inclusion in society, public life, and in the absence of society it becomes unnecessary. Society is not only the environment for human activity, but also the most important condition under which the manifestation of his generic human essence becomes possible; it becomes a necessary means for a person to achieve his personal and socially significant goals. At the same time, society is also the goal of human activity, striving to provide the most favorable social conditions for his personal existence, life and development. Society is the most important subject of activity, exerting a socializing influence on people with the help of social work and other social institutions. It also acts as an object of influence on the part of each specific individual or social group. Thus, society objectively is a value of a high order, next to the value of a person, since the existence of both a person outside of society and society outside of a person is not possible.

    Raising the question of “whose value is higher, a person or society,” is unlawful, since society has been and remains the natural environment and form of organization of human life. On the other hand, society is impossible without people and their relationships and interactions. Therefore, the “man – society” system is an organic, indissoluble unity. Subjectively, situationally conditioned, its interpretation by the individual or mass consciousness of society as a false value or anti-value, its devaluation in the public and individual consciousness leads to a corresponding devaluation of collectivism, solidarity, equality, justice, alienation and disunity of people, their loss of some of the most important generic properties and functions, leads to loneliness, disintegration of community and, ultimately, loss of value and the person as such. The high value of society is determined by the very essence of man as a social being and, as a result, is adjacent to the value of man and equal to this value.

    The realization of the value of both a person and society is impossible without activity, and activity presupposes the use of a person’s abilities. To organize an activity, a person needs a certain Liberty, and the more freedom he has, the more he can realize himself, his abilities, his value. Freedom as the ability of an individual to realize activities, lifestyle and thinking in the absence of external goal-setting, based on one’s own responsible choice, is considered one of the most important values ​​of modern civilized society. Freedom of society can be conditionally defined in a similar way. At the same time, of course, it is clear that “unlimited” existence is impossible in principle: the capabilities of the human body and psyche, the resources of nature and society are limited; they have laws that a person must obey; there is a need for interaction between different societies, and this limits the freedom of each of them. Therefore, taking into account objective restrictions that are objectively and immanently present, but different in any society at any period of time in quantity and quality and reliably known to the individual, a person can be considered free if his actions and actions are performed in accordance with his own decision and in the presence of an alternative, opportunities to make informed choices.

    A society can also be considered free if its activities are carried out on the basis of the conscious choice of the majority of its members in the absence of external pressure. Such freedom is not arbitrary, since the individual and society certainly assume obligations to comply with certain deontic and expedient restrictions from an individual and social point of view. It does not turn into its opposite - lack of freedom, since the individual and society limit themselves independently, voluntarily and consciously, keeping in mind the good of themselves and those around them. The acceptance of such restrictions objectively corresponds to the interests of both the individual and society: each person, striving to remain within the framework of social norms that guarantee the safety and stability of society, the possibility of fulfilling its functions and goals and ensuring the possibility of normal interaction of its members. Personal freedom also presupposes respect for the freedom of another person and not only not interfering with its implementation, but also, if possible, eliminating these obstacles. This is partly why freedom also determines the individual’s responsibility to himself and other individuals, to society as a whole. Likewise, a society that considers itself free and considers freedom to be a high-ranking value has an obligation to provide freedom to its citizens. Freedom in this regard is a necessary basis and condition for the creativity of an individual in his chosen field of activity, his self-actualization and self-improvement, the normal functioning and development of society. Unjustified restrictions in freedom of activity and self-realization lead to restrictions in the development and self-realization of a person, since they narrow a person’s ability to choose the spheres of application of his strength and make the conditions of his life less favorable. On this basis, freedom becomes the most important, necessary condition for the actual realization of the value of man and society. Therefore, freedom can be recognized as the next highest value.

    However, freedom as such cannot always bring benefits for various reasons: the influence of external spontaneous or unaccounted for factors, the error of a person’s choice, insufficient or excessive activity, etc. can lead to the fact that the actual result of the activity will be opposite to the planned and desired one. Therefore, freedom equally provided to all members of society can be used unequally by them and does not necessarily lead to the good of the individual and society. Even in conditions of sufficient freedom, a person must be insured, protected from the negative consequences of his own actions or inaction and the impact of external factors on him . Security, being, on the one hand, a certain “limiter” of unconditional freedom, on the other hand, it becomes one of the most important conditions for its most complete and universal implementation and, therefore, the most important condition, in the presence of which the most complete realization of human value becomes possible. With the instability of social life, security can become a value that fills the value of freedom with real meaning and knowledge. Security cannot be total - this would mean that a person is practically deprived of the right to make an independent decision in almost all areas of his life, if only for the reason that he does not have comprehensive professional knowledge in these areas, and, accordingly, his decision can cause harm . Security should facilitate the realization by a person of his rights and responsibilities, the realization of his value, and not at all lead to complete inactivity and lack of freedom of a person. The expedient security of a person acts as the next highest value in the hierarchy of ideal ethical values.

    The presence in society of natural inequality of people with different capabilities, including those objectively reduced due to various reasons, suggests that in order to ensure their self-realization it is necessary to ensure their security. It is especially important to ensure protection for persons with objectively reduced or disabled capabilities, since it is these categories of citizens who react most painfully to negative changes in public life. The need to protect them, on the other hand, is determined by the possibility of conscious or unconscious commission of destructive actions by individuals or groups that infringe on the rights and freedoms of the most socially vulnerable members of society.

    Social security of citizens in the state and society indicates the creation of a holistic and effective system of measures to counteract various factors that destabilize living conditions. This institution is one of the most important factors guaranteeing the safety, stability and development of society and the state, and every person in it. The presence of security is the most important condition for the realization of the value of a person in general, including individuals with disabilities, and therefore security can be considered a value next in rank to the value of freedom.

    Natural differences in people's capabilities make value relevant justice. Justice is all the more important because the deepening integration and specialization of human activity requires the interaction and cooperation of people in the process of producing labor and other human activities in the process of producing and consuming goods and services, exchanging the results of labor and other activities to maximally satisfy the needs of each member of society. This requires the presence of justice in society in all forms and all types of social relations in conditions of collective existence, and first of all, in relations relating to the exchange and distribution of goods for the purpose of their subsequent consumption by members of society. Justice always implies the existence and use in everyday social and individual practice of a certain conditional equivalent that allows for an adequate distribution of good and evil between people. Justice requires the establishment of a certain relationship, approved by the majority of members of society, between the actual merits of an individual and their assessment by society, between the role of a person (group) in the life of society and their social position. Justice presupposes an adequate assessment of the abilities, capabilities, efforts of an individual, the result of his activities and appropriate retribution for this in the form of benefits to which the individual can be involved, as well as equal access to fundamental rights and freedoms, positions and positions for all citizens. Justice, of course, is a historically changeable category, acquiring different content and being interpreted differently at different periods of time in different societies, but neglect of the generally accepted understanding of its meaning in a given particular society is regarded by public and individual consciousness as injustice.

    The social meaning of justice is reflected, as a rule, in legislation, but the perception of justice by ordinary consciousness does not always correspond to its meaning, which, from the point of view of legislation, is presented as objective. Justice promotes objective understanding, recognition and formation of true values. The lack of justice in social relations can contribute to a negative change in the subjective component of this value, and therefore to its situational depreciation, and, conversely, to the exaggeration of other values ​​derived from injustice. Justice becomes an indispensable condition for the realization of human value, since it determines the possibility and necessity of his optimal subjectivity. The presence of justice in society increases the value of freedom, since it provides a guarantee of an adequate assessment of the individual’s initiative, his activity in solving individual and social problems. Freedom in the absence of justice can be partially or completely deprived of its most important component - the responsibility that a person must bear for the negative consequences of his actions. Justice in modern conditions can be considered as one of the most important aspects of activities aimed at realizing human value and can be considered next in rank to the value of security.

    Creativity and self-improvement of a person are impossible outside of activities in which the application and realization of his abilities and capabilities, attitudes and aspirations takes place. Activity is a universal and most essential way of creating, organizing and improving a person’s living space, satisfying his basic needs and realizing values. The most common and socially approved type of activity is currently recognized work as a conscious, expedient socially useful activity.

    Human labor activity is an indispensable condition for the production of necessary goods and services; it is also the most recognized condition and guarantor of the consumption of goods and services produced by providing the individual with an established payment for labor or other payments in the event of his loss of ability to work.

    Labor is recognized in the modern world as the most important value, not only because it is the main source of material and spiritual benefits necessary to ensure the life of a person and humanity, but also as one of the most important means and conditions for human self-realization, maintaining, improving and developing the true humanity in him started. Recognition and implementation of labor as one of the highest values ​​can objectively contribute to the realization of human value.

    At the same time, however, real work cannot always be perceived as a value, especially a higher one. Depending on the underlying goals, form of organization, results and method of distribution, specific work may or may not be a value for a person and society, recognized or not recognized as a value, although work in general is one of the highest values ​​and is recognized as such.

    The value of labor is largely determined by the values ​​of freedom, security and justice and follows them in the hierarchy of values. At the same time, the place of the value of labor in the hierarchy of values ​​and the essential basis of labor indicate the next highest value.

    One of the most important and, most importantly, natural and enduring values ​​of human society is collectivism, based on a person’s natural desire to communicate and interact with his own kind, i.e. on human sociality.

    The team is a natural form and at the same time the environment for human life as a social being, since the most important of the individual’s needs - social - can be satisfied only in a community of their own kind. Society as the highest form of a collective is possible only under the conditions of collectivism as one of the immanent essential qualities of a person and at the same time one of the objective highest values. Collectivism does not at all hinder the formation and development of individuality; on the contrary, only in a team the individuality of a person as his difference from others and his uniqueness in comparison with others becomes obvious and receives an adequate assessment, acquires a special meaning and becomes significant

    The values ​​of freedom, security, justice, labor and collectivism cannot be fully realized in the absence equality, presupposing the same social position of people belonging to different social groups and strata within society. The principle of social equality provides not only equality of rights secured and protected by law, but also equality of duties and opportunities of members of society, regardless of any characteristics of the individual. It is natural that people are not equal by nature: level of physical development, intellectual abilities, gender, age, etc. they are different. Members of society have different social origins, education, qualifications, marital status and other characteristics and attributes. Absolute equality of people is impossible in principle, and it is more appropriate to consider the equality of people as their social equality. The principle of social equality includes the recognition of the equal value of individuals and denies the possibility of comparing their value on the basis of natural physiological values. mental, spiritual, intellectual, social or other characteristics. The principle of social equality presupposes equality of rights, equal availability for members of society of basic vital social goods and services, equal opportunities to realize personal potential and achieve personal benefit, as well as - and this is important - equal duties and equal responsibility of individuals to society.

    The activities of the state and society should be aimed at minimizing, eliminating or compensating for legal, social, economic and other possible barriers that impede the realization of the opportunities, rights and responsibilities of the individual and at creating conditions under which only the needs, abilities and socially significant results of the practical activity of each a specific personality would determine its status. Social equality, as one of the basic values ​​of modern society and its most important achievement, is one of the most important aspects of justice, which in turn acts as a measure of equality or, conversely, inequality between people in society. Because of this, social equality becomes the most important condition for the possibility of maximum self-realization of an individual. Social equality of people must be recognized as one of the non-applicable conditions for the realization of human value, one of the highest values ​​in the hierarchy of ethical values.

    The place and role of duty in social work

    In the Constitution of our state, man is proclaimed the highest value, and the state is proclaimed social, i.e. a state for which the achievement of the maximum benefit by each person is the most important goal of activity and development. In the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a person is endowed with all fundamental rights and guarantees: to life, freedom, honor and dignity, housing, health care, education, labor, social security in case of disability and others.

    Social work, considered as an institution of helping a person to realize his rights and guarantees, meets the ideas about the duty of modern society and the state to this category of citizens. Social work as a whole can be considered as an objectification of the duty of society and the state to the individual.

    The meaning of proper behavior, attitudes and actions of a social worker is to achieve the benefit of the client and society, and, consequently, to ensure highly effective, qualified professional activity. For a professional social worker, the requirements of professional duty may largely coincide with both his professional responsibilities and his personal interests, due to which he recognizes duty as a natural need, a moral duty. The requirements of professional duty, which have become the internal convictions of a social worker, are the determining spiritual stimulus for his work. The requirements of moral duty force the social worker to consider his responsibilities more broadly than what is required by professional duty. Unlike professional duty, professional duties can be more specific in nature, because they relate to the fulfillment of various requirements and tasks assigned to the social worker by virtue of his professional status or to social work as an institution demanded by society.

    The activities of a social worker in all its modifications and components have a social orientation and carry social consequences, which raises the question of duty and responsibility for their activities. The very fulfillment by a social worker of his professional duties and the achievement of his goals coincides with the interests of society. The work of a social worker is so complex and diverse, it contains the possibility of the emergence of such a huge number of non-standard, informal situations that the social worker quite often finds himself in a situation of choosing what to do, whose interests to consider priority - society and the state or the client, the client or his own .

    The duty and responsibility of a specialist to society and the state require, first of all, the use of all professional knowledge and skills, talent and spiritual qualities of a social worker in the interests of society and the state. This means participation in the development and implementation of social policy, involves the choice of priorities for activity and methods of its implementation based on an understanding of the goals and objectives, social meaning and content of the profession. Social work has many connections with a significant number of other state and non-state structures. The professional duty of a social worker is to establish such relationships and relationships in professional activities that would optimally meet the requirements for the institute of social work.

    The efficiency of using resources in social work, their creative, rational use, and the search for new, non-traditional and more effective types is one of the main tasks of a social worker and his professional duty to society and the state.

    A social worker’s long duty to his profession is to realize its humanistic potential in society, to establish social work as a necessary public institution that has high prestige and significance in the eyes of society.

    The prestige of a profession is the prestige of its representatives, the assessment of their activities and moral character, their social significance by society, and in the public consciousness it is not the potential that is assessed, but the actual significance of professional activity. A social worker must increase the prestige and status of the profession in society, which is his professional duty to the profession.

    The professional duty of every social worker is to maintain the stability and cohesion of the team in which he works, and the entire professional group, to create an atmosphere of collectivism, camaraderie and mutual support, since the efforts of the team as a whole bring results immeasurably higher than the efforts of individuals.

    A team consisting of different people is united primarily by the goals that they set for themselves and the achievement of which they achieve together. The second most important factor in uniting people is the unity of moral principles and professional values.

    The professional duty of a social worker in relation to colleagues, the team in which he works, and the overall professional group is to subordinate his actions and behavior to goals common to the entire team and professional group, to assist colleagues in achieving these goals, and to ensure consistency in the actions of all members of the team. Each social worker is responsible for the effectiveness of the entire team.

    The main content of the professional duty of a social worker in relation to the client is to promote the most complete self-realization of the individual, achieved in various ways and methods in accordance with the needs of the client, and the social worker bears moral responsibility for the fulfillment of these requirements. The main requirements of a social worker’s professional duty in relation to a client are: respect for the client as an individual, support and development of his most significant positive qualities, reasonable demands on him, establishment of not only business, official, but also human relations, creating an optimistic mood in the client, maintaining it dignity and self-esteem, respect from the social environment, studying the client’s inner, spiritual world.

    A social worker must always assume that every person is a responsible, conscientious individual. A professional social worker’s duty is to provide the client with the necessary assistance, using all his capabilities and resources. The social worker's commitment to taking care of the client's welfare does not contradict the client's responsibility for himself.

    A significant role in social work is played by the relationships that develop between the social worker and the client’s social environment - his family, friends and neighbors. The specialist always sees in the client’s social environment not only an object of influence, but also his ally in solving the client’s problems, i.e. subject of social work, since loved ones, as a rule, are objectively interested in improving the living conditions of their relative, friend, neighbor. Attention to the client’s social environment, respect for him, taking into account his opinion and involving him in cooperation for the benefit of the client, creating an atmosphere of complete trust and mutual understanding is the professional duty of a social worker.

    A social worker is a person who enters into certain relationships due to professional duties, and, in addition to his duty to clients, the profession, colleagues and society, he is obliged to fulfill a duty to himself. A social worker performs his duties not only because his activities are needed by society, but also because he himself needs this very professional activity, since it meets his internal needs and contributes to the realization of his personal potential. The most important duty of a social worker to himself is to maintain his honor and dignity. The honor and dignity of a social worker is recognition by clients, colleagues, society of his high qualities and value as a specialist and individual, social approval of his activities and behavior, as well as a high objective assessment by the specialist himself of his professional and personal qualities. Honor and dignity as personal qualities are a reflection of the social worker’s need for high self-esteem and evaluation from others and are an incentive and motive for professional moral behavior, based on further improvement as a specialist and an individual. The need for objectivity and validity in assessing one’s merits is fundamental to personal development. The honor and dignity of a social worker require, first of all, objectivity in assessing oneself, one’s qualities, abilities and capabilities. The honor and dignity of a social worker are not given to him along with his profession and service certificate; they are formed in the process of his activities in constant work on his professional and moral qualities and increase as the professional and moral improvement of the specialist.

    The duty of a social worker in relation to himself is to gain high authority in public opinion. Authority can be both formal and informal. The formal authority of a specialist is, in essence, the authority of his profession and position. Informal authority is an indicator of the moral significance and influence of a specialist on the client or his environment, on colleagues, a measure of his absolute value, regardless of his official position. Gaining authority is a long and difficult process, but there is one peculiarity: the less a social worker thinks about authority and the more about his own professional activity, the higher his authority.

    Professionally- ethicalcode: concept, essence, goalsAndtasks, functions. Structure. Professionally- ethicalcodesVRussia.

    The professional code of ethics is a set of professional ethical standards. prescribed for execution by social work specialists and adopted in the prescribed manner by their professional association.

    The professional ethical code is a reflection of the professional ethical system, since it includes its most important components, but at the same time it is not identical to the professional ethical system itself, because significantly poorer than it and, in addition, presents the main components of the professional-ethical system in an imperative form, without giving them explanations, without showing the course of reasoning, etc.

    The object of the professional ethical code is the individual and collective moral consciousness of representatives of a professional group, its subject is the moral knowledge and skills of specialists.

    The main goal of the professional ethical code in social work is to promote the embodiment of the ideals of humanism, morality and social justice in professional activities and society as a whole by objectifying the essence of the professional ethical system in the behavior, relationships and actions of specialists. Its main task is to ensure regulation and control of behavior, relationships and actions of representatives of a professional group.

    Social work codes of ethics serve specific functions:

      adaptation of the professional and ethical system to the needs of professional practice;

      ensuring professional and ethical regulation adequate to the social functions of the profession;

      promoting the formation of a unified ethical and axiological basis for professional activity;

      unification and ensuring the unidirectionality of the professional activities of specialists on the basis of uniform professional and ethical requirements imposed on them and a unified system of values;

      systematization of basic ethical and axiological criteria for determining the professional suitability of specialists and assessing their activities;

      assistance in resolving ethical and axiological conflicts that arise in social work as theory and practice;

      ensuring normative behavior, relationships and actions of social workers and their teams within the framework of a professional and ethical system;

      ensuring guarantees for the implementation of client rights;

      ensuring the possibility of interchangeability, ensuring continuity and consistency of their actions (both individual specialists and social services);

      providing a certain freedom of action to solve assigned tasks within the framework of a professional ethical system;

      promoting the improvement and development of personality, raising the level of morality of specialists - social workers, their clients and the social environment of clients, the whole society;

      ensuring guarantees of the ethical purity of the profession as such.

    Thanks to the functions it performs, the professional code of ethics can become one of the effective means of increasing the efficiency and quality of professional social work and serve as a guarantor of the rights of clients.


    Social work belongs to the “Human-Human” type of profession, which means it presupposes a high level of communication between the client and the specialist. In view of such activities, a specialist must have high moral qualities, moral stability, the ability to contact people and encourage them to communicate.

    In his practice, a social work specialist encounters people of different social status, income level, education, etc. Regardless of what category of people a social work client belongs to, he needs to be provided with qualified and timely assistance.

    The main value of social work is the individual and society as a whole. The main goal of social work is to promote the welfare of man, his development and well-being. To achieve this goal, social support and protection of the population is provided, and assistance is provided. All this is based on the basis of humanism, i.e. recognition of human life as the highest value of society.

    Low prestige and status of social work in our country, not high wage workers in this field, all this leads to the fact that the profession of a social worker is not popular in society.

    However, even despite all the material difficulties and moral dissatisfaction, a social work specialist must be deeply moral and spiritually developed.

    Social Work Values

    Values ​​are a certain set of criteria that a person follows in the process of his life. Each person, when dealing with a given situation, is guided by the values ​​that he has learned throughout his life.

    A social work specialist learns professional values ​​during training. So, G.P. Medvedeva notes that the values ​​of modern professional social work have different scope and significance, and therefore they can be presented as values ​​of different levels:

    global - recognized by the majority of modern humanity;

    societal - recognized primarily in a specific (Russian) society;

    professional - having significance mainly for a professional group, acquiring specificity in connection with the characteristics of professional activity;

    individual - values ​​of specialists, their clients, other individuals.

    For example, among universal human values ​​we can distinguish the main ones such as man, his rights, life, peace, freedom, equality, and so on. At the societal level, these meanings may be hierarchized differently. The value system of social work, in addition to the above-mentioned values, contains the gender and age of the individual, the resources of the state, as well as the skill of the worker himself. Values ​​determine all types of relationships, the state and activity of a person and society in present reality, which serves as a certain basis, condition and means of life of a person and society, the partial realization of their values ​​already in the present. Therefore, actual values ​​assigned by society, a professional group and each individual and realized by them in professional and everyday activities can be considered as a certain basis for the realization of human value.

    It is obvious that if a hierarchy of values ​​has not developed, the implementation of which can help create favorable conditions for the creative self-realization of each human personality, the proclamation of a person as the highest value can be considered only a formal act, which does not at all entail or guarantee the actual realization of a person’s value either in the present or in future. Therefore, it is necessary that not only the value of a person in all its multi-valued integrity in itself, but also a certain integral system of values ​​and priorities, hierarchized based on their role in the realization of a person’s value, be established in the public consciousness.

    Professional values, at the same time, do not exist outside and independently of social values. Professions recognize, support and protect certain, selected societal values, and society, in turn, sanctions the existence of the profession and guarantees its recognition.

    Professional values ​​direct an employee to perform and comply with specific tasks, and to take professional responsibility for his own work. Social workers are confronted with human anguish and hardship. It is because of this that humanism, respect for a person in any case, is essential in this specialty.

    Personality-age patterns highlight connections value orientations with personality characteristics, its worldview, interests, ideals, needs, life experience, social environment, position and status in society at the macro and micro levels, etc. This is an indicator of the dynamism of personality development, its changes (sometimes not for the better).

    Researchers identify three groups of qualities of a social worker:

    Psychological characteristics that are part of the ability for this type of activity;

    Psychological and pedagogical qualities aimed at improving the social worker as a professional specialist;

    Psychological and pedagogical qualities aimed at creating the effect of personal charm.

    The first category includes the requirements necessary in professional work, to mental actions: perception, memory, imagination, thinking, mental states (exhaustion, apathy, stress, anxiety, depression, attention as a state of consciousness); emotional (consistency, indifference) and qualities of will (persistence, order, impulsiveness). Some of these emotional reasons are fundamental, the so-called specialist frame, while the rest only serve to maintain the employee’s image.

    The 2nd group of advantages includes psychoanalytic values ​​aimed at improving the employee as an individual, as an employee. These are values ​​such as self-control, self-criticism and also stress-resistant properties - physical fitness, self-hypnosis, the ability to switch and manage emotions.

    The third group of qualities includes: sociability, empathy, visuality (external attractiveness of the individual), eloquence, etc. In particular, the third group of qualities is connected and based on some psychological theories of communication (self-presentation or self-presentation).

    Thus, the values ​​of social work are mostly human values. In his activities, a social work specialist must first of all be guided by the principles of humanism in order to provide help to other people. Throughout his life, a social worker must engage in personal self-development in all directions: psychological, pedagogical, sociological. The result of a social worker’s work directly depends on the values ​​that guide him.

    a) social work as social institution;

    b) the activities of a social worker;

    c) activities of social services;

    d) social worker-client relationship;

    e) relations between a social worker and a social worker.

    11. The main ethical values ​​of social work are:

    a) moral values ​​of the client;

    b) human well-being, social justice and individual dignity;

    c) client values ​​and social group;

    d) moral values ​​of social workers;

    e) material assets and resources.

    From the point of view of the naturalistic approach, morality is

    a) this is the result of the socio-historical development of mankind;

    b) it is the result of biological evolution;

    c) is a manifestation of superhuman, supernatural consciousness;

    d) has an a priori character;

    e) is an expression of human will.

    What is the name of the moral principle, which is expressed in the fact that moral norms are given a relative, completely conditional and changeable character?

    a) rationalism;

    b) absolutism;

    c) relativism;

    d) dualism;

    e) eudaimonism.

    How is it formulated? Golden Rule"morality?

    a) love your neighbor as yourself;

    b) do not kill;

    c) do not steal;

    d) treat others as you would like them to treat you;

    e) an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

    From the point of view of hedonism, the highest good and criterion of behavior is

    a) happiness;

    b) benefit;

    c) pleasure;

    d) suppression of sensual desires;

    d) knowledge of the truth.

    16. What is the name of the moral position, according to which each person should perform selfless actions aimed at the benefit (satisfying the interests) of another person?

    a) altruism;

    b) selfishness;

    c) rationalism;

    d) voluntarism;

    d) idealism.

    17. The basic principle of Christian ethics is:

    a) reverence for life;

    b) serenity and equanimity;

    c) the principle of benefit;

    d) mercy and compassion;

    d) justice.

    Which ethical concept denies the absolute nature of morality?

    a) “reasonable egoism”;

    b) stoicism;

    c) eastern religions;

    d) Christianity;

    e) Kant's concept.

    Domostroy”, as a secular code of ethics, extends to Rus' in

    In what religious direction is poverty considered one of the most godly deeds?

    a) in Catholicism;

    b) in Orthodoxy;

    c) in Islam;

    d) in Buddhism;

    e) in Protestantism.

    Which Russian philosopher believed that the main moral commandment is non-resistance to evil?

    a) L. Tolstoy;

    b) V. Soloviev;

    c) I. Ilyin;

    d) N. Berdyaev;

    e) S. Frank.

    In which religious direction does honest work as “worldly asceticism” act as an ethical ideal?

    a) in Islam;

    b) in Judaism;

    c) in Orthodoxy;

    d) in Buddhism;

    e) in Protestantism.

    What is the name of the direction in ethics that considers benefit the basis of morality and the criterion of human actions?

    a) eudaimonism;

    b) utilitarianism;

    c) hedonism;

    d) deontological ethics;

    a) Spinoza;

    d) V. Soloviev;

    e) F. Dostoevsky.

    The term "altruism" was introduced into scientific use

    a) I. Bentham;

    b) Feuerbach;

    c) Kant;

    d) Epicurus;

    a) M. Luther;

    b) M. Weber;

    c) G. Spencer;

    d) N. Berdyaev;

    e) I. Bentham.

    27. The ideal in social work is:

    a) an idea of ​​the perfect state of a specialist, client, social worker;

    b) the subject of the professional code of ethics;

    c) deontological criterion;

    d) direction of activity of the social service;

    e) criterion of morality.

    28. The ethical consciousness of a social worker presupposes the presence and combination of:

    a) the moral knowledge of the social worker and the needs of society;

    b) moral knowledge, moral beliefs and moral needs;

    c) the moral needs of the social worker and the needs of the client;

    d) the personal beliefs of the specialist and the client’s values;

    e) moral knowledge of the social worker and the needs of the client.

    29 . The professional and ethical code of social work is:

    a) a system of values ​​and ideals modern society;

    b) the main component of the ethical consciousness of a specialist;

    c) a set of personal values ​​of social workers;

    d) a set of value guidelines;

    d) totality ethical rules and norms of behavior, requirements for the personality of a specialist;
