Customs business. Customs business: specialty profile in Russian universities Passing score for the Customs Academy

Do you remember the wonderful film “White Sun of the Desert” and its hero, customs officer Vereshchagin? There was no longer either a border or a country whose interests he stood guard over, and Vereshchagin still guarded his customs. “I don’t take bribes. I feel bad for the state!” – the catchphrase of this handsome strongman with principles and sovereign thinking has become the personification of the portrait of a real customs officer.

Remember the wonderful film “White Sun of the Desert” and its hero customs officer Vereshchagin in the magnificent performance of Pavel Luspekayev? There was no longer a border or a country whose interests he stood guard over, and Vereshchagin still guarded his customs, looking with disgust at the watermelons and black caviar that his wife fed him day after day. “I don’t take bribes. I feel bad for the state!” – the catchphrase of this handsome strongman with principles and sovereign thinking has become the personification of the portrait of a real customs officer.

This is exactly how principled and conscientious a person should be who guards state interests. Should be - this is the key phrase, since the portrait of a modern customs officer is very different from the “film” one. And the point is not that there are no Vereshchagins left in the modern world, but that many young people choose the profession of a customs officer thoughtlessly. They are seduced by the supposed benefits, forgetting about the significance and features of this profession. Therefore, today we will try to talk about all the nuances, disadvantages and advantages of the customs officer profession, and we hope that this will help you consciously approach the choice of your future job.

Who is a customs officer?

Customs officer is an employee of the state customs service who monitors the movement of people, things, vehicles, goods and other items across the customs border, as well as carries out customs clearance and collection of customs duties.

The name of the profession comes from the Old Russian word tamga (seal, tax, duty), which in turn has Turkic roots. Note that in Ancient Rus' customs was called mytney (from the word myt - the name of the payment collected by local princes). Story customs officer profession originates in ancient times, when the first foreign economic relations between states arose. It was then that the need arose to control goods and people crossing borders. This is what the very first customs officers did, and their activities have remained virtually unchanged since that time.

Today, as before, the job of a customs officer is to clear goods transported across the state border. The professional responsibilities of this specialist include:

  • registration of documentation for cargo;
  • cargo inspection at customs, screening of citizens at the airport or train station;
  • detection of contraband and goods prohibited for import or export;
  • work at checkpoints;
  • accounting of confiscated goods;
  • investigation of offenses in the field of customs law.

More specifically, the customs officer must check the documentation for the goods and draw up his own declarations, determine the country of import and export of the goods and determine the amount of duties and their quantity, allow the cargo and citizens to cross the border. By the way, the range of duties of customs officers is so wide that within the profession there are several narrow specializations that depend on the specialist’s place of work: checkpoint worker, passport control worker, international customs department employees, etc. Therefore, when crossing the border, citizens, as a rule, have to deal with a variety of representatives of this profession. It does not matter where exactly this border passes: at the airport, at the railway station or in the sea harbour.

What personal qualities should a customs officer have?

Customs officer's work is associated with certain risks and temptations that impose a number of requirements on representatives of this profession. Firstly, they must be distinguished by a high degree of patriotism, integrity and honesty. In addition, any customs officer must have such personal qualities as:

I would also like to say something about intuition. It is visually very difficult to determine whether a person or vehicle is carrying prohibited cargo or not. But experienced customs officers do this according to some signs that only they understand, “pulling the thread,” gradually unwinding the ball. In doing so, they rely not so much on knowledge of psychology and practical skills, but on their own intuition.

Also, the customs officer is required to have impeccable knowledge of the laws, legal and legal subtleties, rules for maintaining documentation and proficiency in an official business style of speech. Economic knowledge is also necessary for a customs officer, especially those related to trade turnover.

Advantages of being a customs officer

Ask any customs officer: what are the advantages of his profession. And you will definitely hear in response: of great importance for society. After all, it is customs officials who guard the country’s national security, preventing the import of contraband and preventing the free movement of terrorists.

Undoubtedly advantage of being a customs officer can also be called demand. As customs continues to expand as a result of increased trade volumes and the number of people crossing the border, young professionals will find it easy to find employment.

Customs officers have the right to benefits, for example, early retirement and a substantial increase in it. Customs officers involved in checkpoints, searching for contraband and prohibited goods are treated like military personnel and, accordingly, can count on the same benefits.

Thanks to the specifics of the job, a customs officer develops very well his powers of observation, analytical skills, intuition, memory and attentiveness. These qualities, without any doubt, are useful not only when performing professional duties, but also in everyday life. And the skills and knowledge in the field of jurisprudence and foreign economic activity acquired while working at customs will allow a former customs officer to easily obtain a leadership position in a commercial enterprise.

Disadvantages of the customs officer profession

Foremost disadvantage of the customs officer profession– this is constant pressure from people who want to circumvent customs rules, avoid paying duties or import prohibited goods. We can say that almost every customs officer has the risk of encountering them. Not everyone can resist temptation, resist, and remain an honest employee under the pressure of this kind of temptation.

This leads to the next disadvantage of this profession - high staff turnover. According to statistics, in our country customs is one of the most corrupt systems, and only 2-3% of customs officers can be called crystal clear. Well, since our state is actively fighting corruption and regularly introducing more and more anti-corruption measures, the ranks of customs service employees are often “cleansed”.

The disadvantages of this profession are also associated with the psychological stress that exists in the work. The constant need to be fully prepared, to strain attention and memory can lead to nervous breakdowns, stress and prolonged depression.

Where can you become a customs officer?

To become a customs officer It is not at all necessary to have a specialized education. However, since this profession requires a large amount of diverse knowledge, having a higher education is generally a prerequisite. Knowledge and skills in the field of customs can be obtained through special courses.

But still, we recommend obtaining this profession at specialized universities, since in this environment graduates of customs academies are valued most of all. In addition, only highly qualified customs officers can count on rapid career growth, especially if their education in the specialty “Customs Affairs” was received in such best universities in Russia, How.

“Customs” is one of the most popular specialties in the modern world, because the number of countries ready to cooperate and engage in trade is increasing every day. This means that the state needs experienced and qualified specialists who will be able to ensure full compliance with customs agreements and customs policy in general. Where can I study the specialty “Customs Affairs”? Universities in Moscow offer the best choice in terms of the ratio of the quality of education to its cost.

Customs: definition

Methods and means of resolving customs issues related to the transportation of goods across the state border, the rules of prohibition and various restrictions when moving vehicles through customs - all this can be considered the definition of “customs business”. Universities offer another designation option.

Customs is a branch that regulates the foreign economic activity of the state, namely: trade, transportation of large goods across the state border. It turns out that this profession requires deep theoretical knowledge of economics (which can be obtained if you enroll in the Institute of Customs Affairs), as well as practical experience in preparing commodity documentation, declaring goods, and skills in management and accounting, because you will have to maintain tax reports and accepting payments, penalties and duties for one or another violation during transportation through customs.

Features of the profession

The profession of a customs specialist is in demand not only in customs authorities, but also in various brokerage companies, credit institutions, enterprises engaged in foreign economic activity or logistics. A specialist in this field must have extensive knowledge and skills. Here are some of them:

  • have a good legal education;
  • be able to manage the activities of customs authorities;
  • keep records of funds (payments, taxes);
  • analyze trade statistics;
  • correctly prepare documentation;
  • know how customs logistics works, and at any time carry out the necessary procedures to optimize the economic activity of the enterprise.

universities in Moscow

The profession of a customs officer is very responsible and complex, however, it is considered very prestigious and highly paid. That is why many applicants choose the specialty "Customs". Universities in Moscow have always been famous for their advanced teaching methods, so let's look at which of them teach in this specialty.

It is worth noting that before choosing a specific university, you need to decide the following questions for yourself: “State or private university?”, “Select the faculty of customs on the basis of a contract or are there any chances of enrolling in the budget?” The capital offers the widest selection of universities, so everyone can find exactly the university that suits them both in terms of tuition cost and quality.

The next step when choosing a specialty in Customs is exams. What subjects do I need to take and for how many points? Let's figure out which universities offer internal exams, and which ones enroll you in studies based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

State budget universities: TOP-3

Over the past 15 years, major changes have occurred: many universities have opened new specialties and areas. One of the most prestigious and promising areas can be called “Customs Affairs”. Universities in Moscow can be divided into two groups: the first includes all state universities, and the second includes private institutions that have received state accreditation and issue a state diploma at the end of their studies.

For many applicants, the opportunity to study on a budget basis is the main criterion when choosing a future university. Here are the best universities in the capital that you can enter by gaining the required number of points on the Unified State Exam:

  1. Russian (named after Plekhanov) - the requirements here are very high, for admission you need to score an average of 82 points for each subject (Russian language, foreign language and social studies).
  2. RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation - this university does not have an institute of customs affairs, however, at the Faculty of Law and National Security there is a direction in “Customs Affairs”. The passing score for past years is approximately 270 for the same subjects as at Plekhanov University.
  3. - an educational institution located near Moscow (in Lyubertsy). The academy has a faculty of customs affairs, the average number of admission points is 250 for three subjects. One of the advantages of this university is the largest number of budget places, 250 of them, while in others the maximum number is only 20.

State universities offering tuition fees

The number of fee-paying universities is increasing every year, as the demand for education is also growing. This is especially noticeable in Moscow: after graduating from school and passing the Unified State Exam, many applicants decide to enter the capital’s universities and come here from the most remote regions of Russia. It is not surprising, because it is in the capital that you can find a university that meets all the wishes and capabilities of the applicant:

  1. offers training on a contract basis, both for those who have passed the Unified State Exam and for those who wish to pass internal exams. At the Faculty of Economics, applicants are invited to choose three directions, including “Customs.” The cost of training is within 200 thousand rubles per year.
  2. MADI is another university specializing in training in Customs Affairs. The passing score is 120. The cost for a year of study at the Faculty of Logistics and General Transport Problems is 147 thousand rubles.
  3. Emperor Nicholas MGUPS is one of the oldest universities in the capital, the law institute consists of 6 areas, one of which is customs. The passing score is 180, and the cost of training is 198 thousand rubles for one academic year.

Private universities

Applicants who score the minimum points on the Unified State Exam have the opportunity to enroll in non-state universities on a paid basis. Below is an overview of the most prestigious universities with state accreditation:

  1. The Moscow Institute of Jurisprudence is one of the most affordable universities, the cost of training is only 65 thousand rubles per year. At the same time, it is possible to enroll without passing the Unified State Exam; instead, you need to pass tests conducted by the university independently.
  2. MFLA offers high-quality training at relatively low prices: 100 thousand rubles for the first year of study, then some discounts are possible. The university accepts students both on the basis of the Unified State Examination results and internal exams. Foreign citizens also have the opportunity to enroll in this institution; they just need to pass an oral exam in the Russian language and write a short essay.
  3. Moscow University named after V. S. Yutte is one of the five best non-state universities in the capital. The cost of training at the Faculty of Economics and Finance is 110 thousand rubles, and the passing score is 100.

Whatever university you choose, remember that the main component of successful education is not the prestige of the educational institution, but your personal efforts.

Form of study: full-time
Price: 290,000 rub/year
Duration: 5 years
Basics of training: budget, contract

Main professional educational programs being implemented, 2020:

1. Organization of customs control
2. Customs payments and currency regulation
3. Foreign trade, transport and customs logistics

In light of Russia’s deeper involvement in global integration processes, “Customs Affairs” is one of the most popular programs, which allows us to train relevant specialists of a qualitatively new level.

Admission conditions:

Conditions of education:

Implemented forms of training full-time
Class mode Monday - Friday from 09.00 to 16.15
Duration of training 5 years
Issued documents Diploma of Specialist in Customs Affairs
Educational plans

Foreign trade, transport and customs logistics - Curriculum 2019

Curriculum - 2019

Customs payments and currency regulation Curriculum 2019

Work program annotations

Organization of customs control - Archive -2018

Customs payments and currency regulation - Archive - 2018

A deferment from service in the RF Armed Forces is provided in accordance with current legislation.

Graduates of the “Customs Affairs” program are qualified specialists whose demand is ensured by the rapid development of Russia’s foreign economic relations. The course was developed in 2012 and is based on a combination of fundamental theoretical knowledge and practical skills. During the training process, RANEPA provides students with internships at customs authorities.

Specialist skills

Upon successful training in the “Customs Affairs” program, students gain knowledge in the field of jurisprudence, the basics of organization, management of customs processes and foreign economic activity. Future specialists develop skills in various areas of their chosen profession:

  • foreign economic transactions;
  • concluding contracts;
  • application of customs procedures;
  • calculation of customs duties;
  • declaration of goods;
  • carrying out control at customs;
  • commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity (TN FEA), etc.

Job prospects

After training, graduates of the faculty can occupy the following positions in private and government structures:

  • declarant;
  • specialist or manager: customs, export;
  • international transport specialist, etc.

After training, graduates of the course are employed in large logistics companies, consulting centers, open their own businesses, occupy senior positions in customs departments of international corporations, organize the work of border checkpoints, work in airports, seaports, railway facilities, etc.

Training at RANEPA

The RANEPA program is aimed at training specialists who can solve not only basic professional problems, but also find ways out of non-standard crisis situations. Training is conducted by teachers with practical experience in customs authorities. Seminars, master classes, internships and practice in Russian and international structures are organized for students. Upon completion of training, future specialists defend their qualifying work and receive a state diploma from one of the leading universities in Russia. If desired, the graduate can continue his education in a master's or graduate school. RANEPA provides the knowledge and skills necessary for successful career growth in the customs sector.
