The essence of the concept of “fundraising”. Fundraising: types, technologies and successful examples What is the work of a fundraiser?

I used to work for a large media company and sell advertising. Then I got terribly tired of all this; I had a strong desire to work in the cultural sphere. I had been thinking about creating a company that would combine finance and cultural projects for a long time. And after we met Ksenia Tarakanova, V Confession Agency appeared - a company specializing in fundraising for projects in the field of modern culture. The first fundraising project was the Ural Industrial Biennale of Contemporary Art.

What are the responsibilities

The fundraiser helps to find financing for the implementation of various projects. It is important to understand: there are no philanthropists, since all organizations do not cooperate on a free basis, there are no disinterested patrons of the arts. In essence, there are only sponsors - they receive something in return for their support. The sponsoring company allocates a certain amount for the implementation of the project, for which it receives certain opportunities. For example, PUMA once supported the New York Minute exhibition at the Garage center, for which it was able to present its brand at the site (a special area was created with ping-pong tables, neon signs, kickers), and hold its own private event within the framework of the exhibition , the brand name was printed in all booklets and promotional materials of the exhibition. The company also used its partnership status to shape its brand image.

In terms of skills, a fundraiser needs the ability to negotiate, be diplomatic, be able to persuade and process large amounts of information. As a link between cultural institutions and commercial organizations, we must clearly understand the needs of both parties so that everyone is ultimately satisfied with the cooperation. Since our agency is engaged in fundraising specifically for cultural projects, we primarily interact with companies that want to be associated with various cultural initiatives. We get new clients every week, who, as a rule, become regulars. We serve at least four projects a month, so we have several people involved in fundraising.

Where to study

I graduated from the Higher School of Economics and studied marketing. To some extent, the knowledge I acquired helped me, but I cannot call it specialized education. Fundraising training programs are available in many universities, including the Higher School of Economics.


So far, we are the only ones involved in fundraising in this area on an ongoing basis. And in the West there are a lot of similar agencies, the system of cooperation between cultural institutions and fundraisers is well established, and there are generally accepted forms of interaction. We are, to some extent, pioneers and ourselves are creating a system of interaction between culture and commerce in Moscow.

It seems to me that the prospects for this profession are very great, at least we are working on it and developing the industry. We are faced with the fact that it is very difficult to find personnel for such work, so it is easier for us to grow them ourselves.

Text: Zlata Onufrieva

Fundraising the process of raising money or other funds for the implementation of various kinds of projects aimed at social or cultural goals.

Fundraising strategy

Important aspects of a fundraising strategy are the following:

· Writing a business plan for the project.

· Writing a sponsorship proposal.

· Clear definition of the target audience of the project for further identification of potential sponsors.

· Establishing relationships with partners that satisfy the interests of both parties.

· Proper closure of the project (includes working with partners after the end of the project to create the possibility of further long-term cooperation).

Fundraising is a search for sources of funding necessary for the implementation of the activities of an NGO (non-profit organization), including the implementation of non-profit programs and projects. Fundraising can be “internal” and “external”. In the first case, we are talking about the internal management of NGOs, when NGO employees are engaged in the development and implementation of a strategy for finding funding independently. In the second case, this is one of the areas of activity when the search for funding is carried out through the involvement of professional fundraising consultants. In this case, both independent experts and specialized fundraising firms can play this role.
Fundraising has a special terminological apparatus, and before moving on to a substantive conversation about it, we will give several general definitions that are directly related to our topic.
Charity– a voluntary, disinterested donation from individuals and legal entities in the form of providing recipients with minimal financial, organizational and other charitable assistance. Forms of charity – patronage and sponsorship.
Maecenas– an individual who provides material, financial, organizational and other charitable assistance on a disinterested voluntary basis.
Sponsor– a legal or natural person who provides material support for charitable activities on a voluntary and non-profit basis in order to popularize exclusively their name, trademark, etc.
Donor– a legal or natural person providing material, financial, organizational and other charitable assistance to non-profit organizations on a voluntary, disinterested basis.
Grant– a charitable contribution or donation of a targeted nature, provided by individuals and legal entities in cash and in kind.
Non-profit (non-profit) project– a set of planned activities united by common objectives, the purpose of which is to achieve a socially significant effect, and not to make a profit.

“Fundraising” refers to activities aimed at attracting and accumulating funds from various sources. Fundraising is a specially organized process of collecting donations for charitable organizations or to provide social programs. This activity can be considered as creativity, because among a huge number of projects you have to choose the most significant ones, therefore, the more original the request for help, the greater the chances of receiving material support.

There are the following main types of fundraising:

1. Project fundraising has the task of raising funds for the implementation of a specific project. This type of fundraising is the most convenient for an NPO or cultural organization and for the financing party. This can be explained by the presence of clear goals for the use of funds, low fundraising costs, as well as the receipt of commercial benefits from project financing.

2. Operational fundraising involves raising funds to cover current expenses. This is a less effective form of raising funds, since they do not have a specific purpose and are accumulated in the organization’s current budget. The money can be used to pay wages, cover utility and material expenses, as a result of which the interest of investors in such financing is reduced.

Fundraising is practiced mainly by non-profit organizations that are interested in donors, sponsors and philanthropists. Such financial cooperation between the non-profit sector and business is widespread in solving problems in the social sphere, science, education, and culture.

3. Fundraising in the social sphere is aimed at providing assistance to vulnerable groups of the population, the poor, pensioners, veterans, etc. This is the most traditional area of ​​sponsorship support, which is most often carried out by relevant public and government organizations and foundations that have legal, financial and economic benefits.

4. Fundraising in science opens up the opportunity for the company to enter the environment of developing new technologies and promising theories. The company increases its chances of being ahead of competitors in scientific and technological progress. In addition, good connections are established with qualified experts in various fields.

5. Fundraising in education addressed to primary, secondary and high schools. For sponsors, this area has its own attractive features. An image of caring for the younger generation is created, connections are established with young promising specialists.

6. Fundraising in culture is aimed at supporting the field of fine and musical arts, literature, theaters, cinema, museums, and libraries. Businessmen are attracted to this area not only by the wide opportunities for advertising, but also by the formation of the company’s reputation in a cultural environment that provides maximum “access to society.” For foreign sponsors, this is a great way to break into the international market, thereby showing their interest in the culture of a given country. In this way, human values ​​and creativity are supported.

Sponsors are also attracted to such areas as healthcare, medicine, and ecology. Currently, these areas of human activity are experiencing an economic and social boom, and the state and society attach special importance to them.

Recently, specially trained people, fundraising managers, or even entire fundraising agencies have been hired on a contractual basis to conduct a fundraising campaign. In order to attract sufficient funds to solve the set tasks, fundraising specialists - fundraisers - establish many contacts and conduct numerous conversations.

Fundraising technology should be based on the overall strategy of the specific company that the fundraiser is approaching.

The stages of fundraising are approximately as follows:

1. Planning– development of a meaningful program, determination of expenses, selection of types of fundraising;

2. Implementation– selection of implementation methods, establishment of responsibility for implementation, allocation of funds;

3. Monitoring the progress of fundraising, adjustment of plans taking into account the changes that have occurred;

4. Analysis– evaluation of results, determination of effectiveness.

Fundraising is widely practiced for the preparation and holding of special events, such as balls, parties, competitions, marathons, auctions, presentations, conferences, and dinners. During their preparation and implementation, the attention of potential donors is attracted and at the same time the necessary funds are collected. During such an event, it is important to note each of the arriving guests, if necessary, to highlight a specific guest from the rest of the audience.

In conclusion, it should be noted that fundraising is not asking for money, but a planned work that is aimed at receiving donations made consciously. The essence of fundraising is the establishment of partnerships, the transition to a strategy of cooperation with people and organizations that can provide material support.

Fundraising is the process of attracting funds and other resources that the organization cannot provide on its own and that are necessary for the implementation of the project.

Possible sources of attracting resources: companies; private individuals; funds; government bodies.

The main objectives of fundraising will be: fundraising; acquiring new partners and friends of the organization; the opportunity to openly express yourself and inform about your goals.

Fundraising can be “internal” or “external” in terms of the method of implementation. Internal fundraising is when the development and implementation of the search for funding is carried out by the organization’s employees independently. External fundraising is a search for funding carried out through the involvement of professional fundraising consultants. In this case, both independent experts and specialized fundraising firms can play this role.

Telefundraising - contacting potential donors and philanthropists by telephone and fax.

Mail fundraising is an appeal to potential donors and philanthropists by mail.

Individual fundraising is a personal appeal to donors and philanthropists in a personal conversation.

Solo fundraising - acquiring support.

Events fundraising - holding various events (auctions, exhibitions, lotteries, presentations, dinners, etc.)

26. Sources of project financing

Project financing, as a rule, involves the following stages: 1) preliminary search for resources; 2) development of a financial strategy; 3) development of operational financial plans; 4) concluding contracts with potential investors. Sources of project financing represent funds used as investment resources. They are divided into internal (equity) And external (raised and borrowed capital).Internal financing (self-financing) is provided by the enterprise planning to implement the investment project. It involves the use of own funds - authorized (share) capital, as well as the flow of funds generated during the activities of the enterprise, primarily net profit and depreciation charges. Self-financing can only be used to implement small investment projects. Capital-intensive investment projects, as a rule, are financed from not only internal, but also external sources. External financing involves the use of external sources: funds from financial institutions, non-financial companies, the population, the state, foreign investors, as well as additional contributions of monetary resources from the founders of the enterprise.

27.Innovation project, specifics of innovation project management

Innovation project- a project containing a technical, economic, legal and organizational justification for the final innovative activity. The result of the development of an innovative project is a document that includes a detailed description of the innovative product, justification for its viability, the need, possibility and forms of attracting investments, information about deadlines, performers and taking into account the organizational and legal aspects of its promotion.

Implementation of an innovation project is the process of creating and introducing an innovative product to the market.

The goal of an innovation project is to create new or change existing systems - technical, technological, informational, social, economic, organizational and achieve, as a result of reducing resource costs (production, financial, human), a radical improvement in the quality of products, services and a high commercial effect.

Innovation projects are managed by innovation management.

In world practice, innovation project management is a special area of ​​professional activity, the right to conduct which is secured by a certificate. There is an international association for innovation project management, which issues similar certificates that have international status. There are special requirements for an innovation manager. He must be well versed in various types of professional activities corresponding to various phases of the innovation process - marketing, design, production, investment, etc. He must have a good understanding of the specific “language” of each profession - drawings, technological processes, algorithms, budgets, etc. He must be a highly qualified and experienced manager who is fluent in management functions: planning; organization; coordination; motivation; control; representation; selection and recruitment of personnel; information support; provision of resources.

When managing an innovation project, the most important task of the innovation manager is coordination and control of phase projects: 1. In terms of content. So that there is no lack of necessary design solutions or, conversely, their duplication (the criterion of completeness and consistency). 2. By data (information) flows. Each project has a certain set of data at its input, which is necessary for the development of design solutions. At the output of the project, data is generated that is input for subsequent projects. The manager's tasks are: coordination of data flows; providing relevant information; installation of a unified regulatory and documentation base. 3. By time. When coordinating project work on time, as far as possible, the manager should provide for the parallel execution of different project work in order to reduce deadlines and eliminate “temporary gaps” in the work. 4. By resources and priorities. In conditions of limited resources, the manager determines the priority of certain project work. For example, the priority may be to ensure a high quality product or a low price with standard quality, or to promote a product or organize sales. 5. According to participants in the innovation process. The main participants are: the customer - a legal or natural person acting as a consumer of the project results; investor - a legal or natural person investing in a project. An investor can also be a customer; designer (developer) - specialized organizations performing research and development work necessary to achieve the goals set in the project. The designer also conducts a feasibility study of the project and draws up design and estimate documentation; performer (manufacturer) - organizations (usually manufacturing companies) that manufacture (materialize) an innovative product, according to design documentation. The designer and the performer may be the same person. The most important task of the innovation manager is to stimulate the innovation process so that it does not become a “sluggish process” and does not stop completely. In this regard, the manager must have alternative solutions, provide for all kinds of reserves for finance, personnel, materials and predict possible difficulties and risks. At the same time, the manager must provide optimistic, pessimistic and realistic options for the development of innovative activities.

Fundraising is the attraction of material (cash, goods) and intangible resources (participation of volunteers, information support, useful connections) for the implementation of public and charitable projects that do not have commercial benefits.

Fundraising can be classified as a specific type of sales, when the role of a product is the opportunity to do a good deed, to help someone in need. This type of activity is a whole science, which is designed to attract interest in the project, to convince others that the goal of the organization is socially important, and that the stated problems can really be solved, or serious steps can be taken to achieve progress towards solving them.

Fundraising principles

In order for the result to justify the efforts, you must adhere to the following principles.


Before you approach potential donors for support, you should build an impeccable logical diagram of the planned project. It must take into account everything: the required project budget, a step-by-step plan for carrying out activities, deadlines, necessary materials, transportation costs and other costs. Each point must be reasoned. The overall result of all activities should have a positive effect for both parties.


When attracting people to cooperate, it is important to interest them in your idea and convey its significance. Convince the person that this is important for him too and together you can make it happen.


In any organization people work, it is to them, and not to abstract ones IP and LLC fundraisers are asking for help. You need to place a bet on a specific person: the head of the company or a responsible employee. Start communication with something that is close and understandable to this person. Show how important his contribution to the common cause is and what the final result will be.

Long term

Every effort should be made to ensure that the support of the benefactor does not turn out to be one-time. Try to establish long-term partnerships. Regularly personally remind yourself with interesting ideas and an original presentation of the project.


Before you begin the process of attracting a potential donor, you should collect as much information about him as possible. Find out what projects and with what amounts he has already supported, what project topics are interesting to him, what is his priority.


The more people know and talk about the project, the better. To reach a large audience, you can advertise on radio, TV, and leave business cards with project data for potential benefactors. It is popular to post topics on Internet resources.

piggy bank

Even a small donation in total has its weight. This is a person’s feasible contribution to the implementation of the project. Gradually, serious numbers emerge from small amounts.


You definitely need to thank people for their support. Call names at events, publish reviews on the website.
A person needs sincere compliments.

Fundraiser principles

The principles and ethical standards of the fundraiser’s work are enshrined in the code of ethics. According to this document, the operating principles are defined:

  • Integrity and honesty;
  • Respect for the common cause;
  • Openness and responsibility.

Ethical aspects of activity

The code takes into account the ethical standards of the fundraiser’s labor process:

  • Fundraising is carried out exclusively on a voluntary basis;
  • The purposes for spending funds must be agreed upon with the benefactor;
  • Funds cannot be used for the personal benefit of the fundraiser;
  • The risks for the organization when receiving funds from persons with a negative reputation in society should be assessed;
  • Be responsible to the employer, donor and beneficiary;
  • Do not engage in unfair competition;
  • Use and provide only reliable information, while observing the rules for working with confidential data;
  • The amount of payment for services cannot be expressed as a percentage of the amount of funds collected; wages are agreed upon in advance;
  • It is prohibited to receive remuneration from any persons when making a decision on cooperation on behalf of the organization;
  • You cannot provide false information about your achievements in previous projects.

When implementing projects to attract potential philanthropists, their religion, mentality, and national traditions should be taken into account.

Another sticky point is the administrative costs of a charity. Donors want to see that their funds helped a real person and were not spent on salaries for fund employees. If these expenses cannot be paid from other sources, then in the information about the items of planned spending of donations it is worth mentioning this on a separate line. This will be fair to benefactors, will help avoid conflict situations and maintain trust between the parties.

A good reputation is the key to successful fundraising.

Types of fundraising

  • Internal (the search and attraction of new resources is carried out directly by the organization’s employees);
  • External (to ensure a guaranteed positive result, professional consultants and fundraisers are involved).

There is a gradation of fundraising into project and operational. In the first option, funds are raised for a specific project, in the second - for the current expenses of the organization in the process of its functioning.

Methods, forms and tools for raising funds

The list of methods for attracting potential benefactors consists of:

  1. Mass mailings. A regular paper letter advertising a project is sent to hundreds of addresses. The main disadvantage of this method is the low response rate to such requests if letters are sent to random recipients. If people have previously worked with the organization and are familiar with its type of activity, the response rate increases to 20%.
  2. Unaddressed appeals. The essence of the method is to distribute booklets, advertising posters, leaflets in stores, on the streets, and in other crowded places. The response rate is up to 2%, but sometimes you can randomly find a benefactor on an ongoing basis.
  3. Piggy banks, donation boxes. They are most often installed in stores, under a poster with an appeal. The disadvantage of this method is the anonymity of the donor. It is impossible to find out who contributed how much and to develop further relationships with donors. In addition, the box may be stolen.
  4. Dialogue with passers-by. A representative of the organization in public places addresses the problem and asks for assistance. The advantages are personal contact with people on an emotional level, and quick results, money is donated immediately. Disadvantages: a one-time promotion, people spontaneously make contributions, the second time the response from the same people will be no more than 10%.
  5. Carrying out various events. One of the most popular methods. Charity evenings, auctions, exhibitions. At these events, potential benefactors are brought together, some interesting joint action is proposed, and donations are collected. Often famous personalities are invited for greater response and effect. These activities are quite expensive and do not always pay off.
  6. Advertising on TV or in the media. This is a type of impersonal advertising, they simply voice the problem and ask for help, indicating the details. The appeal reaches a wide range of people. High-quality advertising reaches hearts and wallets.
  7. Contact by phone. People are called through a telephone database asking for donations. The result is approximately the same as for letters. The people who respond best to such calls are those who have already participated in similar events and donated funds.
  8. New technologies. This category includes appeals via the Internet, mobile communications (SMS, mailings via instant messengers). Special websites are created with attention-grabbing banners, detailed and emotional materials (photos, videos). There must be details for providing assistance, with payment options (from bank cards to electronic money). An online resource is the most successful way to attract potential helpers: both volunteers and donors.
  9. Cooperation with business. Quite a popular and really working way to raise funds. There are several mechanisms: individual negotiations, invitations to charity events, official distribution of promotional materials. Many companies are already involved in permanent partnerships with funds, thereby enhancing their image and increasing the loyalty of the authorities.
  10. Friends and acquaintances. Since recently ordinary people do not believe advertising, most of them listen only to real reviews from friends and acquaintances. Therefore, the idea of ​​personally inviting friends for help and promoting ideas through acquaintances, relatives, and colleagues have become widespread.

Successful examples in Russia and abroad

Let's start with Russia. A striking example of large-scale fundraising with great public resonance is the holding of the “Red Nose - Good Heart” campaign by the Life Line charity foundation. The main goal was to help seriously ill children, the secondary goal was to convey the idea that helping others is important, not difficult and accessible to everyone.

The name of the action hides the image of a clown with a red nose. Everyone associates this circus performer with laughter, kindness and a festive mood. It was precisely such accents that helped shift the mood of the action from pity to faith in the best.

According to the event, everyone who bought a red nose made a contribution to raising funds for the treatment of heart defects in children. The partner was the Svyaznoy company, whose outlets sold red noses, covering almost the entire territory of Russia. Exhibitions and competitions were held as part of the event. Show business stars took an active part. The action attracted the attention of the media and the public.

A website was created on which reports on the movement of charitable funds were published. The promotion was held annually for three years, each time lasting up to 3 months. During this time, more than eight million rubles were collected, which saved the lives of more than fifty seriously ill children.

Spanish creative

Interesting promotion ideas have been implemented all over the world. So in Spain they launched a project in which leading designers use the handwriting of homeless people as the basis for developing fonts. Many companies have purchased this type of font. Its cost for legal entities is about 300 euros, a private person will pay about 20 euros.

American Challenge - Ice Bucket Challenge

One of the most famous examples of fundraising was the ice water challenge. It quickly spread throughout the world and gained massive popularity. Famous and influential businessmen, politicians, singers, actors, computer geniuses and football players poured a bucket of ice water on themselves and recorded a video in which they challenged others. Those who were able to do this donated 10 dollars, and those who could not - 100.

This frivolous activity replenished the fund's treasury with $16 million in less than a month. The goal of the event was to draw attention to a rare type of disease and raise funds for the ALS Association, which will be used to find methods of treating this disease.

Examples of successful campaigns emphasize that even the craziest idea, if sufficiently verified and well organized, has a chance to work effectively. Behind success there is always someone’s work, in this case it is the painstaking work of the fundraiser.

How to become a fundraiser

The qualification “fundraiser” does not officially exist. There are fundamental sciences that help to master this type of activity. These include: marketing, advertising, psychology. Copywriting skills will come in handy. This knowledge can be obtained both in an educational institution and independently. There are many different webinars on the Internet on the topic of fundraising, conferences and trainings are gaining popularity, and books are being written.

However, knowledge without practice will give you nothing. The experience of other people will not help you become a professional based only on theoretical knowledge. It is necessary to begin practical activities, make mistakes, analyze them in order to prevent them in future projects, and try again. It is important to constantly develop, follow news in the area of ​​interest, and communicate with successful fellow fundraisers.
