Structural divisions in an organization with a designated leader. Job description of the head of a structural unit. About the position and job responsibilities of the head of a structural unit

The manager is the leading and organizing link in social management systems. Speaking about the functions of a manager, we characterize the main responsibilities he performs, in particular: developing and making management decisions; organization; regulation and correction; accounting and control; collection and transformation of information.

Modern research takes as the basis for the classification of functions not individual cycles of production management, but the entire structure of a manager’s activity in a team. In this case, the functions of the manager are considered not only within the framework of his administrative role, but his social, socio-psychological and educational responsibilities are also taken into account. To the listed functions we can add organizational activity, which consists of integrating individuals into a team and communication, which consists of establishing horizontal connections within the team and external vertical connections with higher organizational structures. They also distinguish the pedagogical function of the leader (upbringing and training), as well as experimental-consultative, representative and psychotherapeutic. Moreover, the functions of managing teams are carried out not separately from each other and sequentially, but in parallel and simultaneously.

Main functions of a manager

1. Administrative and organizational

The leader, in accordance with the rights and responsibilities officially granted to him, must unite the individual actions of team members into a single common force:

  • distribute responsibilities between employees;

  • control the process of completing tasks;

  • evaluate the results and bear responsibility for the activities of individual employees and the entire group to higher authorities.

2. Strategic, related to setting goals and choosing methods to achieve them

The implementation of these functions allows you to demonstrate the manager’s creative potential, resourcefulness, endurance, and the ability to put forward new ideas. The structure of strategic functions includes the ability to forecast, foresee the final result, to quickly process large volumes of information coming from subordinate and higher authorities, and the results of the team’s activities. The manager must also accumulate a large amount of professional information in his memory.

Planning is also added to the functions of this type as the most important manifestation of forecasting. Planning should determine specific tasks, time and means of solving them and answer the following questions:

  • At what stage of the work are we currently at (assessing the real capabilities of the group, taking into account external and internal factors)?

  • Where do we want to go, what tactical tasks to solve?

  • By what means are we going to do this?

3. Expert advisory

In the process of group activities, the leader is usually the competent person whom everyone turns to as a source of reliable information and the most qualified specialist. High professional qualifications are one of the main components of a leader’s authority. A manager appointed from above, but not competent from the point of view of the tasks being solved by the team, quickly loses authority, they obey him only for fear of disciplinary sanctions, and they look for a true consultant in the person of an informal leader.

4. Communication

The leader is the main source of important information relevant to the successful functioning of the work group. This information is transmitted in the process of communication with the group and its individual members. Communication skills, the ability to communicate with people, and accessibility of communication are important qualities of a leader. The leader can be open to communication with the group and then acts as a leader. But he can build a system of communication connections only in accordance with the principle of clear subordination, that is, he communicates only with other leaders of equal rank and is distant from the group. Then he dooms himself to emotional loneliness and cannot count on any other influence other than official, official influence.

5. Educational

By making important decisions and directing the team to achieve their goals, the manager at the same time provides an educational effect in shaping the personality of his subordinates. The education function includes disciplinary methods of reward and punishment if employees violate work regulations or the moral principles of team life. The leader of a team, if he wants to be its educator, must strive to become an “opinion leader” who has the greatest amount of information. He must be perceived by employees as “one of us and the best of us.”

The responsibilities of the manager-leader also include the formation of adequate professional motivation among employees. It is obvious that even the most perfect planning by the leader of the group’s work will not be effective if people do not want to do their work well. According to motivation theories, people will always work more if there is an opportunity to earn more. Research by modern psychologists has shown that motivation as an internal drive for activity is the product of a complex interaction of various human needs. As cultural levels rise, money does not always make people work harder. Interest in work, understanding of the essence of the tasks being solved, communication, mutual understanding, and humanity are important for people. A manager must be able to identify the needs of his subordinates and create conditions that will allow them to satisfy these needs while performing well.

Psychotherapeutic functions can also be included among the educational functions. The manager must take into account the emotional state of his employees, since it significantly affects their livelihoods and the psychological climate in the team. Optimism and a sense of humor, and not despondency and irritability, should be characteristic of a leader, because this helps prevent and resolve conflict situations.

6. Function of representation

A leader is an official who represents the team in the external social environment. At meetings and conferences, he speaks on behalf of all members of the team; the team as a whole is judged by his behavior. Therefore, the behavior of a leader must correspond to high standards of public behavior. He must have good cultural communication skills, decent manners, and speech culture. It is also important to know how to dress correctly, taking into account appearance and age, as well as the communication situation.

Levels of Management

Many people, including practicing managers themselves, believe that the daily work of the head of a workshop, department or department differs little from the work of the people they manage, especially since they constantly interact. But socio-psychological research shows that managerial work is inherently very different from non-managerial work. The work of a shop manager has much more in common with the work of a plant director than with the work of his subordinates. An engineer may spend several months developing an important design; a programmer may spend several months creating a computer program. The work of a manager is never so homogeneous, since it is characterized by efficiency and a variety of methods of activity. It is calculated, for example, that a production foreman performs an average of 583 management operations per day.

The vertical division of labor leads to the formation of different levels of management. It is usually possible to determine at what level one manager is compared to another in an organization. Organizations may have varying numbers of levels of management depending on missions, goals, size, formal structures, and other external and internal factors. And at each level of this system, managers perform their specific functions. Regardless of how many levels of management there are in a particular company, managers are traditionally divided into three categories.

Low-level manager. This level of management is located directly above the specific performers of the work. Most of the managers in companies are lower-level managers. Their work is characterized by efficiency - frequent transitions from one task to another. The time for making and implementing a decision is also short. Lower-level managers spend more than half of their working time in direct communication with subordinates, spend a little less on communicating with other lower-level managers, and very little on communicating with their superiors.

Middle manager coordinates and controls the work of lower levels. In recent years, the number of middle managers has increased significantly and their importance has increased. The nature of middle management's work varies greatly from company to company, but generally these managers are involved in the decision-making process: identifying problems, holding discussions, and making recommendations to lower-level managers on how to organize their activities. Middle managers often head departments in their organizations (heads of services, chief specialists). According to research results, about a third of their working time, middle managers are engaged in processing official information and studying documentation. The rest of their working time is spent on business communication with other middle and lower level managers.

The highest organizational level is senior managers. This level is the smallest; even in the largest companies there may be only a few such managers. They are responsible for making the most important decisions. Strong senior leaders often shape the entire company. Their work is characterized by nervous and mental stress, high pace, volume and enormous responsibility. The responsibilities of senior managers do not have clear boundaries, since the company is constantly operating, developing, the external environment continues to change, and there is always a risk of failure. Successful senior leaders in complex social organizations around the world are highly valued.

All levels of company management are interconnected, and the success of each of them is determined by the success of the others, i.e., first of all, by how managers at all levels implement their main functions, directing the company to successfully solve strategic problems.

Management styles

Management style is a certain system of methods and techniques of management activities preferred by managers.

Subjective factors include typological properties of the nervous system (temperament), character traits, orientation, human abilities, habitual ways of activity, communication, and decision-making.

Psychologists distinguish three main leadership styles: autocratic, democratic and liberal. This classification is based on the order of distribution of responsibilities, methods for developing and implementing decisions, forms of contact between managers and performers, and control over their activities.

Autocratic (authoritarian, directive) style characterized by excessive concentration of power in one hand. An autocratic leader makes decisions himself and implements them with a strong-willed order. He selects his own assistants, but uses them not as advisers, but only as executors of his will. He holds all power in his hands; requires discipline and perfect order; takes full responsibility for the results of activities; remains aloof from ordinary performers. He is demanding of his subordinates without condescension, and instills a harsh psychological climate in the group. A leader of this type is optimal where there is no time for meetings and discussions of the situation, where it is necessary to show will and determination, and take full responsibility for the consequences of decisions made.

Democratic (collegial) style leadership is built on a dual basis: business and personal authority. A democratic leader knows how to use his power without appealing to it. He prefers the active participation of his assistants (initiative group) in decision-making, but reserves the right of final choice. It operates on the principle of freedom of opinion “from top to bottom” and “from bottom to top”; takes care of the development of business initiatives of subordinates; is contactable with them, tactful, patient, optimistic. This style is optimal in managing certain types of production and creative teams; it maintains a warmer psychological climate in the team. The collegial management style is most suitable for people of sanguine, less often choleric, temperament.

Liberal (permissive) style management is based on complete trust in the performer. A liberal leader allows complete freedom of action for his subordinates within the limits of their functional responsibilities. This leadership style is ineffective in difficult extreme situations. The liberal style is inherent in people of melancholic temperament, as well as phlegmatic people and, to a lesser extent, sanguine people.

Different leadership styles are interconnected, since an experienced leader is able to use one or another style depending on the circumstances: the content of the tasks being solved, the specific composition of the group being led. The level of management hierarchy on the basis of which the manager functions and the level of responsibility associated with this level also influences. There is evidence that at higher levels of the hierarchy an authoritarian style is more preferable, while at lower levels the manager enters into a variety of informal relationships with subordinates. In this case, business and personal contacts are closer, so a collegial management style prevails.

Management effectiveness is assessed based on the following indicators:

  • labor productivity of the managed team;

  • success in solving professional problems;

  • psychological climate in the team;

  • employee health, injuries;

  • staff turnover.

Leader's personality

A manager is a person vested with the right to make decisions and acting as a sole commander within the limits of the powers given to him.

The purpose of a manager's influence on employees is to encourage them to engage in certain professional behavior that would meet both the requirements of the organization and their own ideas.

There are two known ways to influence employees: straight(order, task) and mediated, motivating (through incentives). In the first case, a situation arises where failure to perform the necessary actions leads to punishment. This formula of relations between a leader and a subordinate is called coercion, when the goals of the leader are not directly related to the interests of the performers, and sometimes may even contradict them. In the second case, a situation arises when employees are rewarded for performing the necessary actions and influence the needs and motives of employees.

An important property of a leader is the ability to be a manager without advertising it. The managing leader influences group members through personal authority, moral and psychological influence, initiative, energy, and attractive personal qualities. If a good leader is perceived as the “brains of the group,” then the leader is perceived as the “heart of the group.” A leader must combine these qualities.

Accepting the role of a leader is the first stage of his work. Usually it is accompanied by a process of learning the corresponding functions, developing certain positions, style of behavior and communication. Understanding and accepting a new leadership role for a person is a very difficult matter, requiring tension of mental and moral strength, internal restructuring, and awareness of one’s new position. At this moment, it is very important for a person to have knowledge about himself, about his psychological portrait, the ability to understand and use his strengths, as well as neutralize his weaknesses. It is necessary to give the novice manager time to master this complex matter, the process of entering the role, and establishing business relationships with group members.

The next stage in the system of role behavior of a leader is the performance of the role. Such execution has two sides: the behavior of the leader and the assessment of others. The assessment is made both by the subject of management activity in the form of self-assessment, and by other people who have different status in relation to him: from above (boss), from the outside (employees of equal status) and from below (subordinates).

Adequate understanding and mastery of one's role, the ability to meet the expectations of the group is the first and necessary condition for the leader to successfully establish relations with the managed group.

The second condition is a good knowledge of the composition of the group, the level of education and qualifications of its members. This provides the manager with an understanding of the intellectual and professional potential of the group. The gender and age of group members should also be taken into account. For a manager, understanding these features is very important, since each age has its own psychological characteristics. Many social psychologists consider the combination of men and women in production groups to be a favorable factor, which contributes to the development of the group and the creation of a positive psychological climate.

The third condition is the correct individual approach to subordinates. The leader must remember that each member of the team is a person and individuality, has a special combination of individual properties: temperament, character, interests and ideals, general professional abilities. The manager's demands on his subordinates regarding their professional responsibilities must be combined with an adequate assessment of their activities, taking into account the capabilities, abilities, and peculiarities of the style of their activities. The leader must know not only about the production activities of group members, but also about their personal affairs, emerging difficulties, and, if possible, help resolve them.

The fourth condition is a culture of communication with team members. Conducting meetings, meetings, various conversations, discussions, negotiations, issuing and explaining tasks to subordinates, reporting to superiors, etc. - all this significantly depends on the leader’s communication culture.

Selection and certification of management personnel

The study of the personality traits of a leader, his psychological suitability for performing complex functions of managing people, acquires special significance in modern conditions of distinguishing the social theory of management (management) as a special applied field of psychology. Updated ways to assess a leader’s personality involve using a set of methods, among which the following should be highlighted:

  • observation and analysis of the specific activities of the manager;

  • survey to identify self-assessment of tasks (business games);

  • expert assessments of management specialists;

  • psychological testing using intellectual, personal and professional tests;

  • sociometry to establish prestige in the group and psychological compatibility;

  • biographical method (study of documents, personality analysis).

Personality is a complex system of various properties, therefore the use of one method, even such as the test method, cannot give a correct forecast regarding a person’s suitability for performing leadership functions.

In Ukraine, as in other countries, active methods of socio-psychological training are becoming increasingly widespread.

The use of these methods helps to accelerate the adaptation of managers to the changed conditions of their work or work in a new place, allows them to more reasonably establish the organizational potential of applicants for a certain leadership position, and assists managers in organizing their activities and self-education.

A short list of requirements for the personality of a modern leader

A leader must be a manager, not a driver, so he must:

  • lead the team;

  • engage employees in solving problems, rather than relying solely on their authority;

  • always say “we”, uniting oneself with the team, and not just “I”;

  • setting an example, always observe discipline yourself, and not demand this only from subordinates;

  • correct your mistakes rather than look for the guilty;

  • believe in your business, be courageous, purposeful, decisive and be able to demonstrate these qualities to your subordinates;

  • take an interest in best practices related to human resource management;

  • value the time of subordinates;

  • be strict and demanding (without being picky);

  • be able to criticize and accept criticism;

  • be able to punish and reward;

  • be friendly, tactful and friendly;

  • be able to speak, converse, and listen.

  • Leadership and Management


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When creating a separate division (SU), the head of the parent organization has the right to appoint a responsible person to manage this division. The relationship between the management of the head office and the management of the EP is formalized in the form of a power of attorney for the management of the division, which allows the head of the EP to represent the interests of the company.

At the same time, the head of the OP exercises his powers on behalf of the head office, since he himself is the sole legal body. is not a person. The employment contract concluded with the head of the EP is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

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The head of a separate division is obliged to:

  • carry out management of the EP in accordance with the tasks assigned to it;
  • plan EP activities and monitor the progress of their implementation;
  • form a staff of EP employees, distribute responsibilities among them;
  • monitor compliance with labor safety conditions.

General structure of the organization

Separate divisions themselves do not have legal status, so they:

  • are not subjects of legal relations;
  • do not have civil legal capacity;
  • are part of the whole company.

Often, ignorance of the above provisions creates confusion, for example, you can often find the wording “OP with the rights of a legal entity,” while the OP itself is part of a legal entity, and the law prohibits the entry of one legal entity. faces to another.

The emergence of a separate division may take place after the fact, without being reflected in the company’s constituent documentation. To do this, it is necessary that the workplace outside the company’s location be stationary and last more than a month.

What is important to consider

Conditions by law

A separate division itself is recognized as such if the structure is territorially separate from the parent organization and includes equipped workplaces. A workplace is considered stationary if it exists for more than one month. This provision is indicated in paragraph 2 of Article 11. Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

An organization is recognized as a separate division regardless of whether this provision is reflected in the internal constituent documentation of the company. For separate divisions, registration with .

In accordance with federal legislation, the heads of separate divisions are appointed by the main company and act on the basis of the power of attorney issued to them. The heads of the OP act on behalf of the parent company, the same company bears full responsibility for all the consequences of the activities of the division’s management.

A structural unit is not an independent legal entity; their managers themselves are appointed by the legal entity and act under a power of attorney that has an established pattern. It is worth noting that the presence of a power of attorney is mandatory, since the powers of managers cannot be based on other constituent documents of the company.

If disputes arise with the participation of the OP, actions under the agreement signed by the head of the division are considered to be performed by the legal entity (parent company) itself. But this condition is valid only if at the time of signing the agreement the head of the OP had a power of attorney from the company.

In accordance with the legislation, divisions may be assigned the main classifier - , as well as OKOGU, and others.

The location of the company is also the territory where it carries out its activities through a separate division. Therefore, the organization is obliged to notify the tax authorities at the place of registration of the OP about its presence.

Notification of the tax authorities must be carried out within a certain time frame: in the case of creating a separate division - 1 month, in case of changes in the conditions of the existing structure - 3 days. In case of termination of the operation of the OP, the management of the organization is obliged to notify the Federal Tax Service within 3 days from the moment.

If it is necessary to conduct cash transactions, the OP is obliged to conduct. At the same time, in accordance with the instructions of the Bank of Russia, the head of the parent company must bind sheets of cash books for each existing division where cash transactions are carried out.

Sample employment contract with the head of a separate division:

Job requirements

A standard vacancy for the head of a structural unit contains a number of requirements for the candidate, compliance with which will allow him to effectively perform the assigned tasks.

These requirements include:

Knowledge of Russian legislation The manager must know the various regulations that determine the functioning of a separate division, as well as the legislation of the Russian Federation relating to the scope of the division’s activities.
Industry knowledge The head of the EP must have extensive knowledge in the field of economic activity of the division, know the documents regulating the profile and specialization of the branch. He must also clearly understand the prospects for economic and social development of the unit and the company.
Knowledge of the basics of working with personnel Ability to organize activities to improve the efficiency of this work.
Knowledge of the basics of labor protection and labor legislation The manager must have a good understanding of environmental safety requirements and know the basic provisions of sanitary and epidemiological legislation.

In addition to the above, appointment to the position of head of an EP requires appropriate qualifications: higher specialized education and at least 5 years of experience in similar work.

Control principle

A separate division can be managed in three main ways:

Centralized management
  • With this method of office management, all personnel decisions remain with the parent company. Copies of documents with orders are sent to branches via local network or e-mail.
  • The main disadvantage of the centralized management method is its high cost, since you often have to resort to the services of couriers. The advantage of this method of management is complete control over the formation of the department’s staff.
Decentralized control
  • With this form of office management, part of the decisions on personnel policy remains with the management of the EP. The scope of powers delegated to the head of a department may vary widely, for example, he may be allowed to maintain work records, familiarize employees with the provisions of the company’s charter, or independently review resumes, hire employees, etc.
  • Distributed management allows management to hire employees in a timely manner and more effectively conduct personnel policies in general.
Mixed management This method of office management can combine elements of the above systems in various proportions.

Drawing up an employment contract

The conclusion of an employment contract with the head of a separate division is carried out in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The duration of the contract can be either definite or indefinite. In the first case, a temporary contract is concluded.

Typically, the head of the company independently makes the decision to appoint the head of the OP. The appointed head of the OP acts on behalf of the company on the basis of a power of attorney. The employment contract and power of attorney must indicate the duties and rights of the head of the EP, as well as the limits of his competence.

The main documents regulating the rights and obligations of the head of the EP are:

  • employment contract;
  • company charter;
  • power of attorney.

When drawing up an employment contract, it must indicate the place of work of the future manager, and if the OP is located in a different area from the location of the parent company, then the OP’s address is additionally indicated. Also, the contract must clearly delineate the actual labor functions of the head of the EP and his powers.

When hiring a department head, his probationary period cannot be more than 6 months. This provision is reflected in Article 70. Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The conditions for terminating an employment contract with the head of a separate unit, provided that it is located in a different area, comply with the rules. The location of the OP is considered different if it is located outside the territorial-administrative unit (city, town, etc.) in which the parent company is located.

When the head of a division is dismissed, the head office management is obliged to offer him a similar position at the place of his actual work. If there is none, then further dismissal of the employee also takes place according to the rules of liquidation of the company. This circumstance is explained by the fact that with the dismissal of the manager, the existing division is actually closed.

According to labor legislation, disciplinary measures may be applied to the head of the EP. For example, for a gross violation of labor duties or if the manager made a decision that resulted in large material losses or resulted in damage to the company’s property, the head of the department may be subject to a penalty in the form of dismissal. These measures apply only to branch managers and cannot be applied to their deputies and assistants.

What does the head of a separate department do?

The main task of the head of the OP is to carry out the tasks assigned to him by the head of the company. Their list is indicated in various documents: job description, organization charter, contract, etc.

Additionally, the work of the head of the department requires the following responsibilities:

  • Regularly conduct safety training among employees of the EP, as well as monitor the timely completion of required certifications by employees. This also includes the manager’s responsibilities for organizing regular medical examinations of employees, issuing them special equipment. clothing necessary to perform work activities.
  • Monitor employees' compliance with work discipline, safety regulations and environmental protection. If the functioning of the company is related to the need to maintain state or commercial secrets, then control over compliance with secrecy also falls on the head of the OP.
  • Ensure replenishment of the staff of the OP. The manager forms a personnel policy, the task of which is to create a cohesive team of qualified employees. Also, within the framework of this policy, measures should be taken to increase the motivation of employees and increase the efficiency of their work.

Paying taxes

The head of the OP, as a responsible person, is responsible for the financial and economic operations of the unit entrusted to him. Provided that these operations were carried out on the basis of documents signed by the manager and had a corresponding order, and the actions themselves did not go beyond the competence of the manager.

The head of the OP is responsible for concealing, understating the income of the unit or concealing any objects of taxation. Also, the head of the department will be responsible if the tax service is not promptly provided with accounting reports, calculations and other documents necessary for paying taxes. If the listed violations occur, the manager is fined in the amount of 2-5 minimum wages, and in case of repeated violation - 5-10 minimum wages.

Also, the head of the OP in special cases may be brought to criminal liability, for example, in case of deliberate concealment of income or distortion of data in documents submitted to the tax authorities. In this case, the manager faces up to 4 years of imprisonment, followed by restrictions on holding certain positions.


gives an understanding of what range of responsibilities is assigned to the employee holding this position, what rights he is given and what place he occupies in the company hierarchy. What the structure of such an instruction might be and what needs to be mentioned in it will be discussed in our article.

About the position and job responsibilities of the head of a structural unit

Medium and large companies usually allocate an entire structural unit to work in each of their areas of activity. Each structural unit is headed by its own manager, who is responsible for fulfilling the tasks assigned to the department, although certain organizational issues, for example, personnel selection or providing department employees with office supplies, equipment and tools, may be beyond his competence.

The main functions of the department head include:

Don't know your rights?

  • organization of the unit's activities;
  • organization of safe working conditions at workplaces in the department.

These functions are usually specified in the employment contract concluded with the employee, while specific responsibilities are outlined in his job description.

Sample job description structure

When drawing up job descriptions (they are compiled for all positions in the organization), it is better to use a single structure, which in most cases includes the following sections:

  1. General provisions.
  2. Job responsibilities.
  3. Rights.
  4. Responsibility.

We will talk about the content of the sections further, but we would like to note that within the framework of this article only general conditions will be described that can be included in the job description of the head of almost any structural unit. When drawing up local instructions, it is advisable to use a single qualification reference book, which describes the characteristics of the heads of specific departments (head of the financial department, head of the economic department, etc.).

Section "General Provisions"

This section provides characteristics of the position and qualification requirements for an employee applying for the position of head of a department. In most cases, this is indicated here:

  • full name of the position in accordance with the staffing table, indicating that it belongs to the category of managers;
  • the procedure for appointing and dismissing an employee (usually carried out by order of the general director);
  • chain of command (the head of a structural unit reports to the general director or one of his deputies);
  • procedure for replacing an employee during his absence;
  • indication of employees who are subordinate to the head of the structural unit;
  • a list of laws and other regulations that the head of a structural unit must follow in his work;
  • qualification requirements (as a rule, the employee is required to have a higher education and work experience of at least 3 years).

Section "Job Responsibilities"

This section of the job description is devoted to the responsibilities of the head of a structural unit. It specifies those labor functions that are assigned to the employee in the employment contract. For example, this could include the following responsibilities:

  • organization of work of a structural unit;
  • direct management of the activities of department employees;
  • planning the work of the unit;
  • coordinating the work of the unit with other departments of the company;
  • organization of advanced training for department employees;
  • monitoring the effectiveness of employees’ performance of their job duties;
  • Conducting safety briefings with department employees.

We remind you that these are responsibilities typical for any head of a structural unit. When drawing up a job description for the head of a specific department, a block of job responsibilities related to the specifics of the activities of his particular department is also necessary.

Section "Rights"

This section lists the rights that are vested in the head of the unit to perform his direct duties. Most often it is said here that he has the right:

  • submit proposals for the consideration of the general director regarding the improvement of the division’s activities;
  • receive information and documents necessary for work from the heads of other structural divisions;
  • submit for consideration to the general director proposals on the imposition of disciplinary sanctions on department employees and their rewards;
  • sign and endorse documents within their competence.

Section "Responsibility"

The section regarding the responsibility of the head of a structural unit briefly describes the types of responsibility to which he may be held and the grounds for this. For example, it may be said here that an employee can be attracted:

  • to disciplinary liability if he is found to have violated labor discipline and failed to fulfill official duties;
  • to administrative and even criminal liability if he is caught committing actions that have signs of an administrative offense or crime, respectively;
  • to financial liability if they cause damage to the organization.

Application of job description

Job description for the head of a structural unit uses as a guideline when delimiting his job responsibilities with the responsibilities of management, subordinates and heads of other departments. That is why it is important that responsibilities in all instructions are clearly stated and not duplicated. It is also important in the instructions to assign to the manager such a scope of rights that will allow him to solve the tasks assigned to him without any problems.

A structural unit of an organization is a specific part of an enterprise that is focused on performing individual tasks in accordance with job descriptions, charter and other local regulations. Every employer and specialist should know what a structural unit of an organization is, why they are needed and how their legal regulation is ensured.

What is a structural unit of an organization - legal regulation

The concept of a structural unit of an enterprise defines it as a separate unit that unites certain jobs and the employees who occupy them, which has a certain independence within the organization. Division into structural divisions allows for effective delegation of labor and simplifies personnel management and the entire enterprise as a whole. That is why, without division into structural divisions, effective conduct of activities is possible only in organizations related to small businesses.

The legislation, in turn, does not in any way regulate the activities of individual structural units, does not highlight their features and does not provide any legal mechanisms related to this aspect of labor relations. Therefore, employers have the right to independently organize the division of various teams and structures within the enterprise, without unnecessary restrictions in regulatory and procedural matters.

Branches and subsidiaries are not considered structural divisions of the organization. The key feature of structural divisions is precisely that they are allocated strictly within the company, are not independent and cannot exist in isolation from the business entity as a whole.

Accordingly, the structural divisions of an organization cannot have the characteristics of an independent business entity. That is, certain principles must be observed in their relation:

  • The employer should not notify regulatory authorities or trade unions about the creation or disbandment of structural units, or their reformatting, until changes are made in the actual workplace.
  • Structural divisions are not registered with tax authorities and insurance funds.
  • Separate accounting reports are not maintained for the structural divisions of the enterprise. Also, they are not assigned separate statistical codes. The activities of structural divisions are reflected in the general balance sheet of the enterprise.

The legislation does not provide for and does not allow the possibility of opening separate bank accounts for individual structural divisions of the company.

Types of structural divisions of the organization

Since the concept of structural divisions of an organization is not enshrined in legislation, questions of name, as well as specific goals and objectives facing these divisions, may have different answers. But in most cases, established basic names are used in personnel records, which can greatly simplify the creation of an effective system for distributing responsibilities and personnel management in an enterprise. Thus, examples of names of structural divisions of an organization, along with their main tasks and functions, may look like this:

In addition, other types of structural divisions within the enterprise may also be identified. Thus, production is often divided into separate workshops. There is also a division into sectors, sections and groups - these structural divisions determine specific work and areas of work, as well as the areas of responsibility of employees.

The division into structural divisions in an enterprise suggests that many employees can simultaneously be included in various divisions and simultaneously be members of several of them. So, for example, a builder-repairman may belong to the capital repair department, which, in turn, will be part of the economic department of the enterprise. At the same time, a colleague of this builder, in a similar position, can work at the first service site with one team, and the builder himself can work at a different site with other responsible persons.

How to create a structural unit - procedure

The employer, as mentioned earlier, independently decides on the implementation of various structural units and the regulation of their activities. In this case, the main document on the basis of which this personnel management system will function is the regulation on the structural unit or another internal document of similar meaning. The content of this provision is not regulated, but traditionally includes:

  • General information about the enterprise and planned actions, goals for creating organizational structures.
  • Specific information about the number of employees - both for the enterprise as a whole and for planned divisions.
  • Tasks and functions of the created structural units.
  • Direct appointment of leadership in them or the creation of mechanisms for appointing leadership.
  • The order in which the relationship between various departments is carried out.
  • Determining the collective responsibility and responsibility of department heads within the organization.
  • The procedure for liquidation, merger and other actions changing structural divisions.

The regulations on a structural unit can be created either one-time, during the implementation of this system, or subsequently supplemented or adopted anew when additional units are created. The most convenient method will be when the main document contains only the main principles of operation of the system of structural divisions, and each individual division is put into operation and regulated within the enterprise by separate ones.

The main task of the employer when creating structural divisions in the enterprise is the most accurate and clear indication of the functions of this structure. So, when specifying functions, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

To avoid the most common mistakes, it would be a good idea to draw the attention of employers to the basic requirements for structural units:

  • Each division must have a clearly defined hierarchical structure that ensures subordination in the enterprise.
  • The legal basis for the activities of a unit must provide this unit with the opportunity to act flexibly and not be fixed within rigid boundaries - otherwise there will be no point in the division of labor.
  • The size of the units should correspond to the capabilities of the manager. It is necessary to understand that in most cases the optimal size of structural units is from 5 to 20 people, but no more and no less.





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on the status of the head of a structural unit

These Regulations regulate the activities, determine the status, rights, responsibilities and powers of the head of the structural unit (hereinafter referred to as the “Unit”).

These Regulations have been developed in order to streamline and optimize activities, implement business projects and strengthen stability in the automotive products market.

Article 1. General provisions

1.1. The Head of the Division provides operational management of all aspects of the Division’s activities: commercial, financial, economic, as well as personnel management issues.

1.2. The head of the Division disposes of the property of the Division within the limits established by the Charter and the terms of the employment contract.

1.3. The competence of the Head of the Division includes the development, coordination with the General Director and implementation of the development strategy of the Division within the framework of development, as well as all issues of managing current activities within the limits established by the Charter, internal regulations, these Regulations, and management decisions.

1.4. The purpose of the activity of the Head of the Division is to ensure the effective operation of the Division through the implementation of the approved business plan, achieving its profitability and competitiveness, financial and economic sustainability, maintaining stability and searching for new business technologies, improving the system of working with personnel.

1.5. The Head of the Division carries out his management activities taking into account the interests and in full accordance with the general line of development, in close economic and financial interaction with other structural divisions, guided by the principles of corporate commitment, taking care of the image, observing traditions and development features.

1.6. All employees of the Division entrusted to him are directly subordinate to the Head of the Division in accordance with the conditions of employment and job descriptions.

Article 2. Appointment of the Head of the Division

2.1. Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has the necessary professional, psychological and moral qualities that meet the requirements of a manager, recognizes the norms of the Corporate Code, conscientiously and proactively relates to the implementation of assigned tasks and is not deprived of the right to occupy relevant positions in the manner established by current legislation can be appointed as the head of the Division.

2.2. Candidates for the position of Head of the Division may be nominated by employees, the General Director; Self-nomination is allowed.

2.3. In some cases, when appointing the Head of a Division, the General Director may appoint a competition in which both employees and persons who are not in an employment relationship can take part.

2.3.1. All candidates are considered to have equal rights and opportunities to participate in the competition to fill the vacant position of Head of the Division. The terms of the competition and the procedure for its conduct are determined by the General Director.

2.3. The head of the Division is appointed to the position by the General Director with the obligatory approval of his candidacy with the head of the personnel service.

2.4. The General Director enters into an employment contract with the Head of the Division for a certain period, which sets out the limits of disposal of the property of the Division, the rights, obligations, working conditions and responsibility of the Head of the Division to.

Article 3. Term of office of the Head of the Division

3.1. The Head of the Division shall exercise his powers during the period for which he was appointed, except for the cases provided for in clause 3.2. of this Regulation.

3.2. The powers of the Head of the Division may be terminated early on grounds directly provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.3. The General Director may unilaterally decide on the early termination of the powers of the Head of the Division with mandatory notification of his intention to the latter no less than 30 calendar days before the date of the upcoming dismissal (unless other terms are provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation) in the following cases:

3.3.1. Failure to fulfill or improper implementation of the Division’s development plan developed and approved by the General Director for the Division;

3.3.2. Failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment by the Head of the Division or obligations and conditions stipulated by the employment contract;

3.3.3. Non-execution or improper implementation of decisions and orders of the General Director;

3.3.4. Causing by the Head of the Unit of direct economic and financial damage through his actions or when he creates conditions leading to the emergence of a threat of causing damage.

3.4. In case of termination of powers at his own request, the Head of the Division submits a written statement indicating the reasons for surrender of powers to the General Director no less than 2 weeks before the date of the proposed dismissal.

3.5. In case of termination of the employment contract for any of the reasons specified in clause 3.2. and 3.3. of these Regulations, the Head of the Division has all the rights and powers and fulfills his duties until the issuance of an order of dismissal and the proper transfer of affairs to the newly appointed Head of the Division or the Acting Head of the Division.

Article 4. Procedure for transferring cases

4.1. At least 3 working days are allotted for the reception and transfer of the Division’s cases. The settlement and dismissal of the former Head of the Division is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and the provisions of the employment contract, subject to full compensation for all losses, if any, as a result of the activities (inaction) of the Head of the Division.

4.2. To carry out the process of receiving and transferring cases of the Division, a commission is created by order of the General Director, which carries out its activities under the direct control of the General Director.

4.3. Based on and based on the results of the audit, a transfer and acceptance certificate is drawn up, which is signed by the former and new Head of the Division, the chairman and members of the commission, after which it is approved by the General Director.

Article 5. Powers of the Head of the Division

5.1. The Head of the Division, carrying out strategic planning and operational management of the Division's activities, is vested with the necessary powers in this regard.

5.2. The Head of the Division develops and approves with the General Director the strategic development goals of the Division and ways to achieve them;

5.3. The head of the Division, on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the General Director, has the right to carry out, within the limits of his competence, all actions on behalf of the Division entrusted to him.

5.4. The head of the Division has the right to dispose of the financial resources of the Division within the limits regulated by the terms of the employment contract.

5.5. The Head of the Division independently conducts settlements under business agreements with business partners.

5.6. The Head of the Division, within the limits of his competence, gives instructions and makes decisions regarding various aspects of the Division’s activities.

5.7. The Head of the Division represents and defends the interests of the Division within the framework of current legislation in all organizations, bodies and institutions both in the Russian Federation and abroad.

5.8. The Head of the Division deals with personnel management issues, applies incentives and penalties to employees in accordance with current labor legislation;

5.9. The Head of the Division organizes the distribution of functional responsibilities among the employees of the Division and approves job descriptions.

5.10. The Head of the Division clarifies the list of information containing a trade secret or that is confidential information of the Division, the levels of accessibility of the Division's employees to it; determines and, in agreement with the management of the security service, carries out in the Division the necessary measures for the financial, economic security of the Division and the personal safety of employees;

5.11. In case of a long (more than 3 days) absence, the Head of the Division, in agreement with the General Director, appoints an Acting Head of the Division.

Article 6. Responsibility of the Head of the Unit

6.1. The Head of the Division reports directly to the General Director and is responsible for his actions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation during the entire period of his work in this position.

6.2. The Head of the Division bears personal responsibility for the fulfillment of the duties assigned to him under the conditions stipulated by the employment contract concluded with him, in accordance with current legislation, the Charter, and local regulations, including:

For the effective implementation of the approved business plan for the Division;

For the accuracy and timeliness of implementation of operational decisions and orders of the General Director;

For the safety of the Division’s tangible and intangible assets;

For the rational use of the Division’s finances;

For maintaining trade secrets by him and the employees of the Division he manages;

For compliance with the law during commercial transactions and financial transactions;

For organizing effective feedback between units of the Unit entrusted to him and other units.

For ensuring the submission of complete and reliable reporting information on the activities of the Division to the General Director strictly within certain deadlines and in the established form;

For creating optimal working conditions for the Division’s employees, monitoring compliance with safety and labor protection rules.

6.3. The Head of the Division bears full financial responsibility for losses caused by his actions (inaction), as well as for the consequences of decisions that go beyond his powers established by the current legislation, the Charter and the employment contract.

6.4. The Head of the Division is obliged to strictly comply with the requirements of the provisions of the Corporate Code, take care of maintaining the image and trust of partners;

6.5. The Head of the Unit is not exempt from liability if actions entailing liability were taken by persons to whom he delegated his powers and rights.

Article 7. Procedure for interaction between the Head of the Division

7.1. undertakes the obligation to provide all the conditions necessary for the work of the Head of the Division to fulfill his obligations.

7.2. guarantees compliance with the rights and legitimate interests of the Head of the Division in fulfilling the conditions and obligations arising from these Regulations and the employment contract.

7.3. The Head of the Division ensures the implementation of decisions of the meetings of the Board of Directors and the General Director.

7.4. The Head of the Division carries out orders and regulations and, on their basis, issues local regulations of the Division.

7.5. The General Director regularly exercises strict control over the rational and economical use of the Division's material, labor and financial resources; for their compliance with the law, execution of orders and decisions of the General Director.

7.6. The Head of the Division ensures the creation of favorable and safe conditions for the effective work of the Division’s employees, compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.7. The Head of the Division is responsible for the accuracy and timeliness of reports provided to the General Director.

7.8. within the limits of its powers, guarantees observance of the rights and legitimate interests of the Head of the Unit, pledging not to interfere in the current activities of the Head of the Unit, except for cases provided for by current legislation, the terms of the employment contract and these Regulations.

7.9. reserves the right to regularly conduct inspections of the activities of the Head of the Division to ensure his compliance with the law, as well as the terms and obligations of the employment contract and these Regulations.

7.10. The Head of the Division is obliged to actively participate in the development of strategic development, focusing on the formation and satisfaction of demand for products; develop proposals for optimizing activities, organize feedback with management.

7.11. The Head of the Division is obliged to regularly conduct research into the consumer properties of the products sold and the requirements for them; identify factors that determine the structure and dynamics of consumer demand and market conditions, predict the need for various product groups.

7.12. The head of the Division is obliged to make proposals for organizing the economic security of the Division’s activities, ensure the implementation of the necessary measures to ensure security and preserve the commercial secrets of the Division and;

7.13. The head of the Division has the right to receive complete and reliable information regarding all commercial, financial and other transactions related in one way or another to the activities of the Division;

7.14. undertakes to provide all the conditions necessary for the work of the Head of the Division to fulfill the duties assigned to him.

7.15. undertakes to regularly provide the Head of the Division with legal, methodological, information, technical and financial support in all areas of the Division’s activities.

Article 8. Final provisions

8.1. The Head of the Division heads the Division, which is organizationally part of and acts in accordance with the decisions made and adopted.

8.2. The strategic and tactical goals that are determined and implemented by the Head of the Unit in his activities to manage the Unit should not contradict the general line of development.

8.3. The relationship between the Head of the Division and the employees of the Division is built on the basis of corporate commitment and recognition of common values.
