List of professions in the humanitarian field. Socially oriented professions - an overview. Classical arts

A person of a humanitarian bent is characterized by mastery of the language of words and letters, good linguistic abilities, a philosophical view of things, a sociable and open character, a pleasant and friendly nature.

It is these people who feel most comfortable in a social environment, and humanitarian professions will suit them best. Currently, almost half of all school graduates associate their further studies with humanitarian universities.

The humanities, unlike technical and natural sciences, belong to the social sciences.

These primarily include psychology, history, philology, political science, jurisprudence, journalism, linguistics and others.

For a long time, the subject of research by many scientists has been society and the people in it. We learn our own history, biology, origins, languages ​​and customs. In this case, a special place is given to psychology.

In the modern world, without understanding psychological patterns, it is impossible to engage in many types of activities in the field of science, production, medicine, trade, art, and teaching. Psychological education is in great demand today (See Disadvantages of the psychologist profession). This is one of the leading humanities disciplines.

Another humanitarian science is philosophy. Specialists in this field of activity deal with ideas, but not with specific images and emotions.

They connect their activities with various areas of philosophical, cultural, political science and religious studies. Some, who prefer to gain a deeper understanding of human nature, master the technique of psychological analysis.

The list of humanitarian professions can be continued further. These include the profession of historian.

Historians delve into the past so that we can imagine the events of the past more fully and colorfully. The general trend indicates increased popularity in this specialty. They have high-quality knowledge of national history, foreign languages, the fundamentals of international relations, political science, document management, archival science, historical information science, international relations, and jurisprudence.

Graduates of history universities become scientists and teachers in higher schools, work in government agencies, business, the media, and PR services (See Professions related to history).

Prestigious humanitarian professions include: This profession promises money and power, attracting more and more young people. Real political activity includes a diverse set of actions, organizing parties, participating in election campaigns and speaking in parliament, making government decisions, rallies and diplomatic negotiations, etc.

The profession of journalist is popular among the most creative people. This profession and the work associated with it are extremely in demand today. Numerous news agencies, editorial offices of magazines and newspapers, radio and television, publishing houses, and online publications are in dire need of qualified personnel.

A person who has a humanitarian character is characterized by mastery of the language of emotions, words and letters, as well as good linguistic abilities, a sociable and friendly character, a pleasant and romantic nature.

Such people feel good in society and the social environment, and humanitarian professions are created specifically for them. Nowadays, most school graduates connect their future lives with humanitarian professions. Because this is their element, love and meaning of life.

Humanitarian professions and sciences, unlike others: natural or technical, can be classified as social sciences.

From the article, you will understand what some in-demand professions are that can be classified as economic and humanitarian. After all, we spend half our lives at work, and it is important that the work not only brings money, but also that it brings joy and is in demand now and in the future.

Most would like to know which areas are now in the most demand and money.

We will talk about five professions that can be distinguished from the thousands of existing professions.

Profession - tourism manager

A win-win option is to work in tourism. People travel more often and more, and travel agents help us with this. They select the tour route, issue visas, book tickets and check into a hotel. Nowadays travel agencies exist everywhere and there will be even more of them in the future. The tourism industry needs ticket booking operators, managers and tour agents.

Profession: Etiquette specialist

Business people have not been decorating themselves with gold chains and crimson jackets for a long time, but they know very well that the success of their business depends on how they behave, what they say, and how they look. And they need advisors who can teach it. Nowadays, not only such people, but also service personnel are required to know etiquette. Therefore, a specialist in professional etiquette is simply necessary for such people.

Profession: brand manager

No one thought why we argue with my husband to the last and try to defend the merits of the Bosch stove, we buy not just hair dye, but only a certain brand. Our harmless madness is the result of the work of brand managers.

These people develop a habit among buyers of a particular brand. Various enterprises and firms need such specialists.

The list of humanitarian professions goes on and on.

Profession: politician

Among the prestigious highly paid humanitarian professions is the profession of politician. Yes! This profession can give a lot of money, power and attracts more and more young people. Modern political activity is built on a diverse set of actions, the organization of parties, constant participation in the election campaign and charismatic speech in the audience, the ability to capture the attention of the public, requires decision-making, honoring at rallies and in negotiations with representatives of other countries, etc.

Try to find yourself and make the right choice! And we will be happy for you and will always help!

In our age of rapid progress and the active introduction of multimedia and digital technology, every person must keep up with the times and master all the new products. However, we should not forget about the general development of personality, which is impossible without mastering many knowledge and skills. This is precisely why humanitarian professions are needed, thanks to which we can successfully develop and learn about the world around us.

So, each of us, from school, masters the minimum of general knowledge that is given to him in an educational institution. This allows you to identify the main interests of each person, as well as help you decide on your profession in life, choosing what you like. Humanitarian professions are best suited for those who have a more developed right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for creativity, so such people make the best not only musicians, poets, singers, but also designers, historians, political scientists, journalists and psychologists.

If we take all the humanitarian professions, a list of which can be found in any applicant’s directory, we can come to the conclusion that there are a huge number of areas in which you can realize yourself by finding the most suitable profession. Among them, political scientists, journalists, managers and marketers, as well as journalists currently stand out.

Despite the large number of ready-made specialists in the labor market, it should be noted that the need for such professions is constantly increasing. At the same time, it is important to know that today it is not just a specialist with a diploma that is of particular value, but a truly competent person who possesses a lot of knowledge and has extensive work experience. A significant advantage will be knowledge of one or more foreign languages, since many humanitarian professions require knowledge of English and German. Linguists and philologists are also, by the way, in great demand on the labor market, so this profession can bring considerable income and also contribute to the promotion of a specialist up the career ladder.

At the same time, it should be noted that choosing a profession by subject can begin in high school, since it is important for any person to decide on a future activity as early as possible. After all, having started to deepen their knowledge on a certain topic from school, a person will be able to gain the required amount as early as possible, and, therefore, the chances of finding a successful job will be quite high.

At the same time, in no case should you stop at one thing, expanding your horizons as much as possible, learning more and more new information. It is important to remember that today every job requires not just a person who mechanically performs some actions, but a truly active employee who will boldly introduce new methods and ways of working with the information received. That is why humanitarian professions are very important in this regard, especially if a person does not have a desire for such exact sciences as mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

In conclusion, it should be said that today we live in a rapidly changing world, which provides enormous opportunities for success. However, to do this, one must not only know many humanitarian professions, but also have practical knowledge to solve certain issues. That is why every self-respecting person should strive to achieve more, since this will give not only financial independence, but also respect among their loved ones and acquaintances.

Liberal arts majors include classical arts/sciences, linguistics, cultural studies, legal studies, and various arts.

Classical arts

Classical arts include opera, ballet, dance, drama, classical music, painting, sculpture and literature. Until the 20th century, the task of artists (in a broad sense) was to depict people or subjects in paintings or as sculptures.

During the 20th century, art has changed a lot - new techniques have opened up new horizons for creativity, and classical art today needs quite a lot of protection and preservation. The most common professions here are museum director/curator, archivist, painting restorer, antiquarian, art historian.

Linguistics, foreign language learning

There are a growing number of multinational companies around the world that require employees with knowledge of several languages. Of course, much more attractive prospects open up for those who, in addition to knowledge of several languages, also have another education - in law, finance, IT, sales, etc. However, this is not necessary. People who know several languages ​​well become translators, school teachers, and linguists.


Specialists in this field work with cultural objects of the past - buildings, historical sites, monuments, artifacts, that is, they deal with heritage sites.

Legal sciences (law)

Each of us constantly encounters legal services in our lives, for example, when buying or selling a house, drawing up a will, receiving compensation for damages, participating in legal proceedings, etc.

Lawyers can either have private practice or work for large companies, often specializing in certain areas of law. Private lawyers can provide the following services:
  • ensure the legal purity of transactions (for example, in real estate);
  • act as an agent or representative in commercial transactions;
  • provide legal assistance in family or labor disputes;
  • provide legal or mediation services to individuals.

Lawyers in companies often specialize in the following areas:

  • financial services;
  • intellectual property;
  • labor legislation;
  • construction legislation;
  • mergers and acquisitions in business;
  • tax law.


  • Industrial design (sometimes also called “Product Design” is the design of new commercial products; the ability to create safe, convenient and beautiful things is a must in the cutthroat competitive world of business);
  • Graphic design (we can see the work of graphic designers in newspapers and magazines, on product packaging, websites, etc. This is one of the most popular professions in Russia and in the world today);
  • Multimedia design (this includes the creation of websites, games, digital TV and mobile communication platforms);
  • Fashion design (design in the field of clothing production);
  • Furniture design;
  • Interior design

Fine or visual arts

This category includes not only and not so much artists, but also sculptors, architects, photographers, etc. Particularly worth highlighting here are architects, who usually study for 7–9 years before becoming truly professionals. Photographers may work in journalism or for scientific or medical organizations. Photographers are usually freelancers who take on a variety of assignments, often specializing in a particular type of photography.

Entertainment and performing arts

Society's need for entertainment ensures the rapid growth of this area of ​​activity, which includes:

  • production and theatrical art;
  • musical art;
  • cinema;
  • radio and television;
  • Internet and computer games;
  • spectator sports, etc.

Find out more information from university representatives in person

As you can see, there are a great many specializations in this area. Therefore, it is easier and faster to decide on the choice of your future specialty by visiting the free exhibition “Master’s and Further Education” in or.

Where to go to study humanities? There are already too many lawyers and managers, but I want a sought-after and interesting profession that will bring money! Here is a list of the most relevant professions that you can get now in order to become a sought-after specialist in five years.

In the traditional dispute between “physicists” and “lyricists”, “physicists” have been winning in recent years. According to experts, in a few years roboticists and process engineers will become the most in demand. Where should an applicant who dreams of a creative job go to successfully build a career and be in demand as a specialist in 10-15 years?

Labor market research in the humanitarian sector

On job search sites, such as or, you can analyze the number of requests from employers and the approximate level of offered salaries. The most popular today are marketers, PR specialists, and programmers. For the humanitarian sphere, relevant areas remain:

  • hospitality - hotel business, tourism;
  • education - from compulsory to business courses;
  • personal service.

The number of “retired professions” includes:

  • call center operators;
  • secretaries-referents;

Choose a profession at the intersection of directions. Specialists knowledgeable in related fields will be in demand. Technical calculations, processing of large volumes of information, and analytical activities can also be undertaken by machines. But artificial intelligence does not yet reach the area of ​​searching for new solutions and expanding competencies. In the professions of marketer, art critic, teacher, and tutor, a “robot + human” pair will work. Any humanist who has the necessary minimum knowledge in the field of automation of routine processes need not worry about being in demand on the labor market.

The list of promising professions is quite wide:




Specialization in the field of creating online educational projects, individual support for students, game educational modules.

Currency specialists, appraisers and developers of individual financial programs for clients.

Children's industry

Workers in the field of children's psychological safety, creators of gaming and transmedia products for children, tutors in aesthetic development.

Hospitality and tourism

Developers of intelligent travel services and virtual reality.


Time and cross-management, virtual consulting services, assistance in business communication

Analysts predict the development and emergence of all these specialties by 2020, and you can get a basic education in them now.

Humanitarian professions in demand today


By transferring the routine work of giving lectures or checking assignments to machines, the teacher will be able to devote more time to the individual development of students and identifying their potential. When choosing, you can focus on several of the most promising specialties:

  • online educational platform coordinator;
  • gamemaster.

The psychological health of schoolchildren must be controlled by living and emotional mentors; machines cannot cope with this

You can get a pedagogical education in many Russia, for example:

  1. , Moscow Pedagogical State University
  2. , Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University
  3. , Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen
  4. , Minin University in Nizhny Novgorod

as well as Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Pacific, pedagogical universities.

Education is one of the few areas of activity in which the personal participation of a teacher will be necessary for a long time.


Not inclined to mathematical research, humanities students will quickly understand statistics and transfer the calculations to technology

In the financial sector, algorithms for processing large amounts of information have long come to the aid of humans. But developing a program of action and making decisions is the competence of a professional. Promising specializations in this area will be:

  1. multicurrency translator;
  2. intellectual property appraiser;
  3. developer of personal pension plans.

Future financiers can focus on educational programs available in the Russian Federation. More than 25 universities work in these areas, including: Russian State University of Tourism and Service in Moscow;

  • , Far Eastern Federal University;
  • , St. Petersburg State University.
  • Today you can book an apartment or create a travel route using software applications and services. Human participation in the future hospitality system will be more intellectual than physical.
