Specialty "Hospitality": who to work with? Hospitality - who to work with, a list of professions, which universities to study at, what to take for a specialty Universities where there is tourism and hotel management

5 reasons to choose a training program at the Institute of Hotel Business:

1. The curriculum is structured so that students can receive the most complete and relevant education as efficiently as possible. Students of the courses will be treated to useful knowledge, presented in a form that is easy to understand, and therefore provides the most complete information and allows them to learn the hotel business quickly and effectively.

2. You can choose the most convenient training format for you - distance learning, full-time or individual option. You can easily combine training with work or study.

3. The actively developing hotel business is one of the most popular among entrepreneurs, which means that the knowledge you gain will quickly find its application.

4. The prospects that open up for you after completing the course are rapid career growth, a consistently high salary and the title of specialist in the most promising and profitable area in the hotel business.

5. You will receive a document confirming the acquired knowledge that meets all standards and is highly valued both in Russia and abroad.

The Institute of Hotel Business from the MBA CITY Business Academy is a great way to become a self-confident professional in the hotel business!

Hotel Business Institute

Hotel business

The hotel business is considered one of the most promising and profitable areas of activity today. The entry of the economy into the international market and the rapid development of the tourism industry have led to an increase in the interest of businessmen and tourists in the services offered in the hotel segment, and the need for qualified workers is correspondingly growing. This area is also attractive as a business proposition; owning a hotel is prestigious and profitable.
It is worth noting that many are also attracted by the opportunity for career growth in the hotel business - for ordinary positions, employers quite often do not require staff to have any special education or skills (all this can be acquired already in the process of work), while quite a lot of demands are placed on the management team. serious requirements. It is no secret that professions in the hotel business are quite diverse, because the system itself determines the vastness of specializations - everyone is actively involved in the hotel business - from technical staff to direct management - managers, administrators, managers, etc. In addition, specialties in the hotel industry are represented by waiters, cooks, and maids. In short, in this type of activity everyone can find something to their liking, because professions in the hotel business are very diverse.
As mentioned above, in most cases there are no serious requirements for service personnel, but this does not mean that everyone can get a job in a hotel or inn. For example, knowledge of a foreign language is often required, which is already a feature of working in the hotel business. At the same time, in other types of activities, service personnel are not required to speak a foreign language. As for the management team, education plays a huge role here, because competently organizing the work of a hotel or organizing the effective work of employees is a matter that requires professional training. At the same time, having a diploma in hotel business does not guarantee a graduate successful employment, because for the employer it is not only the “crust” that is important, but also the practical skills of the potential employee, his knowledge and skills. It is for this purpose that numerous courses in hotel management are offered.
Moscow institutes of hotel business offer many areas where you can get a specialty in hotel business, but studying there is not always comfortable and affordable. There is an alternative - the MBA CITY Business Academy represents the Institute of Hotel Management, which trains specialists in many professions in the hotel business.

Hospitality training

Today, people who want to get a job in the hotel industry no longer face the question of “where to study the hotel business,” because the MBA CITY Business Academy is a real institute of hotel management, where advanced training courses and training for professions in this business are held.
With us, you can choose both full-time and part-time (distance) training in hotel management, and the programs are designed in such a way as to cover the maximum number of topics and aspects that are of practical interest in this type of activity. Studying hotel business with us is convenient, easy and interesting!
The main goal of the courses offered by the MBA CITY Academy of Hotel Business is to train qualified specialists in the above area. During the training process, each student will be able to learn everything about organizing, managing and building a business in an interesting and accessible way, and gain not only theoretical, but also practical skills.
The Institute of Hotel Business MBA CITY means high standards of quality education, cooperation with leading companies in the hotel business, as well as a team of teachers who know everything about their subject - practitioners, not theorists. The ability to choose the level of courses, as well as providing students with teaching materials, makes our offer truly unique.
MBA CITY School of Hotel Business is the best offer on the city’s educational services market. Upon completion of the courses, all students receive state-issued certificates.

Institute of Tourism from MBA CITY

The Academy of Tourism MBA CITY invites everyone to undergo training and obtain a profession in one of the most popular areas - tourism business, management and administration.
The peculiarities of the modern world dictate our living conditions - dynamics in everything and the desire to grow in all directions, develop and improve ourselves - important goals for most modern people. Moreover, today it is considered simply an unaffordable luxury to wait for a long time for the professional growth of employees who are forced to go through a difficult path to qualified work; most managers, including those in the tourism business, need professionals now. The question arises: how to get a quick and high-quality education? The answer is simple - undergo intensive training at the Moscow Institute of Tourism from MBA CITY.
These courses are of interest to a huge number of people, because by completing training at our business academy, you can get a high-quality education, as well as a sought-after profession, which, moreover, is quite highly valued in the labor market. In addition, our courses will be useful to all those who cannot imagine their life without traveling, to all tourists who want to know all the intricacies of the tourist world, popular tourist destinations, etc. Also, in the process of receiving education at the Academy of Tourism, students become more familiar with the legal nuances of the tourism business, with basic terms and provisions.

Institute of Tourism in Moscow

The Moscow Institute of Tourism at the MBA CITY Business Academy is the most effective, modern training programs that include the latest teaching methods, therefore, by choosing our courses, you choose high-quality knowledge, excellent advanced training or obtaining a new profession in the shortest possible time and at an affordable price . It is worth noting that our students can receive education both on-site and remotely, which allows you to adjust the intensity of classes to your personal rhythm and receive education without interrupting your main activity.
Classes are taught by experienced teachers who are familiar with tourism in practice, so graduates can safely apply all the knowledge acquired at MBA CITY in their practical work.

The dynamic development of tourism throughout the world required the training of high-level professionals. The Institute of Hotel Business and Tourism of the RUDN University provides such training for all countries of the world. Our students, through active and educational classes, business games, and project activities, acquire fundamental knowledge about the fundamentals of the industry, learn business ethics, master enterprise management, the rules of business communications, networking and entrepreneurship.

The training of specialists in the tourism industry is based on a practice-oriented approach, which allows students already in the third or fourth year to develop business plans for tourism industry enterprises, innovative tourism and hotel products in a sufficiently high quality and professional manner, assess the risks associated with the promotion of new offers and services and analyze consumer demand.

The Institute studies hotel service, management of tourism industry enterprises, development of tourism products and many other applied professional disciplines. Up to 80% of graduates receive job offers from leading enterprises in the global tourism industry.

During the period of study at the institute, students not only develop innovative products for the tourism market, but learn to assess the risks associated with the promotion of new offers and services, analyze consumer demand, and gain experience in determining the advantages of new types of tourism products and services.

The Institute has created a unique multilingual environment. As part of mastering the main specialty, English is studied throughout the entire period of study, and from the second year, at the student’s choice, one or more foreign languages, including: Spanish, German, Italian, French, Chinese and Arabic and other languages. Some disciplines are taught in English by visiting professors from foreign specialized universities. In addition, there is the possibility of defending a final qualifying thesis in a foreign language. Our students have the opportunity to undergo training in the additional program “Translator” and receive a diploma as a translator, which can be very significant in the career of a specialist in the tourism industry.

Our students are in a special position, having the opportunity to interact every day with their colleagues from many other countries, honing their language skills and immersing themselves in the environment. Language internships at the London Language School, Malta, and language schools in France, Germany and Spain enhance the quality of training.

The Institute implements double degree programs with universities in the CIS countries and abroad, including: Kazakh National University named after. al-Farabi, Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumileva, Yerevan State University, University of Seville, Valencia University of Technology, Lund University, Peking University Business School and Guangdong University. Upon completion of training, the graduate receives two diplomas (RUDN University and a partner university). This practice significantly expands employment opportunities in any country in the world.

The training program includes practices in the largest organizations in the tourism industry, which will not only introduce future specialists to the real professional environment and the work of industry enterprises, but will also help in establishing useful contacts in the thematic market, and will give them the ability to communicate with speakers of a wide variety of cultures. Students gradually, from course to course, undergo practice at all levels, starting with simple positions and ending with top management positions.

Among our partners are such branded enterprises as the Travel Agency "Coral Travel", the travel company "Muzenidis Tavel", the travel company "Sodis", Travel System Bohemia LLC (TRAVELSYSTEM), ANO "SOYUZEXPERTIZA" of the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the travel agency "Alvis +" and Russian Tourism Consulting, Kempinski Hotels, Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya, Lotte Plaza, Marriott Hotels, The Ritz-Carlton, Azimut, Holiday Inn, Intercontinental and many others.

Some students undergo internships in government tourism management bodies: the Federal Agency for Tourism and regional tourism management bodies.

The Institute cooperates with leading specialized international organizations, including the International Association for the Training of Personnel for Hotel Business and Tourism (AMFORHT, France), the Association of Schools of Hotel Business and Catering in Europe (EURHODIP, Belgium) and the European Association of Schools of Hotel Business and Tourism (AEHT , Luxembourg). The Institute is an associated member of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO, Spain), a member of the Eurasian Commonwealth of Tourism Industry Specialists (ECOT, Russia).

Thanks to foreign partners, students of the Institute can realize themselves in the global market of the tourism industry.

Not long ago, the specialty “Hospitality” appeared in Russian universities. What kind of profession is this “Hospitality Specialist”, and in what industry can a graduate work?

Let's take a closer look at this specialization to understand all its positive and negative aspects.

Who is a hotel service manager?

This is a specialist who is in charge of organizing guest services in hotels and tourist complexes.

He receives, accommodates, discharges guests, and is responsible for the smooth operation of the facility.

The hospitality and tourism industry in Russia is developing rapidly. It includes three main sectors: catering, hotel management and tourism. The first two are often combined under the same term “Hotel and restaurant (business)” or “Hotel and restaurant business”.

We can give the following definition to the concept of “hotel and tourism business” - this is a sector of the economy that is associated with the provision of services in the field of hotel management and tourism.

Let's see what The professions in this area are the most respectable, paid and interesting:

  • hotel manager;
  • PR manager;
  • hostess;
  • hotel manager;
  • event organizer;
  • nutrition manager;
  • Front Desk Manager;
  • brand manager;
  • room supervisor;
  • Chef.

The question often arises for applicants: what is better, “Tourism” or “Hospitality”? Everyone decides for themselves. But the second direction is very promising.

Consumers want to see not only a traditional hotel; today they are attracted to something new and non-standard. For example, floating hotels, boats, boat campings, etc.

You always have the chance to open your own business, for which you do not need to recruit a large staff (for example, hostels, etc.).

Where and how many years to study for the specialty “Hotel Service”

In Russia, higher education in this specialty (applied bachelor's degree) can be obtained in almost 100 universities in the country (97, to be precise). Be sure to read reviews about the university from students and graduates before enrolling.

Let's list Top 5 universities in the Russian Federation where training is conducted:

  • Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (KFU);
  • Southern Federal University (SFU);
  • Ural Federal University named after. B. N. Yeltsin (Ural Federal University named after B. N. Yeltsin);
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN);
  • Far Eastern Federal University (FFU).

Duration of study – 4 years (full-time). Studying is complemented by practice in hotels with which the university has an agreement.

Today in Russia, training in this specialty is offered not only by universities, but also by colleges, where you can enroll after 9th or 11th grade, as well as private companies and organizations that retrain specialists.

For example, at Synergy University (Moscow) there is a college (direction “Hotel Service”, Faculty of Hotel and Restaurant Business) with a training period of 1 year 10 months or 2 years 10 months. After graduation, there is the opportunity to enroll in the 2nd or 3rd year of the specialty “Management in the hotel and restaurant business” (first higher education).

At the same university you can get a second higher education in a similar specialty with a duration of study of 4-4.5 years. Master's and postgraduate studies will be further stages of education.

What subjects can be included in the curriculum of the “Hospitality” direction:

  • organization of reception and accommodation services;
  • sales technology in the hotel business;
  • advertising in the hotel business;
  • technology and organization of food services;
  • standardization and quality control of hotel services;
  • international hotel chains;
  • corporate culture in the hotel business, etc.

In addition, there are courses of varying durations offered by various private companies.

What subjects need to be taken

To enroll in the specialty “Hotel Service”, “Hotel Management” you need to pass the Unified State Exam in three subjects.

Today the list is as follows:

  • Russian language (basic level);
  • mathematics (basic level);
  • social studies (profile level).

Other exams are taken at St. Petersburg State University: Russian language, social studies, foreign language. At Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenina – social studies, history, Russian language. The Unified State Exam in these subjects will also be asked of you at the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management "NINH" (NSUEU).

You need to find out the exact list of subjects in advance on the website of the university of interest.

Where can a graduate with a diploma in Hospitality work?

After receiving a diploma in Hospitality, you can apply for a position in middle management, that is, hotel management.

You have already moved beyond lower-level positions (cleaners, maids). The highest level will be senior management.

What vacancies can be offered to a graduate:

  • manager;
  • administrator;
  • manager;
  • HR Specialist.

How to become a hotel manager

First of all, you must have a degree in Hospitality Management. The second one is also necessary – “Human Resources Management”.

It is advisable to also have an economic or legal education. Such complexity will give you advantages, in particular:

  • in the management of marketing activities, which includes production and sales marketing, marketing communications;
  • in intra-company management (management), including strategic, current, operational, process management, project management, development;
  • in intra-company planning and forecasting, which includes strategic, current, operational planning, management control.

To become a manager, it is good to have not only diplomas from leading universities, but also certificates of internships in prestigious hotels, especially foreign ones.

What is the salary of a hotel manager in Moscow

A hotel manager in Moscow earns an average of about 70,000 rubles(according to the website Moscva.trud.com). This profession is one of the highly paid. In the regions, such work is naturally paid lower.

Career in Hospitality

If you are hardworking, have organizational skills, are sociable, have resistance to stressful situations, can work in multitasking conditions (you have to solve the most diverse tasks every day), know foreign languages, then you can count on career growth.

Experience and practice can allow you to later take such a prestigious position as a “hotel business expert” who deals with forecasting in the hotel industry.

Hotel service specialist - pros and cons of the profession

Overall, this field of activity is very attractive.

Among the advantages is the demand for the profession. A graduate can find work not only in Russia, but also abroad. In addition, experience communicating with people will always be useful in life.

Among the disadvantages are a large amount of work, frequent stressful situations and problems issues that need to be resolved as professionally as possible. This means: an even tone of speech, goodwill, a desire to find a compromise. A hotel service specialist can work night shifts and on public holidays.

This is a popular direction for both education and development of the country. Many people think about what kind of education to get to successfully work in this field. Understanding this issue is not as difficult as it seems. In fact, it is enough to know just a few features of training. But choosing a place to receive an appropriate education is more difficult. There are a lot of different institutions that allow graduates to work in the hotel and restaurant business. And an ignorant person may simply get confused in the choice.

What is the work

So, the first step is to understand what a citizen who has decided to work in a direction called “hotel and restaurant business” will have to do. It is not entirely clear what will need to be done in this or that case.

The point is that upon graduation from one or another institution a person will become a restaurateur. Or, as he is also called, a hotel and restaurant business manager. The tasks of such an employee are varied.

Among the main activities are:

  • work quality control;
  • management of hotels or restaurants;
  • establishing a supply of items necessary for the functioning of the business;
  • marketing planning.

In other words, such a manager is a universal worker in the hotel and restaurant business. Most often found as an administrator in a particular institution.

Ways of learning

Didn't the definition scare you away? Then you should think about training. Where can you master this type of activity as the hotel and restaurant business? Where should a person go to receive an appropriate education? There are a lot of options. Everyone chooses one or another institution to build their career and receive education in the hotel and restaurant industry.

If we briefly list all possible places of study, we can highlight the following organizations:

  • universities in Russia and outside the country;
  • colleges;
  • organizations offering retraining;
  • private training companies.

Each training option has its own characteristics. They will be discussed further below. What should you pay attention to in this or that case? How to become a restaurateur without any problems?


It's probably worth starting with the least common scenario. We are talking about taking retraining courses. They are usually organized either by the employer or by specialized labor exchanges.

The average training period is 2-3 months. No entrance tests will be required. Upon graduation, the citizen receives a certificate of retraining as a restaurateur. From now on, he will be able to work in the hotel and restaurant business.

Private centers

The next training option is to contact private training centers. This is a good way to receive additional education, as well as self-development. With the help of specialized courses, you can easily master the hotel and restaurant business. It is recommended to inquire about the programs offered by certain private educational institutions.

They usually study for about a year. In rare cases, the training lasts several months or years. After listening to lectures, you usually need to take a final test and pass an exam. And after this, the person is given a certificate stating that he is now considered a restaurateur. The document usually lists the skills acquired.

Are you interested in the hotel and restaurant business? What subjects will you have to take to study at private centers? None. And it pleases. There are no entrance tests at private educational centers. It's enough to just pay for your education.


A more serious approach is to study at universities in the country. Modern universities offer several options for mastering the specialty of a restaurateur. You can study at a university on the basis of secondary vocational education or get a higher education. In the first case, education will be obtained. He is not very valued by employers. In the second, the graduate will receive a diploma of higher education. This is what attracts many employers. Although, as practice shows, the hotel and restaurant business allows you to successfully build a career with a diploma of secondary specialized education.

Depending on the type of study chosen, you will have to spend either 2 years, or 3, or 4 as a student. In the first two cases, we are talking about secondary specialized education based on grade 9 or 11, respectively. Higher education takes 4 years.

A distinctive feature of studying at universities and colleges is the presence of entrance tests. To be accepted as a student, you will need to pass certain exams. More on them a little later. First, you should find out where exactly in Russia you can go to study to become a restaurateur.

Universities for studying

There are a lot of higher educational institutions in Russia. Where do they study in the field of "hotel and restaurant business"? Universities in Russia that offer to become restaurateurs include the following:

  • Plekhanov University;
  • RSUH;
  • Sechenov Moscow State Institute;
  • Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow).

These are not all educational institutions. In almost every humanitarian university you can become a restaurateur. Only the above places, as students say, provide the best training in their chosen field.


Are you interested in the hotel and restaurant business? College is the most common option for getting an appropriate education to start a career. Usually, admission to specialized schools is considered after 9th or 11th grade.

Depending on the chosen educational institution, entrance examinations are either present or absent. Where exactly should I go to study? You can choose a humanitarian technical school. And there you can see if there is a direction that interests the applicant. As already mentioned, after 9th grade they study for 2 years, after 11th grade - 3.

Where exactly should I go? You can pay attention to:

  • management and hotel and restaurant business;
  • Small Business College No. 48;
  • food college in Moscow;
  • Krasnodar Trade and Economic College.

This is all just the beginning. The list could take a very long time. Are you interested in the hotel and restaurant business? The college in St. Petersburg at 154a embankment is considered the most successful choice among residents of St. Petersburg.


What's next? Now it is important to understand what tests you will have to go through. As already mentioned, technical schools sometimes admit students simply by application. It is enough to simply present a certificate of secondary education, an identity card and an application for enrollment.

And if the university is studying the hotel and restaurant business, what should I take? Mandatory exams include:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics.

Both subjects must be passed at the basic level. But in the major you will have to take social studies. In some cases, they may also request the Unified State Exam or State Examination in English. These are all the exams that you will have to pass. And then enrolling in a hotel and restaurant business college or university will not be difficult.

The hotel business and tourism are very well developed today and continue to develop further. In this regard, organizations are interested in finding young professionals who know the basics of hotel service and tourism. This is a very controversial profession, and the article will help you understand whether it is worth studying for hotel management.

Description of specialty

A specialist in the field of “Hospitality” works primarily in the hotel business, but can be involved in restaurant activities or tourism. Most often, colleges and universities teach the specialty “Tourism and Hotel Service,” and the graduate receives the qualification “Tourism and Hotel Service Manager.” He can independently choose the type of activity he wants to do.

The specialist is engaged in organizational, managerial, production and technical activities. A graduate of the specialties “Hospitality”, “Hotel Service” or “Tourism and Hotel Service” can work in hotels, restaurants, resort complexes, and travel agencies.

During their studies, future managers learn the basics of service and etiquette, management, organization and management of the hotel business, business planning, hotel animation and other interesting disciplines necessary for further work.


  • Interesting disciplines. During their studies, students study useful and interesting humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines. This specialty is worth choosing for those who are not very well versed in mathematics, physics and other technical sciences.
  • Ability to communicate. The ability to build a dialogue is an important quality for any manager, including a hotel manager. The specialist must be able to speak correctly and, most importantly, politely with the guest and be able to solve his problems. In universities and colleges, future managers are taught proper communication, as well as psychology, so that they can immediately understand a person and adapt to his mood and character.
  • Important life qualities. The disciplines and sciences studied during the study, as well as the acquired qualities, will be useful in any field, not only in the hotel industry. Therefore, even if a graduate does not work in his specialty, he will always be able to find a job in another or similar field, and even create his own business.
  • Ability to draw up business plans and open new hotels. Graduates of this specialty do not necessarily work as receptionists or other service personnel. They can also develop a project for their own hotel or hotel and create their own business.
  • Good salary. But even service personnel in hotels, especially large ones and those with a category above 3 stars, earn good money. The average salary of a hotel administrator is 30,000 rubles.
  • There are prospects for career growth. After a few years of working as an ordinary administrator, you can become a hotel manager, whose salary is several times higher. In the hotel business, even maids and waiters are able to “grow” in their careers.


  • Nervous and stressful work. A hotel administrator is not always able to stand calmly at the counter, smile and talk with guests. Sometimes you meet very nervous guests who are constantly not happy with something, and you have to solve their problems.
  • Irregular working hours. Typically hotel staff work in 2/2 shifts (day shift/night shift and 2 days off). Not everyone will be able to adapt to such a schedule, besides this, it is very exhausting. But there is always the opportunity to change.
  • You have to spend a lot of time on your feet. When communicating with a hotel guest, the administrator must stand in accordance with the rules of etiquette. All hotel workers: manager, administrator, maids, doormen, etc., spend a lot of time on their feet, as they constantly need to serve guests.
  • It is difficult to enter a university on a budget. There are very few budget places in universities in this specialty, and most often students study for a fee. To enroll on a budget basis, you must score above 250 Unified State Examination points. But there is an alternative - there are many more free places in colleges, and it is easier to get into them.
  • You can get a job without education. Today, many hotels, travel agencies and other similar organizations hire specialists without education - they are trained directly while working. Therefore, you need to think - is it worth spending 4 years on training if you can get a job without it?

And yet, specialists who have an education in the specialty “Hotel Service” have a better chance of getting a job than those who do not.

On the basis of 9 classes you can only enter college, the duration of training is 3 years. To enter college, only a certificate is required, since the ranking of applicants is based on the average score of the certificate.

After 11th grade, you can also go to college (based on the average score of the certificate), but the duration of study will be not 3, but 2 years. Also, applicants who have passed the Unified State Exam in the required subjects can apply to 5 universities. The following items are required for admission:

  1. Russian language.
  2. Basic mathematics.
  3. Profile mathematics.
  4. Social science.
  5. Story.
  6. Geography.

Each educational institution has its own requirements and necessary subjects for admission. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the requirements of each university where you plan to enroll. The duration of study at the university is 4 years.

Everyone decides for themselves whether to enter this specialty or not. On the one hand, it is interesting and not boring; during your studies you can gain a lot of useful knowledge that will be useful in life. On the other hand, if hotels hire people without work experience or education, why waste time studying? But if you want to open your own hotel in the future, then education in this area will greatly help you do this.
