Download presentation on light industry. Presentation on the topic "Light industry of the world." Percentage of fabric production containing chemical fibers

Light industry includes 30 large industries, which are combined into groups: primary processing of raw materials; primary processing of raw materials; textile industry; textile industry; clothing industry; clothing industry; shoe industry. shoe industry.

The main factors of placement are: raw materials (for industries of primary processing of raw materials); raw materials (for primary processing industries); consumer (for clothing and footwear); consumer (for clothing and footwear); a combination of the first two (depending on the production stages textile industry); a combination of the first two (depending on the production stages of the textile industry); factor labor resources; labor resource factor; water factor. water factor.

The most important industry light industry - textile industry. In first place is the production of cotton fabrics (China, India, Russia). fabrics (China, India, Russia). Second place - production of fabrics from chemical fiber (USA, India, Japan). Second place - production of fabrics from chemical fiber (USA, India, Japan). In the production of silk fabrics, the leaders in the production of silk fabrics are the USA, Japan, China, and the leaders in the production of woolen fabrics are Russia and Italy. and woolen ones - Russia, Italy.

Trends in the development of global light industry: reduction in the rate of production of fabrics from chemical fibers; reduction in the rate of production of fabrics from chemical fibers; a sharp increase in the share of developing countries in textile production; a sharp increase in the share of developing countries in textile production; expansion of the range of products. expansion of the range of products.

Problems of light industry in Russia: 1. The level of development of light industry is insufficient: supplies of raw materials from the Central Asian republics (where cotton is grown) have been reduced; the industry's products cannot withstand competition with imported goods that have poured into Russia from abroad in recent years; almost 40% of the industry's equipment is outdated. 2. Specific gravity light industry in the structure of the economy has noticeably decreased.

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Light industry.

Light industry is a set of specialized industries that produce mainly consumer goods from various types raw materials. Light industry carries out both primary processing of raw materials and production finished products. Light industry enterprises produce products for industrial, technical and special purposes, which are used in furniture, aviation, automotive, chemical, electrical, food and other industries, agriculture, law enforcement agencies, transport and healthcare. One of the features of light industry is quick returns cash. Technological features of the industry make it possible to quickly change the range of products at a minimum of costs, which ensures high mobility of production.

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Light industry meets the needs of the population in...


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Indicators for the main types of light industry products (forecast for 2010)

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Growth in light industry production (%)

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    Share of light industry in the total volume of regional production in 2007, %

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    Main problems of the industry.

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    Main areas for light industry.

    Ivanovo region Tver region Chuvashia Kostroma region Ryazan region Vladimir region

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    Problems of light industry in Russia.

    FLAX CULTIVATION. The main supplier of natural raw materials for light industry is agriculture. Flax growing is in a very difficult situation. From year to year, fiber flax crops are being reduced, and its yield is falling. Flax growing is distributed unevenly: over 60% of the harvested raw materials are in the Central region, 25% in the Northwestern and Volgograd regions. Northern region and only 15% for all others - Volga-Vyatka, Ural, West Siberian and East Siberian. Currently, the issue of reviving domestic flax growing to replace purchased cotton is being resolved.

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    Natural wool is produced mainly by sheep, a very small share (less than 1.5%) comes from goats, etc. By the beginning of 1994, compared to 1990, the number of sheep decreased by 25%, wool production by 23%. The quality of supplied wool has sharply deteriorated, the bulk of which does not meet international standards. Currently, the needs of the wool industry for natural raw materials are not being met. The main regions that supply raw materials are: North Caucasus, Volga Region, East Siberian.

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    Natural leather raw materials Light industry could provide itself almost completely, but a significant part of it is exported from Russia. In return, you have to purchase semi-finished products for the production of shoes and other products, which increases the initial price of products, affects the price and growth of costs for the production of raw hides due to rising prices for livestock (costs on feed, fertilizers, equipment).

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    Cotton is not grown in Russia, so the developed cotton industry is entirely based on imported raw materials. Raw cotton comes from Central Asian countries (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan). In recent years, supplies of raw materials from other countries have often been disrupted.

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    Percentage of fabric production containing chemical fibers

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    Scheme of the tree structure for solving problems of light industry development

    What do you need to know to improve the system? Indicators of effective functioning of the system Social need for specific products Conditions and factors for the functioning of the system System management capabilities What needs to be developed to improve the system? Functional content of the system Software and methodological support of the system Operating modes of the system

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    Distribution of light industry products by economic regions of Russia (%)

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    Presentation on the topic “Light Industry”. Completed by: 1st year student of the PIE specialty Tatyana Melnikova. Checked by: Candidate of Geographical Sciences, senior lecturer of the Department of Economic and Social Geography of SSEU Mikhail Konstantinovich Shishkov.

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    Light industry. Light industry is a set of specialized industries that produce mainly consumer goods from various types of raw materials. Light industry carries out both primary processing of raw materials and production of finished products. Light industry enterprises produce industrial, technical and special-purpose products that are used in furniture, aviation, automotive, chemical, electrical, food and other industries, agriculture, law enforcement agencies, transport and healthcare. One of the features of light industry is the quick return of funds. Technological features of the industry make it possible to quickly change the range of products at a minimum of costs, which ensures high mobility of production.

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    Indicators for the main types of light industry products (forecast for 2010) units. measured production import export Demand domestic market Demand for domestic products Market share, % Cotton fabrics million sq. m. 3100 140 500 2740 2600 95 Wool fabrics million sq. m. 110 32.5 10 132.5 100 75.5 Linen fabrics million sq. m. 228 5 65 168 163 97 Knitted products million pcs. 300 340 40 600 260 43.3 Footwear million pairs 120 110 12 218 108 49.5 Sewing products billion rubles 110 100 10 200 100 50

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    Share of light industry in the total volume of regional production in 2007, %

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    Main problems of the industry. Low level of wages. In January 2006 average Russian level wages was 4054 rubles. (46% of the average salary in processing industries industry). Use of outdated equipment. Since 2005 annual equipment renewal in the industry did not exceed 3-4%, while economically developed countries: 14-16%. High share of illegally imported goods in the consumer market (more than 62%). Most enterprises are concentrated in the provinces. Enterprises have a shortage own funds for the development of production.

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    Main areas for light industry. Ivanovo region Tver region Chuvashia Kostroma region Ryazan region Vladimir region

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    Problems of light industry in Russia. FLAX CULTIVATION. The main supplier of natural raw materials for light industry is agriculture. Flax growing is in a very difficult situation. From year to year, fiber flax crops are being reduced, and its yield is falling. Flax growing is distributed unevenly: over 60% of the harvested raw materials are in the Central region, 25% in the Northwestern and Volgograd regions. Northern region and only 15% for all others - Volga-Vyatka, Ural, West Siberian and East Siberian. Currently, the issue of reviving domestic flax growing to replace purchased cotton is being resolved.

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    WOOL. Natural wool is produced mainly by sheep, a very small share (less than 1.5%) comes from goats, etc. By the beginning of 1994, compared to 1990, the number of sheep decreased by 25%, wool production by 23%. The quality of supplied wool has sharply deteriorated, the bulk of which does not meet international standards. Currently, the needs of the wool industry for natural raw materials are not being met. The main regions that supply raw materials are: North Caucasus, Volga Region, East Siberian.

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    HAND RAW RAW MATERIALS The light industry could provide itself almost completely with natural leather raw materials, but a significant part of it is exported from Russia. In return, you have to purchase semi-finished products for the production of shoes and other products, which increases the initial price of products, affects the price and growth of costs for the production of raw hides due to rising prices for livestock (costs on feed, fertilizers, equipment).

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    COTTON Cotton is not grown in Russia, so the developed cotton industry is entirely based on imported raw materials. Raw cotton comes from Central Asian countries (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan). In recent years, supplies of raw materials from other countries have often been disrupted.

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    Scheme of the tree structure for solving problems of light industry development. What do you need to know to improve the system? Indicators of effective functioning of the system Social demand for specific products Conditions and factors for the functioning of the system Capabilities for managing the system What needs to be developed to improve the system? Functional content of the system Software and methodological support of the system Modes of operation of the system

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    Distribution of light industry products by economic regions of Russia (%) 38.2 CENTRAL 4.2 CENTRAL CHERNOZEM 6.6 NORTH CAUCASIAN VOLGA URAL NORTHERN VOLGA-VYATSK WEST SIBERIAN EASTERN SIBERIAN FAR EASTERN NORTH-WESTERN 11 .5 11 1.8 5.8 6.2 4.6 2.2 7.8

    Scientific and technological progress had a powerful influence on the development of light industry. This was manifested in a change in the raw material base of the industry, the introduction of the latest equipment and technology. The chemicalization of the industry has made it possible to use polymer materials (chemical fibers, plastics, synthetic rubbers) in large quantities, greatly expand the use of new generations of synthetic dyes, and various chemicals that improve the consumer qualities of industry products.

    Traditional natural fibers, leather and fur raw materials have been supplemented by a large number of different artificial materials(chemical fibers, plastic-based synthetic leathers, artificial furs, etc.). The introduction of synthetic materials led to their strong competition with natural ones: products using synthetic materials led to cheaper products. Products from natural fiber and leathers are becoming more and more expensive. Over the years The entire raw material base of light industry has changed radically.

    The factors for the location of light industry enterprises are varied, but the main ones can be identified: 1. raw materials, which mainly influences the location of enterprises for the primary processing of raw materials: for example, flax processing factories are located in flax production areas, wool washing enterprises - in sheep breeding areas, enterprises for the primary processing of leather - near large meat processing plants: 2. residential, i.e. consumer; 3. labor resources, providing for their significant quantity and qualifications, since all branches of light industry use predominantly female labor.

    Environmental issues In general, light industry is an environmentally friendly industry. Since its energy source is mainly electricity, harmful waste and air pollution are minimal. Therefore, industry enterprises are often located near residential areas.

    Since light industry, as a rule, does not require significant one-time supplies of raw materials, then, unlike heavy industry, there is no need to locate enterprises near railways. This expands the capabilities of manufacturers, and today new branches and workshops are increasingly being built in small towns, creating new jobs in the province. In recent years, most of the supply of raw materials and transportation of finished products has been carried out by road transport, due to which the construction of new roads to remote regions is expanding.

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