Download the presentation about how beautiful this world is. How beautiful this world is... Master class summary

“How the world works” - The science of biology studies living nature. Live nature. Connections in nature. Can a person do without nature? Look, my dear friend, what is around? What is nature? Types of nature. Nature. The sky is light blue. Living and inanimate nature are connected to each other. Inanimate nature RAIN CLAY CLOUD GOLD.

"Resources of the World" - Is the land dominated by pasture? Mineral resources of the world. Resource availability. Waste. Using the table, compare the resource availability of countries natural gas. Fuel and energy resources of the world. Land resources peace. There are 2 forest zones: tropical and northern; determine the leaders. Pollution environment 3 ways to solve the problem.

“System of the World” - The importance of Copernicus’s work cannot be overestimated. System of the world according to Copernicus. The main Mayan structures have survived to this day. An astronomer's office from the early 16th century. Ulugbekblin quadrant plate with degree divisions. The sun and comets in ancient images of astronomers. The sun and comets in ancient images of astronomers.

“Tolstoy War and Peace” - A. S. Figner. The representative of the people's war was commander Kutuzov. Goals and objectives: Conclusions. Tolstoy's depiction of army actions in the novel War and Peace. The writer portrays Kutuzov as simple and modest. The writer is far from idealizing soldiers. Tikhon Shcherbaty – “the most the right person in the squad." Together with the army and the people, Kutuzov defends the freedom and national independence of Russia.

“How beautiful this world is” - Na open places The snow began to melt and streams began to flow. You can swim in the warm river all day. They began to return from warmer climes migratory birds. We saw many wonderful things there. The birds are singing. Fields covered with wheat. The sun began to warm outside. Thunderstorm and lightning flashed. People take care of the world. The breeze blows a little.

“Novel War and Peace” - The main role in the war was assigned to Austria and Russia. L. N. TOLSTOY “War and Peace” Historical basis of the novel. Some literary scholars define War and Peace as a philosophical and historical novel. Genre of the novel. Austria withdrew from the war and signed a separate peace with France. Napoleon tried to encircle the Russian troops in the St. Pölten area.

Statistics Is it necessary to protect nature? - this question is not difficult to answer. Of course, nature needs to be protected, we need to take care of it. Without this, life on Earth will be harder. The air will become polluted and humanity on Earth will get sick more and die earlier. Reservoirs will become shallow, dry up, and become clogged. If the land is not protected, it will become covered with ravines and nuthatches, and the upper layer will disappear. fertile layer soil and it will be impossible to grow food. Unprotected forests will be cut down, they will die from pests and fires. There will be no trees and shrubs left to replenish oxygen supplies. Is it necessary to protect nature? - this question is not difficult to answer. Of course, nature needs to be protected, we need to take care of it. Without this, life on Earth will be harder. The air will become polluted and humanity on Earth will get sick more and die earlier. Reservoirs will become shallow, dry up, and become clogged. If the land is not protected, it will be covered with ravines and nuthatches, the top fertile layer of soil will disappear and it will be impossible to grow food. Unprotected forests will be cut down, they will die from pests and fires. There will be no trees and shrubs left to replenish oxygen supplies.

Group of theorists Study and protect the environment around us vegetable world, gardens, flower beds; Flowers should not be picked not only in meadows and forests, but also in flower beds and lawns. They are there to decorate our daily lives, to delight everyone around us, to make the world wonderful.

Master class summary.


Introduce students into the world of figurative language of art, show the relationship between nature and music, man and music, show the multidimensionality and harmony of the world around them, cultivate interest in it, a desire to peer and listen attentively to all the diversity of nature and life.


Computer, screen, tape recorder, phonograph.




“There are many unseen in space

Shapes and unimaginable sounds,

There are many wonderful combinations in them,

But only those who know how to convey them

And see, and hear, and be surprised"

A. Tolstoy

(question) What do you think is the purpose of our lesson?

(summarizing answers)

So, today we will try to see, hear and be surprised by the beauty and power of musical art.


The music of G. Sviridov “Autumn” sounds

Group 1 selects a landscape sketch to match the music they listened to.

Group 2 selects a facial expression (facial expression) that matches the character of the musical fragment

Protecting choice.

Generalization: Music. Born from life, being part of life, the songs of life and nature, it influences the human soul, ennobles it, awakens a sense of responsibility for life, for nature. As the artist Levitan said, “Earth is paradise, and life is a mystery, a beautiful mystery,” and we will try to penetrate a little into its secrets.

And experiment, observation, the nature of the sound will help us with this,

4. WORKING WITH THE WORD: experiment, observation, sound character,

means of musical expression.

Listening to the muses of a fragment of Symphony No. 40 by W.A. Mozart

What impression did the music make on you?

Which group of instruments performs this piece?

What is the main intonation in it?

What do you know about the interaction between classical music and nature?

Now we will turn into scientists and conduct an experiment

Watching the video clip “Voiced Flower”

Explain this scientifically

(summarizing answers)

The Japanese Haara spent several years on experiments, the results of which awakened interest in the invisible connections between plants and music. He “processed” the flowers with an audio recording of Mozart’s violin concerto. The flowers responded to the care with gratitude, delighting the grower with their bright colors and good growth


Now let’s check how music affects a person’s feelings.

Experiment “Transmission of music in colors.”

Listen to a piece of music and try to use colors to convey the feelings that arise while listening.

A musical fragment of “Morning” by E. Grieg is played

Picture with paints.


1. justify the choice of color

2. talk about the feelings that arose

“Music is one of the most soulful forms of art; it is capable of conveying shades of human feelings and experiences, making a person softer, kinder, more soulful”

There's not much to see here

Here you need to take a closer look,

So that with clear love

My heart was full.

It's not enough to hear here

Here you need to listen

So that there is harmony in the soul

They rushed together

I wish you to look and see

listen and hear...

And be surprised...

Where is the way out of the current impasse? “Mad, powerless! What are we looking for? We have neither heroism nor happiness. We are proud of our knowledge and lose our human image. We have gone wild in our ugly giant cities - these strongholds of stone and iron,” wrote the Russian philosopher Dmitry Merezhkovsky at the beginning of the 20th century.

Why is it that in countries where the material and living standards are higher than ours (in the USA, for example), all the above-mentioned troubles flourish in full bloom - drug addiction and murder? Why haven't they reached their Golden Age yet? Why don’t the economy and material wealth save a person from suffering and misfortune?

Are there really no people on Earth who know the remedy that will save the world? Think about the statement of academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev: “No laws of economics ever apply where there is no minimum morality. Among thieves, for example.”

What do our writers, philosophers, and spiritual ascetics say? “Beauty will save the world,” we read from F. M. Dostoevsky. “Beauty is power, and it will save the world,” said Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev. “Yes, it is beauty and only beauty that will save, revive and organize the world,” argued the religious thinker Grigory Petrov.

Internet resources: V.K. Ivanova “Beauty will save the world” lesson for middle and high school students. and. " School library"No. 6 2004 http://www. /0-68,1,1171581553-smekh.html /gsearch.php?section=audio&q=stalker

The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "Social Studies"

The main purpose of a social studies presentation is to study society and understand social processes. This section of the site contains ready-made presentations covering the entire school curriculum in social studies. Here you can find and download ready-made presentation in social studies for grades 6,7,8,9,10,11. Well-illustrated and well-written presentations will help the teacher teach a lesson in an engaging way, and students can use them to prepare for a lesson, review material already covered, or as a visual accompaniment when giving a report.
