Debriefing: how large brands manage Instagram. How to create a personal brand on Instagram and promote it - tips Brands and companies on Instagram

McDonalds, Zara, Dove, GoPro, Clinique - how do global brands manage their pages on Instagram? We learn from the examples of successful companies.

SMM in companies of different sizes is very different. For example, if I bake the world’s most delicious eclairs at home, I can take a photo of them, post on Instagram, and accept orders for the next batch directly via direct message.

At the same time, McDonalds, when posting photos of its unhealthy goodies, hardly expects to receive questions like: “Wow, how much does it cost?”, “How to order?”, “Is there delivery?”

Large companies put image and brand awareness among a large number of people at the head of the table. Small business - directly increasing sales.

Nevertheless, it is large businesses that have the opportunity to create interesting and high-quality content that attracts users of social networks. What are global brands doing on Instagram? I will show you in this review.

, 380 thousand subscribers

Sprite actively uses influencers on its Instagram page. It’s not surprising, you say, but in the signatures the brand emphasizes that these are opinion leaders and they will definitely influence you.

In all posts, the company tries to joke, shows behind the scenes of filming (in the photo below you can see how Sprite remains cool during photo shoots) and almost every third post contains a video.

Twix, 246 thousand subscribers

It seems that Twix's strategy is to publish whatever comes to hand. Therefore, the profile contains both perfectly photoshopped shots of the product and videos recorded on the phone at some event.

What caught my attention were the short graphic videos that were accompanied by funny captions.

The success of Instagram only confirms the hypothesis that niche delimitation is the future of the social media market. As Western marketers predicted, social networks are beginning to be divided not only by type of users, such as LinkedIn (for professional contacts), but also by type of content, such as the “visuals” of Pinterest and Instagram. By the way, both of the latter are dedicated exclusively to graphic content, but it was Instagram that became an amazing success story.

The number of Instagram followers is growing every second. It would be reckless not to use such a “live” platform in the interests of your business, given that the largest social networks have long been used more than successfully to promote brands. Strategies and methods have been developed, and a real industry of SMM services has been created. Perhaps it’s time to look at the capabilities of Instagram through the eyes of social media specialists, since it is no longer one of the billions of applications, but a social network that, like others, can become a powerful marketing channel for brands.

II. What does Instagram give to brands?

Instagram in its potential is an “untilled field” of various opportunities both for B2C brands (targeted at the end consumer) and for companies focused on a business audience (with a well-structured business strategy). By the way, unlike the methods, the goals that can be achieved using the service are largely identical to those set in a standard social media marketing campaign, namely:


Although there are no advertisements on Instagram, you can grab some of the fame from here: you need to provide such content so that users will follow you (it’s important not to slip into an account with funny pictures). Everything is complicated by the lack of a viral effect, since sharing (posting other people's posts in your feed) requires a special application. In what situation will the user rush to install it? Perhaps, if only you take a photo of him and he wants to get a photo of himself. There is only one way out: to become the very best, the most interesting, the most useful.


It's such an interesting thing when people love your brand. Not the products, not the employees, but just the brand for what it is. Yes, not every online bearing store will be able to replicate Apple’s success. But you can and should try to make a buyer fall in love with you, and here visual content can help you. Today, when people have no time to read, communication through pictures can be considered the beginning of flirting.

#Reputation management and feedback

Any influence on someone else’s opinion gives rise to instant reaction, as in Newtonian mechanics. You can make the most wonderful product (which we have no doubt about), but there will still be critics. It is necessary to respond to angry reviews (whether fair or not). Answering questions about the company, products and services is your sacred duty and an opportunity to win over a potential client.

The process is hampered by the limited search functionality on Instagram. The “hashtag or nothing” principle applies here, which also gives good results.

#Lead generation (receiving targeted calls to the company)

Let's start with the disappointment: selling directly from Instagram is quite difficult. Of course, the service can indirectly present the product to a potential client, but the issue of proceeding to an order/purchase will have to be resolved by indirect methods (personal contact with the account moderator, a call to visit the site, a call back, etc.). The main difficulty is the inability to perform the target action directly from the service.

Link clicks cannot be counted as such. And in principle, there is only one active link - in the account description in the profile. But no one bothers you to sign under the photo that the product has appeared on the website or in any store, talk about the new model, etc.

III. How to maintain an account

The main difference between Instagram is that people come here exclusively for eye-catching content, while other social networks serve several purposes: communication, entertainment, obtaining information (for example, to consult with friends about which frying pan to buy as a gift). That's why to promote a brand you have to do anything but give the user that delicious picture. There are several tools to help you.


Before registering an Instagram account, you need to understand what could be your “trick”. If you plan to post photos of your product from different angles, you will not achieve anything (better to immediately give the budget to someone who urgently needs money). At this stage, you cannot do without a clear digital strategy tailored for this social network. Let's consider its main components.


Look at successful brand accounts or just Instagram bloggers with many thousands of followers, who may not be famous people. Each of them has some kind of idea. Perhaps the most famous example is the account of photographer Murad Osmann and his project “Follow Me”.

Of course, it would be enough for some Madonna to simply take a photograph of herself in the bathroom mirror. Unless you're Madonna, you're going to have to work much, much harder. You must provide truly interesting content, or at the very least useful, without straying too far from your brand. Suppose you have an online sweets store: no need to photograph the counter or copy the candy catalog. Take a lot of beautiful still lifes with different moods and post a couple a day.

#Content plan

This thing that makes life easier is usually always included when drawing up a strategy. So, no matter what enterprising advertisers promise you, remember: an Instagram account is when less is more. Just imagine yourself in the place of a user who, yawning, opens his Instagram feed in the morning and instead of friends’ selfies in every second photo he sees, in fact, advertising content of some brand. Remember what the news feed looks like on a smartphone. This is really a feed where you need to scroll through photos from one to another, from interesting to even more attractive, and everything will immediately fall into place. That's right: everything boring and intrusive will only cause irritation and a desire to immediately cancel such a subscription.

As an example, let’s take the account of the household appliance manufacturer Korting. According to the concept and content plan, photos of delicious dishes with pleasant wishes were posted to the community several times a week, and only on Thursdays - branded content designed in the company’s style.

#The target audience

It is important to reach your audience so that your content is interesting and useful to them - this rule applies to all social media marketing, and it also applies to Instagram.

Be sure to make your profile photo - your business card - bright and memorable. Whether it is the company logo in its pure form, some variations of it, or an image within the framework of the chosen account strategy is up to you. But remember: the vast majority of users watch the feed from the screen of their smartphones, and they are quite small. You definitely won’t have a second chance to make a first impression on potential clients - think about this moment in advance. Let's take the Forever"21 brand as an example: a bright, recognizable and at the same time laconic profile photo that fits perfectly into the overall concept of the account.


There are two types of content on Instagram: photos and videos. The ability to shoot video appeared not so long ago, the timing of videos is limited to 15 seconds, and there is nothing you can do about it. Undoubtedly, at the moment, photography has a huge advantage over video, since it requires less cost both during creation and viewing.

Uniqueness. We have already talked about the uniqueness of your content as a defining characteristic of successful promotion on Instagram. So this is actually very important: the content must be truly original. If you take any existing pictures, at least they should not be hackneyed. Here, various photo banks, of which there are a great many on the Internet, can help you.

Description. It is often useful, in addition to hashtags, to add a description to each photo (some kind of brief explanation, question or comment). Of course, the option of simply posting photos also has a right to life, but it’s still better to express yourself somehow. The main thing is not to confuse Instagram with Facebook and do not write long posts. A couple of sentences is enough. But remember: users prefer to like rather than comment.

#Photo content

It can be interesting to everyone or narrowly themed, useful or purely entertaining. One thing is important without a doubt - it must be of high quality both in meaning and in the quality of photographs. Yes, there are individuals who create content for Instagram exclusively through the camera of their smartphone. Of course, this is a personal matter for everyone, but your branded account should not have any blurry pictures, pixelation and other pleasures of a pseudo-photographer.

Use different options - still lifes, collages, portraits - anything that can attract attention. Don’t limit yourself to photographing your products, think a little more broadly. Play charades with your brand, act on associations. Look at what the accounts of various Western brands look like, for example, the very “delicious” page of the Oreo company:

But lesser-known, or even local, brands can be as good as the marketing titans. Here's a stunning Instagram showcase for American clothing store Topo Designs. It’s just interesting to follow such an account. This is where the best user photos go, which is why it all looks so attractive. Note that they manage to do this without actively promoting their own hashtags. But there is also a little trick that you can safely adopt. Along with the glossy account that attracts users, there is a second one, which specifically represents the products from the store.

Do not post images of your logo instead of photos. Even if your boss is happy about it, who else is interested? And in general, you shouldn’t overdo it with branding: remember, the viral effect on Instagram is negligible. If a person has subscribed to your account, it means that he has already expressed a certain degree of trust and there is no need to disappoint him. For example, the page for the energy drink Red .Bull reflects the concept and emotional message of the brand:

Now imagine what the account would look like if it contained photos of energy drink cans.

We will talk about competitions, promotions and bonuses further, and as part of the conversation about content, we can mention such a form of interaction as, for example, the publication of photographs of subscribers selected according to certain criteria. The best photo of the month, the hundredth photo, the first photo of the day - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that a picture from a user’s feed posted on your account is, at a minimum, the joy of the author of the masterpiece and the interest in what happened on the part of all his subscribers.

#Video content

This format, which appeared not so long ago, is, in principle, already popular, especially among brands that have everything necessary to create it. Western accounts of Oreo, Lego, National Geografic, Go Pro, etc. are famous for the most interesting videos.

Additional features


Hashtags are one of the main magical powers of Instagram, so let's talk about them in more detail. It is with the help of these words, and sometimes phrases, that the inhabitants of a given kingdom communicate.

Why are hashtags needed? This is a kind of cataloging within a social network. When you search for text on VKontakte, for example, you can theoretically find it by the words it includes. With photographs everything is more complicated. Therefore, arbitrary hashtags are placed under each photo: they can relate to what is shown in the photo (#cat), display some mood (#happy), season, weather, event - anything. Top hashtags can be seen here.

Using hashtags, you can both search for images and tag your photos so that people can find you. You can put a hashtag with the brand name under your images or come up with some of your own as part of your current advertising campaign. Each hashtag is an active link. By clicking on it, the user sees all the images that he has tagged.

For example, the famous Western youth clothing brand Forever .21 runs its account under the motto Wear it. Share it (“Wear. Share”), implementing this using your own hashtag #F21xMe. It is also interesting that this hashtag does not just voice the brand. It helps customers feel connected to it, as if saying: “This is Forever 21 by me.”


Instagram functionality allows you to determine the place where the photo was taken. You can select the current location or create a new one using the suggested options (directly in the service interface, at the stage of preparing the photo for publication).

How can this be used in marketing? There are many options. Let's take an example: has a new store opened in your chain? It is very convenient to take beautiful pictures and mark the location. Also, under an interesting photo of the product, you can note in which store it is sold, etc.

#Go Beyond Instagram

Instagram “outside itself” provides ample opportunities to post existing content on other platforms. You can:

  • Post photos from your account on the company website
    This is very easy to do directly from the Instagram web interface (namely from the official website, not from the mobile application). In this case, you will receive a clickable photo from Instagram with a link leading to your profile. In order to get this link, you need to open the desired photo, click on the button with three dots and select Embed - a window will open with a link that can be inserted into the site page code.

What does this give? Photos from Instagram can be used for a variety of purposes: from summing up the results of a competition to a selection of images to highlight some interesting event, pictures from which users uploaded to the application (with a specific hashtag).

Photos inserted in this way will retain both likes and a link to the profile, and since they are often taken on a phone and are far from perfect in quality, it is better to indicate this separately.

However, you can also save photos directly from your Instagram feed. However, this only allows you to get an image opened in a separate tab (without likes or comments), which can be saved as a picture. On mobile devices, this can be done using various applications, for example, InstaSave works on iOS and Android. In the web interface, just open the source code of the page and there find a link to the photo itself, for example, // _720656284_n.jpg:

An even easier way to download a photo is to use a special service, for example,

Be careful: it is extremely difficult to contact social network technical support. Frankly, in Russia, compliance with the rules may not always be monitored or as quickly. However, this does not eliminate the risk, and the likelihood that sanctions will be applied remains quite high.

IV. Instagram promotion techniques

Once you have decided on the strategy, content and other main points, a logical question arises: how to make sure that at least someone sees it all? Yes, advertising will appear on Instagram soon. However, no one gives exact dates, and it is still completely impossible to assess its actual effectiveness. Nevertheless, million-dollar accounts exist. How did they achieve such results?

Strictly speaking, there are only two methods for attracting subscribers to your account. We will conditionally divide them into artificial and natural.

Artificially attracting subscribers

This category can include both quite effective methods of paid posting on popular accounts, as well as meaningless methods of gaining subscribers (and likes). Let's take a closer look.

#Increase the number of subscribers

The method, frankly speaking, is controversial. It consists of buying subscribers, or simply bots. These accounts were either originally registered for advertising purposes, or were purchased or stolen from their owners. And if at first glance, especially to a non-specialist, they may seem quite natural, for the most part they are of no use, but your account may be blocked for cheating.

If you resort to this method (for example, to promote a “zero” account, create the appearance of activity), then you must do this extremely carefully, or better yet, refuse it altogether.

Therefore, although such a method exists, it, as in other social networks, at best can be auxiliary, but, most likely, it will bring you nothing but harm, waste of time and money.

#Paid posts on Instagram

If you already use Instagram and follow any public pages or celebrity accounts, you have probably seen paid posts. But even if you have never encountered anything like this, pay attention to this promotion format - it has shown itself well in practice.

It's actually quite simple. In the same way, advertising is purchased on public pages on other social networks, be it Facebook, VKontakte or Odnoklassniki. First, you need to make a list of thematic accounts (find them by hashtags or in the popular list) and contact them. The second option is to use the Instagram advertising exchange - a site that will act as an intermediary between you as an advertiser and the owners of popular accounts that interest you.

Further - easier. A post is posted in the desired account, you (your account) are tagged in the image (in the description). As a result, you receive coverage, subscribers and other bonuses - depending on your goals, quality of content and the correct choice of site. For example, promoting an account for the Oh, My Master! in the official profile of the famous model, presenter and fashion blogger Victoria Boni gave excellent results (including attracting new subscribers).

The most traditional of paid types of promotion is promotion on blogs, with the help of PR articles, on websites. These are all kinds of promotional materials, inclusion of your account in selections from the category “10 most fashionable Instagram accounts that you need to follow” on some popular resource. This could be an active link to a photo from your profile inside the material or on the website where your target audience is concentrated. It is advisable that the resource on which you are located has an adaptive layout for mobile devices.

Natural ways of promotion

If all previous methods were united by the fact that, as a rule, you need to pay for them, here the situation is the opposite: it all depends on your skills and your coolness. But in any case, such methods of promotion require certain labor costs, keep in mind.

#Using popular hashtags

We have already talked about where to look at this list, but you can resort to other methods, for example, using search engines. We won’t risk listing the TOP 100 hashtags right here: it is constantly changing and from the time the book is written to the time it is read, it will become outdated several times over.

Hashtag search works great - users love it, and it’s convenient for brands. When posting any content in accordance with the chosen strategy, it will not be superfluous to put a hashtag from the list of popular ones. This way you can significantly increase the reach of your publication, get new likes and even subscribers if they like your content.

Also, overly common hashtags like #happy may not have a clear effect. It’s difficult to find your target audience when every third user around the world uses such tags.

#Subscriptions and likes

If the mountain does not come to you, then pack your backpack and go to the mountains. Go to subscribers, like their photos found using thematic hashtags, subscribe to their accounts. Too difficult? However, it works and is more than effective: personalizing ads is a great technique. At a minimum, the user will come to see who subscribed to him.

It is also impossible to measure such an important metric as coverage. Here we would recommend using various statistics collection services, for example, J.conosquare, known among SMM specialists. Due to the novelty of this type of promotion, there are much fewer such tools for Instagram than for other social networks, however, from the available ones, you can choose the one that is more convenient for you.

#Competitions, discounts, bonuses

Goodies are still a good way to engage, since everyone loves receiving gifts. Discounts, bonuses for subscribers, prize draws - there are no limits to your imagination here. As for the methods of conducting competitions, at the moment there are two main ones most often encountered:

  • Using a special hashtag
    The main condition of the competition is to post any photo (specified by the rules) in your personal account with a specific hashtag.
    It would be great if it contained the brand name. Also, one of the mandatory conditions for participation may be a subscription to a promoted account.
    But in such competitions, significant motivation (a good prize, bonus) and a simple task are required. Few people want to sew a Batman costume and climb high places in it because of the branded lighter.

An example of such a technique could be a competition in the account of the household appliance manufacturer Korting. Participants were asked to upload photos of various dishes with nice wishes and the hashtag #cutemeal. About fifty pictures were posted, and the most active ones took part in a professional culinary master class.

  • Using a repost app
    In the wake of the spread of such applications, competitions like “Repost this post and get a pink elephant” began to gain popularity. Actually, this phrase describes the whole point. This way you can get a lot of coverage, but there is one “but”: the user must have the same app for reposting installed.

Do you want to promote any products or services on Instagram, but you don’t have your own brand yet? You are missing out on many moments of successful promotion of your business. Absolutely everyone needs a brand on Instagram now: from teachers to singers and models. In this article, our service site will try to explain why you need a personal brand on Instagram, how to create it and promote.

First, let's find out why you might need your own brand. Let's highlight a few points:

  1. Advantage over competitors. Instagram has now become quite a competitive platform where everyone is trying to copy a new idea from the other. And this is considered a completely normal and natural process. Things will be different if you have a personal brand. You will be associated with something specific and specific, arousing emotions and interest among subscribers. Users will strive to receive a product or service from you.
  2. Increase in the cost of goods and services. We all see how dramatically prices for the same product can differ. When you ask what the difference is, you will most likely get the answer that you are paying for the brand. It’s the same on Instagram - if you have your own brand, you have the right to increase the price tag. But this applies to those who really went all the way along promotion and popularization their brand, and whose products really live up to the big name.
  3. Increasing the number of subscribers and clients. The louder and more popular your brand is, the more users talk about it, you can get more positive feedback and it becomes easier and faster for people to find your products. All this results in an increase in subscribers and clients, and, accordingly, sales.
  4. Popularity. It is not necessary to develop your brand just to sell something. Many Instagram users create and promote their brand in order to become more popular and receive more likes, comments and subscribers.

Create a brand on Instagram - the main pros and cons of the process

If you were inspired by the previous section of the article and decided that creating a brand on Instagram is what you were missing, we suggest taking another look at all the pros and cons of such popularity on Instagram


  1. It's pretty cheap. Instagram is an absolutely free social network where you can easily post, whereas, for example, you will have to pay a tidy sum for creating and maintaining a website (unless, of course, you are a webmaster). To create your brand on Instagram, you will only have to pay for the Internet. A minimum investment will be required from you only for initial promotion, for example, when purchasing subscribers or likes. And we can say with confidence that you will find the minimum prices for such services in this section our site.
  2. You're your own boss. You don’t have to gather a whole staff of employees and specialists (designers, marketers, SEO specialists). You can perform all these tasks absolutely independently, and this again means savings.
  3. Speed ​​and efficiency. Since Instagram is a mobile application, you can work on it around the clock, because you always have your phone with you. At any time you can reply to users and post a new post.
  4. Partnership. In a social network, everything revolves around communication. Here you do not need to look for contact details of the person you are interested in, whom you are considering as a partner. If you found such a user, write to him private message


Based on the above, weigh the pros and cons and decide if you really want to create a brand on Instagram.

How to promote a brand on Instagram yourself and at no cost

You must understand that building and promoting a brand on Instagram is a rather lengthy process. Even if you invest in buying subscribers and likes , they will not bring you instant success. Fame on a social network must be achieved and earned. Therefore, we will consider several points of this process to find out how to promote a brand on Instagram.

  • Start by creating your account. Download avatar and fill out the “bio” section in the settings. Photos and description should be completely consistent with your topic. For example, if you offer manicure services, then place a photo of your most successful work on your avatar.
  • Be sure to write your name. Not to be confused with nickname- it can be absolutely anything. And here Username will just become the name of your brand. It is not necessary to use real data (if you are, for example, Vasya Pupkin). You can write a pseudonym, but provided that he has been with you for quite a long time. And if you have an unusual name, this can help it be remembered and recognized.
  • After completing your profile, you need to look at the content. Everyone already understands that your posts are the most important thing in your account. Even if you have thousands of subscribers with three profile photos with a hundred likes each, this will at least arouse suspicion. Therefore, take care of regularly posting new posts, and how to take good photos for Instagram, read one of the articles on the website - link.
  • Once you are sure that you have something to interest users and you create really high-quality publications, you can artificially increase your Instagram audience and resources. But of course, this should be done as naturally as possible and with proven services. You can get acquainted with Instagram promotion services and reviews on our website by going to this section.
  • Having gained some popularity on Instagram, you can also think about collaborating with brands with similar themes. How to choose a partner and what types of affiliate programs exist on Instagram, read the following material about this theme.

Still, you must answer the question of how to promote a brand on Instagram yourself. After all, a personal brand is personal because everyone has their own path of development. But we still hope that the above basics will help you in solving your task.

Promotion and development of a personal brand on Instagram. How to create and develop a brand in this social network? The article on this page will answer these questions.

The English word "brand" was originally translated as "stamp". Nowadays this is the name for something that is well recognizable, widely known, and distinguished by proprietary characteristics. This could be a brand, a company, or even a public figure. As experts write, the brand does not exist on its own, but in the mass consciousness. But consumers are willing to pay significantly more for branded goods and services than for ordinary ones.

What is a personal brand on Instagram? Its embodiment can be considered the confirmation icon that adorns the name of your favorite accounts. There is nothing special about it, but it is a kind of quality mark, an indicator of the brand.

This “tick” is needed on Instagram to confirm the authenticity of the profile. Conduct an experiment: see how many pages on Instagram allegedly belong to the leader of this social network, actress Selena Gomez? You will definitely find more than a dozen. But there is only one real, confirmed one.

World-famous companies, celebrities, and media figures have long figured out how to create a personal brand on Instagram. But in principle this option is available to everyone. Any user can submit a request for a verification badge.

On our website you will find unbeatable prices for Instagram followers! In addition, when ordering, you can receive not only excellent quality resources, but also purchase protection from write-offs and account blocking. Look for the most suitable type of service and place the most profitable order!

Follow the simple instructions:

    Open the account in which you want to place the badge;

    Log in to your profile and then to “Settings”;

    Find the “Request confirmation” command (it’s near the transition to a business account);

    Fill out all points of the form;

    Attach a copy of a document proving your identity (passport or driver's license) or company authenticity (for example, registration certificate, tax return);

    Submit your request.

The Instagram administration warns that the sign confirming the brand is provided free of charge. Review of the request lasts 30 days. After this, the applicant will receive a notification. Technically, this is all the information on how to create a personal brand on Instagram. However, not everyone is given a sign of confirmation. Even if you meet all the criteria, you may be denied. And this decision is made quite often. But no one bothers you to apply again and again. But before that, it’s worth clarifying what it means to create a personal brand on Instagram.

Design when creating a personal brand on Instagram - what influences

    The challenger account must comply with Instagram's User Agreement and Guidelines;

    Represent a specific person or company/organization officially registered;

    Be one and only, profiles like @dogs are not accepted;

    All information in the profile must be filled out, the information must be honest;

    At least one publication is required;

    The account must be noticeable, belong to a famous or sought-after person or company.

Instagram admits that it's reluctant to give out verification badges. And even if you did receive it, this is not a guarantee that it will remain forever. The “check mark” can be taken away for the following offenses:

    If you provided false information, we will remove your verification badge;

    If you give away or sell your verification badge;

    If you promote other services using a profile photo or sections with personal data;

    If you involve a third party in confirmation.

For several violations, the account can not only be deprived of the badge it received, but also completely disabled, warns the management of the social network.

Buy likes for money on Instagram at discounted prices. In addition to a truly profitable purchase, you can also get effective account development, the results of which will be visible immediately after the purchase. We also provide you with personal conditions for obtaining the resource - choose what is right for you.

But developing a personal brand on Instagram can be done in other ways. To be recognized by other users and clients, and your popularity to grow steadily, take the following steps:

And if you want to succeed in other social networks, explore the site This portal helps not only to master the theory of communication and promotion in online communities, but also gives a lot of practical advice.

Of course, receiving an insignia from Instagram is honorable and useful. But, as you may have guessed, this is not an easy matter. Users receive refusals more often than approvals. However, promoting a personal brand on Instagram can be done effectively and without the treasured “tick”.

Let's list the main points:

    Choose a topic, define the main idea and strategy. This determines what audience you will target. For example, the company Dr. Oetker, which produces products for home cooking, created an interactive book with recipes on Instagram. Every visitor can use them.

    Find out how you can help your subscribers. Provide useful information, inspire and motivate, solve problems. For example, the Dr. Oetker company offers not only dessert recipes, but also life hacks that make cooking easier.

    Prepare a content plan. You need to add posts at least 1-2 times a day. At a time when your potential subscribers are present on the site. Publish only delicious photos.

    Make regular reposts from the pages of other users. Use Bon Appetito's experience. On her account, she reposts culinary recipes with her signature tags added. Of course, the name of the author and a link to his profile are required. The company benefits from diluting the content. And subscribers are very pleased to get on Bon Appetito’s Instagram.

    Promoting your personal brand on Instagram will stall if you don’t learn how to select hashtags. They need to be included in every description. Select 2-3 branded, recognizable tags and mix them with the most popular ones.

    Play with your subscribers and visitors, entertain them. Boredom harms the image of any brand. Therefore, hold contests and sweepstakes, arrange surveys, come up with flash mobs. All this is a delicious gingerbread that will keep the audience of your page.

    Collect fans on different social networks and more. On Instagram, it is common to link your account to Facebook. But there are other communities. Don't neglect advertising. Provide a link to the brand page wherever possible on the Internet. Place information on promotional products: pens, mugs, T-shirts or banners. Do not believe that there can be promotion without advertising. Of course, it’s great if at first you find partners for mutual PR or agree on free publicity. But get ready for the fact that you will have to pay for quality PR. By the way, there are good ways to set up targeted advertising through Instagram.

If we talk about how to develop a personal brand on Instagram, we cannot fail to mention subscribers. Experts advise not to start promotion with a blank page. That is, you need to have at least 20 publications and at least several dozen, or better yet hundreds of people who have subscribed to you. How to achieve this? There is a long way - to actively subscribe yourself and expect to receive the same in return. Or you can do the same thing quickly, but at some cost. There are many services on the Internet that offer this service. And there are many horror stories about how dangerous it is. There is some truth in this. Inept and greedy fly-by-night companies or amateur amateurs can ruin your karma on Instagram. But there are also reliable companies that specialize in SMM services (this is promotion and marketing on social networks), and you can trust them. How to calculate them? Please note the following circumstances:

    There are reviews from real clients about this service;

    The website honestly indicates the experience in this field;

    The price list is detailed and understandable, there is a large selection of quantity, quality and price;

    You are not asked to register, just enough information about the object of promotion;

    There are several payment options, payment systems are trustworthy;

    The conditions for fulfilling the order, guarantees, rules are indicated;

    The support service responds promptly and adequately to requests.

Do not be fooled by too high price tags - they do not guarantee quality at all. And one more thing - a reliable service provides clients with the opportunity to test. You will be asked to place a minimum order. And if you like everything, you can order more.

And finally, five creative tips for promoting a personal brand:

    Work on being unique. Stand out from the crowd. Original thoughts, unconventional presentation of material, special words or gestures, appearance, details of clothing can become a distinctive feature. Find something of your own that will make you a brand. Remember the textbook examples: Che Guevara always wears a beret, and Boyarsky always wears a hat.

    Try to evoke emotions. Any will do: positive and negative. If you are too positive and loyal, mix it up with provocations from time to time. Post publications that differ from the generally accepted point of view, change your opinion.

    Prove that you are an expert in your chosen field. Read, practice, study your topic and share your knowledge with your subscribers.

    Show how you achieve success. Modesty is an inappropriate quality for a personal brand. You will receive criticism from others. And tell us about your achievements.

    Show honesty and sincerity. People easily recognize falsehood. Therefore, remain yourself and try to change for the better not only in words, but also in deeds.

We tried, within the framework of one article, to tell the main thing about the brand on Instagram, about its creation and development. But it is impossible to mention all the nuances. This topic is broad and worthy of an entire book. In addition, everyone who is not afraid to move forward has their own path to success. A personal brand is a very personal matter.

The Luuk concept store in Moscow opened its doors quite recently, but the store started its Instagram account from the moment the concept was developed. For many, Luuk is familiar primarily from its flagship in St. Petersburg. The store has become a kind of mecca for all fashionistas and bloggers in the northern capital. Now “Luuk” is in Moscow, and with it cool shoes, accessories and a large number of clothes from independent Russian and foreign designers.

You could follow the development of the Porta 9 concept store on your Instagram account. The store mercilessly teased the public, yearning for good and affordable shoe brands, with stylish photographs of purchases. Now the store has already opened its doors while continuing to share new arrivals and prices for the collections.

Clothing brands

The Russian brand of fashionable women's clothing by Maria Kashleva began its march on social networks. Having gained popularity on Instagram thanks to active bloggers, Maison de Marie is now known to many inhabitants of the social network. The main concept of the brand is versatility, comfort and an emphasis on feminine attractiveness. All this is greatly appreciated by girls of all ages, so the audience of subscribers and, as a result, clients is growing very quickly.

The Brusnika design clothing studio is known for its high-quality knitwear collections. Photos of cozy knitted items quickly captivated the Russian public. A large number of people follow the brand’s account. You can buy brand clothes directly on the brand’s website, on Instagram or in a large number of showrooms where the brand is officially represented.

Fifty subscribers, dozens of options for woolen coats, as well as clothes and accessories - the I Am Studio brand has long been registered in the wardrobes of the most fashionable girls in Moscow. You can try on clothes from a Russian brand in the company’s showroom or in concept stores that sell the brand’s collections.

Lush tutus, strict pencil skirts, conservative midis and elegant floor-length skirts - the T.Skirt company specializes in the most feminine element of the wardrobe. Each time coming up with more and more new variations, the brand constantly wins new subscribers. The growth of popularity is also facilitated by endless publications in the media and photographs on the covers of glossy magazines.

The young brand, created by two Russian designers, recently intrigued fashionistas with its salt shakers as part of the showroom at Mercedec-Benz Fashion Week Russia. But the brand was known long before their participation in Fashion Week. The iconic print, classic silhouettes and trendy shades quickly found their audience on the social network. In the comments to the photographs there are dozens of rave reviews and frequent requests to “put this wonderful jacket aside until you try it on.”

When you visit the Candyshop brand page, your eyes widen like a child’s in a bakery. I want everything at once. Sweatshirts, bomber jackets, trousers, T-shirts and other basic items have traded their calm nature for fun, fashionable customization. Ice cream, emojis, adorable ducks and pandas - this brand was created to delight the Internet audience.
