An administrative document on the appointment of a responsible work performer

An organization, in the course of its activities, performs quite a lot of diverse tasks; for each of them, a certain responsible person who is competent in its implementation may be assigned. Official appointment is carried out on the basis of an order appointing a responsible person; together with it, a job description is used, which describes the functionality assigned to him.

Responsible persons in the organization must be appointed on the basis of administrative documents, which include an order from the manager, as well as a protocol with a decision on the need to introduce responsible persons, including job responsibilities developed and approved for this case with instructions for their implementation. Documentation regarding working conditions and social guarantees must be reviewed by the trade union organization, if there is one at the enterprise.

The effect of the order begins from the moment it is approved by the manager or responsible person or from a certain time, which may be established by a certain administrative document. After registration, the order must be brought to the attention of employees - this can be done both for all employees and for a narrow circle. It is mandatory that the responsible person appointed by this document must familiarize himself with the appointment and sign.

If necessary, a copy of such an administrative document can be sent to state and regulatory authorities, as well as to subordinate staff structures and branches of the organization. Also, if necessary, this employee can be provided with a power of attorney from a legal entity, including an agreement on financial liability, an agreement on non-disclosure of trade secrets, etc.

Scope of application of the order

An order to appoint a person in charge can be used quite widely when solving the operational and economic affairs of an organization; it is most often used in the following cases:

  • Conducting retraining and advanced training of employees.
  • When appointing a person responsible for labor protection.
  • To appoint a safety officer.
  • To identify persons responsible for fire safety.
  • To control the turnover of especially valuable items.
  • When appointing a responsible employee for the safety of personal data.
  • Appointment of a person responsible for electrical facilities.
  • To carry out certain work.
  • To appoint a materially responsible person.
  • To ensure safety when using sources of increased danger.
  • To determine each area of ​​responsibility.

By means of administrative documentation, it is possible to determine the person (or circle of persons) responsible for certain job duties or a certain area. This measure allows you to streamline work processes in the organization, as well as monitor the implementation of these tasks. In addition, some areas of the organization's activities are required to have responsible persons in accordance with legal regulations, for example, labor protection, fire safety, safety precautions.

How to draw up an order for the appointment of responsible persons

This document does not have a special unified form, however, when drawing it up, you should adhere to a certain structure and reflect in it all the necessary and important information. To draw up an order, an official form of the organization is used, it indicates the name of the organization and the document (“Order”), the date of its preparation and the next registration number are indicated.

The stating part must contain the reasons for issuing the document, with references to regulations and legislation. In the administrative part, it is necessary to indicate information about which person will be assigned to perform certain duties, or who replaces the current responsible person in the event of his absence. After this, the order is endorsed by the head of the organization, then the personnel service carries it out.

It should be noted that in certain cases, in order to appoint an employee as responsible, it is necessary that he have special evidence confirming that he has special knowledge in the required area. For example, a certificate of completion of training in fire safety, electrical safety, or familiarization with the specifics and working conditions in chemical or hazardous industries, etc. may be required.

In the course of organizing the work of an enterprise or organization, it becomes necessary to entrust control of the execution of certain work to a specific employee and document this with the appropriate act. There is no specially established sample order for the appointment of responsible persons. Each enterprise has the opportunity to independently develop orders of this nature.

In contact with

Who appoints those in charge?

Persons regulating the functioning of labor activities in an enterprise or organization are appointed directly manager or head of a separate structure. The draft administrative act is compiled by the secretary or personnel inspector. After preparing the draft document, the latter is transferred to management or the person authorized to sign such papers.

To appoint a responsible person means assign obligations to perform certain tasks on subordinates, otherwise the manager will be responsible for a certain area of ​​activity.

List of areas for which employees are responsible:

  • office work;
  • organization of education and training;
  • Industrial Safety;
  • state of the territory;
  • metrological verifications;
  • Fire safety;
  • production culture;
  • ecology;
  • material values;
  • carrying out inventory;
  • civil defense;
  • maintenance of machine equipment;
  • PC maintenance;
  • conducting a special assessment of working conditions.
  • other areas based on the types of activities of this organization.

The Personal Liability Act, for example, for conducting instructions or for safe work performance lifting mechanisms or another direction has its own structure, which indicates:

  1. Full name of the organization, including the locality in which the enterprise is located.
  2. An order to appoint someone responsible for a particular area requires the date and number of the document to be entered.
  3. The purpose of issuing a regulatory document with links to regulatory documents is indicated.
  4. Main content of the document.
  5. Signature of the manager and signatures of the employees.

Each organization sets its own regulations.

Template for a document on the appointment of a materially responsible person

How to create an order

A draft order for the appointment of responsible persons is prepared by the manager or authorized representative who is entrusted with these obligations. Before assigning responsibilities to employees or the person in charge, it is necessary to clearly understand how to draw up the document correctly so that no points are missed.

Filling rules:

  1. Initially, it is worthwhile to provide that the order on the appointment of responsible persons must match the sample specified in the regulations on office work.
  2. The order to appoint a responsible person must first be worked out, that is, all the norms and rules of industrial safety and labor protection, ecology and other areas must be studied. Next, you need to analyze what areas employees should be responsible for.
  3. The order to appoint the head of a division is issued on the initiative of the general director.
  4. It is recommended to draw up an order for the appointment of workers based on the types of responsibility assigned: full or limited, collective or individual.

Attention! The list of responsible persons of the organization may be issued by a separate order for the unit.

You can learn how to draw up an order to appoint a responsible employee or person from the ConsultantPlus system.

Filled document

Order structure

A sample order for the appointment of responsible persons is not established by the regulations, but it is recommended that it be drawn up in accordance with the form established by the office work standards:

  1. In the upper part, that is, in the header, you must write down the name of the organization, as well as indicate the form of ownership.
  2. Under the name of the organization, the topic is indicated, for example, this is an order to appoint a manager for personnel work.
  3. Next are written links to main regulatory documents federal, regional or internal in nature, according to which an administrative act imposing obligations is issued.
  4. After the introductory part, the essence of the document is stated, directions and persons who are responsible for their provision are prescribed.
  5. The act is signed by the head of the unit or the employer.
  6. Afterwards, the order is given to the employees taking part in the work for review.

The publication of an administrative act does not cancel the conduct of briefings with managers.

The order on the appointment of employees has the same legal force as an order. But there is some difference between these two documents, namely, the order is narrow in nature, applicable to a specific object or person, and the order appointing a responsible person covers the main areas.

An example of a document appointing a team of responsible persons

Example of an appointment order

An example of an order for the appointment of a responsible person is proposed as follows:

OJSC "Plant RTO"

Saint Petersburg

About approval of the project manager

and work safety

Based on the Regulations approved by the order of the General Director dated December 1, 2017 No. 733 “On reconstruction in workshop No. 001,”


1. Appoint leading engineer K.V. Kurochkin as the head of the reconstruction project in division 001.

2. Appoint E.D. Talankin as responsible for the work on the safe movement of goods, to whom A.N. Vasiliev, the slingers, should be subordinated. and Mikhailova A.V.

3. Appoint occupational safety specialist V.V. Nikitin as responsible for conducting occupational safety briefings and ensuring safety regulations.

4. Complete the work by 03/01/2018.

5. Entrust control over implementation to the chief engineer of the enterprise A.M. Boltushkin.

General Director V.G. Ivanov

The order on the appointment of the head of a new project, after signing by the general director, is registered in the office work and is given for review to persons involved in its execution.

Important! When selecting persons responsible for labor protection, industrial or environmental safety, take into account the fact that managers’ knowledge has been tested according to the relevant rules.

Useful video: sample order for the appointment of a director

Administrative documents, especially orders appointing a person responsible for the safe performance of work, are checked by regulatory authorities and can serve to some extent as protection in the event of incidents or emergencies.

An order to appoint a person in charge is one of the most important documents issued by the manager in the course of the production activities of a given enterprise. Its creation is directly related to the organization of normal operation of the company and serves as one of the ways to solve specific production problems. Purpose of the document As you know, any order is a special legal act, which is based on an order from management, mandatory for execution by a certain official. This document is intended to address the operational and major challenges facing this organization. In this sense, the “Order on the appointment of a person responsible” is especially important. With its help, it is possible to organize the work of the enterprise in a certain direction, by attracting individual specialists.

Order to appoint a responsible person

It is important to remember that such documents are usually valid for no more than five years, so from time to time employees will have to undergo re-certification, and at the expense of the enterprise. If responsibility is assigned to material assets, then before the employee signs such an order and assumes all risks, an inventory of the property must be completed, since in the future the person will be responsible for its safety. Heading of the order The order about the responsible person has a completely standard structure.

In the “header” of the document the full name of the enterprise is written, indicating its organizational and legal form (CJSC, OJSC, LLC, individual entrepreneur). Then the locality in which this enterprise is located is indicated, as well as the date the order was filled out (day, month, year). Just below you need to write the type of document (in this case it is an order) and its number according to internal document flow.



The next paragraph after the word “appoint” indicates the employee who will do this.

  • List of attached documents.
  • The second part must certainly list the following responsibilities of the selected candidate:
  • conducting briefings with employees;
  • maintaining relevant logs;
  • checking the condition of workplaces.

The order is signed by the manager and brought to the attention of the relevant employee. About reporting While carrying out their functional duties, the company's employees periodically report for the work performed to the appropriate authorities. To streamline this activity, it is necessary to issue an order.

It will help increase the responsibility of individual employees for the work assigned to them.

Order on the appointment of a person responsible for construction work

  • Material handling and construction work performed by workers temporarily assigned to this work.
  • Work on lifting, lowering and moving heavy and large-sized cargo in the absence of machines with the appropriate carrying capacity.
  • Appendix 2 to the order Regulations for issuing permits for high-risk work
  1. The work permit determines the location and content of high-risk work, the conditions for its safe performance, the start and end times of the work, the composition of the team and the persons responsible for safety during the performance of this work.
  2. A work permit to perform high-risk work must be issued before the start of this work.
  3. The permit work order is drawn up in two copies and filled out with clear notes in ink.

Order No. “On the appointment of responsible persons for performing the functions of the customer” 2011

The purpose of creating this document is to increase the responsibility of specific employees to solve generally important production tasks. The order to appoint a person in charge belongs to the category of administrative documents. Depending on the specific field of activity, it may concern the following issues:

  • financial liability;
  • fire safety;
  • retraining and advanced training;
  • occupational safety and health;
  • turnover of expensive materials and valuables;
  • use of existing sources of increased danger in production;
  • turnover of securities.

In addition to the manager, the head of the department in which the employee works also has the authority to appoint a specific responsible person.
Structure of the order The order to appoint a person in charge is drawn up in any form.

Order for appointing a person responsible for the work

  • The responsible work performer who issued the work permit monitors the implementation of the measures provided for in the work permit to ensure the safe performance of work.
  • The list of officials who have the right to issue permits to perform high-risk work, and persons who can be appointed as Responsible Work Managers and Responsible Work Producers must be approved by the Chief Engineer.
  • Persons who have the right to issue permits, as well as Responsible Work Supervisors, must undergo training and knowledge testing on labor protection, and when working with objects controlled by Gosgortekhnadzor bodies, they must undergo training and knowledge testing at the Gosgortekhnadzor inspection.

Order on the appointment of responsible persons for carrying out high-risk work

Obtaining and processing initial data for the design of construction and reconstruction projects (land reservation, feasibility study, technical conditions for connecting utilities, construction passport) Head of OKS Deputy. Director OKS Engineer 2 Technical support of the design stage (control over the development of design documentation, its approval in the prescribed manner, submission for examination, approval and to the general contractor) Head of OKS Deputy. Director 3 Registration of permitting documentation for the construction and reconstruction of facilities (allotment of land, permits from operating organizations, etc.) Head of OKS Deputy. director 4 Ensuring the release of the construction site (settlement of citizens, withdrawal of organizations from buildings subject to demolition or reconstruction, and other issues related to preparing the site for work) Head of OKS Deputy.

Order on the appointment of responsible persons for hot work


Order No. on the appointment of a person responsible for carrying out construction work. » » city. For the prompt resolution of production issues at the facility located at: , I order: 1. For the period, appoint (indicate full name, position) responsible for carrying out construction work work at the above facility.

2. be guided in your activities (indicate full name, position). (indicate the name and details of the local act of the organization, agreement, etc.) 3. I entrust control over the execution of the order to myself (option: entrust to). (indicate full name, position) (name of position of the head of the organization) (signature)(full name) M.P. I have read the order: » » Mr.

Order on the appointment of persons responsible for safe work performance

It sets out the contents of the order and specifically identifies the employee who is assigned the corresponding duties and the one who will perform this work in his absence.

  • “Conclusion” represents the signature of the manager and familiarization of this order with the responsible persons.
  • When issuing this document, it is necessary to clearly indicate the moment at which it comes into force. In some cases, the range of assigned responsibilities requires the conclusion of an additional agreement to the employment agreement (contract) with the employee. All this must be noted in the order and completed before the appointed date.
    Assigning responsibility for fire safety As an example, we can consider a sample order appointing a person responsible for compliance, for example, with fire safety at an enterprise.

Order on the appointment of persons responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes

Assign responsibility for ensuring the release of the construction site (settlement of citizens, withdrawal of organizations from buildings subject to demolition or reconstruction, and other issues related to preparing the site for work). 5. Assign the customer’s supplies and their implementation to be responsible for providing construction materials and equipment. 6. Assign responsibility for organizing construction management, technical supervision of construction, participation in working and state commissions, and transfer of the facility into operation.

7. Assign responsibility for coordinating the activities of design, construction and installation, specialized and other organizations. 8. Assign responsibility for concluding contracts. Director INFORMATION About the performance of the functions of the Customer-Developer No. Main types of work Responsible person (position) Full name

Order appointing persons responsible for carrying out work

The following are familiar with the working conditions: Responsible performer of work (signature, full name) Permitting (signature, full name) " " 20


2.1. Instruction on labor protection and safety in the scope of instructions (indicate the instructions according to which the instruction was carried out) was carried out to a team consisting of people, including: Last name I.O. Profession, rank Signature of the person who received the instruction Signature of the person who conducted the instruction 2.2. Measures to ensure work safety have been completed. The responsible foreman and the entire team are familiar with the specifics of the work. The object is prepared for work. Allowed to work "" 20 g.
(signature) 2.3. The Responsible Work Performer "" 20 was familiarized with the working conditions and the work permit was received (signature) 2.4. I checked the preparation of the workplace. I give permission to begin work.

To organize the effective work of the company and establish a clear order in resolving production problems, it is important to distribute the areas of responsibility of subordinates without violating the existing Labor Code. The appointment of responsible persons is carried out in various areas of the company's functioning.

The head of the company is responsible for appointing responsible persons for a certain area of ​​activity of the company. But the preparatory work for the appointment of this or that employee to this position is, as a rule, carried out by the division of the area where he is needed. For example, if you need to select the person responsible for the company’s material warehouse, then the selection of candidates for this position is carried out by the accounting department or the chief accountant of the company.

Legal documentation in drawing up an order for the appointment of a proposed candidate to this position is already provided by the head of the company.

Before release

As discussed earlier, the scope of operation of the future order is discussed within the department responsible for the problematic production part. In paragraph 2, art. 82 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the order should not go beyond the boundaries of the unit. Therefore, before issuing an order to appoint a person in charge, the manager needs full information about the unit’s intentions in appointing a candidate in order to avoid misunderstandings in the future.

How to compose

The order to appoint a responsible person is not indicated by an officially accepted template. It is designed in a free style, but in compliance with the standards used in all primary materials. These standards were adopted by Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011.

The order form must display:

  • Company name, basic information about it, location.
  • Date and order number
  • Full name of the head or his deputy (in the absence of the head) issuing the order
  • Preamble, which briefly reflects the purpose of the order, with reference to the legislation on the basis of which the order was issued.
  • The bottom line.
  • Chief's signature.
  • Signatures of employees familiar with the issued order.

After the order is issued, there is a number of necessary documentation that is accompanied to carry out a particular order. One of the primary tasks after the order is the conclusion of a liability agreement, which can be drawn up in various forms, ranging from security liability to financial liability. In addition, after designating the responsible person, a job description is drawn up for him, in which he must sign.

Let's take a closer look at some of the subsections that the order structure should consist of:

  • A cap

It describes information about the company, its logo, name, form of responsibility (JSC, PJSC, LLC, etc.), city, date and registration number.

  • Body

The body of the order displays the purpose of its creation, what burdens are imposed on the person responsible for the site, and also displays who will replace him during the period of his absence (vacation, illness). Here, as a rule, regulatory materials that must be applied when carrying out instructions are displayed.

  • After writing

The final stage after the order is issued includes the procedure for the responsible employee to familiarize himself with the text of the order with the signing of the document, familiarization with the head of the structural department, or the signature of the head of the company.

On the appointment of a person responsible for security

Every enterprise must have a person responsible for key issues that may threaten the safety of health and even the lives of employees. These areas include:

  • Occupational health and safety. A person with special knowledge and clearance who has studied safety, successfully passed the exam and acquired the appropriate certificate, and also has the required electrical safety clearance group, can be appointed as a person in charge of this area.
  • Sources of increased danger. There may be chemicals that the business handles that could explode, catch fire, or poison employees. The person responsible in this area must also undergo training and obtain the appropriate certificate.
  • Fire safety. In this area, there must also be a trained worker who knows what priority measures need to be taken in the event of a fire.

The order to appoint a person responsible for safety entrusts the employee with the authority to monitor the implementation of a safe work regime in the area for which he is responsible. It is impossible to oblige an employee to be responsible for the assigned area without his consent. It is also impossible to assign responsibility without the proper degree of specialized training.

How to compose

The order to appoint a person in charge is drawn up in any form. You can write it on the institution’s letterhead or on a regular A4 sheet.

The order contains:

  • Name and basic information of the institution. If the order is written by an individual entrepreneur, then his full name and address are indicated. Document number, city and date of publication.
  • Name.
  • Preamble indicating the regulatory and legal materials that served as the basis for issuing the order.
  • The administrative section of the text, where after the phrase “I order”, you need to list positions, full names of responsible persons, job descriptions, if they are not displayed in a separate document, etc.
  • Signatures of the manager and all responsible persons noted in the order.

The regulatory framework on the basis of which the order is issued is developed by the head, taking into account the legislation of the Russian Federation on health, safety and fire safety.

On the appointment of responsible persons at school

In schools, responsibility for labor protection most often rests with the deputy director of the school on the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation No. 197-FZ of December 30, 2001 (Articles 209-231).

The task of the person in charge is to ensure the creation of healthy and safe working conditions for teachers and students. The order is drawn up in accordance with Art. 51 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”

How to compose

It is drawn up on the school’s letterhead, which displays all the details of the institution. Next, an Order is written indicating the date and order number. The preamble displays the purpose of the order, in this case “On labor protection” and the basis for creating the order.

The order is usually drawn up before the start of the school year. To assist the person responsible for occupational safety, a commission of school employees is created, which develops a collective agreement on occupational safety and draws up measures to comply with occupational safety and health.

At the end, the director signs and lists the teachers who are responsible for health and safety in their areas of activity.

On the appointment of a person responsible for the work

This order is filled out on a blank A4 sheet. The text of the order is filled out according to the generally accepted procedure, as indicated above: header; preamble; text on the appointment of the person responsible, signature of the manager and person responsible for the work.

Order on the appointment of a financially responsible person

The appointment of a materially responsible person is accompanied not only by an order, but also by the conclusion of a written agreement on full financial responsibility for damage or shortage of material assets entrusted to him. Moreover, the terms of this agreement must be reflected in the employment agreement between the administration and the employee. These provisions are reflected in Appendix No. 1 of the decision of the Ministry of Labor No. 85 of December 31, 2002. Without an agreement on liability, the order has no legal status.

On the appointment of a person responsible for production

Responsible for safe work performance is a position to which the manager appoints his employee by standard order. The only condition is that the employee must be certified by Rostechnadzor in the relevant field of production.

How to compose

An order for the person responsible for production is written in a standard form, like any other order, however, such an order has its own characteristics, namely.

Must appear:

Such an order is most often drawn up at construction sites to ensure the safe operation of construction equipment.

As a rule, a specialist certified by Rostechnadzor is appointed as the person in charge at such facilities.

How to compose

After the header and preamble, it usually begins with the phrase “...In connection with the start of work at the site...”. It can be formed from two sections – ascertaining and administrative. The establishing section sets out the purpose and objective of the necessary functions and the reasons for the appearance of the order. The rest is also written in the standard form, and also, as stated in the previous section, the order should display:

  • No. of certification certificate.
  • No. of the minutes of the meeting of the Rostechnadzor examination commission.
  • Date of the meeting of the Rostechnadzor examination commission.

The rest is filled out according to the standard scheme: Signature of the manager and responsible person.

Each institution has the right to independently determine the procedure for using company cars. To avoid legal misunderstandings, it is necessary to issue an order appointing a person responsible for transport.

The order is created by the company’s personnel department and must be signed by the manager and the person responsible for the cars.

  • Compliance with transport operational standards.
  • Transport work is only for service.
  • Supervision of medical examination.
  • Compliance with traffic regulations.
  • Carrying out maintenance according to schedule.

The responsible person is required to receive training; his functions are reflected in the job description.

Order No.

« » 201

"About the responsible

for non-destructive testing"

In connection with the work on non-destructive testing of welded joints at the facility: " "


  1. Appoint the head of PIL, I.I. Ivanov, to be responsible for carrying out non-destructive testing, and in his absence, non-destructive testing engineer S.S. Sidorov.
  2. Appoint the head of PIL I.I. Ivanov, responsible for compliance with labor protection, fire, industrial and electrical safety requirements during non-destructive testing of welded joints, and in his absence, flaw detection engineer S.S. Sidorov.

Director D.D. Directors

Order No.

« » 201

"About those responsible

for production

welding and installation works"

In connection with welding and installation work at the site: " "


During the absence of the work producer Ivanov I.I.:

  1. Appoint construction and installation work master S.S. Sidorov as responsible for carrying out welding and installation work.
  2. Appoint construction and installation work master S.S. Sidorov as responsible for compliance with labor protection, fire, industrial and electrical safety requirements during welding and installation work.

Director D.D. Directors

Order No.

" " 201

On the appointment of responsible persons

for carrying out work in the MN security zone

In connection with the work carried out in the MN security zone


  1. To appoint I.I. Ivanov, the work contractor, as responsible for the construction and installation work in the MN security zone.
  2. To appoint I.I. Ivanov, the work contractor, as responsible for compliance with labor protection, fire, industrial and electrical safety requirements during work, the safety of existing communications and the performance of high-risk work in the MN security zone.
  3. Appoint the work contractor Ivanov I.I. responsible for excavation work in the MN security zone.
  4. Appoint the work contractor Ivanov I.I. responsible for the safe performance of work with lifting mechanisms in the MN security zone.

Director D.D. Directors

Order No. _____

" ___ " ___________ 201

"About those responsible

on weekends and holidays"

In order to carry out the planned volumes of work in the city and ensure control over the work carried out on weekends and holidays during the period from to at the site: ""


  1. Appoint I.I. Ivanov, and in his absence S.S. Sidorov, as responsible for the safe performance of work.
  2. Appoint I.I. Ivanov, and in his absence S.S. Sidorov, as responsible for compliance with labor protection, fire, industrial and electrical safety requirements during work, the safety of existing communications.
  3. In the period from to, appoint the acting head of the section, I.I. Ivanov, as responsible duty officers, and in his absence, S.S. Sidorov.

Director D.D. Directors


" ___ " ___________ 201

“On the appointment of responsible persons”


Appoint MTS engineer I.I. Ivanov to be responsible for the acquisition, preservation and control of fire extinguishers, and in his absence, storekeeper S.S. Sidorov.

Director D.D. Directors

Order No.

" " 201

« about fire safety»

In connection with the work carried out at the site: " "


  1. Appoint the site manager, I.I. Ivanov, to be responsible for fire conditions at the construction site.
  2. Create a fire brigade from among the workers:
  1. Assign the following construction vehicles and crew to the fire brigade:

Director D.D. Directors

Order No. _____

" ___ " ___________ 201

"On environmental protection"

“On the protection of atmospheric air”

In connection with the work on the facility: " " on the basis of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ “On Environmental Protection”, on the basis of the Federal Law of June 3, 2006 No. 74-FZ, In pursuance of the requirements of Article 67 of the Federal Law dated 01/10/2002 No. 7-FZ “On environmental protection, Article 25 Federal Law of May 4, 1999 No. 96-FZ” On the protection of atmospheric air” and Article 73 “Land Code” of the Russian Federation dated 10.25.2001. “136-FZ on the organization of industrial environmental control”


1. Create an industrial environmental control service at the facility.
  1. Entrust the management of the industrial environmental control service to environmental engineer Ivanov I.I.
  2. Assign responsible persons for certain areas of industrial environmental control:
  • General issues and coordination of activities in the field of industrial environmental control - environmental engineer Ivanov I.I.
  • Production control of atmospheric air protection - environmental engineer Ivanov I.I.
  • Industrial control of surface and groundwater protection – environmental protection engineer Ivanov I.I.
  • Industrial control of land protection - environmental engineer Ivanov I.I.
  • Production control of waste management activities - environmental engineer Ivanov I.I.
  • Production control of the protection of wildlife and its habitat – environmental protection engineer Ivanov I.I.

Director D.D. Directors
