Profession internet marketer. Marketer - who is he and what does he do? Career steps and prospects

General provisions

1.1. An Internet marketer is classified as a company employee.
1.2. Appointment to the position of Internet marketer and dismissal from it are made by order of the general director of the enterprise.
1.3. The Internet marketer reports directly to the head of the Internet marketing department.
1.4. During the absence of an Internet marketer, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another official, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of his duties.
1.5. A person with a higher technical education is appointed to the position of Internet marketer.
1.6. An Internet marketer should know:
- procedures and other quality documentation related to its activities;
- basics of advertising and marketing of Internet projects on the Internet;
- principles of operation of search engines, banner networks, web resource directories;
- rules for preparing materials for concluding contracts;
- have professional skills in working and configuring MS Office software products and means of accessing Internet resources.
1.7. An Internet marketer is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- the company’s charter, internal labor regulations, and other regulations of the company;
- orders and instructions from management;
- real.

Functional responsibilities of an Internet marketer

An Internet marketer does the following:

2.1. Develops strategies and plans for project development.
2.2. Ensures the implementation of the project development plan.
2.3. Expansion of the client base.
2.4. Monitors project work, prepares monthly project reports and submits them to the head of the information technology department.
2.5. Analyzes resource traffic and work to promote the project on the Internet.
2.6. Provides responses to incoming customer requests.
2.7. Provides accounting for the implementation of contracts.

Internet marketer rights

An Internet marketer has the right:

3.1. Make decisions within your competence.
3.2. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties.
3.3. Submit suggestions for improving your work.

Responsibility of an Internet Marketer

An Internet marketer is responsible for:

4.1. Fuzzy and untimely fulfillment of their functional duties provided for by these instructions - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Incorrect communication with clients.
4.3. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.
4.4. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions from the head of the Internet marketing department and the director of the organization.
4.5. Violation of internal labor regulations established at the enterprise.
4.6. Disclosure of information constituting a trade secret of the organization.
4.7. Failure to preserve or damage material assets, if failure or damage occurred due to the fault of the Internet marketer.

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An Internet marketer is a specialist who strategically plans the promotion of a company, service or product on the Internet. At the same time, an Internet marketer is more of a managerial profession than an executive one. All technical aspects of the work are delegated to other specialists. His task is to choose the optimal promotion method and monitor the work and results of copywriters, web designers, and layout designers.

The main complex of work of a marketer is next:

  • market research;
  • competently setting up an advertising campaign and attracting new clients;
  • using knowledge of the latest web technologies in practice;
  • improving the company's image.

Most employers require specialists to have work experience: some 1 year or more, some 3-5 years. The level of knowledge and experience in a given field directly reflects the salary. If you have no experience, but have certificates from prestigious schools, then some employers will be ready to hire you, but the salary in this case will be minimal.

An employment contract with an Internet marketer is concluded as with a manager and is drawn up accordingly. The employment contract, its appendix and job description regulate the work of a marketer, indicate what knowledge and skills he should have, what qualifications he should have to solve the necessary tasks.

Each employer has its own requirements for a candidate for the position of Internet marketer. This may depend on the type of activity of the company and on the specialists of this company. Basic list of job responsibilities Internet marketer is presented below:

  1. Research of the market, business niche, promoted product and competitors.
  2. Analysis of supply and demand in a given market.
  3. Creating a strategy for product promotion.
  4. Control in the creation and implementation of advertising campaigns, analysis of results.
  5. Lead generation – attracting customers through paid traffic.
  6. Every day, mobile marketing with website optimization for mobile devices is becoming more relevant.
  7. Development of an SMM strategy, content plan or delegation of these powers to the relevant specialists.
  8. SEO optimization, identifying the target audience, website promotion for key queries.
  9. Development and implementation of e-mail mailings to potential clients, creating mailing layouts and setting up triggers, evaluating results.
  10. Development of technical assignments for freelancers and evaluation of the results of their activities.

An Internet marketer can choose where to work - in the office or remotely, in the IT field or in retail trade. The rapidly increasing number of online stores makes the profession of Internet marketer one of the leading sought-after vacancies.

Professional characteristics

A standard job description for a marketer describes the knowledge a specialist needs when working, and what a marketer should be guided by when working in a company:

  • Laws of the Russian Federation;
  • regulations of the company, charter, rules of the employment contract and annex to it;
  • these instructions;
  • orders of managers.

The job description also specifies the functional responsibilities of the marketer, the rights and obligations of the parties (employee and employer).

The personal qualities of a specialist are no less important than their professional ones. Internet business today is one of the toughest industries; competition does not allow you to relax and forces you to constantly improve your not only professional, but also personal qualities.

New digital tools appear every day, and employers are willing to pay fabulous sums to those who know how to get involved in work on time, experiment and perform their work at the highest level. Basic personal qualities necessary for an internet marketer:

  • initiative;
  • responsibility;
  • the ability to quickly find and assimilate new information;
  • creativity;
  • communication skills;
  • ability to work with objections and persuade;
  • the ability to quickly switch to different types of work and receive a large amount of information;
  • leadership qualities.

According to many people, the profession of an Internet marketer is simple, and a specialist simply makes his fantasies come true. However, this is not the case, and there is enough routine in this profession. The monotonous work of counting numbers, drawing up graphs, conducting analyzes of the work received, as well as processing a huge amount of new information require a specialist perseverance and attentiveness.

Minimum Requirements to a candidate for the position of Internet marketer:

  1. Fluency in Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica.
  2. Ability to set up targeted advertising and analyze the received data in Yandex.Direct, Google Adwords, Facebook.
  3. Creation of Landing Page.
  4. Understanding the term "marketing funnel".

How to get a profession

The field of Internet marketing is relatively new and dynamically developing, so you cannot limit yourself to one-time training and consider yourself a specialist. It is necessary to constantly update your knowledge, supplementing it with practice.

Basic Steps mastering the specialty of Internet marketer:

  1. Take specialized courses. Today, many online schools allow you to master the profession of an Internet marketer remotely. Upon completion of most courses, a specialist certificate is issued. Some schools, after successful completion of training, provide the opportunity to undergo an internship and gain the necessary experience for further employment in any company.
  2. Find a mentor. To gain not only theoretical, but also practical skills, beginners need to plunge into the world of Internet marketing, and do this with the help of a competent person who can explain and teach all the nuances of this specialty.
  3. Follow industry news. To remain a sought-after specialist, you need to constantly acquire new knowledge. You should read the news and subscribe to newsletters in this area.

The profession of Internet marketer combines several professions at once, which in the future allows you to expand the boundaries of possibilities and manage entire marketing departments.

Areas of application of the profession:

  1. Contextual advertising.
  2. Search engine promotion - SEO.
  3. E-mail marketing.
  4. SMM – social media marketing.
  5. Web analytics.
  6. CPA marketing.
  7. Strategic planning.

Analyzing this specialty, we can conclude that the school of Internet marketers produces specialists of various professions in the open spaces of the Global Network: strategists, mathematicians, designers, psychologists, writers. Of course, in a large company a marketer cannot perform all tasks at once, but must delegate authority, however, the level of professionalism and diversified development of marketers is very highly valued in the business market and brings high income.

In search of great marketers, we looked through 40 percent of resumes on the labor market. And they were very sad. Most of those who consider themselves “marketers” are “managers of managers.” They do not have the competencies in accordance with the title of the resume: “Marketer”. They think so, but no, in the “Professional skills” column there is only one theory and myths about what a person in our profession actually does. Nobody knows their subject area in practice. Therefore, Vladimir Davydov formulated 10 skills that nosebleed Every practicing internet marketer should have it.


Implement email marketing strategy and work with web analytics. An Internet marketer can certainly work with specialists in specific advertising channels (for example, context). Over the years, we have tried different options, and from our own experience we can say that often the best results are achieved when one specialist manages key advertising channels, a website, and at the same time has few clients. Of course, to successfully implement this scheme, the agency should not be a streaming agency.

Video lecture: how to develop an internet marketing strategy

Where else can a marketer do without programming?

Data collection and analysis. A critically important point in the work of an Internet marketer. Together with the web analyst, data is downloaded, compiled into tables and databases, followed by analysis. Without knowledge of the principles of relational databases, without logical thinking, which is built only by programming (even in Pascal at the institute), analytics remains at the low level of “Webvisor” and the failure rate.

Site development management. It is impossible to manage work on a complex website without knowing the basics of layout and programming. Without understanding how a programmer works, you will not be able to write technical specifications for him and evaluate how well the result of his work corresponds to the task. Developers are telling such “marketers” that this can be done, but that is impossible. His professional future is darkness, collapse, hell.

Supervision of web analytics settings. Checking the installation of counters, events, goals. To do this without knowing layout and JS is, again, unrealistic. Even though all this should be configured and verified by a web analytics specialist together with a programmer (although this is often not the case in practice), it is impossible to understand web analytics without understanding how js counters, cookies, etc. work. integrate events into layout.

Working with advertising channels on the Internet. Often you have to use macros in Excel (hello to programming and Excel), mathematical calculations (see the paragraph about mathematics) and work with the layout of a website for embedding meter codes. You can give this work to programmers, but a lot of experimental work happens and it turns out that the programmer is forced to sit for days with a careless Internet marketer who “did not learn layout and programming” as a child. In general, in advertising channels (especially retargeting, RTB, classic media, video advertising), without knowledge of html, css, js, php, an internet marketer basically has nothing to do.

Davydov's cry from the soul

“To sum it up, I am frightened by guys and girls who seriously state that an Internet marketer must think all day long, research the market with some mythical tools that do not require special knowledge, give instructions to specialists and “look for money for the client” (quote from comments to the post). We often interact with such people in client meetings and interviews. When it comes to practice (even at the stage of setting tasks), then mooing and general words begin, such as the comment to my previous post “an SEO specialist must promote.” Apparently this means pushing yourself towards the exit.

Those who are still sane, learn, grow and do not turn into vegetables occupying a chair in the marketing department, at the console of contextual advertising or an automated website promotion system. An internet marketer is a workhorse. This is a person who knows how to do marketing and advertising on the Internet with his hands. Set up, analyze, finish. Yes, he has assistants, but they need to set clear goals and control the results. There are always not enough assistants, and their qualifications in practice are much lower than general discussions about who can do what.

Remember: the conductor himself was once a moderately successful musician. You can’t manage people, projects and processes well without going through the practical path of tools and strategy.”

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E-commerce in our country is not very developed and this is mainly due to the lack of specialists, including Internet marketers. There is a noticeable shortage of both managers and simply competent and experienced specialists. It follows from this that there are few workers in the field of Internet marketing, and, accordingly, the demand for these professions in the labor market is very high.

It is very difficult for companies whose activities affect network resources to cope without these specialists. This fact provokes an increase in wages for professionals in this field, and competition between companies to attract such valuable personnel is very fierce. Employers are willing to pay from 50 to 100 thousand rubles monthly to experienced craftsmen in order to attract them to their business.

Education Requirements

Nowadays, studying at a university is not necessary to obtain a position as an Internet marketer; due to a shortage of personnel, employers rarely require potential employees to present diplomas. This is partly due to the fact that training in this area is just beginning to develop, the profession is quite new and has not yet really entered the main human resources market. In this regard, the most important thing is that the employee understands what he will have to work with. Of course, there are basic requirements for the applicant, but they are not yet well formulated.

Internet marketer training

But in general, the ideal employee must combine knowledge both in the humanitarian field and understand the technical side of the issue. And, of course, creative skills are very important in this profession. As for humanitarian knowledge, the employee is required to be able to competently express his thoughts and ideas.

He must be able to create selling texts taking into account human psychology and their preferences. Technical knowledge includes the need to collect and analyze data to understand how the market works and what is most relevant to consumers now. But creativity is necessary to create something new, this means content, advertising, ways to promote a product and much more.

What knowledge is needed

In our country, full-fledged faculties have not yet been formed to train future Internet marketers. Therefore, the majority of specialists who have chosen this particular path to build their careers are graduates of higher educational institutions in the humanities. But employers value applicants with degrees in sociology, marketing and journalism much more. This is due to the fact that sociological knowledge includes the theoretical side of the network and the behavior of potential consumers.

Knowing how people behave in general makes it much easier to build strategies for promoting products on the Internet. In addition, sociology includes the study of statistics, which is undoubtedly an important part of the work of an Internet marketer. No less useful skills and knowledge can be obtained at the Faculty of Marketing. Its classical fundamentals and the rules of the market as a whole will help to efficiently and effectively fulfill the responsibilities that companies assign to their employees. In addition, everything that is used in classical marketing is quite suitable for the online market.

It is important to understand that this work implies that the employee will constantly update his knowledge so that it remains relevant in the current moment. Therefore, in addition to general education, it is recommended to attend conferences in this area and various courses. An Internet marketer must study network technologies, obtain knowledge and certificates for completing a variety of trainings in this area. Many employers, for such a manifestation of interest in their professional level, increase their employees' wages and working conditions.

Employee qualities

Internet business is much tougher than its classic counterpart, so the most important thing in this business is to be truly passionate about your work. Any manifestations of laziness and fear can destroy the entire strategy; a person must constantly move forward without fear, otherwise his brand will be lost among many others. Employers are ready to pay insane sums for the work of those applicants who have a keen interest in development, are constantly learning something new and want to always be in trend. On the Internet, a specialist must understand one hundred percent, understand every detail, and this is actually very difficult given the speed of change taking place on the Internet and the satiety of consumers.

Technologies are developing daily, new digital tools are appearing, and whoever manages to implement them first on their website wins the race in attracting customers. It is very important for employers that the applicant can look at the world creatively and have a creative approach to creation. Really. An experienced professional in the Internet field understands perfectly well that only the ability to create, quickly find solutions to emerging problems and experiment will allow them to perform their work at the highest level. A routine approach will not work here, everything changes very quickly, and in order not to go astray, you need to not only learn new things, but also come up with your own solutions on how best to attract clients.

Other skills

Among other things, employers really value attentiveness, ability to analyze and perseverance in applicants for the position of Internet marketer in Moscow. These skills are very important to understand the specifics of the product being promoted online. In addition, the employee will need to analyze the site's audience and develop advertising strategies based on his findings.

Many people believe that the job of a marketer is very simple and carefree, and he simply makes his fantasies come true. In fact, this specialist also has enough routine work. It is very monotonous and consists of conducting analyses, counting numbers and drawing up graphs. Thanks to perseverance, the employee will be able to process large amounts of information, and attentiveness will help him not to get confused in this data.

An Internet marketer must be a communicator, as his responsibilities include communicating with colleagues and competitors. He must give tasks to contractors and explain to clients why they should purchase this product. In addition, it is this employee who is responsible for communicating with dissatisfied customers. In addition, the ability to write interesting and competently, perseverance, and the desire to overcome obstacles without fear are valued.

Professional skills

An Internet marketer, in the process of fulfilling his official duties, performs a whole range of activities that help promote the company in the field of Internet services. He is obliged to attract new customers and bring products to a certain level. Typically, this indicator is calculated by analyzing the Internet traffic of the company's website. The specialist also analyzes the market, evaluates the factors that affect product sales, develops the brand and maintains the company’s image.

Main tasks

Many believe that the responsibility of an employee holding this position is only to promote products in the Internet environment and attract new customers. But his tasks also include increasing the company’s reputation online. Therefore, an employee can be entrusted with the creation and coordination of the company’s website. He is also involved in the development and implementation of advertising campaigns and promotions. In addition, he analyzes the results of his activities and, based on the results, changes the company’s online promotion strategy.


The main function of the employee is, first of all, the development of tactics and strategies for network promotion, both the product and the company itself. In addition, the employee conducts advertising campaigns, after which he evaluates their effectiveness and, based on these results, proceeds with further promotion. He must promote not only the product or company, but also take care of its website.

The responsibilities of an Internet marketer include monitoring website traffic, implementing strategies aimed at increasing traffic, optimization and SEO audit. An employee may be assigned to post content on blogs, forums, and social networks. In addition, he develops technical assignments for other specialists involved in network technologies, including programmers, designers, copywriters, etc. He also analyzes the work of competitors.


Basically, different companies have their own requirements for their employees. This can be judged by the reviews Internet marketers leave about their work. Large companies have a large staff, so the employee’s functions are limited, but more extensive than in small companies. But companies that have recently appeared on this market prefer to entrust many tasks to an employee. When looking at vacancies, you can find information about the responsibilities assigned to the employee, namely:

  • CPC, CPA, contextual, teaser and display advertising, media planning and retargeting.
  • SMM refers to promoting a company in social networks, forums, and related communities.
  • SMO, email and SMS mailings.
  • Using affiliate programs to attract audiences.
  • Construction of tasks and interaction with freelancers.
  • Web analytics, testing.

Required Experience

To obtain a high-paying position, employers may require applicants to have some experience in the field. Very often it is required that the employee has a portfolio of what he has already done in practice. For example, he attracted a large amount of traffic, while saving on leads, created a landing page that had a high convention, created and received profit from Internet portals, where he attracted a lot of traffic. Sometimes it is required that an employee has experience in creating and making a profit from groups on social networks, as well as having a subscriber base and the ability to make mass mailings.


Analyzing this profession, we can safely say that the school of Internet marketers produces specialists who are developed in almost all industries. He is simultaneously a strategist, analyst, psychologist, writer, creative, mathematician, designer and communicator. Of course, in large companies all these responsibilities are distributed among several employees. But in general, network marketers are very versatile individuals, and they get paid a lot of money for it.
