The professions of my parents and the world around me. Project "Professions of my parents" project on the world around us (2nd grade) on the topic. maintain order and cleanliness in the complex

My mother, Olga Eduardovna, works as a teacher in a kindergarten. She has the youngest children in her group. The teacher plays with them, exercises, and takes care of each child.

In kindergarten you have to be not only a teacher, but also an artist. You need to participate in different holidays, know a lot of games, songs, poems.

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“Project on the world around us. 2nd grade "Professions of my parents."


Work completed

2nd grade student

Anufrieva Victoria


  • My mother, Olga Eduardovna, works as a teacher in a kindergarten. She has the youngest children in her group. The teacher plays with the children, studies, and takes care of each child.


  • In kindergarten you have to be not only a teacher, but an artist. You need to participate in different holidays, know a lot of games, songs, poems.
  • This is a very responsible profession.


  • My dad, Roman Viktorovich, is a military man. In Russia, military service has always been a matter of honor, a school of courage, and the military profession has always been treated with honor and respect.
  • A military career begins with a good education.


  • My dad graduated from military school.
  • He is well-mannered, disciplined, educated. He really likes this profession.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Bushevetskaya NOSH"

"My Family's Professions"

Children's creative project

Completed by 2nd grade students

Project leader - teacher

Fedorova Larisa Zinovievna

Bologoe 2015

Objective of the project : get to know your parents’ professions.

Project objectives :

  • ask parents about their profession;
  • design an album of essays “Professions of our parents.”

Relevance of the project.

On the golden porch sat the king, the prince, the king, the prince, the shoemaker, the tailor - who will you be?”

Everyone is familiar with this children's rhyme. The counting rhyme has a simple continuation: choose any title and continue the game. In life, everything is not so simple. In the old days this profession was not enough, and they could all fit on one porch, along with the king.

The first Tsar Ivan appeared in Rus' 600 years ago.III, and with him there were professions: shooter, cook, baker, tailor, gardener, fisherman, miller, jeweler, carpenter. In the old days, people took pride in craftsmanship. Now all professions cannot fit on one porch. There are already many thousands of them. And new ones appear all the time.

A profession is something that is done every day and that is useful for other people. The profession requires special training.

A profession is a type of work that requires a person to have certain training, knowledge and skills.

Every business has its own rules, every profession has its own tools. Some professions require very complex machines. How to choose a profession? It is very important that you enjoy the work. Only then can you become a master of your craft. Do school-age children need to be introduced to professions, or do they learn about them on their own? I think it's necessary. Professional activity occupies an important place in the life of every person. From the first steps of a child, parents think about his future, closely monitor the interests and inclinations of their child, trying to predetermine his professional fate. Professional self-determination is associated with personality development, then younger ages are preparatory.

A child’s ideas about professions are limited by his limited life experience. To expand knowledge about the diversity of professions, we decided to create a project with children “Professions of my family”.

The project is designed for children of primary school age and their parents; people of different genders, different family incomes, social status and religion can equally take part in the project.

Implementation period: 20 days.

Stages of work on the project:

Immersion in the project

Organizational stage

Carrying out activities

Processing and presentation of the results obtained

Presentation and discussion of the results obtained.

Immersion in the project. At this stage, a student survey was conducted. The guys were asked to answer two questions:

1. Can you name the profession of your parents?

2. Can you say what your parents' job was?

Survey results. The survey showed that 33% of students can name their parents' professions, but 67% of students cannot say what their job is. Thus, the need arose to solve this problem: to find out the peculiarities of the work of their parents.

Organizational stage. To solve the problem, an action plan was jointly developed:

1. Take a tour to the village library and learn from the literature about various professions.

2. Observations of the work of adults “Cook”, “Janitor”, “Teacher”, “Seller”.

3. Find out from your parents what their job is.

4. Present the results obtained.

Carrying out activities. At this stage, the guys collected data: they went on an excursion to their parents’ place of work (in groups), and conducted interviews with their parents.

Processing and presentation of the results obtained. At this stage, the guys wrote essays and made drawings.

Discussion of the results obtained. A class hour was held in the classroom, during which the children presented the results of their work. After presenting their works, the guys shared their impressions and expressed their opinions on the results obtained. An album of the best compositions “Professions of our parents” was collected.

Sobachko Ekaterina.

My mother's name is Galya. She works as an accountant. Most of the time she sits at the computer, keeping records and filling out various documents. The company where my mother works is located in St. Petersburg, so she often has to travel on business trips. Every three months, my mother submits declarations and reports to the tax office.

Sometimes in the evenings and weekends my mother works as a manicurist and nail extension specialist. Many clients come to her - young girls, women - to get beautiful nails done.

Shibanova Alexandra.

There are many professions in the world and they are all very different and very important. Almost all of my family members work on the railroad. For example, my mother Lena works as a passenger train conductor. She follows passengers along their route. If someone needs help, then mom will always help. She will prepare tea and coffee for those who wish, and offer cookies or candy. My grandmother Tanya works as a station attendant. She has a very responsible job. It gives trains the green light to proceed. And my uncle Dmitry works as a chief at the railway. He supervises all the work performed. And my dad works as a driver. He transports people. And when necessary, then various loads.

There are a large number of professions in our country and each is interesting in its own way.

Udarova Victoria

I want to talk about the profession of my mother Alexandra. She works as a sales consultant in the Megafon Retail salon. It sells phones, tablets, modems, cases, accessories and toys. Mom can tell the buyer which is better to choose a phone or tablet. Will tell you which favorable tariff to choose for connection. If the clients of the salon have any problems, then the mother tries to help them solve them. I visited my mother at work several times and noticed how she worked. My mom works well.

Sidorova Arina.

I have a big family. In addition to my mother and brother, there are also grandparents. I play with them, go to the forest, and go fishing. But I want to talk about my grandmother Valya, because I spend all my free time with her. My grandmother, and her name is Valentina Evgenievna, works as the director of our village club “Cosmos”. I find it very interesting there, because a lot of children from our village go to the club. And my grandmother works there with her children: the children dance, sing, go to various competitions, rallies, and concerts. For adults, the grandmother organizes various holidays and evenings. And at anniversary events and weddings, the grandmother works as a toastmaster. In the summer, she spends Village Day in a birch grove. She herself participates in this event. And I also sing and dance with my grandmother. Everyone loves my grandmother, and I love her very much too.

Petrova Anastasia

There are a lot of male professions in the world. I want to talk about my dad's profession. He works at the Bologovsky fittings plant "BAZ" as a repairman. He repairs large machines that make water taps and valves. This profession is very responsible, because dad needs to know the structure of machines well. After all, the operation of the machine depends on it. If a machine breaks down, then dad needs to quickly figure out what’s wrong and why the machine stopped working. There are only two such factories in Russia where my dad works. Therefore, the products of the Bologovsky Valve Plant are sold not only in our country, but also abroad.

Kucherenko Karina

I want to tell you a little about my family. We arrived in the village of Bushevets quite recently from Ukraine from the city of Mariupol. My dad immediately found a job at the Bushevets plant. He works as a foreman in a workshop and supervises the work of his workers. My mother doesn’t work anywhere yet. She is a housewife. She has a lot of work to do at home - cook food, do laundry, check my homework, play with my little brother. And in the evening before bed, my mother reads children's books to us.

Arkhipova Ekaterina.

There are a lot of professions in the world. And they are all so different and very necessary. My mother, for example, works in the large supermarket “Devyatochka” as a salesperson. She works in the meat department. Serves those customers who need sausage, meat or smoked fish. I visited my mother at work several times and watched her work. How she quickly offers customers a product, tells which sausage is tastier, and which piece of meat is better to buy. Grandma has a completely different profession. When she was young, she worked as a kindergarten teacher. Grandma also draws well. She helps me make drawings that we are asked at school to participate in competitions. Grandma can help you make any craft. And now she works as a janitor in our building management. This is also a very important profession. After all, she needs to clear the paths to the entrance in time, sweep away the snow, and sprinkle the paths with sand. When a lot of snow falls, my mother helps my grandmother. My grandmother also helped our painters do repairs in the hallways. That's how many professions my grandmother has.

Brigadier Tatyana

I want to talk about my mother's profession. She works on the railway at the Bushevets station. My mother is the station attendant. My mother doesn’t talk much about her profession. I only know thatThe station duty officer is a responsible employee of the traffic service, managing the reception, departure and passage of trains, as well as shunting movements within one separate point.No one other than the station duty officer has the right to give orders for the reception, passage and departure of trains and for maneuvers on the tracks along which organized trains travel. The station manager and superiors can give their orders only through the station duty officer.My mother's profession is very responsible. She must know a lot and be aware of all innovations in documents, orders and telegrams.

Locomotive driver

In the management of traction machines (diesel locomotives, electric locomotives), the main figure is the driver. He controls the locomotive using a controller. This main control device is located in the cab to the left of the driver.
At the bottom of the cab, under the driver’s feet, there are one or two pedal buttons - to supply sand under the wheels and turn on the sound signal.
To see the road rushing under the wheels, to notice the necessary signals, for example, a traffic light - all this is the responsibility of the driver. Of course, in this matter he is helped by his henchman - the driver's assistant, but for traffic safety on railway transport one must keep an eye on both.
Constantly monitoring instrument readings in the locomotive cabin and intensely peering at the road signs running towards you, when you cannot take your eyes off the road even for a short moment, is a characteristic feature of the profession of locomotive drivers.
The cabin also contains radio remote controls with a microphone and telephone, electric stoves for heating the cabin, a locker for clothes, an electric stove for heating food, a refrigerator, etc.
The locomotive driver is obliged to drive the train exactly on schedule, take into account specific warning signals on hauls, monitor traffic lights, readings of instrumentation, and track conditions.
Trips even along the same section will differ from one another and are determined by many factors: the weight of the train, the weather, the voltage in the contact network


Project "Professions"

Prepared by 2nd grade students




1) In a store, at a bazaar

And finally at the buffet

Everywhere, wherever you are,

The salesperson greets you.

3) A fishing rod for Uncle Petya,

And for Aunt Vera - a brooch.

You will always be greeted so kindly -

You won't leave without buying something

2) He will sell kefir to the old lady

And a whistle to the mischievous man,

A bright ribbon for a girl

And a cheesecake for the fat man.

4) He knows mathematics

Well, of course, by five -

He quickly counts the money,

To give change correctly.


The profession is called a tram driver.

The responsibility is to transport passengers along the route. From the outside it seems like an easy profession - it looks like he checked the batteries and pulled the handle. You can't go anywhere off the rails. The driver has a huge responsibility for the lives of a large number of people. He must know many instructions - on shunting operations, on the order of movement, on train maintenance, on coupling and towing cars, and many others. In general, the work is not easy, but interesting.

For this job, it is necessary to complete special courses for electric transport drivers, giving the right to drive a tram and pass certification.

Work starts very early - at 4 am I should already be at the depot

The working day takes place in the driver's cab. Sometimes, where the rails do not switch automatically, you have to get out of the cabin and move them in the desired direction with a mount. The cabin is warm in winter and with the window open it is nice and fresh in summer.

The most important qualities in work are attentiveness, concentration and good reactions. It is very important to have good health. After all, if something happens to the driver on the road, passengers may suffer. But these are no longer qualities, but selection criteria.

It's very cool to do something good for people...


Profession nurse (nurse)

Short description: Nurses are assigned to paramedical personnel. The doctor examines the patient and prescribes treatment, and the nurse carries out these appointments. That is, this person most often directly contacts the patient and is involved in his treatment. When a patient comes for an appointment, for example, with a therapist, he always sees a nurse filling out an account card - this is her main job in the local doctor’s office. In the treatment room, the nurse will be busy with other work - sterilizing syringes, drawing blood for tests.

History of the profession: Previously, at the beginning of the 19th century, this profession aroused universal admiration and respect. Nurses were also called sisters of mercy for their desire to help a wounded warrior without any remuneration. During turbulent war times, many women united and went to the front. There they organized centers for helping the wounded. Sisters of mercy often did not have any medical education, receiving the necessary skills on the spot under the guidance of existing doctors.…

Social significance of the profession in society: Nurses today are a sought-after profession. It’s true what they say is that those who believe in healing recover faster. In this difficult journey, the nurse provides all possible assistance and support, caring for the patient like a mother.

Profession risks: Grateful patients who were cured are the most enjoyable part of being a nurse. But there are many more difficulties than such patients - night shifts, constant physical and emotional stress, responsibility for someone else's life.
Where to get a profession: To work as a nurse, it is enough to have a secondary medical education. You can improve your qualifications through courses.


Meteorologist – a specialist who observes weather phenomena, collects and disseminates meteorological information.

Meteorologists are called weather sentries; they are always on watch, which cannot be left for a minute. They monitor all weather changes, monitor the sky constantly, enter observation data into special journals, collect data on atmospheric phenomena coming from hydrometeorological stations, readings from special instruments, atmospheric probes, and space satellites. Meteorologists make forecasts of air temperatures, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, wind strength and direction, monitor the level of air pollution, and transmit information to the central hub - the hydrometeorological center.

The main requirement for the work of meteorologists is constant attention to the object of observation. A meteorologist must know everything that happens and can happen in the atmosphere: the origin and spread of hurricanes, typhoons and other strong winds, what precipitation falls and in what quantity, be able to explain various natural anomalies and much more.

The place of work of a meteorologist can be meteorological stations and posts.

Meteorologists are participants in a wide variety of expeditions. They work at polar stations and at airfields and on board ocean liners, in sparsely populated areas and passes, at airfields, we fly on airplanes and balloons. Depending on the current task, the meteorologist carries out activities indoors, at his workplace, or outdoors. Work outdoors, including in adverse weather conditions. After all, measurements must be taken at a strictly defined time, regardless of weather conditions (rain, hail, storm at sea, thunderstorm).


Profession musician

You can study music professionally, or you can do it for yourself. A musician is a person who knows how to play a musical instrument. Representatives of this profession also include composers, vocalists,

It seems that people have been singing since the existence of life on earth. Every person is endowed with a goal and can sing. Primitive people used musical instruments for some religious rituals - they danced, sang and drummed, thereby creating music that was unique in perception. A lot has changed since then.…

Music is entertainment, education, culture,... whatever. A person is drawn to beauty, looking for something bright and understandable for him in creativity. A musician is akin to a teacher - they listen to him, listen to him and draw conclusions. It’s good that musicians understand the responsibility they have to their listeners and loyal fans.

They say that you either have talent or you don’t. Even if you have it, you still need to learn and develop your abilities. A creative person should always grow professionally. They learn to play instruments at a music college or school. There are also creative people who consider it inappropriate to spend several years of their life on learning. You can take private lessons from a teacher or learn how to play instruments using a self-instruction manual.


Profession pastry chef

In order for a person to work normally and take care of loved ones, he must eat well. But often you have to eat away from home. In this case, there are numerous canteens and cafes in which food is prepared by people with the profession of pastry chef. Such professionals work in large organizations, in the army, and in kindergartens. The chef's task is to prepare a tasty and satisfying dish from raw ingredients.

People eat on average three times a day. If a pastry chef pleases customers with his delicious dishes or confectionery products, then he can count on gratitude and a return visit from these visitors after a while.

Economist is a modern profession. Although the word “economics” itself was coined in Ancient Greece and meant “housekeeping,” that is, housekeeping was subject to economic analysis. Aristotle is considered the first economist, who built theories about the exchange of goods, their value and utility.…

An economist is one of the most significant specialists in an enterprise. No enterprise can operate without a business plan. It is this employee who sets the right direction for the joint efforts of all employees. You need to set your goals correctly in order to get maximum profits with minimal losses.

The profession of an accountant is one of the most in demand on the labor market. The work of an accountant is multifaceted: accounting for fixed assets, material assets, settlements with suppliers and customers, payroll, tax deductions, etc. The chief accountant is responsible for the correctness of accounting and timely submission of reports. In small businesses, one accountant handles all accounting.

The accounting profession is in demand more than other professions. Accountants usually have regular working hours. Working as an accountant allows you to earn extra income by doing bookkeeping for small businesses. The accounting profession is prestigious: in enterprises, an accountant is one of the management personnel.

In order to master the profession of an accountant, you must obtain secondary or higher professional education. The profession of an accountant can also be obtained through special accounting courses. But in order to become a chief accountant, you must have a higher specialized education.

Municipal budgetary educational institution - secondary school No. 34 named after. Hero of the Soviet Union N.D. Zakharova

Environment Project


2nd grade student

Shklyaeva Danila

Objective of the project:- development of cognitive activity and horizons; - awakening interest in a person’s professional activity; - formation of moral values.

Project objectives:

  • get acquainted with various professions and their characteristics;
  • provide knowledge about the qualities that a person who wants to acquire a particular profession must have.

There are so many professions, and all are good: Everyone is able to find something for the soul.

The pastry chef prepares cakes and muffins,

The driver brings the cargo by car.

A brave fireman will put out the fire,

An artist dances on stage to the accordion.

A fisherman catches pike perch and cod,

Clowns in the circus will disperse the melancholy.

And the sellers sell it to us.

In the workshop, tailors will sew clothes,

Every business is valuable in its own way,

And it will always come in handy!

Can you understand now

What do you want to become next?

Where to work, who to work with,

Who should I go to study?

Yes, the questions are complicated

But there is a solution, guys!

You need to try, dream,

Go to different circles,

To understand who you want to be!

To be useful to society is the main goal of every person. And for this you need to work. Choosing a profession is a difficult and important stage in life. But this choice determines whether you can succeed in your business. You need to love your profession, and then the work will not be difficult.

All professions are needed, all professions are important!
