The professions of the future are new and promising for men. What high-paying professions are in demand now? Preventive Medicine Specialist

The period has passed when the professions of astronauts and pilots were popular and every schoolchild dreamed of them. The time of admiration for the ubiquitous lawyers and economists is also behind us. Every year there are dramatic changes in the labor market, and 2016 was no exception. Forecasting experts have revealed a ranking of the most popular and in-demand professions for the next decade. Let's look into the future and find out what these professions are and what skills the representatives of each of them have.

IT specialist

The Internet is occupying more and more space in people's lives. If earlier an information technology specialist was considered strictly a programmer or webmaster, today this broad concept includes everyone who is in one way or another connected with the sphere of global space. Salespeople, logisticians, marketers and designers - all these professions have smoothly migrated to the virtual network and will occupy leading positions for a long time.

The ability to learn quickly and be flexible in thinking are the main qualities of a successful IT specialist.

Translators and linguists

Successful cooperation between the Russian government and Asian countries has turned the camp of translators towards Eastern languages. Of course, true English language gurus will not remain idle, but Chinese experts are becoming more and more in demand and popular every day. Excellent memory, keen hearing and the ability to accurately reproduce are the key to success for specialists in this field.

Automotive technicians

This profession is for practitioners and those who are used to working with their hands. There are only a few truly talented craftsmen in this area. In addition to “golden hands,” a modern automotive technician must speak foreign languages, be aware of the latest technical developments and have a broad outlook.


The medical field is suffering more than ever from a shortage of professionals. Heavy workloads and meager salaries have forced many specialists to change their favorite profession to a more profitable one. Although in recent years there have been significant changes in this situation. The state is working to provide talented young professionals with everything they need for a decent life. Now this profession is no longer prestigious, but it has rightfully become the most respected. Love for people, patience and good education are the main qualities of a modern doctor.

Design engineer

Industrial production has always needed competent specialists. The contribution of Western capital to Russian industry has led to the demand and prestige of engineering professions. Now these are not just “techies”, but highly erudite people who combine economic, technical and legal knowledge with excellent English and other European languages.

Beauty specialists

The earnings of professional hairdressers and makeup artists tempt school graduates; they bypass higher education and, after completing courses, go to work. But it’s unlikely that they will make good masters, because they only come from well-educated people, with knowledge of psychology, marketing and an excellent technical base.


People are coordinators, capable of solving several problems at once. They carry out the complete delivery chain: coordinating the warehouse, purchasing and transport. It is not easy to get such a job; employers place high demands on candidates: in addition to knowledge of languages, specialized education and good work experience, they must know the specifics of the production process and customs legislation.


The oversaturation of the market with goods and services has led to the emergence of this interesting profession. There was a need to track consumer preferences and, thereby, increase the level of the company’s turnover. Excellent marketers will be people who have a strategic mindset and are able to manage the system.

Sales Representative

This promising and in-demand profession is classified as difficult. Not everyone can succeed in this field. Constant stress, psychological work with customers, constant driving through city traffic jams - this is only a small part of everything that a sales representative will have to face. This job is created for positive people who know how to win over people, who are ready for daily stress.


Chefs still do not give up their leading positions. Their average salary remains at the level of 50-70 thousand rubles. But ordinary chefs have become truly popular; their salaries have increased by more than 12 thousand rubles in just a year, this makes it possible to start earning money now with a good prospect in the future. Talent, enthusiasm and good aesthetic taste are a good start to start a career.

Whatever profession you choose, it is important to remember that specialists with basic skills and knowledge are always in demand. Enthusiasts with the ability to learn and vital energy will be able to try their hand at any field and achieve success in it, making a dizzying career.

The answer to the question of what professions are in demand on the labor market interests not only young people who, as they say, are thinking about their lives, but also people of quite a decent age who dream of retraining and getting a profitable and interesting job. Because working at the call of the heart allows a person not only to find and realize his calling, it opens up prospects for career growth, which is a good motivation for a creative approach to work.

Experts studying the current state of the labor market associate certain market changes in the directions of its possible transformation taking into account economic development. They believe that the most in-demand professions on the labor market will be the same as they were - these are engineering professions, as well as professions of technical specialists and production managers.

In addition to these professions, given the explosive growth of high technologies, it is not difficult to guess what professions are now in demand in the labor market - these are the so-called IT specialists, specialists in the IT industry, which includes programmers and digital technology developers.

Recently, society has made a sharp shift towards consumption. Therefore, the most popular professions in the labor market, in addition to the specialties already mentioned, are professions related to the field of quality service in the tourism industry and hotel business.

The whole world is concerned about the problem of environmental pollution, so in this area there are professions in demand today in the labor market, which are in one way or another related to the environment and its protection.

As for what female professions are in demand in the labor market, these are professions traditionally related to female specialties - doctors, teachers, social workers and trade workers. However, the most in-demand profession on the labor market for women is a profession associated with the rapidly developing advertising business.

Professions in demand on the labor market 2017

As for the Russian labor market, most likely, just a few days ago, experts would have quite rightly listed the most in-demand professions on the labor market in 2017, which were on everyone’s lips in 2016 and in later years, since they are almost have been changing over the past two decades. These, as already noted, are professions associated with engineering and technical activities, as well as with the senior management of various industries.

But recently a political event occurred that fundamentally forced us to reconsider experts’ forecasts for the labor market in 2017 and even for the next decade. The event that took place was the annual Presidential Address to the Russian Legislative Assembly, where Putin called on legislators, starting in 2017, to take a course and provide legal documents for the development of the digital economy in Russia.

This point of the President’s address will in no way reduce the traditional list of in-demand professions on the Russian labor market, however, in this list, changes in the priorities of many professions are coming and specialties related to information, so-called digital technologies, will come to the fore, and in all spheres of the national economy . What exactly does the term “digital economy” mean?

Demanded blue-collar professions on the labor market

Coming from employers and analyzed by experts, although you do not need to be a great analytical specialist, information about in-demand professions on the labor market clearly indicates that employers, for example, a bulldozer operator, a gantry or overhead crane operator, a welder, a qualified turner or milling operator intend to pay much more than the same manager or auditor.

Based on the existing acute shortage of workers who, figuratively speaking, help the head work with their hands - these are blue-collar professions in demand on the 2017 market by specialty:

  • builders;
  • mechanics, and absolutely all areas of production;
  • operators and machinists of industrial, mining and processing equipment.

Therefore, school graduates of 2017 who do not have the knowledge to enroll in a university need to take into account what blue-collar professions are in demand on the labor market and make the right choice of their future working profession so that they enjoy it and bring a good income.

Creative professions in demand on the labor market

In fact, any profession is creative if its owner approaches his work with genuine interest and in a creative way.

An indicator of whether a particular profession is in demand is the size of its remuneration. This axiom is also true for the so-called creative professions.

Based on this, the professions in demand in Russia are creative specialties:

  • who are related to show business;
  • related to the design of products, building structures and various spaces, as well as web design and fashion design;
  • which are associated with the development of hairstyles and makeup styles;
  • related to journalism, writing blogs, scripts and literary works;
  • which relate to fine arts.

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While we are mastering the professions of lawyers, economists, mechanics and chefs, Elon Musk dreams of flying to Mars, 3D printers are starting to print human organs, and the UK is investing millions of pounds in training assistants and assistants for robots. Be prepared for the fact that machines will soon take up up to 75% of jobs. Perhaps the robotics boom will happen in Russia a little later, but it will definitely happen. Let's talk about the professions of the future - new and promising. Because it’s worth thinking about them now.

In which areas will robots not replace humans?

Robotics is developing faster than experts thought. In Japan, machines no longer only perform ordinary operations in factories, cook and do house cleaning - they dance well, play chess, and most importantly, train. It is the trained artificial intelligence that becomes the main competitor of humans in the struggle for a job. Why would an employer hire a CNC operator if the machine does not need to be paid a salary and there is no need to control it - robots are unlikely to try to steal something, they are unlikely to be negligent.

As part of a lecture on human capital after the 4th industrial revolution, Christopher Pissarides (Nobel Prize winner in economics) identified only 6 industries in which robots will not be able to completely replace humans. At least in the next 20-30 years. This:

  1. Medicine.
  2. Education.
  3. Real estate.
  4. The household.
  5. Hospitality.
  6. Personal services.

Everything is clear with medicine, education and real estate. Housekeeping refers not only to household chores, but also to planning the family budget, making decisions when creating the comfort of an apartment or house, choosing the optimal place to live, and so on. Hospitality refers to hotel, restaurant and tourism management, as well as the entertainment industry.

Personal services include, for example, the services of a psychologist, nanny, nurse and other specialists whom robots cannot replace for practical and ethical reasons. This also includes several areas that are partly also professions. A striking example is the clergy. It is difficult to imagine a robot in the person of a church minister, unless it is a separate new cult, a new religion.

This is also the sphere of art - presumably the value of human labor will not disappear here and, on the contrary, will continue to grow.

Rating of the TOP 7 best online schools

Online school for preparing for the Unified State Exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school, which provides the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversational practice.

Online school of the new generation English language. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

Professions of the future: TOP-20 specialties

Among the assumptions of futurists there are many specialties that may seem like a utopia or outright nonsense. When forecasting, it is especially important to rely on trends in science. If we know that robotics and the IT field are developing rapidly, then the position of a robotics lawyer no longer looks so unrealistic. Let us draw your attention to the list of professions published by American, European and Russian researchers.

New professions of the future - TOP 10 Microsoft and The Future Laboratory

  1. Virtual reality designer . Experts predict significant growth in the VR device market. In the next 7-8 years it should exceed the $45 billion mark. Millions of people will spend most of their free time in virtual reality, which will be designed by a new generation of designers. They will create virtual offices for remote negotiations, museums, municipal offices and much more.
  2. Developers of roboethics . Or robotethics lawyers. They will act as intermediaries between humans and artificial intelligence. The tasks of specialists will include developing ethical standards in accordance with which robots can exist among living people. The need for a profession is due to the possible emergence of “bad” machines that can deliberately harm people.
  3. Virtual guides and digital commentators . Do you experience catharsis when you come into contact with works of art in museums or art galleries? Experts believe that very soon virtual excursions will displace up to 80% of the real premises of cultural objects. This is where digital commentators and tour guides proficient in VR technologies come in handy.
  4. Biohackers . They are essentially hobbyists who conduct their own molecular biology research using open data from the scientific community. It is expected that biohackers will soon reach a new level and, in freelance mode, will be able to help scientists find ways to treat complex diseases.
  5. Internet of Things analysts . Household appliances and electronics are increasingly equipped with their own software, thanks to which devices can exchange data with each other. The Internet of Things (IoT) will require modernization in 5-8 years: in developed countries, specialists will be in demand who can analyze data and look for, say, new methods for integrating household appliances into unified systems for smart homes.
  6. Space guide . Scientists say that by the early 2030s, space tourism will cease to be a rarity and will become quite affordable for wealthy people. In this regard, guides who will accompany travelers on flights to the stars will become in demand. And if at the initial stage they can become astronauts, then in the future the specialty may appear even in ordinary universities.
  7. Curator of personal data . Neural interfaces that connect the human brain with a computer will become as widespread as possible in 3-4 years. We will be able to “record” memories, plans and thoughts, and also distribute them on social networks - share them with friends and even strangers. The task of the personal data curator is to combine information into a common information flow and adapt it.
  8. Ecosystem Restoration Specialist . By around 2030, the planet's resources may be seriously depleted due to significant population growth. We are talking not only about non-renewable oil, but also about animals and plants. In this situation, engineers will be needed to restore the environment. In particular, they will be able to “revive” extinct species of animals and plants using previously collected genetic material.
  9. Constant Power Device Design Engineer . In the next 5-10 years, the transition to sustainable energy may be completed - the entire planet will begin to use solar and wind energy as the main source of power. The only problem is the impossibility of operating the devices in cloudy and windless weather. Therefore, developers of constant power devices will be especially in demand.
  10. Body designer . Bioengineering should make a breakthrough by the mid-2020s. In the future, people will be able to easily change tissues and even organs. The possibilities of medicine and plastic surgery will help people become the way they would like to see themselves. And body designers will be able to translate the desires of a particular person into models that surgeons will use as a guide during their work.

Promising professions of the future - TOP 10 according to Skolkovo

This list was presented by Skolkovo experts in the form of an atlas of specialties that will be in demand in the future. Among them there are excellent options for both girls and boys.

The most realistic professions were recognized as:

  1. City farmer . He will be engaged in useful landscaping of megacities. It is quite possible that in the future large cities will be able to provide themselves with vegetables and fruits - they will be grown directly on the roofs and facades of skyscrapers.
  2. Molecular nutritionist . “Larisa Dolina’s diet” may not help not only because of its anti-scientific basis, but also because of the individual characteristics of your body. In the near future, we will be able to lose weight at the molecular level - nutritionists will study the individuality of our structure in great detail and will be able to create unique programs for losing weight, gaining or maintaining weight.
  3. Online doctor . A number of laws on online consultations have already been adopted, so the profession does not seem futuristic, much less utopian. In just 4-5 years, an online doctor will be able to replace the majority of doctors practicing classic face-to-face consultations with patients.
  4. Space tourism manager . If American researchers note space guides, then Skolkovo focuses on specialists who will organize flights to the stars. Managers in this industry, according to forecasts, will become in demand within 15-20 years.
  5. Digital linguist . The specialist’s task is to adapt the language of machines for humans, to make it more understandable and “alive.” Digital linguists will work with online translators, search engines and other robotic devices that “speak” to humans.
  6. Reenactors . Most of the iconic buildings, historical and architectural monuments, will soon become unsafe. The task of specialists in the reconstruction of these objects is to create a project in accordance with which the building will no longer pose a danger and at the same time preserve the value of the monument.
  7. 3D Printing Designer . This profession will become especially in demand in construction, where 3D technologies are already widely used today. And if now only individual elements and building materials are printed, then in the future it will be possible to create full-fledged buildings using special printers.
  8. Home robot developer . The specialty exists today and will continue to gain popularity in the future. Experts believe that by 2030, people will be able to completely get rid of household chores by transferring all household work to machines.
  9. Financial trajectory designer . He will help you avoid making mistakes when building a career by developing an individual plan for achieving success. Essentially, this is an expert who can create an algorithm for moving up the career ladder for each person.
  10. Mind fitness trainer . They will be as charismatic as the presenters of modern useless trainings, and at the same time will help you get closer to perfection intellectually. You will be able to master speed reading, develop phenomenal memory, and so on.

Where to go to stay in trend

It is not the place that makes the man. You can apply anywhere, the main thing is to follow innovations, scientific discoveries and developments in your industry. It doesn’t matter so much whether you study to be a biologist, surgeon, programmer or psychologist - the key requirement is to follow modern professional trends. However, higher education is strongly recommended. Even if you do not work in your specialty, intellectual development at a university is usually more powerful than at a technical school or college.

From the point of view of the specialties of the future, the most popular industries are:

  • Biology.
  • Robotics.
  • Chemistry.
  • Management.

Engineering specialties also remain in trend. Designers and architects will be no less in demand. However, professions related to mental work are coming to the fore. Machines will take on the heavy physical work. The only exception can be sports, but this is also questionable - competitions among robots are already extremely popular.


It is possible that in Russia the professions of the future will appear a little later than in the USA or Europe. But in the context of globalization and widespread integration of technology, this gap will not be significant. Already today, applicants are encouraged to think about the future and follow new trends. The same recommendations apply to students and people who are already working - it is important to keep up with the times, so that at some point you do not remain behind civilization and cease to be valued in the professional environment.

Young graduates of educational institutions, as well as adults who have not yet decided on their future, have always been interested in the question of which profession is the most in demand. In Russia there are ample opportunities both for obtaining a sought-after specialty and for retraining if the first profession did not work out. Perhaps the rating of the best specialties will help those people who cannot yet make a choice of specialty for themselves.

The most in-demand professions 2017 in Russia

  1. Economists, banking specialists. The Russian market economy creates favorable conditions for economists and bankers; in recent years, these specialists have been among the leaders in the number of vacancies open to them. This list includes accountants, sales representatives, and marketing specialists.
  2. IT specialists. Global computerization also affects Russia, and the demand for specialists continues to expand.
  3. Builders. The construction industry includes a group of related professions - engineers, architects, machinists and skilled workers. The profession will be in demand as long as new buildings are being designed and erected on the planet and Russia in particular.
  4. Working specialties. Physical labor in Russia is traditionally in demand on a par with intellectual labor. Often, a prestigious diploma is not required here; you need to work with your hands at specialized enterprises. Many blue-collar professionals can expect a competitive salary level.

The most in-demand professions in the world

The growing trend in the popularity of certain professions in Europe and the world is associated with the same laws of social development as in Russia. With rare exceptions, the need for personnel abroad is identical to that in Russia.

The most in-demand professions in the coming years in the world:

  • Engineering specialist. The progressive development of technologies in construction, the desire to automate many processes gives rise to the need for progressive technical knowledge.
  • IT specialists. More and more organizations around the world consider it their duty to create a mobile application, try to serve their customers remotely, and respond quickly and effectively to requests. All this requires improvements in computer technology, which is what hundreds of thousands of programmers around the world are doing. The current situation will keep programmers among the top most in-demand professions for a long time.
  • Doctors. Medical professionals have been and will be relevant until the human body adapts to all the factors that cause disease. Today, the opposite picture is observed - the number of diseases is not decreasing and is growing rapidly, and the age of many pathologies is rapidly decreasing. The demand for medical knowledge is growing in the world every year and doctors are still included in the ranking of the most in-demand professions. But today new requirements are applied to medical professionals - they need to understand biotechnology and electronics.

The most popular professions 2020 for girls

Modern women place less and less importance on starting a family and want to build a career at the same pace as men. The number of women with a prestigious, high-quality education and a willingness to work and earn money is growing steadily. The question of what are the most in-demand professions for women now is especially relevant.

Of course, global computerization will also affect girls. In the coming years, competent IT specialists will not be left without employment and will be able to work in any corner of the planet where there is high technology and minimal communication with the outside world.

Connections between countries and cultures are developing no less quickly; there are practically no closed spaces left in the world. In addition to effectively performing her direct duties, a girl translator can quite brighten up a meeting with her presence and win over partners. According to experts, the most popular professions for girls in the future are translators.

Traditionally, women love to communicate, make contact easily, and strive to show care and attention to people in need. Doctors, social workers, teachers, psychologists are the most popular professions for girls in Russia in the field of humanities.

Caring for animals and emotional attachment to nature are a distinctive feature of women. Long-standing environmental problems will soon trigger the creation of new jobs and the growing popularity of the environmental profession.

The most popular professions 2017-2020 for men

Men are still willingly invited to complex, physically demanding and dangerous work. The trend is easily explained - men are more resistant to stress, show determination more often than women and adapt more easily in emergency situations. Therefore, more than 90 percent of the vacancies of firefighters, rescuers, pilots, miners and military personnel are occupied by men. This list of the most popular professions for men will remain relevant for many years to come, because people will always need protection and emergency assistance.

Among the quieter ones, the most popular professions of the year for men are engineers in various fields. Qualified male engineers predominate in the fields of aircraft construction, nuclear energy, and mining.

The most in-demand professions in Moscow 2017 list

According to open vacancies on the Internet, in 2017, the most in-demand professions in Moscow

  • salesperson - more than 3 thousand open vacancies;
  • secretary or office manager - about 5 thousand vacancies;
  • sales manager - about 10 thousand vacancies;

10 most in-demand professions

The top 10 most in-demand professions in Russia and the world are:

  • engineers;
  • doctors;
  • ecologists;
  • logisticians;
  • tourism specialists;
  • economists;
  • sellers;
  • service specialists;
  • workers;
  • IT specialists.

People, and especially those just starting out in life, have always been interested in the question of what professions will become especially necessary by the time they, having graduated from an educational institution, begin their professional activities. And getting an answer to it in our incredibly dynamically changing world is not at all easy.

An analysis of those trends that have the most significant impact on the labor market will allow us to understand which professions are in demand in the next 10 years. The main one is that the share of labor, conventionally called manual, is steadily decreasing, while intellectual labor is increasing. And this is not contradicted by the fact that the ranking of professions for the next 10 years, for example, in our country, includes many so-called blue-collar professions - the same turners, millers, etc. The fact is that it is quite difficult to call the manual labor of a person working on a CNC machine. So the concept of “labor profession” is by no means synonymous with the concept of “unskilled labor”.

Professions in demand in the next 10 years

It seems that such professions should be distinguished by certain characteristic features, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • a fairly high degree of intelligence;
  • high level of labor automation;
  • increased specialization to the detriment of universalism;
  • constant need for advanced training and even retraining;
  • greater informatization;
  • the need for constant growth of all professional characteristics of their self-improvement.

Promising professions for the next 10 years

Let's look at the professions in demand in the next 10 years; the list of areas in which they operate includes several positions:

  • Technical professions: engineers, mechanics, electricians, adjusters, technologists, etc.
  • IT professions: programmers, Internet technologists, system administrators, etc.
  • Biotechnologists, bioengineers, breeders, etc.
  • Architects, builders, designers, infrastructure specialists, etc.
  • Specialists working with minerals, i.e. those who carry out their exploration, production and processing.
  • Professionals from the field of atomic physics: nuclear scientists, nuclear engineering specialists, etc.
  • Specialists in working with such energy sources, which today are commonly called renewable and alternative.
  • Professionals working in the field of chemistry and related fields: chemical technologists, biochemists, pharmacists, cosmochemists, etc.
  • Nanotechnologies.
  • Professions related to space, as well as the world's oceans.

The most promising professions in the next 10 years do not negate the relevance of those that are in demand today.

Current professions for the next 10 years

It seems that in the coming years the following professions will not only continue to be relevant, but will also increase their degree of demand:

  • Doctors, for whom the rapid development of all types of technologies provides more and more opportunities every year, however, requiring constant training and self-improvement. The most important reason for the relevance of this profession in the future is the serious problems with people’s health, observed all over the world: the emergence of previously unknown diseases, an increase in the degree of psycho-emotional stress, a decrease in the quality of nutrition, various wars and conflicts, etc.
  • Teachers, the importance of whose profession should finally be understood by our state, as has long ago happened in the most economically powerful states of the East. At the same time, the role of teachers in society should invariably increase, allowing them to directly influence the choice of vectors of social development.
  • Specialists in military professions, especially those associated with high-tech military equipment, without which no state, with the possible exception of dwarf states, can exist. Already, the armed forces have become so high-tech that they require specialists of the highest level.
  • Professions in the field of sports: athletes, coaches, sports doctors, managers, etc., as well as specialists related to physical development and a healthy lifestyle. The role of these specialists will also become more significant, fueled by people's understanding that good health and physical development are the most important factors in living a full and successful life.
  • Highly qualified managers. In our country, this is actually a stumbling block, so the state needs to radically change the approach to training such specialists, placing emphasis on both their professional and moral qualities.

Thus, the most in-demand professions for the next 10 years will mostly come from today, but their content can greatly transform, become more complex and constantly changing. And those who are going to work during these years need to be prepared for this.

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