Principles of rational organization of production. Principles of rational organization Principles of rational organization of production processes table

The main task of the process of organizing production at an enterprise is the rational combination in time and space of all events occurring in it. production processes and their components, ensuring the most efficient functioning of the enterprise.

The basic principles of rational organization of any processes are: specialization, proportionality, continuity, parallelism, straightness, rhythm, flexibility(Fig.5.4.) .

Rice. 5.4.

Principle specializations is to increase productivity based on assigning homogeneous parts of the production process to individual elements of the production system. The principle allows reducing production costs by increasing worker productivity (learning curve effect) and concentrating production.

Specialization is one of the main factors determining production structure companies, which will be discussed in paragraph. 5.4. Here we note only the fundamental features of the two types of specialization.

Specialization can be organized on subject or technological principles (Fig. 5.5.).

Proportionality– a principle, the implementation of which ensures equal throughput of various operations of the production process, corresponding to the production task.

Production capacity of 4 operations for the production of a batch of parts

Capacity determines the throughput of each operation. Wherein throughput the entire system is determined by the so-called "bottleneck" ( Bottle Neck - narrow neck), i.e. operation with the lowest power. In this case, this is Operation 3, as a result of which production system of this structure is 6 parts per shift. Then the production capacity of other operations will not be fully used:

Operations 1 and 4: 6*100%/10=60%

Operation 2: 6*100%/15=40%.

Proportionality will be ensured if the productivity (production capacity) of each technological operation is equal.

For the example under consideration, we determine the LOC of production capacity for each operation:

LOC (10, 15, 6, 10)=30 (pcs/shift).

Then, if 3 workplaces are organized at the 1st and 4th operations, 2 workplaces are organized at the 2nd operation, and 5 workplaces are organized at the 3rd and 1st operations, then the productivity of the entire production system will increase to 30 pcs./ change. In this case, the production capacity of each operation will be fully used (subject to the need for a similar number of parts).

Continuity – a principle that ensures continuous (without downtime) operation of equipment and workers, and continuous (without stagnation) processing of parts during the production process.

Continuity of parts processing can be characterized by the following indicator:


Where Trab – duration of working hours for manufacturing a part;

Shopping center- the total duration of the part being in production, including storage during individual operations, between jobs, etc.

The implementation of the principle of continuity consists in eliminating or minimizing all types of storage of products during their manufacturing process. Compliance with this principle largely depends on the implementation of the principle of proportionality, since if equal productivity of adjacent operations is not ensured, then delays in products inevitably occur between them. Therefore, to ensure maximum continuity of the production process of any type of product, it is necessary to ensure the proportionality of this process at the level of individual operations. In addition, stagnation of products can also occur due to the shift mode of operation of departments, when transferring products from one department to another, before they enter assembly, i.e., due to various organizational reasons, minimizing which is an important reserve for increasing the continuity of the production process.

Parallelism– a principle that ensures the combination of operations over time. Provides for the simultaneous performance of all or part of the operations for the manufacture of a product of one or several items at different workplaces. Compliance with the principle of parallelism leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle and the storage time of parts.

The parallelism of various parts of the production process in the general case may include the following particular types:

1) parallelism in the processing of products of the same type in one operation due to duplication of jobs and the use of a batch method for processing products;

2) parallelism in processing a batch of similar products in various operations;

3) parallelism in the processing of various components of the same product;

4) parallel execution of main and auxiliary operations and their elements.

Straightness– a principle that provides for the shortest routes for the movement of objects of labor in the production process (through workplaces, sections, workshops).

Straightness is achieved by arranging production units and workplaces in the sequence of operations and eliminating the return movements of products. The greatest degree of straightness can be achieved when products have the same or similar sequences of operations and the same stages of the production process. The implementation of the principle of direct flow streamlines cargo flows and reduces cargo turnover at the enterprise and in its divisions, and also reduces the time it takes to move products during their manufacturing process. The principle of direct flow is manifested to a greater extent in the conditions of continuous production, when creating subject-closed workshops and sections.

Rhythm– a principle characterizing the uniformity and repeatability of individual elements of the production process over time.

There is a rhythm of output, work, production:

ü rhythm of release– release of the same or uniformly increasing (decreasing) quantity of products at equal time intervals;

ü rhythm of work- performing an equal (or proportionally varying) amount of work in equal periods of time;

ü rhythm of production- maintaining rhythmic production and rhythm of work.

Flexibility– the ability of a production system to quickly and economically switch to the production of new products.

The implementation of the principle of flexibility lies in the creation of production systems that are specialized in the production of a wide range of products and can quickly and economically be restructured from the production of products of one type to the production of products of another type within the established limits. this moment nomenclature, and can also change the nomenclature of their products without significant re-equipment. IN modern conditions fierce competition, the implementation of this principle is especially important due to the high rates of scientific and technological progress in the instrument-making industries and the rapid replacement of products and their generations.

The main task of the process of organizing production at an enterprise is the rational combination in time and space of all the production processes occurring on it and their component parts, ensuring the most efficient functioning of the enterprise.

The basic principles of rational organization of any processes are: specialization, proportionality, continuity, parallelism, straightness, rhythm, flexibility(Fig. 5.4.) .

Principle specializations is to increase productivity based on assigning homogeneous parts of the production process to individual elements of the production system. The principle allows reducing production costs by increasing worker productivity (learning curve effect) and concentrating production.

Specialization is one of the main factors determining the production structure of a company, as discussed in paragraph 3.3.2. Here we note only the fundamental features of the two types of specialization.

Specialization can be organized on subject or technological principles (Fig. 5.5.).

Proportionality– a principle whose implementation ensures equal throughput of various operations of the production process.

Production capacity of 4 operations for the production of a batch of parts

Capacity determines the throughput of each operation. In this case, the throughput of the entire system is determined by the so-called. "bottleneck" ( Bottle Neck- narrow neck), i.e. operation with the lowest power. In this case, this is Operation 3, as a result of which the production system of such a structure is 6 parts per shift. Then the production capacity of other operations will not be fully used:

Operations 1 and 4 6*100%/10=60%

Operation 2 6*100%/15=40%.

Proportionality will be ensured if the productivity (production capacity) of each technological operation is equal.

For the example under consideration, we determine the LOC of production capacity for each operation:

LOC (10, 15, 6, 10)=30 (pcs/shift).

Then, if 3 workplaces are organized at the 1st and 4th operations, 2 workplaces are organized at the 2nd operation, and 5 workplaces are organized at the 3rd and 1st operations, then the productivity of the entire production system will increase to 30 pcs./ change. In this case, the production capacity of each operation will be fully used (subject to the need for a similar number of parts).

Continuity – a principle that ensures continuous (without downtime) operation of equipment and workers, and continuous (without stagnation) processing of parts during the production process.

Continuity of parts processing can be characterized by the following indicator:


Where Trab– duration of working hours for manufacturing a part;

Shopping center- the total duration of the part being in production, including storage during individual operations, between jobs, etc.

The implementation of the principle of continuity consists in eliminating or minimizing all types of storage of products during their manufacturing process. Compliance with this principle largely depends on the implementation of the principle of proportionality, since if equal productivity of adjacent operations is not ensured, then delays in products inevitably occur between them. Therefore, to ensure maximum continuity of the production process of any type of product, it is necessary to ensure the proportionality of this process at the level of individual operations. In addition, stagnation of products can also occur due to the shift mode of operation of departments, when transferring products from one department to another, before they enter assembly, i.e., due to various organizational reasons, minimizing which is an important reserve for increasing the continuity of the production process.

Parallelism– a principle that ensures the combination of operations over time. Provides for the simultaneous performance of all or part of the operations for the manufacture of a product of one or several items at different workplaces. Compliance with the principle of parallelism leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle and the storage time of parts.

The parallelism of various parts of the production process in the general case may include the following particular types:

1) parallelism in the processing of products of the same type in one operation due to duplication of jobs and the use of a batch method for processing products;

2) parallelism in processing a batch of similar products in various operations;

3) parallelism in the processing of various components of the same product;

4) parallel execution of main and auxiliary operations and their elements.

Straightness– a principle that provides for the shortest routes for the movement of objects of labor in the production process (through workplaces, sections, workshops).

Straightness is achieved by arranging production units and workplaces in the sequence of operations and eliminating the return movements of products. The greatest degree of straightness can be achieved when products have the same or similar sequences of operations and the same stages of the production process. The implementation of the principle of direct flow streamlines cargo flows and reduces cargo turnover at the enterprise and in its divisions, and also reduces the time it takes to move products during their manufacturing process. The principle of direct flow is manifested to a greater extent in the conditions of continuous production, when creating subject-closed workshops and sections.

Rhythm– a principle characterizing the uniformity and repeatability of individual elements of the production process over time.

There is a rhythm of output, work, production:

ü rhythm of release– release of the same or uniformly increasing (decreasing) quantity of products at equal time intervals;

ü rhythm of work- performing an equal (or proportionally varying) amount of work in equal periods of time;

ü rhythm of production- maintaining rhythmic production and rhythm of work.

Flexibility– the ability of a production system to quickly and economically switch to the production of new products.

The implementation of the principle of flexibility lies in the creation of production systems that are specialized in the production of a wide range of products and can quickly and economically change from the production of products of one type to the production of products of another type within the currently established range, and can also change the range of products without significant re-equipment. their products. In modern conditions of fierce competition, the implementation of this principle is especially important due to the high rates of scientific and technological progress in the instrument engineering industries and the rapid replacement of products and their generations.

5.2. Production cycle: composition, structure and duration. Ways to reduce production cycle time

Products of production, when they are transformed into a specific product, pass through a large set of main and auxiliary operations, forming together with various types keeping the product production cycle its manufacture.

The production cycle of a product is an ordered set of all processes through which a product passes from the beginning to the end of its manufacture.

Main characteristics of the production cycle:

ü structure

ü duration.

The structure of the production cycle of a product is the composition and method of combining in time all the processes carried out on the product and its components during their manufacture.

The composition of the processes that form the production cycle of each product is strictly individual and is determined by the composition of the product itself, the type of technological processes for its production and a number of other factors. Generalized composition of the production cycle manufacturing of products (Fig. 5.6) includes the following two enlarged types of processes:

ü active, during which any production operations are performed on the product and its components;

ü curing process, during which the product and its components are not subjected to any targeted influence.

By the nature of the effect on the product and its components active processes are divided into:

ü basic, including shaping, processing, assembly, electrical installation and adjustment operations;

ü auxiliary, including inspection, testing, movement, storage and picking operations.

Bed-in, depending on the time of their occurrence, are divided into:

ü staying in work time , including:

§ keeping the product in place while workers perform preparatory and final work;

§ intra-batch layovers that occur during the manufacture of similar products in batches and include keeping the product from the start of production of the batch until the start of production of this batch item and laying down the product from the end of its production to the end of the production of the entire batch;

§ lying in wait until the workplace becomes free and the next operation can begin;

§ lying down during regulated rest breaks for workers;

§ laying before assembly while waiting for other products included in the assembly kit;

§ storage in case of accidental disruptions in the normal course of its production process.

ü staying in non-working hours , including:

§ lying down during lunch breaks for workers;

§ lying between work shifts (inter-shift lying);

§ laying down on weekends and holidays.

Every specific type The product has an individual manufacturing cycle, which may include all or only part of the processes discussed above, and the main and auxiliary processes, as well as curing, are included in this cycle in a very different sequence and combination, forming the basis of its structure.

PRODUCTION CYCLE PRODUCTS Active product manufacturing processes BASIC Shape formation
Electrical installation
Adjustment and adjustment
Auxiliary Control and testing
Storing the product During working hours When performing preparatory and final work
Internal party
Waiting for the next operation to begin
During workers' rest
Waiting to start picking
In case of accidental disruptions in the production process
After hours During lunch breaks
Between work shifts
On weekends and holidays

Generalized composition of the product manufacturing cycle

Another important characteristic of the production cycle of a product is its duration.

The duration of the production cycle of a product is the calendar period from the start to the end of the production of the product as a whole, including all its components.

In general terms, it is defined as the sum of non-overlapping durations of active processes, natural processes, and lying down (Fig. 5.7.).

Natural processes are physical and chemical processes associated with changes in the state of structural materials and substances that form the product (heating, cooling, drying, wetting, hardening, crystallization, dissolution, etc.).

The duration of the production cycle is expressed in calendar days.

When calculating the duration of the production cycle, the following elements of working time costs are taken into account:

ü preparatory and final time, which the worker spends on familiarizing himself with the assigned work, preparing for it, as well as on performing actions related to its completion;

ü operational time, which is spent on performing a production operation. Operational time includes:

ü main time, spent on performing the main operation of the technological process;

ü auxiliary time, spent on performing auxiliary actions (installing the part on the machine, starting the machine, control measurements, stopping the machine, removing the part, etc.)

ü workplace service time, spent on maintaining the workplace (equipment, fixtures, production premises). It consists of:

ü time Maintenance (readjustment of equipment, maintaining it in working condition);

ü organizational service time(receipt of tools and their layout, cleaning of the production premises);

ü time for breaks for rest and personal needs- this is the time required to maintain a worker in normal condition. Includes passive rest time (spent by the worker independently), as well as active time (carrying out industrial gymnastics).

The time required to complete a production task is standardized.

Standard piece time Tsht

where To is the standard operating time, is the share of time for servicing working hours, is the share of time for rest and personal needs (as a percentage of operating time).

To calculate the time standard for manufacturing a batch of parts, the standard is used piece-calculation time, determined by the formula:

where Tpz is the standard preparatory and final time (set for a batch of parts), n is the size of the batch of parts.

Ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle.

High degree continuity of production processes and reduction of production cycle duration is of great importance economic importance: the size of work in progress is reduced and turnover is accelerated working capital, the use of equipment and production space is improved, and production costs are reduced.

Increasing the level of continuity of the production process and reducing cycle times are achieved, firstly, by increasing technical level production, and secondly, by measures of an organizational nature. Both paths are interconnected and complement each other.

Technical improvement of production is moving towards implementation new technology, progressive equipment and new Vehicle. This leads to a reduction in the production cycle by reducing the labor intensity of the technological and control operations themselves, and reducing the time for moving objects of labor.

Organizational measures should include:

ü minimizing interruptions caused by inter-operational tracking and batching interruptions through the use of parallel and parallel-sequential methods of movement of objects of labor and improving the planning system;

ü construction of schedules for combining various production processes, ensuring partial overlap in time of performing related work and operations;

ü reduction of waiting breaks based on the construction of optimized product manufacturing plans and rational launch of parts into production;

ü the introduction of subject-closed and detail-specialized workshops and sections, the creation of which reduces the length of intra-shop and inter-shop routes and reduces the time spent on transportation.

The basic principles of rational organization of the production process are proportionality, continuity, parallelism, straightness, rhythm, as well as the concentration of homogeneous objects of labor (parts, information, documents, etc.) in one place, process flexibility. Let's look at these principles in more detail.

Proportionality- a principle, the implementation of which ensures equal throughput of different workplaces of the same process, proportional provision of workplaces with information, material resources, personnel, etc.

Let's look at an example.

The initial capacity of workplaces for the production of a batch of parts from four operations was as follows (Fig. 6.2):

Rice. 6.2. Production process for manufacturing parts from 4 operations

The throughput capacity (power - M) of the technological chain was 6 units per shift. 3rd workplace is a bottleneck. The power of the 2nd workplace is used at , the power of the 1st and 4th workplaces is used at .

  1. revision of the part design in order to ensure proportionality of operations in terms of labor intensity;
  2. revision of the technological process, processing modes;
  3. development and implementation of organizational measures for equipment replacement, site redevelopment;
  4. reloading workplaces with another similar part.

The need for these parts is 10 pcs./shift.

IN in this example at the 3rd workplace you need to install another machine with the same productivity. Then its capacity will be 12 units/shift. For 2 units (about 80 minutes), this workplace will need to be loaded with another part. The 2nd workplace must be loaded by 30%. If there are similar parts for additional loading of 2 and 3 jobs, then the power line will meet the proportionality requirements.

The principle of proportionality should be remembered when resolving absolutely any issues, because "The speed of the squadron is determined by the speed of the slowest ship."

Proportionality is determined by the formula

  • Mmin is the minimum throughput, or parameter of the workplace in the technological chain (for example, power, type of work, volume and quality of information, etc.);
  • Mmax - maximum ability.

Let us give an example of assessing the proportionality of the technological chain by type of work (Table 6.3).

Table 6.3

Example of proportionality assessment

Name of category

Job categories

Type of work

Worker grade

Data analysis table. 6.3 shows that at the 1st workplace the worker’s grade is lower than the required grade of work in technology, which means expect a defect. In the third workplace, on the contrary, work of the third category is performed by a worker of the fourth, which means that there is an overexpenditure of wages, because the worker must be paid according to his grade. And at the last workplace, often the most responsible one, the finishing work of the fifth category is performed by a third-class worker. Savings on wages fraught with the possibility of marriage. According to actual data, the proportionality of the technological chain at the most “bottleneck” point is equal to:

This means it is necessary to implement organizational events to ensure compliance of job categories and workers.

Continuity- the principle of rational organization of the production process, determined by the ratio of working time to the total duration of the process

  • Work time - duration of working hours;
  • Tc - the total duration of the process, including downtime or lying around the subject of labor between workplaces, at workplaces, etc.

Parallelism- the principle of rational organization of the production process, characterizing the degree of combination of operations over time. Types of combinations of operations: sequential, parallel and parallel-sequential (Fig. 6.3).

a) sequential combination of operations

b) parallel combination of operations

c) parallel-sequential combination of operations

Rice. 6.3. Types of combinations of operations

Straightness- the principle of rational organization of the production process, characterizing the optimal path for the passage of the subject of labor, information, etc.

  • Dopt - the optimal length of the path of passage of the object of labor, excluding unnecessary links, returns to the previous place;
  • Dfact - the actual length of the path through which the object of labor passes.

Rhythm- the principle of rational organization of processes, characterizing the uniformity of their implementation over time.

  • Vif - the actual volume of work performed for the analyzed period (decade, month, quarter) within the plan (above the plan is not taken into account);
  • Viп - planned volume of work.

Let's give an example of rhythmicity assessment (Table 6.4)

The rhythmicity coefficient will be equal to


Table 6.4

Example of rhythmicity assessment

Data analysis table. 6.4 shows that, although the plan was exceeded by 8% in a month, the team worked poorly, 84% of the plan was done in the last ten days, there were storms and defects in the work.

One way improving the listed indicators of rational organization of production processes is to increase the repeatability of processes and operations. In turn, a method for increasing the repeatability of processes is the unification and typification of diverse partial processes. The benefits of increasing process repeatability are shown in Table. 6.2, final results in mass production better than a single one.

The listed principles of rational organization of processes are the main factor in increasing the organization of the management system, which are also characterized by the degree of quantitative certainty of the connections (entropy) between the components of the system. To reduce uncertainty, it is necessary to find and clearly record the connections between management bodies and managed objects in all management documents (plans, programs, assignments, standards, regulations, instructions, etc.). Connections in the management system are established after constructing a tree of goals up to level IV and translating qualitative requirements into quantitative ones. To improve the clarity of coordination work, it is recommended to use network management methods.

Methods of rational organization of the production process.

Depending on the nature of the movement of objects of labor, there are line (continuous), batch, and individual methods of organizing production processes.

In-line production along the technological process is characterized by continuous and sequential movement of objects of labor from one operation to another.

With batch and single(discontinuous) methods, the processed product is switched off from the technological process after each operation and waits for the next operation.

The most progressive method of organizing the production process is considered to be the flow method. Its main features are:

High degree of continuity;

Location of workplaces along the way technological processing;

High degree of rhythm.

The organizational basis of the flow method is the production line, which has the most important parameters such as the cycle and flow rate.

The flow cycle is the average estimated time, after which one product or a transport batch of products is launched into the flow or released from the flow.

Principles of rational organization of the production process.

At any enterprise, the organization of production processes is based on a rational combination in space and time of main, auxiliary and service processes. However, with all the variety of forms of this combination, production processes are subject to general principles.

The principles of rational organization can be divided into two categories:

  • general, independent of the specific content of the production process;
  • specific, characteristic of a particular process.

Specialization means the division of labor between individual departments of the enterprise and workplaces, which implies their cooperation in the production process.

Proportionality ensures equal throughput of different workplaces of the same process, proportional provision of workplaces with information, material resources, personnel, etc.

Proportionality is determined by the formula

  • M min - minimum throughput, or workplace parameter in the technological chain (for example, power, type of work, volume and quality of information, etc.);
  • M max - maximum ability.

Continuity involves the maximum reduction of breaks between operations and is determined by the ratio of working time to the total duration of the process

  • T r - duration of working hours;
  • T c - the total duration of the process, including downtime and laying of the subject of labor between workplaces, at workplaces, etc.

Parallelism characterizes the degree of combination of operations in time. Types of combinations of operations: sequential, parallel and parallel-sequential.

The parallelism coefficient can be calculated using the formula

where Tc.steam, Tc.seq - the duration of the process, respectively, for parallel and sequential combinations of operations.

Straightness ensures shortest way movement of objects, information, etc.

The straightness coefficient can be determined by the formula

  • t transport - duration of transport operations;
  • t technical cycle - duration of the technological cycle.

Rhythm characterizes the uniformity of operations over time.

Technical equipment is focused on mechanization and automation of the production process, eliminating manual, monotonous, heavy, harmful labor.

Flexibility lies in the need to ensure rapid changeover of equipment in conditions of frequently changing product range. It is most successfully implemented on flexible production systems in small-scale production conditions.

One of the ways to improve the listed principles of rational organization of production processes is to increase the repeatability of processes and operations. Their most complete implementation is achieved with an optimal combination of the following factors:

In total, there are about 25-30 principles. The main ones:

1. The principle of specialization. Specialization means limiting the range of manufactured products that are similar in purpose and design, or limiting the range of processes used to manufacture products that are different in purpose and design.

In relation to the organization of production processes, the principle of specialization means narrowing the range of products manufactured at each production level, right down to the workplace, as well as limiting the types of production processes.

The level of specialization is increased through constructive, technological and organizational unification.

Unification is the reduction of products, methods and methods of their production to a single shape, size, structure and composition.

2. The principle of parallelism involves the simultaneous parallel execution of individual operations and processes for the manufacture of products.

The principle is of great importance in the production of complex products consisting of many parts, assemblies and assemblies.

Parallelism is achieved through the rational division of products into component parts and the combination of the time of various operations on products of the same name, as well as the simultaneous production of different products.

At individual workplaces, parallelism is achieved by multi-tool processing of objects of labor and combining the time of main and auxiliary operations.

3. The principle of continuity of production processes requires that during the manufacturing process, breaks between successively performed technological operations are minimized or completely eliminated.

This principle is fully implemented in technologically continuous production.

4. The principle of proportionality is that all parts of the production process or the entire interconnected system of equipment must have equal production capacity.

This is achieved when the productivity of equipment in all operations of the technological process is proportional to the complexity of processing the product in these operations, taking into account the production program.

Every year, enterprises develop measures to eliminate bottlenecks in production capacity and thus strive to equalize the loads of various departments.

5. The principle of direct flow assumes that objects of labor must travel the shortest route through all stages and operations of the production process without counter or return movements.

Compliance with this principle is ensured by the location of workshops, sections and workplaces along the technological process.

6. The principle of rhythm means that the work of all departments of the enterprise and output finished products obey a certain rhythm, that is, repetition.

If this principle is observed, the same or evenly increasing amount of products is produced at equal intervals of time, and a uniform load of jobs and performers is ensured.

7. The principle of flexibility means that the production process effectively adapts to changes in market requirements, as well as organizational and technical parameters of production.

That is, the production system is capable of ensuring the development of new products in as soon as possible regardless of the design and technological features of the product.

All principles must be used simultaneously to improve production efficiency.

Organization of the production process over time. Production cycle

The production cycle is the period of calendar time from the beginning to the end of the production process of manufacturing a product.

The duration of the production cycle determines the timing of the release of products when they are manufactured in single quantities.

The time required to complete technological operations in the production cycle is the technological cycle.

The time it takes to complete one operation, during which one product element or a batch of product elements is manufactured, is called the operating cycle.

The production cycle of a simple manufacturing process begins with the release of the starting material into production and ends with the release of the product element from the last operation.

The production cycle of a complex production process is a set of simple processes, as a result of which the finished product is produced.

The production cycle includes the time for performing main operations, auxiliary operations, natural processes and breaks. It is calculated by the formula:

T p.c. = To + Tvsp + Te + Tper.

The time for basic operations is normalized in most cases. The time for performing auxiliary operations, as a rule, is not standardized.

The duration of natural processes is determined approximately, and only in some cases are standards used.

Breaks are divided into two types:

Regular breaks;

Breaks for organizational and technical reasons.

Tper. = Trezh + Trade-techn.

Regular breaks take into account the peculiarities of the enterprise’s operating mode and individual categories employees ( non-working days and shifts, breaks between shifts, regulated breaks).

These breaks are taken into account if the duration of the production cycle is determined in days (calendar or working).

Breaks for organizational and technical reasons:

1) these are breaks before processing objects of labor due to the busyness of the workplace due to the mismatch between the end of one and the beginning of another operation. They are also called waiting or lying breaks.

2) these are breaks that occur in the case of processing items of labor of a batch due to their lying in wait for the completion of processing of the entire batch before its transportation to the next operation (these are batch breaks).

A batch is a certain number of identical items of labor processed in one operation continuously and with a one-time expenditure of preparatory and final time.

The actual duration of the production cycle also includes breaks caused by disruptions in the normal flow of the technological process. Such as equipment breakdowns, lack of materials, components, workers, energy.

Features of organizing a simple production process

When processing an object of labor or a batch of objects of labor, movement through workplaces can be organized:




With a sequential type of movement of a batch of labor items, each subsequent operation begins after the completion of processing the entire batch for the previous operations.

The technological cycle is equal to:

n is the volume of the batch of labor items, pcs.;

m-number of operations in the technological process;

Tshi-standard time for performing the i-th operation, million pcs.

Machine time;

Auxiliary operations time;

K is a coefficient that takes into account time for rest, personal needs and maintenance of the workplace;

W is the number of workstations at which the operation is performed.

The duration of the TCP does not include the time of breaks, so it is less than the duration of the production cycle.

Rice. - Technological cycle with simple movement of objects of labor

With the parallel type of movement of a batch of objects of labor, each object of labor (batch) is processed through all operations continuously, independently of the others and without lingering.

When constructing a graph, the following sequences are used:

1) a technological cycle is built for the first subject of processing in all operations without delay between them;

2) for the operation with the longest operating cycle, a schedule is built for the implementation of the entire batch without interruptions;

3) for all transport batches, except the first, operational cycles are completed for all operations, excluding the longest.

Rice. - Technological cycle with parallel movement of objects of labor

Thus, in all operations, except for the operation of maximum duration, work will be carried out intermittently.

In the event that the duration of operations is synchronized, that is, they are equal or multiples, then technological process will be continuous:

Ttsparal. = (n-1) tmax (wmax +)wi, where

tmax - the most labor-intensive operation

Consequently, the duration of the technological cycle is determined by the duration of the most labor-intensive operation, the sum of the processing time of one item of labor in all operations and the number of items of labor in the batch.

With a parallel-sequential type of movement, the entire batch of objects of labor is divided into transport batches.

Transport batches are processed at each operation without interruption and are transferred to the next operation without waiting for the completion of work on the next batch. In this case, the rule of continuity of the production process is observed at each operation during the manufacture of the entire batch. The most complete workload is achieved and cycle time is minimized.

In the event that the operating cycle of the previous operation is shorter than that of the subsequent operation, then the maximum combination of operations is achieved by transferring the first transport batch to the subsequent operation immediately after finishing work on it in the previous operation.

Thus, continuous work is ensured at all workplaces, but there is a break in subsequent batches between operations.

Rice. - Technological cycle with parallel-sequential movement of objects of labor.

In the event that the operating cycle of the previous operation is longer than that of the subsequent one, then to ensure continuous operation they focus on the last transport batch.

Cycle duration for parallel-sequential movement of objects of labor:

Tcp.p = Tcp - = n / wi) - (n-1) * ;

= (n-1) (tkop / wkop),

where is savings due to parallel execution of work on related operations. Calculated based on the shorter of two adjacent operations.

The production cycle is longer than the technological cycle due to natural processes and interruptions that are incompatible with the technological cycle.

With sequential movement;

Tp paral = * ((n-1) tmax +

When moving in parallel;

Tp p-p = * (

With parallel-sequential movement.

K-coefficient for converting working days into calendar days:

K = number of working days / number calendar days per year.

Tcm is the duration of the shift in hours.

f is a coefficient that takes into account the fulfillment of the norm (f = 1.1, that is, a 10% excess of the planned norm).

Thus, when using a sequential type of movement of objects of labor:

1) the production cycle has the longest duration;

2) the size of the production cycle is proportional to the batch size and time standards;

3) it is quite simple to plan and transport batches of labor items from operation to operation while simultaneously manufacturing a large range of products in a workshop or on a site;

4) it is advisable to use when organizing workshops and areas according to the technological principle;

5) it is preferable to use in single and small-scale production with small batches of labor items and short-term operations.

With a parallel type of movement of batches of objects of labor:

1) the shortest production cycle, but there are often breaks in the workplace that reduce production efficiency;

2) transportation costs are high, to reduce which it is recommended to use this type of movement with the objective method of organizing sections and workshops;

3) as a rule, they are used on production lines;

4) used in serial and mass production, as well as in single and small-scale production, in conditions of flexible automated systems.

With a parallel-sequential type of movement of a batch of objects of labor:

1) the most complete workload is achieved;

2) there is partial parallelism in the execution of individual operations, continuity of processing of the entire batch at each operation and the transfer of processed objects of labor both individually and in parts of the batch;

3) used when producing products of the same name in a site with uneven equipment capacity and partial synchronization of the operation;

4) it is preferable to use in serial and mass production, as well as in single and small-scale production in the condition of flexible automated systems.
