Presentation of the educational environment in the preschool. Presentation on the topic "organization of the subject-spatial environment in different age groups of preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standards" presentation on the topic Subject environment according to the Federal State Educational Standards in preschool educational institutions presentation

A developing subject-spatial environment is a part of the educational environment, represented by a specially organized space. When creating a developing subject-spatial environment for any age group in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to take into account the psychological foundations of constructive interaction between participants in the educational process, the design and ergonomics of the modern preschool environment and the psychological characteristics of the age group at which this environment is aimed. This presentation can help with that.



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When creating a developing subject-spatial environment for any age group in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to take into account the psychological foundations of constructive interaction between participants in the educational process, the design and ergonomics of the modern environment of a preschool institution and the psychological characteristics of the age group at which this environment is aimed. Developing subject-spatial environment - part of the educational environment, represented by a specially organized space

Opportunity for communication and joint activities between children and adults. Possibility of physical activity of children. Possibility for privacy. The developing subject-spatial environment should provide:

Psychological and pedagogical requirements for the creation of a subject-spatial development environment.

The variety of materials, equipment, inventory in the group must correspond to age characteristics and the content of the program. The saturation of the PPR environment assumes:

Possibility of varied use of various components of the object environment (children's furniture, mats, soft modules, screens, etc.) The multifunctionality of materials implies:

From the educational situation From the changing interests of children From the capabilities of children The transformability of space provides the possibility of changes in the RPP of the environment depending on:

The presence of various spaces (for play, construction, privacy, etc.) Periodic change of playing material A variety of materials and toys to ensure children’s free choice The appearance of new objects that stimulate the play, motor, cognitive and research activity of children. Environmental variability suggests:

Accessibility for pupils of all premises where educational activities are carried out Free access to games, toys, aids that provide all types of children's activities Serviceability and safety of materials and equipment Availability of the environment presupposes:

Compliance of all its elements to ensure reliability and safety, i.e. toys must have certificates and declarations of conformity. Environmental safety:

Young age Middle age Senior and preparatory age - Accumulation of experience in subject-cognitive and communicative activities. - Formation of experience of joint action with peers, development of cognitive interests and creative reflection of impressions in various types of productive activities. -Formation of cognitive activity, independence, responsibility and initiative -Participation in the transformation of the subject-spatial environment. Features of the organization of the developmental subject-spatial environment in the group

Educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard Physical development Cognitive development Speech development Social - communicative development Artistic - aesthetic development Centers Center for Physical Development Center for Health Preservation - Center for Mathematics - Center for Constructive Activity - Center for Science, Ecology and Experimentation - Book Center - Speech development center or speech and literacy corner - Game center - Social and emotional development center - Traffic rules center - Fire safety center - Labor center, duty corner - Fine arts center - Musical and theatrical activity center Exemplary development centers

The goal of the gender approach in pedagogy is to educate children of different sexes who are equally capable of self-realization and revealing their potential. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: 1) accumulation of play material (separately for boys and girls) for the development of psychophysical, mental, speech, moral the potential of preschool children and their creative abilities; 2) selection and production of didactic games that contribute to the formation of gender ideas in children and the desire to use the acquired knowledge and skills in play situations and everyday life 3) organization of subject-development space in groups that promotes the formation of gender identity and gender socialization of preschoolers. Organization of a subject-development environment taking into account a gender approach.

1 . The environment must perform educational, developmental, nurturing, stimulating, organized, and communicative functions. But the most important thing is that it should work to develop the child’s independence and initiative. 2. Flexible and variable use of space is necessary. The environment should serve to meet the needs and interests of the child. 3. The shape and design of items is focused on the safety and age of children. 4. Decorative elements should be easily replaceable. 5. In each group it is necessary to provide a place for children's experimental activities. When creating a subject-development environment, you must remember:

6. When organizing the subject environment in a group room, it is necessary to take into account the patterns of mental development, indicators of their health, psychophysiological and communicative characteristics, the level of general and speech development, as well as indicators of the emotional and need sphere. 7. The color palette should be represented by warm, pastel colors. 8. When creating a developmental space in a group room, it is necessary to take into account the leading role of play activities. 9. The subject-developmental environment of the group should change depending on the age characteristics of the children, the period of study, and the educational program.

The educational environment is a set of conditions purposefully created in order to ensure the full education and development of children. Developing subject-spatial environment is a part of the educational environment, represented by a specially organized space (rooms, area, etc.), materials, equipment and supplies for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, the protection and promotion of their health, accounting features and correction of deficiencies in their development

SPACE TIME SUBJECT ENVIRONMENT Such design of the environment shows its influence on the development of the child. Designing an environment using such components allows us to imagine all the features of a child’s life in the environment. The success of the developmental environment’s influence on the child is determined by its activity in this environment. The entire organization of the pedagogical process presupposes freedom of movement for the child. In the environment, it is necessary to allocate the following zones for different types of activity: work; active; calm

Free access for children to games, toys, materials, aids that ensure all basic types of children's activities, serviceability and safety of materials and equipment, accessibility for pupils of all premises where educational activities are carried out

The main task of raising preschoolers is to create in children a sense of emotional comfort and psychological security. In kindergarten, it is important for a child to feel loved and unique. Therefore, the environment in which the educational process takes place is also important. Thank you for your attention!

Zhanna Varivdina

MBDOU No. 229 “Combined kindergarten” in the city of Kemerovo.

One of the important conditions for educational work in a preschool institution is the correct organization of the subject-developmental environment. A developmental environment should be understood as a natural, comfortable, cozy environment, rationally organized, rich in a variety of sensory stimuli and play materials. In such an environment, it is possible to simultaneously involve all children in the group in active cognitive and creative activities.

Rainbow program

Organization of subject-developmental environment in the middle group

Rainbow program

Game center

Allows you to create conditions for the creative activity of children, the development of imagination, the formation of gaming skills, the implementation of gaming plans, and the cultivation of friendly relationships between children.

In the fifth year of life, a high interest in role-playing games appears.

A child in the middle group, like a younger preschooler, loves to repeat his favorite play actions and plots many times. The plots of games at this age are simple and related to the child’s experience: family, store, kindergarten, etc.

"Mumming Corner":

suits, skirts, sundresses, shirts, jewelry, scarves, scarves, hats, ribbons, wigs, etc.

In the group it is necessary to have a mirror where the child can see his transformation.

"Box of Wonderful Things":

phones, cameras, flash drives, cassettes, reels, glasses, sticks, etc. All this will find its use in the game and will contribute to the development of gaming ideas and creativity

Games with rules

Center for Cognitive - Speech Development

In middle age, the cognitive activity of preschoolers increases and interest in the world around them awakens. The following can help with this:

Educational and developmental games;

Materials related to objects for study, in the process of working with which children can become familiar with their properties and learn different ways of organizing.

Creating collections:

Herbarium (theme: “Golden Autumn”);

Collection “Seeds” (topic: “Vegetables and fruits”);

Collection "Fabrics" (topic: "Clothing");

Collection "Buttons";

Collection "Paper";

Stones, sea and river shells;

Wrappers, postcards, stamps, calendars, etc.

The creation of collections is planned according to thematic planning or theme days.

To introduce children to the various work activities of people throughout the year, an album “All Work is Good” is created.

7 slide. To create holistic systems of children's ideas about the world, to get acquainted with individual representatives of the flora and fauna, game animate characters are introduced


Getting to know the Leaflets (creating a collage “Magic Forest for the Leaflets”);

Manufacturing of “precious stones”, “treasures”;

Creation of the Mountain of Gems;

Making a house for leaflets

Math corner

Corner of nature

Mini-center “Sand-water”

Activities with sand and water are very useful for children. Children love to touch the sand and sprinkle it with their hands and a scoop. With what joy they splash in the water. This has a beneficial effect on the psyche, calms, creates a peaceful mood, and extinguishes negative emotions. By playing with sand and water, children learn about the world around them, become familiar with the properties of substances, and learn patience and hard work. Playing with water and sand helps develop fine motor skills.

To play with sand you will need: buckets, scoops, rakes, sieve, small various toys (fish, boats, etc.)

To play with water you will need: the game “Fishing”, rubber and plastic toys, various containers (watering cans, funnels, cups, etc.)

Traffic regulations corner

Book corner

Center for Artistic and Aesthetic Development

contributes to the formation of children's creative potential, the development of interest in artistic activities, the formation of aesthetic perception, imagination, artistic and creative abilities, independence, and activity. Here children spend a lot of time drawing, creating crafts from plasticine, cutting out paper, etc. d.

Didactic albums “I’ll do it myself” for independent activities in manual labor and drawing. Album guides will help you find examples of drawings, crafts made from natural, waste materials, and develop children’s imagination and ingenuity.

The set of materials includes materials for drawing, modeling, appliqué, paper of different colors and textures, as well as natural and waste materials. At the same time, children need to be taught the technique of painting. For this purpose it is necessary to have special stencils

14 slide. At this age, children are especially sensitive to adult assessments; they expect support and praise, and want to hear and see approval for their actions. Therefore, it is important to find a place where the child can display and hang his work. We place children's work using magnets in the reception area.

Creativity Stand

Crafts made from plasticine are placed on a special stand in the shape of a ladder.

Music corner.

Theater corner

Physical Development Center

serves to satisfy the preschooler's need for movement and introduce him to a healthy lifestyle. Sets of items have been selected for physical development games:

To prevent flat feet and develop fine motor skills: walkers, sandbags, massage mats, waste material (lid cones, etc., hedgehog balls, expander, games with a rope “Who is faster.”

For games and exercises with throwing, catching and throwing: ring throw, balls of different sizes, darts, skittles.

For games and exercises with jumping: jump ropes, hoops.

Sports board and floor games: basketball, air football, Pelican.

Pelmeneva Albina
Presentation “Subject developmental environment in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard”

I invite you to view my new presentations on subject-developmental environment and methodological equipment for the favorite group “The Scarlet Flower”. Where is good natural, a comfortable and cozy environment for children, with different playing materials, in which it is possible to simultaneously involve all children in the group in active cognitive and creative activities. We all know that subject-development environment is one of the main components of successful work. So we tried to ensure that our children develop and enjoy every day spent in kindergarten. The subject-development environment is organized as follows: so that every child has the opportunity to freely do what they love and actively realize their gaming plans, because in the game friendly relationships between children are strengthened even better. All available game centers in the group allow creating conditions for children’s creative activity, development of imagination and deeper formation of gaming skills. Shape and design items focused on the safety and age of children. Under any circumstances objective world environment surrounding the child must be updated, adapting to new formations of a certain age. Thus, saturated substantively-developmental educational the environment is the main means formation of the child’s personality and is the source of his knowledge and social experience. But the most important thing is that it should work to develop the child’s independence and initiative.

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There is no aspect of upbringing that is not influenced by the situation, there is no ability that is not directly dependent on the concrete world immediately surrounding the child... Anyone who manages to create such an environment will make his work extremely easy. Among her, the child will live - develop his own self-sufficient life, his spiritual growth will be improved from himself, from nature... E.I. Tikheyeva

The subject-development environment in the middle group is equipped taking into account the age characteristics of the child. All elements of the environment are interconnected in content and artistic design. Furniture corresponds to the height and age of children, toys provide the maximum developmental effect for a given age. The subject-development environment of the preschool educational institution corresponds to the content of the educational process, meets the interests and needs of children, promotes comprehensive development, and ensures their mental and emotional well-being.

The main place in our group is occupied by the vision correction center

Book corner Our book corner is a library that turns into theatrical games.

Music Center Thanks to this center, children independently become active participants in dance, singing, and instrumental activities.

Road Safety Center

The physical development center serves to satisfy the preschooler's need for movement and introduce him to a healthy lifestyle.

Game center Allows you to create conditions for the creative activity of children, the development of imagination, the formation of gaming skills, the implementation of gaming plans, and the cultivation of friendly relationships between children.

The Center for Artistic and Aesthetic Development promotes the formation of children's creative potential, the development of interest in artistic activities, the formation of aesthetic perception, imagination, artistic and creative abilities, independence, and activity.

We divided the cognitive-speech center into two zones: mathematical and speech. All games and manuals are freely available to children. Selected taking into account the age of the children.

Nature Center Allows us to develop in children a love for nature and the skills of caring for it.

Thus, realizing the importance of the environment, we have determined the requirements for its organization. In our opinion, it should provide the child with: freedom of action, have positive effects on attitude, well-being and health. The environment should be comfortable and ensure a harmonious relationship between the child and the outside world.

Thank you for your attention!!!

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