Presentation on the topic of applied art. Presentation “Decorative and applied art of Russia. Thank you for your attention

Decorative and applied arts (from Latin deco
- decorate) - a wide section of fine arts
art, which covers various branches
creative activities aimed at
creating artistic products with utilitarian
and artistic functions. Collective
the term conventionally combines two broad genera
arts: decorative and applied. In contrast
from works of fine art,
intended for aesthetic pleasure and
related to pure art,
numerous manifestations of decorative and applied creativity can have practical
use in everyday life.

History of the development of applied art

Decorative and applied arts already existed in
early stage of development of human society and throughout
for many centuries was the most important, and for a number of tribes and
nationalities the main area of ​​artistic creativity.
The most ancient works of decorative and applied art
characterized by exceptional content of images, attention
to the aesthetics of the material, to the rational construction of form,
emphasized by decor. In traditional folk art this
the trend has continued to this day.
With the beginning of class stratification in society, more and more
interest in the richness of material and decor, in their
rarity and sophistication. Products that serve
purposes of representation (objects for religious rituals or
court ceremonies, for decorating the houses of the nobility), in which
in order to enhance their emotional sound, masters often
sacrifice the everyday expediency of constructing the form.

Characteristics of arts and crafts:

have an aesthetic quality;
designed for artistic
are used to decorate everyday life and

Classification of branches of decorative and applied arts:

by material (metal, ceramics,
textiles, wood);
by technique (carving,
painting, embroidery, printed material, casting,
embossing, intarsia, etc.);
according to functional characteristics
use of an item (furniture,

Sewing - creating stitches and seams on a material
using a needle and thread, fishing line, etc. Sewing alone
from the most ancient production technologies,
originated in the Stone Age.
Flower making - production of women's
fabric decorations in the form of flowers
Patchwork (sewing from scraps), patchwork
blanket - patchwork technique, patchwork
mosaic, textile mosaic - view
handicrafts, in which, according to the principle
mosaic is sewn together as a single piece of
pieces of fabric.
Quilting, quilting -
two pieces of fabric sewn through and
a layer of batting placed between them or
cotton wool.

Types of decorative and applied arts:

Embroidery - art
decorate with a variety of patterns
all kinds of fabrics and materials,
from the coarsest and densest, like,
for example: cloth, canvas, leather, up
the finest materials - cambric,
muslin, gauze, tulle, etc.
Tools and materials for
embroidery: needles, threads, hoops,

Types of decorative and applied arts:

Knitting - the process
manufacturing products from
continuous threads by
bending them into loops and
connecting loops to each other
friend with help
simple tools
manually or on
special machine.

Types of decorative and applied arts:

Artistic processing
leather - production of leather
various items like
household and decorative-art purposes.

Types of decorative and applied arts:

Weaving - production of fabric on
looms, one of
the oldest human crafts.

Types of decorative and applied arts:

Carpet weaving - production

Types of decorative and applied arts:

Burning - onto the surface of any
organic material using hot
the needle is used to apply the pattern.
Fabric burning
(guilloché) - technique
handicrafts involving finishing
products with openwork lace and
making appliques by burning
using a special apparatus.
Based on other materials
Hot stamping - technology
artistic product labeling
hot stamping method.
Treatment of wood with acids

Types of decorative and applied arts:

Artistic carving is one of
the most ancient and widespread
types of materials processing.
Stone carving - process
formation of the desired shape,
which is carried out
through drilling,
polishing, grinding,
sawing, engraving, etc.
Bone carving - view
arts and crafts
Wood carving

Types of decorative and applied arts:

Drawing on porcelain, glass

Types of decorative and applied arts:

Mosaic - formation
images via
layout, set and
fastening on
multi-colored surfaces
stones, smalt,
ceramic tiles and
other materials.

Types of decorative and applied arts:

Stained glass - work
decorative arts
figurative or
ornamental character from
colored glass, designed for
through lighting and
intended for filling
opening, most often a window, in
any architectural

Types of decorative and applied arts:

Decoupage - decorative
textile equipment, tableware,
furniture, etc.,
consisting in
meticulous cutting
paper images,
which are then glued
or attached by another
way to various
surfaces for

Types of decorative and applied arts:

Modeling, sculpture,
floristry - giving
plastic forms
material by hand
and auxiliary

Types of decorative and applied arts:

Weaving is a method of making more rigid
structures and materials made from less durable
materials: threads, plant stems, fibers,
bark, twigs, roots and other similar soft
raw materials.
Bamboo - weaving from bamboo.
Birch bark - weaving from the upper bark of a birch tree.
Beads, beadwork - creation of jewelry,
artistic beadwork, in which, in
unlike other techniques where it is used,
beads are not only decorative
element, but also a constructive and technological one.
Lace - decorative elements made of fabric and
Macrame is a knot weaving technique.

Vine is the craft of making wickerwork from
vines: household utensils and various containers
Mat - weaving flooring flooring from any
coarse material, mat, matting.
Gorodets painting - Russian folk
artistic craft. Bright, laconic
painting (genre scenes, figures of horses, roosters,
floral patterns), made with a free stroke with
white and black graphic outline, decorated
spinning wheels, furniture, shutters, doors.
Polkhov-Maidan painting - production
painted turning products - nesting dolls,
Easter eggs, mushrooms, salt shakers, cups, supplies -
generously decorated with lush ornamental and
plot painting. Among the pictorial motifs
the most common are flowers, birds, animals,
rural and urban landscapes.
Mezen wood painting - type of painting
household utensils - spinning wheels, ladles, boxes, baskets.
Zhostovo painting - folk craft
artistic painting of metal trays.

Semyonovskaya painting - production
wooden toy with painting.
Khokhloma - ancient Russian folk
a trade born in the 17th century in the area
Nizhny Novgorod
Stained glass painting - hand painted
glass, imitation stained glass.
Batik - hand-painted fabric with
using reserve trains.
Cold batik - technique
fabric painting uses
special reserving
composition cold.
Hot batik - the pattern is created with
using melted wax or
other similar substances.

Types of decorative and applied arts:

Scrapbooking - design
photo albums.

Types of decorative and applied arts:

Clay modeling creating shapes and
objects made of clay.
Can be sculpted using
potter's wheel or

Natalia Orekhova
Presentation of decorative and applied arts

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 8 "The Scarlet Flower" Project «»


Orekhova Natalya Mikhailovna


"The highest view art, the most talented, the most brilliant is the people art, that is, what was captured by the people, preserved, what the people carried through the centuries.” M. I. Kalinin.

Relevance of the project

Work to educate and develop in children a national sense, a sense of pride in their ancestors, respect for the history and traditions of their native land, a sense of national identity.

Project characteristics

Cognitive - creative

Long term (November – March)


Participants: teacher, children, parents


Summarize children's knowledge about decorative and applied arts.

To develop children's cognitive interest in Russian folk art. Summarize the results of the collective creative activity of children and parents. Teachers during the project implementation


Educational:To foster a love of Russian in children applied arts. Foster a love of folk art. Foster respect for the work of folk craftsmen. To cultivate aesthetic and ethical feelings. Cultivate curiosity; teach you to work independently and creatively; Encourage parents to actively work on the problem of developing aesthetic and moral qualities in children.

Developmental:Development of children's cognitive activity. Develop a sense of color and compositional skills. Develop attention, thinking, creative imagination, visual memory, ability to analyze.

Educational: Introduce children to folk crafts. Introduce children to decorative and applied arts - Dymkovo, Khokhloma, Gorodets, Gzhel painting. Arouse children's interest in folk art. Strengthen the ability to expressively read poetry and perform songs. Learn to understand the figurative meaning of riddles. Strengthen the ability to combine movements and speech. Learn to see the beauty and originality of Dymkovo, Khokhloma, Gorodets, Gzhel painting. Teach children to create original patterns based on folk paintings. Learn to use plant elements. Teach children to navigate various types of painting. Learn to observe wildlife.

Planned results of the project

Children’s knowledge of folk crafts, the ability to distinguish between their types;

positive dynamics in the formation of moral qualities, aesthetic perception, and the degree of mastery of children decorative painting;

enrichment of the subject-development environment;

replenishment of didactic material for the section « Decorative and applied arts» ;

increasing parents' interest in solving problems of aesthetic and moral education of children

Project implementation stages:

Stage 1. Preparatory. Activities of a teacher

Introduce into a game situation.

Form a problem.

Define tasks. Define Product project:Children's activities

Get used to the game situation.

They recognize the problem.

Accept the project tasks.

Stage 2. Organization of work on the project.

Activities of a teacher:

Helps in solving problems.

Helps plan activities.

Organizes activities.

Consultation for parents (folder - move) on topic: “The influence of folk crafts on the aesthetic education of preschool children”; “Artistic and aesthetic education of children in the family”.

Children's activities:

Association into working groups.

Distribution of roles.

Stage 3. Practical activities.

Activities of a teacher:

Practical help.

Directs and controls the implementation of the project. Activity children:

Use illustrations.

Working on crafts.

In the process of work, they share their impressions and help each other.

Stage 4. Presentation.

Activities of a teacher:

Preparing for project presentations“Russia is my homeland!”.

Exhibition of children's works on the topic « Decorative arts» .

Musical entertainment "Maslenitsa".Activity children:

The costumes are being prepared.

They talk about folk crafts.

They read poetry.

They make and guess riddles.

They perform songs, ditties, and dances.

They lead round dances.

They play folk music games.

Stage 5. The role of parents in the implementation of the project.

Reading and memorizing poetry.

Looking at illustrations.

Selection of illustrations and information for album design decorative and applied arts.

Making crafts.

Help parents in making attributes for the holiday.

Ways of implementation Artistic and aesthetic development Artistic creativity

Coloring planar silhouettes paints: "Magic Horses", "Fairytale Birds".

Drawing elements of Khokhloma, Gorodets, Gzhel, Dymkovo painting.


Cognitive development. FEMP.

Orientation on a piece of paper (drawing, application).

Orientation in space.

The ability to put parts together into a whole, didactic game "Gather the Whole".

Cognitive development. FCCM.

Targeted excursion into nature (look at the grass, compare with the grass in Khokhloma painting).

Conversations: “On a visit to the Gorodets masters”, "Khokhloma", "Gzhel", "Dymkovsky"


Reading poetry: P. Sinyavsky "Khokhloma painting", V. Nabokov "Khokhloma".

Memorizing poetry.

Making riddles.

Fundamentals of folk and decorative and applied arts L. V. Orlova "Khokhloma painting".

Fundamentals of folk and decorative and applied arts. G. Dorozhin "Gorodets painting".

Fundamentals of folk and decorative and applied arts. A. Mezhueva "Fairytale Gzhel".

Speech development. Speech development.

Activate dictionary: floral ornament, curl, droplet, grass, element, leaves, dots, lines, bathing, bud, rose, chamomile, "Golden Khokhloma", Gzhel, Gorodets painting.

Social and communicative development. Didactic games:

"Circle the element", "Trace and Color", "Gather the Whole", "Trace the picture", "Continue drawing", "Find a Pair".

Physical development. Physical Culture.

Without children's knowledge of the culture of the Motherland and the history of the development of folk crafts, a full-fledged moral and patriotic education of the child cannot be achieved. Folk art promotes the development of creativity, imagination, and thinking in children.

It is impossible to imagine the culture of Russia without folk art, which reveals the original sources of the spiritual life of the Russian people, clearly demonstrates their moral, aesthetic values, artistic tastes and is part of their history.

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Abstract for the presentation

The presentation on the topic "Decorative and Applied Arts" contains a test to test students' knowledge about the types of decorative and applied arts.

  1. Arts and crafts
  2. Works of decorative and applied art
  3. Main types
  4. Verification work
  5. Answers


    pptx (powerpoint)

    Number of slides






    • To conduct a lesson by a teacher

      To conduct a test / verification work

Slide 1

Decorative arts and people

Slide 2

Arts and crafts

Slide 3

Works of decorative and applied art can be: various utensils, furniture, fabrics, tools, weapons, clothing, all kinds of decorations.

Slide 4

Main types of decorative and applied arts:

“Peacocks” Author - Alena Leonova

Slide 5

2. Tapestry (French gobelin

Rhinoceros. Flanders. 1550.
Kronborg Castle

Slide 6

O.A. Voronova "Sailboat"

Slide 7

4.Art carving:

A. Stone carving is the process of giving a stone the required

shapes and external finishing by sawing,

turning, drilling, grinding, polishing,

engraving (with cutter, ultrasound).

16th century stone carving

Slide 8

b.Wood carving is one of the types of artistic wood processing.

Nosikov Petr

Slide 9

V. Bone carving

Solid bone

Slide 10

Slide 11

6. Embroidery is a well-known and widespread handicraft art of decorating all kinds of fabrics and materials with a variety of patterns, from the coarsest and densest, such as cloth, canvas, leather, to the finest materials - cambric, muslin, gauze, tulle, etc.

Slide 12

Slide 13

8.Macrame (French Macramé

Slide 14

9. Carpet making - the production of carpets. A carpet is an artistic textile product, usually with multi-colored patterns or images, serving mainly for decoration and insulation of premises, as well as for sound absorption (silence).

Slide 15

10.Jewelry art

Slide 16

11. Artistic processing of leather is a type of decorative and applied art, the production of various items from leather for both household and decorative and artistic purposes.

Slide 17

Slide 18

13. Pyrography (literally: “painting with fire”)

Slide 19

14. Stained glass (French vitre - window glass, from Latin vitrum

Slide 20

Slide 21

Verification work.

1. What is the name of the type of decorative and applied art?

Slide 22

2. What is the name of the type of decorative and applied art?

Slide 23

3. What is the name of the type of decorative and applied art?

Slide 24

4. What is the name of the type of decorative and applied art?

Slide 25

5. What is the name of the type of decorative and applied art?

Slide 26

6. What is the name of the type of decorative and applied art?

Slide 27

  1. Bone carving
  2. Knitting
  3. String graphics
  4. Pyrography
  5. Macrame
  6. Artistic carving.
  • Slide 28

    View all slides


    Baydakova Elena Borisovna

    Art teacher

    GBOU Secondary School No. 1955, Moscow

    Lesson objectives:


    TCO: computer, screen, projector,

    Materials and tools:

    During the classes.

    1. Organizational moment.

    2. Teacher's introductory talk

    Decorative arts section; covers a number of creative industries that are dedicated to the creation of artistic products intended primarily for everyday use.

    1. Batik - hand painting on fabric.

    Tapestry (French) gobelin), or trellis, is one of the types of decorative and applied art, a one-sided lint-free wall carpet with a plot or ornamental composition, hand-woven by cross-weaving threads.

    Thread graphics (name options: isothread,

    thread image, thread design) -

    graphic technique, creating an image with threads on cardboard or other solid base.

    Bone carving is the art of carving ornaments, figures and works of art from bone

    Ceramics (ancient Greek κέραμος - clay) - products from inorganic materials (for example, clay) and their mixtures with mineral additives, manufactured under high temperature followed by cooling.

    Knitting is the process of making products (usually clothing items) from continuous threads by bending them into loops and connecting the loops to each other using simple tools manually (crochet hook, knitting needles, needle) or on a special machine (mechanical knitting).

    Macrame (fr. Macramé, from Arabic. - braid, fringe, lace or Turkish. - scarf or napkin with fringe) - knot weaving technique.

    Jewelry art - (from the German Juwel - precious stone) the production of artistic products (personal jewelry, household items, cult items, weapons, etc.) mainly from precious materials (gold, silver, platinum)

    Artistic processing of metal is a type of decorative and applied art, the production of various objects from metal, both for household and decorative and artistic purposes.

    Pyrography - a technique when a pattern is applied to the surface of any material using a hot needle. Wood is mainly used as a material, so pyrography is commonly known as wood burning.

    Stained glass (fr. vitre- window glass, from lat. vitrum- glass) is a work of decorative art of a fine or ornamental nature made of colored glass, designed for through lighting and intended to fill an opening, most often a window, in any architectural structure.

    Beading is a type of arts and crafts, handicraft; creation of jewelry, art products from beads.

    4. Test work.

    Slides 21 - 26.

    Answers: slide 27.

    6. Lesson summary. Grading.

    Baydakova Elena Borisovna

    Art teacher

    GBOU Secondary School No. 1955, Moscow

    "Decorative and applied arts and people"

    Lesson objectives:

    Introduce arts and crafts.

    Develop creative thinking and emotional perception.


    TCO: computer, screen, projector,

    Materials and tools: White paper A-4, watercolor, eraser, pencil, notebook

    During the classes.

    1. Organizational moment.

    2. Teacher's introductory talk

    Write the topic of the lesson in your notebook (Slide 1)

    Arts and crafts- decorative arts section; covers a number of creative industries that are dedicated to the creation of artistic products intended primarily for everyday use.

    (Slide 2 – write down the definition in your notebook)

    Works of decorative and applied art can be: various utensils, furniture, fabrics, tools, weapons, clothing, all kinds of decorations. (Slide 3)

    Slide 4. Main types of decorative and applied arts:

    1. Batik - hand painting on fabric.

    (Main types of decorative and applied arts:

    1. Batik - write in a notebook.)

    Slide 5. 2. Tapestry - write it down in a notebook.

    Tapestry (French) gobelin), or trellis, is one of the types of decorative and applied art, a one-sided lint-free wall carpet with a plot or ornamental composition, hand-woven by cross-weaving threads.

    Slide 6 3. Thread graphics - write down in a notebook.

    Thread graphics (name options: isothread,

    thread image, thread design) -

    graphic technique, creating an image with threads on cardboard or other solid base.

    Slide 7. 4. Artistic carving:

    A. Stone carving - write in notebook

    Stone carving is the process of giving a stone the required shape and appearance. finishing using sawing, turning, drilling, grinding, polishing, engraving (cutter, ultrasound).

    b.Wood carving - write it down in a notebook

    Wood carving is one of the types of artistic wood processing.

    V. Bone carving - write it down in your notebook.

    Bone carving is the art of carving ornaments, figures and works of art from bone

    5. Ceramics - write it down in your notebook.

    Ceramics (ancient Greek κέραμος - clay) - products from inorganic materials (for example, clay) and their mixtures with mineral additives, manufactured under high temperature followed by cooling.

    6.Embroidery - write it down in a notebook.

    Embroidery is a well-known and widespread handicraft art of decorating all kinds of fabrics and materials with a variety of patterns, from the coarsest and densest, such as cloth, canvas, leather, to the finest materials - cambric, muslin, gauze, tulle, etc.

    7. Knitting - write it down in a notebook.

    Knitting is the process of making products (usually clothing items) from continuous threads by bending them into loops and connecting the loops to each other using simple tools manually (crochet hook, knitting needles, needle) or on a special machine (mechanical knitting).

    8. Macrame - write it down in a notebook.

    Macrame (fr. Macramé, from Arabic. - braid, fringe, lace or Turkish. - scarf or napkin with fringe) - knot weaving technique.

    9. Carpet making - write it down in a notebook.

    Carpet making is the production of carpets. A carpet is an artistic textile product, usually with multi-colored patterns or images, serving mainly for decoration and insulation of premises, as well as for sound absorption (silence).

    10. Jewelry art - write it down in a notebook.

    Jewelry art - (from the German Juwel - precious stone) the production of artistic products (personal jewelry, household items, cult items, weapons, etc.) mainly from precious materials (gold, silver, platinum)

    11. Artistic processing of leather - write down in a notebook.

    Artistic processing of leather is a type of decorative and applied art, the production of various items from leather for both household and decorative and artistic purposes.

    12. Artistic processing of metal - write down in a notebook.

    Artistic processing of metal is a type of decorative and applied art, the production of various objects from metal, both for household and decorative and artistic purposes.

    13. Pyrography - write it down in a notebook.

    Pyrography (literally: "painting with fire")- a technique when a pattern is applied to the surface of any material using a hot needle. Wood is mainly used as a material, so pyrography is commonly known as wood burning.

    14. Stained glass - write it down in a notebook.

    Stained glass (fr. vitre- window glass, from lat. vitrum- glass) is a work of decorative art of a fine or ornamental nature made of colored glass, designed for through lighting and intended to fill an opening, most often a window, in any architectural structure.

    15. Beading - write down in a notebook.

    Beading is a type of arts and crafts, handicraft; creation of jewelry, art products from beads.

    4. Test work.

    Slides 21 - 26.

    Answers: slide 27.

    Raise your hands who has all 6 answers correct? Well done for lesson 5 in the journal.

    Raise your hands who has 5 correct answers? Well done for lesson 4 in the journal. Ribbon embroidery FLORAL RHAPSODY

    6. Lesson summary. Grading.

    Homework: Prepare a presentation about any type of arts and crafts.

    Download abstract

    1 slide

    2 slide

    “Work is good if there is benefit and soul in it. It’s not gold that is expensive and glitters, but it’s precious that is created by the hands of a master.”

    3 slide

    4 slide

    The Moscow region is rich in folk traditions and various folk crafts. The most famous among them is Zhostovo, which is famous for its painted lacquer trays. . In Russia, the first lacquered metal trays were made in the Urals at the beginning of the 18th century. In 1830. In Zhostovo, the production of iron trays was founded, which were in high demand. Forged metal products are primed, sanded, varnished, then painted with oil paints and varnished. “Zhostovo brushes” On a Zhostovo tray In the mirror surface of varnish Rye copper of ears, Steppe blush of poppy. Crimson of late leaves. The forest snowdrop is the first... And Zhostovo brushes are more tender than light willow.

    5 slide

    Palekh painting is a lacquer miniature reflecting the life of the people, Russian epics, and nature. In their works, masters create the beauty of their region. At the end of the 19th century, icon painting became widespread. On its basis, black-lacquer miniatures arose - these are lacquer boxes, furniture, and utensils.

    6 slide

    A miracle with blue flowers, Blue petals, Blue flowers, Delicate curls. On white porcelain, Like on a snowy field, From under a white snowball. Blue flowers are growing. Really, really, haven’t you heard of Gzhel? The village of Gzhel is located southeast of Moscow. Local historians associate the origin of this name with the word “burn,” which is directly related to the craft - clay products were necessarily fired in an oven at high temperatures. People from 40 professions take part in the production of objects. Almost all operations are performed manually. Craftswomen paint products with great love, putting a piece of their heart and kindness of soul into them.

    7 slide

    A variety of Gzhel, marvelously beautiful enamel painting, which originated at the end of the 18th century. In Rostov. Translated, enamel (Greek) means a light, shiny stone. Indeed, snow-white plates made of glassy alloys, fired at high temperatures, are as hard as stone, and the painting on them shines preciously. The exposition of the Rostov Architectural Museum-Reserve presents the works of old masters: breastplates, icons, so-called fractions - enamel inserts that decorated church utensils, as well as the best products of modern craftsmen - women's jewelry with floral paintings, miniature portraits and landscapes on tiny boxes.

    8 slide

    Eight wooden dolls, chubby and ruddy, in multi-colored sundresses, they come to visit us. Guess what the name is? They are known in all cities and villages - this is an original Russian souvenir for foreigners. The first nesting doll appeared almost 100 years ago. A toy maker (V. Zvezdochkin) from Sergiev Posad made a disassembled toy and painted it. The result was a Russian nesting doll, a prototype of Matryona (a name that was very common at that time). All nesting dolls are different from each other; today they carry images of famous people.

    Slide 9

    10 slide

    Since ancient times, wooden products have been made and painted in the Trans-Volga forest villages of Novopokrovskoye, Kulichino, Semenovo, Khryaschi. And their name is Khokhloma. Wooden goods are being transported to the large trading village of Khokhloma. From there, cups and spoons scattered like firebirds across the ground. Khokhloma painting was used to decorate various household utensils: dishes, spinning wheels, boxes. Khokhloma brush! Thank you very much! Tell a fairy tale for the joy of life! You are like the soul of the people, beautiful, You, like the people, serve the Fatherland!

    11 slide

    Having originated 30 km from Khokhloma, Gorodets painting immediately found its channel. Where in Khokhloma four colors ruled the day, Gorodets colors glowed with their entire palette. Khokhloma paints were heated and subjected to heat treatment. Gorodets painting is cold. What about the drawing itself? Scenes of “bourgeois life”. This is how the glory of Priuzol carvers and painters rolled down from the bottom of the spinning wheels throughout Russia. After the revival of crafts, painting was transferred from spinning wheels to new forms: salt shakers, cutting boards, toys, children's furniture, etc.

    12 slide

    Toy making occupies a special place in the artistic crafts of Central Russia. Back in the 17th century. The production of toys was carried out by art workshops at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, where carvers, modelers, and carpenters worked. Later, a handicraft industry for making toys (horses, Troikas, ladies) arose in this area. This center still retains its leading position in the production of such toys. What is Dymkovo famous for? With his toy. There is no smoky light in it, but there is the love of people...

    Slide 13

    Ceramic toy is a traditional folk art. Until now, figured vessels, toys, and ceramic dishes are made in many cities and villages (Filimonovo, Torzhok, Sergiev Posad, etc.).

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