Presentation on the topic of the Negroid race. Negroid race The Negroid race is one of the big ones. of which is divided

"Neanderthals" - Burial of Neanderthals. 200 - 30 thousand years ago. Neanderthal dwellings. Ancient people. Further formation of the curves of the spine occurs. Neanderthals (ancient people). Ancient people (200,000 to 30,000 years ago). Neanderthals (Homo Neandertalensis - Neanderthal man; paleontrope): (the entire territory of the Old World).

“The Origin and Development of Man” - Social Progress. Goals and objectives: Pithecanthropus 1 million years ago. Stages of development. What united all mythological beliefs? Social. Find out what important inventions helped ancient people survive and develop. Neanderthal 250 thousand years ago. Give examples of the manifestation of human biological and social properties.

"Human Races" - Negroids. Sambo. The narrow shape of the eyes protects from wind and dust of the steppes. Equatorial peoples. Caucasoid (Eurasian). Equatorial race (Two branches: Australoid and Negroid). Negroid (African) races. Indians. Characteristics of large human races. All mixed races are transitional from one main race to another.

“Ancient people” - Take home: § 64. The origin of man. Pithecanthropus. Homo sapiens, subspecies Homo sapiens Neanderthal and Homo sapiens sapiens. Height is about 155-165 cm. The most ancient people (archanthropes) include (_). Repetition: Speech is articulate. Chapter XIV. Archanthropes lived 2 million - 200 thousand years ago. Later, primitive stone tools were also found.

"Races on Earth" - Character traits race. Mulatto. Mestizos are descendants of marriages of Caucasian and Mongoloid races. Negroid race. Mongoloid race. Bright skin. The ratio of races on Earth. Mulattoes are descendants of marriages of Caucasian and Negroid races. Thin lips. Mixed races. Caucasian race. Races of the Earth. Straight or wavy hair Lives in: Europe America Australia.

“Biosocial Man” - Instincts. The need for food, sleep, movement. The essence of man. Biosocial nature of man. The ability for conscious, purposeful activity. Presentation on biology Prepared by biology teacher S.V. Golubeva MKOU Secondary School No. 4, Lesosibirsk. Articulate speech. Condition, prerequisite for human existence.

There are 19 presentations in total

Src="" alt=">NEGROID RACE The Negroid race is one of the large races of people. The term " Negroid race" often"> НЕГРОИДНАЯ РАСА Негроидная раса - одна из больших рас людей. Термин «негроидная раса» часто используется для обозначения всех людей с чёрным или коричневым цветом кожи. Некоторые исследователи относят негроидную расу к экваториальной (негро- австралоидной) расе. Ряд авторов называет представителей негроидной расы конгоидами для того, чтобы отличить от представителей других темнопигментированных африканских рас: капоидов, пигмеев и эфиопов.!}

Src="" alt="> Pygmies are a group of short Negroid peoples living in equatorial forests Africa. ">


Src="" alt=">CAPOID RACE - BUSHMAN RACE Bushmen - a collective name applied to several"> КАПОИДНАЯ РАСА - БУШМЕНСКАЯ РАСА Бушмены - собирательное название, применяемое к нескольким коренным южноафриканским народам охотников-собирателей, говорящих на койсанских языках и относимых к капоидной расе. Общая численность - около 100 тысяч человек. По новейшим данным, обладают наиболее древним этнотипом, носителями древнейшей гаплогруппы А.!}

Src="" alt="> MASAI The Masai are a semi-nomadic African indigenous people living in"> МАСАИ Масаи - полукочевой африканский коренной народ, живущий в саванне на юге Кении и на севере Танзании. Масаи являются, пожалуй, одним из самых известных племён Восточной Африки.!}

Src="" alt="> ZULUS The Zulus are an African people of about 10 million people living"> ЗУЛУСЫ Зулусы- африканский народ численностью около 10 млн человек, обитающий в основном в провинции Квазулу- Натал в Южно-Африканской Республике. Небольшие группы зулусов проживают также в Зимбабве, Замбии и Мозамбике.!}

summary of other presentations

“Man and his origin” - Assignment Fill out the table reflecting the stages of human evolution. The position of man in the animal world. Physiological Comparative anatomical Embryological Paleontological Biochemical Genetic. Social Public life Consciousness Speech Labor activity. Human Origins. The main stages of anthropogenesis. Rudiments and atavisms. The main results of human evolution. Traits of distant ancestors.

“The Problem of the Origin of Man” - Aristotle. Apes. Carl Linnaeus. Jean Baptiste Lamarck. Engels. Charles Darwin. Labor is the first basic condition of all human life. Factors of anthropogenic evolution (anthropogenesis). Skeleton and brain of humans and apes. People have been interested in their origins since ancient times. The forelimbs of vertebrates. Socrates. Similarities in skeletal structure nervous system, digestive system.

“Theory of Man” - Cro-Magnon hunting scene. Neanderthal site. Burial of Cro-Magnons. Negroid race. Human races inhabiting the Earth. Neanderthal hunting scenes. Chronicle of humanity. South Indians. Australopithecus and Homo habilis. Mongoloid race. Theories about the descent of man. Anyway, denial natural evolution carried out in scientific terms. Cro-Magnon rock paintings. Northern Caucasians have light skin color.

“The History of Human Origins” - High eyebrows. Remains of an ancient man. Cold. Historical past of people. Homo erectus. Remains. Left side of the brain. Historical period. A skillful man. Ramapithecines ate plant foods. The most ancient people. Skeletal remains. Stone tools. Permanent teeth. Volume. The growth of ancient people. Gathering. The first modern people. Brain. Germany. Stone tools. The earliest people led an active lifestyle.

“The Mystery of the Origin of Man” - Historical Sequence. Anthropogenesis. The monocentrism hypothesis. Adaptive-ecological types of people. Western migration branch. Horizontal gene transfer. Races and race formation. FOХР2 gene. Adaptive, ecological types. Ecological types of people. General views. Human Origins. Modern humanity. Modern representations. Sequence of ancestral forms. Comparison of human and chimpanzee genomes.

“Concepts of the Origin of Man” - The Origin of Man. Stages of human evolution. Creatures. Fire. Line. The position of man in the animal world. Animals. Three stages. Fetal development. Ancient people. Upright walking. A group of Neanderthals. Modern people. The most ancient people. Cro-Magnons.

Human races .

Free Powerpoint Templates

Race -

  • a historically established group of people with certain common hereditarily determined morphological and physiological characteristics.
  • from Italian Razza - clan, breed, tribe

  • Modern humanity is represented by a single polymorphic biological species

Homo sapiens .

  • It consists of 3

major races, each

of which is divided

for several small ones.

  • dark skin color
  • curly, spiral SWIRLED hair
  • Wide, flat and slightly protruding nose
  • thick lips
  • beard and mustache grow weakly

Negroid (Australian-Negroid) race

  • indigenous people of central and southern Africa and Australia.

  • dark yellow skin
  • straight black coarse hair
  • wide, flat face with prominent cheekbones and prominent lips
  • narrow palpebral fissure
  • strong development of the upper eyelid fold ( epicanthus )
  • The body is almost not covered with hair

Mongoloid (Asian-American) race

  • The indigenous population of the American continent, Central and East Asia, Indonesia and Siberia.

Caucasian (Eurasian) race

  • light or dark skin
  • straight or wavy soft hair
  • narrow protruding nose
  • Eyes from light blue to dark brown
  • thin lips
  • narrow face
  • well developed hair

cover in men

Caucasian (Eurasian) race

Indigenous people of Europe, Western Asia, North Africa and North India

Mixed Races





Rasogenesis -

the process of emergence and formation of human races.

Causes of raceogenesis

  • - natural selection (differences in environment, climate, food resources, amount of sunlight, ….)
  • - mutations
  • - insulation
  • - mixing of populations

Racism -

  • a theory that attributes superiority or inferiority to particular racial or ethnic groups, justifying the right of some people to dominate or reject others.

For example,

apartheid - oppression of blacks, Zionism - oppression of the Arabs.


1. There is one species on earth - Homo sapiens:

- similarity in body structure( structure of the skull, brain, internal organs);

- physiological similarity (blood groups, diseases, defense reactions);

- the opportunity for unlimited crossing, which results in fertile offspring.

2. All racial differences were formed as adaptations to the environment.

3. In terms of their mental characteristics, all races are the same. Really existing differences in the level of culture are associated not with the biological characteristics of people of different races, but with the social conditions of the development of society.

Think about it!

1. How many major races exist today?

  • a) two
  • b) three
  • at four
  • d) five

Think about it!

2. What morphological feature does not characterize the Mongoloid race?

  • a) flattened face shape
  • b) narrow palpebral fissures
  • c) noticeable cheekbones
  • d) straight or wavy soft hair

Think about it!

3. Why do representatives of the Negroid race have low weight and elongated body proportions?

  • a) for thermoregulation in hot climates
  • b) for protection from predatory animals
  • c) for protection from burning rays
  • d) for the convenience of getting fruits from tall trees

Think about it!

4. Where is the supposed homeland of the species Homo sapiens?

  • a) off the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea
  • b) in South Asia
  • c) in the center of Europe
  • d) in North-East Africa and off the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea

Think about it!

5. Which human race does not exist?

  • a) negroid
  • b) Caucasian
  • c) Americanoid
  • d) Mongoloid

Right answers


  • Repeat § 44 – 47
  • Prepare for independent work on the topic “Anthropogenesis”
