Presentation on the topic: "What is secular ethics." Ethics What is Ethics? Ethics (Greek θικόν, from others. Presentation on the topic of what ethics is

What is ethics? Ethics. Ethics and us. Secular ethics. What is morality? Fundamentals of secular ethics. Ethical issues. Lawyers' ethics. Ethical issues. Features of morality. The beginnings of ethics. Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics. Basic problems of ethics. Professional ethics of teaching staff. Specifics of morality. Culture and morality.

Code of Ethics for Social Workers. Freedom of moral choice. Professional ethics of a social worker. Comprehensive training course "Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics." Comprehensive training course "Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics." Ethics materials. Scientific ethics. Module “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics”.

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Course "Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics." Comprehensive course “Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics.” Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics (orkse). Comprehensive training course "Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics. From mutual ethics to. Comprehensive training course FUNDAMENTALS OF RELIGIOUS CULTURES AND SECULAR ETHICS.

comprehensive training course “Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics. Training course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” (ORKSE). Fundamentals of world religious cultures and secular ethics. Comprehensive training course “Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics.” Ethics of writing.

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Ethics is a science that examines actions and relationships between people from the point of view of ideas about good and evil.

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Aristotle (384 BC - 332 BC) - Greek philosopher, encyclopedist. Aristotle's life story is amazing. He became the founder of many branches of knowledge: physics, biology, psychology, political science; he created his own school and was the mentor of Alexander the Great. Opponents were afraid of his speech, always deft and logical, always witty. Aristotle's scientific heritage is enormous. It forms a complete encyclopedia of scientific knowledge of its time. The most famous of his works are: “Physics”, “Poetics”, “On the Soul”, “Ethics”, “Politics”, “History of Animals”. Famous expressions of Aristotle: What is the meaning of life? Serve others and do good. Intelligence consists not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to apply knowledge in practice.

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Ethics helps to understand what morality is and how it is achieved.

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A parable about kindness and politeness One day a young man came to the Teacher and asked permission to study with him. - Why do you need this? - asked the master. - I want to become strong and invincible. - Then become one! Be kind to everyone, polite and attentive. Kindness and politeness will earn you the respect of others. Your spirit will become pure and kind, and therefore strong. Mindfulness will help you notice the subtlest changes, this will make it possible to avoid collisions, and therefore win a fight without entering into it. If you learn to prevent collisions, you will become invincible. - Why? - Because you will have no one to fight with. The young man left, but after a few years he returned to the Teacher. - What do you need? - asked the old master. - I came to inquire about your health and find out if you need help... And then the Teacher took him as a student. (Based on materials from the magazine “Man Without Borders.”)

Ethics is a science that examines actions and relationships between people from the point of view of ideas about good and evil.

The founder of this science was the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle (IV century BC), who introduced the term itself into the titles of his works.

In Ancient Greece, all sciences were called philosophy. The word “philosophy” consists of the Greek words “philo” - love and “sophia” - wisdom. It turns out that philosophy is the love of wisdom.

Aristotle believed that ethics is a part of philosophy.

He became the founder of many branches of knowledge: physics, biology, psychology, political science; he created his own school and was the mentor of Alexander the Great.

Opponents were afraid of his speech, always deft and logical, always witty. Aristotle's scientific heritage is enormous. It forms a complete encyclopedia of scientific knowledge of its time.

The most famous of his works are: “Physics”, “Poetics”, “On the Soul”, “Ethics”, “Politics”, “History of Animals”.

Famous expressions of Aristotle:

  • He became the founder of many branches of knowledge: physics, biology, psychology, political science; he created his own school and was the mentor of Alexander the Great. Opponents were afraid of his speech, always deft and logical, always witty. Aristotle's scientific heritage is enormous. It forms a complete encyclopedia of scientific knowledge of its time. The most famous of his works are: “Physics”, “Poetics”, “On the Soul”, “Ethics”, “Politics”, “History of Animals”. Famous expressions of Aristotle:
  • What is the meaning of life? Serve others and do good. Intelligence consists not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to apply knowledge in practice.
  • What is the meaning of life? Serve others and do good.
  • Intelligence consists not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to apply knowledge in practice.
  • (Based on the article “Aristotle” from the Encyclopedic Dictionary of A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron.)

  • Ethics studies morality.
  • The word “morality” originated in Ancient Rome and means “habits”, “customs”, “rules of behavior”.
  • All together, this can be called the word “morals”, from which the word “morality” came from in Russian.
  • Therefore, the words “morality” and “morality” are synonymous.

  • Ethics is not simply the study of how people behave and why they act the way they do. It helps to understand what morality is and how it is achieved.
  • Every person has positive and negative traits. Most people are honest, hardworking, caring, capable of love and friendship. However, there are also those who lie, steal, are rude, and offend the weak.

Why do some people do good deeds, while others do evil to themselves and others?

What do you need to do to become kind yourself and so that there are as many good people as possible?

How to reward a person who has done good?

How not to do evil? How to make people's lives better?

Ethics helps answer all these questions.

There are religious and secular ethics.

The word “secular” means “worldly”, “civil”. Secular ethics assumes that a person himself can determine what is good and what is evil; that it depends on the person himself whether he will become good OR bad; that a person himself must be responsible for his actions to other people.

We can say that ethics helps a person to independently perform virtuous actions and build relationships with people, and therefore become better.

  • What is ethics?
  • What does secular ethics mean and what does it imply?
  • Who was the founder of the science of Ethics?
  • What does the word "morality" mean?
  • What does secular ethics help us understand?

  • 1. The founder of the science of ethics was:
  • 1. The founder of the science of ethics was:
  • 1. The founder of the science of ethics was:
  • a) Aristotle,
  • b) Aristophanes,
  • c) Rafael,
  • d) Herodotus.

2. The concept of “morality” means:

  • a) rules of conduct,
  • b) all answers are correct,
  • c) human habits,
  • d) customs.

3. Ethics studies:

  • a) morality,
  • b) morality,
  • c) nature,
  • d) laws.

4. Ethics helps a person:

  • a) perform actions independently,
  • b) become better
  • c) build relationships,
  • d) all answers are correct.

5. ___________________ is the science of actions and relationships between people from the point of view of ideas about good and evil.

6. Morality and ____________________ mean habits, customs, rules of behavior of people from the point of view of ideas about good and evil.

7. Select from the list provided those questions that are answered by secular ethics.

A) How to make people's lives better?

B) How does a person develop?

Q) How was society created?

D) What actions are good?

8. Select from the list provided those rules of behavior that are determined by secular ethics.

A) Rules of behavior in public transport.

B) Rules of conduct in the army.

C) Rules of behavior at school.

D) Rules of conduct in the museum.

Make up and write sentences with the words:



ethical .

Choose synonyms for the words:






What will you tell your family members about our Motherland after today's lesson?

How do you explain the words patriot, Fatherland, Motherland .

Which famous person would you like to tell your family and friends about? Why?

Recording terms and concepts in a notebook.

A patriot is a person who loves his homeland.

Fatherland, Motherland - the country in which you were born.

Russia is the name of our state.

Flagsymbol of state power .


Virtues of a knight:

fencing; game of checkers;

horse riding; wielding a spear;

ability to swim; ability to hunt;

writing poetry in honor of a lady.

History of the word - etiquette.

This word comes from the French etiquette.

Initially, this was the name given to those who appeared in the second

half of the 17th century cards with written on them

rules of how to behave at the royal court.

Subsequently, this word began to be used

and in a broader sense - “a ceremony established

order of conduct."

Louis XIV

Manners are a way to behave.

Human life


associated with those

who surrounds him.

It is the totality

actions performed

in relationships

with other people

and is called behavior.

With the development of human

society throughout

its long history

gradually formed

norms and rules of

how to behave in

certain situations.

Their totality

got the name "etiquette".

In society, modesty is considered good manners,

restraint, delicacy, ability to control

your actions, communicate carefully and tactfully with people.

“He who has the least good manners has the least

the number of people is embarrassing.”

J. Swift

Who lets who through at the door?

The boy lets the girls pass and


What do ladies and gentlemen eat for breakfast?


How can they meet?

lady and gentleman?

Using an intermediary

How do you eat a banana according to the rules of etiquette?

With the help

knife and fork

How to use it correctly

cloth napkin?


on my knees

Who gets on the transport first?

Boys miss


and help them

Who should take off the headdress?

entering a room?


List the advantages

well-mannered person





See you again at

"Planet Etiquette"!

2. Etiquette drawing.

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Lesson 2 What is secular ethics Teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 25 village. Botany Stetsenko Lyudmila Georgievna 2012

What is secular ethics?

Ethics is a science that examines actions and relationships between people from the point of view of ideas about good and evil.

The founder of ethics is the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle (IV century BC) Aristotle

Fresco by Raphael (1483 – 1520) “The School of Athens”

In ancient Greece, all sciences were called philosophy.

The word "philosophy" consists of the Greek words "philo" - love and "sophia" - wisdom

It turns out that philosophy is the love of wisdom

Aristotle believed that ethics is part of philosophy

Ethics studies morality. The word "morality" originated in ancient Rome.

The word "morality" means Habits and Customs

The word "morality" means "rules of conduct"

Habits, customs, rules of behavior, all together can be called the word morals

From the word “morals” in the Russian language the word “morality" comes from

The words “morality” and “morality” are synonymous.

Ethics helps to understand how morality is achieved

Every person has positive and negative traits

Most people are honest, hardworking, caring, capable of love and friendship

However, there are also those who lie, steal, are rude, and offend the weak.

1. Why do some people do good deeds, while others do evil to themselves and others? 2. What do you need to do to become kind yourself? 3. How to reward a person who has done good? 4. How not to do evil? 5. How to make people's lives better? Ethics helps answer all these questions.
