Application will win. "will win". See what “will win” is in other dictionaries

In a ratio of 90% and 10% by weight, respectively. Its hardness is equal to diamond (80-90° on the Rockwell scale), it is used when drilling rocks.

Currently, other tungsten-cobalt alloys have been developed, but the name “win” continues to be used for them.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Win ​​(alloy)” is in other dictionaries:

    - ... Wikipedia

    The first metal-ceramic hard alloy in the USSR (1929) made of WC (approx. 90%) and Co (approx. 10%). The term victorious is sometimes extended to other tungsten-cobalt hard alloys. Mainly used for making cutting tools... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    A special tool alloy characterized by high hardness (up to 0.5 on the Mohs scale) and consisting mainly of tungsten (W), cobalt (Co) and carbon (C). Rate pa of the beginning of softening 1200°; melting rate pa 3150°; beat weight 16. Cutters from P.... ... Technical railway dictionary

    WIN- the first metal-ceramic hard alloy made in the USSR from tungsten monocarbide (about 90%) and cobalt (about 10%). Used for the manufacture of cutting, mining drilling tools, etc. Operating temperature up to 900 °C. The term "will win"... Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia

    See the connection Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. alloy n. timber rafting... Dictionary of synonyms

    Exist., number of synonyms: 2 explosive (232) alloy (252) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Dictionary of synonyms

    A; m. An alloy of tungsten and cobalt, with a hardness close to diamond (used for the manufacture of cutting tools). Pobedit cutter. ● Named in honor of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. ◁ Pobeditovy, oh, oh. P ot drill. P.... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

With us you can profitably sell scrap VK TK (wins), scrap hard alloys at competitive prices.

The winner is a hard alloy of tungsten carbide and cobalt in a mass ratio of 90:10. The presence of these metals in the composition also explains the high cost at which the VK TK can be handed over. Possessing high hardness, pobedit is used in rock drilling, metalworking (for equipping drawing tools, as cutters, etc.), woodworking and as critical parts that require high hardness or heat resistance.

Developments in industrial sintering of tungsten carbide were carried out in Germany in the 1920s. In 1929, Pobedit became the first such alloy produced in the USSR, where it was mainly used for cutting tools. When creating, powder metallurgy methods are used.

VeCo LLC provides the highest prices per kg of VKTk alloy (win)

Metal-ceramic composite alloys have particularly high hardness. Pobedit is made in the form of plates of various shapes and sizes. The manufacturing process is as follows: fine powder of tungsten carbide or other refractory carbide and fine powder of cobalt or nickel binder metal are mixed and then pressed into appropriate shapes. The pressed plates are sintered at a temperature close to the melting point of the binder metal, which produces a very dense and hard material. Carbide inserts are used for the manufacture of metal-cutting and drilling tools: they are soldered onto the cutting tool holders with copper. No heat treatment required.

Currently, other tungsten-cobalt composite alloys have been developed, but the name “win” continues to be used for them.

It is also worth noting that tungsten and cobalt alloys are not always used exclusively in peaceful industrial production. Another area of ​​application is, for example, the production of armor-piercing cores for projectiles and bullets.

We buy Pobedit scrap in any quantity. Both industrial enterprises and small firms and individuals can submit the winnings. Reception is carried out by specialists who can competently and honestly evaluate scrap, including tungsten-cobalt alloys. In addition, VeCo LLC will help you remove a large shipment from your territory

Selling VK Tk at a high price is real. Our company has all the qualities for this, and the presence of a Niton analyzer will show in seconds the chemical composition of any alloy, since the price of Vk Tk is very dependent on the chemical purity of the material. We can buy VK TK at a high price in Moscow and the region.

Pobedit belongs to the so-called group of hard alloys. These are hard and wear-resistant ceramic-metal alloys formed on the basis of highly hard and refractory materials bonded with a cobalt or nickel binder. Scrap hard alloys are always highly valued at metal and alloy collection points.

Hard alloys can be divided into the following groups:

Tungsten-cobalt hard alloys (VK);

Titanium-tungsten-cobalt hard alloys (TK);

Titanium-tantalum-tungsten-cobalt hard alloys (TTK)

We will buy scrap VK TK. The price is high!

Hard alloys divided into cast and sintered. Cast hard alloys are usually used for surfacing on working tools. Sintered hard alloys produced by powder metallurgy methods are amenable only to grinding or physical and chemical methods. Recently, the production of hard alloy plates by sintering used for a variety of metal processing processes has become widespread.

Hard alloys find their application in the following areas:




Processing of materials by cutting: cutters, drills, milling cutters, carbide inserts

Mining and ore mining equipment

Bearing production

We will buy hard alloy at a favorable price for you.

Vk8, Vk10, Vk15, Vk20

In the group of tungsten-cobalt alloys, the most common grades are Vk6, Vk8, Vk10, Vk15, Vk20, where the numbers indicate the percentage of cobalt. VK hard alloys are used for processing materials by cutting, semi-finish milling of solid surfaces, for equipping mining tools, for chip-free processing of metals, wear parts of machines, instruments and fixtures: drawing, calibrating and pressing rods and pipes made of steel, non-ferrous metals and their alloys. In this group, the most widely used alloy is VK8, used in the mining industry and mechanical engineering. Based on it, the VP3325 brand is also produced, characterized by increased wear resistance, impact strength, and vibration resistance.

We accept VK8 hard alloy scrap in the form of:

Vk8 cutter

VK8 plate

Drill VK8

VK8 cutters


In the group of titanium-tungsten-cobalt alloys, the most common grades are T30K4, T15K6, T5K10. Here, after the letter T, the percentage of titanium carbide is indicated, and after K, the percentage of silicon. TK alloys are used for processing materials by cutting: fine turning with a small cut section (such as diamond cutting); thread cutting and reaming of unhardened and hardened carbon steels. Scrap of this group of alloys is found in the form of:

T30K4 cutter, T15K6, T5K10 cutter

T15K6 plates, T5K10 plates

T5K10 cutters

A hard alloy, the price of which, due to the metals included in its composition, always remains high, is very often found at collection points for various scrap materials. However, few firms can provide fair reception. VeCo LLC can accurately determine the composition of any scrap, and therefore ensure fair acceptance. We will buy hard alloy at a price corresponding to the current state of the metal market.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

will win

m. Metal-ceramic hard alloy made of tungsten and cobalt monocarbide powder.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998

will win

the first in the USSR (1929) metal-ceramic hard alloy made of WC (approx. 90%) and Co (approx. 10%). The term "win" is sometimes extended to other tungsten-cobalt carbide alloys. It is used mainly for the manufacture of cutting tools.

Will win

a hard sintered alloy produced by powder metallurgy from tungsten monocarbide (about 90%) and cobalt (about 10%). P. is the first alloy of this type produced in the USSR (1929). Rockwell hardness 85≈90 (scale A), wear resistance 0.5≈0.6 mg/mm2. The term "P." sometimes extends to other sintered hard alloys of the tungsten-cobalt group. Used to equip drawing tools, as cutters, etc.


Will win

Will win- a hard alloy of tungsten carbide and cobalt in a mass ratio of 90:10. Possessing high hardness (80-90 on the Rockwell scale (scale A, HRA)), it is used in rock drilling, metalworking, woodworking and as critical parts that require high hardness or heat resistance.

Pobedit was developed in the USSR in 1929, where it was mainly used for cutting tools. When creating, powder metallurgy methods are used.

Metal-ceramic composite alloys have particularly high hardness. Pobedit is made in the form of plates of various shapes and sizes. The manufacturing process is as follows: fine powder of tungsten carbide or other refractory carbide and fine powder of cobalt or nickel binder metal are mixed and then pressed into appropriate shapes. The pressed plates are sintered at a temperature close to the melting point of the binder metal, which produces a very dense and hard material. Plates made of this super-hard alloy are used for the manufacture of metal-cutting and drilling tools: they are soldered onto the cutting tool holders with copper. No heat treatment required.

Currently, other tungsten-cobalt composite alloys have been developed, but the name “win” continues to be used for them.

Will win (factory)

"Win"- non-ferrous metallurgy enterprise in Vladikavkaz (North Ossetia). Produces products from tungsten and molybdenum, as well as rhenium.

The decision to build the plant was made by the USSR Ministry of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy in 1946, construction began in 1948. The choice of location was influenced by the proximity of the source of raw materials (Tyrnyauz Mining and Processing Plant in Kabardino-Balkaria), transport connections, the presence of the industrial site of the Electrozinc plant and the possibility of cooperation between the two plants in a number of economic functions. Vladikavkaz also had an educational and scientific base - the North Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute.

Already in 1948, the first products made of hard alloy, which in those years was called “Pobedit”, came out at the experimental site of the plant. The name of the alloy gave the plant its name.

Now JSC Pobedit occupies an area of ​​39.7 hectares, the company employs about 1,800 people.

In January 2009, production at Pobedit was completely stopped, and subsequently partially restored. It is planned to reach 80% of the 2008 result.

Examples of the use of the word will win in literature.

Until you have a fiction writer will win playwright, until then I will eat you and consign your plays to damnation.

Old Bonyak again will win enemies and then will give Zelga new slaves, and with the money raised from the sale of war booty, he will buy even more silk clothes and gold wristbands for her from Greek merchants, and put her little feet in green morocco shoes.

There will be no fighting here, there will be tedious exhaustion of each other and will win the one with stronger nerves.

Elena, - in the end, I don’t know whether these Muscovites are right or wrong, but it turns out that you are now helping to leave money from oil in the region, and if will win Vyrubov with Muscovites, then the money will go to Moscow.

He announced that he would give Hippodamia as a wife only to the hero who will win him in a chariot race, but if he finds himself will win oil, then the vanquished must pay with his life.

He thought about what if the uprising will win, if it spreads here, this same Zakrevsky, despite the fact that he is seventy-five and that he is a retired man, will be among the first candidates for the gallows or - it is unlikely that the uprising will want to get its hands dirty with this scum - for eternal exile abroad.

And if he's really good, if he's will win skill, then his wings!

They sought to hear directly from the French guests that Henrietta’s lawyer, the famous Laborie, will win the lawyer of the heirs, Calmette Chenu, that the judges of France will prove that they are incorruptibly honest people, and Henrietta will be acquitted.

There was only one thing in which Delphion could not share Dinius's confidence - that Nabis will win and that soon the whole world will follow him on the path to universal brotherhood.

Gregor Strasser spoke in favor of Brüning's plan, explaining his position by saying that if the Nazis insisted on holding elections, then Hindenburg will win.

After all, it depends on where the council goes, what its decisions will be, who will win on it, Renovationists or Integrists, depended the future of the church, the future of the papal throne.

We managed to introduce our man to them and can guarantee that this Mr. Polanyi will win.

If she will win, then brings her light and knowledge by her penetration into the very outer birth of man, for she powerfully penetrates back through all the seven spirits of nature, which I here call the stellar spirits, and reigns with them in the council of reason.

If he will win, then I will rush forward in my strength, like the roaring stream of Kona.

You see a similarity to this in an apple, which at first is tart, then when the sweet quality will win and overcomes it, becomes completely meek and pleasant to the taste: this also happens in Divine power.

The purpose of any drilling, as is known, is to obtain an even and accurate sized hole in the product or structure being processed. To solve such a problem, it is very important to choose the right tool; for drilling softer materials, a regular drill is suitable, and for processing harder and more durable materials, you will need a carbide or pobedit drill. The use of a tool whose cutting part is made of carbide material allows for effective processing of stone, brick or concrete.

How to choose the right drill

Despite the apparent simplicity of the process of drilling holes in various materials, solving such a problem is not so simple. Many home craftsmen have encountered a situation where attempts to drill a hole in a wall or any other structure using an electric drill and a seemingly high-quality drill ended in failure. The main reason for such problems lies not in the wrong choice of drill and lack of drilling skills (although these aspects are important), but in the use of the wrong drill. In addition, you must not only choose the right tool, but also have an idea of ​​how its cutting edges should be sharpened.

When preparing for drilling, the following rule should be taken into account: the drill must have a greater hardness than the hardness of the material in which the hole must be made.

If you try to make a hole in a concrete wall with a metal drill, you will most likely have to throw it away, since harder material will quickly render it unusable. This tool, made of high-strength steel, can be used to work with products made of wood, plastic, non-ferrous metals and steel alloys: it does an excellent job with them.

If you need to make a hole in concrete, brick or stone, that is, in materials that are very hard, you must use a Pobedit drill. This drill differs from a regular drill in that plates of exceptionally high hardness are soldered onto its cutting part. Since the Pobedit alloy is predominantly used as the material for the manufacture of the latter, such tools began to be called Pobedit drills.

A characteristic feature of a Pobedit drill is a soldered tip made of the strongest alloy

What is it that will win

Pobedit, an alloy containing 90% tungsten and 10% cobalt, was developed in 1929 by Soviet specialists. The main task that the developers set themselves was to create a material capable of imparting exceptional hardness to the working part of the cutting tool. Pobedit brazing began to be made from the new alloy, which made it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of using drills, as well as to process high-strength materials with their help.

In the time since the appearance of Pobedit, the alloy has been constantly modernized. As a result of this modernization, quite a lot of varieties of tungsten-cobalt alloys have been developed, many of which are distinguished by higher strength, more affordable price and ease of production technology. Despite the fact that the ratio of components contained in such alloys may differ greatly from the composition of classic pobedit, they are still called pobedit.

It should be borne in mind that a drill with a Pobedit tip does not cut, but crumbles the material being processed. That is why a drill tipped from Pobedit is optimal for making holes in concrete, stone and brick, but is not suitable for processing wood, plastic and steel. When trying to drill into a wooden product, such a tool will simply tear the wood fibers. As a result, the inner surface of the hole will be “shaggy”, and its diameter will be larger than required. It is also not recommended to use a Pobedit drill for metal work: it will not be able to form a high-quality hole in such material.

Until recently, drills of different categories were used to form holes in materials of varying hardness. Today, drills with various pobedite tips are produced, which are specially designed for drilling materials that differ in structure and degree of hardness.

Design of drills with pobedit plates

Drills produced with a pobedit tip initially have the required cutting angles, so there is no need to sharpen them additionally. The cutting part of the drill with pobedit tips is formed from two “shoulders”, approximately equal in width. The point at which such “shoulders” intersect will coincide with the center of the hole being formed, and the size of the widest one will correspond to its diameter. The axis of rotation of the Pobedit drill will coincide with the center of the hole if the width of the “shoulders” is the same. If there is a difference between the width of the “shoulders,” then the diameter of the hole being formed will differ from the transverse dimension of the tool by its value. If there is a difference in width between the elements of the cutting part, this can lead not only to an increase in the load on the drill and the operator’s hands, but also to breakage of the drill.

If drills with pobedit tips become dull, they can be sharpened in the same way as regular ones. When sharpening, you should keep in mind that the alpha angle of the cutting part of the drill should be smaller, the harder the material being processed. Pobedit is very afraid of overheating, and this should definitely be taken into account when sharpening. In order not to encounter a situation where the pobedit carbide tip begins to crack or even separate from the main part of the tool, it is necessary not to let it overheat and cool it as often as possible, for which you can use ordinary water. If, nevertheless, the victorious elements of the drill overheat, they should be allowed to cool in natural conditions and in no case subjected to sudden cooling with liquid (this can lead to their cracking).

The modern market offers a wide variety of drills with carbide-tipped pobedit tips, which are designed for processing certain materials. Information about the purpose of such drills, if they are produced in serial conditions, can be found on the packaging.

A too low price for a victorious instrument should raise suspicions, as this usually indicates that this is a low-quality product of unknown origin.

Assortment of pobedit drills

Today, every master can purchase any drills, including pobedit ones. On the modern market, such tools are presented in a wide variety of diameters. In this case, drills can be purchased either individually or in whole sets. Experts recommend purchasing small-diameter drills with a reserve, since such tools often break during use.

Prices for drills vary quite a lot. It all depends on the country in which the instrument was made and how well known the brand under which it is produced is known. The most expensive and high-quality drills are from well-known European companies. The cheapest include tools from unknown manufacturers, which not only do not have high strength characteristics, but also do not always correspond to the declared geometric parameters.

The fairly high price for drills with pobedit tips made by renowned manufacturers is completely justified, since these products are distinguished by such advantages as:

  • accuracy of soldering of pobedit tips (connection points are almost impossible to detect visually);
  • high quality and sharpening accuracy;
  • stated warranty period during which the cutting part of the tool should not become dull.

After the warranty period for maintaining sharpening parameters ends, the tool loses its uniqueness and can be used as a regular drill with pobedite tips.

It is worth telling separately about individual manufacturers of drills tipped from Pobedit.

DeWalt Extreme SDS-Plus Series Drills

Pobedit-tipped drills, manufactured by the famous DeWalt company, have working diameters of 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 mm. The shank of drills whose diameter does not exceed 12 mm has a round shape, while for tools with larger diameters it is hexagonal, which allows the drill to be more securely fixed in the chuck of the equipment used.

The cutting edge of Pobedit drills from this manufacturer has a serrated configuration, which helps to effectively process even concrete, the structure of which contains reinforcing bars. The shape of the groove of such a tool, when viewed in cross section, resembles a jug, which ensures effective removal of dust generated during the drilling process.

To fix the pobedit carbide tip on the drill, special technology and solder containing copper are used, which makes this connection more resistant to overheating. Thanks to the high quality characteristics of such drills, the holes created with their help are obtained with virtually no chips at the edges.

Bosch pobedit-tipped cutting tools

Drills from the well-known German manufacturer - Bosh - are presented on the modern market in a wide range of working diameters (from 3 to 25 mm). This company produces drills specifically designed for processing various materials (the corresponding instructions can be found on the product packaging).

The company's assortment includes drills with pobedit tips intended for use in conjunction with impact drills (Blue Granite series). Products of this type, specially designed for drilling holes in masonry, have a number of advantages:

  • high bending strength;
  • higher durability when drilling concrete than a simple Pobedit drill;
  • high quality and precision manufacturing of carbide inserts;
  • a U-shaped groove, which significantly reduces clogging of the tool with crumbs of the processed material.

Gliviero 06-02-2010 19:53

Actually a question arose.
What is this?
where did the name come from?
what composition?

I'm interested in all the information.
Please don’t poke your nose into the search... the Internet is so stupid... the search is so stupid...
Although I won’t refuse links

I would be grateful for the information provided.

Udod 06-02-2010 20:03

kammomile 06-02-2010 20:05

quote: The Internet is so stupid.. the search is horrifyingly stupid..

hmmm... and yourself?

Gliviero 06-02-2010 20:06

quote: Originally posted by Udod:

If I'm not mistaken, the material was invented shortly after the war. The word "Victory" was the most popular word then.

So I thought so too, and then they suddenly told me that this alloy was developed in 29 or 33..

Alexey_Chernigov 06-02-2010 20:07

Well, yes, it seems that he was also a Stalinist...
I currently know two uses - soldering on cutting and drilling tools and shoeing on authorized shoes, for whom it was necessary...

Alt2000 06-02-2010 20:08

Something like this:
The winner is metal-ceramic hard alloy. a hard alloy of tungsten carbide WC and cobalt in a ratio of 90% and 10% by weight, respectively. It is close to diamond in hardness (80-90 on the Rockwell scale), and is used when drilling rocks.

Developed in 1929 in the USSR, where it was mainly used for cutting tools. Now the alloy is used to equip drawing tools, as cutters, etc. When creating, powder metallurgy methods are used.

Metal-ceramic alloys have particularly high hardness. Pobedit is made in the form of plates of various shapes and sizes. The manufacturing process is as follows: fine powder of tungsten carbide or other refractory carbide and fine powder of cobalt or nickel binder metal are mixed and then pressed into appropriate shapes. The pressed plates are sintered at a temperature close to the melting point of the binder metal, resulting in a very dense and hard alloy. Plates made from this superhard alloy are used for the manufacture of metal-cutting and drilling tools. The plates are soldered onto the cutting tool holders with copper. No heat treatment required.

Currently, other tungsten-cobalt alloys have been developed, but the name “win” continues to be used for them.

YUZON 06-02-2010 20:25

The main composition is powder - tungsten carbide - + etc., with a binder - cobalt -

1. Tungsten hard alloys - alloys containing tungsten carbide and cobalt.
They are designated by the letters VK, followed by numbers indicating the percentage of cobalt in the alloy. This group includes the following brands: VK3, VK3M, VK6, VK6M, VK6OM, VK6KS, VK6V, VK8, VK8VK, VK8V, VK10KS, VK15, VK20, VK20KS, VK10KHOM, VK4V.
2. Titanium-tungsten hard alloys - alloys containing titanium carbide, tungsten carbide and cobalt.
It is designated by the letters TK, while the number after the letters T indicates the total percentage of titanium and tantalum carbides, and after the letter K - the cobalt content. This group includes brands: T5K10, T14K8, T15K6, T30K4.
3. Titanium-tantalum-tungsten hard alloys, which contain titanium, tantalum and tungsten carbide, as well as cobalt, are designated by the letters TTK, while the number after TT indicates the total percentage of titanium and tantalum carbides, and after the letter K - the cobalt content. This group includes the following alloys: TT7K12, TT20K9.

spmolot 06-02-2010 20:32

Pobedit is called VK8 (tungsten cobalt) which is used as soldering on the working part of cutting tools, both turning and earthmoving. Dark grey. Heavy. Fragile. I have not seen that the body of the instrument was made from VK8.
It took me a long time to write)))))

spmolot 06-02-2010 21:18

quote: I didn't see it.

I don't deny it.

spmolot 06-02-2010 21:26

quote: I didn't see it.

I don't deny it.))

06-02-2010 21:41

quote: [B] I have not seen that the body of the instrument is made from VK8.
I've come across drills made from carbide

from VK8 - hardly, rather VK15-20, they are less brittle, or, more likely, from stellite - this is a casting and surfacing vehicle.

I read somewhere that initially it was an alloy that was called victorious, a cast alloy, like quick-cutting alloys, but with a large amount of carbon and tungsten, so that the carbide content reached 80%. They made it in 1929 as a domestic analogue of stellites. and after the war, in connection with the development of powder metallurgy methods, the powder alloy VK10 began to be called victorious. I came across drills made of carbide alloy, size 5; 6:7: mm length about 6-7 cm, it was about 4 years ago at some exhibition it cost about 300 rubles
Amne Yurchik/YUZON heated this one up, drill hard ones...
