Organizational structure of a public catering enterprise. Organizational structure of public catering. The company operates on the principles of self-sufficiency and self-financing, fulfilling the tasks defined by the constituent documents

Organizational structure of the enterprise

The organizational structure of enterprise management is traditionally understood as a complex characteristic, including:

* composition and linear subordination of structural divisions within the enterprise;

* normative and actual distribution of functions between structural divisions;

* functional subordination and jurisdiction of structural units;

* regulations and procedures for interaction between departments, developed for special cases.

restaurant salary contract

Rice. 1.1. - Organizational structure of the restaurant “Harlekino”

As can be seen from Figure 1.1. The Harlekino restaurant has a linear management structure that is most suitable for catering establishments. Distinctive feature: direct impact on all elements of the organization and concentration in one hand of all management functions.

The director is responsible for the organization and results of all trade and production activities, monitors the implementation of the plan for the economic and financial activities of the restaurant. He is responsible for the culture of serving visitors, the quality of products, the state of accounting and control, the safety of material assets, and compliance with labor laws.

The deputy director monitors the functioning of the restaurant, ensures the preparation and implementation of a set of measures to stimulate employees. Solving management issues and tasks.

The financial director organizes accounting, economic and financial activities of the enterprise. Forms accounting policies in accordance with accounting legislation based on the structure and characteristics of the enterprise’s activities, the need to ensure its financial stability.

The chief accountant manages the formation of an accounting and reporting information system in accordance with the requirements of accounting, tax, statistical and management accounting, and ensures the provision of the necessary accounting information to internal and external users.

The job responsibilities of an accountant-cashier are conducting cash transactions, calculating and paying wages to employees of the enterprise. Issuing certificates for company employees indicating their salaries. Working with banks.

The accountant-calculator calculates the required quantity of ingredients and products in accordance with the approved technological maps for preparing dishes; accounting for products sold and products to be sold; participation in inventories carried out in the organization.

The restaurant manager organizes, plans and coordinates the activities of the restaurant, establishes official duties for employees subordinate to him and takes measures to ensure their implementation. Makes decisions on the appointment, transfer and dismissal of restaurant employees, controls the availability of documents necessary for the smooth operation of the restaurant.

Marketer - the responsibilities of a marketer include: media planning, advertising events, implementation of the most effective ways to promote a restaurant as a network BRAND (event plans); Work with the competitive environment (analysis of competitors, by format of establishments, type of clients, location, prices, assortment, type of cuisine, positioning strategy among direct and indirect competitors)

The chef organizes and controls the work of production. The main directions of his activity are: menu formation; planning and selection of necessary raw materials; quality control of preparation and serving of dishes; control of storage of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products.

A team of cooks prepares dishes in accordance with the rules of technology for preparing high-quality dishes, in compliance with the rules of sanitation and hygiene, occupational health and safety.

Manager - the main task of the manager is to work with guests and staff, meet and greet guests, control the preparation of the hall for service and ensure a high level of sales. Monitoring the work of all departments of the restaurant.

Bartender - the main task of a bartender is to greet and serve guests with alcohol and other drinks at a high level. Preparation and serving of mixed drinks, payment transactions, accounting and reporting in the bar.

Waiter - the main task of a waiter is to greet and serve guests, take orders, process and present bills to them. Catering for banquets, anniversaries, weddings, food tastings. Assisting guests in choosing food and drinks and serving them to the tables.

The duties of the hostess include meeting visitors, seating them at the table, and offering a menu. The specialist must know the range of dishes offered, the wine list of the restaurant, and inform visitors about promotions carried out by the restaurant. The hostess controls the work of the waiters, coordinates the distribution of the workload between them when working with clients (makes sure that visitors are distributed evenly across the waiters’ work areas). If necessary, the hostess takes on the functions of a waiter.

The Harlekino restaurant has a variety of workshops, specializing in the types of processed raw materials and manufactured products: vegetable, hot, cold (Fig. 1.2.).

Rice. 1.2. - Structure of the production workshops of the Arlekino restaurant

The main divisions of the restaurant are presented as follows:

Production is what is commonly called kitchen; main function - ensures the preparation of all dishes on the menu, is the most important component in the structure of the restaurant;

Director (manager) and administration (managers) - organization of activities and decision-making, control functions, work on restaurant development, etc.;

Accounting is the solution of all economic problems for the enterprise and control of financial expenditures on the activities of the restaurant.

Shops are divided into: procurement (meat, fish, vegetables); pre-cooking (hot, cold).

Each workshop organizes a technological line - a production area equipped with the necessary equipment for a specific technological process. In the restaurant's procurement shops, mechanical processing of meat, fish, poultry, and vegetables is carried out.

The vegetable shop has a convenient connection with the cold and hot shops, where the production of finished products is completed. Equipment for all workshops is selected according to Equipment Standards depending on the type and capacity of the enterprise. The main equipment is production tables, washing baths, food storage units, and cutting tables.

The Arlekino restaurant has a cold shop for preparing cold dishes and snacks, sandwiches and cold soups.

The range of cold shop products includes cold appetizers, gastronomic products (meat, fish), cold dishes (boiled, fried, stuffed, jellied), and lactic acid products.

The production program of the cold shop is drawn up based on the assortment of dishes sold through the sales area. Cold dishes are prepared directly to consumers' orders.

The purpose of the confectionery shop is the production of a variety of flour confectionery and culinary products. Confectionery products do not require additional heat treatment before being released to consumers, which determines increased requirements for compliance with sanitary, hygienic and technological rules during the production, sale and storage of these products. Also on the menu of the Arlekino restaurant there is such an item as homemade ice cream.

The hot shop is the main workshop of the enterprise, in which the technological process of food preparation is completed: heat treatment of products is carried out. Boiling broths, preparing soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses, and also heat processing of products for cold dishes. The hot shop has a convenient connection with the billet shops and a convenient connection with the cold shop.

Organization of contracts and the procedure for their execution

Any business activity involves the use of a contract.

The main type of agreement accepted by the Arlekino restaurant is a supply agreement. The list of the main suppliers today looks like this: BaltBir LLC, More Piva LLC, Sibatom LLC, Coca Cola, Pivko Gold LLC, Barlines CJSC, Belyaev IP, Astori LLC, LLC "Morozko", IP "Bagirov", LLC "5 Army", IP Telman, LLC "Elite", LLC "BaiMost", LLC "Angro", "Demetra", LLC "Partner", LLC "Alida", LLC "Corus" ", LLC "Avicena".

A supply agreement is a purchase and sale agreement under which the seller (supplier), engaged in business activities, undertakes to transfer, within a specified period or terms, the goods produced or purchased by him to the buyer for use in business activities or for other purposes not related to personal, family, home and other similar use.

The supply contract is considered concluded if an agreement is reached between the parties in the form required in appropriate cases on all the essential terms of the contract. Essential terms on the subject of the contract are conditions that are named in the law or other legal acts as essential or necessary for contracts of this type, as well as all those conditions regarding which, at the request of one of the parties, an agreement must be reached.

A purchase and sale agreement is a document that regulates the commercial relationship between the seller and the buyer. Practice has shown that it is more convenient to conclude contracts for a calendar year. The agreement is concluded by the director or lawyer, if there is a power of attorney for the right to conclude the transaction.

The agreement has a standard form, it consists of the following points: subject of the agreement; product quality; terms and order of shipment; prices and payment procedure; containers and packaging; property liability; legal addresses; contract time. Relations between the parties not provided for in the contract are regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Disputes arising during the execution of the contract are considered by the Arbitration Court.

Topic 2. Organizational structure of a public catering enterprise Technologies and organization of catering services Social and cultural service and tourism Tourism Economics and management in a tourism and hotel industry Institute of Service, Fashion and Design Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business Teacher: Fominykh I.L.

Lecture plan 2 Composition of departments of public catering enterprises: -administrative premises; -industrial premises; – retail premises; -warehouses; – household premises; -Technical buildings. Management structure of a food enterprise; Principles of management and placement of a network of public catering establishments.

Requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities 3 The student must: Know: –Organizational and production structure of a public catering enterprise and its dependence on the type, class and capacity of the enterprise; Be able to: – Offer the best option for the organizational and production structure of a food service enterprise, depending on the type, class, capacity of the enterprise and the nature of the production process.

Key concepts 5 FRiO – Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers; Head waiter - manager of service processes in restaurants and bars; Production personnel; Service staff; Organizational structure of a catering enterprise; Management structure of a food enterprise.

Entrepreneurial cycle of a food enterprise 6 Public catering enterprises Legal system (controlling structure) Tax system (controlling structure) Suppliers of goods and services Media Accounting system Competitors Visitors

Composition of production premises of catering enterprises 8 Production premises of catering enterprises Procurement (processing of raw materials and semi-finished products) Pre-production (production of finished products) Meat shop Fish shop Poultry shop Vegetable shop Meat and fish shop Meat shop

Composition of warehouse premises of catering enterprises 9 Warehouse premises P.O.P. Refrigerated (chambers) Non-cooled (warehouses) Storage of meat and meat products Storage of vegetables and fruits Storage of dairy and fat products Storage of fish and fish products Storage of dry products Storage of recyclables Storage of household equipment

Composition of production personnel of public catering enterprises 13 Production personnel Baker OST “Public catering. Requirements for production personnel" Cook of flour products Production manager Workshop manager Cook Food manufacturer Meat deboner Kitchen worker

Composition of service personnel of public catering establishments 15 Service personnel Cook at the distribution of products GOST R “Public catering. Requirements for service personnel" Cashier Head waiter Bartender Bartender Dresser Doorman Cooking shop salesperson

Organizational structure of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers (FRiO) 17 President Vice-President education, certification system Vice-President interaction with government agencies and specialists. projects Vice President foreign policy Chairman of the Coordination Council Executive Director Vice President information policy, events Coordination Council Vice President separate area Vice President Staff Secretariat

Questions for self-test Organizational structure of P.O.P Describe the composition of the divisions of public catering enterprises. 2.Name the factors that determine the composition and structure of the divisions of food enterprises. 3.Which premises of catering establishments are combined into a group: – warehouse; –trading; – production; – household and technical premises? 4. Reproduce the structure of process management: – production; -services; -at catering establishments.

Recommended reading 19 1. Smagin I. N., Smagina D. A. Organization of commercial activities in public catering. – M.: Publishing house “Eksmo”, – 336 p. 2. Usov V.V. Organization of production and service at public catering enterprises: Textbook for the beginning. prof. Education. – M.: IRPO; ProfObrIzdat, – 416 p. 3. Skobkin S.S. Service practice in the hospitality and tourism industry: Textbook/S.S. Skobkin. – M.: Master, – 493 p. 4.GOST R “Public catering. Terms and Definitions." 5.GOST R “Public catering. Classification of enterprises."

Recommended reading 20 6.GOST R “Catering services. General requirements." 7.Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. 8. Magazine “Restaurant Gazette” 9. Magazine “Modern Restaurant” 10. Magazine “Public Catering. Business and art."

TOPIC No. 4: Functional structure of public catering enterprises

The lecture will be devoted to the study of the following issues:

1. Functions of catering establishments. Production and trading structure of food enterprises.

2. Uniting premises into functional groups in accordance with their purpose. Composition of functional groups of premises.

3. Basic principles of designing food establishments.

4. Composition of the premises of procurement, pre-production enterprises and enterprises with a full production cycle

The design of public catering establishments is carried out in accordance with the functions that ensure the production and trading activities of the future enterprise. The concept of function means a corresponding activity, a certain range of work performed by any material object or person (for example, the functions of a catering establishment, a group of premises, a director, etc.). In general, catering establishments are characterized by a combination of the following three basic functions: production of dishes, their sale and organization of consumption, which makes it extremely important to design a production and retail group of premises.

Typically, the implementation of any main function is accompanied by the implementation of several other functions that are auxiliary in nature.
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Thus, the general technological process of food production at public catering establishments consists of separate processes - receiving products, storing them, culinary processing of raw materials and production of semi-finished products, as well as heat treatment of dishes. At the same time, the general technological process includes a number of auxiliary operations necessary for the production of ready-made dishes and culinary products. This includes washing dishes and containers, processing containers, removing food waste, as well as engineering devices - supply and exhaust ventilation, heating, energy supply, etc.

However, the nature of the functions performed influences the formation of groups of premises in the overall production and trading structure of the enterprise, which, in turn, is influenced by the following factors: the range of culinary products, semi-finished products, the degree of their readiness, the volume of production and sales, the capacity of the halls, the availability of departments Concepts for dietary nutrition, etc., which determine the nature of the technological process - the basis for the design of any production enterprise, incl. catering establishments. In accordance with the technological process of production of products and their sale, separate functional groups of premises are designed that carry out work operations of the same type or that can be combined (for example, a group of premises for receiving and storing products; production premises; premises for consumers; office and household premises; technical premises).

Due to the presence of many functions related to the process of preparing dishes, their sale and organization of consumption, catering establishments have functional zoning of premises, which involves the allocation of separate groups of premises and their interrelation, which should ensure:

Flow of the technological process - from the receipt of products to the preparation and release of culinary products; - the minimum length of technological, transport and human flows in order to create the most favorable conditions for consumers and workers;

Compliance with labor protection rules and sanitary and hygienic standards and regulations. Taking into account the dependence of the functions they perform, public catering enterprises are classified into procurement, pre-preparation, enterprises working with a full production cycle (for raw materials), and dispensing enterprises. Distribution enterprises can be conditionally classified as pre-production enterprises. Types of catering establishments should be adopted in accordance with GOST 50762-2007 “Catering services”. Classification of public catering establishments.

Procurement catering establishments produce culinary semi-finished products of varying degrees of readiness, ready-made meals, culinary and confectionery products. The main types of procurement enterprises are a factory of semi-finished products and culinary products, specialized workshops, an enterprise of semi-finished products and culinary products. Taking into account the requirements of technological design, procurement enterprises that carry out the production function include the following groups of premises: warehouse, production, office, household, utility, as well as expedition.

The warehouse group of premises includes refrigerated chambers for storing raw materials and waste, pantries for storing potatoes and vegetables, dry products, containers, packaging materials and production equipment, an unloading platform with boxes and storekeeper premises. The production facilities of the procurement enterprise, which produces all types of semi-finished and finished products, include meat, poultry, fish, vegetable, culinary and confectionery shops. The group of utility rooms includes: storage rooms for cleaning equipment, knife and saw straightening points, a storage room for dry waste, a mechanical repair shop, as well as technical rooms (charging, transformer substation, heating point, ventilation and air conditioning chambers, engine rooms refrigeration chambers and elevators, radio center and automatic telephone exchange). The expedition includes: premises for loading, receiving and assembling products; refrigerated chambers for storing finished products; pastry pantry; premises for receiving, disassembling, washing, drying and storing forwarding containers, washing, drying and storing containers and racks, loading platform of the expedition with boxes, forwarding agent's premises.

Pre-production enterprises and enterprises with a full production cycle differ in types based on the range of products sold, the nature and volume of services provided to consumers, methods and forms of service. The main types of such enterprises include canteens, restaurants, cafes, snack bars, culinary shops (departments) and bars. Taking into account the requirements of technological design, groups of premises are designed in them: for receiving and storing products; industrial; for consumers; official and household; technical premises. The composition of the premises of the enterprise depends on the type of enterprise, capacity, as well as on the degree of readiness of the resulting semi-finished products, culinary products and raw materials. The group of premises for receiving and storing products includes: refrigerated chambers (for storing meat, fish and vegetable semi-finished products; fruits, herbs, drinks; dairy products, fats and gastronomy; food waste); unrefrigerated pantries for dry food storage; storage containers, equipment and material and technical equipment; acceptance

The group of production facilities includes: workshops - hot, cold, pre-preparation, green processing; washing tableware, kitchen utensils and semi-finished containers; bread cutting room; dispensing room, service room and production manager's room. This group may include a confectionery shop and a room for preparing flour products. When transferring pre-production enterprises to work with semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness, the pre-preparing workshop and the greens processing workshop are not designed. The group of premises for consumers includes: a vestibule (including a wardrobe, washrooms and toilets); halls with distribution stations and a buffet (at self-service enterprises); antechamber, halls without serving stations, banquet halls (at enterprises with waiter service); winter gardens and summer verandas; a culinary store with a cafeteria; a rest room and a doctor's (diet nurse's) office in dietary canteens; premises for organizing leisure time according to thematic programs in specialized enterprises; order departments (bureaus).

The group of office and household premises consists of: administrative premises of the directorate, cash desk, accounting department; staff premises; wardrobe for staff; showers, women's personal hygiene cabins; staff toilets; linen.

A group of technical premises includes ventilation chambers, an electrical panel room, a heating unit, a machine room for refrigerated chambers and workshops.

Enterprises operating with a full production cycle (raw materials) carry out culinary processing of raw materials, production of semi-finished products, preparation of dishes, sale and organization of their consumption. The design of enterprises operating on raw materials is recommended to be carried out in cases where there is no or underdeveloped network of procurement enterprises (food industry enterprises). The production workshops of enterprises working on raw materials include meat, fish, vegetable, hot, cold and confectionery shops. The composition of the remaining functional groups of premises is the same as in pre-production enterprises.

The composition and area of ​​the premises of pre-preparation public catering enterprises and enterprises working with raw materials are taken in accordance with technological calculations and can be changed at the request of the customer.

When determining the composition and area of ​​premises of procurement enterprises, it is extremely important to be guided by the “Departmental standards for the technological design of procurement public catering enterprises for the production of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products” (VNTP 04-86).

In the structure of the enterprise, when designing each of the five designated groups of premises, the recommendations and requirements presented in accordance with their specific functional characteristics must be taken into account.

TOPIC No. 5: Basic calculation standards and principles for locating a network of public catering establishments. Feasibility study of the project, its content and significance.

The lecture will cover the following questions:

1. Design and principles of placement of public catering establishments (for the estimated period, in the first place). Network development standards.

2. Design of catering establishments of a “closed” network: at manufacturing enterprises, administrative institutions and educational institutions; at entertainment enterprises and sports facilities; at rest homes, sanatoriums, boarding houses.

3. Feasibility study of the project, its content and significance.

4. Elements of feasibility study.

Type selection public public catering enterprises are carried out on the basis of studying consumer demand of a potential contingent of consumers.

At the same time, the type of public enterprise depends on the location: the correct choice of the latter allows you to determine what type of enterprise to be - elite or democratic. Buildings with a large area usually house an affordable restaurant or cafe. The halls can be located on two floors. An elite restaurant is placed in a small area in order to ensure its return on investment. Having parking next to it is mandatory. A demographic analysis of a location examines the age, occupation, and average income of people who regularly visit the area and who are future potential consumers. Traffic flows must be carefully studied. In places where there is a large flow of pedestrians, affordable restaurants are located, for example, taverns and fast food establishments.

In a residential area, the most common type of business is a cafe or bar.

Public catering establishments should be located taking into account the uniform distribution of the network of enterprises throughout residential areas, but with their concentration in places of mass flow of potential consumers: on basic city highways, near hotels, train stations, markets, shopping, cultural, educational and sports centers , in areas where large industrial enterprises, dormitories, administrative institutions are located, and in places of public recreation for citizens.

When developing a project for a public enterprise, calculations begin with identifying the size of the population living in a city or region and determining the potential contingent of consumers.

The required number of places in public catering establishments for a given urban locality is calculated by the formula:

N · Pн

R= --- , (1)

Where R– number of places in local public catering establishments;

N– number of population living in the area, people;

R n– the norm of places per 1000 inhabitants. The standard for the estimated period on average in the country is 40 places, for the first stage - 28 places, for ᴦ. Moscow is 66 places per 1000 inhabitants.

Local (close) catering establishments are located relatively evenly in residential areas within walking distance (up to 500 m), are characterized, as a rule, by small capacity and selection of the type of enterprise that most accurately meets the specific needs of the population living in the immediate vicinity.

Urban enterprises come in a wide variety of types and capacities and should be formed in public and shopping centers, on highways and squares, near public transport stops, metro stations, railway and bus stations, etc., ᴛ.ᴇ. in places of heavy traffic of the population and visiting contingent.

The main types of public network enterprises and their capacity, recommended for mass construction, are given in Table 1.

Table 1 - Types and capacity of public catering establishments

#G0Enterprise Number of seats in the hall
Restaurant 50-200
Dining room 50-200
Including dietary 50-100
Canteen serving 25-100
Canteen at higher educational institutions 100-500
Cafe (general type) 50-200
Specialized cafe (youth, children's, confectionery, ice cream, dairy, etc.) 25-100
Snack bar (general type) 50-100
Specialized snack bars 25-100
Bars (wine, dairy, grill, etc.) 25-50
Beer pub 25-150
Buffet 8-50
Cafeteria 8-16
Complex enterprise 100-300
Cookery stores From 40 to 180 m of retail area

Catering establishments with more than 300 seats, considered as enterprises of citywide importance, are recommended to be designed according to special programs-tasks, taking into account the specific urban conditions of location, incl. labor and cultural and everyday connections of the population, the contingent of visitors, etc., incl. for resort areas with seasonal expansion of planting.

Close service establishments with a capacity of 25 to 75 seats, such as: cafes and specialized snack bars, bars, culinary stores, dietary and distribution canteens (the latter are recommended only when extremely important for certain groups, including pensioners , disabled people and charitable ones) are recommended to be placed built into residential buildings or form them as part of local shopping centers.

Enterprises of citywide importance can be located in separate buildings specially designed for catering establishments (with a capacity of 100 seats or more, as part of public and shopping centers, market complexes, at train stations, and can be located built-in in the areas of residential and public buildings, incl. .located in underground spaces.

There is an approximate structure of types of public catering establishments in urban public recreation areas, resorts, etc.

When designing food establishments serving a certain contingent of people eating (a “closed” network), the following are accepted as the standard for the number of places in food establishments:

At industrial enterprises - 250 places from the number of workers on the main shift, of which 50 places are for the organization of dietary and therapeutic nutrition, taking into account occupational hazards;

In transport – 125 places per 1000 workers;

In administrative buildings, office centers, research and banking institutions - 25% of the number of employees;

In secondary specialized educational institutions - 20% of the number of students;

In vocational schools - 33% of the number of students;

In schools - 333 places per 1000 students;

At universities - 20% of the number of students and teachers, incl. 13% - canteen for students and staff, 1% - canteen for teaching staff, 1% - buffet for teachers in the building, 2% - for organizing dietary meals, 3% - buffets. The estimated contingent should be taken according to the maximum number of full-time students plus 10% part-time;

At sanatoriums, holiday homes, health camps - 100%, and at boarding houses, tourist centers, campsites - 50% of the number of vacationers;

For hotels and other accommodation facilities, it must correspond to the number of people staying in hotels, and in buffets on the floors it must be at least 10%.

There are approximate standards for the number of seats and types of recommended catering establishments at entertainment enterprises (cinemas, concert halls), libraries, and sports facilities.

The number of places missing to the standard is calculated as the difference between the total need and the number of places available in existing public catering establishments.

Feasibility study of the project, its content and significance. In the process of developing a feasibility study, on the basis of which a design specification is drawn up, the following issues are resolved: providing production with raw materials, materials, energy, water and other resources; organization of transport flows of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products; technological schemes of production, organization and economics of production; use of automated control systems; use of the territory allocated for development and selection of the optimal master plan option. When developing a project, space-planning, architectural and structural solutions of buildings and structures are also compared; provide conditions for creating a rational organization of labor; compare the construction organization project, calculating the duration of its implementation; determine the estimated cost of construction and its main technical and economic indicators.

TOPIC No. 4: Functional structure of public catering enterprises - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "TOPIC No. 4: Functional structure of public catering enterprises" 2017, 2018.

Technologies and organization of food services
10010365 Social and cultural service and tourism
10020062 Tourism
08050265 Economics and management at the enterprise
tourism and hotel management
Institute of Service, Fashion and Design
Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business
Teacher: Fominykh I.L.
Topic 2. Organizational structure
catering establishments

Lecture plan
● Composition of departments of public enterprises
power supply:
– administrative premises;
- industrial premises;
– retail premises;
- warehouses;
– household premises;
- Technical buildings.
● Management structure of a food enterprise;
● Principles of management and placement of a network of enterprises

Requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities
The student must:
– Organizational and production structure
catering establishments and their dependence
on the type, class and power of the enterprise;
Be able to:
– Offer the best organizational option –
production structure of the catering enterprise in
depending on the type, class, power of the enterprise and
nature of the production process.

Organizational structure of the enterprise
1. Key concepts
2. Training material
3. Self-test questions
4. Recommended reading

Key Concepts
FRiO – Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers;
Head waiter - manager of service processes in
restaurants and bars;
Production personnel;
Service staff;
Organizational structure of a catering enterprise;
Management structure of a food enterprise.

Entrepreneurial cycle
catering establishments
Legal system
(controlling structure)
goods and services
Mass media
Tax system
(controlling structure)
Accounting system

Composition of enterprise divisions
Public enterprise
and organization
for staff

Composition of production premises
catering establishments
Industrial premises
catering establishments
(processing of raw materials and semi-finished products)
(production of finished products)
Meat shop
Meat shop
Meat and fish shop
Fish shop
Meat shop
Poultry shop
Vegetable shop
Meat and fish shop

Negotiable storage
Dry storage
Storage of dairy and fat products
Storing vegetables
And fruits
Fish storage
and fish p/f
Meat storage
and meat semi-finished products
Composition of warehouse premises
catering establishments

Composition of retail premises
catering establishments
Banquet halls
Shopping room
Retail premises

Composition of household and technical
premises of catering establishments
Thermal unit
Linen room
Rest rooms
Electrical control room

Managment structure
production process
catering establishments
on production
Head production
Pastry chef
Chef's assistant

Composition of production personnel

● OST 28-1-95 “Public catering. Requirements for production

Process Control Structure
catering services
(using the example of a restaurant)
for maintenance
Head waiter
Pom. waiter

Composition of service personnel
catering establishments
● GOST R 50935-96 “Public catering. Requirements for the attendant
Head waiter
on distribution

Shopping room
Marketing Service
Supply service
Organizational and managerial
structure of public enterprises

Organizational structure of the Federation
restaurateurs and hoteliers (FRiO)
The president
Vice President
foreign policy
Vice President
education, certification system
Vice President
politics, events
Vice President
interaction with government agencies and specialists.
Vice President
separate direction
Vice President
Coordination Council

Self-test questions
Organizational structure of P.O.P.
1. Describe the composition of enterprise divisions
2. Name the factors that determine the composition and structure
divisions of food enterprises.
3. Which premises of catering enterprises are combined into a group:
– warehouse;
– trading;
– production;
– household and technical premises?
4. Reproduce the process management structure:
– production;
– service;
– at catering establishments.

Recommended reading
1. Smagin I. N., Smagina D. A. Organization of commercial
activities in public catering. – M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2005.
– 336 p.
2. Usov V.V. Organization of production and service at
catering establishments: A textbook for beginners. prof.
Education. – M.: IRPO; ProfObrIzdat, 2002. – 416 p.
3. Skobkin S.S. Service practice in the hospitality industry and
tourism: Textbook/S.S. Skobkin. – M.: Master, 2007. – 493 p.
4. GOST R 50647-94 “Public catering. Terms and
5. GOST R 50762-95 “Public catering. Classification

Recommended reading
6. GOST R 50764-95 “Catering services. Are common
7. Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.
8. Magazine "Restaurant Gazette"
9. Magazine “Modern Restaurant”
10. Magazine “Public catering. Business and art."


In this course work, I examine the issue: Organization and management of an ice cream parlor with 50 seats."

An ice cream parlor is an enterprise specializing in the sale of various types of ice cream with and without toppings, milkshakes, hot and cold drinks, fruits, juices, and confectionery.

Having analyzed that this modern society largely consists of young families and older people, we can assume that this topic should be very relevant, but in view of other more global problems, it is not of great importance, but this is fixable. profitability turnover management financial

Catering Enterprise Management

Catering enterprise management functions

Analysis of the management process by its functions is the basis for establishing the amount of work for each function, determining the number of management employees, and designing the structure of the management apparatus.

There are basic, specific and special management functions.

The main management functions are common to all production and economic systems and apply to any management object. They are necessary for solving general management problems and are typical for the entire management process. Based on the content of the work performed, general management functions are classified as follows:

  • - forecasting and planning
  • - work organization
  • - coordination and regulation
  • - activation and stimulation
  • - control, accounting and analysis.

The implementation of each of the management functions of an enterprise and public catering organization includes the above standard elements of the management cycle.

The planning function includes developing work plans for the organization, public catering enterprise and each of its structural units and communicating these plans to all team members. Plans are developed based on forecasting, modeling and programming. The planning function is the main one in management, since the implementation of all other functions is subordinated to the tasks of achieving the results determined by the plan.

The work organization function ensures the interconnection and efficiency of all management functions. Its content is as follows: organization of work on long-term and current economic and social planning; organization of selection and placement of personnel according to functional criteria.

The regulation function ensures the sustainability and stability of the public catering system. By performing the regulation function, uniformity and consistency are achieved in production, service, supply, the given rhythm of the production and trading process, rational flows of raw materials, semi-finished products, material and technical equipment, the organizational and technical level of enterprises, and given technological standards are maintained. Regulation ensures stable relationships between members of the production team.

In public catering organizations, regulation mainly covers current measures to eliminate various deviations from planned targets and schedules. In management practice, this function

Important management functions are control, accounting and analysis. Effective operational control of execution and reliable accounting of all levels of production and management in the work are a necessary condition for the successful work of the production team, the proper education of personnel in the spirit of high responsibility for the assigned work and the strictest adherence to state discipline.

Control is intended to constantly provide information on the actual implementation of decisions. It is based on the principle of organizing feedback connections that arise during any interaction between a subject and an object in a control system.

The main task of monitoring the activities of public catering enterprises is not only to identify violations of trade rules, but also to prevent them. Control over the work of enterprises is carried out by higher organizations, the state inspection for the quality of goods and trade.

The state sanitary inspection and sanitary-epidemiological service pays great attention to the activities of public catering enterprises. They supervise and control the implementation of the rules of general and industrial sanitary hygiene, and also control the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological measures. They check compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards during the design, construction and reconstruction of enterprises, and organize control over the sanitary condition of existing enterprises. They have the right to suspend work if sanitary norms and rules are violated, to remove from work persons who are carriers of bacilli or who have not passed a medical examination, and to impose fines on persons guilty of violating sanitary rules.

A specific management function is determined by the tasks of managing the activities of an enterprise (association), the organization of public catering as a whole, or specific stages of the production and trading process, or individual areas of economic activity, or the tasks of information support for management, etc.

Specific management functions are classified according to the following criteria. Thus, the tasks of managing the activities of an enterprise (association) and public catering organization in general include: long-term and current technical, economic and social planning, organization of standardization work, accounting and reporting, economic analysis. The tasks of managing specific stages of the production and trading process include: management of technical preparation of production, organization of production, management of technological processes, operational management of production, organization of metrological support, technological control, sales of products and organization of customer service. The content of specific management functions depends on the place of the enterprise, the economic organization in the structure of the public catering management system, its degree of centralization of the management function, etc.

Full or partial coincidence of the content of management functions at different levels indicates their duplication, which reduces the efficiency of the management system and causes irrational labor costs.

Depending on the degree of centralization of management, the volume and characteristics of the production and economic activities of the enterprise, public catering organization in management practice, one function can be performed by several structural units or one structural unit may carry out several management functions.

In public catering organizations (enterprises), planning for the social development of teams has become widespread, which led to the formation of new special functions:

  • - organizing work to improve the social structure of the workforce, creating favorable working conditions
  • - organization of work to carry out activities aimed at increasing the social activity of the individual.

Management functions are the basis for building the structure of the management system of public catering enterprises (associations), which directly depends on the content, nature and complexity of their implementation.
