Training in the employment service. List of labor exchange services and free training courses

According to the current legislation in the field of road traffic, a person driving a vehicle on public roads is required to have a vehicle driving license. Before obtaining a license, a citizen must undergo the necessary training.

Studying for a license is possible both on a paid and free basis:

  • Paid - through a driving school that has the necessary license;
  • Free - through the labor exchange;
  • Free - through the military registration and enlistment office.
  • Free through children's and youth car clubs;
  • Free in educational institutions;
  • Free through employer.

Studying at a driving school

Anyone can take training for a driver's license at a driving school on a paid basis; this requires:

  1. Conclude an agreement with a driving school;
  2. Provide with the conclusions of a surgeon, therapist, neurologist, ENT specialist, ophthalmologist, narcologist, psychiatrist, otolaryngologist. Some driving schools provide the opportunity to undergo these specialists during the training process;

Driving school 2016 sets the tuition fee independently and varies from 18 to 25 thousand rubles. Payment can be made either at a time or in stages - it all depends on the driving school.

Obtaining rights through the labor exchange (employment center)

Citizens who have been declared unemployed in the prescribed manner can undergo training for their license in 2018 through the employment center. According to the current law, driving is a profession, and thanks to the labor exchange, citizens can get it. You can take driver courses through the labor exchange:

  • Car;
  • Loader;
  • Trolleybus.

The decision to send citizens to study (including as a driver) is made by the employment center if:

  1. The person has not received the necessary education;
  2. It is not possible to find a suitable job for a citizen due to his lack of necessary qualifications;
  3. It is necessary to change profession, since there is no job that meets the person’s qualifications;
  4. The applicant has lost the skills to perform work according to his qualifications.

In this case, the medical examination is free of charge. In addition, throughout the entire time the student receives a scholarship - its amount is established by law and is specified in Article 29 of Federal Law No. 1032 of April 19, 1991.

Obtaining a license through the military registration and enlistment office

This method is suitable for persons of military age who plan to enlist in the army in the near future. To apply for a license through the military commissariat, a citizen must apply there at least 6 months before conscription. Cat is considered basic for passing. C, but sometimes it is possible to study at the same time for 2 categories - C and B.

When studying through the military registration and enlistment office, a citizen may have a problem - in case of failure, the school may not provide documents for independent application to the traffic police. That is why it is important to carefully read all the documents you sign beforehand.

Training through children's and youth car clubs

In some regions of the country there are specialized car clubs for children and youth, where you can apply and learn to drive.

As a rule, such clubs provide initial skills - they teach you how to drive a car, but without passing an exam and obtaining a driving license. In some cases, it is possible to enter into an agreement with a car club partner, complete training on a paid basis and obtain a license. But it is important to note that summer is usually the holiday season for car clubs, so it is recommended to apply there in the fall or winter.

Obtaining rights when studying at an educational institution

There is a list of professions (military or civilian) in which obtaining a military education certificate is a prerequisite. If we talk about military professions, then we are talking about training at the military department. In civilian professions, having rights implies, for example, the specialty of an auto mechanic, which can be studied at school.

Also, some transport companies and other (both government and commercial) enterprises pay for driving licenses to their employees due to business needs. In a number of cases, the employee is asked to enter into an agreement with the employer, according to which he undertakes not to quit for a certain time - otherwise he will need to reimburse the cost spent on temporary employment.

General requirements for persons undergoing training

There are no restrictions set by law for studying the theoretical part, and you can start getting acquainted with traffic rules at any age. But for the practical part, the State Traffic Inspectorate has established age restrictions - you can learn to drive a motorcycle or a car no earlier than 16 years old. At the same age, you can take exams at the State Traffic Inspectorate for a license of categories “A1” and “M” and receive them;

In other cases, the age for obtaining a driving license depends on the category:

  • “A”, “B”, “C” “B1”, “C1” - from 18 years old;
  • “D”,”D1”,”Tb”,”Tm” - from 21 years of age;

Regardless of the age at which a citizen took the exams, he will be able to obtain a driving license no earlier than he turns 18 years old.

Learning process

The duration of training depends on the chosen category, as well as on the organization that trains future drivers. But if we consider the most common - this is category b, then the training program takes 190 hours (on average 3 months in a driving school) and is divided into 3 parts:

  1. Theoretical course - 130 hours;
  2. Practice - 56 hours;
  3. Exam – 4 hours.

After passing the theoretical and practical part, the student is required to pass exams, which are first taken by the driving school 2016, then by the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Graduating from college and university is often not enough to get a job. Many citizens are thinking about what free training courses are offered at the labor exchange in 2018 in order to improve their skills and become a sought-after specialist. Every person who does not have a job has the right to seek help from the nearest employment center and begin receiving appropriate benefits. If a citizen cannot be employed within a certain period of time, a specialist may offer to complete free courses in one of the areas. Main information A government agency, the employment service, is a multifunctional organization where you can not only find a job, but also improve your qualifications or gain new work skills. This service has a branch in every city in Russia.

Free training from the employment center: specialties, reviews

The training uses a modular system, which allows you to master the necessary skills in a shorter time. Also, in most cases, in addition to technical specialties, independent training in humanitarian areas is being introduced.

Lately, educators have been focusing on gameplay in education. Thus, information is better absorbed, professional skills are trained and developed.
Regardless of the chosen direction in the profession, business ethics and basic etiquette are practiced at the employment center. Retraining involves modular programs developed by employment center specialists.


If we consider the form of employee retraining, then this is definitely a full-time program. Depending on the number of groups, theoretical or practical classes can be completed either individually or in a group.

Retraining courses: what the employment center offers


Training for mothers on maternity leave from the employment center is widespread. During this period, they receive benefits and learn a new profession.

Benefits in training Although all unemployed citizens have the right to improve their qualifications, there are still priority groups of people who are given greater preference:

  • disabled people;
  • unemployed people who have been registered for more than 6 months;
  • dismissed citizens;
  • military personnel who have lost their jobs and their families;
  • school graduates.

For such people, the employment center offers all available professions from which they can choose the ones they like. It is important for the state to employ them first.

Free training from the employment center - list of courses

Advice. People who have experience in professional retraining advise persistently seeking a referral to the course that interests you at the employment center. It is also worth finding out on whose facilities the classes will be held.

For most specialties, give priority to universities. During the training process, the unemployed are paid a stipend.
One-time financial assistance is provided (upon request), as well as compensation for travel and accommodation if the employment center sent you to courses in another area. All benefits may be reduced or suspended if a person stops attending classes. After successful completion of the program, a state-issued document is issued confirming the acquisition of a new profession.

What free training courses are offered at the labor exchange in 2018?


    How to enroll in retraining courses

  • 4 Job Center: video

Courses from the employment center: the pros and cons of additional education Have you registered with the local employment center and have not yet received an interesting offer for your profession? Do you need a labor exchange to find a permanent job? In this case, try to get additional professional education. Special courses from the employment service are useful for the following reasons:

  • the proposed professions are usually in demand and relevant in the labor market;
  • there is an opportunity to discover a new area and yourself in a new area;
  • new knowledge definitely won’t hurt;
  • training is provided at the expense of the state;
  • The “student” is paid a stipend.

The courses are conducted not by employees of the employment center, but by specialists from educational institutions that won the competition.

Procedure for taking courses at the employment center

  • Auditor;
  • Auditor;
  1. Working professions:
  • Locksmith;
  • Milling operator;
  • Plumber;
  • Tiler;
  • Turner;
  • Furniture assembler;
  • Picker;
  • Machine operator;
  1. Service specialties:
  • Assistant Manager;
  • Confectioner;
  • Hairdresser;
  • Manicurist;
  • Waiter;
  • Baker;
  • Bartender;
  • Elevator;
  1. Private enterprise;
  2. Computer technologies:
  • Programmer;
  • Website layout designer;
  • Graphic designer;
  1. Medical professions:
  • Nurse (nurse);
  • Pharmacist.

Accurate information regarding the list of specialties for which you can retrain for free will be provided by the local labor exchange.

How can you take courses from the employment center in 2018?

Extraordinary right to free education The following categories of citizens have the right to take courses out of turn:

  • who have received the status of a disabled person (if there is a medical certificate indicating the need to change profession);
  • adoptive parents, parents, guardians of a child with disabled status;
  • citizens who have been unable to find employment for more than 6 months (mandatory condition - registration with the Employment Center);
  • military personnel with their wives after their dismissal;
  • citizens who have graduated from educational institutions and are employed for the first time.

Thanks to taking courses, a person can realize himself in a new professional activity, successfully find a job, or exchange difficult working conditions for optimal ones. Advantages and disadvantages of retraining from the Employment Center Retraining from the labor exchange has its advantages and disadvantages.

What courses can you take and complete from the labor exchange in 2018?

The main advantages are that even people with a criminal record and disabilities can find work. Until they are employed, they are entitled to a benefit, the amount of which is not equal to the average wage, but will still allow them to buy food and some necessary things.

Are benefits paid during the course? If a citizen is sent by a specialist at an employment center for training, he is guaranteed to be paid a scholarship. Classes are held in specially designated places - classrooms and training centers, with which the employment office has entered into a cooperation agreement.

After the training process is completed, the payment of the scholarship stops and the citizen continues to go for interviews. At the same time, the chances of successful employment increase significantly.

Moscow cities

Let's look at the advantages:

  • receiving benefits;
  • new professional skills;
  • the opportunity to find a new job;
  • special programs for disabled people and convicted citizens.

As for the minuses, they are:

  • in-demand areas are always filled with people willing to study, so periodically you have to wait for a new intake;
  • the vocational training program in free courses may not be the latest, which means the need for independent partial training;
  • A citizen is removed from the labor exchange after he has twice refused the offered vacancies.

Payment of benefits during retraining During training courses, citizens are paid a scholarship and provided with financial assistance.
An unemployed person can be offered not only retraining, but also advanced training in his specialty. Another certificate will not hurt, for example, when applying for a job as an accountant. An employer is often looking for an employee with experience that graduates of higher education and other educational institutions do not have enough. Training in the Employment Center courses is free for students. But this educational program also has disadvantages:

  1. The employment center doesn’t care what specialty you are taught. To enroll in a course in a profession that interests you, you may need to wait.
  2. The technical base in educational institutions is often poor and outdated, especially in the regions.
  3. After retraining, the range of jobs offered expands.

What specialties are retrained for at the employment center?

If a citizen falls ill while studying, he is paid a benefit (if the sick leave is confirmed by the Employment Center). If a person missed classes or had poor academic performance, his scholarship may be canceled for a period of one month, or reduced by 25%.

Termination of scholarship payments occurs in the following cases:

  • training has been successfully completed;
  • the student was expelled from the course through his own fault;
  • The student voluntarily decided to quit his studies.

Attention! During maternity and pregnancy leave, the stipend is not paid. Interesting fact! Studying courses and work can be combined if this does not harm the educational process. If a citizen is sent to take courses in another region, the funds he spent on travel are returned to him and a daily allowance is paid.

If necessary, rented housing is paid for.
Therefore, an exact list will be given to you only at your employment center. How to enroll in retraining courses Courses last from 1 to 6 months. Recruitment of groups, start and end of training takes place at different times of the year, not necessarily in September or January. In addition, there are queues for popular training groups.

Therefore, you may be lucky to get into a program for a profession that interests you immediately, or maybe months later. Also, after registering with the employment center, you are unlikely to be promptly offered to join educational courses.

You can receive advanced training or a completely new specialty. The following have priority to receive a referral:

  • disabled people;
  • unemployed who have been registered for more than 6 months;
  • people laid off from work;
  • discharged military personnel and their spouses;
  • citizens who are looking for their first job, as well as those without a profession, incl.

Free courses at the Employment Center are aimed at professional retraining of personnel for their successful employment. Every willing unemployed citizen has the right to register his status at the labor exchange and undergo training.

What courses does the Employment Center offer?

The employment center is a government agency focused on providing assistance to people in need of work. The institution's database contains vacancies that are offered to the unemployed population.

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List of areas for study

List of educational areas:

  • warehouse and transport logistics;
  • information systems;
  • information Technology;
  • security;
  • cashier;
  • storekeeper;
  • hairdresser;
  • crane operator;
  • salesman;
  • tourism manager;
  • driver (category C and B);
  • cook;
  • tailor.
Attention! This list may change depending on the location of the labor exchange. The exact list of educational areas can be clarified at the Employment Center at your place of residence.

The duration of training ranges from 1 month to six months. Upon completion of their studies, students are issued a diploma of professional development.

Who can undergo retraining

Retraining at the Employment Center is available to citizens who have been unemployed for 6 months or longer. The purpose of retraining is to acquire new skills and abilities for successful employment, if previous education did not contribute to improving the working situation.

People have the right to independently choose the direction of vocational training. During the period of study, the payment of the monthly allowance does not stop.

After training, specialists from the Employment Center will offer citizens suitable job vacancies.

If a person cannot choose a specialization on his own, the labor exchange will provide him with free consultation on choosing a profession, a conversation with a specialist and the necessary tests.

Situations for referral to courses

List of situations in which the Employment Center sends for training:

  • lack of any qualifications;
  • it is necessary to improve qualifications for employment;
  • Successful employment requires a radical change of profession.

The courses are aimed at:

  • effective employment;
  • opening your own business;
  • increasing professional competitiveness in the labor market.

How to enroll in retraining courses

All unemployed people registered with this institution have the right to undergo training from the labor exchange. If a person is not registered with the Employment Center as unemployed, he will not be able to enroll in specialist retraining courses for free.

After a citizen decides on his specialization, he will need to enter into a specific agreement with the labor exchange. Only after this the curriculum will become available to him.

Required documents

To enroll in training, you need to collect a package of documents:

  • statement;
  • ID card;
  • if the person previously worked, you will need a work book;
  • evidence of previously completed training (diploma, certificate, certificate);
  • if a citizen previously worked, a certificate of income is needed (for 3 months);
  • if a citizen is disabled, a rehabilitation program is required.

If a citizen wishes to undergo training again, he will only need to submit a rehabilitation program, if he is disabled, and an identity card.

Extraordinary right to free education

The following categories of citizens have the right to take courses out of turn:

  • who have received the status of a disabled person (if there is a medical certificate indicating the need to change profession);
  • adoptive parents, parents, guardians;
  • citizens who have been unable to find employment for more than 6 months (mandatory condition - registration with the Employment Center);
  • with their wives after their dismissal;
  • citizens who have graduated from educational institutions and are employed for the first time.

Thanks to taking courses, a person can realize himself in a new professional activity, successfully find a job, or exchange difficult working conditions for optimal ones.

Advantages and disadvantages of retraining from the Employment Center

Retraining from the labor exchange has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at the advantages:

  • receiving benefits;
  • new professional skills;
  • the opportunity to find a new job;
  • special programs for disabled people and convicted citizens.

As for the minuses, they are:

  • in-demand areas are always filled with people willing to study, so periodically you have to wait for a new intake;
  • the vocational training program in free courses may not be the latest, which means the need for independent partial training;
  • A citizen is removed from the labor exchange after he has twice refused the offered vacancies.

Payment of benefits during retraining

During the course, citizens are paid a scholarship and provided with financial assistance. If a citizen falls ill while studying, he is paid a benefit (if the sick leave is confirmed by the Employment Center).

If a person missed classes or had poor academic performance, his scholarship may be canceled for a period of one month, or reduced by 25%.

Termination of scholarship payments occurs in the following cases:

  • training has been successfully completed;
  • the student was expelled from the course through his own fault;
  • The student voluntarily decided to quit his studies.
Attention! During maternity and pregnancy leave, the stipend is not paid. Interesting fact! Studying courses and work can be combined if this does not harm the educational process.

If a citizen is sent to take courses in another region, the funds he spent on travel are returned to him and a daily allowance is paid. If necessary, rented housing is paid for.

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February 27, 2018, 20:07 March 3, 2019 13:38

Vocational training is an accelerated form of students acquiring professional skills. In particular, the training is short-term (up to 6 months), intensive.

The course includes theoretical classes and practical training (at least 50% of the curriculum). Professions in demand in the labor market.

Who is sent for training and for what purpose?

According to the Law “On Employment in the Russian Federation” (Article 23), only citizens officially registered as unemployed can be sent to vocational training.

Training is carried out in cases where:

  1. the citizen does not have a profession (specialty);
  2. it is impossible to find a suitable job due to the citizen’s lack of the necessary professional qualifications;
  3. the existing profession is not in demand on the labor market;
  4. the ability to perform work in the previous profession (specialty) has been lost.

Training is carried out with the aim of further employment, increasing competitiveness in the labor market, self-employment, and starting your own business.

Types of vocational training:

Vocational training is the accelerated acquisition of skills necessary to perform a specific job or group of jobs.

Professional retraining – obtaining additional knowledge, skills and abilities to perform a new type of professional activity, as well as obtaining new qualifications within the existing field of training.

Advanced training is updating knowledge, skills and abilities in order to increase professional skills and increase competitiveness in existing professions, as well as studying new equipment, technology and other issues related to the profile of professional activity.

Internship (one of the types of advanced training) - the formation and consolidation in practice of theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities, the acquisition of professional and organizational qualities to perform professional duties.

What profession can you get?

Small and medium-sized businesses (real estate specialist, beekeeper, manager, realtor, estimator, software specialist, accountant, economics and enterprise management, organizer of a trading company, apartment building management specialist and others);).

Tourism and folk crafts (hostess of a guest house, tourism specialist, manufacturer of artistic products made of wood, birch bark, vines, wood and birch bark carver, lacemaker, weaver, seamstress, tour guide, etc.);

Agriculture and forestry, industry (general tractor driver, driver, forester, timber feller, framer, slinger, milking machine operator, woodworking machine operator, etc.); .

Textile and clothing industry (weaver, spinner, seamstress, lacemaker, tailor, knitter, etc.);

Housing and communal services (boiler room operator, boiler room operator (stoker), welder, electrician, elevator operator, etc.);

Construction (painter, plasterer, bricklayer, electric and gas welder, slinger, stove maker, crane operator, carpenter, tiler, carpenter);

Sphere of production (mechanic, turner, milling operator, electrician, machine operator, grinder, etc.);

Service industry (driver, waiter, hairdresser, massage therapist, SBT repairman, cosmetologist, manicurist, pedicurist).

Where does vocational training take place?

Vocational training for unemployed citizens is carried out in organizations, educational institutions of vocational and additional education of all forms of ownership in accordance with contracts concluded by employment service bodies.

In particular, training takes place in universities, technical schools, colleges, lyceums, training centers, training centers, centers of traditional folk culture and other organizations. Training is conducted on a full-time basis (in groups or individually).

Upon successful completion of professional training, professional retraining, advanced training, a citizen is issued a document of a state or established standard.

The employment service pays a stipend

During the period of study, the citizen is paid a scholarship in the manner and under the conditions provided for by the Law “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation”. The scholarship is awarded from the first day of study.

Employment service authorities, if necessary, can pay the cost of travel (to the place of training and back) and expenses associated with accommodation of citizens sent by employment service authorities for vocational training in another locality.

You might be interested.

An unemployed citizen who has registered with the Labor Exchange has the right to count on training from the Employment Center. This right is given by Articles 9 and 12 of the Law on “Employment in the Russian Federation” of 1991. Referral to study of an applicant who has applied for help in finding a job in accordance with the established procedure takes place in situations where:

  • the applicant is not qualified;
  • there is a need to change the type of occupation, since there are no vacancies on the exchange that meet the qualification requirements of the applicant;
  • a citizen cannot perform duties according to his qualifications, since he has lost the necessary skills.

Purpose of qualification: further employment of an unemployed citizen.

Completion of training

Individual citizens have priority in receiving free training from the Employment Service. These include:

  • persons with disabilities;
  • families with disabled children;
  • citizens after six months of unemployment;
  • discharged military personnel;
  • job seekers for the first time, graduates of educational institutions;
  • citizens who served in conscript military service and were discharged within 3 years.

Payments to applicants during training

The state, through its authorities, pays a stipend and conducts medical examinations free of charge.

What profession can you learn through training?

The employment service can direct you to various courses, but employers give priority to vacancies in blue-collar occupations: installer, mechanic, electrician, plumber, etc. But this does not mean that only these areas will be offered on courses. In addition to them, the priority ones include:

  • accountant;
  • hairdresser;
  • elevator operator;
  • security guard;
  • telecom operator;
  • nurse;
  • storekeeper, etc.

Training takes place in educational institutions that enter into agreements with Employment Centers. Training is conducted face-to-face, in groups or individually. Upon successful completion of the courses, the citizen is issued a document indicating receipt of qualifications.

Payments during the training period

Citizens enrolled in courses receive a stipend from the Employment Center, but not unemployment benefits. The amount of the scholarship is established by current legislation; in difficult life situations, citizens have the right to additional financial assistance.

The stipend is also paid during the student’s illness. The fact of illness is confirmed by a certificate of temporary incapacity for work. The sick leave must be issued to the territorial Employment Center where the citizen is registered. The scholarship may be reduced by a quarter and may not be paid. This usually happens due to the student’s poor academic performance, absenteeism without a reason recognized as valid. Termination of scholarship payments occurs in the following cases:

  • completion of courses;
  • expulsion of the applicant due to poor academic performance or the commission of an offense;
  • completion of training on personal initiative.

If a woman goes on maternity leave during her studies, the scholarship is not paid.

Citizens can take courses and also work in paid public works. During training, the citizen is assigned the right to receive a scholarship. But provided that he regularly attends courses, keeps up with his studies and does not truant.

The employment service may send a citizen to study in another area. In this case, he is compensated for travel (there and back), expenses for a day while traveling to the place of study, and payment for housing for the entire period of study. This is financial assistance provided by the state.
