About stock trading. How to start trading on the Moscow stock exchange. Tip #2. adjust your profit expectations

The question of how to trade stocks on the stock exchange is relevant both for beginners who simply want to diversify their lives and try something new, and for experienced investors who have been trading on the stock market for several years. Why is that? Yes, because the stock market changes in accordance with global trading trends, and therefore it is simply impossible to use the same strategy all the time. What brought income yesterday, today, and even more so tomorrow, will not work and bring dividends on shares. And then the most relevant and effective ways of how to trade on the stock exchange correctly and what the most effective and popular strategies are used by successful brokers are presented.

Where to start trading on the stock exchange

Before presenting the most effective ways to trade on the stock exchange, you need to understand where to start trading so as not to lose and at least stay afloat for some time. To do this, it is imperative to carry out good preparatory work.

This preparatory stage consists of the following procedures:

Thus, it turns out that it is almost impossible to just start trading on the stock exchange. Or rather, you can trade, but gaining rich experience, skills and profit is almost impossible. Another thing is that you need to calmly accept the fact that trading in shares is a risky activity associated with risks of unprofitability. Therefore, as in any business, what is important is perseverance, desire, skills and, let’s not hide, some “gut instinct” that allows you to invest in those assets that are not in demand, but in the long term bring a certain rate of margin.

Comprehensive work and preparation is the key to effective entry into the stock market.

Effective strategies in the stock market

The stock market has been around for a long time. Therefore, there are well-known methods and methods that almost all traders use. Another thing is that in each individual case it is necessary to use different methods and different strategies. But below will be a list of the most effective strategies that allow you to achieve success in stock trading.

Effective stock trading strategies:

  1. Investing on the downside. This means that in a permanent state of decreasing profit volume, all investors sell shares, and then, when the value of these shares decreases, they buy them and again increase the market price of the shares. A fairly popular method is when some kind of artificial panic is created for a specific block of shares, and then a stable state is established in the market and the value of the shares increases significantly;
  2. Long-term strategy for investing in company assets . An investor invests in assets that currently do not have a high value, but presumably have growth prospects. In this case, it is possible to receive income only in a very long term, since assets increase in value only after years or decades.

    Otherwise, you may not understand and guess, and lose, because this indicator does not always grow. And if it grows, then only due to the inflation index, no more.

  3. Investing when the company's value grows. A fairly popular method among those investors who want to make money in the short term. But you also need to be sure that the company has growth prospects and that the current share price is not the maximum and will soon increase. The peculiarity of such investments is that, as a rule, the price of such shares is high and is suitable for experienced and wealthy investors.

These are, so to speak, the most effective and popular strategies. But, as a rule, experienced investors use three methods at once to diversify their investment portfolio. Here, as with currency risks, in order to protect your capital as much as possible, you need to keep your savings in different currencies. Same with stocks. It is necessary to invest in both long-term and short-term assets.

Investor or trader

Considering the issue of trading shares on the stock exchange, it should be said that there are those who simply trade securities and earn their minimum on the resale of shares, and there are those who invest in shares and make money on them only by increasing the nominal value of the company. So the first market subjects are called traders . And the second - investors . The first are aimed exclusively at resale, while others allow for the possibility of not only selling, but also long-term preservation of assets.

Classification of investors in the stock market:

  • Short-term investors. Characterized by the fact that they buy securities and other assets on the exchange only for a few days or weeks. Their task is to sell assets at a price higher than the purchase price. Such assets do not remain the property of the entity;
  • Medium-term investors. Such investors are characterized by buying shares for a period of up to one year. Then the shares are sold;
  • Long-term investors. Consequently, they buy assets and securities for a period of more than 1 year. And then, based on the analysis, they decide whether to sell or not sell the shares.

Depending on which category an investor belongs to, he uses different methods of analysis. For example, short-term investors work exclusively with technical specifications, but medium- and long-term investors work not only with the technical parameters of assets, but also with the basics of fundamental analysis.
But not only investors have their own classification. Securities and asset traders also have their own classification.

Classification of stock market traders:

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  1. Day traders. They work quickly, even lightning fast. They make money on minute price fluctuations.
  2. Swing traders. They work based on fluctuations in securities prices. As a rule, they purchase securities, hold them in their portfolio for several days or weeks, and then, when the time is favorable, sell them;
  3. Scalpers. The so-called speculators, who immediately acquire assets, put them up for sale and earn money solely on the basis of an established premium.

The only good thing is that each market player makes an independent decision about who he wants to be at the moment. The same market player can be a long-term investor in some assets and a swing trader in others. There are no restrictions.

What to choose and how much time it takes

And here the question arises: What is better to choose: long-term investing or short-term trading? Let us note right away that long-term investment has the least risks, which sooner or later, if it does not bring profit, will at least recoup the investment taking into account the price index. Long-term trading and investment can be predicted and are subject to less market fluctuation.
If you consider yourself to be someone who is willing to take risks, and the invested amount is not something important and critical for you, then you can try short-term trading. But here it is important to accept the fact: that the risks are high, at the initial stage the losses will be large, and the profit may not be received at all. When investing short-term, it is always necessary to have a certain reserve of funds that will allow you to replenish your stock of securities daily.
Another question that worries most potential investors: How much time will be spent on the trading process? The question is relevant because many successful investors are people who work on trading platforms in addition to their main place of work, so they cannot devote all their time to this process.
And here, too, everything depends on what role the investor and trader choose: invest in long-term assets or short-term ones, for example, acting as a scalper. If money is invested in long-term securities, then it is enough to look at the stock exchange once a week or a couple of times a month and monitor the situation. Let us remind you that many exchange platforms allow you to automatically set the rate of profit that the trader wants to receive. If it is achieved due to changes in the value of securities, the shares will be automatically sold, and the trader will receive a fixed amount of margin.
When it comes to short-term trading, then you need to devote a whole day of work to such a process, since you will have to track minute fluctuations in stock prices, sell or buy securities at an acceptable and profitable price.

Thus, we can conclude that each market player can choose one of three strategies:

  • Active. An active strategy is one that involves the daily activities of market players through short-term work and making a profit. Funds are invested in order to generate income from the resale of assets.
  • Briefcase. A portfolio strategy is an exclusively long-term strategy, when a trader works for the future and invests money in securities that can only bring income in the future.
  • Mixed. It is characterized by diversification of the investment portfolio, when the investor works depending on personal circumstances and the nature of the stock market.


D In order to successfully trade shares on the stock exchange, it is not enough to have money and desire. One of the most important stages for achieving success is thorough preparation, including theoretical preparation. It is necessary to learn about the peculiarities of the stock market and understand the concepts of the most successful traders. Without a theoretical basis, it is difficult to begin practical work, since in the process of work it is necessary to understand what is happening, what the key operations mean, etc. There are many good books and recommendations on the Internet.
After the theoretical basis, it is necessary to competently approach the choice of a trader represented in the country. It is necessary to choose a proven and reliable intermediary who will allow you to receive your earned money. ( 10 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

In the last issue of Fortrader magazine we started to look at it. In this article I will try to show practically in pictures, How does stock trading work?, so that it is easier for you to navigate the trading terminal, and you do not make the mistakes that I wrote about earlier.

So, you have done an analysis of the securities and decided to purchase them. What to do next?

Stock trading. We check “Orders”, “Stop orders”, “Transactions” and “Portfolio”

In the Transac trading terminal (we will show the trading process using its example), we need to carry out a number of actions that will not only allow us to complete the intended transaction, but also protect it from technical flaws.

For our example, I decided to buy shares of Severstal. To do this, I did technical and fundamental analysis of the securities. I already have some shares in my portfolio, but their share is less than 5%, and I would like to bring the volume closer to this value or even a little more. What should I do?

  • Paragraph 1. I find in my terminal 4 most important tables “Orders”, “Stop orders”, “Transactions” and “Portfolio”.
  • Point 2. I check to see if there is money in my briefcase to buy.
  • Point 3. I’m checking to see if I’ve already submitted bids for the purchase of Severstal.

Table of "Requests"(see Fig. 1) says that in my portfolio there is an order to purchase Gazprom Neft, InterRAO and Severstal. Does this mean that we need to abandon the deal with Severstal? No! I want to buy the stock right now, and let the existing order remain to add to the position up to 10% if the stock falls.

Stop orders table informs me that I already have a loss limiter () in case, after the purchase, Severstal shares begin to fall. The number of securities in the stop loss is indicated as “100% of the position”, this means that the trading terminal will sell, if an unacceptable risk for me is reached, all the Severstal shares that will be in the portfolio at that time.

Portfolio table says that I have about 128,000 rubles in available funds (field “Current position”). The system will let me spend it on Severstal. But you need to remember that there are three more applications submitted and either release the funds or check the “Use loan” checkbox. In some systems, credit is given automatically - be careful about this to avoid exceeding your desired position size.

In the "Transactions" table no information. This means that I didn’t do them today. Most trading terminals only remember information about your transactions for one day, so keep a diary to record your transactions.

If you, like me, use or plan to use the Transac trading terminal, pay attention to what fields I have in four tables. This is the most important information needed for trading.

We look at the levels of supply and demand

  • Point 4. Let's take a look at the “Dom of Quotes”.

It’s more convenient for me to do it from the chart, but I definitely need to check the current position of demand and supply in the “Quotes” table (in stock exchange slang in the “Domware of Quotes”).

In the “Dom of Quotes” we find the “Sell” field, closest to the center. Using it, we can find out what is the best offer for sale right now. If everything suits us, then we can buy securities at the market. If not, then we place a limited or conditional order so that it awaits the security at the level we need.

Limited order stands until the end of the trading session, validity period conditional application we exhibit ourselves.

We buy securities at market prices

  • Point 5. We buy securities on the market.

For simplicity and in order to see the movement of the account, we will buy securities at the current market price. To do this, click on the price on the chart and fill out the application. I want to buy one lot of Severstal shares on the market.

  • A lot is the minimum number of shares that can be bought or sold.
  • The price in the “Book of Quotes” is displayed per share, and we trade in lots.

note that the final price of the transaction may be higher or lower than the one that you see as the best in the book of quotes at the time of purchasing the securities. Therefore, consider the supply volume and the nearest offer prices, not just the best one.

Latest checks and notes in the diary

  • Point 6. We are checking the application.

Many trading terminals will ask you to check your application. Don't neglect this feature.

  • Point 7. We check the result in the portfolio.

In the “Application” table we see the status of our application – “Completed”. The mark “Executed” means that the transaction has been completed. We look at the final price in the “Transactions” table and write it down in the diary.

I also increased the number of papers in the “Portfolio” table. As I wanted, the position size became just over 5%.

Typically, after making a trade or when I place a limit order, I place a stop loss. But as I explained earlier, this action is not required for such an account.

As you can see, technically trading in the stock market is not difficult, but it requires some care at first to avoid making annoying mistakes. If you still have unclear points about the trading process, I will be glad to answer your questions.

The topic of today's publication is the stock market and stock market trading. From it you will learn what it is stock exchange trading as a way to make money, how accessible and promising it is for the common man, how you can make money from it, what alternatives there are, and what to do to start trading securities.

So, stock market(securities market) is a kind of trading space in which you can buy and sell securities of various issuers. The stock market is one of the four largest markets in the world, which also includes the foreign exchange, commodity and money markets.

The commodity on the securities market is, logically, securities, mainly . By following the link you can read in detail how they differ from each other, here I will dwell on this very briefly:

Promotion- this is, in fact, some kind of share of the company, so its value changes along with how the market price of the issuing company changes. On shares, you can receive both speculative income from resale at a better price, and dividends - part of the company's distributed profit. The better a company does on the market, the higher the value of its shares.

Bond is a debt obligation, a monetary loan from the issuing company from the investor, which is repayable, and for which the company pays specified interest. The value of bonds varies not based on the price of the company, as in the case of shares, but based on its reliability, the level of risk that the company will go bankrupt, the bond will not be repaid and the income will not be paid. The higher the reliability of a company, the lower the yield of its bonds, and vice versa. As a company approaches bankruptcy, the price of its bonds falls, as does the price of its shares.

The stock market is an exchange market, trading on it is carried out through stock exchanges. Trading on the stock exchange at the end of the last century was available only to professional market participants, but now, with the development of new technologies, it can actually be done by anyone with a computer device and Internet access.

The stock market can be conditionally divided into domestic and foreign markets, on which, respectively, securities of domestic and foreign issuers are quoted. Among the countries of the post-Soviet space, the Russian stock market has received the greatest development; in other countries, the stock market as such is practically absent, although, of course, certain securities are issued, bought and sold. The American and European stock markets are also of interest for making money, where you can trade securities of the world's largest corporations.

For a resident of America or Europe, owning shares of some companies is as common as it is for us to own. Many of them, of course, own securities only for the purpose of receiving dividends or coupon income, or invest in the stock market for the long term, but there are also plenty of people who regularly trade on the stock exchange, sometimes even teenagers do this.

In this same publication, I will look at trading on the stock exchange as a way to actively make money.

Trading on the stock market.

Trading on the stock exchange can bring much greater income than investing in securities, but the risks of loss are, naturally, much higher. Let's look at how to start trading in the stock market.

1. Required amount. First of all, it should be noted that for this it is not necessary to have a capital of millions, as many mistakenly believe. The minimum amount to start trading on the stock exchange can now range from 1 to 10 thousand dollars, and on the domestic stock market - even from 10 thousand rubles. The exact minimum threshold amount depends on the intermediary you choose.

2. Trade training. Before you start trading on the stock market, you need to study, at a minimum, the basic principles of how this market works and how to trade, and learn how to predict the movement of securities quotes with a high degree of accuracy, because this is the main principle of making money. Here you will have to master two directions: and the market. By following the links you can get acquainted in more detail with what these areas of analysis are, I will just briefly explain:

Fundamental Analysis studies real economic, political and psychological factors that can influence securities quotes on the stock market, both at the country level and at the level of specific companies;

Technical analysis studies price charts in order to predict their changes using mathematical methods.

3. Selecting a reseller. Gaining access to trading on the stock market on your own is very difficult and unrealistic for the average person. Therefore, those who want to make money on stock market speculation trade through intermediaries. In this case, they may be brokerage companies or some commercial banks. The choice of such an intermediary must be approached very carefully, analyzing all aspects: from reliability and honesty to the amount of commissions that will have to be paid for transactions performed and servicing the trading account.

4. Installation of a trading terminal. To trade on the stock exchange, you will need to download and install a special program - a trading terminal and master its operation. This can be done through the website of your intermediary.

5. Training on a demo account. Before you start trading on the stock market with real money, I strongly recommend that you open and practice making transactions without the risk of financial losses. With the help of a demo account, you can fully master the operation of the trading terminal and build your own trading strategy and tactics, that is, learn how to trade in a way that consistently brings profit.

6. Opening a trading account and starting trading. I do not recommend moving to this stage if you have not yet completely completed the previous one, that is, you have not learned how to consistently make a profit from your trading on the stock exchange (one-time successful transactions do not count). You also need to understand that the beginning of transactions with real money is always accompanied by a certain psychological attack: a trader can become obsessed with excitement and begin to make transactions on emotions, which is categorically not accepted by the stock market, and any other transactions with money too. Therefore, be extremely careful and attentive, do not deviate from the trading strategy developed on the demo account without compelling reasons.

If someone tells you that trading the stock market is an easy way to make big money quickly - don't believe it!

Of course, there are many success stories of people who have made millions and billions of dollars in the stock market. Just look at who they are and read their success stories: almost all of them got rich by investing in stocks. But these are isolated cases, many more people have lost their investments here, you probably don’t want to join their list.

It is worth noting that trading on the stock market is to some extent less risky than, for example, but at the same time, you can also find some disadvantages here in comparison with the foreign exchange market. I think that in one of the next articles on Financial Genius I will conduct a comparative analysis of these two ways of making money on stock speculation.

For those who want to make money trading securities, but are afraid to do it themselves (which is quite justified), there are alternatives: investing in or transferring capital to companies that trade in the stock market.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that from 2015 it will be possible to open in Russia, which will allow optimizing the taxation of profits received from trading securities (both independently and by transferring money to management).

In general, we can say that trading on the stock exchange is a good, interesting tool for increasing capital, which can be used as both a main and an additional source of income. But it is worth remembering that any tool works well only in skilled hands, and if used illiterately and unprofessionally, it can cause serious harm and damage.

Now you have a basic understanding of what the stock market is and how trading is done on the stock exchange. In future publications I will consider this topic in more detail. Stay with us, follow new publications and improve your financial literacy. See you again!

I receive a lot of questions from people who want to start trading on the stock exchange and make money through speculation. They ask for a vector, a sequential algorithm of actions. In this article, I will tell you without embellishment and give answers to questions about what you need to know and where to start trading on the stock exchange.

Exchange trading is becoming more and more popular in Russia and the CIS countries. Everyone is interested in how to make money by speculating in the stock market. To inexperienced people, trading on the stock exchange is perceived as an opportunity to earn easy money. Or, on the contrary, those who are of an older background and have experienced all the delights of financial pyramids from the times of MMM treat the stock exchange in the same way as another money scam.

The point of view of both people has a right to exist, but has nothing to do with reality. Trading on the market is a legal activity with its own rules and procedures, supervised by government regulatory authorities.

Trading on the stock exchange attracts with its imaginary simplicity. Anyone who approaches business with such thoughts will subsequently suffer defeat, be disappointed, and never return to trading. Persistent and hardworking people achieve success. However, there is nothing new in this. This is the case in any business, only on the stock exchange there are no rental fees, penalties, difficulties with logistics, personnel and other things inherent in a business in the real sector. All you need is a trading account and a computer with Internet access. That's it, you can already work and earn money.

If you are determined to start trading on the stock exchange, then carefully study this article. All this has been tested on myself and with my own money.

Initial settings

I repeat. The very first thing a novice speculator must understand is that there is no such thing as easy money, there is no freebie, and the stock exchange is no exception in this regard. As with any activity, you will have to work hard to achieve results. There is no need to carry sacks here, nor load wagons. It will be necessary to work exclusively with your head. But believe me, it's worth it.

  • Never quit your job, thinking that you will immediately earn a lot of money for your living by trading on the stock exchange. Trading involves risk. Here, money is both earned and no one is immune from losses.
  • At the initial stage, consider trading as a hobby, but take this matter seriously. Additional income from speculation may well exceed your salary at your main job by several times.. Potentially, endless enrichment is possible in trading. It just depends on your trading skills.
  • Take your time. Try to do everything thoroughly and think it through to the end. A big mistake of novice traders is haste. I know a lot of stories when a person, without properly studying the subject area, started trading and lost to smithereens. Since it was not trading, but a game, no different from a casino. But trading on the stock exchange is not a casino, and you will have to pay for frivolity.
  • Do not bring your last money to the stock exchange, which means a lot to you. Do not take loans for trading, and do not borrow. You should start trading with free amount.

Try not to advertise left and right that you have started trading. Pressure from outside is of no use to you at the initial stage. Do it for yourself, silently and calmly. You will sound the trumpet when you get positive results. Although you won’t have to blow the whistle, everyone will notice and start asking where you made your money :)

Realize that you will need time to study and gain experience to get results. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the person: his desire to learn and his desire to achieve results. Just try to be consistent in everything.

If you want to significantly save time on learning stock trading, then I recommend going through.

Domain Study

There is no need to invest money at the first stage, because... First you need to thoroughly study the subject area. Often, for beginners and those who want to “start getting rich quickly now,” everything happens exactly the opposite. They immediately take money to the stock exchange without studying the subject. It’s clear how such stories end - wasted money, time and nerves. It is necessary to understand what trading on the stock exchange is all about.

What you need to learn to trade on the stock exchange

You need to know the specifics of the exchange you are going to trade on.

  • principles of operation of the exchange;
  • tools of the trade;
  • bidders;
  • principle of price formation;
  • why the price rises/falls;
  • trading time;
  • tool specifications,
  • types of market analysis;
  • etc.

In general, study your field of activity. As a rule, the website of the exchange on which you plan to trade is sufficient for this. All of the information listed above is publicly available there. In addition to the website, it would be a good idea to read additional literature about trading on the stock exchange.

Literature about the stock exchange

There are many books on stock trading. I read a lot of them, not counting the information on various sites and forums on stock exchange topics. Of all the books I've read, the books that stand out the most that I can recommend are:

  1. . V. Tvardovsky, S. Parshikov - The only sensible book at the moment about trading on the Russian stock market from the founder of an investment company.
  2. . Larry Williams - a book from a trader with a profit record and multiple winner of the Robbins World Cup of Championship of Futures Trading. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the National Futures Association.
  3. . Linda Raschke, Larry Connors - An excellent book from practicing traders.
  4. And . Jack Schwager - in the book, the author interviews the best managers and investors in America.
  5. . Edwin Lefebvre - a book about the world's most famous speculator, Jesse Livermore. It was first published in 1923. And today it remains one of the most popular books in financial literature.

Choosing a broker for trading on the stock exchange

Broker is an intermediary between you and the exchange. With its help you can make transactions in the market.

After you have read the introductory data and studied the subject area, the question arises: how, having knowledge about the subject, make money on the stock exchange? At this stage, market analysis begins. Next I will tell you what is meant by this point.

Market analysis

Trading terminal

Market information is displayed to the trader in the form of a price chart. The chart can be viewed in the trading terminal. There are not many terminals provided by brokers on the Russian stock market. The most popular is the QUIK terminal. There is everything you need for trading. I am satisfied with everything about it, so I recommend it to you too. You can download the QUIK terminal on the broker's website.

If you want to trade currencies on Forex, then you will need to familiarize yourself with the most popular trading platform.

Each broker provides demo access to a trading terminal.

Demo account- this is an excellent opportunity to learn and test the functionality of the terminal in virtual trading mode. This is useful and necessary. I discussed in detail how to open a demo account and set up a QUIK terminal for trading.

The only and main disadvantage of virtual trading is that it does not reflect the full reality of what is happening, and does not affect your emotional component, which greatly influences trading. Therefore, I recommend opening a real account immediately.

Search for patterns

Money on the stock exchange is made based on patterns that tend to be realized in the future according to a certain scenario. At this stage, observation is required. You need to monitor the market and try to notice when the price behaves in a certain way. This is called a pattern, template, price pattern or signal. Many traders call it differently, but the essence is the same - after this pattern appears, the market behaves in a predictable way, which allows you to make money from it in the future. Just sit and watch. I recommend taking screenshots of the screen. At one time, I accumulated a whole collection. The main thing is to do all this diligently. You’ll get an eyeful and learn to feel the market well. Highly recommend!

There are no dogmas on the market, so do not treat the perception of new information as recommendations that are 100% correct. You should have a healthy dose of skepticism.

Now you’ve read the books, watched the market for quite some time, analyzed your screenshots. You have formed a personal opinion about trading on the stock exchange. Next, based on the information received, a decision-making system is built, which is the trader’s tool for making money on the stock exchange.

Exchange trading

Now the question arises of how much money is needed to start trading on the stock exchange. It depends on your preferences and how much time you are willing to devote to the market. You need to clearly understand that trading in the market involves risk. To begin with, I would recommend that you take your time putting a lot of money into your trading account. This can be done as you gain experience and develop your own trading style. It is very easy to part with money on the stock exchange, but saving and earning money is not so easy. Therefore, take your time and do everything consistently.

The market provides opportunities every day, except weekends and holidays. Beginners have a very serious problem - they constantly want to be in the market, they constantly think about missed opportunities. Is being produced. It is necessary to approach trading with a sober outlook and take deliberate actions, and not under the influence of emotions. With experience you will understand all this, but for now just listen to my advice - take your time.
