We are a young, energetically developing company. About Us. See what “dynamically developing” is in other dictionaries

We are young, dynamic growing company

Have you noticed that many seemingly serious companies, when writing texts for their own websites, are for some reason guided not by intelligence and logic, but by something like the thinking of a classic blonde obsessed with rhinestones? To be like everyone else, pretty and sweet:

— Successfully developing company;
— High quality product;
Modern technologies;
— We are leaders in this industry;
— The company occupies a leading position in the market;
— A team of experienced professionals;
— Our highly qualified employees;
— Individual approach;
— Positive reputation;
— Extensive (many years, rich, etc.) work experience;
— Favorable (democratic, low, etc.) prices;
— New approach to business;
Flexible system discounts;
— The best combination of price and quality;
— High quality at low prices.

And, of course, a classic of the genre - young dynamically developing company. This is just some kind of nightmare! The scale of the MDRC infection can be clearly assessed by link.

These sites are filled with texts that consist little more than entirely of common cliches, hackneyed phrases, value judgments and other fluff.

From Wikipedia: Stamps- phrases that, due to mass thoughtless use, have lost their individuality and meaning. Such words and expressions are constantly used in the media, on the Internet, in everyday life and in business, etc. Stamps and cliches make written and oral speech uninformative. Typically, stamps consist of two or three words, and their meaning can be expressed in one word (to win - to win).

Why do you think this is being done? Is it really just because the site owners are such narrow-minded people and really love all sorts of whistles and tricks? Or do they sincerely believe that visitors to their sites will fall for such decorations?

I was also very interested in these questions, especially after I began to look for similar sites and offer the owners a service for rewriting meaningless texts into normal, informative options that would provide specific benefits to readers. About information style I recommend reading it.

Do you know what I received most often in response? Either complete ignorance, or brief replies in the style of “everything suits us as it is.” I sent out at least fifty letters. Out of all of them, only one gave a positive answer, but even that one later disappeared :)

What about the other 99.5% young and dynamically developing? Why such a low culture and unwillingness to listen to useful tips? I found the answer. I highly recommend reading this mini-site. This is not even a website, but a manifesto about how not to write texts about the company. I quote (style preserved):

By identifying itself in this way, the company warns about the low level of service and the amazing ability to self-destruct in a couple of days. In addition, the use of this phrase clearly indicates the attention that was paid to preparing the description of the office - a little less than nothing. The manager tore the text from the Internet during a break between classmates and VKontakte or generated it on our website.

Distribution is facilitated by young, dynamically developing copywriters. In their opinion, these words definitely give dynamism to thousands of home-grown web studios, translation agencies, delivery services, printing houses, developers and other underground, small and medium-sized businesses...

So, the answer has always been on the surface: the vast majority of owners of MDRC-style sites absolutely don’t give a damn about their clients! Or they deliberately lie to people in order to disguise their real wretchedness.

Nothing personal, as they say.

This is also the case with numerous vacancies on labor exchanges. Either they are submitted by exactly the same companies, or they are written by HR people who are too lazy to use their brains and stupidly rip texts from the Internet.

Are you also a young and dynamically developing company (website, project, startup, etc.)?

Dynamically developing

dynamically developing

Together or separately? Spelling dictionary-reference book. - M.: Russian language. B. Z. Bukchina, L. P. Kakalutskaya. 1998 .

See what “dynamically developing” is in other dictionaries:

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* In 2012-2014.

** The final score of each company participating in the rating, taken from the rating table, rounded to the nearest hundredth.

*** RBC assessment.


"Quartz - New Technologies" - associated company "Inter RAO"

O1 Properties data - O1 Properties Ltd consolidated financial statements data

Northgas is an associated company of Gazprom

The largest owner of Maxima Group is Familia Trading SARL Luxembourg

Lenta data - data from the consolidated financial statements of Lenta Ltd

Sodrugestvo Group data - data from the consolidated financial statements of Sodrugestvo Group S.A. Fiscal year - from July 1 to June 30

Yandex data - data from the consolidated reporting of Yandex N.V.

Rolf Group data - Sinoco Limited consolidated financial statements

Sources: company data, RBC calculations, SPARK-Interfax

The first place was taken by the TMH-Service company, which is hardly well known to ordinary consumers. For example, this is what the list of services provided looks like on a corporate website: “TO-2, 3, 4, 5 a-g; TR-1, 2, 3; SR; KR; Modernization with service life extension.” These services are provided, naturally, not to people, but to locomotives, and the Volapyuk by which they are described is understandable only to administrative employees of the Russian Railways. railways", the company's only customer. Business owners Andrei Bokarev and Iskander Makhmudov have an old relationship with the state corporation.

TMH-Service is remarkable not only because it grew faster than all other companies in the rating (by 167% per year), but also because it is one of three (!) companies in the rating, co-owned by Andrey Bokarev. IN recent years it can be considered, without a doubt, one of the most successful businessmen countries. The only person who can compete with him is Sergei Lomakin: his companies “Best Price” and “Clothing 3000” (brands Fix Price and Modis respectively) are included for the second time in a row.

Here is the Wildberries company of Tatyana and Vladislav Bakalchukov: the fashion retailer doubles revenue in the average year and has already brought it to 23.4 billion rubles. In third place is Setl Group, a St. Petersburg developer that increased the volume of housing commissioned by 15 times from 2010 to 2014. In fourth place is Taimuraz Balloev’s BTK Group, one of two companies that not only re-entered the list, but also improved its position (plus 1).

By industry, the growth leader is retail: 15 companies in the rating trade online or online. Six companies are engaged in food products (production and trading), five in development and housing construction, four in infrastructure construction, three in the production and distribution of medicines. There are seven companies covering all specialties of the oil and gas sector - production, transportation, refining and retail. Only one participant in the rating is engaged in metallurgy. This is all good news: the growing part of the economy is much more focused on consumers and much less focused on resources than the “big economy” from the RBC 500 rating.

It is surprising to compare RBC's ranking of fast-growing companies with a similar, but much larger-scale ranking by the American publication Inc., which covered the 5 thousand fastest-growing private companies in the United States. A large sample allowed the publication to calculate aggregate growth by industry: energy was in first place (continuation of the shale boom), media and advertising were in second and third. There are eight in the Russian top 50 energy companies, and Yandex alone takes the rap for the other two most dynamic sectors of the developed economy (the search engine has slipped from 12th to 43rd place).

Growing from a low base is easier, but size is not a barrier to growth. Among the fast-growing companies are Magnit (sales - 763.5 billion rubles) and several large companies with revenues of 100 billion rubles: retailers Dixie Group and Lenta, the Rolf group and the Antipinsky Oil Refinery. The largest companies in the rating occupy the last places in terms of average annual growth - 25-32%. Those who had not yet grown up had to grow by at least a third every year to get into the rating. Seven companies have revenue from 50 billion to 100 billion rubles, 12 companies - from 25 billion to 50 billion rubles.

The offices of almost half of the companies participating in the rating are located in Moscow or the Moscow region (22), another nine are located in St. Petersburg. This is a large concentration, but significantly less than in the Russian economy as a whole. For example, in the rating largest companies RBC in the capital registered 296 out of 500.

Run to stay in place

Since last year, the rating has expanded from 30 to 50 companies, and if not for this, only 30% of last year’s champions would have retained certificates of honor this year. The selection conditions are harsh: you must not only double your billion-dollar business every three years (experience shows that you will not be included in the rating for less merit), but also do it evenly.

The list does not include companies that at least once fell short of 20% growth (for this reason, for example, the exceptionally successful Mail.Ru Group, by any measure, was not included in the 2015 list). Of the 13 companies included in both ratings (2014 and 2015), 10 worsened their positions, two improved, and one, Yulmart, remained in place. The ranking of fast-growing companies is subject to the principle formulated by the Black Queen from Through the Looking Glass: to stay in one place, you have to run as hard as you can.

In this sense, the fate of last year's leaders is noteworthy. Only the silver medalist, the Irkutsk Oil Company, was able to remain in the ranking, although it had significantly (minus 17) worsened its position. The DNS group, which received bronze last year, fell out of the rating because it is a large importer: ruble revenue in the difficult year of 2014 grew by only 6% - this would be excellent for a business that does not qualify for inclusion in the RBC rating. But the most striking thing was the fall of last year's champion.

In 2010-2013, the Rosengineering company grew more than 12 times, to 72 billion rubles. The main growth driver was contracts for the construction of Gazprom Olympic facilities. In response to RBC’s question about how he achieved such success, the founder and owner of the company, Dmitry Novikov, answered briefly in military style: “We worked around the clock and seven days a week.” Then the year ended, and either the company’s employees went on vacation, or there were fewer competitions, but revenue fell 10 times, and Rosengineering was not included not only in the ranking of fast-growing companies, but even in the RBC 500. In any given year, Random people and companies can get into the rating, but few can maintain their positions from year to year.

Video: RBC

The companies in the rating are sorted by their final score, which takes into account both the growth rate and the base effect (it is more difficult for large companies to grow). As the average revenue of the ranking participants increased, the final score also increased: last year’s championship result would not have been enough this year even for 50th place. There are many economic problems in Russia and not too many high competition, but there is more than enough competition in RBC’s ranking of fast-growing companies.

At the first stage, a long list of companies was formed from the SPARK-Interfax database and the RBC 500 rating, meeting the following criteria:

- annual revenue growth of at least 20% from 2012 to 2014;

- revenue of at least 1 billion rubles. in 2011 and at least 3 billion rubles. in 2014;

- registration before 2011;

- the company must be private or the share of private shareholders is at least 50%;

- the company must not be in the process of liquidation or merger with other companies;

- clear and transparent business.

- parent companies of operating holdings that prepare consolidated statements that take into account the indicators of both the parent company and its subsidiaries. If a company does not publish consolidated statements or did not provide data from them to participate in the rating, then the rating presents either the parent company with unconsolidated data or the largest operating company holding;

- companies registered in Russia and owned by Russian individuals and legal entities (share of at least 50%). The rating also includes “shell companies” registered in foreign jurisdictions, most of whose assets are located in Russia, and their owners are Russian individuals and legal entities. Examples of such companies are Yandex (Yandex N.V.), Rolf group (Sinoco Limited).

Excluded from the sample financial companies and state holdings, as well as their subsidiaries.

When preparing the rating, priority is given to consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS and US GAAP. If a company does not prepare reports in accordance with international standards, then the statements prepared according to RAS were used.

At the second stage, the growth coefficient (final score) was calculated for companies that met the sample conditions. The need for a growth coefficient is due to the different scales of the companies’ business: revenue growth from 1 billion to 5 billion rubles. and from 20 billion to 50 billion should have different weight. Formula for calculating the growth coefficient (total score):

where “Revenue 2014” is the company’s revenue for 2014, million rubles, “Revenue 2011” is the company’s revenue for 2011, million rubles.

We then ranked eligible companies by growth ratio (total score) and formed the top 50 companies with the highest growth rates.

The table shows data in billions of rubles, accurate to tenths; average annual growth is expressed as a percentage, accurate to whole numbers.

There are companies.

1. young, profitable, bright company

2. a company that is constantly developing at a rapid pace

4. beloved by young, dynamically developing companies,

5. created a team of like-minded people,

6. striving for leadership among professional participants in the Russian project market,

7. also, during their existence in the market for the provision of services for technical inspection and examination of buildings, they have established themselves as a reliable and professional partner,

8. individual approach to each client, a professional team - allows our customers to be confident in the safety and durability of their buildings.

9. over several years of operation, our company has achieved significant results, and we are not going to stop there,

10. honesty and integrity are integral components of the company’s success,

11. Our mission is to carry out our work,

12. working in our company is a hobby, we, like like-minded people, combine business with pleasure,

13. has managed to gain recognition and respect from its clients during its activities,

14. which is exclusive...

15. We hope that we can organize mutually beneficial cooperation with your company,

16. formed by highly qualified specialists with experience in complex design and commissioning of objects for various purposes,

17. keeping pace with technological progress and also meeting all requirements modern market structural design,

18. we are looking for professionals who will not only be useful to your company, they will bring profit and development,

19. with experienced specialists in the field of structural design - enthusiasts of their work,

20. having a staff of highly qualified specialists with many years of experience in the field of design,

21. We follow trends and find that it is always difficult for the customer and it is unusual for us to challenge and inspire the creation of a mood,

22. focused on the interests of the client,

24. despite the fact that the SPK company is young enough to already become a global brand, it has managed to do what many other companies take many years to achieve,

25. The company's mission is not just to design structures, but to promote the art of creating an individual style through normal work,

26. The key areas of activity of the SPK company are design and inspection,

27. Our young company requires specialists with experience who want to work and develop, learn and earn money. We invite you to join our friendly team!

28. really a very fast growing company,

29. We are young, purposeful, hardworking and ready to direct all our efforts to provide our clients with professional assistance in structural design and building surveys.

30. The main principles of the company are adequate pricing policy And highest quality customer service.

31. As a young, dynamically developing company, when forming our image in the market of structural design and building inspections, we focus on the audience of clients,

32. where real professionals work,

33. We can boast of distinctive features: we do not strive to increase your costs for construction and strengthening of structures,

34. a company that is constantly searching for and implementing new ideas and solutions,

35. the company grows, develops and naturally moves to the second stage of strategic business,

36. Our company is actively focused on working with both small businesses and large factories manufacturers in any field of activity,

37. our company quickly took a leading place among our main competitors,

38. We allow construction companies, within limited budgets, to create highly competitive and original projects,

39. our company has powerful production and technical potential, has high-performance equipment that allows us to produce high-quality design products,

40. We have been operating in the design market since 2003,

41. meeting both generally accepted regulatory requirements and special requirements,

42. We are a young, dynamically developing company focused on maximum customer satisfaction,

43. a company initially created with optimized business processes,

44. The principles of our work are based on efficiency, accessibility and quality of design and survey,

45. a company with a unique modern management environment,

46. ​​Our company has assembled a unique team of experienced specialists,
