World news agencies. Analysis of the best news resources in the world Popular news portals on the Internet

In search of the latest news, you can endlessly ask queries in search engines or jump from one site to another. However, there are resources online that offer current news on any topic around the clock.
It is precisely such Internet pages that are collected in our top ten today. Almost all of them are universal, i.e. have information from a wide variety of areas. So, we bring to your attention the best news sites on the Runet.


The largest private information group in the CIS posts the latest news on its website. In its current form, the site began operating in 2012 and has already become extremely popular among the Internet audience.


The site contains not only news feeds, but also multimedia, as well as special mobile applications. The site is universal, offering news from the world of politics, economics, culture, sports and science.


The Russian service of the British Broadcasting Corporation offers on its website an independent professional view of news from all areas.


The site belongs to the RBC group of companies. The resource is of particular interest to business people, because... promptly publishes news from the world of finance, politics, stock indices and other information.


The name of this resource speaks for itself. The site updates news from the world of politics, economics, show business, culture, religion, crime, etc. around the clock. From the website you can download the news feed in .txt or .pdf format.


The website of the Komsomolskaya Pravda publication has long become an independent information resource. In addition to the Russian version, versions of the site are available for Belarus, the Balkans, Europe, the USA, Ukraine and Montenegro.


The news section of is updated around the clock. Automatic detection of the user's location makes it easy to get acquainted with not only international and federal, but also regional news.


The 24-hour online information resource opened in 2009. In September 2013, broadcasting of the TV channel of the same name began. Also in September, a mobile application for accessing news content was launched.


Lenta is one of the largest Russian online news publications. The site was founded in 1999 and today operates around the clock, covering events from around the world. According to the Axela resource, the site is the 23rd most popular site on the RuNet.


The website of the RIA Novosti agency is consistently among the ten most popular electronic media in Europe. More than 50 news feeds are published on the site every day. The site offers not only news, but also quizzes, surveys, information, announcements and infographics.

. News from around the world in fourteen languages, including Russian. With more than 2,500 journalists, photojournalists and cameramen, Reuters is one of the world's most influential news gathering and distribution companies. Most of the information (including photos and videos) is devoted to military conflicts and wars, in which the warring parties equally represent their positions. Financial and business news occupy a special place. Wide search capabilities on the site and its archives. Updated every minute. . The international agency Cable News Network (CNN) presents news from the United States and around the world 24 hours a day in eight languages. CNN is headquartered in the United States and has numerous bureaus throughout the world. Wide search capabilities on the site and its archives. Updated every minute.

BBC News . British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) presents news from Great Britain and around the world in six languages, including Russian. It has bureaus around the world and collaborates with news agencies such as the Press Association, Associated Press, Reuters and Agence France-Presse. Wide search capabilities on the site and its archives. Updated every minute. See also: BBC Russian | BBC News

in Russian. . Agence France-Presse (AFP) The world news agency presents news from France and around the world in six languages, including Russian. Headquarters are based in Paris, and offices are located throughout the world.

Covers events in all areas: politics, diplomatic relations, economics. . It is increasingly gravitating towards covering daily life, sports news, cultural events, scientific developments, film and theater news.Not all sites are listed on the main page - use the main menus to access all sites. Wide search capabilities, including search by dates, languages, news feed titles.

Headline Spot . A guide to the best US and international news sites on the Internet. Quick access to more than 2,600 "front pages" and thousands of links to news sites, united by topic, location, type (news feeds, newspapers, photographs, magazines, TV and radio news). Wide search capabilities, including search by cities, US states, and countries of the world.

ABYZ News Links . A directory of links to more than 15,000 newspapers and other news sites, such as news feeds, broadcasters and press agencies around the world, including Russian ones. The catalog selects promptly updated professional news sites that are of interest to a wide audience. Extensive search capabilities, including search by country, region, and date.

Television News Archive . The collection created by Vanderbilt Iniversity represents a complete archive (1968-2002) of television news. Contains excerpts from 30,000 evening news broadcasts from the world's largest television companies ABC, NBC, CBS, as well as 9,000 hours of recordings of news programs. Extensive search capabilities, including search by dates and keywords. News on major world events are combined into specialized news collections.

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By difficulty level ▼ is an information portal where you can always read the latest and most relevant news from Saratov and the Volga region. Events in the world and throughout Russia are also covered here. The resource covers the most interesting areas of life: information technology, politics, finance, science, fashion, auto, cinema, sports, history, health, travel and culture. Read the news from Saratov today and you will know everything that will happen tomorrow.

A business newspaper for those who live in the rhythm of modernity. Feed of recent events and hours. On the website, read about what is happening in Russia, the world, and hot spots. This is a serious portal, designed for serious people, where there is no material about style, fashion, health and leisure. But here there are analytical reviews by political scientists and comments from famous politicians and economists. The interactive “Discussion” section allows the reader to express his point of view on a given topic and read the opinions of others.

“Arguments and Facts” is one of the best Russian weekly newspapers, included in the Book of Records for the largest circulation in the history of mankind. On the website, read about what is happening in Russia, the world, hot spots and society. In addition to information about the latest events, materials about little-known historical facts and investigative journalism are regularly posted here. The authors of the resource also took into account the interests of summer residents, car enthusiasts and gourmets, assigning them appropriate sections with expert advice.

The best Russian news agency, systematically covering the activities of the government, Central, Far Eastern, Volga, Northwestern, Siberian, Ural, Southern, North Caucasian and Crimean districts. The “Most Read” section will introduce the most popular news topics, and the “Experts” and “Opinions” sections will present the point of view of famous political, public and religious figures on events in the country.

Russian news service from one of the largest television and radio companies in the world. Since the company's central office is located in the UK, the news presented on this resource can be considered as an alternative to the point of view of the Russian media. Here you will receive reliable and timely information from all spheres of society, learn about the latest events in the world and comments on them by famous politicians, and also find a lot of interesting things in the author’s blogs.


Stay up to date with the latest events happening in Russia and other countries. Now the latest issue of the popular newspaper can be read online in electronic form. The function of switching to another region allows you to find out about events in the life of your region. Along with operational reports from the scene of incidents, here you can find investigative articles and analytical reviews. Versions of this site for mobile devices will allow you to monitor its news feed from smartphones and iPhones.

If you are not one for big headlines and sensationalism, or are not a fan of the tabloid press, but prefer verified facts and a restrained style of presentation, you should like this site. It maintains an optimal balance of topics, namely, it covers the life of society, events in the world of economics, finance, culture and sports. Since the editorial office of the site is located in Kyiv, materials are published here, the point of view of the authors of which does not always coincide with the position of the Russian mass media.

This site is included in the TOP 10 best information resources in the Russian Federation. The team of professionals involved in its content publishes the most relevant and interesting news and analytical materials covering all spheres of society: politics, economics, culture, sports and religion. The “Main” section highlights the main topics of the day; the news feed is updated in real time. Additional services of games, tests and tournaments will help you pass the time and take your mind off your worries.

The electronic version of the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” always contains only the latest and most relevant information. Thanks to this resource, news from Russia and the world is available online around the clock. The portal’s authors focused not on news stories, which are the format of news agencies, but on original materials in which events are described more fully and are accompanied by expert comments. The highlight of the site is also its exclusive materials.

A distinctive feature of this resource is the “Main Topics” section, where you can track the latest messages on the most pressing issues that concern residents of Russia and the world community. To always keep abreast of events from the world of economics, politics, sports and science, you can read text versions, watch online video reports from VGTRK or listen to audio clips from Mayak radio. For lovers of large formats, the site’s authors offer up-to-date analytics and interviews with prominent people.

News feed of Russia and the world in real time. The site informs about socio-political, economic, cultural, sporting events and scientific sensations. But its main specialization is business news, and therefore here you will find press releases of companies, a calendar of birthdays of TOP managers and exchange rates. Do you want to stay up to date with the latest events and keep up with life? Then you can subscribe to the newsletter. In addition, you can see the news in photographs.

Relevant, interesting, versatile - this is how you can characterize the materials posted on this site. Designed for a wide audience, they cover all spheres of life in modern society - from politics and economics to culture and medicine. The news feed is updated hourly. This is explained by the fact that the resource’s authors rely not on the quantity of news, but on their quality. By reading the reports posted here, you will be aware of the main events without clogging your memory with unimportant facts.

Do you want to know about the latest events in the life of Moscow? Are you interested in plans for the restructuring and reconstruction of the capital? Do you dream of walking along the city streets with famous actors and performers? Then this site will become your faithful companion. In addition to the above, it also contains a weather forecast, a traffic map, a photo archive and city rules that will help you navigate the rights and responsibilities of Muscovites. On the resource you can download versions for iPad, iPhone, Android, Windows Phone.

News from Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Omsk and Krasnoyarsk on one portal. In addition to the already traditional headings “Business” and “Life”, there are sections “She”, where the latest reports from fashion catwalks, advice from cosmetologists and stylists are posted, “Real Estate”, offering the sale of housing, and “Auto”, telling about the latest tests -drives and recommendations from technical experts on car care. The site also stores an archive of local television stories.

The electronic version of the famous newspaper Kommersant needs no introduction, as it has a wide readership. For those who have not yet heard of this publication, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the materials posted here, since they all differ in an objective manner of presentation and are designed for people interested in events in Russia and abroad. Most of the portal's visitors are businessmen, so here you will also find ratings and annual reports of companies.

The RBC news agency is known for producing a high-quality information product that is popular with major politicians and businessmen who prefer to quickly receive objective information first-hand. Most of the materials published on the resource have a financial and economic focus, but you will also find sections dedicated to research, sports, cars and style. The site also contains cash exchange rates and stock market news.

This portal is one of the best news sites in Russia. You will not find here the exaggerated sensations that the yellow press is guilty of. The materials posted on the resource are intended for serious people who trust only verified information. Objectively presented reviews of major events in the world and analytical articles by leading experts are what attracts readers of this site. The mobile version of the resource allows you to get acquainted with its latest updates at any time online.

Official news site of the Russian government. World news, the latest events from the world of sports, politics, economics, and culture are available here. In addition to the sections that are traditional for such portals, the site has a useful “Documents” section, where changes in Russian legislation, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers and presidential decrees are published. In pdf format you can download electronic newspapers from the regions of the Russian Federation, as well as thematic supplements about banks, investments, ecology, etc.

The Morning news site will provide you with the most reliable and up-to-date information at any time of the day. The electronic newspaper offers its readers both short news reports and voluminous analytical articles in which leading experts express their opinions on the situation in the domestic and global economy and society. In addition to traditional columns on politics, culture and events, you will find infotainment sections on travel and style.

This site is rightfully considered one of the leading news portals in Russia. It contains up-to-date information from the world of science, technology, sports and culture, as well as the latest socio-political news. Objective presentation of materials and prompt updating of the news feed will allow you to always stay up to date with the latest events. Along with serious reports and articles, you will also find curious information, stories about interesting people and historical conflicts.

Forbes, ABCNews, BBC and decided to see how the main pages of each resource and the article page were implemented on each of them.

I’ll say right away that I belong to the group of “passive readers”; my main need is to “be in the know.” For me, as a user, it is enough to quickly look at the headlines and, perhaps, read one piece of news that interests me. Unfortunately, there is no time for more. And all I want is to understand what happened over the past day or week without diving into the details.


The image shows how my eye moves as I explore the home page of The Guardian website. This gas plot was obtained using eye-tracking technology.

On the main page of The Guardian, my attention is immediately attracted by bright images: photographs, advertising banners, while eye movements are chaotic, I try to “catch on” to at least something in order to understand what has happened recently. Eventually, I begin to notice large headlines and read them sequentially. However, this process takes quite a long time because I do not immediately understand where to look for the necessary information. Moreover, scrolling down the page, I see that it is “endless”. Needless to say, I didn't watch it to the end.

It turns out that the information that is at the bottom of the page will always be ignored by users. Why then put it there?

The right solution in this situation is a rubricator, which will help me decide on a direction that is interesting to me and narrow down the amount of information that falls on me from the main page.


Website design by The Independent

On this news portal, the rubricator is implemented very successfully: each news section has its own color, which immediately allows me to group news and associate the color with a specific topic, which in the future can make it much easier for me to navigate the site and find the desired news. Color coding is a fairly common technique that I came across on several other resources.

By assigning each section its own color, you can separate them from each other on the main page, allowing readers to immediately “catch on” to the main news in the area of ​​interest to them, without even resorting to a rubricator. The color of the logo may even change when you go to the corresponding section. This solution meets the requirements not only of “passive readers”, but also of all the described user groups.

Another version of the main page is presented on the ABCNews website. I immediately saw a large bright banner that announced the 5 “top” news for today. After looking through it and reading just the headlines, I immediately understood what had happened over the past day and what news was currently the most discussed. After this stage, which took only 3 seconds, I will happily go to any article that interests me and read it.


For me, as a “passive reader,” just a banner is enough: 5 news for today immediately inform me about all the main events of the day. For more active readers, a banner will also be enough, but for them a solution has been introduced listing the most exciting news, among which they can find something more interesting for themselves. For readers who are most interested in news, a rubricator has been created, with the help of which they can find the section that interests them. But for those who work with the news feed professionally, the left column will be the most interesting, since the latest news quickly appears there.

One top news is highlighted on the main page. But how: an attractive picture, a large headline and a short summary of the article. Do you really need anything else for quick reference?


Forbes website home page

All the information on the page is divided into sections, the gaps between them are large, there is a sense of space, and there is no feeling of “compression”, as on many news sites, when you enter them you begin to experience an attack of claustrophobia. However, for more interested users, searching for the categories and latest news can be time-consuming, since their location is not entirely obvious.

It is important to remember that one of the main tasks of the main page of any news site is to form a “big picture” for the user and bring him up to date. However, you should not try to display all the important information in your opinion on the main page - this is impossible. Give the user clear and understandable navigation around the site, a feeling of simplicity and lightness, and he will do the rest himself.

So, let’s assume that I did find the news that interested me. Let me remind you that I have very little time and I’m unlikely to read an article if at first glance it doesn’t seem interesting to me.

A very good option for a user like me is presented on the ABCNews website.


Article on ABCNews website

The illustration shows how I consistently move through the “clues” in the article: title, illustration, important ideas (highlighted in large font and color with a significant indent), photographs in the text. The trajectory of my gaze from top to bottom provides me with a superficial, but gradual familiarization with information. I will definitely scroll to the end of such a page and, moreover, I will see recommended materials on a similar topic at the very bottom. I will have an idea of ​​whether the topic being raised in the text is interesting to me, and then I can decide whether I want to read into it or look for something more interesting.

This option saves my time and fully meets all my requirements as a user. Highlighted quotes from text are a great solution for long articles. All user groups will be satisfied with this option, since, on the one hand, it saves time, and on the other, it allows you to dive into details. But the most important thing is that the reader is given a choice: to go “over the top” or “to dive in headfirst.” Moreover, it gives you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with similar materials.

Of course, it is important to provide your reader with the ability to easily return to the selected article after some time. How to do it? The first thing to remember is that the location of the search should be obvious: as a rule, most users expect to find it in the upper right corner.

In addition, it makes sense to provide the article with all sorts of “anchors”: a special section color (reduces the time of searching for an article), a memorable title, a bright and colorful photograph. We should also not forget about the possibility of personalizing the news feed - this function allows regular readers of the resource to customize it to their liking.

The examples given in the article are only a small part of everything that needs to be considered when working with news sites. Of course, it is important to always remember for whom you are making your site and for what purposes users come to it. After all, in addition to “passive readers” like me, there are many more people who spend several hours a day on such sites.
