Leonid Melamed arrest. Who is the ideologist of the Leonid Melamed case, and what is the ultimate goal of the attack on the former leadership of Rusnano. What you need to know

Founding Partner, Chairman of the Board of Directors


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Leonid has almost 30 years of experience in managing large companies in various market sectors.

Leonid is one of the leaders of the team that has been implementing a large project in the field of pharmaceuticals and medicine since 2012, the initiators and investors of which areOJSC RUSNANOand an American companyDomain Associates LLC. To implement it, a company was created "RusnanoMedInvest"- the largest venture fund in Eastern Europe in the region life science, leading search and financing of the development of the latest pharmaceuticals and medical technologies. A Russian pharmaceutical company is responsible for their localization in Russia"NovaMedica", which was created to implement ambitious plans to create a new GMP -production and release of innovative medicines in Russia.

Leonid Melamed is co-founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of a venture capital investment company"RMI Partners", which manages projects in the field of healthcare, including a venture fund"RusnanoMedInvest". Pharmaceutical company"NovaMedica"- one of the main investments of this fund. Leonid is currently on the company's Board of Directors"RusnanoMedInvest", from 2012 to 2017 he was a member of the company’s Board of Directors"NovaMedica".

Leonid is also one of the founders and member of the Board of Directors of a network of private clinics"The Doctor Is Near", which was among the first in the country to begin providing telemedicine services to its patients.

Previously, from 2008 to 2011, Leonid headedOJSC AFK Sistema, was president, chairman of the board, member of the board of directors. Previously, from 2006 to 2008, he managed a telecommunications company as president and chairman of the board.Mobile TeleSystems (MTS OJSC).For fifteen years, from 1991 to 2006, Leonid participated in the creation and development of the ROSNO insurance company, including since 2003 heading ROSNO as CEO and Chairman of the Board.

His “portfolio” includes chairmanship of the Board of DirectorsOJSC "RussNeft"(2010-2012), and membership in the Supervisory BoardOJSC "VTB" (2012-2013).

Currently Leonid is part ofExpert Council under the Government of Russia, created to ensure the participation of the business community in the process of preparing and implementing Government decisions.

Leonid graduated with honors from the Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov, c 2006 – Doctor of Medical Sciences.


Graduated with honors from the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov.

In 2006 he received his Doctor of Medical Sciences degree.

Labor activity

In 1991, he began working at the ROSNO insurance company. Since 1992 - Director of the Health Insurance Center, Deputy Chairman of the Board. In 1993 he became first deputy chairman of the board, and since 1997 - first deputy general director. In 2001, he took the post of First Deputy General Director - Executive Director, and since 2003 - General Director, Chairman of the Board, Member of the Board of Directors of IC ROSNO.

From 2004 to 2006, he headed the expert council on insurance legislation of the State Duma Committee on Credit Institutions and Financial Markets.

Since 2006, for two years he was president and member of the board of directors of MTS OJSC.

In 2008, he became president of AFK Sistema. Since 2011, for a year he was Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of AFK Sistema.

In 2010-2012 Headed the Board of Directors of OJSC RussNeft.

In 2012, he became a founding partner and headed the board of directors of Team Drive, a company specializing in the management of large projects and venture funds. He currently holds the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Since 2012, he has been a member of the expert council under the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 2012-2013 Member of the supervisory board of VTB.

He co-founded and was the chairman of the board of directors of the venture investment company RMI Partners, which manages projects in the field of healthcare, including the RusnanoMedInvest venture fund. One of the main investments of this fund is NovaMedica; he served on the board of directors of this company from 2012 to 2017.

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Biography, life story of Melamed Leonid Borisovich

Former general director of the state corporation "Russian Nanotechnology Corporation" (Rosnanotech 2007-2008). Prior to this, since June 2004, he headed the Alemar investment and financial corporation. In 2000-2004 he was the first deputy chairman of the board of RAO UES of Russia, in 1998-2000 he was the general director of the state concern Rosenergoatom. One of the founders and main owner of the Alemar company, a ruble billionaire. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Leonid Borisovich Melamed was born on June 21, 1961 in Leningrad (a number of Russian media that prepared biographical information at the time of Melamed’s appointment as head of Rosnanotech erroneously indicated a different date of birth - January 1).


After graduating from one of the secondary schools in Leningrad in 1980, Melamed got a job as a mechanic for mechanical assembly work at the Oktyabr Production Association in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky. In 1981-1983 he served in the ranks of the Soviet Army. In 1987 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Electrotechnical Institute (NETI) with a degree in radio engineering (later he also graduated from the Moscow Institute for Advanced Studies of the Ministry of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation).

Labor and business activities

After graduating from university, he got a job as a junior researcher at the special design bureau of the RTF NETI, and in 1991 he took the position of assistant to the rector of NETI for commercial issues.

In March 1992, Melamed became one of the founders of the Alemar investment and financial corporation. In 1993-1998 he was director of the Novosibirsk JSC Limbrok. In 1995-1998, he worked as executive director of the association of enterprises Soyuz Energoservis and deputy chairman of the board of directors of Novosibirskenergo.

In October 1998, Melamed was appointed general director of the state concern Rosenergoatom. In January 2000, he became the first deputy chairman of the board of RAO UES of Russia, Anatoly Chubais. Melamed oversaw the financial block and participated in the preparation of the electricity reform. According to some reports, he was one of the ideologists of energy reform. He served on the boards of directors of a number of RAO subsidiaries, in particular Lenenergo and Tyumenenergo. At the same time, in 2000-2002, he was a member of the supervisory board of the Eurofinance bank.


In June 2004, Melamed voluntarily resigned from the post of deputy chairman of UES of Russia. At the same time, the chairman of the board of the company, Chubais, noted Melamed’s significant contribution to “transforming RAO UES of Russia into a modern company,” calling him one of the three strongest financiers in the country. Observers noted that, having left RAO, Melamed did not break off business relations with the energy holding and friendly relations with Chubais. After his resignation, Melamed took the post of general director of IFC Alemar, which by that time had become the parent company of the Alemar group, which included the bank of the same name, the pension fund Alemar-Confidence, the registrar of Register A-plus, the Alemar Development company and "Alemar Consulting" In 2005-2006, Alemar ensured the conclusion of a transaction for the purchase and sale of part of the stake in the Power Machines concern RAO UES of Russia from the Interros holding company of Vladimir Potanin, as well as together with TNK-BP and the subsidiary company UES of Russia. OGK-1 participated in the construction of the Nizhnevartovsk State District Power Plant.

The revenue of the Alemar group in 2006, according to media reports, amounted to 4.2 billion rubles. Melamed's fortune in 2007 was estimated by Finance magazine at 2.4 billion rubles, or $90 million. Thus, he took 490th place in the list of the 500 richest citizens of the Russian Federation. At the same time, he was the owner of 78.32 percent of the shares of IFC Alemar.

In 2007, Melamed acquired a controlling stake in the European virtual operator Effortel, on the basis of which the telecommunications holding of the same name, Effortel Russia, was founded in the same year. It was expected that by 2012 it would occupy more than 10 percent of the market for broadband Internet access and business communications in Russia. To achieve this goal, in 2007-2009, Melamed’s structures acquired part of the regional telecom operators, including the long-distance operator Optitelecom, the wireless Internet access provider Mediaseti and Mediakom, and gained control over the main telecom operators Enifcom and Eurotel ". All assets of the Russian holding Effortel were estimated at 60-80 million dollars.

Work at Rusnano and other projects

On September 7, 2007, the President of Russia appointed Melamed as general director and member of the board of directors of the state corporation Russian Nanotechnology Corporation (Rosnanotech State Corporation) created in July of the same year. According to media reports, Chubais lobbied for Melamed’s appointment. The board of directors of the corporation also included Chubais himself, director of the Kurchatov Institute and friend Mikhail Kovalchuk and deputy secretary of the Security Council Vladimir Nazarov. The chairman of the council was the Minister of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko. As observers noted, at Rusnanotech Melamed was responsible for financial and economic activities, while Fursenko and Kovalchuk became the main political figures in the new corporation.

Despite the fact that an indefinite contract was signed with Melamed, a year later, on September 22, 2008, a decree of the Russian President (who took office in May of the same year) was published, according to which Melamed was dismissed. On the same day, by another decree, the former head of RAO UES Chubais, who by that time had already joined the supervisory board of the state corporation and the government commission on high technologies and innovations, was appointed to the post of general director of the state corporation "Russian Nanotechnology Corporation" ("Rusnano"; in August " Rosnanotech changed its corporate identity and shortened its name). Kommersant reported that Melamed will retain his post as a member of the supervisory board of the state corporation and a member of the commission for innovation activities under the government of the Russian Federation, but will not take part in the operational management of the company. According to the publication, he was going to return to his own business at IFC Alemar and implement a number of investment projects.

In June 2009, during the global financial crisis, the media reported that Melamed began selling off part of the telecommunications assets that were part of Effortel Russia, including Optitelecom, Mediaseti and Enifcom - these investments did not pay off. However, the reasons for the sale and the amount of the proposed transactions were not reported. In the fall of the same year, it became known that the Russian company Trivon Networks, founded by Richard Branson's Virgin Group, bought the fixed wireless Internet access operator Mediaset, owned by Effortel, and its subsidiary Mediacom. The transaction amount was not disclosed.

Melamed is a candidate of economic sciences, in 1996 he defended his dissertation on the topic “Adaptive-innovative management in the service sector of natural monopolists.” He is also a co-author of several books on economics and electricity issues.

Criminal case

Investigators of the Main Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation detained 01.06. 2015 Leonid Borisovich Melamed in his own apartment in the capital. This action was carried out as part of a criminal case opened by the Investigative Committee on the embezzlement and misappropriation of public funds by a group of individuals in the amount of approximately 300,000,000 rubles. Melamed was formally charged with committing illegal acts under Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. One of the compelling reasons for initiating this criminal case based on the results of the pre-investigation audit was the materials of the audits of Rusnano by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, carried out back in 2012. Although Anatoly Borisovich Chubais stood up for his subordinate and issued a statement on behalf of Rusnano that Melamed’s actions did not cause any damage to this state corporation, Leonid Borisovich remained under arrest.

Personal life

Melamed entered into a legal marriage with Lyudmila Vladimirovna Shapenkova, who was born on October 28, 1962 back in the mid-80s of the last century. The woman graduated from a pedagogical institute, but from the early 90s she began to take care of the family’s household. Moreover, the Melameds had three children.

The first was a son, born on August 30, 1987. The parents named the boy Alexander, he graduated from the Higher School of Economics in Moscow and left for permanent residence outside the Russian Federation.

Then, on January 25, 1989, a daughter, Maria, was born. After graduating from university, she became a teacher at the International Institute of Finance and Economics, operating in Moscow under the same HSE.

The last to be born after a five-year break was a son named Boris. This happened on 04/05/1994, the boy, having graduated from school, became a student at the Higher School of Economics, traditional for the Melamed family.

The strange events taking place around the former head of Rusnano Leonid Melamed, accused of embezzlement of 220 million rubles, raise many questions. A number of experts believe that the criminal case of Leonid Melomed is a kind of springboard for an attack on the current head of the state corporation Anatoly Chubais, the head of the open government Mikhail Abyzov, or Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. True, none of the analysts even dares to guess who the ideologist of this attack is.

Strange story

On the morning of May 11 it became known that Leonid Melamed released from house arrest. The financial director of the state corporation was also released from the pre-trial detention center Svyatoslav Ponurov. As lawyers Ruslan Kozhura and Alexander Asnis explained, the Prosecutor General’s Office did not approve the indictment and did not transfer them to the investigative committee to eliminate violations. The deadlines for holding the accused have thus expired.

And in the evening of the same day, the Prosecutor General overturned the decision of his deputy Viktor Grin to return the case of the ex-leaders of Rusnano for further investigation.

The drastic changes in his case once again indicate close attention to him.

The case of the "golden parachute"

Let us recall that two years ago a criminal case was opened against the former leaders of the Rusnano company Leonid Melamed, his deputy Andrei Malyshev and financial director Svyatoslav Ponurov for embezzlement of 220 million rubles. Later, by decision of the Basmanny Court of Moscow, Melamed was placed under house arrest, Svyatoslav Ponurov was arrested, and Andrei Malyshev, who was undergoing treatment abroad at that time, was put on the international wanted list and arrested in absentia.

The investigation believed that in 2008 and 2009, Leonid Melamed, who at that time was a co-owner of the investment and financial corporation Alemar (CJSC IFC Alemar), entered into an agreement with the Rusnano corporation for the provision of consulting services.

Then Svyatoslav Ponurov and Andrey Malyshev allegedly entered into fictitious consulting contracts and illegally transferred more than 220 million rubles over six months, and then quit following their boss. According to investigators, Leonid Melamed thus secured a “golden parachute” for himself.

The Melamed Case was preceded by a report from the Accounts Chamber on the activities of Rusnano in 2012. Then the main control agency revealed that Rusnano was improperly fulfilling its tasks for the development of the domestic nanoindustry. At the end of 2012, the corporation's loss amounted to 24 billion rubles.

True, criminal investigations began only three years later. According to the chairman of the bar association “Starinsky, Korchago and Partners” Evgeniy Korchago, this once again shows the selectivity of the criminal law enforcement system in our country. However, the expert admits: winning a multimillion-dollar competition for the provision of consulting services looks quite suspicious.

Battle under the rug

If we talk about the interested parties in this matter, then it is logical to assume that the head of Rusnano is on one side. Anatoly Chubais. In any case, Rusnano’s position on the case has remained unchanged over the years. The company stated that the work carried out by CJSC IFC Alemar is very important and did not cause damage to the state: “We believe that the agreement between the State Corporation Rosnanotech and CJSC IFC Alemar was concluded after Leonid Melamed left the post of General Director of the Group "Rosnanotech on absolutely market conditions."

On topic

As the media learned, drivers of trucks belonging to the Krasnoe and Beloe chain of stores were forced to spend the night on the street in connection with the investigative actions that took place at the company’s warehouses in Chelyabinsk.

Former Deputy Prime Minister of the Government Oleg Sysuev also expressed the opinion that Anatoly Chubais could use all his resources and all his influence to prove the innocence of Leonid Melamed.

“Whether the decision to release Leonid Melamed from house arrest was a consequence of these lobbying efforts of Anatoly Borisovich, I don’t know. But it is quite possible that yes, because the efforts were gigantic,” said Oleg Sysoev.

Director of the Center for Socio-Political Research "Aspect" Grigory Fedorov in turn, he claims that Anatoly Chubais is cynical and always goes ahead. And therefore it is natural that he protects his partner and friend using such methods.

But not only Anatoly Chubais took an active part in the fate of Leonid Melomed. Leonid Melomed is a man with extremely strong and serious connections; the general director of N-Trans, the former first deputy head of the board of Rusnano, was ready to vouch for him. Konstantin Nikolaev, President of the Moscow School of Management "Skolkovo" Andrey Rappoport, founder of the Kaskol group Sergey Nedoroslev. Members of the government also supported him. Thus, the Minister of Energy signed a positive reference against Melamed to the court Alexander Novak, Minister for Open Government Mikhail Abyzov, ex-head of Rosatom, now first deputy head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation Sergey Kiriyenko.

Multi-way combination

From the very beginning, there were suggestions that the true target of this high-profile case was Anatoly Chubais. But the head of Rusnano managed to sit in front of all the authorities. It is known that he is associated with many people close to the president, for example, the Kovalchuk brothers.

And therefore other versions appear. For example, that the intrigue is aimed at the Minister for Open Government Affairs Mikhail Abyzov. According to economist Nikita Krichevsky, Leonid Melamed was an ally of Abyzov much longer than Chubais.

However, given Leonid Melomed’s friendly ties with many members of the cabinet, it can be assumed that they, as well as Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, are under attack.

Lawyer Elisey Pyatin suggests that the initiation of a criminal case against Melamed is the first step in a long ladder of high-profile detentions and arrests. However, analysts find it difficult to answer who could be the initiator of this multi-step combination.

We will find out very soon whether the case will progress further or whether it will be put on hold. Press secretary of the Cheryomushkinsky Court of Moscow Irena Kobzaeva said that the case has already been transferred to the judge. And a preliminary hearing will be scheduled soon.

Leonid Melamed was the general director of the state concern Rosenergoatom in 1998-2000.

In 2000-2004 he worked as First Deputy Chairman of the Board of RAO UES of Russia.

In 2007-2008 – General Director of the state corporation “Russian Nanotechnology Corporation”.

One of the founders and main owner of Alemar Bank. Included in the list of the 500 richest citizens of the Russian Federation.

President of OJSC "Joint-Stock Financial Corporation "Sistema"". Former president of OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS), member of the board of directors of MTS. In 2003-2006 - General Director of the insurance company ROSNO (OJSC Russian People's Insurance Society). In 2004-2006, he headed the expert council on insurance legislation under the Russian State Duma Committee on Credit Institutions and Financial Markets.

Leonid Adolfovich Melamed was born on July 11, 1967 in Moscow. Graduated from the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy with a degree in traumatology and orthopedics. During his studies he worked as an orderly and nurse.

In 1991, Melamed joined the insurance company ROSNO (OJSC Russian Insurance People's Society) as a medical consultant. In February 1992, he became director of the ROSNO health insurance center. In June 1992, he took the post of deputy general director of ROSNO, and in October 1993, first deputy. On September 15, 2003, he was appointed General Director of ROSNO. At the same time, in 2004-2006, Melamed headed the expert council on insurance legislation under the Russian State Duma Committee on Credit Institutions and Financial Markets.

Since June 14, 2006, Melamed has been the president of Mobile TeleSystems OJSC (MTS). Since June 23, 2006 - member of the board of directors of MTS. According to media reports, the appointment of Melamed as president of MTS was dictated by increased competition in the cellular communications market, and therefore the management of AFK Sistema (JSC Joint Stock Financial Corporation Sistema), the company that owns ROSNO and MTS, decided to send an effective manager from the insurance sector of his business to the telecommunications sector.

On August 17, 2006, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) accused the "big three" mobile operators - MTS, VimpelCom (Beeline trademark) and Megafon - of having lower rates for inter-operator settlements than others cellular operators. Melamed, the heads of VimpelCom and Megafon Alexander Izosimov and Sergei Soldatenkov rejected the FAS charge of collusion, citing international business practice.

At the end of May 2008, Melamed left the post of head of MTS and moved to the position of president of AFK Sistema. The media noted that he managed to more than double the capitalization of MTS, and also completed almost all the tasks assigned to him by management. Melamed made the company a leader in the number of new connections. High hopes were placed on the new president of Sistema and it was assumed that his experience at MTS would help lead Sistema out of a protracted crisis. It should be noted that immediately after Melamed’s appointment to the new post, Sistema’s shares rose in price.

In 2003, Melamed received the title “Person of the Year” in the annual “People of the Year” project of the Rambler Internet holding. In 2005, he became a laureate of the National Award “Person of the Year 2005” in the category “Head of an Insurance Company.”

Melamed is married and has a son and two daughters. He enjoys alpine skiing, auto racing, and mountaineering.
