What methods of personnel assessment exist in an organization? Methods of personnel assessment Modern methods of personnel assessment

To evaluate personnel, Western colleagues resort to help effective techniques. With their help, you can assess personal and professional quality personnel. Many Russian companies strive to introduce modern personnel assessment techniques when analyzing their employees. However, when choosing methods, it is important to understand whether the assessment method corresponds to the selected business problem and what competencies need to be assessed.

From this article you will learn:

Modern methods of personnel assessment appeared in Russia relatively recently, with the advent of Russian market Western companies. The number of companies using methods: “360 degrees”, MBO - Management by objective, Assessment Center, Performance management (PM) is growing, but not as fast as we would like. This is hampered by the Russian mentality of non-continuity of Western technologies, a wary attitude towards them, as well as the desire of the Russian people for constancy and conservatism.

Modern methods of personnel assessment used in the West

Non-traditional assessment methods actively used in the West include:

  • formal assessment,
  • management by objectives of the MBO - Management by objectives,
  • performance management - Performance management (PM),
  • 360 degree technique
  • assessment center - Assessment Center,
  • employee evaluation system by peers - peer review,
  • competency-based assessment method.

Such methods consider the work group as the main unit of the company, contain elements of self-assessment, and take into account the future potential of the employee.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Formalized personnel evaluation systems first appeared in US companies at the beginning of the 20th century.

Management method by objectives - Management by objectives (MBO), which appeared in the 1960-1970s. in USA. Over the past decade, it has been actively developing in Russian companies. The MBO method is focused on assessing the final results of the work done, measured quantitatively, after the reporting period. The manager and employee set tasks together.

Performance management methodology (PM), created in the 80s, evaluates the results, competencies, methods of employees, helps to identify areas of development, and plan an employee’s career. In contrast to the management by objectives method, PM evaluates not only the final results, but also the competence of the employee, that is, the personality qualities that he needs to achieve his goals. All employees, regardless of their position, participate in the assessment.

The 360 ​​degree technique has appeared in the West in 1980-1990. and has become widespread in Russian companies since the 2000s. The technology is recognized as one of the most progressive. She is attractive because she is different from traditional systems assessments based on the “manager-subordinate” type, where the manager himself acts as an expert. Based on the “360 degree” technique, four parties act as outside experts: subordinates, colleagues, clients, and manager (7-12 people). Thus, the opinion about the employee is made from below, next to, around and above. Various competencies are assessed. Data from surveys and questionnaires are collected and sent for processing to an external provider (to maintain complete confidentiality) and processed online. The results of the assessment are received by the employee and his immediate supervisor.

Assessment Center - is a universal modern method of comprehensive assessment of company personnel, based on the use of techniques that complement each other (personality and intellectual tests, cases, group discussions, behavioral individual interviews, business games). The assessment center is focused on identifying professional and psychological characteristics employees in order to identify their compliance job requirements, revealing their potential. In Russia, the Assessment Center methodology appeared no more than 10-15 years ago; according to SHL Russia, today it is used by about 80% of large Russian companies, over the past five years, demand for it has quadrupled.

Employee evaluation system by colleagues or peer review borrowed from Western experts. The essence of the method comes down to the following: company employees are given questionnaires containing from 25 to 90 questions. Employees answer questions about labor productivity and the degree of independence of their work. In the questionnaire, employees are required, for example, to give examples when a colleague showed initiative or turned to someone for help, and to name three personality traits of employees - negative and positive.

Competency-based assessment method in the West it has been used since the 1990s. A study conducted by CIPD in 2007 confirmed that 60% of foreign companies use this modern assessment method in their practice, and 48% plan to implement it in the near future. Today, the competency-based assessment method is widely used in domestic companies. In recent years it has become one of the most popular.

The effectiveness of Western methods of personnel assessment

Managers of Russian companies are actively implementing the most modern methods of personnel selection and assessment to date, confidently believing that their use will lead to increased staff performance. However, it is important to consider whether the evaluation method corresponds to the chosen business problem. Its effectiveness will depend on this.

At each stage of an employee’s work in a company, it is advisable to use certain assessment tools. For example, when selecting for vacant place, psychological testing will be most effective. If we are talking about a managerial vacancy, organizing an Assessment Center would be appropriate.

When assessing the work results of existing employees, it is advisable to apply the competency-based assessment method or the management by objectives method.

To solve individual organizational problems (when setting new goals due to the reorganization of the company, when including a candidate in the personnel reserve), it is recommended to use the “360 degrees” technique. It is important to ensure absolute anonymity of this event:

  • Forms must be filled out in block letters.
  • put into black boxes
  • Points are collected automatically.

The 360 ​​degree method should be used interactively. Thus, the employee will not be greatly distracted from execution labor responsibilities, and processing the results will take a minimum of time.

Heads of HR departments of Russian companies must competently convey information regarding feedback to employees. Employees must be confident that the information collected during the assessment will not be made public and that it will not become additional material added to their personal file. Only the employee himself and a third-party consultant will have access to the information.

Employees must clearly understand what is required of them, the purpose of this assessment in their company, how it is carried out and what the results will be.

The management by objectives method is effective primarily for assessing managerial workers and creative types of work that are difficult to describe with qualitative and quantitative indicators.

The use of the Assessment Center is justified for top managers to identify employees with leadership potential and subsequently include them in the personnel reserve.

The effectiveness of the competency model and peer review assessment system

Using the competency model can significantly improve the efficiency of a company's HR management activities. The model does not take into account what exactly the employee does and what specific results he achieves, as well as organizational and personal factors influencing performance. In addition, the competency-based assessment method involves extensive analytical and research work, which, as a rule, involves the involvement of additional resources - consultants from specialized companies. As practice shows, independent implementation of such a project does not always lead to the desired results.

In Western countries peer review system or employee evaluation system by peers considered one of the most effective. European and American HR specialists believe that on the basis of questionnaires it is possible not only to obtain genuine information about the work of employees, but also to help them increase the level of personal responsibility and acquire analytical skills.

In Russia, the Western method is still taking root with great difficulty. Although most employers explain to employees that no sanctions will follow after the survey, there are also those who pay wages based on the results of the survey. In Western companies, employees are guaranteed complete anonymity; in our country, on the contrary, employers require that their name be indicated on the application form. In addition, the questionnaires themselves are compiled in such a way that it is easy to guess which employee reported the violation. Experts believe that the future of the peer review technique is very vague; the effectiveness of the method depends entirely on trust in management.

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personnel personnel certification

One of the main tasks of any manager is to fully utilize the full potential of their employees in their work. During development correct system motivation of employees, there is an increase in productivity and, as a result, profitability of the company.

Personnel management is a vital strategic function, which during the 20th century formed into an independent structure in the course of the evolution of diverse forms of management. As it turned out, the main measure of progress and development of activity is a person with his needs, motivations and specific interests.

In this regard, the relationships between the leaders of organizations, between the manager and subordinates, and between all employees within the organization are changing. The attitude towards the organization’s personnel is also changing, since the social orientation of economic reforms turns them to face the person, the organization’s personnel. Human resource management focuses on the workers and employees located in the organizational environment of the firm. It generally concerns managers of lower, middle and senior levels of management.

In order to develop, succeed, maintain the health of people and the stability of the team, they must optimize the return on investment of any resources, be they financial, material or human resources.

Personnel assessment is a procedure that allows you to measure the performance of employees, their level of professional competence, business and personal qualities and potential in relation to the strategic goals of the company.

Personnel evaluation in companies always exists to one degree or another. Any manager expresses his attitude towards the work of his subordinates, but most often such an assessment is vague and emotionally charged. When designed and implemented correctly, assessment is an effective tool for identifying weaknesses and strengths activities of employees, draw up a plan professional development, build an open corporate culture and trusting relationships with the manager, increase business profitability through more effective management staff.

The problem of personnel assessment when hiring and during the work process is becoming increasingly important. From efficiency of use labor resources depends on the effectiveness of the organization as a whole.

The relevance of the problem under study predetermined the setting of the goals and objectives of the study.

The purpose of the work is to develop methods for improving the system of business assessment of personnel of the Minsk Gear Plant Unitary Enterprise (hereinafter referred to as the MZSh Unitary Enterprise) based on the study and analysis of personnel management technology.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Conduct a theoretical analysis of modern methods of personnel selection and assessment;

Consider the methods of personnel assessment when hiring and during the work process, used at the MZSh Unitary Enterprise;

develop practical proposals for improving the process of personnel selection and assessment.

The object of the study is the personnel policy of the Minsk Gear Plant Unitary Enterprise.

The subject of the research is the personnel assessment system of the MZSh Unitary Enterprise.

The purpose and objectives of the research determined the specific structure of the course work. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, and appendices.

When performing the work, general scientific methods, statistical models and methods, methods of classification and graphic images were used.

The information base of the work is information and analytical materials of domestic and foreign authors, scientific publications on this issue, various forms of financial, accounting and other reporting of the enterprise. Main source practical material, used in writing the course work, are the reporting data of the MZSh Unitary Enterprise.

1. Theoretical and methodological analysis of business assessment of personnel

1.1 The essence of personnel assessment as an element personnel policy organizations

Modern management practice has accumulated a large arsenal of technologies, methods and assessment techniques. The need for management systems to produce better results by adopting optimal solutions caused the emergence of a whole direction in management - appraisal management or brand management.

The leading concept in brand management is “evaluation”. Domestic authors, revealing this concept, identify its three most significant features:

1. Belonging to a subject: assessment is characteristic of any person, since it reflects his personal opinions, judgments, and attitudes. A person can, for one reason or another, “hide” his assessments by referring to the assessments of others or by expressing even more vaguely “he has an opinion” (but in any case, this “opinion” has an author). In other words, in brand management, it is subjective assessments that are important (that is, those belonging to specific subjects), but not extra-subjective assessments.

2. Availability of technology: It is clearly not enough that someone has evaluative information; it is necessary to obtain this information, that is, to “derive” evaluations from people using certain techniques and methods. The degree of reliability of assessments largely depends on the level of assessment technologies used. Moreover, in brand management the term “objective assessment” is not accepted, and the main emphasis is shifted to the degree of reliability of the assessment: the higher it is, the more reliable it is for decision-making.

3. Presentation in a certain final form: as a result of processing the received assessment information, it is important to obtain a final assessment (for example, a rating) or a series of assessments (in particular, the degree of expression of a particular quality in points). In this case, the assessment acts as a result, a specific result of the assessment.

IN diploma work We adhere to the definition of the concept of “assessment” given by V.I. Zhukov and E.I. Komarov: “Evaluation is judgments, opinions, conclusions of someone and with what and / or about someone, which are identified using a certain technology, act as the result of the evaluation.”

In modern management, a distinction is made between job evaluation and personnel evaluation. The purpose of labor assessment is “to compare the content, quality and costs of labor with the planned ones.”

The subject of labor assessment may be:

l the effectiveness of the applied remuneration systems;

b system of stimulation (motivation) of labor;

b conditions and level of labor organization, etc.

Based on the results of the labor assessment, it is possible to identify workers who do not satisfy, satisfy, or significantly exceed labor standards.

The purpose of personnel assessment is to study the degree of preparedness of an employee to perform exactly the type of activity in which he is engaged, as well as to identify the level of his potential capabilities to determine the prospects for professional and job growth.

Personnel assessment allows you to diagnose the level of development of professionally important qualities, compare individual results with standard requirements (by level and specificity of positions), and outline career prospects.

Business personnel assessment is a targeted process of establishing compliance of the qualitative characteristics of personnel (abilities, motivations and properties) with the requirements of a position or workplace.

We have already found out that personnel assessment is an integral part of the entire management system in an organization, since it is effective to manage people without having any idea about the results of their work, the level of development of professional and personal qualities, impossible.

Without an appropriate personnel assessment system, the company also cannot build systems for selection, rotation, motivation, training and development of personnel, personnel planning systems, retention of especially valuable specialists, and also form a personnel reserve.

The main criteria when assessing the qualities of an employee are:

§ professional knowledge and skills;

§ production experience;

§ health, performance;

§ business and moral qualities;

§ psychological properties;

§ level of general culture, etc.

The objectives of the assessment determine which criteria to give preference to. If the objective of the assessment is to increase labor productivity in the workplace, then the criteria should relate directly to labor productivity. If this job requires communication skills and personal qualities, you need to focus on them. If the goal is the possibility of promotion, then it is necessary to find out the possibilities for the employee’s personal development.

The goals of business personnel assessment are:

1) formation personnel reserve for nomination;

2) obtaining analytical material necessary for making informed decisions on the selection and placement of management personnel;

3) development of measures for advanced training and retraining of management personnel, taking into account personal characteristics (development of relevant competencies);

4) increasing motivation for professional development and career growth;

5) formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate.

Typically, an organization's need to evaluate people is especially relevant at the moment:

Selection of candidates for vacant positions,

Completion by new employees probationary period,

Completion of a certain cycle of work (fiscal year, six-month project, etc.),

Implementation of changes that require the search and development of new competencies,

Transferring employees to another job, promoting them to a higher position,

There is a need to start training employees,

Making decisions on dismissal of employees.

Personnel assessment results for the company:

Determination of work results, level of knowledge and skills of personnel, business and personal qualities of employees;

Possibility of personnel rotation and creation of a personnel reserve;

The basis for developing a system of motivation, development and training of personnel.

Benefits of assessment for an employee:

Determining the place and role of each employee;

A clear understanding of the assigned tasks, success criteria, and the dependence of the amount of remuneration on labor results;

Opportunity to receive feedback from the manager;

Opportunity to plan further development and evaluate opportunities career growth.

Depending on the tasks, an assessment of all personnel (both managers and specialists), employees of a separate department, only managers of a certain level, assessment of professional knowledge and skills, assessment of work results, assessment of readiness for managerial work or work in a new direction can be carried out.

Thus, we can conclude that effective personnel assessment is one of the most important components of managing any organization. Personnel assessment serves as the basis for many management and personnel procedures: personnel selection, intra-organizational transfers, enrollment in the promotion reserve, personnel control, retraining and advanced training, improving the structure of the apparatus, etc.

1.2 Personnel assessment methods

It should be noted that both the immediate supervisors of the assessed, as well as other superiors, colleagues, subordinates, HR specialists, external consultants and, finally, the assessed himself (self-assessment) can be involved in personnel assessment. Thus, minimal familiarity with personnel assessment methods for all employees is a guarantee that the methods used will give the expected effect.

All assessment methods can be divided into methods for individual assessment of employees, which are based on a study of the individual qualities of the employee, and group assessment methods, which are based on comparing the effectiveness of employees within.

Many assessment methods that are used today were developed in the last century. However, during the evolution of these methods, they have undergone significant transformation.

Let's look at the most common methods of personnel assessment.

Questionnaire method

The assessment questionnaire is a specific set of questions and descriptions. The evaluator analyzes the presence or absence of the specified traits in the person being certified and notes the appropriate option.

Descriptive assessment method

The evaluator must identify and describe the positive and negative behavioral traits of the person being assessed. This method does not provide for clear recording of results and is therefore often used as an addition to other methods.

Classification method

This method is based on ranking certified workers according to a certain criterion from best to worst, assigning them a certain serial number.

Pair comparison method

In this method, a group of attestees in the same position is compared, each with each other, and then the number of times the attestee turned out to be the best in his pair is counted. Based on the results obtained, an overall rating for the group is constructed.

When comparing in pairs, using the Group Assessment Form (Table 1.1) is effective.

Table 1.1 - Group assessment form

At the intersection, mark the name of the employee who seems to be the most effective in this pair.

It is based on an assessment of the employee’s suitability for the position held. This is a method of scaling the personal qualities of an employee. The most important component of this type of assessment is the list of tasks that the certified employee must perform. After compiling this list (it can also be taken from job descriptions) there is a study of activities taking into account the time spent by the employee on decision-making, methods of performing assigned tasks. It also takes into account how economically the employee uses material resources. Then the qualities of the certified employee listed in the list are assessed on a 7-point scale: 7 - very high degree, 1 - very low degree.

Analysis of the results can be carried out either by the correspondence of the identified assessments to the reference ones, or by comparison of the results obtained from employees of the same position.

Specified distribution method

With this method, the person conducting the assessment is asked to give employees ratings within the framework of a predetermined (fixed) distribution of ratings. For example:

10% - unsatisfactory;

20% - satisfactory;

40% - quite satisfactory;

20% - good;

10% - excellent;

total - 100%.

The only thing that is required of the employee is to write down the employee’s last name on a separate card and distribute them into groups in accordance with a given quota. Distribution can be carried out on various grounds (evaluation criteria).

Evaluation method by decisive situation

To use this method, evaluators prepare a list of descriptions of the “correct” and “incorrect” behavior of employees in typical situations - “decisive situations”. These descriptions are divided into categories according to the nature of the work. Next, the person conducting the assessment prepares a journal for each employee being assessed, in which he enters examples of behavior for each rubric. This journal is later used to evaluate the employee’s business qualities.

Typically, this method is used in evaluations made by the manager, rather than by colleagues and subordinates.

It is based on the use of “decisive situations” (see the method of assessing decisive situations), from which the required personal business and personal qualities of the employee are derived, which become evaluation criteria. The evaluator reads the description of any evaluation criterion (for example, engineering competence) in the rating questionnaire and puts a mark on the scale in accordance with the qualifications of the evaluator. An expensive and labor-intensive method, but accessible and understandable to workers.

Behavioral Observation Scale Method

Similar to the previous one, but instead of determining the employee’s behavior in a decisive situation of the current time, the appraiser records on the scale the number of cases when the employee behaved in one specific way or another previously. The method is labor-intensive and requires significant material costs.

Method of questionnaires and comparative questionnaires

Includes a set of questions or descriptions of employee behavior. The appraiser puts a mark next to the description of the character trait that, in his opinion, is inherent in the employee, otherwise leaves an empty space. The sum of marks gives the overall rating of the questionnaire of this employee. Used for evaluation by management, peers and subordinates.


This technique is borrowed by HR departments from sociology.

Here is an example of an interview plan for personality assessment. In the interview, it is important to obtain information about the following components and characteristics of personality:

Intellectual sphere; motivational sphere;

Temperament, character;

Professional and life experience;


Attitude to professional activity

Early years;


Vocational training (primary, secondary, higher, vocational);

Military service;

Attitude towards working at the company;


Self-esteem of capabilities, health;

Marital status, family relationships;

Forms of leisure activities.

"360 degree assessment" method

An employee is evaluated by his manager, his colleagues and his subordinates and clients. The specific assessment forms may vary, but all assessors complete the same form and the results are processed using computers to ensure anonymity. The purpose of the method is to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the person being certified.

Management by Objectives. This method is based on the fact that managers in the process of the organization’s activities should cooperate with subordinates to develop the organization’s goals, which gives subordinates the opportunity to use self-monitoring of labor productivity. But it is not just a process of evaluation - it is the method by which managers and subordinates plan, organize, control, communicate and discuss work. Thus, the subordinate receives a program and purpose for his work.

Independent Judges Method

Independent members of the commission - 6-7 people - ask the person being certified a variety of questions. The procedure is reminiscent of cross-examination on various areas of activity of the person being certified. In front of the judge there is a computer on which the evaluator presses the “+” key in case of a correct answer and, accordingly, the “-” key in case of an incorrect answer. Upon completion of the procedure, the program issues a conclusion. It is also possible to manually process the employee’s answers, then the correctness of the answers is entered into a pre-compiled form.


Various tests can be used to evaluate an employee. According to their content, they are divided into three groups:

qualification, allowing to determine the degree of qualification of the employee;

Psychological, making it possible to assess the personal qualities of an employee;

Physiological, revealing the physiological characteristics of a person.

The positive aspects of the test assessment are that it allows you to obtain quantitative characteristics for most assessment criteria, and computer processing of the results is possible. However, when assessing the potential capabilities of an employee, tests do not take into account how these abilities manifest themselves in practice.

Committee method

The assessment is carried out by a group of experts and is aimed at identifying the candidate’s abilities, giving him the right to apply for other positions, in particular for promotion.

This technique consists of the following steps:

Activities are broken down into individual components;

The effectiveness of each type of activity is determined in points on a scale (for example, from -10 to +10), and thus the degree of success is determined;

Three lists of jobs are compiled: those jobs that can be solved successfully, those that succeed from time to time, and those that never succeed;

A final comprehensive assessment is issued.

The assessment in its most general form consists of the following four actions:

Selection of assessed qualities and employee performance indicators;

Usage different methods collecting information;

The assessment information should provide a comprehensive picture of the person;

Comparison of the actual qualities of the employee with the required ones.

The sets of qualities being studied are developed taking into account the tasks

performed according to the position. Typically, there are from 5 to 20 such qualities.

Assessment center method

This method solves two problems:

Personal and business qualities employee (usually this method is used to evaluate management employees)

An individual training program for the manager is determined, allowing him to develop his abilities and behavioral skills.

The test takes different times, for example, to assess the professionalism of a master, a few hours are enough, for a low-level manager - one day, for middle managers - two to three days, a little more for managers and senior managers. Some of the procedures used for assessment are:

Execution of management actions. During the two hours allotted for completing the task, the subject must familiarize himself with some instructions, business papers, orders and other materials necessary to give orders on specific technological, production, and personnel issues. This simulates the real activities of the company. After completing two hours of work on the task, the assessee is interviewed.

Discussing problems in a small group. This procedure allows you to identify the ability to work in a group. Group members are given material that they need to familiarize themselves with and make decisions on their own. to the question asked and during a group discussion (40-50 minutes) convince others of its correctness. At all of these stages, the subject is assessed by observers in points.

Making decisions. The subjects are divided into several groups (representatives of competing firms). The work of firms is simulated over several years (2-5 years). Every hour is considered one year, during which a number of problems are solved. The performance of each subject is assessed by experts.

Development and presentation of the project. It is necessary to develop a draft plan for the development of some type of activity in 1 hour, which is then defended in front of experts.

Preparation business letter . Each subject prepares business letters according to various issues and from different positions: refusal, cancellation of a decision, expression of negative information, etc. Actions are assessed by experts.

Sometimes it is practiced to compare the results of an employee’s expert assessment with his self-assessment of his personal and business qualities. The results of such a comparison can be very revealing both for management and for the employee himself.

Business games method

Personnel assessment is carried out within the framework of specially designed simulation and developmental business games. Both the participants of business games themselves and expert observers are involved in the assessment. Certification business games are conducted, as a rule, for results, which makes it possible to assess the readiness of staff to solve current and future problems, as well as the individual contribution of each participant in the game. This assessment method can be used to determine the effectiveness of staff teamwork.

Method for assessing the achievement of goals (Method of management through goal setting)

The manager and subordinate jointly determine the key goals of the employee’s activities for a certain period (one to six months). Goals must be specific, achievable, but challenging, and must be important both for the professional development of the employee and for improving the organization’s activities. The established goals outline the employee’s sphere of responsibility and the range of his responsibilities for the specific time frame that is necessary to achieve the intended result. These results must be measurable at least as a percentage. The results are assessed jointly by the manager and the employee based on individual standards for achieving goals, but the manager has a casting vote in summing up the results.

Assessment method based on competency models

Competency models describe the intellectual and business qualities of an employee, his skills interpersonal communication necessary for successful professional activities within the framework of the existing corporate culture in the organization. The gap between the required and existing level of competence becomes the basis for the development of individual professional development plans. The implementation of these plans, which is expressed in specific results of professional activity, is the subject of assessment and self-assessment, as well as independent examination.

1.3 Foreign experience in business assessment of personnel

The personnel policy of each organization in economic developed countries consists, first of all, in the formation of a certain set of personnel decisions regarding individual workers or their groups to ensure the normal functioning of the organization as a whole. Personnel assessment plays a central role in these decisions.

The most developed methods for assessing already employed company personnel. This is due to the desire to maximize the identification and use of the potential of internal human resources in the interests of the organization in the context of “shrinking” external sources of qualified personnel. And the process of assessing internal sources itself is facilitated due to the proximity of the object.

In general, personnel assessment is defined as a planned, formalized, regular, standardized procedure for assessing the quality of work of an organization’s employees based on selected criteria throughout the entire period of employment, usually checking the compliance of personnel characteristics with the requirements of a position or workplace.

The initial element of personnel assessment, necessary for making decisions on promotion, advanced training, etc., is the formal level of knowledge and experience, i.e. purely personal information. But the main areas of assessment are the assessment (accounting) of labor results and the assessment (analysis) of business and personal qualities that influence these results. In addition, the assessment of the potential of employees, as well as the assessment of their motivation, are specifically highlighted.

Among the main methods of personnel assessment, popular abroad, are the following:

1) Management by objectives,

2) Achievement management,

3) Assessment center,

4) “360 degree” method, etc.

American companies The focus is on specialized knowledge and professional skills.

Regarding the frequency of assessment, the statistics are as follows: 74% of employees and 58% of workers were assessed once a year; 25% of employees and 30% of workers were assessed once every six months, about 10% were assessed for job performance more often than once every six months. It is common for US companies to have fairly frequent appraisal periodicity. The evaluation of employees is most often carried out by the manager-manager.

Most often, US firms use the graphic rating scale method. We also widely use the descriptive method, most often as part of a graphic rating scale. Questionnaires are widely used. Other methods combined account for only 5% of cases. The management by objectives method is most often used when evaluating the work of managers, engineers and workers not directly related to product production.

Work with personnel in Japanese companies First of all, it is based on deep traditions. Here there is group collectivism and a desire for joint work; subordination to the leader and senior in age. The senior in position (position) is also older than the junior in age and work experience. Harmony is above all. Dedication to the ideals of the company. Establishing informal relationships with subordinates and ordinary employees. Lifetime hiring of staff large companies, constant rotation of personnel with a change of professions and positions every 3-5 years.

Personnel assessment is carried out mainly through the study of biographies and personal files. Preference professional tests- completing written assignments (project, report, business letter). Oral examinations in the form of interviews and group discussions. A questionnaire to determine abilities, work experience, personality development and desires. Testing knowledge and skills. In some companies, a special document is maintained for each employee, which indicates professional qualification and its growth, achievements in the field of innovation and quality, intra-company activity and achievements at work. This document is similar to the certification card used for certification in Russian companies, and serves as the basis for determining the amount of earnings and promotion.

In one form or another, performance accounting covers almost all personnel, since it is the basis of the remuneration system. The results of the labor of workers and some employees are determined, as is known, by the level of compliance with standards. As for those employees whose work cannot be strictly standardized, the main criterion for assessing its effectiveness is the compliance of the results of work with the goals set in advance for a certain period (hereinafter, for brevity, we will call such an assessment “assessment according to compliance with goals”). The work to identify this correspondence includes the following steps:

* establishing several main responsibilities (functions) of the employee;

* specification of each of these functions and their linkage with certain indicators (profit, costs, volume of work, timing and quality of their implementation, turnover of “key personnel”, condition labor discipline etc.);

* establishment of units of measurement (percentages, days, dollars, etc.) and a system of indicators reflecting the results of activities (reduction of work time, reduction in the level of defects, increase in profits compared to the previous period, reduction in the turnover of “key personnel”, reduction in the level of violations of labor discipline etc.);

* establishing minimum and maximum “performance standards” for each indicator;

* comparison of actual labor results with performance standards (above the maximum standard, at its level, below the minimum) and obtaining an evaluation score for this indicator;

* displaying the average rating for all indicators.

Along with these assessments, assessments of the “level of contribution” made by the employee to the organization’s activities are used: labor results do not correlate with individual planned indicators(the latter are not defined in this case), but with more general formal requirements. The description of the “level of contribution” is carried out not by individual performers, but by job groups of employees.

For example, at the Stanford Research Center, in relation to research personnel, there are five areas of activity through which the employee participates in solving common problems:

b professional contribution (as a researcher),

b commercial implementation of ideas (contribution to increasing the profit of the center),

b development of relationships with customers,

b management and coordination of research and development (role in the activities of complex project groups),

ь performing the functions of a line manager.

For each of the areas, six “contribution levels” (evaluation categories) are identified, and for each there is a precise description, which is presented in the “professional maturity matrix” of the center specialist.

The “Professional Maturity Matrix” reflects both the results of work and the overall professional and qualification level. It is the basis not only for current assessment, but also for employee certification. When choosing an evaluation category, the manager takes into account not individual best achievements, but the work of the specialist for most of the year.

Firms strive, on the one hand, to determine a set of labor productivity factors, a common criterion for assessing personnel, and, on the other hand, to highlight specific qualities for individual groups of employees. Thus, at the factories of the American corporation General Electric, an assessment of all categories of workers - from skilled workers to managers - has been introduced based on five factors:

1) knowledge of the job (does the employee have a clear understanding of the content of the job and its goals);

2) the need for control over his actions by the boss (how diligent the employee is in performing production tasks, whether he observes labor discipline, including lunch time, breaks, etc.);

3) work style (does he always make thoughtful decisions, has a penchant for introspection, and the ability to get things done);

4) initiative (does he have a desire to take on additional responsibility how he perceives new ideas, is he predisposed to risk);

5) a tendency to cooperate (does he demonstrate the willingness and ability to work together with colleagues and subordinates, is he able to maintain a favorable psychological mood in the team).

To summarize Foreign experience business assessment of personnel, it is worth noting that the most developed methods for assessing the company’s already employed personnel. In general, personnel assessment is defined as a planned, formalized, regular, standardized procedure for assessing the quality of work of an organization’s employees based on selected criteria throughout the entire period of employment, usually checking the compliance of personnel characteristics with the requirements of a position or workplace. Among the main methods of personnel assessment, popular abroad, the following can be identified: 1) management by objectives, 2) achievement management, 3) Assistance center, 4) “360 degree” certification

1.4 Persian certificationit is used as a method of business evaluation

Personnel certification, i.e. assessment of suitability for a position - a procedure for systematic formalized assessment according to specified criteria of compliance of the activities of a particular employee with clear standards of work performance at a given workplace in a given position for a certain period of time.

Certification is a specific procedure, and therefore must be formalized in accordance with the requirements of current legislation, as well as local regulatory documents organizations

Schematically, the certification process looks like this:

Figure 1.1 - Algorithm of actions during certification

Purpose of certification. The most important thing in the certification process is to decide on the goal. Possible purposes of certification have been discussed above.

Analysis of the situation. Before starting the certification, it is necessary to determine what results are expected from the certification, how they will be processed, possible conclusions and actions. It is necessary to take into account previous experience in conducting certification, its pros and cons, compliance of certification with organizational culture, standards of work performance adopted in the organization, documents regulating the activities of employees, personnel reaction to the upcoming certification, human, temporary and financial resources available for certification and other issues.

Analysis of methods and approaches (3-6 ) . From the variety of methods, it is necessary to choose exactly those that are suitable for a particular organization. Different approaches impose their own requirements on the qualifications and training of personnel, the moral climate in the team, the availability of time and money.

Work plan. It is necessary to draw up a detailed work plan describing who is involved in the process, what stages take place and in what time frame, what resources are needed, who is responsible for individual stages and for the process as a whole.

Estimating costs for the organization also seems quite important. Obvious costs are the printing of certification forms, the cost of hiring consultants (if necessary) and purchasing literature.

Carrying out certification. Performance this stage depends on the preparation carried out. The most difficult at this stage is the certification interview. Analysis and follow-up. Analysis of the certification results provides not only a better understanding of the activities of a particular employee, but also the situation in the organization as a whole. The results depend on the goals set and the methods used.

For a specific employee, based on the results of certification, it is possible to draw reasonable conclusions about the need for training and development, his place in the organization, career planning, change wages, disciplinary actions.

You can also assess what is happening in the organization as a whole and in individual divisions, how reasonably work is distributed, how to plan human resources, is it possible with the available resources to implement the plans of the organization, to increase labor productivity, which is necessary for the introduction of new technologies and changes in working conditions, whether the norms and rules adopted in the organization, in particular labor protection standards, comply with the law.

Participants in the certification are two parties, one of which is called the certified, the other - the attester.

In Western practice, assessment by the immediate supervisor is very often used, which is logical, since mutual understanding between the manager and the subordinate is the basis for effective work. In the daily routine, mainly tactical production tasks are solved. Psychologically and organizationally, it is quite difficult to sit down and discuss past achievements and failures and outline plans for the future without a clear reason. Certification can serve as such a reason for a frank conversation. However, the assessment by the immediate supervisor presupposes a constructive relationship between the superior and the subordinate. When conflict situations the likelihood of effective completion of certification with such interaction is low.

Organizations use a combination of different certification methods. Let's look at some of them and the features of their application.

Rating methods are the most common and simplest method of certification. Its essence lies in the fact that employees receive an assessment according to specified criteria in accordance with the selected scale. There are two options - the introduction of rating scales, when the rating is given from 1 to 3 points, from 1 to 4 points, from 1 to 5 or 10 points - at the discretion of the scale developers. The second option is "list" where the answer is "yes" or "no".

Comparative methods involve managers comparing the performance of employees. This method used much less frequently than rating methods. It makes sense to contact him to determine incentives for the best employees.

Written methods. These include primarily the essay (or employee profile) and the method of critical situations. The characteristic is often used both in combination with other methods and independently. An important condition for turning a written description into a working tool is its structure. Including characteristics in the certification form as an addition to other methods will allow the manager to note points that are not included in the assessment using other methods. Independent use of characteristics is more acceptable for small companies, where it does not always make sense to develop more complex circuits. Processing information obtained using characteristics is much more difficult than information obtained using rating methods. In addition, there is a much higher likelihood of subjectivity in the characteristics.

In an organization, employees are independently surveyed about a variety of behaviors. These examples are then collected and summarized and passed back to the interviewees to ask them to place the examples on the scale. The most frequently repeated assessments among various respondents are taken as a basis when constructing behavioral rating scales.

As a result, these scales describe a variety of behaviors in a situation from desirable and expected to extremely undesirable.

Management by Objectives (MBO). Management by objectives is a method that has recently received the greatest recognition and development, not only as a certification method, but also as a management method, as a management philosophy.

The main idea of ​​the method is that management and development is goal-oriented, and achieving the goals of the organization through setting goals for each employee and agreeing on them, which allows you to move from simple daily execution job responsibilities(process orientation) to conscious work aimed at an important result for the organization.

MVO is a certification method that is ideal in cases where other methods do not work or can be used only to a limited extent. First of all, this concerns management personnel, especially at a high level, the certification of which using other methods gives limited results. Management by objectives is suitable for creative types of work that are difficult to describe in quantitative and qualitative terms. The MBO certification process can be schematically described as follows - Fig. 1.2.:

Figure 1.2 - Management by objectives

The process begins not with defining goals, but with discussing job responsibilities, work performance and performance standards. In fact, everything is explained by the fact that any goals are achieved using certain resources. In this case, the resource for achieving the goal is the activity of a specific employee. It is expected that at each stage of certification the goal bar will rise higher. To do this, firstly, it is necessary to decide what the employee does and with what quality and work requirements. Next, resources should be found to improve the work, i.e. constant development of performance standards is necessary. After this, you can set performance goals for a certain period - specific, measurable, understandable, communicated to the employee and agreed upon with him. During the period between certifications, it is recommended to periodically evaluate how well the plan is being achieved. During the next certification, the procedure is repeated, but at a higher level.

Depending on who conducts the certification, the use of certain methods is allowed. This clearly looks like this - table. 1.2.

Table 1.2 - Application of various methods of personnel assessment

Who evaluates

Comparative methods

Recording methods

The manager evaluates his subordinates

Employees evaluate the manager

Colleagues evaluate each other

Combination of ratings



Often in practice in certification (and attestation sheet) combine several methods. For example, a brief description of(recording methods) can complement rating methods, and for better organization of MBO, it is reasonable to use self-assessment and, in some cases, rating methods. results comparative methods it is desirable to support and justify rating methods or recording methods. In any case, when preparing certification, it is important to remember the goals and resources that the organization has. The more complex combination of methods is chosen,

the longer and more difficult the certification will be, but the information received will be deeper and more serious.

In addition to the above certification methods, you can use the following methods:


Assessment based on abstracts;

Expert survey method;

- “360 - certification”;

Business games;

Psychological methods;

Assessment Centers.

Thus, personnel assessment is an integral part of the entire management system in an organization, since it is impossible to effectively manage people without having an idea of ​​the results of their work, the level of development of professional and personal qualities.

All assessment methods can be divided into methods for individual assessment of employees, which are based on a study of the individual qualities of the employee, and group assessment methods, which are based on comparing the effectiveness of employees within.

The most common methods of personnel assessment are: questionnaire method, descriptive evaluation method, classification method, paired comparison method, rating or comparison method, predetermined distribution method, decisive situation assessment method, behavioral rating method, behavior observation scale method, questionnaire method and comparative questionnaires, interviews, the “360 degree assessment” method, the method of independent judges, testing, the committee method, the assessment center method, the business games method, the method of assessing the achievement of goals (Method of management through goal setting), the assessment method based on competency models. Certification is a comprehensive procedure for assessing personnel in order to identify the compliance of the level of work, quality and individual potential with the requirements of the activities performed.

2. Analysis of methods for assessing personnel when hiring and in the process of work, used at UE "MZSh"

2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of the activities of Unitary Enterprise "MZSH"

Industrial Republican unitary enterprise"Minsk Gear Plant" (hereinafter PRUP "MZSH") is one of the largest specialized enterprises in the CIS.

PRUE "MZSH" is a full technological cycle enterprise. Has production area 110,000 square meters. It has more than 3,200 units of metalworking equipment, powerful forging and pressing, thermal and chemical-thermal production divisions; workshops - tool, power, repair and mechanical, agricultural machinery, transport and metal waste processing. Type of production: from mass and large-scale to single production. The production quality management system meets the requirements international standard ISO9001 and introduced into the factory in 2001.

The main products are gear wheels and shafts (gears and shaft - gears) for tractors, cars, agricultural machines, combines, engines, pumps, gearboxes, light industrial machines.

The main technical and economic indicators necessary to analyze the production of the enterprise, the results of the activities of the MZSh Unitary Enterprise, are summarized in Table 2.1.

As the data in Table 2.1 shows, all analyzed indicators of the enterprise increased, which indicates an increase in operating efficiency in the period under study. The enterprise has clearly organized inter-shop and intra-shop cooperation, team labor organization is widely used, and a significant part of the workers perform multi-machine maintenance.

Table 2.1 - Indicators of production and economic activity of UE "MZSh" for 2012-2014.


Deviation, +/-

Growth rate, %

Volume products sold, million rub.

Volume of commercial products, million rubles.

Volume of gross output, million rubles.

Average number of employees, people.

Balance sheet profit, million rubles.

Profit from


products, million rubles

cost of commercial products,

Average annual

cost of basic production

funds, million rubles

Average annual

cost of working capital

funds, million rubles

Based on the results of work for 2010, with an increase in production volumes by 23.6% compared to the previous year average number PPP decreased by 4% (-90 people). Compared to 1990, labor productivity increased 2.4 times. There is virtually no loss of working time at the enterprise for organizational and technical reasons.

The work on the implementation and development of personnel policy is carried out by the personnel department. In its activities, the personnel department of the UE "MZSh" is guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the charter of the enterprise.

The most important function of the personnel department of the UE “MZSh” is documenting the process of personnel movement in the enterprise. This type of activity may include promotion, demotion, transfer, termination employment contract. For this purpose, instructions have been developed that determine the procedure for registration when hiring, transferring, dismissing and recording employees of an enterprise, as well as the procedure for issuing, recording and distributing orders to personnel.

Let's take a closer look at the personnel structure of the MZSh Unitary Enterprise (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2 - Number of personnel of UE “MZSh”

As we see from Table 2.3, for senior and middle managers, the supply of labor resources exceeds 100%. The analysis data indicates the need for better use of the resources available at the enterprise. The supply of specialists and workers is 98.8% and 98.4%, respectively, which necessitates a review of the need for these personnel and a possible increase in the number of this category of workers.

Effective use of labor resources is critical to increasing the performance of an enterprise.

Over the past 2 years, the MZSH Unitary Enterprise has increased specific gravity workers over 25 years old, workers with two to five years of experience predominate, despite the predominance of workers with secondary specialized education, the proportion of personnel with higher education is increasing.

Table 2.3 - Provision of UE "MZSh" with labor resources

The personnel structure of the MZSh Unitary Enterprise should be assessed positively, since the organization has employees of different ages and with different lengths of experience.

Let's consider the labor force movement indicators of the MZSh Unitary Enterprise (Table 2.5).

Table 2.5 - Indicators of labor movement of UE "MZSH"


Average number of employees

Number of people hired

Number of people fired

Admissions turnover ratio

Dismissal turnover ratio

Turnover rate

Staff retention rate

Employee turnover rate

As can be seen from the above data, staff turnover at the enterprise is low. During 2011-2013. it decreased by 3.1% and amounted to 4.4% in 2013. Personnel turnover causes great damage to the economy. According to studies, before dismissal, labor productivity of laid-off workers decreases by 10-15% within a month, and for newly hired workers, productivity is 56% lower within three months. These losses are approximately 10-15 days. It takes another 10-20 days from the moment of dismissal to the start of a new job. Therefore, the total loss will be 20-35 days.

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Assessment methods must correspond to the structure of the organization, the nature of the staff’s activities, the goals of the assessment, be simple and understandable, involve the use of quantitative indicators, and combine written and oral tasks.

The most well-known and common means of assessment are tests, but the accuracy of information obtained on their basis is usually 35 -45%.

The number and combination of all test methods vary depending on the specifics of the vacancy and the candidate. Their diversity can be systematized into the following most used types of tests:

The aptitude test is a Wechsler scale consisting of two groups of tasks: verbal, which tests vocabulary, and general awareness, consisting of tasks based on completing a drawing, collecting objects, etc.

Bass Questionnaire. It diagnoses the predominant orientation of the individual and the specific motives of his activities.

Thomas's technique, which reveals the style of interpersonal interaction and human behavior in conflict situations.

A questionnaire test that assesses a person’s interests and character. They are also used to determine aptitude for a particular type of activity and are used for career guidance purposes.

Tests for psychological stability and stress resistance, honesty. Use a lie detector.

The tests assess relatively simple psychological factors well - formal level of intelligence, emotional stability, communication skills, but very poorly measure complex factors - leadership, openness to learning, result orientation, innovation. Therefore, tests are most often used to evaluate personnel in lower positions, for which there are few requirements and they are simply formalized. In order to evaluate senior managers in our country, tests are not traditionally used or are used only as auxiliary tools. In relation to top managers, tests can only reveal the pronounced specifics of their intellectual and emotional make-up, but for assessing complex management competencies, such as strategic thinking, leadership, learning ability, etc., other methods are required.

A competency interview is also a means of assessing personnel and is a structured conversation that is aimed at a detailed analysis of a person’s actual behavior in his usual work situations - how he makes decisions, how he plans, exercises control, and how he behaves in stressful situations. The structure and content of the interview depend on the competencies that are assessed in it and are developed specifically. When conducting it, it is necessary to obtain answers to the following questions:

What was planned to be done during the reporting period;

What was done as planned;

What prevented the planned work from being completed;

Such an interview lasts from one to three hours, depending on the number of competencies being assessed, and is conducted primarily in situations of time shortage, when it is necessary to quickly obtain accurate information about the manager, for example, when selecting candidates for senior management positions or assessing training needs.

Such interviews are conducted with employees in order to inform them of the results of the assessment of their performance. It allows a manager to review a subordinate's performance, reinforce desired behavior, point out performance deficiencies, and jointly develop a plan for performance improvement.

It is important to keep in mind that the error in the competency interview procedure is directly proportional to the specialist’s inexperience, his inability to control subjective factors (his preferences, stereotypes, experience) and standardize the interview situation. An error in the format of the procedure is inevitable when the assessed competencies are not actually demonstrated, as in the assessment center method, but are only subjected to detailed analysis. There is an opportunity to replace reality with your detailed knowledge and ideas about how it should be - a person who is able to talk in detail about how to manage a subordinate or work with information may not do this effectively enough in real situations.

Competencies such as, for example, leadership, teamwork, influence, are very difficult to assess in an interview - they can be assessed mainly in specially organized business games simulating real work situations, the possibility of using which is provided by the assessment center method.

The assessment center is designed to evaluate employees based on competencies for a specific personnel task. Outwardly, this resembles a training - participants are also offered business games and tasks, but their goal is not the development of skills and abilities, but equal opportunities for everyone to demonstrate their strengths and weaknesses. In each task, each participant is assigned an expert. He records in detail the behavior of his ward, which relates to the observed competence. The relatively high accuracy of assessments in the assessment center (60 - 80%) is ensured by a whole system of procedures:

game tasks are precisely designed for specific competencies and ideally have undergone a validation procedure;

each participant has different experts in different tasks, this reduces the effect of subjective factors;

Several tasks are offered to assess each competency, which sharply reduces the participant’s chances of masking the real level of their development.

Game situations can be of different formats - group discussions, pair games, individual written assignments. By combining these types of game situation formats, it is possible to create conditions so that each participant has maximum opportunities to express their individuality.

Decisions made based on the results of the assessment center:

Selection of candidates for management positions

Assessment of senior and middle managers to identify training needs and evaluate its effectiveness

Nomination of candidates to the personnel reserve.

In Russia, the method began to be used quite recently. It is used in very few companies. In most cases, consultants proficient in this methodology are invited to conduct assessment centers in domestic organizations.

Another advantage of the assessment center is that during the assessment center, candidates do not just talk about how they will act in a particular case (as, for example, in a case interview), but interact with each other in a real time, having the opportunity to demonstrate such characteristics as aptitude for leadership, ability to establish contact, etc. As a rule, assessment is carried out in groups of 7-10 people.

The assessment center is one of the most reliable methods of personnel assessment. Its results allow us to say with a high degree of confidence that the person being assessed has the necessary professional and personal qualities. Assessment is a set of assessment procedures, such as competency interviews, psychological and professional testing, situational behavioral interviews (case interviews), etc. The use of various methods in combination (assessment center) gives the most complete picture of the employee’s knowledge, skills and abilities, the effectiveness of his activities, the characteristics of his behavior, and personal qualities.

The choice of methods depends on the specific task, the budget allocated for the assessment, the number of assessees and the requirements for them. Assessment is not always used in full. There are several categories of workers for whom it is advisable to use the most comprehensive set of methods included in the assessment center:

managers (including candidates for the personnel reserve);

leading specialists who manage large projects and play an important role in the organization’s activities;

persons in whose activities significant place occupied by communication (customer acquisition managers, sales managers, sales agents etc.);

analytical specialists, that is, those individuals who often have to analyze situations, people, trends, etc.;

creative specialists involved in the development of new products.

To assess other categories of workers, it is not advisable to carry out a full assessment procedure, as this may require too much expense. Therefore, if the company’s personnel number is several hundred or thousand people, a simplified assessment procedure is carried out, which is a combination of two or three methods that are most significant for a particular category of employees.

Management by Objectives (MBM) method.

Conducting an assessment using the UPC method consists of jointly setting tasks by the manager and employee and assessing the results of their implementation after the reporting period. The reporting period coincides with the financial year. The system covers all positions in the company - from ordinary personnel to top managers.

At the beginning of the period, the manager, together with the subordinate, draws up a list of tasks. After outlining the range of tasks, the criteria for their implementation are determined. Sometimes each task has its own importance factor (weights that are often expressed as a percentage of overall “success”). The manager must ensure that the assignments for the period are formulated within the framework of the organization's strategy.

During an assessment interview at the end of the reporting period, the employee and manager determine the success of each task, find out the reasons for success and failure, and develop measures to improve the quality of work.

Decisions made based on the results of the assessment of the UOC:

Salary revision

Payment of premiums and bonuses

Non-material motivation: awarding honorary titles, awarding diplomas and insignia, etc.


The employee understands the criteria for the success of his work even before starting tasks.

elements of broadcasting the company's strategy appear

feedback elements appear

the method is optimal in terms of time costs


the method is quite subjective, since task performance is usually assessed by one person (manager)

focus on the employee’s past merits, rather than on his future development.

Assessment by objectives consists of the following steps:

  • 1. Determination of several main responsibilities of the employee.
  • 2. Specification of each of these functions in certain economic indicators (profit, volume, costs, timing, quality, etc.).
  • 3. Establishment of units of measurement and a system of indicators reflecting the results of activities (reduction of deadlines, reduction of defects, increase in profits as a percentage of the previous year - for managers, etc.)
  • 4. Establishing minimum and maximum “performance standards” for each indicator.
  • 5. Correlating the maximum and minimum performance results with accepted standards (above the maximum, at its level, below the minimum) and generating an evaluation score.
  • 6. Average rating for all indicators.

360 degree method.

Its main purpose is competency-based assessment performed by people who interact with the employee on a regular basis.

360 degree assessment applies to both individual personnel tasks(for example, when including a candidate in a personnel reserve or as part of team-building training), and as an addition to the main system (for example, the 360-degree method is used in the case of evaluating managers).

Four groups of people express their opinions about an employee: managers, subordinates, colleagues at the same level of the job hierarchy, and clients (or partners). Hence the name - 360 degrees, that is, a “circular” assessment.



Clients or partners


To carry out the assessment, a group of 7 - 12 people is selected: the employee himself, managers (for example, immediate; superior; top manager to whom the employee does not report, but knows him from working together), clients (internal and external), subordinates, colleagues from own and other departments. For an objective assessment, it is desirable that among the respondents there are people who can give the employee not only a positive, but also a critical assessment.

The questionnaire can be either standard or developed for a specific task. All participants fill it out. The most commonly considered competencies are:



People management


Communication skills

Organizational skills

Decision making ability



Ability to adapt.

Data from all completed questionnaires is collected together and, as a rule, sent to an external provider for processing. The services of external providers are used to achieve complete confidentiality - respondents should not be afraid that their answers will be seen by the person being assessed - only in this case there is a chance that they will honestly express their opinion about him.

Only the immediate supervisor can show his assessment to a subordinate, thus providing feedback. The assessment results may look like shown in Figure 3.

Gives feedback

Installs good

business relationship

open to new ideas

values ​​the opinions of others

recognizes achievements

Decisions made based on the results of a 360 degree assessment:

Determining the employee’s strengths and areas of development;

This assessment, as a rule, is not used as a basis for reviewing wages and calculating bonuses, as well as when making personnel decisions when promoting.

The purpose of a 360 degree assessment may be:

Determining training needs and identifying areas for development;

Expansion of the existing corporate assessment system;

Making a decision on monetary compensation.


360 degrees - an objective, comprehensive assessment that can rarely be obtained in everyday life;

Promotes trust, more open feedback;

Takes into account the opinions of external clients;

Helps strengthen corporate identity because competencies that are significant to the company and consistent with its corporate culture are selected for assessment.


Only competencies are assessed, not performance results;

A very high degree of confidentiality is required;

Expenses for the services of external consultants;

It is difficult to obtain a frank opinion from subordinates about management - especially in Russia.

Organizations also use the observation method - observation of the employee being assessed in an informal setting (on vacation, at home) and in a work environment using the methods of momentary observations and photographs of the working day. You can also create a critical incident - creating a critical situation and observing a person’s behavior in the process of resolving it.

Business game - conducting an organizational and activity game, analyzing knowledge and skills, ranking players by role (idea generator, organizer, critic, expert, clerk, observer, etc.) and assessing ability in a small group.

Biographical method - analysis of personnel data, personnel records sheet, autobiography, educational documents, characteristics.

Questioning is a specially designed questionnaire with a list of specifically selected questions and answer options. The essence of this method is to collect as much information as possible about the employee using a questionnaire, questions to the candidate, and tests.

Certification is a form of comprehensive personnel assessment, based on the results of which decisions are made on further career growth, relocation or dismissal of an employee.

Certification is still the most common method of personnel assessment in Russia. According to the Regulations on Certification, certain categories of employees may be excluded from the assessment process: those who have worked for less than one year, young specialists (who have worked no more than three years after graduating from university), pregnant women or those with children under three years of age. By decision of the administration, representatives of the company's top management may also be excluded from the procedure.

Certification can be carried out once a year, two or three. According to the decision of the administration, it can be regular or extraordinary.

Certification evaluates such characteristics of an employee as his qualifications, level of knowledge and practical skills, business and personal qualities. The evaluation criterion is professional standard specialties and positions of persons subject to certification.

To carry out certification in the organization, a certification commission is created. It usually consists of representatives of the enterprise's middle management, personnel management employees, and trade union members. The commission consists of 5-11 people. The number of commission members is usually odd. On large enterprises Several certification commissions can be created - the main commission and commissions for divisions.

During certification, the employee’s professional knowledge and skills are assessed (often in the form of a standard exam), work results (an assessment sheet is filled out or a recommendation is given from the immediate supervisor), personal and managerial qualities.

The certification process can be divided into four main stages:

  • 1. Preparatory stage - preparation of an order for certification, approval of the certification commission, preparation and reproduction of documentation, informing the workforce about the timing and features of certification;
  • 2. Formation of the composition of the certification commission and its approval: CEO(chairman); Head of the Human Resources Department (Deputy Chairman); head of the department where the certification takes place (commission member); legal advisor (commission member); and social psychologist;
  • 3. Main stage: organizing the work of the certification commission for the divisions of the enterprise, assessing the individual contributions of employees, filling out the “Certification” questionnaires, computer processing of the results.
  • 4. Final stage: summing up the results of the certification, making personal decisions on the promotion of employees, sending them to training, moving or dismissing employees who have not passed the certification.

Decisions made based on the results of certification:

lowering or increasing the grade of pay (for this there must be a grade grid for the specialties in question);

transfer to another position





the method is well known and worked out

legal decisions can be made based on the results of the certification

collegial decision making by the commission.


the method is perceived negatively by many employees and is associated with great stress

may not apply to all categories of employees

requires a lot of labor and time

employees do not receive feedback

aims to evaluate past performance.

Thus, thanks to certification, we can plan training and hiring of personnel, create a personnel reserve and objectively change employee salaries.

The effectiveness of an assessment method depends not so much on itself, but on its compliance with the business objectives and corporate culture of the organization, as well as on the literacy of its implementation. Assessment methods may change depending on the stage of development and needs of the organization. The evaluation system of the same company can combine several methods.

The choice of personnel assessment methods for each specific organization is a unique task that can only be solved by the organization’s management (possibly with the help professional consultants). The assessment system must take into account and reflect a number of factors: strategic goals organizations, state external environment, organizational culture and the structure, traditions of the organization, characteristics of the workforce employed in it.

Having considered the main theoretical characteristics of assessment methods, we should move on to practical consideration this issue using the example of Tourists OJSC.

In today's episode of the “Interview with an Expert” section we will discuss modern methods personnel assessments with Maxim Peskin, product specialist at SHL Russia & CIS.

  • Please tell us how the area of ​​personnel assessment has developed in Russia - what main stages can you highlight? How can you characterize the current situation?

The emergence in our country of modern tools for objective personnel assessment is a matter of the relatively recent past.

In Soviet times, there was no question of any objective assessment: a diploma, a biographical interview, a background check - this, in fact, exhausted the range available tools. Yes, in individual organizations candidates could be offered test tasks, but this practice was hardly universal. In principle, in Soviet times, objective assessment of personnel was practically absent precisely because there was no HR in the modern sense: there was only personnel administration. This is the first stage.

The situation changed radically in the late 80s - early 90s, when a radical change in economic conditions and the emergence of fundamentally new forms and methods of doing business - in fact, the emergence of business as such - required HR specialists to solve new problems. The second stage is associated with the expansive growth of the most different industries. Assessment tools, methods and practices have evolved around a key HR question: “How to find the best the best people? This is the second stage.

In the last few years, it seems to me, the third stage has begun, which is characterized by a fundamental shift in the focus of HR as a whole. While in the previous decade it was more important to attract and find the “right” people, today the most important tasks are related to their retention and development, identifying future leaders and ensuring leadership continuity. We increasingly hear from clients questions like: “How can I identify truly high-potential employees at the start of their careers and how can I keep them in the company?”, “What kind of development do future leaders need?”, “Which positions are key for my company and what motivates people in these positions?”… This stage is, in principle, characterized by greater attention to the current employees of the company (especially experienced and high-performing ones) than to external candidates.

Another important topic that is gradually emerging in the market is related to external benchmarking of personnel - i.e. such an assessment, which is not only objective and reliable in itself, but allows us to obtain detailed information about the comparative level of people. More and more organizations are asking questions about how their employees at one or another level or division look compared to the industry, in what ways and how far they lag behind competitors, and finally, what kind of development they may need. In principle, this is the fourth stage, and today we can say that such issues arise only in the most advanced companies.

  • Nowadays, various companies offer quite a lot of tools for personnel assessment. How to figure it out and choose the tools you really need for your company?

Depending on which particular instrument we are talking about, the set of criteria will, of course, differ. In any case, the choice necessary tools relies primarily on a deep and objective understanding of the purposes of the assessment. Determining who exactly will be assessed, what exactly - what characteristics of a candidate or employee - needs to be assessed, for what purpose and to what degree of depth, how this information will be used further - all this is the first step. And after this we can talk about the selection of the actual assessment tools.

When choosing an assessment instrument, it is usually assumed that there are standard types of instruments to assess each aspect of personality. I'll talk about this below. But there is also the question of how to choose the best tool in a given category (for example, how to choose the best aptitude test). In this sense, we can highlight several mandatory points - something like a checklist, according to which it is worth checking each proposal and weeding out those that are obviously unprofitable and inappropriate:

  • The provider's reputation and reliability, its experience and customer recommendations
  • The “theoretical basis” of the provider: how convincing and scientifically substantiated are the methodologies, approaches and models used?
  • Breadth and depth of the instrument portfolio from which to choose
  • “Tailored” tools for business, taking into account the specific realities of modern business
  • Willingness to interact in various formats - training, assessment, customization, development from scratch
  • Information about the validity and reliability of the proposed instruments
  • External credibility (external validity) of instruments, their perceived complexity (if we are talking, for example, about tests) and depth (for questionnaires)
  • For tests, the relevance and regularity of updating normative groups is of particular importance
  • Interaction mechanism - for online assessment this is primarily quality, reliability, user-friendliness of interfaces, for face-to-face assessment - speed and intensity of information exchange
  • The range of reports offered, their quality and depth

Finally, almost always, when choosing an assessment tool, you have to make a choice between highly specialized tools that assess a strictly defined range of characteristics, and “broad-purpose” tools that provide less deep Scan, but allow you to evaluate a person from many different angles. This choice, again, is determined by the purposes of the assessment. For example, if we are talking about assessing candidates for a position that is constantly undergoing some kind of organizational, technological, substantive changes, if it is necessary to assess the qualities of a person in a dynamically changing environment, those tools that allow you to look at a person from different angles will be more useful .

  • Company SHL – one of the leaders in the market of assessment tools. What tools do you offer? Do you make a difference in approach when assessing candidates for vacant positions and current company personnel? What is it?

We offer a range of tools designed to assess candidates and employees throughout their careers. life cycle in company. The structure of our portfolio of instruments is based on two basic models. Firstly, we proceed from the fact that the result required by the organization is determined by the behavior of people, and the basis of behavior is potential. Therefore, from the point of view of the organization, it is possible to assess all three components: past results, current actual behavior and potential elements on which the future success of the employee depends, both in this position and in the organization as a whole.

Assessment centers (assessment centers) are considered the most effective means of assessing current behavior. They offer participants exercises that simulate a real business situation. This approach allows the candidate or employee to clearly demonstrate both their strengths and areas for development. The SHL portfolio includes several dozen exercises different types: analytical presentations, individual business exercises (also known as “in-treys” - fully written exercises that simulate various aspects of individual administrative and organizational work), group discussions, fact-finding exercises, role-playing games, etc. The mechanics of any exercise is based on the concept of competence - a stable cluster of observable behavioral manifestations that determine the success of the work.

The exercises provide the opportunity to assign one competency grade (although, of course, this requires testing the competency with at least two relevant exercises). By comparison, potential cannot be assessed with “one number”, since by definition it consists of several heterogeneous entities. First, it includes a person's motivation - the factors that determine what will increase his productivity and efficiency, and what may become an obstacle. Secondly, these are personality traits - the actual character traits and individual characteristics that determine how a person manages his own emotions, how he interacts with others and how he makes decisions. various tasks. To assess these two groups of factors, professional questionnaires are usually used - motivational and personal, respectively.

By the way, we do not recommend using clinical personality questionnaires in a business context - for at least two reasons. First, they were originally developed for other purposes and, in principle, do not answer the question of a person's future performance at work. Secondly, an overly free interpretation of clinical scales, in particular by non-professional psychologists, can cause more harm than good and give grounds to label an employee.

Let's return to the components of potential. The third element is a person’s knowledge and skills, which are assessed using appropriate professional tests. The fourth is intellectual abilities. To assess them, aptitude tests are used: from the numerical and verbal tests that are well known to all of us, to tests of critical and systematic thinking, creative abilities, the ability to make management decisions and many others.

If we talk about differences in the assessment of candidates and existing employees, then there is no fundamental difference in the tools. In other words, there is no tool that can be said to be completely inappropriate in one case and effective in another - the only exception would be, perhaps, a 360-degree assessment. All other tools can be used in one case or another. Their weight in the overall assessment and, in a sense, the logic of interpreting the results will change.

Typically, in practice it looks like this. If we are talking about current employees, then first of all, most likely, their behavior will be assessed - for this it is most logical to conduct an assessment center, as well as resort to the “360 degrees” method. If we are talking, for example, about candidates for any positions, including candidates for a personnel reserve or a program for the development of high-potential employees, then certain components of potential often come to the fore. Then, at the level of instruments, the task of assessing them is solved by various tests and questionnaires.

The SHL portfolio contains all of the listed potential assessment tools: tests of various abilities, personality and motivational questionnaires (as well as highly specialized questionnaires developed on their basis - for example, a sales style questionnaire or a working style questionnaire), and tests of professional skills and knowledge ( for some areas and industries).

  • What methods are most in demand by progressive companies?

Progressive companies tend to use a wide range of assessment methods and tools, and their selection is based on the specific needs of the case. However, this does not mean, for example, that the selection of candidates for each position uses great set tools. On the contrary, progressive companies are characterized by a complex and structured selection funnel. At the first stages, screening occurs using several tools, regardless of position. Subsequently, at the selection stage itself, candidates are faced with those tools that most effectively determine the presence and level of the required characteristics. For example, if we are talking about hiring young specialists and department head-level employees in a large manufacturing company, then at the beginning of the selection, both the first and second may be faced with ability tests. However, in the future, potential managers may be offered tests of situational thinking, designed to determine the quality of their decisions. management decisions, identify a characteristic managerial style, etc.

A similar picture is observed for the assessment of existing employees - although our research shows that objective assessment tools are much more often used in selection and hiring. According to our 2013 Global Assessment Trends Study, 72% of companies use assessments for external recruiting, 62% for internal promotions, but only about 40% for tasks related to identifying and developing high-potential employees, for example. , succession planning, etc. In other words, these tasks, while important, are much more often solved on the basis of subjective judgments and incomplete data.

In general, interestingly, the most popular assessment tool historically remains professional tests, i.e. tests of skills and knowledge. If we talk about the global picture, then personality questionnaires and ability tests are hot on their heels - for comparison, in Russia the share of companies using such tools is much lower. In general, perhaps, it cannot be said that progressive companies are characterized by a preference for any specific tools: rather, they are distinguished by the breadth of the range of methods used, the depth of understanding of the purpose for which the assessment is carried out, and finally, the accuracy of the correspondence between the assessment tasks and the selected tools and the effectiveness of use received data.

  • Now many companies are trying to simplify and automate processes related to assessment. How have these trends affected the offerings of service provider companies?

Speaking about the automation of assessment processes, we can distinguish three separate, although strongly interconnected, trends.

Firstly, automation and computerization of “old” assessment tools, familiar in paper-booklet versions, continues. The integration of such “digitized” tools within online assessment platforms significantly reduces the cost of assessment activities and makes them more convenient for the client, which is why almost all providers are interested in this aspect of automation. In fact, today there is no large category of assessment tools left that exist only offline. The only exception is exercises and simulations, but even in this area significant progress is being made (see this below, in paragraph “Third”).

Secondly, not only the tools themselves are integrated, but also the data, i.e. results of assessment activities. In this case, from an IT point of view, we are talking about personnel management systems (HRIS - HR Information System) or talent management systems (TMS - Talent Management System). Data integration ensures coherence, validity and consistency in HR decisions across all stages of an employee's life in the organization. In principle, this task is already beyond the competence of assessment service providers. However, they are joining in the work to create such information systems, to support the integration of all data at all stages - from assessment to storage and analysis of information. Analytics itself becomes a key point here and a source of competitive advantage for the company.

Third, radically new tools are emerging that build on today's technological capabilities. The most striking example is the emergence of electronic personal business exercises, or e-trays. These are not so much ordinary “in-trays” translated into electronic format, but rather a completely special assessment tool.

The main advantage of e-tray exercises is that the simulation of a work situation becomes interactive, i.e. the emergence of new documents occurs as and in direct connection with the actions of the participant (as opposed to the “classic” version, in which documents are available from the very beginning), which provides many alternative scenarios of events. Although e-tray exercises are gaining popularity today, only about 10 companies worldwide used them in the previous decade. The most illustrative example is Deloitte, which uses such a solution as one of the selection stages when hiring graduates, as well as to evaluate internal applicants for junior management positions. Why is this format not very popular? This is due, firstly, to the exceptional complexity and high cost of development (even compared to the development of “classical” exercises) and, secondly, to the problem of predictability of simulation scenarios and, thus, reliability of competency assessment.

However, it can be predicted that in the coming years we will see at least attempts to use them; in addition, they are guaranteed more frequent mention in professional circles.

  • How will assessment methods develop in the near future? What trends in personnel assessment can you identify?

The most important trend that determines the future of the assessment field is the constant development of information and computer technologies. In addition to the aspects of automation listed above - the computerization of exercises, the integration of data within talent management systems, the emergence of fundamentally new formats - it is also necessary to note the growing influence of mobile technologies. Our research shows that users of assessment tools increasingly say they value the ability to take assessments and/or access results through dedicated apps or portals optimized for mobile devices. It’s interesting that while in developing countries about a third of companies are talking and thinking about this, in developed countries it is only one in six.

Another trend is customization. Fewer and fewer companies are ready to use packaged solutions. And we are not talking about superficial changes to tools like packaging design or, say, transferring an exercise from one industry to another. Today we are talking about customization at a much deeper level, at the level of mechanics and semantic content of assessment tools. What does this mean? Firstly, development from scratch or adaptation of tools to the customer’s competency model. Secondly, the creation of special reports aimed at identifying the most key aspects of the personality of a candidate or employee - and providing this information in an extremely understandable form, in living management language.

The third trend is linking assessment results to business results. In principle, this trend cannot be called new, because the requirement to “prove the effectiveness of the instrument” underlies any investment activity in principle. Today we increasingly hear that people are the most important and most valuable asset of a company: it is not surprising that investments in this asset are subject to particularly scrupulous analysis. This trend is evident at the level of interaction between the service/assessment tool provider and the client. Actually, understanding what is called business impact, the ability to define and communicate it today is becoming another criterion for the quality of a provider - perhaps one of the most important.

The fourth trend, local in nature, is associated with the gradual adoption of more objective assessment tools and the abandonment of more subjective ones. As noted above, Russia lags significantly behind the world in terms of the use of aptitude tests, personality questionnaires and similar assessment tools. We expect that as the benefits of such tools are demonstrated, they will be used more frequently. Of course, this does not mean that the “usual” methods - biographical interviews, test tasks or cases, recommendations - will completely disappear in the near future. This definitely won't happen. Despite their lower predictive ability (so-called predictive validity), such methods can bring certain benefits to the company and solve specific problems in the selection and/or assessment of existing employees.

If we summarize the listed trends, then the “megatrend” in the field of assessment is undoubtedly an increase in objectivity through various technological and conceptual solutions. Today, the requirement for objectivity ceases to be a requirement for individual tools and becomes a requirement for the assessment system as a whole - even, perhaps, for the talent management system in the organization.

  • What can you recommend to those HR -specialists who are only tasked with organizing a systematic assessment of personnel in the company. Where would you advise them to start?

As with any major project, it’s worth starting by clarifying the company’s goals and the needs behind them. Why does an organization need personnel assessment? What specific problems are supposed to be solved in this way? How will the organization's performance differ once the assessment is implemented? What will change for the better? What business results are expected to be impacted? Finally, how will the organization's management and other stakeholders understand that the assessment has been implemented, and that it has been implemented adequately and effectively? And just as important, who are the stakeholders, who can help and who can hinder the implementation of this project?

Once the strategic context has been clarified, the tactical and organizational context needs to be addressed. Firstly, what positions are we talking about? What stage of the employee life cycle in the organization are we talking about? Secondly, what constitutes success for these positions – i.e. What meaningful metrics and target business outcomes reflect this? Third, what is behind successful performance in these positions? (In fact, the ideal answer to these questions is to develop a complete competency model for each position.) Finally, what information about candidates or employees should be collected – ideally?

In other words, you need to relate business results to the characteristics of people, and then determine the most important categories of objective data regarding the competencies, potential of candidates and employees, and their performance. And only after this should we proceed to the selection of assessment tools and the formulation of selection criteria.

Another important advice is to approach innovation with a certain degree of caution. This is especially important if it is not just a new tool or method, but a new platform or approach to assessment. It is worth weighing all the pros and cons, assessing not only the potential benefits of the proposed innovations, but also their fundamental compatibility with the characteristics of the business. In addition, a formal policy on the use of new platforms and technologies in assessment, regulating, for example, the value of specific information to the organization that can be collected lawfully and fairly to candidates, and outlining how it can be used can be a useful tool. .

If we bring together all the variety of recommendations, “ best practices”, advice from HR gurus and just ideas based on common sense and business experience, to three key pieces of advice, then, in my opinion, it will be next three:

1. Understanding the goals and objectives of the assessment. Both the implementation of assessment tools and their direct application in each specific case should be based on a clear understanding of the purpose for which the assessment is being carried out, how the information obtained will be used, and what decisions it will influence. Of course, there is a certain possibility of error in determining these strategic parameters. However, a much riskier scenario is one in which HR, in principle, does not think about what exactly assessment tools are used for, why the company collects this information about people and what role it will play in certain HR processes.

2. Quality and efficiency of tools. You should only use tools that are designed to answer the questions asked and provide HR with the information they need. Further, it is necessary to take into account the context of the use of tools and not strive to find one tool that can answer all questions and at the same time provide an exhaustive description of a person, taking into account, relatively speaking, all possible behavior options in any situation. In addition, the reliability and validity of the instruments must be proven by independent studies. This requirement directly implies the need to cooperate with proven, successful suppliers assessment tools and services, able to offer a wide range of products and solutions and with many years of global experience in this field.

3. Valuation for the sake of business, and not for the sake of valuation itself. Both when choosing tools and when using the data obtained, there should be a logical chain connecting the results of the business as a whole, the performance of people and, finally, the characteristics of competencies and potential, which are measured by assessment tools. Further, investments in personnel assessment can be quite large and risky, so demonstrating the meaningfulness and profitability of such investments is simply necessary. This is especially important if you consider that HR today is becoming a full partner of business, and representatives of HR departments are required not only to implement modern, effective means of assessing candidates and existing employees, but also to have a truly strategic, systematic approach to the business as a whole.

Personnel assessment is a system that allows you to measure the results of work and the level of professional competence of employees, as well as their potential in the context of the strategic objectives of the company.

During the assessment, the employer compares the employee occupying a particular position with a specialist ideally suited for this position.

In the West, formalized assessment appeared in US companies at the beginning of the twentieth century.

In the 1960s, a new methodology appeared - management by objectives (MBO - Management by objectives) - the personal achievements of each employee were assessed.

In the 1980s, a technique called Performance management (PM) was created - performance management. Not only the result is evaluated, but also the ways to achieve it. Involves extensive feedback from the employee. It can serve as a tool for predicting the further professional development of an employee and planning his career in the company.

In the 1980s - 1990s, the objectivity of the assessment increased with the advent of new technology - “360 degrees”, which involves a systematic survey of the people (manager, subordinates, colleagues and clients) with whom the employee works.

At the same time, the Assessment Center, which provides a comprehensive assessment of competencies, is beginning to gain popularity. It was mainly used in the assessment of senior managers for the purpose of appointment to these positions and for inclusion in the personnel reserve of companies.

In Russia, the traditional method of assessment is certification.

Modern valuation methods in Russia appeared recently, with the arrival of Western companies on the Russian market. The number of companies using RM, Assessment Center, including internal, “360 degrees” is growing, but not as fast as we would like. The main obstacle is the Russian mentality of continuity of Western technologies, distrust in them, as well as a craving for stability and conservatism.

Let's consider the main methods of personnel assessment used in Russian companies.


The procedure for conducting certification is set out in officially approved documents. If there are none, the organization must have a duly approved “Regulation on Certification” of company personnel. The procedure and all regulations are agreed upon and approved by the top officials of the company.

Certification is a right of the company administration, which can be exercised in relation to all or certain categories of employees. Employees who have worked for less than one year, pregnant women or those with children under three years of age, and representatives of top management may be excluded from the assessment.

Certification is carried out once, twice or three times a year. It may be regular or extraordinary by decision of the administration.

Certification evaluates qualifications, work results (evaluation sheet or on recommendation from the manager), level of knowledge and practical skills (in the form of a standard exam), business and personal qualities.

The evaluation criterion is the professional standard of specialties and positions.

An attestation commission is created from representatives of middle management, personnel service workers, and trade union members. The number is usually determined by an odd number of participants ranging from 5 to 11. The commission, in the presence of the employee, reviews all the data and makes a decision on the future fate of the employee in the organization.

The results may be grounds for dismissal of an employee in accordance with Art. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
In case of disagreement with the decision of the certification commission, the employee has the right to file an appeal to the commission for labor disputes at the enterprise or go to court. The commission must provide reasons for its decision.

It consists of the joint setting of tasks by the manager and the employee and the assessment of the results of their implementation after the reporting period (usually the end of the financial year).

The assessment affects all categories and positions of the company.
1) A list of tasks is compiled:
a) the manager sets the tasks himself and then communicates them to the employees. Then adjustments take place taking into account the employee’s suggestions;
b) the manager and employee set tasks independently of each other, and then agree on them during the interview.
2) The criteria for completing tasks are determined (coefficient, weight as a percentage of overall success for each task) in accordance with the company's strategy.
3) The success of the task is determined. The opinion of the manager is considered priority or a higher manager is involved in the decision.
4) Measures are being outlined to improve the quality of work.

Evaluates the results, methods and competencies of employees, identifies areas of development, and plans the employee’s career. All categories and positions of the company can participate. The emphasis is on feedback from the manager to the subordinate in the form of regular contacts once a year (formally) and more often (as needed, informally).

Interviews on setting tasks and a final interview (carried out jointly by the manager and subordinate) take place once a year, where the employee is provided with feedback on his work and ways to develop his success and quality of work are developed. The results of work on tasks and competencies are assessed, areas are identified and plans are drawn up for employee training and career development.

"360 degrees"

A competency-based assessment performed by people who regularly work with the employee.

It is used both for individual personnel tasks and as an addition to the main system. The employee himself can initiate this assessment method to identify his own areas of development.

Opinions about an employee are made by four parties: the manager, subordinates, colleagues and clients (above, below, next to and around) in the amount of 7 - 12 people. It is desirable that people evaluate not only positively, but also critically.

Competencies assessed:

People management
Communication skills
Organizational skills
Decision making ability

Data from completed questionnaires and questionnaires is collected and sent for processing to an external provider (to achieve complete confidentiality) or processed online (automatically). Only the manager can show his assessment, thus providing feedback.

The results of the assessment (usually on a five-point scale) are received by the employee and his supervisor.

Assessment Center

1) Preparatory stage:
- determination of assessment goals;
- development (updating) of a competency model. The model must be consistent with the overall company strategy and include the competencies required to perform a specific task. To develop competencies, business leaders and preferably the top person of the company must be involved. Competencies are prescribed by level.

2) Development of the Assessment Center procedure:
- development of a scenario plan (timing and logistics of the event);
- modeling and/or adaptation of exercises;
- determination of the set and sequence of assessment methods;
- training of experts, training of observers;
- familiarization of assessed participants with the Assessment Center program.

3) conducting Assessment Center:

- conducting business games, cases, group discussions, in which the selected competencies are manifested. The topic can be anything, and does not necessarily have to correspond to the content of the employee’s work. Each case provides an opportunity to evaluate several competencies in different combinations. Exercises are performed in a group or in pairs. The behavior of employees is monitored by specially trained observers - external consultants, HR department employees, representatives of business units;
- individual interviews, tests (intelligence, personality) with each participant based on the results of the game;
- overall assessment of the game participant (integration session)- consolidation of assessments. All observers express their opinions about the person’s behavior during business games and discuss the overall assessment of each competency;
- drawing up a report based on the results of the Assessment Center;
- providing feedback to Assessment Center participants. It is very important that consultants/observers providing feedback be extremely tactful and careful. Ambitious employees with high self-esteem are often assessed in Assessment Centers. After providing feedback, they should be left with a positive impression.

Also, evaluation methods can be informally associated coaching, which is non-core, but provides more detailed information about the employee - his potential, motivations, intentions, aspirations, strengths and weaknesses. Coaching is a powerful method that motivates and initiates employee responsibility for their activities, therefore, at all stages of an employee’s work, it can be used both as an assessment method, and as a development method, and as a way to motivate an employee.

Comparative characteristics of various methods, stages of implementation of an assessment system in a company, as well as difficulties arising in this case.

Determining the need for personnel assessment
The company needs to evaluate, and the consultant can help with this by informing (the pros and cons of each valuation method) which valuation method is acceptable for the company and whether it is necessary at all, based on the analysis the following factors:
Date of the last assessment event.
Company age.
How financially prepared the company is to implement the assessment measure.
Having a strategy and mission.
How developed corporate culture company and what are its features.
Company size.
The scope of the company’s activities, the nature of the products manufactured or services provided.
Social and psychological atmosphere in the company.
Stage of work of employees subject to evaluation and other factors.

To determine the actual need for assessment, the consultant and the customer need to understand the reason for contacting consulting company, because wishes for conducting an assessment can be very different, from the real need to identify the level of success of the company to conducting an assessment as a tribute to fashion. The last wish is not a need for an assessment, and its implementation may trigger an irreversible process of disintegration of the company. Therefore, the process of determining true intentions, where a clear goal, result and specific objectives of the company are built, is the first and most important stage in conducting the actual personnel assessment.

Each stage of an employee’s work in the company involves the use of certain methods assessments

Can only be used in combination with other methods
+ - can be used separately

At the end of the probationary period, assessment interviews and tests of knowledge of the subject of activity are used.

Benefits of conducting an assessment

Benefits of valuation for a company
1. Determination of work results, level of knowledge and skills of company personnel.
2. Possibility of personnel rotation and creation of a personnel reserve.
3. Creation of a targeted personnel development program.
4. Staff motivation.
5. Building a corporate culture.
6. Organizational development.

Benefits of assessment for an employee
1. Determining the place and role of each employee in the company - horizontally and vertically.
2. A clear understanding of the assigned tasks, criteria for the success of their implementation, and the dependence of wages and bonuses on labor results.
3. The opportunity to receive feedback from your immediate supervisor.
4. Guarantee that achievements will not be ignored (if the system works effectively).
5. Opportunity for professional and career growth.

Place of personnel assessment in the personnel management process
Training. Personnel assessment helps to identify the training needs of employees, as well as determine the effectiveness of the training programs used.
Personnel planning. The assessment of performance indicators allows us to determine both current and future quantitative and qualitative personnel requirements.
Personnel selection. Information on performance assessment is used to improve the methods used to attract and select personnel.
Employee development and career planning. Assessing performance indicators allows you to evaluate an employee’s potential and outline ways to perform more complex and responsible work.
Stimulation and motivation of work. Performance appraisal helps improve the effectiveness of the motivation and incentive system by providing employees with feedback, assessing their contribution to achieving the goals of the organization and department.
Formation of a personnel reserve and work with it. Assessing the work and working behavior of employees is the basis for forming a reserve and determining the effectiveness of its training.

Implementation of a personnel assessment system in the company

The implementation of an assessment system in a company occurs in several stages:

1) Making a decision to create an assessment system in the company by top management and the company’s HR department. Actions at this stage:
Determine the goals of the assessment and its impact on employee motivation (preliminarily conduct a survey of employees).
The HR function should make a presentation to senior management on the advantages and disadvantages of various appraisal methods.
Making a decision on the implementation of an assessment system in the company as a whole and on its method of implementation.
The decision to create a working group.

2) Creation of a working group, which will include representatives of middle management, HR department, legal and PR services, possibly external consultants and company employees. The group provides senior management with a detailed action plan for creating and implementing the system, and a budget, if necessary.

3) Selection of assessment methods and development of the first version of the system. Stages:
a) development of a system of corporate competencies.
b) to be specified organizational structure companies and line reporting to clarify the cascade of hierarchy.
c) the assessment system correlates with the company’s business planning system and KPIs
d) the evaluation system must fit into the entire range of HR tools.
e) review and clarify job descriptions.

The result is final decision about the assessment method, structure of the assessment system, set of competencies, rating scale, options for forms and forms.

4) Finalization of the system and preparation of documents by the HR department: assessment regulations, assessment forms, instructions for the manager and employee.

5) Information support for the system within the company, training for managers (evaluators) according to the plan: explanation of the benefits of evaluation for the company and employees, a clear description of the sequence of evaluation, the structure of evaluation forms and how to fill them out, training in setting tasks and correlating them with the business plan , a story about the consequences of the result for employees and the company, training in skills for conducting evaluation interviews with employees.

6) Refinement of the system taking into account the wishes of middle managers.

7) Conducting training for staff.

8) Conducting an assessment.

9) Summing up, analyzing successes and failures.

Errors and difficulties in implementing an assessment system
Inconsistency in the method for assessing the company's maturity level.
Negative attitude of employees towards any assessment of their work.
Assessing the personal qualities of employees in isolation from job responsibilities and competencies.
The assessment system is not connected with the system of material and non-material motivation.
Managers believe that they do not have time to conduct assessments.
Employee participation in setting tasks is minimal.
Managers give bad feedback, and employees don't know how to take it.
Low or high self-esteem of employees.

  • Personnel assessment, assessment


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