How to analyze a letter. Useful business letter formulas. Look, I'll never be able to put it all together

Every student asks the question: how to do text analysis when the time comes to complete such a task. The first thing to start with is to make a plan. And then, following the steps, analyze the proposed text. Actually, nothing complicated.

What is text analysis?

So, more details. Analysis is a method of briefly describing (short summary) to better understand the meaning. You can analyze anything: a poem, a text, an action, words spoken, and so on. The main thing is to follow some rules. As for text analysis in school subjects (literature or the Russian language), this activity helps not just read books, but read meaningfully. So that after reading you can easily retell the work and catch the author’s thought. Of course, at the first stages the student will ask himself the question of how to analyze the text. But later it will become easier for him to understand the works when they become more complex. This method work also helps to tune in to creative work and reveals personal perception.

Comprehensive text analysis

This task includes many parameters that make it easier to understand an excerpt from the work. But there are no clear instructions or diagrams, although it is necessary to adhere to some kind of plan in order to compose the text of the analysis, where the conclusion will follow from certain facts supported by the arguments given.

It’s worth starting with the fact that after reading, you need to title the text. So you can determine the theme and topic for yourself and first answer the question: “what did the author want to say with this passage?”

It is worth remembering that a topic is a subject of discussion. And the topic is a set of topics that may be in the proposed passage.

To assist in the analysis, means of communication can be used, divided into lexical and morphological. Those. it is necessary to determine whether synonyms, repetitions, conjunctions, verbs and gerunds are used.

It is also necessary to mention the style of the text, which can be artistic, official business, scientific or colloquial. You should also clarify what type of speech is used: narration, reasoning or description.

Knowing all the points will undoubtedly help during analysis, and the student will no longer ask the question: how to analyze the text. He will immediately begin to study the proposed work according to a certain plan, and in the end he will easily be able to draw a conclusion with the arguments given.

In Russian language and literature

And finally. Analyzes of texts in Russian language and literature may differ slightly from each other. If it is taken from any work, several identical steps must be used. In order:

  1. - legend, poem, parable, memory, essay
  2. Theme of the text - any work has its own theme
  3. What techniques were used to construct the text - repetitions, contrasts, intensification, dynamism, contemplation?
  4. Use of visual media
  5. The general impression of what you read - if you read the text thoughtfully, then a certain impression will definitely remain, and you should talk about it at the very end of the analysis


How to analyze the text of the presented passage? Below is an example:

You should take it step by step to see the underlying meaning.

  1. The author’s idea is to show and tell about the participants in the hunt, and on the other hand, demonstrate the greatness of nature.
  2. Type and style is piece of art, or rather a narrative with elements of description.
  3. Means of communication and artistic means - conjunctions (and, but), adverbs (long, firmly, away). The main technique is antithesis, i.e. when there is a contrast - verbs (jump out, rush and besiege, freeze), adjectives (desperate, mad and dead). There are also epithets, metaphors, and gradations.
  4. Syntactic features - simple sentences are used, which are also included in complex ones, definitions and circumstances are common.
  5. Spelling features - unstressed vowels in the root (hooves, valley), alternating vowels in the root (freeze, jump out).

The PROGRAM analyzes the mood and emotional state of a person based on the text of his email message!

The principle of analysis is quite simple - each letter of the Russian language has a certain frequency of occurrence, and each sound of human speech has a certain subconscious meaning. For the first time, these values ​​were established by the American Charles Osgood, using a survey of a large audience. For the Russian language, these meanings were once determined by the Soviet scientist, Doctor of Philology A.P. Zhuravlev. As a result of his doctoral dissertation, the phonosemantic meaning of each sound in Russian speech was established. Using a survey of thousands of audiences, he determined the qualitative characteristics of each sound of Russian speech, namely what it is on the following 25 scales:

good bad,
beautiful - repulsive,
joyful - sad,
light dark,
light heavy,
safe - scary,
kind angry,
simple - complex,
smooth - rough,
rounded - angular,
big small,
rough - tender,
masculine - feminine,
strong - weak,
cold - hot,
majestic - lowly,
loud - quiet,
mighty - frail,
cheerful - sad,
bright - dim,
mobile - slow,
fast - slow,
active - passive.

Scores were compared for all sounds of the Russian language on these scales. In turn, qualitative phonosemantic scales make it possible to assess the influence of sounds on a person’s emotional state and, conversely, to determine how a person’s mood is expressed in certain sounds—more precisely, in the letters of the text of a letter. Each letter of the Russian language has a certain frequency of occurrence. Accordingly, if a person uses certain sounds (letters) in writing more often or less than their average frequency of occurrence, then these sounds have a certain subconscious significance for this person. In turn, this characterizes a person’s mood...

Now you can check You can copy and analyze this article as an example.

To analyze letters, it is necessary to remember that the shorter the letter being analyzed and the less material for analysis, the less accurate the results. It is advisable that the length of the letter be at least 1000 characters. It is also very important that the analyzed text or letter contains a minimum of special terms. This analysis will not be accurate on specialized texts; it is designed specifically for letters of a personal nature.

Every day, civil servants respond to many requests received from citizens. Writing official letters is not easy; additional knowledge is required. How to learn to do this competently, quickly, using accessible and understandable language? MSUU of the Moscow Government knows the recipe and has been teaching capital officials the basics for two years business correspondence. In 2015, one of the popular advanced training programs underwent changes. She has become better and more interesting.

Armed with laptops and teaching aids, civil servants diligently carry out tasks. They learn to analyze requests from citizens, structure a written response, simplify complex grammatical structures, formulate positive statements, and even correctly read unfounded complaints.

"To give adequate feedback, analyze the complaint and separate emotions from facts, teach the trainers of MSUU of the Moscow Government. – Emotions interfere with understanding the essence of the request. Highlight the facts that caused the person’s dissatisfaction and his specific demands.”

Introduction, short answer, positive conclusion. The structure of a response to an unfounded complaint is simple and different from other formal letters. It should be short, neutral, without expressing gratitude for the appeal. However, the conclusion should be concise and always positive. It is important to note that the situation is in accordance with the law or is a consequence of positive changes. It is worth citing the results of the activities of the Moscow Government, making links to regulations and sources on the websites of departments, prefectures, and administrations. You can even invite the letter writer to participate in projects and help improve the situation with which he is dissatisfied.

"Analyze the letter." For what?

Officials are always recommended to use a single algorithm of actions: analyze the recipient and determine the purpose of his request, build the structure of the letter, format it (style, language), check it before sending.
What are the human requirements? What are his interests? What should the answer he expects contain? What do you think will be convincing for him - specific numbers and facts or expanded information describing the actions of the government? By doing the right analysis, you can quickly determine what answer to give. This determines whether your goal – satisfying the recipient’s request – will be achieved.

Rule 4P

You can learn to write answers quickly if you use the 4P rule: “Summary. Solution. Explanation. Recommendations". The structure of the letter should include:

  • a brief description of the problem the person addressed;
  • specific decision of the executive authority;
  • a concise explanation of why the decision is the way it is, with references to regulations, laws, and regulations;
  • the final chord of an ideal letter is recommendations for the recipient (conclusions, suggestions) on what and when he should do; indicate contact numbers, addresses and operating hours of institutions.

    How to make text simpler?

    “We always recommend putting yourself in the recipient’s shoes,” says the deputy head of the Department of Training of State and Municipal Employees Natalya Gryzunova. – Then it will be clear whether the text is easy to read. If a sentence has more than 20–25 words, it is better to divide it into two or more simple sentences. You should avoid complex wording and unclear abbreviations. We must strive to convey important information to the addressee in accessible language.”

    The 18-hour training takes place in a training format. Analysis typical mistakes in the preparation of official responses is based on examples from the practice of officials. Difficult cases of spelling and punctuation are discussed in detail.
    In order for listeners to better understand educational material, it was decided to reduce the size of the group this year. Previously there were 40 people, now there are 20, and they work not in fours, but in pairs. This helps you work through practical exercises more effectively. IN training course There are more cases - examples of official letters in which it is necessary to correct errors or improve the text.

  • Hello, Maniac from the "useful" category! Today is already 23. You wrote 21. It so happens that I am writing only today.
    Well done for going to that gathering of tourists. Why sit at home? I also wanted to ask, what kind of Lenka is this? Is this not the girl you saw in the photographs? I don’t remember whether Lenka was there or not. I only remember Grandma from those. And what kind of relationship do you have? Something more than friendship? Although no. But you are very upset about this. You can feel it. Yes, probably not only because of this. You don’t have to check the “letter analysis”.
    About meeting. We'll have to do something on Sunday. There are still 2 days, I'll think of something. And I'll call.
    Tell me, is the weather nasty? I can't stand this. I am always drawn to such abomination somewhere outside the city, to where the hills begin. Run and spin on those hills. In the wind.
    For some reason I stopped bringing my wonderful ideas to life. I'm probably lazy or getting old.
    Although now I’m tired of an active lifestyle. I want peace. Believe it or not, I’m dragging Lyubka out somewhere by the weekend. We are having fun there, and at this time I myself am thinking how great it would be to lie on the sofa, crack seeds, or drink coffee on the balcony. Some kind of split personality. It seems to me that the weather contributes to this. The wild summer is over, but traces of it remain everywhere. In the green grass, in the bright clothes of people, in the colorful photographs, in the still-preserved tan. And at the same time autumn came. The trees have turned yellow and it is drizzling. And I want peace and comfort. There are contrasts in nature and in mood too. For some reason I’m explaining it in a confusing way today, but I’m sure you’ll understand.
    I recently took a test, and it told me that I don’t know how to love. On the one hand, I accept my loved one as he is. That's a plus. On the other hand, I don't do this. Those. I sincerely believe in this and prove to my beloved that I love him as he is. But this is only in words. But in fact, I try with all my might to remake it, to rid it of its shortcomings. Having struggled in vain with his “dark” sides of the soul, I finally understand that it is useless. And instead of leaving him alone, I throw him out of my life. Like, he’s kind of bad, I’ll look for someone else. But it’s the same with others.
    I recognized myself. But I didn’t think somehow that this was a whole problem. There (in the test) they advised to change. I asked one of my very smart acquaintances with extensive life experience whether a person can change his character, correct some of his traits. He replied NO. An attempt to limit oneself is only temporary useless violence against oneself. And everything will return to its original state. Optimistic. So it’s not my destiny to find my other half. It somehow got into my head that I should look for someone for myself. Like, the years go by, and the wedding dress doesn’t even loom ahead. Although I’m not even really ready for the fact that some strange man will walk next to me through life. Why do I need it? I am quite independent, and I have enough attention. Although on the other hand, when you see your friends getting married or being friends with guys, you feel that something is wrong. And you make some attempts. You meet people, you go on dates. And you feel that it’s not right. Everything is not the same.
    “And Ostap got carried away!” Okay, that's enough.
    And so everything is fine with me. As always. Life is averagely lousy. Here.
    You, too, don’t become limp. And write to me more often. Fine?