How a sales report is made. Nikolay Mrochkovsky99 sales tools. Effective methods of making a profit

This form of report allows you to adequately set a plan for the department. Having such a report and forecast, you can understand the potential amount by which the plan may be underfulfilled. Based on this type of report, decisions are made that will allow achieving the established revenue level. The weekly plan is drawn up at the end of the previous week. Then it is updated daily and sent to the head of the department.

You should pay special attention to the “Annual turnover” column. It denotes the “largeness” of the client. There is no single criterion here; define it yourself. This could be annual turnover, store footage, number of retail outlets at the client, number of staff, etc.

Sometimes a controversy arises between the head of a department and his employees regarding the “When will he pay” column. The latter claim that it is impossible to schedule a payment date. However, we strongly recommend requiring your managers to enter payment dates. Such a requirement develops a more serious and responsible attitude on the part of your employees and mobilizes them. Of course, we are not talking about retail business. Here you can plan only large checks.

Sales reports: daily report “Act of payments for today”

This is the simplest form of report. The names of the columns speak for themselves. In the “Payment Status” (column 4) indicate the status – “paid”, “partially paid”, “invoice for payment”.

During the day, it is important to monitor 2 reference points for sales for the current day and the specified hour. :

  • 12-00,
  • 16-00.

Such frequent monitoring encourages managers to work more efficiently. This report can be filled out by simple correspondence in a group in any messenger. This way, when all managers see everyone's results, this encourages them not to be left behind, but to still complete the daily plan.

Sales reports: daily report “Payment plan for tomorrow”

This report includes the names of legal entities and the amounts they will pay tomorrow. It is most convenient to request, compile and receive it at the end of the day that precedes the scheduled one. In the evening, you can have time to significantly adjust the work of managers. Analyzing this type of report on the planned day (that is, tomorrow) is simply pointless.

Sales reports: "Board" for the current date

Fill in the columns:

1. Fill in the name of the manager

2. The percentage of the plan completed for the current day is calculated using the following formula:

Current fact /(Monthly plan / total number of working days in a month * number of days worked in a month)*100.

That is, you first divide the absolute number of each employee's plan by the total number of working days in the month. Then multiply daily by the number of days worked. After this, the figure for the current sales fact for each manager is divided by the resulting figure and multiplied by 100 to get the result as a percentage.

This formula can be adapted taking into account seasonality, business area, etc. Calculation using this formula is easy to set up in Excel.

3. We fill in the amount of revenue of a particular manager daily in absolute value.

4. We count and fill in based on how much remains to be completed by the end of the week (intermediate totals). You can calculate how much a specific manager needs to “close” clients before the end of the week.

5. Fill out the monthly plan

6. Fill in the number of working days in a month

7. Fill in the actual number of elapsed days of the month.

8. The plan for the rest of the week is the sum of the numbers from 3 and 4 columns. This number is the result of adding the amount closed for the current date and the plan until the end of the current week.

9. Fill in the number of elapsed working days daily.

The last line of the Board report represents the total results for the entire department. Everyone knows – “Total”.

The manager monitors the work of the department on a daily basis using this report form. It also allows you to redistribute the load between those who have already completed the plan and those who fall short.

It may also be helpful to print it out or draw it on a board for managers to fill out themselves. At the same time, any employee can compare his result with the result of his colleagues. Thus, the "board" acts as an additional form.

The manager must use the results of the report to make decisions.

Sales Reports: Summary Report

This form is a summary table for the entire department. Columns 1-4 can be calculated automatically as the previous sales report form is completed for each department employee.

in sections: new clients, current base, managers, product, audience, territories. And inside each of the resulting funnels the following are analyzed: the total, intermediate, length of the funnel, the length of each of its stages.

4. Finance. Be sure to draw up a management balance sheet, generate profit and loss statements, as well as cash flow statements.

So, here are the basic sales report forms. Filling them out daily will allow you to easily control and manage sales in the following sections:

  • months
  • weeks

Remember, working with them allows you to implement not only control functions, but also motivate managers to improve their results every day. The correct one will help you see all the data.

Let's consider what capabilities the 1C Trade Management 11 program provides to its users for analyzing sales results.

UPDATE: added video “Sales analysis reports in 1C Trade Management 10.3”

From this video you will learn:

  • How to analyze sales?
  • How to build a sales report?
  • How to view sales and balances in one report?
  • How to build sales charts?
  • How to view sales by payment?

Sales reports

By command "sales reports" We go to the sales reporting panel.

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The availability of reports in this panel is determined by whether the user has the appropriate rights to these reports, as well as by setting the visibility. Roles and rights are assigned to the user by the 1C program administrator. The user can control visibility himself using the command "Settings". In this case, checkboxes become available next to the panels; by checking and unchecking them, you can add or remove reports from this panel.

"Standard Terms of Sale"

Let's consider what opportunities we have for analyzing sales results. The first report is the “Standard Terms of Sales”. This report provides a list of standard sales terms, standard customer agreements registered in the system, and the basic information available in these agreements. Namely: name of the agreement; currency; type of price used; validity; our organization on behalf of which this agreement was concluded; business transaction (for example, sale or transfer to commission); taxation; stock; delivery time.

Price analysis

The next report is a price analysis. Available to us from documents such as commercial proposals, sales documents and customer orders. From each of these documents you can generate a report "price analysis". This report shows us information about the prices specified in the document (without a discount, with a discount), as well as about the prices of suppliers. Using this report, you can quickly analyze what prices we give to our customers and how they compare with the prices of our suppliers.

“Assessment of profitability of sales”

The following reports are also available from Sales Order documents. Namely, by opening the corresponding order, we can additionally display several reports in relation to this order.

The first of them is “Assessment of profitability of sales”. This report calculates the profitability of the order as a whole (including discounts, without discounts), and also provides detailed information for each item sold in this report. Now this report displays information about profitability of 100%. This is due to the fact that I have not yet calculated the cost price in my program for the current month, the routine closing operations of the period have not been carried out, and information on the cost price is not available. Accordingly, all proceeds are considered gross profit.

"Document Execution Status"

The following report is also available from the “sales order” ¾ this is the “Document Execution Status”. This report, firstly, provides information about the client’s debt (that is, how far the payment stages have been completed - say, advance, prepayment), information on shipment. And in the lower tabular part, in each product item, information is provided about what goods were shipped, in what quantity, for what amount.

Reasons for canceling orders

IN "Sales reports" There is a report on the reasons for canceling orders. This report collects information about the reasons why an order was canceled and provides quantitative indicators for each reason in terms of line cancellations in absolute and percentage terms. The information is also grouped by managers and by product price groups.

"Statement of settlements with clients"

The next report is “Statement of settlements with clients”. This report contains information on the status of mutual settlements with our clients. A list of our organizations and a list of clients is provided. The currency of mutual settlements is indicated. The counterparty on the part of our client is indicated. Information is provided on the debt at the beginning of the selected, analyzed period, information on the increase or decrease in debt, as well as the final balance and total balance.

"Customer debt"

The next report is “Client Debt”. This report shows information about customer debt. The information is grouped by debt currency. Information is provided about the client’s debt, our debt, settlement balances, as well as, based on information from the client’s orders, data on planned receipts from the client, planned sales to the client, or planned return of funds to the client.

“Dynamics of overdue debts of clients”

The next report is “Dynamics of overdue debts of clients”. This report shows information about the growth rate of overdue debt. In the tabular section, information is grouped by clients and managers. In our 1C Trade Management program (UT 11) 11.2, currently no overdue debt is registered (all debt is current), so this report is empty and does not contain any information.

Client payment discipline

A report on the client’s payment discipline can also be used for analysis. This report groups data by customer, provides data for the period on the number of sales orders, how many of them are overdue, what is the percentage of overdue debt and the average period of overdue, and also data at the end of the selected period.

"Customer debt by maturity"

The next report that may be useful in the analysis is “Customer debt by maturity”. This report must indicate the date on which the information will be analyzed, as well as the classification of the debt. We currently have one classification in the program. Each created classification indicates the periods for which the debt will be analyzed for overdue. The main postulate here is this: the most recent statements are the easiest to collect. The longer the period of delay, the more difficult it is to collect the debt. In this report, we receive information about each client, the status of mutual settlements with him, as well as information about the period of overdue debt.

Payment card with counterparty

From "Customer's order" You can get a report on the settlement card with the counterparty. This report displays information about mutual settlements for the entire period, that is, which documents were used to carry out monetary transactions, commodity transactions for sale or return. The total debt and information about its overdue status are also provided, if such data exists.

All these reports are available to us either in the section "Sales" in Group "Sales reports", either from settlement documents– documents used to document sales to a client, such as "customer orders" And "commercial offers to clients".

Such opportunities are provided to us by the 1C Trade Management program version 11.2 for analyzing sales results.

Creating a sales report by manufacturer and revenue 1C UT 8.3

This video tutorial describes how to build a report on sales by manufacturer and the revenue received from them in 1C trade management 8.3. The main point of the report is from which manufacturers’ products we receive the most income.

Retail sales analysis

To analyze the sale of goods by retail outlets, quite a lot of reports have been implemented in the configuration.
All of them are available in the section Sales.

Conduct assessment of goods balances in retail outlets according to the selected price type, it is possible using a report List of goods of the organization in item prices. In the report, we can set the selection by store and by the type of price that is assigned to the store. We also determine the reporting period.

This report reflects the Beginning and Final Balance, Income and Expense, for each item.

We can customize this report in more detail. For example, we are only interested in information on the Coffee nomenclature and specific dates for the movement of this product.

To do this we go to Settings and on the bookmark Selections select the desired product.

As a result, the report we needed was generated. From the report we see that at the beginning there was no balance in the Maxi Store, on 06/27/2016 there was a receipt of 100 units, and on 06/29/16 there was a sale of two units. Total at the end of the period the balance of coffee is 98 pieces.

For control of funds at the KKM cash desk use the report Cash in KKM cash desks.

In the generated report, we see the Beginning and Final Balance, the Amount of Sales and Receipts of DS, as well as the withdrawal of DS by day.

We can generate this report with details on documents; to do this, in the report settings, set the checkbox to the value - Registrar. As a result, a report will be generated in the context of documents (registrars).

If the ending balance is minus sign, then the store did not fully account for the goods sold.
If the balance at the end of the period positive, then the retail outlet did not fully pay for the goods sold.

If we are only interested in information about the amounts received from the company’s cash desk, then in the advanced report settings, on the Fields and Sorting tab, we clear all unnecessary checkboxes; only the checkbox for the value Entering DS remains selected.

As a result, a report of the following type will be generated.

The program has the ability to generate a report in a regulated form Bargaining-29. This report is designed to analyze retail sales. The report reflects balances at the beginning and end of the month, as well as documents used to document the movement of goods through the specified warehouse and the specified organization. The total indicators in the report are calculated according to the price type specified in the card of this warehouse.

Prices are filled in according to the values ​​that are valid on the report date.

Analysis of demand for goods

To analyze the demand for goods, you can use ABC and XYZ sales analysis. ABC analysis is possible based on several indicators. ABC analysis of sales by sales volume allows you to distribute goods into ABC classes in terms of demand for goods by customers. Class A will include the most in-demand goods, and class C will include the least in-demand.

Conducting an XYZ sales analysis allows you to determine the stability of product sales. From the point of view of sales of goods, XYZ analysis allows us to divide goods into the following classes - stable demand for goods, trends towards increasing demand for goods, one-time purchases (irregular consumption).

Carrying out a combined ABC and XYZ analysis will make it possible to determine the optimal inventory management method(that is, plan to purchase only those goods that are consistently purchased in total volume).

The program supports several inventory management methods: volume scheduling based on demand forecast, " order by reorder point"(with a fixed volume or with a regular delivery interval), " made to order". Different replenishment methods can be assigned individually to each product in each warehouse. The inventory management method can be determined automatically based on ABC/XYZ classification of reserves. It is also possible to manually change the inventory management method.

Example. In accordance with the conducted ABC/XYZ classification of reserves goods are assigned to group AX (goods are sold consistently and have a high turnover, that is, they bring high income to the trading enterprise). For such goods, a method is established "Scope and calendar planning". Method "Order to order" is established for goods that belong to group AZ. For such goods, no stock is kept in the warehouse; the goods are ordered from the supplier only when a customer need arises (placing a customer order). Information about the presence of such goods in the warehouse is recorded in the report as excess stock and marked in red.

When analyzing the demand for goods, product restrictions (regulatory, minimum, insurance, maximum stock) are used. Product restrictions are calculated automatically using a regulatory task for each product item in each warehouse based on data on sales of goods.

When calculating the required (standard stock), the expected sales volume of goods (minimum stock) and possible surges in sales (safety stock) are taken into account. For additional insurance against the risk of shortage of goods, you can manually set a parameter such as the maximum stock of goods.

Filling out a sales plan using a formula

The video will help you navigate the types of needs, as well as understand why enterprises distinguish between these types.

Formation of orders according to plans

For some products, suppliers' lead times for orders are very long, and it is impossible to order supplier goods to meet current needs - orders must be placed in advance. For such goods, it is proposed to form long-term purchasing plans and form orders to suppliers based on these plans.

Documentation procurement plan in the program can be formed both manually and automatically, based on various data sources from the program itself. As sources for the forecast, you can use: data from customer orders, sales volume over the past period of time, volume of purchases over a certain period of time, etc. You can also take into account the internal needs of the enterprise (orders from your own departments, orders from retail outlets, your own stores, the need for components for assembly, etc.). In this case, it is possible to add several sources, as well as select the maximum value from all sources.

For example, you can select a maximum value based on the sales volume for the previous month and all purchase orders and internal orders issued for the same period or the same period last year.

The list of planning data sources can be filled in as desired. Templates are used to fill out.

Orders to suppliers are formed in accordance with the drawn up plan, and the deviation of the planned and actually ordered quantities from the supplier is controlled. Thus, purchasing plans can also be used to verify the implementation of plans dictated by the supplier itself.

Monitoring sales indicators

IN "1C: Trade Management 8" There is a mechanism that allows you to promptly identify “problem” areas and can help you make the right management decisions, and, in addition, automatically inform you about situations where the state of indicators is still acceptable, but is already approaching critical.

So-called "Target Monitor" allows you to analyze the key performance indicators of the department and the enterprise as a whole and the degree of achievement of the set goals, taking into account the target trend (increase in the indicator, decrease in the indicator, keeping the indicator in a certain range). Information can be available to a manager anywhere in the world by accessing the “Target Indicators Monitor” functionality via the Internet.

In order for this to work, it is necessary to define the goals that are planned to be achieved. Each goal can consist of many subgoals, the successful achievement of which ensures the achievement of the fundamental goal.

Each goal is given a target indicator. In turn, for each target indicator, the target trend is indicated - the desired direction of changes in the indicator over time (minimization, maximization of the value or keeping within the acceptable value), and analysis options are configured.

For example:

The fundamental goal is revenue growth. This goal is planned to be achieved by increasing the number of customers and increasing the average sales amount. In turn, an increase in the number of clients is planned by attracting new clients and reducing the number of lost clients. And the increase in the average sales amount is planned by reducing the provided manual discounts.

In my business practice, I periodically encounter the superficial attitude of some managers (usually small and medium-sized businesses) towards the operational control of sales managers or even the complete absence of such control. There is a belief: “Here are your tasks and resources, and let it be done!”

On the one hand, the psychological motivation of managers to “work on trust” with staff is understandable: few people really enjoy routines like checking reports and “debriefing”. On the other hand, we should not forget that, firstly, control is one of the basic management functions. Secondly, an employee works conscientiously and truly strives to fulfill the tasks assigned to him only if his work is transparent, regularly and timely monitored. After all, even the most dedicated and “ideological” employees sooner or later, in the absence of control, begin to relax and “deteriorate” (to the point of completely ignoring their direct job responsibilities).

In almost every second organization (if not more often) with which I cooperate, there is an “ordinary” situation when the manager “has no idea at all” what his salespeople do during the working day. At the same time, upon closer examination, it is discovered that the number of calls to new clients is no more than 5-10 (and this is only half an hour of working time), personal meetings with clients are held very rarely. What the rest of the time is spent on remains a mystery... Is it any wonder that in this situation, sales plans are consistently not met, and production facilities are idle?

As you can see, the price of a frivolous attitude to the control of sellers is very high. Moreover, please note that what matters here is not only monitoring the achievement (or non-achievement) of the final result (for example, fulfilling the monthly sales plan). As a rule, most managers are fine with this. Experience shows that it is extremely important for a business to act “proactively” and make preliminary (intermediate) “cuts”.

After all, when you are faced with the fact that the “main task” has not been completed, you can no longer do anything. What you didn't sell today (this month) you will never be able to sell again, and the company has lost earnings that it will never make up. In addition, this may complicate sales in the future: during this time, your customers could switch to alternative products / services of your active competitors, and at the same time strengthen friendly ties with them (which, as we know, are not so easy to overcome).

Prevention is always cheaper than analyzing the consequences, because preliminary (online) control helps to identify deviations of current results from the plan in the bud, which, in turn, makes it possible to correct the situation in a timely manner (eliminate the causes, provide additional tools, the help the employee needs and etc.) and thus minimize risks and losses.

Below, I'll outline a few basic principles to follow to align your sales force's operational control to serve your strategic business goals.

Define intermediate results

One of the main reasons why managers shy away from operational control is the lack of clear criteria for what exactly needs to be verified. That's why:

Determine What exactly should sellers do?(call clients, meet with customers, etc.) so that at the end of the month they can please you with excellent financial results (usually the fulfillment of sales plans).

Set standards(measurable indicators) for these actions/results, based on the statistics available in your company, common sense and, in fact, the sales plans themselves. Such standards may be: the number of calls, appointments and meetings, applications, signed contracts, the average amount of the application, etc.

Break these standards down by week/day(for example, at least 20 calls / 10 visits to retail outlets per day, 3 new contracts per week, etc.). It’s also useful to break down the sales plans themselves by week and day in order to keep your finger on the pulse. This will be your guideline for operational (daily/weekly) control. Of course, these indicators need to be brought to the knowledge of staff.

Develop daily reporting forms

Based on the criteria developed in the previous paragraph, you can develop daily report forms for sales personnel in paper or electronic form. An example of a daily report for a manager “on the phone” is given in Table 1, a fragment of a daily report (route sheet) of a sales representative is shown in Table 2.

Daily control

Set aside a time at the end of the working day (for example, from 5:30 to 6:00 pm) when the sales staff should provide you with a report on the day's work. Accordingly, set aside time in your daily schedule to review and respond to reports.

Important! Reaction to documents provided by staff must be mandatory and regular. Otherwise, your employees will begin to think that no one checks their reports, therefore, you can not write them or make up data. This can be either a personal conversation with the seller at the time the report is accepted, or a telephone conversation after a short time (for example, if at the time the employee provided the report you were busy talking with another employee and were unable to devote time to him).

Evening feedback algorithm it might be something like this.

1. Find in the daily report (or other daily sales report generated using a computer accounting program) and compare planned standards with the amount of work/sales actually completed by the employee for the current day.

2. Conduct a sample survey reporting officer, ask clarifying questions about clients with whom goals for the current day were not achieved and ask for clarification, for example:

In how many of the contacts that took place were the negotiations conducted directly with the decision maker?
What prevented you from meeting the standards for the number of calls?
Why did the client refuse the meeting / buy the product?
What arguments were given?
What competitor products does this customer purchase? At what prices?
What does the client not like about cooperation with other companies that we could use to our advantage?

Such explanations do not need to be required for every client. It is enough to clarify 5-6 clients from the report, and this will keep the subordinate on his toes and make it clear that he is being controlled.

3. Based on the responses received help the employee formulate goals for the next contacts with these clients, select convincing arguments for the objections that arise and make sure that all recommendations are written down (it’s not for nothing that they say: what is not written down does not exist).

Also record the recommendations given to the subordinate and the date of their implementation in your diary and be sure to ask about the results achieved on the appointed day (or remind them of the tasks ahead of the day of execution). Remember: if you allow yourself to “forget”, “skip” or be late with control at least once, the next time the subordinate will perceive your order as a wish.

4. Evaluate the completeness and correctness of filling out the report. Do not allow formal and “fake” replies. If you discover incomplete or incorrect information, inform the employee about the application of disciplinary measures taken by the company (reprimand, reprimand, fine, dismissal) against him.

5. Summarize the employee's work for the day, praise him or, if necessary, express constructive criticism (without becoming personal, discuss only actions and results).

Depending on the employee’s current fulfillment of personal standards, as well as the overall level of plan fulfillment by the sales department, adjust the employee’s personal tasks for the next working day. For example, if one of the employees did not come to work due to dismissal/illness, argue with reason that the gap in sales needs to be filled, “stress a little” and try to sell a little more than usual so that the company as a whole can fulfill the monthly sales plan. Discuss how this can be achieved.

6. End the conversation with positive motivation for the employee. the next working day (“Get your act together, you can do it”, “Well done, keep it up!”, etc.).

Increasing the efficiency of the sales department in 50 days Ryazantsev Alexey

Package of templates for reports

Package of templates for reports

1. Activity report

The activity report quantifies the actions that managers performed during the day, as well as the results of the day. The table includes:

Month, date and day;

Lateness, in minutes;

Number of new cold calls;

Number of contacts with decision makers (DM);

Number of commercial proposals (CP) sent;

Number of repeated calls;

Number of successful calls;

Number of scheduled appointments;

Number of meetings held;

Number of invoices issued;

Amount of payments, in rubles;

A note is made that the call log (for the next day) is completed and sent to the head of the ROP sales department (Table 5.2).

This is one of the most powerful tools in the sales department. By implementing it, you will be able to maintain productivity as managers begin to take fewer targeted actions over time. In addition, you will be able to control how many actions managers perform and see how the conversion and payment amounts change.

Time to fill out the report: 10 minutes.

2. Workbook

The workbook is one of the main working tools of a sales manager. It is prepared at the end of the working day the next day. Contacts for touches are entered into it. At the end of the working day, the completed work log is submitted to the head of the sales department by email - unless a document sharing system or CRM is set up.

What data is entered into the work log?


Name of the decision maker.

Phone and e-mail.

Result of the call.

Source for collecting contacts (so that managers do not independently select low-quality databases) (Table 5.3).

Table 5.2. Call log

Table 5.3. Example work log

This tool helps you quickly get into work in the morning and make calls in a block in two to three hours, rather than searching the Internet for contacts of organizations one by one. The manager’s average speed in this case will be five to six contacts per hour. And having a work log, people come to work and can immediately call ready-made contacts.

If the list has not been completed the night before, you can be sure that the manager will easily dedicate this important process all first half of the day.

3. Checklist “Daily Schedule” (Table 5.4, 5.5)

Table 5.4. Checklist for a sales manager

It is important that the work in the department is built in blocks: one block is two to three hours, within which one type of work is performed (mainly). Turn off multitasking for your managers and you can increase their productivity by at least two and a half times. Don't believe me? Schedule a test month and see for yourself.

Scientists have proven that it takes our brain about 30 minutes to reach peak productivity and enter a state of flow. And to get out of it, all it takes is a small switch to something else, even for 30 seconds. This is important to understand. Therefore, you cannot give managers the opportunity to call all day. They should have a call block. Same with other tasks.

The second advantage here is the psychological aspect: when you set yourself a time limit for a task, you complete it much faster than if you had a lot of time to implement it.

4. Base for generating warm clients

A customer acquisition database is necessary in order not to lose potential clients who contacted you - they were sent a commercial offer, maybe meetings were held, but the matter did not come to a sale. Our statistics show that at this stage, 20-30% of transactions fall through - only because they simply forgot about the clients, hoping that if they decide, they will call themselves. Work should be carried out with all warm clients, the dates of the next calls and pressure to reach the deal should be determined (Table 5.6).

After filling out the database, the manager enters the schedule into his calendar and sets a reminder on his phone. Or fills out your Google calendar and sets a reminder via SMS. Very comfortably.

5. Meeting report

Employees fill out a meeting report after the meeting. It records the subject of the meeting, the main agreements and the dates of the next meeting.

The report is important because it allows management to monitor the actual meetings that took place and their effectiveness.

Table 5.5. Checklist for the head of the sales department

Table 5.6. Sales pressure base

A common problem is when managers schedule meetings for themselves while they go about their business.

Sales manager meeting report

Date _______________ Full name of manager _________________

Company name ________________________________

The contact person _______________________________________

Manager Notes:

Result of the meeting:

Further actions:

Further actions from the client:

6. Reporting of the head of the sales department

The report on the results of the sales department is filled out by the head of the department and thereby allows the director of the enterprise to monitor sales performance for the department as a whole and the results of each manager (Tables 5.7, 5.8).

You can add any other indicators, such as the number and volume of upsells, sales volume of affiliate products, etc.

Table 5.7. Sales department report

Table 5.8. Sales report for a specific manager

7. Audit of the client base

The head of the sales department conducts an audit of the client base once a month/quarter. Based on the results of the audit, he fills out a report table (Table 5.9).

Table 5.9. Audit of the client base (using ABC segmentation)

8. Reporting of the sales representative (merchandiser)

It is used to control the bypass of retail outlets subordinate to the sales representative (Table 5.10).

Table 5.10. Sales Representative Daily Report

9. Key client base

It is important that managers maintain a database of key clients. Because you need to maintain communication with them of a completely different quality. This part of your base is where your business rests, and it is very important to establish systematic touches in it.

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From the book 100 business technologies: how to take your company to the next level author Cherepanov Roman

From the book Staff Loyalty author Ovchinnikova Oksana

From the book How to qualitatively evaluate a person. Handbook for HR Manager author Tibilova T. M.

6. Social package and other capacities At some point, the time comes to discuss the social package and what it should be. Sometimes its content affects employees completely unexpectedly, not in the way we expected. Understanding the function that social

From the author's book

2.4.1. Manipulative “package” of a manager What is manipulation? This is hidden influence on a person or group of people in order to achieve their own. For example, to make some decision in life, often unpopular. Manipulation can be defined as covert control with

From the author's book

2.4.3. Social package and staff loyalty The social package, in contrast to administrative penalties, on the contrary, refers to “carrots”. In principle, what is important is not even the contents of the package (paid leave, maternity leave, etc.), but the very fact that it, the social package, exists.

From the author's book

Motivation package Find out the minimum, maximum and optimal salary that the company is ready to provide. Find out what the salary structure is, whether there are bonuses and what are the conditions for receiving them, whether penalties apply, whether

Report on the meeting

IN In this document, the manager makes notes directly at the time of communication with a potential client. Why is this necessary? So that the manager, having looked at this report, can immediately remember the conversation and pass it on (including the most important points) either to his colleagues or to management.

In most cases in companies, meetings happen as follows. The manager goes to a meeting, communicates with the client, and then draws some conclusions for himself. And by the time he returns to the office, he simply forgets half of the valuable information he learned. As a result, on average, 50% of the information that the manager heard and could have conveyed does not reach management. That's why this report is so important.

The report on the meeting is also needed so that the head of the sales department can pick it up and immediately evaluate what work the manager has done. What questions did he ask, what agreements were reached with the client, what further actions were planned. Most often, such reports are discussed at planning meetings.

That is, today the manager goes to meetings, and the next day he comes to the morning planning meeting with a report on each one. By looking at his report, he can convey all the information completely. Then the manager decides what actions should be taken in the future, and immediately tells the managers about this, giving specific tasks to complete.

Now let's take a closer look at the meeting report form (see template 1). First, the manager sets the date of the meeting and indicates his last and first name, so that later the report can be filed in a folder and, if necessary, taken out and seen that it is his report. In addition, the manager writes the name of the company he went to, contact phone number, full name and position of the contact person.

Next comes the “Manager’s Marks” column. Here an employee can write various words, abbreviations, and make some notes that can only be understood by him. The main goal is so that he can subsequently look at them and convey the content of the conversation verbatim.

The next column is “Meeting result”. The manager writes about the results he sees. What it seemed to him had been achieved: the client is ready to pay, is ready to consider the contract, or he needs to contact the general director, the head of the warehouse supply, and so on.

It is necessary to indicate whether the purpose of the trip was fulfilled. It is very important to set goals before each meeting. If the manager is just coming to clarify some information, then this meeting has no purpose. The result of the meeting is always some kind of obligation on the part of the potential client: he must review the contract, send details for approval, transfer your information to senior management or discuss it at a meeting, and so on. It is in the “Meeting Result” column that such information is entered.

Template 1. Sales manager report on the meeting

The next column is “Further actions”. Following the meeting, the manager decides what to do next. Either he needs to send the contract by email, or agree with the head of the sales department on an individual price or some discounts, or give the client exclusive conditions, or something else. In this column, the manager writes how he sees his further actions.

The last column is “Further actions of the client.” Here are the obligations that the potential client has assumed, what he must do: send details and sign an agreement, pay the invoice, discuss the proposal with the general director, and so on. What is it for? In order for the sales manager to understand whether the purpose of the meeting was achieved, whether the manager completed the task assigned to him.

Client base

Your customer base is the key asset of your business. No inventory, no warehouse, no office matters as much as customers. The history of your relationship with them is also incredibly important. Without it, you will not understand what needs to be done when working with a particular client. to improve mutual cooperation.

As an example, we want to show a client card that is filled out by managers in our company. We do this using Microsoft Outlook (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Customer card in Microsoft Outlook

This client card contains all the necessary columns, which can be used in the future for better cooperation.

♦ Full name.

♦ Company name.

♦ Contact information.

♦ Special marks.

We use so-called categories to identify past customer orders. Through the “Select Category” function, special marks are created that are very easy to customize and make designations based on the specifics of your business. For us, these are the names of the trainings that this or that client attended.

As you can see in Fig. 1, this client completed the “b2b sales” training, purchased the “Test Drive of Business Development Systems” CD and participated in the “7 Stages of Sales” seminar.

For you, this may be the name of the goods or services, or, if you sell only one item, the frequency of purchases, terms of purchase (with delivery, pickup, and so on).

The customer base for any business is a critical element. Be sure to start maintaining it and work on the process of monetizing it. If you don’t have any special CRM system, don’t worry, take Microsoft Outlook - for starters, this is an excellent tool that will allow you to maintain a database, send out newsletters and many other interesting things.

P.S. Our Outlook database has already collected more than twenty thousand people, and we have excellent time to work with everyone.

Working tools of the head of the sales department

Checklist for every day

This checklist (Table 6) is needed in order to the head of the sales department did not forget about the actions, which he must perform every day, regardless of his employment and the tasks facing him. Otherwise, the sales department will get out of control, and what brings profit to the company will not be done.

First point - planning meeting WITH In the morning, the head of the sales department must prepare all the necessary documentation for its implementation. If he has new messages for sales managers, he should definitely note it so as not to forget.

If he wants to single out someone or, conversely, fine someone, make some kind of verbal suggestion, and so on, he should also note this. If there is a need to discuss some global issues or there are questions about some clients, he also notes this information in order to convey it to his employees. So, you need a planning meeting plan. A check mark is placed next to each completed item of this plan.

The next task is checking the call lists. Every sales manager must prepare a list in the morning to work with. It is necessary that this list is checked by the head of the department.

There is one nuance here: if there are more than five people in a department, then, naturally, the manager does not have time for everyone.

Then he does it through the administrator. If you have a large sales department, then it is divided into groups, and an administrator is assigned to each. This employee goes with a report to the head of the sales department and tells which companies, with what questions and with what proposals this or that manager will call today.

Already with the administrator (or with the manager, if the department is smaller), this list is worked through: something is crossed out, something is corrected, somewhere certain advice is given - how to “press” a certain client, how best to communicate with him or whom to contact .

The next point is monitoring customer calls. Surely you know: if you leave sales managers alone with themselves or with their colleagues, they will work an order of magnitude less effectively than if there was a manager next to them who would constantly monitor them, correct them, give instructions and say: “ Call! Call! Call! Let's make more calls. Let's increase our sales plan."

In this case, your managers will work much more efficiently. If they are left to their own devices, they will work carelessly. The more often you allow them to do this, the more often this will happen. And if managers make fewer calls on the day than they should and no one says anything to them, then in the end they will work like that. The issue here is not about reward, but about human psychology. Monitoring customer calls is a must which every sales manager must perform. In fact, this is his main task.

Next comes the column “Control of compression of issued invoices”. The head of the sales department looks at what invoices were issued for the last day or last week (this depends on the specifics of the business). He makes sure that each manager who is responsible for a particular potential client makes a follow-up call to him. You should also be aware of when the invoice will be paid, why this has not yet been done, who is responsible for this on the client’s side, and so on.

Be sure to discuss these issues at the end of the working day or at the planning meeting the next morning. For example, whether the call was made, what the client said, what needs to be done to speed up the process, and so on.

The next two columns concern reports from sales managers. The first of them is “Checking the call list for the day.” The head of the sales department, discussed in the morning, checks the list of calls in the evening. It is necessary to find out whether calls were made to all the agreed clients, whether the recommendations received in the morning were implemented, whether the regulations were followed. What are the results for the day on calls (how many refusals, how many promised to think, how many are ready to meet, how many asked to issue an invoice, and so on)?

After the head of the sales department finds out all this information, he can safely check this box.

The next item is “Checking the report on payments and invoices issued.” The head of the sales department takes information from each manager about who was invoiced, how many payments were made, and so on.

This is necessary so that he can schedule calls to clients at the next day’s planning meeting. And also in order to record information about when and which manager should call the potential client to whom the invoice was issued, and control this process. It’s clear when it comes to payments - you need to clearly know from which employee what profit comes to the company.

The next column is “Indicate the department’s plans for the next day” (in the report template the abbreviation “MPP Reporting” is used). The manager, based on what was done during the day, plans the actions of his employees tomorrow. If there were any shortcomings, if it is necessary to single out someone, say something, if any changes were made to the regulations, then he notes all this. The next day, firstly, he talks about this at the planning meeting, and secondly, changes the necessary documents, if necessary.

The last column is “List of your own to-dos.” In most cases, in small companies (small and medium-sized businesses), sales managers, in addition to control, are also involved in development. And in this column, matters related specifically to development are written down. Over the next day or week, the department head completes them (follows the schedule).

Filling out this checklist (there is a tick next to each item) is evidence that the head of the sales department has fulfilled his plan for the day.

Table 6. Checklist for head of sales department

Report on the work of the sales department

One of the most necessary documents is report on the work of the sales department. We will show a report from one of our clients, with whom we cooperate on increasing sales and automating business processes, so that you can understand how this document is created.

Let's talk about how to control the sales department. Its structure varies. Maybe you have one or more sales departments with their own manager. If you have a small company, then there may be only two sales managers, whom you yourself control and give them tasks, simultaneously performing the functions of a department head.

The most important thing you need to understand is that the report on the work of the department should show the state of sales for each day, but not just the sales volume or the profit received, but the main indicators. A report on the work of the sales department is like the dashboard in a car. When you are driving, you periodically look at the speedometer, at the gas gauge, at some other indicators that show you what is happening with the car and with your movement (how well you are moving, is anything going off scale).

The situation is approximately the same with the report on the work of the sales department. It should show what exactly is happening in the department.

Let's look at an example when a wholesale company has several sales departments, each of which consists of managers and reports to one leader. Below is a report from one of these departments, in which there are two managers - Vasily and Peter (see Table 7).

What does the table show? Sales volume, profit, income as a percentage (what percentage of profit in sales volume is included on this particular day). This company has products of its own production that bring more profit than other people's products that are also available. This is the reason income is so uneven.

The table takes into account the number of new customers, the number of all orders made, and the sales volume of goods of own production. The last parameter is very important for this company, since it seeks to increase sales of such goods in order to be less dependent on the whims of suppliers, promote its brand and make more profits.

So, there are several important parameters, which are reflected in the report. Of course, you will have completely different parameters - those that are important to you. This could be sales volume, profit, the number of new customers, average bill, or something else.

The bottom line is that you must identify the metrics that matter to you and then track them regularly. To do this, a general table is made that demonstrates the state of affairs in the sales department (see Table 7A), as well as tables reflecting the work of each manager (see Tables 7B and 7C).

We have employees Vasily and Peter. They enter their data into tables, which are then summarized in a general table. The head of the sales department immediately sees all the indicators: for each individual manager and for the department as a whole.

We can see the indicators of each individual manager and the percentage of plan fulfillment (it is displayed at the end of the table): monthly sales plan, monthly profit plan, profit plan for own-produced goods. We also see the results of each manager (how well he implements the plan) and how well the plan is fulfilled as a whole. It is very important that we can compare different days.

In the end we we see the result as a whole. Manager Peter fulfilled the plan by 49%. Fifteen days have passed (half a month). Everything seems to be fine. But let's look at each individual day. Over the past week, his average daily sales volume was 110 thousand rubles. And this week's profit is much less than the average for last week.

This is a good reason to think and understand what is wrong. Why did Peter's sales drop sharply? Perhaps there are objective reasons: the manager was switched to another job or he took time off for personal reasons, but it is possible that he began to work worse, and then something should be corrected. You can compare managers to each other and understand how each one performs relative to the other. We see that one completed almost half of the plan, and the other only 40%. The second one works almost a quarter worse than the first one. This is something to think about.

It is clearly visible how the department as a whole is implementing the plan. You should be assigned bonuses both to each specific person for fulfilling and exceeding the plan, and for the plan for the department as a whole. We will talk about this when we discuss the motivation system.

Each manager fills out his own report. It is transferred to the head of the sales department, who collects the data into a single report. Head of Department must analyze it every day.

In the event that something is significantly out of schedule (both for good and for bad), it is necessary to respond to this immediately. If in a good way, find out what made it possible to move forward (it is possible that this can be applied to all employees). If it is bad, then, accordingly, the manager should be reprimanded so that he improves.

The head of the department (or commercial or general director) looks at this table at least once a week (preferably daily) to know what is happening with sales. A report on the work of the sales department is a key indicator of your activities, showing the dynamics of the company's development.

If something goes wrong, with the help of the report you will understand it immediately. You see daily activities and dynamics: which manager began to work worse, which manager began to forget about old clients and works poorly with them, or vice versa - does not work at all with new ones, and so on.

Table 7. Report on the work of the sales department

In this case, Peter’s average bill is 12,700 rubles, and Vasily’s is approximately 8,000 rubles. The difference is 50%, and that's a big difference. Why is this happening? There may be objective reasons: Vasily is a junior manager and works with simpler, smaller clients who buy in smaller volumes. Accordingly, his receipt is smaller, but he has a larger number of clients (97 orders). The second manager works with fewer clients (77), but they are larger, and his total sales volume is higher.

If two people work with clients of the same quality and quantity, but their indicators are different, then it means that one works worse than the other. This needs to be fixed. You should understand what the manager whose results are better does, and pull the others along with him.

Select the indicators that are important for your company, create a report on the work of the sales department and run it regularly. Demand that the head of the department fill it out, and let him demand the same from managers and monitor implementation. A very good motivation: if the day is not filled, then managers lose their reward for it.

Necessarily track the performance of the plan. It is important that you do not attack your employees at the end of the month and say: “Why didn’t you fulfill the plan? What have you been doing all month?”, and during the first two weeks they saw what was happening in the department and took action. If the plan is easily exceeded, this is a signal that it needs to be urgently revised. This will be discussed later when we get to planning.

Sales system control

Step-by-step instructions for writing a commercial proposal

In this section we will talk about how to effectively write business proposals. It doesn't matter whether you are a business owner or an employee. Often the role of the head of the sales department or commercial director (it doesn’t matter what is written in your work book) is to correctly convey to the client information about the values ​​that he will receive if he works with you.

We will tell you what blocks a correctly written commercial proposal should consist of, and then we will give an example of a real commercial proposal.

In order for your letter to be selling and not end up in the basket, like most commercial offers that a client receives per day, you need to be able to structure information and write it correctly.

Let's dwell on structure of the commercial offer.

The first thing your proposal should contain is: description of customer problems. Before moving on to a specific proposal, you need the client to answer the questions: yes, this is for me; Indeed, I have such problems and I am faced with these questions. For him to be interested, he must see it. Accordingly, you need to tell the client about his problems and show how you can solve them.

For example, your client has problems with product delivery; suppliers constantly let him down. You describe this problem, and then say that you have established logistics. The drivers are friendly, the loaders are always sober, and so on. For proof The best way to do this is to use specific examples – reviews from your clients.

The next thing you can indicate in your commercial proposal is: price. This needs to be done so that the consumer, when he sees the price, is not afraid. It is important that the value that your offering brings outweighs the cost of your services.

Next we need to show that the price is not that high as it seems at first glance. Here you can give a simple mathematical calculation. If, for example, you additionally provide the client with loaders (you delivered the goods and offer the client two or three people for free to help unload and arrange the goods), you show this.

Indicate that you provide labor absolutely free of charge and thereby the client saves money on paying for the work of his employees. During the supply process (if you work constantly), this will result in a certain amount of money, which he can save and spend on something more necessary.

Nessesary to use deadline(deadline, time limit). You set a time limit or number of participants for your potential client. You can, for example, offer to provide this or that additional service for free if the client accepts your commercial offer by the end of the week. This works great.

The next thing to do is call to action that is, to convince the client to take the first step towards a transaction. Tell him what needs to be done right now: “Call us on the phone...”, “Leave a request on the website...”, “Pick up the phone and dial the number...”. And the faster he does this, the more profitable cooperation with you will be for him.

Let's give example of a commercial proposal, which we compiled for a company providing warehousing services (see template 2).

On top there should be a hat with the details of the organization. Then it is indicated for whom and from whom this commercial offer is.

The next point is a catchy title. We made it like this: “Everyone is ready to share the profit with you, but we are ready to share the costs with you!”

The first block is the block in which we promise the client to solve his problems or provide new opportunities. It depends on what you are offering. In this case, we focused on the following: “Warehouse storage of materials is a headache for any enterprise. We are ready to assume all costs and full responsibility for storing your products.”

The following is a list of these same problems: “... the roof is leaking, the room does not maintain the required temperature” and so on. Then we reinforce: “Plus, it very often happens that unloading/loading requires additional people and equipment, and all this requires additional costs.” In the end, we emphasize that the client will be able to save money and invest it in the development of his company if he entrusts the care of his products to us.

In the next block we explain how and due to what we are able to fulfill our promise. “Our company is a leader in the field of warehousing in the Tver region. In addition to storage services, we provide our clients with the necessary labor and technical resources for more comfortable and faster unloading of materials.”

Providing additional free services is what sets the company apart from others offering the same storage services. This is the unique selling proposition of this company. This is further enhanced by the fact that the company, among other things, offers the use of its fleet on special conditions. This frees potential customers from the problems associated with transporting their goods.

In the next block we prove that our promises are not empty: “The quality of our services is time-tested. For more than ten years we have been helping our clients in the field of storage and transportation of products. We work with wholesale companies such as…” (if you work with any large suppliers or clients known in your market in your region, you indicate them).

Next: “The reliability and quality of our services are confirmed by the fact that all clients have been working with us on an ongoing basis for more than three years. You can read some reviews below.” Here you insert the opinion of one of your clients, whom you consider most valuable and with whom you have worked the longest.

Statistics speak about the economic efficiency of cooperation: “ cooperating with us, clients reduce additional costs for loading/unloading materials by an average of 50%.”

After we have identified the savings for the buyer, we name the price. It is very good to do this in the following context: “These savings are easy to estimate, given that the monthly rental cost is N rubles per square meter.”

After that, we show that the price is not as high as it might seem. It can be said something like this: “Together with our clients, we calculated their costs for maintaining and organizing the work of warehouses of other complexes and came to the conclusion that our offer is much more profitable than renting a warehouse plus the constant maintenance of working personnel and maintenance of the necessary equipment for unloading. loading operations."

Here you emphasize that you have conducted the necessary research and found that the cost of your services is reasonable and working with you is much more profitable than with other companies.

Surely you ask: “How to prove this?” We recommend really doing this research with your clients and finding the value your offering brings.

The offer that we are considering is for informational purposes only, that is, a potential buyer should familiarize himself with what you offer and understand how you differ from your competitors. And, most importantly, he must understand that he is ready to give you time. And already at the meeting you will speak specifically, showing in numbers and percentages the value of your proposal.

The next required block is pushing for immediate action.“In addition, we offer the first three clients a 20% discount for the first two months. If you conclude an agreement with us before N term, then the cost of rent in August and September will be N rubles per square meter for you.”

Can strengthen the offer(we tested this in companies). In addition to certain conditions for the company as a whole, you can make a special offer specifically for the person responsible in this matter. For example, if a certain manager is looking for warehouse space in a company, then you can indicate: “If you are among the first three clients who sign an agreement with us before the Nth date, then we will give the responsible person of this company a new laptop as a gift.”

We implemented it and got quite a big result, because the managers who are looking for warehouses or suppliers are in no hurry to go to their management. They slowly consider all options and weigh them carefully. Your goal is to show the benefit as much as possible and push the person to action so that he accepts your offer and starts talking about you earlier and better than others. Discounts and gifts work well here.

In the last block, we encourage the client to take the first step towards concluding a deal. In the proposal under consideration, it looks like this: “We believe that cooperation with us will be very beneficial for your company, which is why contact our specialist right now by phone N to make an appointment and discuss further actions. Our employees are ready to come to your office and provide all the necessary information.”

You are pushing the person to pick up the phone right now, call and make an appointment with you. You do not evade, but say directly what you want from him. This psychological move usually works well, and people call you asking about what caught their interest.

Next, the skill of your manager is important to schedule a meeting and talk in person. The sale is made when an appointment is made. If the client has made an appointment, then he is interested. This means he is ready to pay money.

Template 2. Commercial offer

To the director of Alliance LLC

Ivanov A.S.

From the head of the rental department of Mega-group LLC

Sidorova D. V.

Everyone is ready to share the profit with you, but we are ready to share the costs with you!

Warehouse storage of materials is a headache for any enterprise. We are ready to assume all costs and responsibility for storing your products. Surely you have come across situations when a warehouse space is not suitable for you due to various circumstances: the roof is leaking, the room does not maintain the desired temperature, and so on.

Plus, it very often happens that unloading/loading materials requires additional people and equipment, and all this requires additional costs.

You can save money and invest it in the development of the company if you entrust the care of your products to us.

Our company is a leader in the field of warehousing in the Tver region. In addition to storage services, we also provide our clients with the necessary labor and technical resources for more comfortable and faster unloading of materials.

Also, all our clients can use our vehicles on special terms, which frees you from constant problems with transporting goods.

The quality of our services is time-tested: For more than ten years we have been helping our clients in matters of storage and transportation of products. We work with such wholesale companies as... (name of organizations).

The reliability and quality of our services are confirmed by the fact that all clients have been working with us on an ongoing basis for more than three years. You can read some reviews below.

Statistics speak about the economic efficiency of cooperation: by cooperating with us, clients reduce additional costs for loading/unloading materials by an average of 50%.

CRM systems ( Customer Relationship Management– application software for organizations designed to automate customer interaction strategies, in particular to increase sales, optimize marketing and improve customer service by storing customer information and history, establishing and improving business procedures and then analyzing the results (definition from the site
