Staffing in the selection of personnel at the enterprise. Personnel selection system: methods for selecting the best personnel. common mistakes in recruiting

People management is the basis of effective management of any organization. Personnel policy is necessary for the organization; knowledge of the principles and methods of personnel management and the ability to use them in practical activities are the key to the survival and development of the enterprise.

Personnel work is currently understood as the unity of two main measures:

  • ? providing all departments of the organization with the necessary and high-quality workforce;
  • ? ensuring employee motivation to achieve high performance results.

People are the engine of any organization, and mistakes in recruitment - especially when it comes to selecting candidates for leadership positions - are very costly. The losses that enterprises incur from accidents, injuries and defects as a result of mistakes made when selecting new employees are only part of the costs that the organization has to bear. Miscalculations in the recruitment and selection of new employees often cost dearly. Thus, poorly organized personnel selection can lead to high staff turnover, poor moral and psychological climate (conflicts, squabbles, negligent attitude towards assigned work, etc.), low labor and executive discipline (low quality of work, low efficiency of use of working time , failure to comply with management orders and even sabotage).

Personnel management began to develop into a strategic function of the organization's management, retaining, however, the classic tools of working with personnel: quantitative and qualitative personnel planning; attracting labor; advanced training; personnel control, etc.

To attract, select and evaluate the personnel needed by the enterprise, it is advisable to carry out the following activities:

  • - optimize the ratio of internal (within the enterprise) and external (reception of new employees) personnel attraction;
  • - develop criteria for personnel selection;
  • - distribute new employees to jobs.

After this, the process of searching, recruiting and selecting personnel begins, which is divided into several stages:

First stage- detailed requirements for the workplace and for the candidate to replace it.

Second stage- recruitment of candidates willing to fill a vacant position.

Third stage - selection of necessary personnel.

Fourth stage - hiring persons who have passed the stage of selection and conclusion of an employment contract.

The company's personnel can be replenished from external and internal sources. Replenishment of personnel from external sources involves attracting candidates for vacant positions from outside, i.e. attracting new employees who were not previously associated with labor relations with this enterprise. The use of internal sources to resolve personnel issues involves the rotation of employees of a given enterprise. Each of these sources has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Attracting personnel from outside begins with an announcement about hiring workers through the media. When solving personnel problems through internal sources, a job advertisement is also given in the internal company media.





The employee already has a certain reputation and values ​​it

Using only this source can lead to stagnation in the organization, i.e. to the lack of new ideas and work methods

The employee’s capabilities are known to the administration

Deterioration of attitude towards an employee on the part of his former colleagues

Promoting an employee can set a good example for his colleagues and stimulate an increase in their business activity

Accumulation of complex interpersonal relationships, which worsens the psychological climate

Secondary adaptation usually occurs faster and easier than primary

Choose from a large number of candidates

Long adaptation period

New employees bring new ideas and ways of working that enrich the organization

Deterioration of the moral climate in the team due to the “grievances” of veterans

Less threat of intrigue within the enterprise

The capabilities of new employees are not exactly known

The advertisement asks you to create a resume and submit it to the employer. Resume is information about the employee presented to the employer. The resume must meet certain requirements: the resume must be brief, but at the same time as informative as possible, it must not contain long sentences or passive forms. In addition, it is possible to use the personnel reserve for promotion, as well as intra-company combination of positions.

At each stage of selection, some applicants may be excluded from further participation in the competition due to failure to meet certain requirements or voluntary refusal of the procedures for further participation in the competition. Based on the analysis, the most suitable candidate for the vacant position (workplace) is selected, the final decision is made to hire him and all the necessary documents are drawn up (contract, order, etc.). Recruitment of personnel is the final phase of its search and selection.

Professional selection and hiring are necessary components of personnel management. Recruitment involves a series of actions taken by an organization to attract candidates for vacant jobs. When selecting and hiring employees, the main task is to staff the staff with applicants whose business, moral, psychological and other qualities could contribute to achieving the goals of the organization. Personnel selection is a single complex and must be supported by scientific, methodological, organizational, personnel, material, technical and software support.

Selection- part of the recruitment process associated with the selection of one or more candidates for a vacant position among the total number of people applying for this position.

Recruitment and selection of personnel is traditionally considered as a function of personnel services. However, an effective personnel selection process always requires the participation of the heads of those departments to which new employees are selected. This presupposes that managers are aware of the basic principles and procedures used in personnel selection and have the necessary skills to do so. This is especially true for small organizations where recruitment is carried out mainly by the first manager or heads of departments. The quality of human resources, their contribution to achieving the organization’s goals and the quality of the products produced or services provided largely depend on how effectively the personnel selection work is carried out.

Personnel selection must be linked to all other functions of personnel management so as not to become a function that is carried out for its own sake to the detriment of other forms of work with personnel.

The main prerequisites that determine the effectiveness of recruitment, selection and hiring of personnel are:

  • - clear formulation of the goals facing the organization (division);
  • - development of an effective organizational management structure that would ensure a high level of interaction between different departments, contributing to the achievement of these goals;
  • - interested attitude of management to the problem of personnel planning, which is the link between the goals of the organization and the organizational structure of management.

Personnel planning is the foundation of personnel policy, providing an approach to recruitment and selection that is clearly linked to the company's goals and strategy. Personnel planning provides information about the needs of an organization (enterprise) for labor and the availability of vacant jobs.

Hiring- a series of actions aimed at attracting candidates with the qualities necessary to achieve the goals set by the organization.

During the hiring process, the final clarification of the upcoming relationship between the employer and the employee occurs. It presupposes strict compliance with the laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, departmental and other acts relating to labor relations. In addition, it should be taken into account that enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership operate in market conditions and that the status of the employee in them may be different. He can be a shareholder of the company and at the same time work here, i.e. be either a working owner or an employee.

The hiring of personnel is formalized in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for the conclusion of an employment contract.

An employment contract is an agreement between an employer and an employee, according to which the employer undertakes to provide working conditions, pay wages on time and in full, and the employee undertakes to personally perform the labor function determined by this agreement and comply with the internal regulations in force in the organization.

Employment contracts in accordance with Article 58 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation can be concluded: for an indefinite period and for a certain period of no more than five years (fixed-term employment contract).

Each organization, in order to establish its own labor regime, clearly regulate the relationship between employee and employer, and improve its image in the labor market, develops internal labor regulations with the following sections:

  • - general provisions;
  • - the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees;
  • - rights and obligations of the employer and employees;
  • - working hours and rest time;
  • - rewards for success at work;
  • - disciplinary sanctions for violations of labor discipline;
  • - responsibility of the employer and employees, etc.

The final stage of formalizing the relationship is the signing of the employment agreement (contract) and the issuance of an order (disposition) for the persons who signed the employment agreement (contract).

New employees hired (or company employees transferred to positions) go through an adaptation period. At the same time, labor and social adaptation differ. In the process of labor adaptation, the employee learns the specifics of work at a given enterprise (or position), and in the course of social adaptation, the new employee declares himself as an individual and takes his place in the system of informal groups operating here. The problem of adaptation is one of the main problems in personnel management.

The work of personnel services of any enterprise is inevitably associated with the need to search and select personnel. The personnel selection system is one of the central ones in the management structure of the entire organization. Because the economic performance and competitiveness of an enterprise ultimately depend on human resources.

From the article you will learn:

But usually, after reviewing the resume, recruiters prefer to communicate with the candidate in a personal meeting. Some steps may be skipped or additional screening measures may be added if necessary. But overall the system recruitment looks like this:

  1. Analysis of documents provided by candidates (diplomas, resumes, certificates, etc.).
  2. Preliminary conversation (possibly by phone) to get to know the applicant. At this stage, we find out in more detail about the specialist’s education and experience, and get an initial idea of ​​his communication skills.
  3. Filling out the application form by the applicant. As a rule, the questionnaire contains questions of a personal nature: date and place of birth, residential address, marital status, education, etc. It makes sense to include questions about previous places of work and hobbies. Here the level of self-esteem, attitude towards crisis situations, etc. is often determined.
  4. Checking references. At this stage, the veracity of the information provided by the candidate is determined and additional information is collected, mainly about the previous place of work. However, when making inquiries about the applicant from his previous manager or former colleagues, it is worth remembering the possible bias in their assessments.
  5. The interview is the main interview of the applicant. It can be conducted in written or oral form, be structured and formalized.
  6. Testing is the most significant stage of testing a candidate. It can be psychological, intellectual, psychophysiological, professional. Depending on the vacant position, a special testing program is developed. Testing is often done as part of a group, but in rare cases it can be done individually. The test can be carried out in one day or over several days - with breaks.
  7. Analysis of the test results.
  8. Making a decision on the suitability of the applicant for the vacant position and presenting him to the manager. In case of a positive decision on hiring, the candidate is informed of the list of documents required for registration under the Labor Code, and the date for concluding the employment contract is agreed upon.
  9. Concluding an employment contract and completing the necessary documents.

The best result in identifying the required candidate is achieved, as a rule, when the selection methods are interrelated and represent a complex system. The most reliable candidate assessment results can be achieved if applicants are tested in conditions that are as close as possible to working conditions.

As assessment methods, in addition to testing, you can use:

An interview between a HR manager or an employer and an applicant for a position. It is advisable to first develop and compile a questionnaire to determine the required qualities of the applicant.

The matrix method is a summary assessment using a specially designed matrix table, which lists all candidates for one position and provides a list of required personal and business qualities. The expert evaluates each applicant according to one or another criterion. The candidate who scores the maximum marks is accepted for the position.

The assessment center method is used to select middle and senior managers. With its help, you can identify the managerial abilities of a candidate. The subject is offered exercises or tests, and based on the answers, the correctness of his choice and the adequacy of his decision-making are assessed.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that when selecting personnel in a management system, it is important for a recruiter to give an objective assessment of the qualities of applicants, to indicate how well they meet the requirements placed on them. It is easier to make the right decision when choosing the right candidate for the manager who, on the one hand, has an ideal model of requirements for a certain position, and, on the other hand, has the characteristics of applicants correctly drawn up in accordance with it.

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  • What is recruiting?
  • Why personnel selection plays an important role in the work of a company.
  • What does the personnel selection system include?
  • What methods of employee selection exist?
  • What recruiting methods are relevant today.
  • How the personnel selection system is organized depends on the specifics of the company.

Recruitment(recruiting) is a business process that involves searching and identifying suitable candidates for vacant positions. This work is one of the main tasks HR managers and recruiters. In addition, these functions can be taken over by recruitment agencies and specialized portals.

Why does a company need an employee selection system?

Personnel is one of the company’s most important resources and an effective tool. competition. The right team, as well as competent and productive employees, can make a company a leader in its market, increase its profitability and create a positive employer image among staff and clients.

At the same time, the wrong choice of candidates can lead to staff turnover, reducing the performance of departments and the company as a whole. Errors in recruiting can also damage the company’s business reputation and the quality of its products and services.

12 common mistakes when recruiting

The editors of the General Director magazine have prepared the top 12 mistakes that managers make in the process of recruiting employees, and have drawn up an action plan for retaining valuable personnel.

What does recruitment include?

The personnel selection system is a complex of recruiting activities that includes several stages:

  • General analysis of the company's staffing and staffing needs. Based on this data, HR specialists formulate a vacancy plan, which in turn must meet the company’s strategic plans.
  • Planning the search for candidates. At this stage, recruiters must determine the main criteria for selecting specialists, prepare and agree on requirements for candidates and the terms and conditions for recruiting applicants, as well as select channels for searching and attracting employees.
  • Selecting methods for assessing and selecting personnel. Read below to find out what methods of employee selection there may be.
  • Implementation of the recruiting process. At this stage, HR managers post information about vacancies, conduct an initial selection of candidates based on resumes, interview and test candidates, collect the necessary recommendations about employees and organize a final interview with the customer of the vacancy.
  • Conclusion of an employment contract and adaptation support for a new employee.

Recruitment methods and their principles

The recruiting methods chosen by the company may differ depending on the specific vacancy and the employer's requirements. The HR services market has long used methods that have proven their effectiveness over many years of practice and good results. We will look at the most famous methods of recruiting employees.

Tests to help identify the best employees

The editors of the General Director magazine have developed 3 tests for you, with the help of which you will find the best employees for the company. 8 out of 10 candidates who successfully pass these tests save the company up to 10% of their budget at the end of the year.

Internal recruitment

This approach uses an internal personnel reserve. If the organization decides introduce a new position or expand its activities, its management shifts its attention to full-time employees. This approach does not require additional funding and makes the transition to a position more psychologically comfortable for the employee. However, HR services in such cases are often limited in their choice. In addition, this method does not contribute to the influx of fresh forces into the company.


Preliminaring is a method when an organization selects new personnel, attracting internship and the work of pupils and students of educational institutions. As a result, the employer gets the opportunity to create a staff of young specialists “for themselves.” University graduates master the intricacies of the work of a specific enterprise in a specific position, and more easily adapt to the corporate culture and rules of the company.

Methods for assessing candidates

The most common methods for assessing the professional and personal qualities of candidates are traditional interviews, professional and psychological tests, detailed recommendations from previous places of work and an assessment center for top specialists.

Traditional interviews

Interviews with a clear structure allow you to assess the professional qualities of the interlocutor, find out his character and evaluate the communication skills of the applicant. One of the main disadvantages of this approach is its low reliability: often candidates are interviewed who are not suitable for the position, but know how to present themselves favorably.

Professional and psychological tests

When using professional tests, it should be borne in mind that they should be developed for each specific position. It is much easier to prepare a task for programmers and designers, it is more difficult to assess the professional level of marketers and sales managers.

Psychological tests help predict a candidate’s behavior based on his psychological profile. In such cases, both intellectual development in general and a person’s verbal or analytical abilities can be assessed.

Assessment center

This method is the highest quality and most expensive for customer. Often, third-party consultants and specialists from recruitment agencies are involved in such work, and several HR managers work with groups of tested applicants at once. All these conditions minimize the opportunities for deception on the part of candidates.

Non-standard methods for assessing candidates

Much less frequently, HR specialists use methods such as diagnosing an applicant using information technology, assessing an applicant by voice, by photograph, by behavior in an informal setting, by the results of a medical examination, and even by handwriting and zodiac sign.

Current methods of personnel selection

Modern interview techniques

The main types of interviews include:

  • case interview evaluates the employee’s communication skills and intelligence; ;
  • projective interview reveals the applicant’s individual perception of a specific task and ways to solve it;
  • structured interview classic interview in the form of “question and answer”;
  • provocative interview the employer denies the candidate a job and evaluates his further behavior;
  • brainteaser interview solving a difficult logical problem;
  • stressful interview is carried out in uncomfortable conditions for the applicant and involves answering unexpected, provocative questions from the interviewer.

Searching for personnel through social networks

Working with online communities and social networks opens up new opportunities for recruiters. Find the right employee Companies can apply for the desired vacancy on the social networks Facebook,,, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte. To do this, the employer can publish a vacancy announcement in his personal account or thematic group, or try to find the accounts of potential employees on social networks directly.

Recruiting automation

Information technologies and services that help select the right employees continue to play a major role in the development of recruiting systems. According to analysts, the global recruiting software market will grow to $2 billion in 2018.

Today, HR managers are helped in their work by artificial intelligence technologies, chatbots, platforms for automating and optimizing the recruitment process, services for conducting video interviews, online intelligence testing games, ERP systems that solve several problems at once management, as well as special mobile applications.

Remote recruitment of personnel

One of the current trends in recruitment is the remote method of searching and hiring employees in companies. If earlier HR services remotely searched mainly for programmers, designers, journalists and accountants, today this method is suitable for any field.

The main advantages of remote personnel selection:

  • A candidate living almost anywhere in the world can be selected to work for the company;
  • saving time on conducting interviews;
  • recruiters can simultaneously organize interviews for several branches located at a distance from each other.

How the organization of a personnel selection system depends on the specifics of the company

The choice of recruiting methods depends on the company’s field of activity and other business features.

External search for candidates can be divided into 3 large areas according to the level of search positions:

  • mass selection (workers and low-skilled specialists);
  • search for line specialists (middle managers, highly qualified specialists and managers);
  • exclusive search (senior executives).

Mass recruiting is often used in hypermarkets, supermarkets, large warehouse companies and for professions that do not require special knowledge. Such companies are looking for salespeople, cashiers, security guards, loaders, and general workers. Screening technology is used here. This is an approach in which to select employees it is enough to only study resume And conduct an interview by phone.

The selection of line specialists and middle managers involves choosing between many candidates whose level of education is approximately equal. In this case, the HR manager must perform a “screening” to select the most suitable specialists. Screening criteria may include age, experience, qualification, character traits and other parameters that are important to the employer. In order to correctly assess all the customer’s requirements, the recruiter must study the specifics of the profession for the ordered vacancy.

The third and most difficult area of ​​personnel selection is exclusive search. This method is used in cases where a company is looking for a specialist in a rare profession or a highly qualified manager.

The pinnacle of recruiting is headhunting. In this case, the customer asks HR specialists to lure a specific person to his company from competitor.

Expert opinion

Daria Smirnova,
Leading consultant for personnel selection of the A.N.T group of companies

Modern trends in recruiting that HR specialists need to know

One of the most current trends in person selection is moving away from traditional search on specialized portals. Today, many sites, even quite reputable ones, almost completely duplicate the resumes of their competitors. Other portals remain in demand only due to their large database of profiles, but even these profiles are most often irrelevant. This is when a specialist updated his resume a couple of years ago, but the company is only now finding it. Today, completely different search methods are coming to the fore: social networks, personal recommendations, forums, digital tools - everything that valuable specialists live with every day and where they can be caught in their “natural state”.

Another important trend is speed. Modern recruiting is becoming much faster, and the customer expects results from recruiters within the first week. Our agency, of course, even today regularly posts vacancies online to advertise itself and talk about vacancies, but we are increasingly trying to stay ahead of events and begin the search first.

The competitive market environment also dictates its conditions. Recruiting agencies need to work harder on themselves. We become even more communicative, open, immersed in the specifics of the customer’s business and the trends of the market in which he operates.

Another important trend in recruitment is the blurring of the concept of “position”. Many specialists now have more opportunities to combine several tasks at once, which previously could only be solved with two positions in the company, and employers themselves are gradually moving to team play, replacing outdated clumsy structures.

These conditions, in turn, complicate the work of the recruiter, since he is now presented with not only a set of requirements for the applicant, but also a set of tasks that the employee must solve. As a result, the concept of “job profile” may often not work.

Irina Andrianova,
HR Director of the pharmaceutical company "AVVA RUS"

The main problems that HR services face in their work

One of the problems that HR services face when recruiting personnel is the “preparedness” of applicants. Now many candidates, ranging from specialists and middle managers, can be helped by “consultants”. More often than not, these are simply experienced interview participants who have nothing to do with the HR market. They ruin everything. Such “assistants” compose resumes that sell candidates and prepare them for the “correct” answers. An experienced recruiter will immediately see that they have worked on the applicant.

The second problem in recruitment can be called the shortage of blue-collar specialties, which is associated with the low level of training of such workers since the late 1990s. This in turn led to a decline in the prestige of labor specialties and a shortage of qualified workers.

The third problem is fake diplomas. Not all companies can afford to maintain a security service that will detect fraud. And not every recruiter is able to identify such a “specialist.” This error is not immediately clear. But the more time passes, the higher its price becomes.

In addition, HR managers are often faced with the problem of employees’ inadequate perception of personnel selection. For most candidates, this is a “girl recruiter” who does not understand the profession. Sometimes even candidates who are valuable to an employer cannot get rid of these clichés during an interview and fully reveal their skills and knowledge.


The personnel selection system at the enterprise must comply with the basic principles and rules work of HR services. Recruiting in a company must take into account the specifics of the organization’s activities and modern market requirements for such business processes.

The experience and qualifications of the company's HR managers play a major role in personnel selection. However, it is impossible to build an effective HR department without the employer clearly setting goals for the contractor.

How to properly plan and organize the recruiting process? How to increase its effectiveness? What problems exist here? Is it possible to automate the process of searching and attracting personnel? How modern technologies, programs, personnel selection systems help with automation? What benefits and benefits will this bring to your company and HR department? You will find answers to these and other questions, as well as comments, consultations and expert advice in this analytical article.

The main stages of recruiting employees at an enterprise

We are talking about an HRM software package that will help formalize and debug all business processes related to personnel management, including selection, in a single information environment. The solution should include setting up the basic processes of the structures responsible for working with personnel, selecting and implementing a suitable information program, consultant services (consulting), comprehensive support and technical support.

Features and benefits of automated HRM systems
  • Flexibility. The solutions described can be easily and simply adapted to any user, any specialization, any scale of business (be it small, medium or large businesses).
  • Integration with 1C. Most HRM systems presented on the Russian information technology market are developed and implemented on the 1C:Enterprise platform (the most famous and popular accounting system in our country). Therefore, these systems are easily integrated with the following 1C configurations: for example, with 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management (ZUP), 1C: Recruitment Agency, 1C: Personnel Assessment, 1C: Integrated Automation (KA), 1C: Production Enterprise Management (PEM) and with any version of the 1C platform (7.7, 8, 8.2 and 8.3). With 1C, personnel selection becomes better and more effective.
  • Quickly search for candidates for a particular position. An automated system for personnel selection allows you to receive in a matter of seconds a list of all possible candidates from the Internet who meet your requirements. There is no need to go to each site separately and spend time setting up search criteria.
  • Elimination of manual data entry. Information about the candidates you view is automatically loaded into the 1C database. You do not need to manually enter first names, last names, phone numbers and other information. All fields are automatically recognized, and based on this information, candidate and applicant cards are generated in your 1C database.
  • Instant posting of vacancies. The use of automated personnel search and selection systems makes it possible to post vacancies that interest you in a matter of seconds and receive responses to them. You can also upload selected candidate resumes, expanding your database.

    Possibility of remote, remote selection. Thanks to the new service for searching, selecting and assessing personnel “EFSOL: HRM.My Personnel”, which was developed by EFSOL specialists, you do not need to waste time questioning and assessing candidates. All this can be carried out remotely (via the Internet), due to applicants passing special online tests. You receive a finished result with a complete analytical characteristics of the selected candidate (psychological state, analysis of competencies, skills, suitability for the required position, and much more). This service makes personnel selection faster, simpler and more convenient.

    The latest selection methods and technologies, implemented in this automatic system. You get a powerful functional tool that can quickly and efficiently select the personnel you need.

Figure 2 – Functionality of the “Recruitment” block within the personnel management system

Automation takes place in several stages:
  • Analysis, audit of personnel selection; identifying problems, errors, weak points.
  • Development and approval of technical specifications (TOR).
  • Selecting the necessary software (software).
  • Implementation (installation) and launch of a personnel selection system.
  • Configuration and testing, if necessary, modifications and adjustments.
  • User consultations, training in working with the system.
  • Subscriber support for recruitment programs, technical support.

Depending on the tasks assigned, the development company assigns you a leading specialist who oversees your interaction with the project team (consultants and programmers).

To optimize personnel management, contact specialists

EFSOL is a recognized expert in the development and implementation of automated HRM systems and other products and software for business automation. Our company's HR department successfully uses EFSOL programs in its own work with personnel. Therefore, we offer services for the development and implementation of an effective personnel selection tool, repeatedly tested in our experience.

You can order and buy the solution both in Moscow and in any regional office of the company in Russia (St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Kursk, Nizhny Novgorod), as well as by calling the specified telephone numbers or using online order forms on the website. By sending an electronic application or asking questions to a consultant by phone, you can clarify the content and cost of automation services, implementation, and various terms of cooperation. Consultations, advice, and recommendations from our recruitment experts are free.

EFSOL specialists will provide you with qualified assistance, optimize all HR processes, implement the necessary IT programs and systems, and help find, attract and select the right candidates and job seekers to work in your company. 1C: Recruitment agency


System integration. Consulting

Nesterov A.K. Recruitment of personnel in an organization // Encyclopedia of the Nesterovs

The personnel selection process in the organization is regulated by the personnel policy, formalized in the form of a specific document, for example, in the form of the Enterprise Standard in the quality management system - personnel management.

Personnel selection system in the organization

Personnel selection in an organization is carried out on the basis of determining the need for human resources for the following reasons:

  1. Changing the structure of the enterprise - the organization may need new employees with different qualification requirements for new departments, divisions, etc.
  2. Changing the structure of departments - selection of candidates will be carried out to staff departments according to the new staffing table;
  3. Reshuffling of personnel - this reason usually appears if specialists are transferred to other projects, to other departments, and the organization needs to replace their previous position;
  4. Change in the type and volume of work - when changing activities or increasing the workload, the organization will need to recruit personnel to fill positions due to a lack of human resources;
  5. Natural attrition of employees - when employees retire, the organization selects personnel to fill vacant positions;
  6. Personnel turnover – the organization continuously recruits personnel due to frequent changes of employees.

Personnel requirements are determined monthly.

The required number of workers and other personnel and their professional and qualification composition can be determined by:

  • production program;
  • production standards;
  • planned growth in labor productivity;
  • structure of work.

Having a database of available vacancies, employees of the Human Resources Department begin searching for applicants. The typical structure of personnel selection sources is shown in the figure.

The personnel policy of most enterprises is based on the internal selection of candidates from the personnel reserve and educational institutions. Most often, for searching within a large organization, bulletin boards are used, which provide information about vacant positions, search for required employees through those who already work at the enterprise, and also use a personnel reserve.

For departmental employee positions, especially for management positions in various areas and levels, preference is given to employees who have worked for some time and have proven themselves positively.

In some cases, a very effective option for recruiting personnel within an enterprise is rotation. It is believed that recruitment of management personnel, such as the transfer of managers, gives better results than inviting a manager from the outside.

This type of rotation, as a rule, leads to broadening one’s horizons, increasing managerial qualifications and, ultimately, is accompanied by career growth of the organization’s employees.

On average, recruitment within an enterprise meets the personnel requirement by 23%.

Advertisements in the media and the Internet. This method allows for a large-scale search, although it is a rather expensive option. However, not everyone who contacts the organization in response to an advertisement actually meets the formal requirements. Subsequent selection makes it possible to select from this number those workers who, in all basic parameters, suit the enterprise. This source accounts for an average of about 12%.

The share of candidates attracted through channels with educational institutions accounts for an average of 28%. Among young people, many young specialists work as deputy heads of workshops, heads of bureaus and laboratories, senior and shift foremen. The effectiveness of finding candidates through educational institutions is highest for industrial enterprises.

Choice among those who contacted the organization on their own. In addition to active recruitment techniques, potential applicants can send resumes to the company. As a rule, these are people actively looking for work. Through this search, staffing needs are satisfied by an average of 11%.

Those who are looking for work and have among their relatives and friends already working at the enterprise can also contact the organization. On average, approximately 5% of the enterprise's personnel needs are satisfied by candidates who apply based on recommendations.

The public employment service and personnel agencies, as a rule, select personnel either for work that does not require high qualifications - for mass positions, or specialists - with clearly defined qualification requirements. On average, about 21% of staffing needs are satisfied through this source of personnel selection.

Participation in job fairs should be especially noted. As a rule, organizers of job fairs, specialized employer forums, etc. send their invitations or programs with an offer to take part in them. Representatives of the organization visit fairs, conduct conversations with applicants, and provide comprehensive information about the company, available vacancies and vacancies of interest.

Recruitment process in an organization

After an applicant’s request for employment, HR department employees carry out:

  • analysis of the documents presented by the applicant, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (work book, educational documents, all available evidence of advanced training and additional training);
  • an interview in which they find out what the applicant is applying for, what job or position he would like to get, as well as some other questions.
  • selection of a job for the applicant according to available vacancies and in accordance with the professional and intellectual capabilities of the applicant.

After the location has been selected, the HR department employee invites a representative of the site or department where the candidate is sent for a more detailed interview with the head of the department. Here, the incoming candidate is told about his future job, responsibilities, salary, and shown his workplace. If both parties are satisfied with the negotiations, then the applicant writes a job application, it is endorsed by the manager, the head of the Human Resources Department, and the job application begins.

If future work requires the employee to have some special skills and knowledge, professional or intellectual abilities, then testing is carried out.

A prerequisite for entering a job is to undergo safety training, and each applicant signs in a special book that he is familiar with the safety rules and internal labor regulations existing at the enterprise.

After all mandatory formalities have been completed, the applicant is registered for work.

From the start date of work specified in the employment contract and in the hiring order, the new employee begins to perform his new duties. Within a week, all necessary procedures for the official employment of a new employee of the company are carried out.

During the probationary period of a newly hired employee, HR department employees monitor the organization of his workplace in accordance with established standards and the provision of work in accordance with the terms of the employment contract, monitor the adaptation process in a new place and in a new team. Subsequently, repeated monitoring is carried out to determine the degree of satisfaction with work at the enterprise.

Typical disadvantages of personnel selection in an organization

In most enterprises, the selection of candidates for vacant positions is not organized perfectly. The table shows typical disadvantages of this process.

The main problem with recruitment and selection technologies is that most organizations do not use modern HR technologies when selecting personnel. Instead, the main reliance is placed on the HR manager's intuition and trial and error. In modern conditions, this approach becomes not only ineffective from the point of view

Typical disadvantages of personnel selection in an organization

Problems of personnel selection in an organization


Lack of calculations and planning for personnel needs, requirements for the vacant position are not formulated

If division responsibilities are incorrectly distributed within the department, department heads may mistakenly decide that a new employee is needed, which will lead to additional and unjustified costs for the organization.

Incorrect application for recruitment

Often the form of such an application does not allow us to properly formulate and determine the requirements for a candidate to fill a vacant position.

The list of questions included in the application allows you to obtain a minimum of information.

As a result, there is an insufficient level and elaboration of the criteria by which a candidate for a position is assessed, since the job description and application for selection contain information exclusively about the responsibilities of personnel and biographical characteristics.

Insufficient use of internal reserves when recruiting personnel for a number of vacant positions

Often, recruitment sources through the channels of educational institutions and employment services win in terms of the number of candidates who responded, but most of them do not have the required qualities.

In this regard, the economic and time costs of processing resumes and received telephone requests increase significantly.

The assessment and comparison of the actual qualities of the applicant to the requirements of the position are formulated orally, which subsequently causes distortion of information.

The main reason for inaccuracies in determining the professional, social, personal and motivational suitability of a candidate is the methodology chosen to identify a person’s qualities. Therefore, when selecting personnel in an organization, it is necessary to use several assessment methods, or supplement them with your own criteria.

The main disadvantage is the subjectivity and, to a certain extent, unformalized selection process. Therefore, the organization needs to formalize the recruitment process as much as possible.

Improving personnel selection in the organization

The first is an analysis of staffing needs. Such an analysis will be effective if there is a clear idea of ​​what kind of employee is needed, what knowledge, skills and abilities he should have, and what production tasks the new employee will solve.

This is one of the typical problems of personnel selection. It is also possible that there is complete clarity about the required personnel, but the job requirements are formulated incorrectly or not carefully enough.

The optimal solution to this problem is a clear definition of the tasks and functions of workers, redistribution between employees and the totality of knowledge and skills necessary for effective work.

To assess the staffing needs of an organization, a recruitment test must be developed that precedes the search for candidates.

At the stage of forming requirements for a vacant position, the main condition for determining the correct requirements is the accuracy and possibility of an objective assessment of the requirements. It is necessary to avoid generalizations, for example, “good appearance”, “with work experience”, “above average level of education”, etc.

A candidate who meets the qualification requirements of the position in terms of his professional qualities must have sufficient skills, knowledge and experience to solve the problems facing management at this stage of its development. Personality traits will determine a person's ability to do the job and the candidate's fit with the organizational culture. Also, a person must be motivated to perform the work that is offered to him (for example, if he considers his level of compensation not high enough, the work uninteresting, or that his knowledge and skills will not be fully used, then expect from such an employee there is no need for full dedication to work). Therefore, by highlighting a set of priority characteristics of a candidate, one can further be guided by the determination of methods for assessing them at the stages of personnel selection for the applicant’s suitability for the position.

One useful approach to solving this problem is to critically examine existing employees in order to identify the personal and professional traits that make employees work successfully.

Improving the recruitment of personnel in an organization, as a common method, may include the development of an application form to find a candidate for a vacant position. This form of application for personnel selection is designed to eliminate the above-mentioned shortcomings at the initial stage of the personnel selection process. With more complete information about the required characteristics and skills of the candidate, and about the purposes and work for which personnel are recruited, we are able to reduce the time spent on the initial screening of candidates during resume reviews or telephone interviews.

The recruitment application must take into account not only the general characteristics, but also the individual characteristics of each applicant:

  • physical characteristics;
  • qualification;
  • intelligence;
  • special inclinations;
  • interests;
  • character;
  • motivation;
  • circumstances.

At the same time, for each of these points, the manager will have to decide for himself what is for him:

  1. Essential
  2. Desirable
  3. Contraindicated

The application for personnel selection is filled out by the head of the department. Be sure to sign and date it. After that, this document is agreed upon with the head of the HR department, who can immediately clarify the details of interest regarding the characteristics of the candidate, and is transferred for execution to the department that solves the problem of personnel selection. The person responsible for personnel selection must, as necessary, contact the customer who submitted the request to clarify the requirements specified in the application. After that, these clarifications are recorded in the comments column.

Using such an application for personnel selection at the exit allows you to systematize the information received to compile a profile of a candidate for a position, develop a strategy for attracting candidates taking into account deadlines, and also determine methods for selecting candidates for a position.

You should also, if possible, increase the share of personnel selection through internal search and personnel reserve.

Advantages of selecting existing employees of an organization for a higher position.
