I want to work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. How to get a job in the fire department: personal experience. Mandatory requirements for working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation


Recently, competition for places in the Ministry of Emergency Situations has increased. More and more candidates want to join this organization. Due to increased popularity, the requirements have been changed. Candidates who want to become rescuers are concerned about two main issues. Where to find vacant positions in the department and selection on a competitive basis to get a place.

The rescue profession is very popular these days. After all, natural disasters, various types of accidents and incidents occur not only in Russia, but throughout the world with terrifying regularity. Recently, a reform was carried out to reduce the number of job titles in the system. But candidates need not worry about this. After all, the reduction affected only management. Ordinary rescuers were not laid off. Vacant positions for ordinary rescuers appear with constant frequency, and the current staff constantly undergo advanced training courses. To get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, you need to go to the official website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia http://www.mchs.gov.ru/ and go to the section of the horizontal menu of the site “Staffing”. Select the second item “Employment and training in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.” Here you can find vacant positions in the field of interest to you.

The structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is very ramified. First you need to decide where exactly you want to join the service. This could be rescuers or the fire department. There are also rescue military formations where you can serve. In addition, the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation has civilian positions and voluntary organizations for participation in rescue operations, such as the All-Russian Voluntary Fire Society and the Russian Union of Rescuers. Choose the area where you would like to work. When choosing, do not forget to decide whether you would like to move to another one or are looking for a position only in your regional center.

In the fire-fighting system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, there is a division into ordinary and junior personnel, for which entry into service does not require specialized education, and middle and senior command personnel, where the presence of a higher specialized education becomes a prerequisite. In this system, in addition to firefighters, vacancies appear for drivers, fire safety inspectors, radiotelephone operators, guard chiefs and others. Searching for a vacancy is possible only by calling the personnel department where you want to join the service. To find a phone number, just follow the link http://www.mchs.gov.ru/Kadrovoe_obespechenie/Trudoustrojstvo_i_obuchenie_MCHS_Rossii#nik8 and select the regional district. By clicking on it, you will be taken to a page with basic information about the district and a list of areas subordinate to it. Select the area you are interested in and click on it. You will see the entire list of personnel department employees in the department you are interested in in the desired area. Next to the position is the full name and telephone number of the personnel employee and his work email. Dial the phone number on a business day and schedule an interview.

You need to collect the necessary copies of documents before the appointment: diploma of education, military ID, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, if desired, an international passport and go to the appointment at the specified time. HR specialists should talk about available vacancies and the requirements for candidates entering the service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. If there is a suitable vacancy, you write an application to consider your candidacy.

The selection of employees to work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is based on the results of a competition. It would be useful to add to the competition documents such information as family composition, awards, incentives, references from the place of work, from neighbors, certificates of completion of any additional training courses, certificates from sports sections or competitions. The competition commission will request information about bringing you to criminal or administrative liability. According to the rules, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are internal employees of Russia, and if there were problems with the Law, then most likely the candidate will be refused. After making a positive decision, you will receive a notification about passing a medical commission.

After the conclusion of the medical commission, the second stage of the competition is held, if everything is in order, then you will most likely be accepted into the ranks of rescuers. It is worthwhile to engage in physical training throughout the entire period. Even if you are not accepted, it will definitely not be superfluous. After the first month of work, certification will take place. Based on the results of which you will be awarded a qualification rank and the title of an employee of the internal service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

The employment scheme for the rescue unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation is identical to that described above. In addition to the rescuers themselves, the formation requires dog handlers and special drivers. technicians, sappers, divers, mine rescuers and other specialists. Similar to this structure is the military rescue formation, which carries out activities to support the readiness of the service to carry out tasks. In addition, in peacetime, the formation is engaged in the use, placement and updating of equipment and other special equipment necessary for emergency rescue operations. The structure is engaged in the prevention and elimination of emergencies, and also provides education and training to the population in the field of civil defense. The system carries out emergency response, reconnaissance and rescue operations. The service is staffed by specialists who have graduated from state educational institutions in higher specialized institutions, as well as by graduates from other state institutions. There are options for entering the service under contract and by conscription.

Of course, many guys in our country were interested in the question of how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Of course, working in this government agency is not only prestigious, but also highly paid. Long gone are the days when firefighters and divers were paid pennies for their titanic work to save people.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations needs qualified personnel

Currently, the Ministry of Emergency Situations needs competent personnel who are willing to risk their lives to ensure that no one dies during floods or earthquakes.

Those who are haunted by the question of how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations should understand that the highest demands are placed on candidates. For example, if you are focused on performing rescue operations (putting out fires, searching for people in the mountains, etc.), you must have impeccable physical fitness, excellent health, and have served in the Armed Forces. In addition, you need to have a high level of discipline.

Anyone wondering how to get a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations should also remember that employees performing logistical, communication, and analytical functions in the above-mentioned government structure must have a specialized education and meet certain selection criteria.

Where to begin

So, you are determined to save people. At the same time, you have a very vague idea of ​​​​how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. What to do? At the first stage, you should obtain information about the geographical location of the nearest rescue agency unit in your region. Next, you should call the HR department and schedule an interview. The Ministry of Emergency Situations employee responsible for personnel selection is obliged to familiarize you with the list of existing vacancies (if they exist, of course). You will also be given some time so that you can collect a package of documents for employment, as well as improve your physical fitness.

If there are no problems with vacancies, then the candidate writes an application with a request to consider his candidacy for a particular position.

Track job openings

To be fair, it should be noted that “free” vacancies in the rescue department do not appear too often, so you need, as they say, to always “keep your finger on the pulse.”

Those who want to find out how to get a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations should clearly understand that the greatest chances of becoming a rescuer are for applicants who meet the requirements to the maximum extent.


It is mandatory for a person who wants to find a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations to submit a package of documents consisting of a passport, a military ID of category “A”, and a diploma (preferably a higher education).

In addition, it would be useful to receive positive references in advance from neighbors, from your previous place of work, certificates stating that you have completed special training courses, and certificates of commendation. Once again it must be emphasized that the future rescuer must have impeccable physical characteristics. If the employees responsible for hiring approve your candidacy, the next stage is passing a medical commission. If the applicant does not have any health problems, he is asked to undergo a probationary period for one month, after which he must pass a certification exam. If the result is positive, the candidate is included in the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Is it possible for girls to work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

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The Ministry of Emergency Situations is interested only in worthy military personnel who are ready to successfully cope with their work responsibilities. For this reason, military service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation becomes possible not in every case.

Military service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation: basic information

Currently, contract employees of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations are recruited through military registration and enlistment offices. At the same time, the Russian authorities are developing a bill that will allow the Ministry of Emergency Situations to independently select military personnel for further cooperation.

Contract service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations always begins with a visit to the territorial branch of the military registration and enlistment office. After this, the citizen can go to the Main Recruitment Point for contract soldiers. It is envisaged that you can contact the Main Point only after receiving a special referral, and in the future you need to successfully pass an interview and submit the established package of documents.

At the next stage, a medical commission and psychological examination are carried out.

Based on the available information, a thorough analysis of the candidacy is carried out. Decision making largely depends on what health group was obtained. It takes up to one month (30 days) to reach a verdict.

Then vacancies are offered, which are determined by:

  • results of psychological and medical examination;
  • physical checks;
  • higher education specialties;
  • territorial region of service.

For this reason, the military registration and enlistment office cannot always provide interesting vacancies. Only if the situation develops favorably does it become possible to join the ranks of the RF Ministry of Emergency Situations.

If the choice was made in favor of another region of Russia, the state provides financial compensation for the person’s relocation. In addition, comfortable office housing must be allocated within three months, and before that, partial compensation of the rental rate for the apartment is guaranteed.

In some cases, it is allowed to act through the regional department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which speeds up the process of potential employment.

How to join the service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation?

The right to serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation is granted only to those citizens who meet the following requirements:

  • the minimum age for entering the service is 18 years, the maximum is 40 years;
  • a citizen must have worthy personal, business, and moral character traits;
  • appropriate education becomes mandatory;
  • must be in good health;
  • physical and psychological abilities must guarantee quality work.

At the same time, discrimination against people when hiring in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation is prohibited in the following aspects:

  • gender;
  • nationality;
  • religious affiliation;
  • beliefs and membership in public organizations.

The above aspects prove that only the best citizens can join the military to successfully complete the assigned tasks and job responsibilities.

When recruiting for military service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, a competition for a vacant position is required, so you cannot immediately count on a favorable outcome. The events are carried out on the basis of the Regulations on the competition for filling a vacant position in the civil service of the Russian Federation.

Documents for the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation

Before participating in the competition for a vacant position in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the candidate must present the following documents:

  • completed application form with signature. It is stipulated that the completed application form must include only relevant and reliable information;
  • a photograph attached to the application form that meets the quality and size requirements;
  • copy of civil passport;
  • personal documents on education and work experience: certificate of graduation from a university or other educational institution, documents of additional education, information from all places of work and a work book. Certification of copies by a notary or previous employers becomes a mandatory requirement;
  • a medical certificate confirming the absence of a disease that may interfere with the performance of official duties.

In some cases, additional documents may be provided. Clarifications on documentary requirements are determined by the requests of the vacant position.

Mandatory requirements for working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation

Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation always involves frequent dangerous and difficult situations, so every citizen must meet important requirements:

  • suitable age category;
  • good health;
  • optimal psychological stability;
  • men must undergo military service.

Failure to meet the above requirements does not allow one to expect that a citizen will be able to successfully carry out work activities in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

How to get a job in the fire department?

I have been asking this question ever since the time came to decide on my future profession. Here I had no doubts - since childhood I dreamed of. I had a dream, but getting a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations was not so easy.

There are a lot of problems and nuances, quite strict requirements and not many vacancies, but everything is surmountable. I’ll tell you honestly and in detail about how I finally got my dream job, but I won’t write in what city it happened. I don’t think that the reception procedure differs in anything fundamental, if only in minor details.

So, me. Secondary education (11 grades), served in the Armed Forces, I have no work experience.

No connections, no acquaintances, he came, as they say, from the street. I decided to start with the part that is closer to home.

I shaved, polished my boots, collected my documents and went. At the unit, the guard asked me who I had come to and why, wrote it down in the log, and then took me to the head of the unit.

Here the first bummer awaited me - there were no vacancies in this unit, and my first hope - after a short conversation, the boss advised me to contact the detachment, the personnel department - perhaps there were vacancies in other units.

He gave him his address and wished him luck – in general, I was lucky to have him. In the detachment, face control is more serious - they demanded documents, issued a pass, and sent them to the personnel department. The personnel officer said that there are vacancies (hurray!), as many as two. The position of a firefighter, but one is certified, and the other is free-hire.

The difference between a certified position and a civilian position in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

The main and most important thing is the shoulder straps. Well, there, accordingly, the salary is different, and there are social guarantees, and the opportunity to retire on preferential terms. I still have a very long way to go, but of course I want to get certified. Moreover, if something doesn’t work out, it’s easier to get a civilian position.

The personnel officer quickly looked at the documents and handed over application forms and autobiographies that needed to be filled out.

The questionnaire impressed me. In addition to standard information about education, marital status and work experience, you need a lot more information. For example, about family. Parents, brothers, sisters, wives (including former ones), children - all these are close relatives, about whom you need to indicate where and when they were born, where they work, live, whether they changed their last name and if they changed, then the previous last name must also be indicated. That’s when I was very glad that I was single.

The next page of the questionnaire contains information about places of work. Place of work, position, date of hire and dismissal, reason for dismissal. And then for the second time I was glad that I had never worked anywhere.

The autobiography also needs to be detailed - they even require you to write about your hobbies.

Personnel officers read all this carefully, check it with the documents, and ask questions. We were happy to learn that I graduated from music school - the Ministry of Emergency Situations pays enough attention to amateur performances, so they need creative individuals.

Yes, by the way, there is a tricky point in the questionnaire - attitude towards military service. I thought (or rather, didn’t think) and wrote “positive”. They laughed and explained that I needed to write “liable for military service” or “not liable for military service,” and they advised me to rewrite the form.

They sent me for a conversation with the deputy for personnel. There are questions from “Why did you choose the fire department” to “what book are you reading now?” But based on the results of the conversation, the decision was preliminary positive - I was given directions to undergo the IVC and CPT.

So, to summarize day one, I’ll post a list.

List of documents for the first interview

  1. Passport
  2. Military ID (or registration certificate)
  3. Education document
  4. Work book, if available

Passing the IVC and CPD upon recruitment

The intended position is indicated on the referral. The intended group depends on it - from 1 to 4. The highest requirements for the first group are those who directly work on a fire. Accordingly, the requirements for 4 are the most loyal, usually these are office workers - personnel officers, financiers, and support services.

The Military Medical Commission is a military medical commission. It’s a serious thing, doctors don’t check like they do at the military registration and enlistment office (“No complaints? Good!”). While I was sitting in line, I talked to the people - many were hacked to death in connection with something they didn’t even suspect. Flat feet (some very basic degree, but still), curvature of the nasal septum, imperfect vision - in general, little things that do not interfere in ordinary life, but in extreme conditions can play a fatal role.

For me, too, from the very beginning, not everything went smoothly - my height and weight turned out to be insufficient. Yes, my height is slightly below average, my weight is appropriate for my height, not a boar, but not a dead one either. However, they turned me down and advised me to contact the sending organization.

The HR department gave a very interesting piece of paper for such a case - a petition. Of course, I don’t remember the exact wording, but the meaning is this: since in the area where the unit departs there are many objects with difficult-to-pass places where ordinary people cannot get through, the unit needs employees with a non-standard build, which is the candidate. Therefore, we request further examination.

As I understand it, this is quite a common practice, because I have seen similar petitions from others.

Otherwise, undergoing an IVC is a rather long procedure; it is unlikely that you will be able to see all the doctors in one day.

The Center for Psychological Diagnostics is a psychological diagnostic center where psychological selection takes place. It's also an attraction. First, a bunch of all sorts of tests with some unrealistic number of questions. All sorts of questions, from complex intelligence tests to “do you pay for luggage transportation if there is no conductor in the cabin.” In addition to questions, there are tests for attention, memory, reaction speed, then a conversation with a psychologist. Based on the results of the conversation, many were sent to take some tests again or were given additional ones.

If you have tattoos, piercings, jewelry or signs of belonging to some subculture, be prepared for additional questions. The same goes for scars - they will definitely ask where they come from.

The results of passing both the IHC and the CPD are not given out - HR officers come for them, and they receive them. My documents ended up in the frames three weeks after passing.

Special verification of the candidate

A special check is the same thing as “breaking through the database” for criminal records and, in general, any relations with law enforcement agencies.

Remember, all close relatives were indicated in the questionnaire? So, this data is needed specifically for special verification. If one of the relatives has a criminal record, this may be grounds for refusal (in fact, it all depends on the degree of relationship, on what article the criminal record is under and how long ago it was).

But you, that is, the candidate himself, is checked more seriously - any administrative violations and arrests matter here. Also, a request is sent to your place of residence, according to which a local police officer must come to your home and make inquiries - he can talk with household members and neighbors.

This is the longest stage of verification, since the document is classified as secret and is sent by field communication.

The most difficult part has been completed - special checks, medical examination, testing. Everything turned out to be without any problems for me - the special inspection, as they said, was “clean”, as were the conclusions of the IHC and the Center for Traffic Safety.

Final stage and solution

Now to the head of the unit where I will work - there, too, I need to fill out a whole bunch of documents. What impressed me the most was the guarantee. You need to find a person from the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the Ministry of Internal Affairs who can vouch for you in writing. I didn’t have such acquaintances, so the chief of the guard wrote such a guarantee for me. We saw each other for the first time, from which I concluded that this was just a formality.

Also, a certificate from checking the housing and communal services, that is, my living conditions. In theory, my immediate superior goes to my place of residence, checks the conditions in which I live, talks with neighbors (you need to provide information about three neighbors) and then makes a conclusion about whether I am worthy of serving in the Ministry of Emergency Situations and whether I need housing improvement - living conditions. Particularly touching in the certificate were the words “the apartment has the necessary set of furniture and household appliances (table, 4 chairs, bed, TV, refrigerator).”

In fact, no one came to me, I wrote the certificate myself, following the sample, and the boss only signed it.

There are documents left for the personal file - a reference from the place of last work (in my case, an army reference), copies of documents (passport, SNILS, INN, military person, certificate, license if any).

Fire trucks that respond to calls

Well, that's it, all that remains is to wait for the order to appoint me as an intern by position. The internship lasts from three to six months.

For me, from the moment of the first interview to the order, a month and a half passed, this is not very long, people even get a job for six months.

The dream turned out to be quite feasible, I got a job at. And, to be honest, it’s difficult, sometimes scary and difficult, but it’s so cool that I can’t imagine myself as anyone else. I can say with confidence that I chose my profession.

Additionally, just below Block Read like this the same information about salaries and other social guarantees.

How to get into service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations (video)

Every day, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, risking their own health and sometimes their lives, help us in emergency situations. The work is not easy, but at the same time it is very humane, prestigious and with a good salary. Therefore, many want to join the ranks of brave rescuers. How to get to the Ministry of Emergency Situations to work? Let's try to figure it out.

Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations: vacancies and requirements

The requirements for EMERCOM employees are quite high. It is necessary to pass a certain competitive selection. First, you will need to get an appointment with the head of the HR department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in your region. Take care of the standard package of documents in advance: passport, diploma from school, higher educational institution, military ID. You will be offered available vacancies, if among them there are those that interest you, you will write an application, and a special commission will consider your candidacy. In order to significantly increase your chances and earn additional points, prepare a certificate of family members, a certificate of no criminal record, recommendations from a previous place of work, diplomas of completion of a sports school or attendance at specialized courses, etc. Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is quite stressful, so you will definitely have to pass the necessary psychological tests. If you meet all the requirements, then a medical commission awaits you, and then certification. Don't forget to improve your physical standards.

How to get to the Ministry of Emergency Situations after school

In the list of requirements for most vacancies in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a special line is indicated - military service. Therefore, immediately after school you most likely will not be able to get into the service. Although some jobs do not require this, there is still a good chance that you will still be called to serve. Therefore, if you plan to become a specialist in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the future, it is best to serve in the army and then get a job. Also try to improve your basic subjects, actively play sports, and pass a medical examination. This will help you when applying for a job and during the service itself. After graduating from school, you will be able to take part in a competition for admission to specialized universities of this ministry, after which your chances of getting into the Ministry of Emergency Situations will immediately increase.

How to get to the Ministry of Emergency Situations after the army

If you have served in the army and want to get a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then you need to contact the personnel department. Here you present your military ID and the necessary package of documents. You should be provided with a list of vacancies from which you can choose the right one. Next comes a medical examination, checking you and your loved ones for criminal records and arrests with the police. You will also have to pass psychological tests, which are checked by psychologists according to special criteria. Preference is given to masters of sports, candidates for masters, and dischargers. Chronic diseases or health problems can become serious obstacles to service. If there is no free vacancy for you, do not be upset, join the reserve. With military service, a good biography, letters of recommendation, and good health, you may be able to get hired a little later.

As you can see, getting a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations is not so difficult. You need to set a goal correctly and strive for it by any means.
