Hasp in public catering establishments. Hassp of public catering enterprises - development and implementation

HASSP OR SANPIN? Alexander Ivanov (Vice President of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers) explains why catering establishments do not require HACCP certification. Currently, restaurateurs are bombarded with a flood of proposals for HACCP certification, which is supposedly mandatory. The decision, of course, is made by everyone for themselves. In large restaurant companies and chains with factory kitchens and complex logistics schemes, identifying critical control points and introducing HACCP principles, I think, is justified. And in this case, quality management certification can be very, very useful. But not for the sake of obtaining a certificate, but voluntarily, consciously, with a clear understanding of what specific result we want to get as a result in terms of safety for the consumer. Food safety, or is there HACCP in Russia? There is an opinion from some lawyers who not only incorrectly interpret the Technical Regulations “On the Safety of Food Products”, but, I would say, deliberately distort it. The most pressing issue is the speculative reading of Article 10 “Ensuring the safety of food products in the process of their production (manufacturing), storage, transportation (transportation), sale.” Let's read what is written in the law! All procedures described in part 3 are an integral part of both the design stage of a food enterprise and the subsequent stage of its operation. Moreover, almost all the principles specified in Part 3 of the Technical Regulations are, in my opinion, an integral part of the current Sanitary Rules, which impose very detailed requirements for production processes and their control. An entrepreneur working in the catering industry, guided by the above Sanitary Rules, already performs the necessary amount of work to ensure product safety. After all, the Sanitary Rules are a document based on critical control points identified during surveillance. Product temperature in production, sequence of operations, requirements for personnel, secondary contamination, requirements for raw materials and their acceptance, control of finished products and deep-frying - this is all that underlies the principles of both HACCP and Sanitary Rules. The most significant difference is that the Sanitary Rules provide standard solutions for predetermined points, and within the framework of HACCP it is supposed to determine these points, provide for ranges of deviations, work out options for action in case of non-compliance, etc. I repeat, the basic critical control points for catering have long been known and worked out. Follow the Sanitary Rules, establish proper production control - and all issues of ensuring food safety will be resolved. At the same time, we must not forget that currently the emphasis in the development of public catering, as in business in general, is on stimulating the opening of small, family businesses, as well as on the development of self-employment. At enterprises of this kind, the number of personnel is very limited, from three to ten people, and while strictly observing both the Sanitary Rules and the HACCP principles embedded in them, it is incorrect to impose on them requirements similar to large enterprises with laboratories and specialized services. Moreover, for small and medium-sized businesses, HACCP certification of enterprises is an additional financial burden, and a very serious one, which is unacceptable in today’s economic situation. Instead of working, we have those who seek to make money from those who actually do this very thing. And these, mind you, are not officials, who are sometimes just feuilleton figures. These are “businessmen”, in our case “businessmen” from HACCP. Without quotes, sorry, I can’t, because a new “business woman” is rising from this fertile soil.

(On the implementation and maintenance of procedures based on the principles of HACCP, 02/11/2015)

All livestock breeders, as well as farms with their own processing, will soon face new concerns and significant expenses - this time for the development and implementation of the international HACCP product quality control system at the enterprise (in English transcription HACCP - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points - risk analysis and critical control points). From February 15, the presence of this system is mandatory for any manufacturer of food and food raw materials.

Agrarians (mostly farmers) say that numerous “certification centers” offer them to purchase HACCP certificates at the price of “only” from 100 to 300 thousand rubles - they say that this treasured paper will save them from problems with Rospotrebnadzor. At the same time, many farmers claim that the latest “obligation” came as a surprise to them: no explanations about the new law have been heard recently either from the authorities or from industry associations.

For non-compliance by a food product manufacturer with the requirements of TR CU 021/2011, administrative liability is established in accordance with Part. 1-3 Article 14.43 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences.

On February 15 of this year, paragraph 2 of Article 10 of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of food products” came into force, which reads: “When carrying out processes of production (manufacturing) of food products, the manufacturer... must develop, implement and maintain procedures based on HACCP principles.” Officially, this Technical Regulation has been in force since 2013, but by a special decision of the Customs Union Commission a two-year delay was established for the HACCP system - a transition period until February 15, 2015 of the year ( in accordance with clause 3.3. Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated December 9, 2011 No. 880 “On the adoption of the technical regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of food products” until February 15, 2015, the production and release into circulation of products is allowed in accordance with the mandatory requirements previously established by regulatory legal acts of the Customs Union or legislation member states of the Customs Union)

The entire production process in HACCP is divided into the most important points that critically affect the final result. All these points are combined into a system where it is easy to track problem areas using control points and quickly fix them.

The basic principles for developing a HACCP system are defined by GOST R 51705.1-2001“Quality systems. Food quality management based on HACCP principles. General requirements".

According to Chapter 3 of this national standard, the HACCP system must be developed taking into account seven basic principles:

  • identification of potential risk or risks (hazardous factors) that are associated with food production, from the receipt of raw materials (breeding or growing) to final consumption, including all stages of the product life cycle (processing, processing, storage and distribution) in order to identify the conditions for occurrence potential risk(s) and establishing the necessary measures to control them;
  • identification of critical control points in production to eliminate (minimize) the risk or the possibility of its occurrence, while the food production operations in question may cover the supply of raw materials, selection of ingredients, processing, storage, transportation, warehousing and distribution;
  • Parameter limit values ​​should be established and observed in HACCP system documents or process instructions to confirm that the critical control point is under control;
  • development of a monitoring system to ensure control of critical control points based on planned measures or observations;
  • development of corrective actions and their application in case of negative monitoring results;
  • development of inspection procedures that must be carried out regularly to ensure the effectiveness of the HACCP system;
  • documentation of all system procedures, forms and methods of recording data related to the HACCP system.

It should be taken into account that critical control points are the basis for managing food safety risks and when determining them, it is necessary to provide for all potential risks, the lack of control of which could lead to harm to consumer health.

Fulfillment of these requirements is the responsibility of the manufacturer in accordance with Article 11 of TR CU 021/2011.

The minimum list of documentation that an enterprise must have when implementing a food safety management system. List of documentation for HACCP

The Chief State Doctor of the Russian Federation has approved methodological recommendations containing an algorithm for assessing production processes (manufacturing) of food products, assessing the degree of risk of production of hazardous products by enterprises when conducting an inspection (examination) based on the principles of HACCP. (Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation).

HACCP experts say that the system has proven its effectiveness over many years: the efficiency of the enterprise and the quality of products with the introduction of HACCP principles increases noticeably even among those manufacturers who have always strictly complied with traditional norms and technology requirements, including Soviet GOSTs.

To find out which products are subject to the mandatory implementation of the HACCP system, let us turn to the text of the Technical Regulations CU 021/2011 “On the safety of food products”, where the concept of “food products” is deciphered:

“Food products are products of animal, plant, microbiological, mineral, artificial or biotechnological origin in natural, processed or processed form, which are intended for human consumption, including specialized food products, drinking water in containers, mineral water, alcoholic products (including beer), soft drinks, dietary supplements (dietary supplements), chewing gum, starter cultures and starter cultures of microorganisms , yeast, food additives and flavorings, as well as food (edible) raw materials.

The requirements of the Technical Regulations do not apply:

– for food products produced by citizens at home, in personal subsidiary plots;

– on the processes of production, storage, transportation and disposal of food products intended only for personal consumption;

– for growing crops and productive animals in natural conditions.”

Consequently, certification according to the international HACCP quality control system is mandatory not only for all farms that have their own processing and produce finished products or semi-finished products, but also for livestock farms in which animals are not kept in special premises. Farmers engaged only in crop production are happily spared from the innovation.

The topic of HACCP was vigorously discussed at the recent All-Russian Farmers' Congress in Moscow. According to many participants, the new requirements for quality management, firstly, are being introduced at the wrong time, and secondly, the regulatory authorities receive another lever of pressure on the domestic farmer

– To be honest, a year is not enough for even a large enterprise to develop and implement this HACCP, – the famous Altai farmer Sergei DANILOV said in his speech.“But some businessmen are already blasphemously offering to carry out certification of any enterprises in Altai for three hundred thousand, remotely from Moscow. Knowing at the same time that the necessary regulatory documents have not been developed for this. To evaluate enterprises, there are only foreign analogues that are not adapted to our conditions, which means they cannot operate normally in Russia. Controlling structures also know about this. But, nevertheless, there are already threats from them about imminent fines in the amount of 500 thousand rubles for the first time and a million rubles, or the closure of the enterprise for the second time.

However, not everyone shares this negative belief. Obvious, long-standing problems with the quality of Russian food products, monstrous sanitary and hygienic conditions in many industries, especially in the outback, mass disregard for technology - all this already requires tough approaches from the authorities. Therefore, the introduction of international quality standards and strict monitoring of their compliance will be an undoubted benefit for the population. This is exactly the opinion expressed by both quality experts and manufacturers who have already implemented the HACCP system at their enterprises.

– By and large, there is nothing fundamentally new in the HACCP requirements compared to traditional Soviet GOSTs, I tell you this as a professional technologist, – says the chief technologist of Serebryanskoe Morozko LLC (Chulymsky district) Evgenia GAVRINA. – HACCP only conveniently systematizes numerous sanitary and technological norms and production rules, facilitates current control, and makes it understandable for both the manager and the ordinary employee of the enterprise.

Evgeniya Petrovna told us that just a week ago her enterprise, which produces semi-finished meat products, was certified according to the HACCP system: they contacted the company, completed a three-day intensive training course, together with the company’s specialists they analyzed production, outlined control points from the delivery of raw meat to packaging of products , received the necessary documents. There were no traces of any ordeals or bureaucratic delays.

As for the cost of the entire procedure, it cost the company quite reasonable money: 18 thousand per person for the training course, plus the same amount for the package of documents.

However, the cost of implementing the HACCP system and obtaining the coveted certificate directly depends on the scale of production: the price tag for developing a system at a large processing enterprise and at a tiny farm bakery will differ by an order of magnitude.

The purchased package of documents will not help

First of all, if you carefully read the “food” Technical Regulations of the Customs Union, you will see that the requirement is stated there implementation of HACCP principles, not enterprise certification. This means that buying a beautiful certificate with bright seals for hundreds of thousands of rubles will in no way save you from problems: Rospotrebnadzor inspectors will not check the paper, but how the production process is organized at your enterprise, how quality requirements are met, whether the production complies with the principles HACCP. So there is no need to “fall for” the exhortations of numerous companies besieging agricultural enterprises with offers to buy a HACCP certificate from them.

To implement HACCP at an enterprise, it is necessary for a specialist from the company implementing the system to come to the enterprise (more than once), together with management and technologists, analyze the critical points of production, and conduct personnel training. But the result, in the opinion of our interlocutor, is worth the effort and money spent: both the efficiency of the enterprise and the responsibility of employees for their work increases. And, naturally, the quality of products increases.

An important point: the more modern and technologically advanced the enterprise, the easier it is to implement the HACCP system there - because it is already technically ready for the new principles of quality control. It is obvious that, for example, a new equipped livestock complex, with running water, a shower and a modern manure removal system, is much easier to certify than an ancient brick barn where they milk in buckets.

The basic rule for choosing a HACCP certification company is: if a company offers you to simply buy a certificate, without individual work with the enterprise and full implementation of the system, then you should not contact such a company - it will be a pointless waste of money.


Product quality control system HACCP ( English HACCP – Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, translated as “hazard analysis and critical control points”) was developed in the 70s of the last century in the USA. At first, the HACCP system was used by NASA in the production of food for American astronauts, and then spread to almost all food industry enterprises in the USA, Canada and Europe.

HACCP provides control at all stages of food production, at any point in the production process, storage and sale of products where hazardous situations may arise. Particular attention is paid to the so-called critical control points, in which all types of risks to the consumer can be prevented, eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level.

Essentially, HACCP is management of risks that may arise during the production of food products. Clear regulations for the actions of each employee in each technological process are being developed. The system allows you to anticipate risks in the production process itself, and not just control the output of products.

The presence of HACCP systems is mandatory for all food manufacturers in the USA, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and many other countries of the world.


  • About the HAACP system

Currently watching: 830

HACCP: from term to testing

    What are HACCP procedures and why are they needed?

    Fines for the absence of HACCP in public catering.

    Who develops HACCP at the enterprise.

    What Rospotrebnadzor checks in public catering.

    How Rospotrebnadzor determines the quality of implementation of HACCP procedures.

This article was written for owners, managers, chefs, production managers and food technologists who are faced with the question of developing HACCP procedures in their food production.

Here we will consider the development of HACCP only for public catering establishments: Restaurants, Cafes, Bars, Canteens, Pizzerias, Pancake houses, Dumpling shops, Snack bars, Bistros, etc.

We will discuss mistakes that can be avoided at the start of HACCP development, as well as minimize development costs.

Even if you are planning to order the development of HACCP in an organization, it is worth familiarizing yourself with these materials in order to eliminate unnecessary expenses, and also be able to evaluate the quality of the services provided, because Responsibility for the quality of HACCP implementation lies with the management of the enterprise.

Today there is a lot of scattered information on this topic, many proposals for certification, development of documentation, training, or simply offering a package of documents that you just need to fill out. The same abundance is in the regulatory documentation - these are several GOSTs, SanPiNs, Technical Regulations, the requirements of which relate to HACCP.

But the main thing that remains unclear is how and in what order it is necessary to develop HACCP procedures. After all, the existing GOSTs are developed primarily for industrial enterprises, and the HACCP documentation for a factory and a cafe may differ significantly.

What are HACCP procedures and why are they needed?

Food poisoning in catering organizations and retail trade is common. According to Rospotrebnadzor data for 2016, 750,515 cases of acute intestinal infections were registered in Russia, and 37,026 were salmonella infections. Let us make a reservation that this is official information, without taking into account cases when the consumer did not apply anywhere.

A food quality management system based on the principles of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is designed to reduce the risks of poisoning and associated diseases.

Today, HACCP is recognized as the best available system for food safety management throughout the world. It is a tool and method for assessing hazards and creating systems for their prevention and minimization, in which the main focus is not on testing and analysis of the final product, but on prevention. Those. HACCP obliges us to analyze risks for the consumer in advance and eliminate them at the production stage. Let me remind you that previously our supervisory authorities were engaged in identifying the causes of poisoning after the poisoning and causing harm to the consumer. Thus, HACCP procedures provide more benefits than inconveniences. Another issue is that implementation requires time and additional costs, but in the future this will only benefit any enterprise by improving product quality. Therefore, if the question arises whether to implement it or not, the answer is clear - of course, implement it!

Read more in the articles:

Which is correct: FSMS, procedures, management system, HACCP system?

Articles about HACCP use similar terms:

— food safety management system (FSMS)

— HACCP procedures

— HACCP management system

— HACCP system

Despite the similarity of these concepts, there are also differences. You can read detailed information in a separate review article:«»

But since we are talking about HACCP for catering establishments here, here’s what should be noted:

  1. For public catering, it is sufficient to implement procedures based on the principles of HACCP

Principle 1. Conducting a risk analysis. More details in

Principle 2. Determination of Critical Control Points (CCP). More details .

Principle 3. Determination of critical limits for each CCP. More details .

Principle 4. Establishing a CCP monitoring system. More details .

Principle 5: Establishing corrective actions. More details .

Principle 6: Establish a record-keeping procedure. More details .

Principle 7: Establish procedures for verifying the HACCP system. More details .

  1. The food safety management system is mainly implemented at industrial enterprises, developed on the basis of GOST R ISO 22000-2007, and usually involves further certification of the quality system.
  2. When developing HACCP procedures, catering establishments should focus on GOST R 51705.1-2001. GOST R 56746-2015 ISOTS 22002-22013 Part 2 is described in detail; it is also useful to read GOST R 55889-2013.

HACCP certification – is it needed in catering?

Organizations involved in HACCP certification do not mention:

  1. The certificate does not provide any benefits for HACCP inspections.
  2. The certificate, for Rospotrebnadzor, is not proof of the implementation of HACCP and product safety.
  3. The certificate will not protect against audits
  4. HACCP certification in public catering is voluntary (i.e. optional)
  5. The certification procedure will need to be completed annually, because The management system certificate is valid for only 1 year.

That. The HACCP certificate in public catering, in most cases, is a useless paper added to the check to increase the cost of HACCP development services. The only advantage: a certificate in catering can be useful if you participate in tenders or supply products abroad.

Fines for the absence of HACCP in public catering

One of the popular queries on the Internet regarding HACCP is the size of fines for its absence. But most articles begin with the statement that the fine is 1,000,000 rubles. At the same time, no one bothers to explain that a fine of 1 million can only be imposed in the event of a repeated violation by a legal entity that results in harm to the life or health of citizens. Those. a consumer must be poisoned twice to receive such a fine. Although with a fine, they often make a decision to close the establishment for up to 90 days, and this is already a big loss - both financial and reputational.

In the event that an organization conducts a routine scheduled inspection for compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, and it is discovered that the enterprise does not have an implemented HACCP system, Part 1, Article 14.43 of the Code of Administrative Offenses applies. Naturally, in the order, the inspection body will oblige the enterprise to correct the shortcomings identified during the inspection, and will certainly indicate the need to implement HACCP.

At the same time, you should not think that this does not concern you. Causing harm to a consumer is a fairly common occurrence; if this has not happened to you, it is largely a matter of chance. Our experience of working with public catering establishments shows that the number of enterprises that fully comply with all current Sanitary Regulations and Regulations is an exception rather than a pattern.

To check, you can view the results of laboratory samples of products and washes of your enterprise for the last year or two. And if there was not a single deviation in the samples during this period, then you are simply a rarity. Well, if laboratory tests are not carried out at your production, then you should think about it, and perhaps hurry up with the introduction of HACCP

Read more about fines in the article:

Who develops HACCP at the enterprise

This is also a rather pressing question. The fact is that GOST R 51705.1-2001 states:

« 4.1.1 In accordance with current legislation, the management of the organization bears personal responsibility for the safety of manufactured products. […]

4.1.4 The management of the organization must select and appoint a HACCP team that is responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of the HACCP system. Members of the HACCP group must collectively have sufficient knowledge and experience in the field of quality management technology, maintenance of equipment and instrumentation, as well as in terms of regulatory and technical documents for products. The HACCP group must include a coordinator and a technical secretary, as well as, if necessary, consultants in the relevant area of ​​competence» .

Thus, the management of the organization is responsible for the development, but developing it independently or ordering it from specialists is a personal matter for everyone. Another question is what is better, what is cheaper, more effective and more convenient.

Read about the arguments in favor of one option or another in detail in the article.«»

This article may be useful:

But before making a final decision, you should decide:

  1. Are you developing HACCP in case of inspection or to improve the quality and safety of products?
  2. If you order from specialists, then further work will require training of personnel who will be responsible for maintaining HACCP procedures.
  3. Having HACCP documents is not enough; procedures must be implemented and continuously maintained.

What Rospotrebnadzor checks in public catering

First of all, it is worth distinguishing between the reasons for verification. For example,

  • Scheduled inspection - once every 3 years
  • Unscheduled inspection upon consumer request
  • Unscheduled inspection on the fact of harm to consumer health.

Accordingly, for different reasons for verification, the objects of verification will also differ. For example,

  1. Scheduled inspections of Rospotrebnadzor are aimed at assessing compliance with all current SanPiNs, GOSTs, and Technical Regulations of the Customs Union that regulate, in whole or in part, the public catering industry.

First of all this:

  • TR CU 021/2011 “On food safety”.
  • TR CU 022 2011 “Food products regarding their labeling.”
  • SanPin 1.1.1058-01 Organization and conduct of production control over compliance with sanitary rules and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures.
  • SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products.
  • SanPiN Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products.
  • GOST R 51074-2003 Food products. Information for the consumer. General requirements.
  • SanPiN Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control. Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water supply systems.
  • SanPin Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the production and circulation of food products and food raw materials in them.
  1. Unscheduled inspections based on the consumer’s request involve assessing the presence of violations specified in the request. Those. if you complain about expired products, then it is the products that will be checked to ensure compliance with expiration dates, storage conditions, availability of accompanying documentation, and as a rule, the products will be taken for laboratory analysis.
  2. Unscheduled inspections based on the fact of harm to the health of consumers are aimed at identifying the causes of consumer poisoning. To stop the further spread of infection and suppress the source of infection. They will check everything until they find out the causes of the poisoning.

It is worth noting that in 2018-2019, regulatory authorities are switching to using a risk-based approach when organizing state control, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 17, 2016 N 806. In the near future we will prepare a detailed review on this topic.

How Rospotrebnadzor determines the quality of implementation of HACCP procedures

To assess the implementation of HACCP procedures, Rospotrebnadzor has developed a separate manual for employees:

Methodological approaches to organizing the assessment of production processes (manufacturing) of food products based on the principles of HACCP. Guidelines. – M.: Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, 2014.

Based on the results of the inspection, the enterprise is assessed using a score sheet, and the degree of risk of releasing hazardous products is determined according to the criteria specified in the table. Depending on the degree of risk, it is recommended to rank enterprises into five categories.

Characteristics of enterprises by risk level (MR 5.1.0098-14).

Category Conformity assessment results, % Risk level Characteristics of the enterprise
1 category 95 — 100 The risk is negligible A stable operating enterprise, where it is recommended to maintain and further improve the Management System
2nd category 91 — 94 The risk is acceptable An enterprise where hazardous situations are unlikely to occur; development of corrective measures is required
3 category 81 — 90 The risk is significant An enterprise that requires the development of corrective measures according to several procedures
4th category 71 — 80 The risk is unacceptable An enterprise that requires the development of corrective measures for almost all procedures
5th category 70 or less The risk is critical An enterprise that requires the development, implementation and updating of the HACCP System, up to the suspension of the enterprise’s activities

Ranking is being introduced as part of the transition to the use of a risk-based approach in organizing state control (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 17, 2016 N 806).

It must be taken into account that changes are possible during 2018-2019, because There is a transition period and new standards are being introduced to assess risks for the consumer. It is necessary to check with the branches of Rospotrebnadzor.

As innovations are introduced, we will publish reviews.

Find out how to develop HACCP yourself, saving up to 50,000 rubles on training and production audit. by using . The course is for you if you are the director or owner of a restaurant, cafe, canteen, chef, production manager, technologist or sanitary doctor!

Main goals and principles of HACCP

The main goal of the HACCP food safety system is to prevent the release of potentially hazardous products.

For catering establishments in Russia it is mandatory HACCP system came quite recently - since February 2015, all restaurants, cafes, canteens and other public catering outlets are required to implement and maintain a food safety system based on HACCP principles.

Our specialists have been trained in certified centers and are ready to assist in the development and implementation of the System at your enterprise. We have experience in implementing the System at enterprises in various regions. Also, we have a unique package for self-implementation "TURNKEY HACCP", with which you can easily develop and implement HACCP at your enterprise ().

Most managers of food enterprises in Russia are not familiar with the HACCP system, and information on the Internet on this topic is very often not up-to-date and simply copied from other sources, so let’s try to understand the main issues of HACCP implementation.

In principle, a similar system now exists in every self-respecting catering enterprise. The manager (director, technologist, chef) monitors the quality of incoming products (raw materials), controls the output dishes (appearance, organoleptics), the storekeeper monitors storage conditions and expiration dates. Also, there must be a production control program, according to which finished products are examined, various sanitary parameters are monitored...

HACCP is, in fact, the same system, only streamlined, designed in accordance with GOST R 51705.1-2001 “Quality systems. Food quality management based on HACCP principles. General requirements" or ISO 22000-2007 "Food safety management systems. Requirements for any organizations in the food chain."

The HACCP System documents, which are developed by a catering enterprise, clearly spell out all possible hazards (Control Points and Critical Control Points) that must be controlled at all stages of food production - from the acceptance of raw materials to the issuance or packaging of dishes or food products. For example, receiving products from a supplier is a Critical Control Point (CCP). At this stage, the appearance, condition of the packaging, transportation conditions, organoleptic properties, availability of documentation from the supplier, and expiration dates are monitored. For each CCP, a HACCP worksheet is drawn up, which specifies what exactly is being controlled, who controls what parameters, what the employee does if a non-conformity is detected...

Basic concepts and provisions of HACCP (ISO 22000)

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points): the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system, and measures for the application of this system, developed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

Food safety: The concept that a food product will not cause harm to the consumer if it is prepared and/or consumed according to its intended purpose.

Food chain: The sequence of stages and operations used in the production, processing, distribution, storage and handling of food and its ingredients, from primary production to consumption.

Food safety hazard: A biological, chemical or physical substance contained in a food, or the condition of a food, that has the potential to cause an adverse effect on human health.

Food safety policy: The overall intentions and direction of an organization that are formally stated by top management as they relate to food safety (see 3.1).

End product: Products that will not be subjected to any further processing or transformation by the organization.

Flow diagram: Schematic system representation of the sequence and interaction of stages.

Control measure: Any food safety action or activity that can be performed to prevent, eliminate, or reduce to an acceptable level a food safety hazard

Prerequisite program (PRP): basic conditions and activities to ensure food safety that are necessary to maintain hygienic conditions at all stages of the food chain

Critical control point: A food safety phase in which it is important to implement control measures to prevent, eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level a food safety hazard (see 3.3).

Critical limit: A criterion for separating acceptability from unacceptability.

Validation: Obtaining a food safety certificate confirming that management activities are capable of being effective.

Verification: Demonstration of compliance with specified requirements through the provision of objective evidence

Updating: Actions taken and/or planned immediately to ensure that the most up-to-date information is applied.

Questions and Answers on the Food Safety System

QUESTION: What is the HACCP food safety system?
ANSWER: Translated from English (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) - risk analysis and critical control points, i.e. a concept that provides for the systematic identification, assessment and management of hazards that significantly affect product safety. In other words, this is a system of documents, enterprise standards, instructions, rules, orders, etc., as well as a monitoring and control system aimed at reducing the risks of producing safe products.

QUESTION: Are catering establishments required to implement the HACCP Food Safety System?
ANSWER: Yes, HACCP must be introduced starting from 2015 in all public catering establishments. On July 1, 2013, the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021/2011 “On food safety” came into force, establishing for food industry enterprises, including public catering establishments, the need to develop, implement and support procedures based on HACCP principles (HACCP).
We and our colleagues have repeatedly consulted with Rospotrebnadzor and with lawyers on this issue, and the answer was always clear - TR CU 021/2011 applies, among other things, to catering establishments, regardless of their size, type and other factors.
In addition, if a public catering establishment provides services without having a HACCP System, in accordance with the Code of the Russian Federation “On Administrative Offenses” No. 195-F3 (Article 14.43), an administrative penalty will be imposed on the manager.
Repeated commission of this offense within a year entails the imposition of an administrative fine of 700 thousand rubles. up to 1 million with confiscation of items of an administrative offense, or suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

QUESTION: I have a small cafe with only two chefs. Do I also need to implement a HACCP system?
ANSWER: Yes, you also need to develop and implement the HACCP System. In your case, the security system may be a little simpler than that of a large enterprise, but the introduction of HACCP for public catering is mandatory in any case.

QUESTION: I was told that my food enterprise must obtain a Certificate of Conformity of the HACCP System to GOST. Is this really true?
ANSWER: No, HACCP certification is voluntary in our country. However, in some cases, for example, if you supply products to large retail chains, having a HACCP Certificate is a condition for entering this chain.

QUESTION: Do you issue a HACCP certificate?
ANSWER: Our partners are involved in certification. You can order certification at competitive prices and get expert advice directly on our website.

When is a HACCP certificate required?

HACCP certification in our country is voluntary. In some cases (as a rule, this does not apply to public catering establishments), a HACCP certificate is required by large retail chains if you supply products to them. But we should not forget that having a certificate can have a positive impact on inspectors.

Advantages of enterprises that own an ISO 22000 certificate

As mentioned above, holders of a HACCP certificate according to ISO 22000-2007 will be able to supply their products to federal retail chains. The presence of a HACCP Certificate does not prove that the HACCP System has been implemented and is operating at your enterprise.

Unfortunately, there are often cases where having a HACCP certificate brings more problems than benefits to a restaurant. There are many sites on the Internet that offer HACCP Certificates according to ISO 22000 in 1-3 days and at minimal prices. It is possible that such a certificate will be completely legal, registered in the registry, but in essence, the HACCP system will not be implemented at the catering enterprise. Having received such a “certificate”, you will be wasting your money.

When an enterprise undergoes an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor (scheduled or unscheduled), your enterprise will be checked on many parameters. Rospotrebnadzor has even developed special Methodological Guidelines for inspectors (MP 5.1 Methodological approaches to organizing the assessment of production processes). You must have all the necessary documents, logs with current dates, checklists, HACCP worksheet... And, of course, the enterprise must comply with the basic Sanitary Rules and the requirements of the Technical Regulations TR CU 021-2011.

If you simply present the HACCP Certificate to the inspectors, but in reality the HACCP System is not implemented, in addition to a fine for the lack of HACCP, you risk being held liable for misleading consumers.

What does the implementation of the ISO 22000-2007 HACCP system include?

The HACCP food safety system consists of two interrelated stages:

Stage 1 - Scientific and technical documentation. Enterprise Standards (STP), Instructions, Guides, Orders, Regulations, Forms are developed for the enterprise... This is a large amount of preliminary work, on which the further functioning of the system depends, but this work is performed once, and in the future can only be slightly adjusted as necessary.

Stage 2 - Constant monitoring, control, filling out various logs, acts, etc. Without this, the HACCP System will not function. The presence of completed documentation (records) + developed technical documentation is proof of the application of the Food Safety System at your enterprise

You must understand that in order to develop and implement the System, your enterprise must comply with at least the basic standards of the Technical Regulations, or Sanitary Rules. Separation of technological operations, elimination of intersection of flows of raw materials and finished products, sufficient volume of refrigeration equipment and storage facilities for separate storage of ingredients...

At the moment, the requirements for catering establishments are most accurately described in the Sanitary Rules SP “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the production and circulation of food products and food raw materials in them.” Generalized formulations and requirements are in TR CU 021/2011 “On the safety of food products”.

If you do not comply with the basic rules, and your enterprise does not meet the standards in any way, then developing and implementing a HACCP system is pointless.

Procedure for implementing the HACCP System

1. If you have decided to implement a Food Safety System, fill out the Questionnaire to accurately calculate the cost of work and deadlines.

2. After receiving the Questionnaire, we will calculate the cost and call you to clarify the details and conclude an agreement. If necessary (by agreement with you), a specialist will visit your site

3. After concluding the contract, we begin to develop the necessary preliminary documents (as a rule, this stage is performed remotely), namely:

  • Food Safety System Guide - 80 pages
  • Enterprise Standard - Document Management - 19 pages
  • Enterprise Standard - Records Management - 13 pages
  • Enterprise Standard - Internal checks -14 pages
  • Enterprise Standard - Management of Nonconforming (Potentially Hazardous) Products - 11 pages
  • Enterprise Standard - Seizure of batches of hazardous products and investigation of incidents - 8 pages
  • Production Control Program - 9 pages
  • Procedure for risk analysis and development of a HACCP plan - 60 pages
  • Order on the development and implementation of a food safety management system based on HACCP principles - 2 pages
  • Project schedule for implementing the HACCP system - 2 pages
  • Food Safety Policy - 2 pages
  • Regulations on the creation of the Working Group - 4 pages
  • Regulations on the Head of the Product Safety Working Group - 4 pages
  • Instructions “Sanitary requirements for personal hygiene of organization personnel” - 2 pages
  • Instructions “Requirements for equipment, inventory, utensils and containers” - 3 pages
  • Instructions “Requirements for transportation, reception and storage of raw materials and food products” - 3 pages
  • Instructions “Requirements for processing of raw materials and production of products” - 4 pages
  • Instructions “Requirements for the distribution of dishes and the release of semi-finished products and culinary products” - 3 pages
  • Instructions “Sanitary requirements for the production of confectionery products with cream” - 4 pages
  • Instructions “Conditions and periods of storage of perishable products” - 9 pages
  • Instructions “On the procedures for cleaning, disinfection, disinfestation and deratization” - 2 pages
  • Instructions “On the use of sodium hypochlorite solution for disinfection purposes” - 2 pages
  • Instructions for calibration (verification) of measuring equipment - 2 pages
  • Instructions on personnel actions in case of emergency situations - 2 pages
  • Brakerage magazine - 50 pages
  • Journal of Incoming Food Control - 50 pages
  • Magazine Schedule of general cleaning - 50 pages
  • Disinfection Journal - 50 pages
  • Journal of accounting for the use of frying fats - 50 pages
  • Journal of receipt and consumption of disinfectants and disinfection work at the facility - 20 pages
  • Health Journal - 13 pages
  • Refrigeration equipment temperature log - 13 pages
  • Room temperature and humidity log - 13 pages
  • Visual Production Control Log - 50 pages
  • Logbook for recording the results of food samples - 25 pages
  • Journal of write-offs of finished products with expired shelf life - 50 pages
  • Measuring equipment verification log - 6 pages

Examples of documents contained in the "TURNKEY HACCP" package

This is a fairly large stage of our work, material that takes up, in total, more than 300 pages of printed text. Documents are developed for your enterprise, taking into account your characteristics, product range, layout and many other factors.

In the process of work, we cooperate with you, communicate, ask questions, and create a unique system for monitoring critical control points.
You receive the material in electronic form, in Word or rtf format. All documents will contain your details, responsible employees, etc. All you have to do is print the documents, approve them, certify them with a seal, and keep the necessary control logs, in accordance with our recommendations.

During the process of sending documents, we advise on issues of maintaining documentation, systematization and implementation of the HACCP System.

4. When all the HACCP System documents have been developed and transferred to you, we conduct training via Skype or send a specialist to you for audit and assistance in implementing the System.

The implementation of the HACCP Food Safety System is not as technically complex a process as it might seem at first glance. We will do the most complex and large amount of work (development of all preliminary documents). You only have the monitoring and control function, i.e. in fact, this is what every manager of a catering enterprise does now, but with the introduction of the HACCP System, this process becomes truly planned, orderly and systematic.

The undoubted benefit of implementing the HACCP System is that it disciplines employees, allows you to produce safe products and ensures the loyalty and trust of your customers. Also, the availability of all control logs and a valid HACCP System is a big plus during Rospotrebnadzor inspections, both scheduled and (especially) unscheduled.

Cost of work on the development and implementation of the HACCP System at a public catering enterprise

Development with a full package of necessary documents , in accordance with GOST R 51705.1-2001 “Quality systems. Food quality management based on HACCP principles. General requirements", and consultations on implementation Turnkey systems - from 20 thousand rubles, and the package for self-implementation is much cheaper (). Development times may vary, depending on many factors. On average, we prepare documents within 10 days. Urgent development is also possible.

Departure of a specialist to your enterprise - (in addition to the cost of developing the HACCP System) - 10,000 rubles / working day + compensation for travel and accommodation. Typically, a specialist is sent to your enterprise for an initial audit (production assessment) for 1-2 working days, and then, after developing preliminary documents, to assist in the actual implementation of the system (from two to ten working days). The visit of a specialist is not necessary, but is desirable for better work on the implementation of the System.

To calculate the exact cost and deadlines, please fill out nketa , and click "Submit". We will receive your questionnaire by email and will definitely respond to you.

If you have the opportunity to independently prepare all the HACCP documents, but you do not know how to do this, we can offer you a Package of documents for independent development of the HACCP System. In this case, you purchase document templates that you fill out yourself. Working with documents is not difficult, because There are detailed instructions for filling it out. However, this should be done by a person who knows your production well (chef, production manager, technologist...).

More than 220 organizations have already used our services for developing the HACCP System. You can read reviews about our work.

If you have any questions, please write to us or call us during business hours. Our contacts .

Cost and terms of certification

HACCP certification for catering establishments in Russia and the countries of the customs union is carried out by our partners - Certification and Standardization Agency (Moscow). The Agency employs more than 70 experienced experts who will help you prepare more than 60 different types of documentation (Certificates of Conformity, Technical Specifications, HACCP Certificate...). Over several years of operation, the Agency’s clients include more than 3,000 clients, including Auchan, Magnit, Metro Cash & Carry, Pepsico, Unilever and other well-known companies.

The agency certifies products of any complexity and bears full responsibility for the legitimacy of documents, deadlines for registration and the competence of employees.

According to the provisions of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021/2011 “On the safety of food products”, from February 15, 2015, it became mandatory for food industry enterprises to implement the HACCP system (HACCP - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, risk analysis and critical control points) - food safety management systems. The main task of this system is to provide control at all stages of the production process, as well as during storage and sale of products, that is, wherever a dangerous situation related to consumer safety may arise. Catering enterprises are part of the food industry.

On January 1, 2016, GOST 30390-2013 “Catering services. Catering products sold to the public. General Technical Conditions”, in accordance with which mandatory requirements are established for procedures for ensuring the safety of public food products, based on the principles of HACCP.

Catering products are a set of culinary products, bakery, flour confectionery products, and are classified as perishable products. The food safety management system in public catering is based on identifying critical control points in order to prevent all possible risks as much as possible, determining their limits and constant monitoring. Currently, HACCP in public catering is the main tool in ensuring food safety.

The point of implementing a HACCP program is to identify and take under systematic control all the critical control points of the enterprise, that is, those stages of production at which violations of technological and sanitary standards can lead to irreparable or difficult to eliminate consequences for the safety of the manufactured food product. In the process of creating HACCP (HACCP), processes are analyzed along the entire food chain - from the initial raw material segment to the moment it reaches the consumer. There are four sources of hazards: raw materials, personnel, equipment and the environment.

The basic principles for developing a HACCP system are defined by GOST R 51705.1-2001 “Quality systems. Food quality management based on HACCP principles. General requirements".

To identify risks, determine the degree of their danger and indicate limits in the food service industry, it is necessary to carry out a number of analytical actions. At the same time, 3 factors of potential product contamination are taken into account: physical, chemical and biological.

Chemical hazard. This type of hazard includes substances or molecules that:

Found naturally in plants or animals (for example, poisonous mushrooms);

May be intentionally added during growing or processing of foods. Such substances can be safe when established standards are met, but become dangerous when they are exceeded (for example, sodium nitrite, pesticides);

May unintentionally get into food (for example, after chemical cleaning of packaging);

May affect the immune system of individuals (eg food allergens).

Chemical hazards include: toxic metals, radionuclides, pesticides, antibiotics, GMOs.

Physical danger. This type of hazard involves substances that should not normally be found in food. Such substances may be harmful to the health of the end user (for example, wood chips, glass fragments, metal shavings, seeds).

The management system in public catering is similar in structure to other food production systems, but at the same time it has its own nuances. Public catering establishments are characterized by periodic updating of the product range and, as a consequence, a change in the variety of raw materials (seasonal dishes), which entails changes in the processes of production technologies and an increase in the variety of processes. This causes significant difficulties in controlling cross-allergenic contamination, and also requires significant time investment in conducting a risk analysis of raw materials and technological scheme.

The solution may be to group similar processes when drawing up a technological scheme, as well as raw materials, provided that the degree of detail remains sufficient for a correct assessment of all possible hazardous factors.

Another difficulty that most public catering enterprises face when implementing HACCP is that, unlike manufacturing enterprises equipped with their own laboratories, public catering enterprises, as a rule, do not have such laboratories. Control of safety indicators of raw materials and finished products in third-party accredited laboratories is carried out only as part of production control.

In view of this, it becomes more difficult to control the safety indicators of incoming raw materials, and verification upon acceptance can only occur by checking compliance with transportation conditions, accompanying documentation and assessing organoleptic indicators. Safety control of finished products is carried out only organoleptically. It should be remembered that if, when developing a HACCP plan, testing of organoleptic indicators is chosen as a hazard control measure, such a control measure must necessarily undergo validation, i.e. checking the effectiveness of selected control measures or combinations thereof before their implementation.

There are seven principles that underlie HACCP:

1. Conducting a full risk analysis by assessing the significance of hazardous factors at absolutely all stages of the life cycles of food products that are under the control of the manufacturer. Here the likelihood of risks is assessed, and measures are developed to prevent them, as well as identified hazardous factors are minimized.

2. Determination of critical control points, within which strict control helps to prevent potential dangers or, through specific measures, to reduce the possibility of risks to zero.

3. Establishment of critical limits for control points. Criteria are also defined here that show that the process is completely under control. System developers create limits and tolerances that must be observed so that the situation does not get out of control at critical points.

4. Establish procedures for monitoring all critical control points. For this, surveillance systems must be installed at critical points and various inspections must be established through regular analysis and other various types of industrial supervision.

5. Develop corrective actions to be taken when observations and inspection indicate that a situation may be getting out of control.

6. Establishment of procedures for maintaining and recording documentation, which records the necessary parameters.

7. Establishment of procedures for checking documents, which must always be maintained in working order and reflect absolutely all measures for the implementation and execution of all points of HACCP.

Article 10 TR CU 021/2011 “On the safety of food products” establishes the responsibility of the food product manufacturer to develop, implement and maintain procedures based on the principles of HACCP.

At the same time, the technical regulations do not provide for mandatory certification of quality and safety management systems, including those based on the HACCP principles.

Fulfillment of these requirements is the responsibility of the manufacturer in accordance with Article 11 of TR CU 021/2011.

The effectiveness of developed and implemented procedures based on HACCP principles is assessed by Rospotrebnadzor specialists during the federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision and supervision of compliance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union by business entities engaged in the production of food products.

At the same time, to ensure the safety of public catering products during their production, the following are assessed:

Compliance with technological production processes;

Ensuring the completeness and reliability of production control;

Ensuring documentation of information about the controlled stages of technological operations and the results of control of food products, as well as providing other procedures provided for in Part 3 of Article 10 of TR CU 021/2011.

For non-compliance by a manufacturer of food products, including public catering products, with the requirements of TR CU 021/2011 “On the safety of food products”, administrative liability has been established in accordance with Part. 1-3 of Article 14.43 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses in the form of an administrative fine of up to 1 million rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.
