Financial director magazine electronic version. Financial Director. Structure of the magazine “Financial Director”

“Financial Director” is the only professional publication for financial directors that focuses on the practice of working in Russian conditions.

The authors of the articles are practicing financial directors from various sectors of the economy. They share their experience in solving real complex situations related to budgeting, business planning, building tax-saving schemes, attracting investments, business valuation, and foreign economic activity.

Structure of the magazine “Financial Director”

The magazine is based on three sections:

Well. Up-to-date information about significant events for the month, important trends and expert forecasts. The section is designed to provide the reader with high-quality analytics, a snapshot of the current situation in the economy, as well as information for forecasting and planning their activities.

Job. The main section of the magazine, which contains only what a financial director needs in his work to solve everyday problems: materials devoted to financial analysis and reporting, working with budgets, ways to optimize taxation and tools for legal protection of business.

Profession. From the third section, you can find out how your colleagues live, about career prospects and salary trends, as well as receive additional information that will contribute to professional growth.

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Electronic journal
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Magazine archive since 2008
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Profitable! -80% for electronic version

Bonuses for CFO subscribers

When you subscribe for a period of six months or more, you get access to electronic services on the magazine’s website.

Library of regulations- a collection of working documents of the financial director that can be downloaded from the website.

Webinars- a complete archive of online seminars on the “Financial Director” website

Professional consultant- the subscriber can receive answers to his work questions from financial managers. The number of questions is unlimited.

Bookshelf- here are the most necessary books for a financial director. They can be downloaded or read on the website.

Available only to subscribers of the Financial Director magazine Account blocking monitoring service. The service will warn about blocking of the current account long before the client finds out about it; blocks are checked every 3 hours.

Financial Director- a practical journal on enterprise financial management. Business planning, budgeting, working with banks, cost management, building tax-saving schemes, attracting investments, mergers and acquisitions, foreign economic activity. Experience of financial directors of leading companies.
"Financial Director" is the first practical professional publication intended for financial and general directors. The magazine is also useful for chief accountants, auditors, business consultants and all specialists whose responsibilities include managing the company’s finances.
The fundamental principle of the magazine is to briefly and essentially cover issues of working with banks, budgeting and business planning, building tax-saving schemes, attracting investments, business valuation, and foreign economic activity. In the magazine, readers will also be able to find an analysis of legislative changes aimed at financial professionals. Our authors are financial directors of Russian and foreign companies, experts and consultants who talk about their experience in solving the most pressing problems.

Structure of the magazine "Financial Director":
» Well.
Up-to-date information about significant events for the month, important trends and expert forecasts. The section is designed to provide the reader with high-quality analytics, a snapshot of the current situation in the economy, as well as information for forecasting and planning their activities.
" Job.
The main section of the magazine, which contains only what a financial director needs in his work to solve everyday problems: materials devoted to financial analysis and reporting, working with budgets, ways to optimize taxation and tools for legal protection of business.
From the third section, you can find out how your colleagues live, about career prospects and salary trends, as well as receive additional information that will contribute to professional growth.

Main sections of the magazine "Financial Director":
» Outlook: Trends, forecasts, today's decisions that affect tomorrow's situation.
» Budgets and plans: Discusses planning and budgeting issues.
» Investments and financing: Articles on the topic of investment assessment, attracting financing, finding an investor and interacting with him, how to choose a direction for investment.
» Action plan: A formatted rubric containing a clear sequence of actions that must be performed to solve a particular problem.
» Analysis and reporting: Management accounting and reporting, financial analysis, company value management.
» Security and control: Legal protection of business from raiders and competitors. Safety rules during inspections by government agencies. Internal control procedures.
» Excel for financiers: How to use Excel to solve various financial problems in practice.
» CFO School: a unique program that allows you to improve your skills and test your knowledge without interrupting your job. Bonuses for CFO subscribers

When you subscribe for a period of 6 months or more, you get access to electronic services on the magazine’s website.
» Library of regulations - a collection of working documents of the financial director, which can be downloaded from the website.
» CFO School is a distance learning program that allows financial specialists of companies to improve their skills without interruption from work.
» Webinars are video conferences broadcast over the Internet. Participants in such a video conference can not only see and hear the speaker, but also ask him questions and receive answers in real time.
» Professional forum - an opportunity to communicate with colleagues and exchange experiences.
» An electronic credit broker will help you find money for your business on favorable terms.

Peer-reviewed scientific and practical publication "Financial Journal" published since July 2009.

International Standard Serial Numbers:
- ISSN 2075-1990(print);
- ISSN 2658-5332(online).

Founder and Publisher
Federal State Budgetary Institution “Research Financial Institute of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation”. Certificate of registration of mass media dated 05/08/2019 PI No. FS77-75704.

Chief Editor– Director of the Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, Candidate of Economic Sciences.

The publication is registered in Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). The five-year impact factor of the RSCI is 1.217.

The texts of articles are posted in the public domain on the official website of the Financial Journal and on the website of the Scientific Electronic Library (SEL)

Articles are assigned digital object identifiers - DOI(Digital Object Identifier).

The publication is indexed in the MNDB

The journal is included in the List of Higher Attestation Commissions. The journal meets the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (HAC) for peer-reviewed scientific publications and is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science, in scientific specialties should be published and their corresponding branches of science.

Renaming the publication. From 2009 to 2011, the publication was published under the name “Academy of Budget and Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of Russia. Financial magazine". In 2012 - under the name “State University of the Ministry of Finance of Russia. Financial magazine". From 2013 to June 2019, the magazine was published under the name “Research Financial Institute. Financial magazine". Since May 2019 - "Financial Journal".

Purpose of the magazine– publication of the results of scientific research on current problems of financial theory and public finance management in order to facilitate the solution of economic problems in Russia and other countries based on the achievements of financial science and advanced financial practice.

Tasks: creating a platform on the basis of the magazine for discussing current financial and economic problems of Russia and the international community; publication in the journal of materials from famous scientists and specialists in the field of finance (Russian and foreign) as the basis for creating an expert community on the basis of the journal; publication in the journal of materials of young scientists and specialists in the field of finance (Russian and foreign) in order to popularize their innovative developments and ideas.

Editorial policy of the magazine is based on the following principles: ensuring a high scientific level of publications with the requirement of novelty and research or practical applicability; strict adherence to international standards of publishing ethics; publication of materials that have not previously been published and are not intended for simultaneous publication in other publications; mandatory double anonymous review of manuscripts submitted to the editorial office; publication of materials free of charge; placement of all published materials in the public domain.

Magazine topics: public finance (budgetary system, inter-budgetary relations, development and implementation of fiscal and monetary policies); social finance; industry finance; financial markets; insurance markets; banking sector; international finance; accounting and auditing, financial control, statistics; macroeconomic modeling.

The target audience: scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers; experts in economics and finance; employees of federal and regional government bodies, local governments, as well as representatives of other organizations participating in the budget process and the financial system; graduate students and students of universities of financial and economic profile.

The magazine is published 6 times a year(February, April, June, August, October, December).

Publication format. A4 format (175x260), volume 128–136 pages.
