Job description for 1c trade and warehouse operator. Warehouse operator job description. Job description of an accountant-operator

PC operators are one of the most in-demand professions of our time. What does a PC operator do?

He corresponds with clients and partners of the company, maintains accounting, provides electronic communication, acceptance and payment of payments. For normal operation of electronic systems, proper maintenance is necessary. Company clients need online support. PC operators do this important work.

Operators have to:

  • quickly type text, fill out tables;
  • communicate with clients;
  • make changes to customer databases and product availability tables;
  • make calculations;
  • format documents;
  • forward and receive mail.

The responsibilities of a PC operator also include other operations.

Required qualities

A PC operator must be well aware of the possible intricacies of working with a computer. In addition, such a person needs to have patience, be attentive, diligent and able to concentrate on solving a specific problem for a long time. The responsibilities of a PC operator are not for everyone. Many people are unable to cope with what seems to be a simple job.

Place of work

PC operators can work in a company engaged in:

  • trade;
  • vehicles (logistics);
  • banking;
  • medicine;
  • design companies, etc.

Such vacancies as PC operator (remotely) are quite in demand. In some companies, you can successfully work from home. This is very beneficial for both the company and the employee.

The company saves on the need to organize an operator’s workplace, on renting office space, and the PC operator remotely gets the opportunity to work in comfortable conditions.

What responsibilities must a personal computer operator perform?

The responsibilities of a PC operator include many operations:

  • processing information and messages received by e-mail, as well as other correspondence: customer applications, invoices, invoices;
  • archiving of documentation;
  • preparation of reports.

Here you can also add work with office equipment (fax, copier, printer, etc.).

Additionally, the responsibilities of a PC operator include:

  • communication by telephone;
  • adding information to the site;
  • entering product barcodes into the cash register system.

The responsibilities of a PC operator are clearly stated in the job description. Before starting work, it is best to read it carefully.

Personal computer operators need to know what their responsibilities are. A job description for a PC operator has been created specifically for this purpose. It contains a detailed list of responsibilities, which consists of several parts.

1. General section of PC operator responsibilities:

  • A full-time operator belongs to the category of financially responsible technical employees who are hired and fired by order of the director.
  • The operator must have a secondary education and have skills in working with certain programs.
  • The operator reports to the head of the department, the director and his deputy.

2. Regulatory acts that guide the PC operator in his work: the charter of the enterprise, instructions and orders of the director, regulations, etc.

3. The working regime of PC operators is regulated by the regime for using working time adopted at the enterprise. Operators are given time to rest according to a predetermined schedule.

The senior PC operator monitors the correctness of documentation and accepts applications for the supply of finished products from third-party clients and company managers. Prepares accompanying documents, invoices and delivery notes.

Additionally, the job description provides:

  1. . Checking documents before releasing goods from the warehouse.
  2. Storage and archiving of documents for enclosed goods.
  3. Carrying out management orders related to the production process.
  4. Monitoring compliance with delivery deadlines. Filling out reports on paper and electronic media.
  5. Providing advice to clients on prices and product range. The operator must try to maintain the company's image and expand the customer base, help strengthen the reputation and increase the profit of the enterprise.
  6. PC operators of shopping complexes must be fluent in the skills of a cashier-operator or skillfully replace cashiers when such a need arises.
  7. The responsibilities of a PC operator include keeping the workplace clean and monitoring the serviceability of office and computer equipment.

In some companies, the employment contract provides for compensation at the expense of the PC operator for possible losses incurred by the company due to his fault. For some actions, a fine is provided in the amount specified in the employment contract. The PC operator must observe safety precautions and discipline.

Additional requirements

To perform certain jobs, operator candidates are subject to separate requirements.

In most cases, these include knowledge of programs:

  • Microsoft Word Excel;
  • Microsoft Excel;
  • Outlook and some others.

In some cases, knowledge of image processing programs, such as Photoshop, is required.

PC Operator Responsibilities

Operators of personal computers bear certain responsibilities. The operator answers:

1. For the quality of performance of job duties in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and instructions, internal regulations at a particular enterprise.

2. For possible offenses related to the activities of a PC operator in accordance with the civil and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For possible infliction of material damage (including penalties imposed by inspection authorities) within the limits of the agreement concluded with the company on the financial liability of the PC operator.

PC operator rights

In addition to responsibilities, PC operators also have rights. Operators can:

  • be timely aware of management decisions and projects that are related to the performance of professional duties;
  • submit for consideration proposals to improve the work of a PC operator;
  • demand assistance in providing resources to perform official duties.

What is the salary of a PC operator?

The operator's earnings in most cases consist of a fixed salary. It can range from 8,000 to 30,000 rubles per month. On average 20,000. Operators working from home most often receive piecework remuneration depending on the amount of work performed.

— archiving of documents;

- record keeping;

— control of incoming prices;
— control of the movement of goods and materials;

— training of trainees;

— registration of powers of attorney;

— receiving incoming calls;
— receiving applications from clients;

— conducting recounts;

— checking product balances;

— working with databases;

- making report;

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Job Description for 1C Trade and Warehouse Operator

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Return to Operator Responsibilities

— archiving of documents;
— data entry into the 1C program;
— entering invoices into the database;
- business correspondence;
- record keeping;
— maintaining daily and monthly reporting;
— maintaining and analyzing the database;
— maintaining the RPO book, collection;
— maintaining primary documentation;
— entering data into 1C; job responsibilities of a 1C operator;
— entering information into the database;
— making corrections to the text;
— performing text layout and graphic design;
— performing copying work;
— performing operations with databases (data entry, processing, systematization);
— performing text editing; job responsibilities of a 1C operator;
— performing copying and scanning of materials and documents;
— performing text editing work in a text editor;
— artistic design;
— identifying deviations in the functioning of equipment;
— identification of expired goods and further control over their write-off;
— ordering goods from suppliers; job responsibilities of a 1C operator;
— computer typing;
— consulting clients by phone;
— control of incoming prices;
— control of the movement of goods and materials;
— control over timely shipment of goods;
— control of the quality and expiration dates of the supplied goods;
— control of stock balances;
— control of compliance of the supplied goods with the placed order;
— a set of documents on a computer;
— a set of invoices;
— typing in a text editor using the 10-finger method;
— photocopying of documents;
— a set of text documents;
— processing of incoming information;
— processing of primary documentation;
— processing of statistical data;
— training of trainees;
— payment of bills at the Client-Bank;
— posting of goods according to suppliers’ invoices;
— organizing the work of operators;
— implementation of text layout;
— returning products to the supplier;
— design of original layouts;
— implementation of computer typing and layout;
— moving goods between stores;
— receiving and transmitting information;
— implementation of receipt, return, markdown, revaluation, write-off of inventory items in 1C;
— carrying out calculations for layout;
— registration of write-off acts, inventory acts, return invoices;
— processing returns from customers in 1C;
— registration of powers of attorney;
— preparation of primary accounting documentation (receipt, expense, return, reconciliation);
— registration of receipt and release of goods;
— registration of invoices;
— printing price tags and warehouse reports;
— preparing equipment and materials for work;
— preparation of certificates for invoices;
— preparation of text and graphic documents;
— receiving orders from clients and entering them into the database;
— providing information about the company’s services and products over the telephone;
— providing information to clients by phone;
— receiving incoming calls;
— receiving applications from clients;
— receiving and processing incoming calls;
— receiving and processing orders;
— receipt and registration of goods;
— accepting payments from individuals and legal entities;
— acceptance of products from the supplier, checking integrity and compliance with the code and original layout;
— carrying out returns to suppliers;
— carrying out inventories;
— conducting recounts;
— carrying out reconciliations and subsequent adjustments;
— carrying out markdowns and write-offs of goods;
— checking product balances;
— checking the correctness of invoices;
— selling company services over the phone;
— working with databases;
— printing text on a printer;
— registration of customer requests;

— adjustment of equipment during operation;
— solving questions and situations that arise with clients over the phone;
— resolving current issues with suppliers;
— checking the availability of delivered goods, making adjustments upon delivery;
— submission of reports to the tax office;
— creation of picking sheets and invoices for the movement of goods;
— creation of layouts for layout;
— creation of route sheets for forwarders;
— creation of original layouts;
- making report;
— preparation of financial statements;
— control of equipment operating modes;
— accounting of incoming, outgoing, return invoices;
— accounting for the movement of goods (receipts, expenses, returns, write-offs, movements);
— formation of returns, write-offs, transfers;
— generation of documents for the receipt of goods (expense and tax invoices, certificates of conformity);
— generation of weekly reports for accounting;
— formation of delivery routes;
— generation of sales report, advance report;
— formation of primary accounting documentation;
— formation of incoming, outgoing, return invoices;
— creation of registers of invoices;
— font and printing design of text.

Job Description for 1C Warehouse Operator

Return to Operator Responsibilities

— archiving of documents;
— data entry into the 1C program;
— entering invoices into the database;
- business correspondence;
- record keeping;
— maintaining daily and monthly reporting;
— maintaining and analyzing the database;
— maintaining the RPO book, collection;
— maintaining primary documentation;
— entering data into 1C; job responsibilities of a 1C operator;
— entering information into the database;
— making corrections to the text;
— performing text layout and graphic design;
— performing copying work;
— performing operations with databases (data entry, processing, systematization);
— performing text editing; job responsibilities of a 1C operator;
— performing copying and scanning of materials and documents;
— performing text editing work in a text editor;
— artistic design;
— identifying deviations in the functioning of equipment;
— identification of expired goods and further control over their write-off;
— ordering goods from suppliers; job responsibilities of a 1C operator;
— computer typing;
— consulting clients by phone;
— control of incoming prices;
— control of the movement of goods and materials;
— control over timely shipment of goods;
— control of the quality and expiration dates of the supplied goods;
— control of stock balances;
— control of compliance of the supplied goods with the placed order;
— a set of documents on a computer;
— a set of invoices;
— typing in a text editor using the 10-finger method;
— photocopying of documents;
— a set of text documents;
— processing of incoming information;
— processing of primary documentation;
— processing of statistical data;
— training of trainees;
— payment of bills at the Client-Bank;
— posting of goods according to suppliers’ invoices;
— organizing the work of operators;
— implementation of text layout;
— returning products to the supplier;
— design of original layouts;
— implementation of computer typing and layout;
— moving goods between stores;
— receiving and transmitting information;
— implementation of receipt, return, markdown, revaluation, write-off of inventory items in 1C;
— carrying out calculations for layout;
— registration of write-off acts, inventory acts, return invoices;
— processing returns from customers in 1C;
— registration of powers of attorney;
— preparation of primary accounting documentation (receipt, expense, return, reconciliation);
— registration of receipt and release of goods;
— registration of invoices;
— printing price tags and warehouse reports;
— preparing equipment and materials for work;
— preparation of certificates for invoices;
— preparation of text and graphic documents;
— receiving orders from clients and entering them into the database;
— providing information about the company’s services and products over the telephone;
— providing information to clients by phone;
— receiving incoming calls;
— receiving applications from clients;
— receiving and processing incoming calls;
— receiving and processing orders;
— receipt and registration of goods;
— accepting payments from individuals and legal entities;
— acceptance of products from the supplier, checking integrity and compliance with the code and original layout;
— carrying out returns to suppliers;
— carrying out inventories;
— conducting recounts;
— carrying out reconciliations and subsequent adjustments;
— carrying out markdowns and write-offs of goods;
— checking product balances;
— checking the correctness of invoices;
— selling company services over the phone;
— working with databases;
— printing text on a printer;
— registration of customer requests;

— adjustment of equipment during operation;
— solving questions and situations that arise with clients over the phone;
— resolving current issues with suppliers;
— checking the availability of delivered goods, making adjustments upon delivery;
— submission of reports to the tax office;
— creation of picking sheets and invoices for the movement of goods;
— creation of layouts for layout;
— creation of route sheets for forwarders;
— creation of original layouts;
- making report;
— preparation of financial statements;
— control of equipment operating modes;
— accounting of incoming, outgoing, return invoices;
— accounting for the movement of goods (receipts, expenses, returns, write-offs, movements);
— formation of returns, write-offs, transfers;
— generation of documents for the receipt of goods (expense and tax invoices, certificates of conformity);
— generation of weekly reports for accounting;
— formation of delivery routes;
— generation of sales report, advance report;
— formation of primary accounting documentation;
— formation of incoming, outgoing, return invoices;
— creation of registers of invoices;
— font and printing design of text.

Home / Restaurant HR / Job Description for a Catering Enterprise Warehouse Operator

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Job description of a catering company warehouse operator

Job description of the main warehouse operator.

Position: O operator of the main warehouse (raw materials and ingredients).

Job profile (hiring requirements): Woman 23-35 years old. Education - not less than secondary vocational (higher is recommended). Competent specialist (similar work experience). Confident user. Knows the 1C: Enterprise v8.0 program. Contact. Stress-resistant. Non-conflict. Assiduous. Attentive. Responsible.

General purpose of the position:

Entering into the database the necessary information about the received (dispatched) goods and ingredients, as well as drawing up and printing invoices.

Functional responsibilities

Output product

Product quality indicators

1. Enter information about the received (shipped) product and ingredients into the database

Information about the product is provided by the storekeeper in the form of invoices

2. Enter information into the database about the movement of necessary ingredients based on requests to the workshops

Information about the goods is provided by the warehouse manager in the form of invoices signed by the site foreman

Timeliness of data entry;

Completeness and accuracy of entered data

4. Enter requests for workshops into the program and place consolidated orders on their basis.

Submitted applications


No errors

5. Registration of inventories. Analysis of surpluses and shortages.

Capitalization of surpluses and write-off of shortages.

Timely identification of reasons for data discrepancies;

Conducting warehouse audits once a month. The operator is a member of the audit committee

6. Notify the accountant and logistician every time purchase prices increase

Report on price changes provided to the production director


Reliability and completeness of data

7. Change input prices into the program only after the report on price changes has been endorsed by the production director

Changing purchase prices in the database


No errors

8. Take direct part in audits

Correctly recalculated product balances

No errors when recalculating product balances; entering information into the system

9. Have regular medical examinations.

Passed medical examination

On time, every six months

Qualification requirements:

  1. Special knowledge and skills:

Education not lower than secondary specialized;

Knowledge of your job description;

Advanced computer skills.

  1. General knowledge and skills:

Time management knowledge and skills.


Direct: chief accountant.

Indirect: warehouse manager.


In relation to the immediate supervisor

1. Make proposals to improve the efficiency of your work and the work of the organization.

2. Contact the chief accountant in the event of a conflict arising in the course of activities, if it is impossible to resolve independently.

Job responsibilities of a 1C operator

Get acquainted with draft management decisions relating to its activities and make proposals for changing these projects.

4. Inform the chief accountant about all shortcomings identified in the process of fulfilling his official duties, and make proposals for their elimination.

5. Demand that the management of the enterprise provide assistance in the performance of their official rights and duties.

Regarding employees of other departments

1. Request information and documents necessary for the organization’s activities and corresponding to its level of access from representatives of other departments and seek the implementation of reasonable requests.


Within the scope of their functions listed in the job description



For losses incurred by the organization through the operator’s own fault

For malfunction or non-conformity of the condition and/or configuration of equipment at the workplace through the operator’s own fault


For inaccurate information about the status of implementation of plans and work

For failure to fulfill one's official duties

For non-compliance with laws and regulations relating to the activities of the operator


For failure to comply with the provisions of governing documents (rules, orders, instructions, regulations and other regulatory documents)

For non-compliance of the workplace with labor protection, safety, sanitary, hygienic, ergonomic and other standards and requirements

For failure to comply with labor and performance discipline, including labor regulations

For non-compliance with commercial and official secrets


  1. The operator chooses the time for lunch based on the current situation and the quantity of incoming goods.

I have read the instructions:

Full name Date Signature

_______________ _______ ______

Full name Date Signature

_______________ _______ ______

Full name Date Signature

1. General part:



2. Job responsibilities:

2.8. Upon arrival of goods:

2.8.7. Enter a new supplier if it is not in the directory with all the details specified in the invoice.

3. Must know:

4. Has the right:

Responsibilities of the 1C operator

Use the necessary technical means to perform assigned duties.

5. Responsible for:

5.4. Security of confidential information received in the company.

5.5. Financial liability according to the contract with the employee.

6. Criteria for evaluating activities:

6.1. The criteria for evaluating the Operator’s activities are:

— formation of markup

- work with re-grading

— creating invoices without errors

Home page → Useful information → Job descriptions → Data entry operator (store, supermarket)

Data entry operator (store, supermarket)

1. General part:

1.1. Appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by the General Director of the enterprise.

1.2. The main task of receiving goods is the reliable and timely registration of movements, receipts, and expenditure invoices in the information base 1 “C”.

1.3. The main task when checking out goods, including in the supermarket, is the reliable and timely execution of invoices, movements, invoices and cash receipts in the information base 1 “C”.

1.4. Reports to the store director

1.5. Must have a secondary specialized education and work experience in the 1"C" program for at least 1 year.

1.6. During his absence (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by another operator in accordance with the order of the enterprise, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

1.7. Issues that are not within the competence and rights of the employee are resolved by the immediate supervisor.

1.8. The work is guided by the current labor legislation, orders, instructions of the immediate supervisor, internal labor regulations, enterprise orders, and these instructions.

1.9. The assessment of the degree of proper performance of job duties by this employee is made by the immediate supervisor.

1.10. The operating mode is agreed upon with the management of the point where the operator works.

2. Job responsibilities:

2.1. At the request of the sales floor administrator, he prepares repeated price tags.

2.2. Timely prepare the “movement” document at the request of the merchandiser.

2.3. Provide statements to sales representatives, with the exception of the list of clients who have a debt in excess of the established limit.

2.4. Enter a new client on the basis of an agreement concluded with him (indicate the “Other” tab in the client card - contract number).

2.5. At the end of the working day, display the movement of goods for the day, print it out and transfer it to storekeepers and warehouse accountants.

2.6. Print out the register of invoices and hand it over to the accountant.

2.7. When checking out goods in a store:

2.7.1. Accept requests from the sales floor administrator.

2.7.2. Check and set mark-ups on invoices in accordance with established discounts and mark-ups.

2.7.3. Prepares invoices for the store and prints price tags for goods that are released into the sales area.

2.7.4. Print out invoices and send them to the warehouse.

2.7.5. Send consumable invoices to the store in a timely manner.

2.7.6. Send information on balances to the store in a timely manner.

2.2.7. Prepare invoices for goods at the request of suppliers for stores.

2.2.8.Weekly track goods with zero movement and issue them to the store.

2.8. Upon arrival of goods:

2.8.1. Timely prepare documents for receipt, consumption and movement of goods.

2.8.2. Negotiate prices with the merchandiser.

2.8.3. Observe the order in which the goods arrive.

2.8.4. Enter the data of a new product into the product directory, in accordance with the established rules for creating a new card.

2.8.5. Process the return of goods at the request of merchandisers or according to a warehouse report.

2.8.6. If errors are detected, enter corrections for the inappropriate position in the invoice of program 1 “C”.

Job description of a computer operator

Enter a new supplier if it is not in the directory with all the details specified in the invoice.

2.8.8. In the absence of invoices for the goods directly assigned to the operator, he is obliged to help another operator receive the goods.

2.8.9. Carry out work with entering balances, transmitting information on re-grading of goods to the storekeeper on a daily basis.

2.9. Comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

2.10. Preparation of reports for accounting:

2.10.1. Every month, before the 5th day, reconcile with retail outlets for mutual settlements.

2.10.2. Conduct quarterly reconciliations with suppliers of alcoholic beverages.

2.10.3. In the 4th quarter of each year, reconcile with all suppliers. Based on the results of the reconciliation, it is mandatory to sign the corresponding document (reconciliation act).

2.10.4. If an error is detected in the accounting program after the closure of the period (9th day of the month following the reporting one), report the information to the accounting department to make appropriate corrections in the accounting records.

3. Must know:

3.1. Resolutions, instructions, orders relating to the work performed.

3.2. Document flow for goods movement.

3.3. Program 1 “C”, and have practical computer skills.

3.4. Discounts and markups on goods.

3.5. The procedure for entering a client into the product directory.

3.6. The procedure for processing documents for receipt, consumption and movement.

3.7. Rules for filling out the product directory.

3.8. Internal labor regulations.

3.9. Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

3.10. Providing information to non-employees of the company only with the permission of the immediate manager (receipt prices, any reports, balances, etc. information).

4. Has the right:

4.1. To receive benefits, bonuses, as well as other forms of incentives, advanced training and obtaining special knowledge provided for this position, subject to the successful completion of their duties and individually assigned tasks.

4.2. Receive from management and company employees the information necessary to perform official duties.

4.3. Make proposals to management for activities aimed at increasing productivity and improving working conditions.

4.4. Submit proposals for rewarding and bringing to disciplinary liability for violation of labor discipline of employees who are directly subordinate.

4.5. Take part in meetings on issues within his competence.

4.6. Use the necessary technical means to perform assigned duties.

5. Responsible for:

5.1. Timely and correct execution of price tags and repeat price tags

5.2. Unclear and untimely performance of their duties.

5.3. Illegal actions with documents and information about the activities of the company.

The responsibilities of the 1C operator are determined by the job description. In the article we will look at what the job description of a 1C “Trade and Warehouse” operator includes.

From the article you will learn:

What are the job responsibilities of a 1C operator?

1C operator is a type of professional computer operator position. The responsibilities of a 1C operator are focused on working with certain groups of programs. Accordingly, an employee holding such a position enters the necessary data into the database, processes information, and generates reports.

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A complete directory of job descriptions for all sectors of activity.

The specifics of the responsibilities of a 1C operator depend not only on the specifics of the activities of the relevant organization, but also on the types of 1C programs with which the specialist has to work. The operator’s job responsibilities are defined in the job description, which is internal regulatory document enterprises.

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At the legislative level, a mandatory form for job descriptions 1C operator is not installed. Employers have the right to develop this document in a form that corresponds to the characteristics of the enterprise and is as convenient as possible for daily work.

This is the basic general list of job responsibilities of a 1C operator. A detailed and specific list of functions of a 1C operator is established by the employer on an individual basis, taking into account the specifics of the organization’s work and the type of 1C program that the specialist will use.

Requirements for candidates for the position of 1C operators in accordance with job responsibilities

An applicant for the position of 1C operator must be a confident user of a professional computer and know 1C programs in all areas that are used in work at a particular enterprise.

When applying for a job, it is not easy to assess existing knowledge, so job descriptions 1C operator requires that the candidate have a certificate of completion of specialized courses and work experience. Other skills include knowledge of tax legislation, accounting, and the ability to use email or other office programs. It all depends on the specifics of the work of a particular enterprise.

What points must be included in the job description of a 1C “Trade and Warehouse” operator?

The generally accepted structure of the job description of a 1C operator contains a certain list of information in accordance with the accepted principles of personnel records management. A unique standard will allow you to fully reflect important information about the responsibilities of the 1C trade and warehouse operator in the operating conditions of a particular organization.

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When working on job descriptions operator 1C "Trade and Warehouse" for the corresponding staffing unit, it is rational to use a standard generally accepted structure, including the following sections:

general provisions. This part contains definitions of basic labor conditions in a particular organization. These include the required level of education, professional skills and work experience. This paragraph establishes the general procedure hiring, layoffs or replacing absent employees, the employee’s immediate supervisor is indicated and the location of the staffing unit is determined within organizational chart enterprises;

job responsibilities and rights of the 1C “Trade and Warehouse” operator. The section includes the powers of the operator and the range of his main job responsibilities. Based on this section, the employee, in accordance with the norms of labor legislation, is not obliged to carry out any other instructions from management, except those documented in the instructions. Clear job descriptions simplify the work of a 1C operator and make the specialist’s work more efficient;

The responsibility of the 1C operator is defined in the job description as clearly as the job duties. The document specifies all types of sanctions that will follow for labor violations and dishonest performance of labor duties. When developing a job description, it should be taken into account that sanctions must be specified taking into account legal standards.

During the period of industrialization and increasing computerization, a computer operator is becoming the most popular profession, which does not require any specific skills or education. Nowadays, almost every person knows how to work with a computer, knows most application programs and the principles of working with office equipment. But you need to be aware of what the responsibilities of an operator are before you try to get such a job. We'll talk about them below.

What is a PC operator

The responsibilities of the operator depend mainly on the characteristics of the functioning and accounting of the enterprise in which he works. The service instructions are determined by the management of the company at its discretion. However, there are general provisions that apply to all employees in this area. To understand them, let’s first consider what an operator is.

Each company has computer equipment, with the help of which calculations of profits and losses, shipments and receipts, material assets are carried out, office work and correspondence are recorded. Nowadays almost no one works using handwritten timesheets. Someone must enter all this information into the memory of electronic computers. This is why organizations need operators. It is they who perform this, for the most part, mechanical work of entering data.

Where to work as an operator

You can get a job as an operator in absolutely any organization. Their requirements, of course, may be different. This depends on the amount of work that they want to get from a particular employee, as well as what additional functions will be assigned to him, in addition to entering information into the database. The more complex the organization, the more extensive the operator’s responsibilities will be. And of course, the higher the requirements for his skills, education and professional experience will be.

Education and skills

No specific education is required to perform the duties of an operator. A person with secondary vocational education can become one. In principle, a person with a general average could also become one, but managers try to avoid workers without at least some specialized diploma. The only thing that a computer operator, whose responsibilities are solely to enter information into the database, must know is the specifics of working with this application program. To do this, it is enough to take courses that last from one month to six months. With a broader list of job functions, additional education may, of course, be required.

Warehouse operator

The well-known profession of warehouseman today is often referred to as a warehouse operator. His responsibilities remained essentially the same as before. But in the era of computerization, several new ones have been added. The storekeeper is obliged to monitor the property entrusted to his management. That is, accept goods and material assets into the warehouse, monitor their safety and expiration date, record damage, defects, manufacturing defects upon acceptance and transfer, issue material assets at the request of the competent department.

Previously, such records were kept on cards. Now the cards have the same name, but are maintained in a computer database. Sometimes physical media is not even necessary, since tax authorities are rarely interested in them and only in extreme cases. Based on this, the storekeeper now needs to be able to fill out such cards in electronic computers. And also apply barcodes and labels, be able to write off goods, and take inventory. All these operations are carried out in a specialized database called “1C: Warehouse”. This means that, in general terms, the warehouse operator should know it. The functions of a loader are often added to the duties of a storekeeper. But here no specific skills are required.

1C operator: responsibilities

The 1C operator must know his range of using the functions of this program perfectly. In organizations with a constant flow of documentation, operators are required to have high speed of work, the ability to perform the same type of operations for a long time without getting confused, perseverance and attentiveness. It will be quite difficult for a person with scattered attention to concentrate on operations with the same content, this will lead to blots, miscalculations, and mistakes. As a result, they may not be identified immediately and may result in significant discrepancies between profits, losses, taxes and fees in the future. Incorrect calculation of the final declaration due to the fault of the operator will result in fines and penalties for the organization. And, accordingly, fines from the employee’s salary. Responsibility of execution is the first and most important obligation for operators working with the reflection of property and material assets. If practice is not enough yet, do not try to get a job in a company with large turnover, practice in small companies.

Operator's job description for goods release[name of company]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of other legal acts governing labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The operator for issuing goods belongs to the category of technical performers and is directly subordinate to [name of the manager's position].

1.2. The operator for the discharge of goods is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of [name of position].

1.3. A person who has a secondary specialized education without requirements for work experience, secondary education and special training according to an established program, or with at least one year of work experience in the relevant specialty is accepted for the position of operator for the discharge of goods.

1.4. The operator for issuing goods must know:

Programs 1C: accounting, 7.7, 8.0;

Labor legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as regulations relating to its activities;

Confident PC user;

Knowledge of accounting;

Safety regulations, fire safety.

2. Job responsibilities

The operator for the discharge of goods is assigned the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Posting of goods according to invoices.

2.2. Issuing a sales receipt in the 1C: accounting program.

2.3. Extracting primary documentation.

2.4. Receiving applications for the supply of products from clients and managers of the organization.

2.5. Application processing.

2.6. Document management.

2.7. Conducting telephone conversations with clients.

2.8. Providing customers with detailed advice on all types of products.

2.9. Maintaining registers and analytical reporting for all counterparties.

2.10. Maintaining a client base.

2.11. Timely issuance of invoices and invoices, as well as relevant accompanying documents.

2.12. Before releasing the goods, checking the accuracy and compliance of the execution of accompanying documents with the legislation and internal rules of the organization.

2.13. Systematization, archiving and storage of shipped, correctly executed and corrected invoices and invoices in accordance with the established procedure in the organization.

2.15. In case of production necessity, filling the position of cashier-operator.

2.16. [Other job responsibilities].

3. Rights

The operator has the right to issue goods:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. Receive information about the activities of the organization necessary to perform functional duties from all departments directly or through the immediate superior.

3.3. Submit proposals to management to improve your work and the work of the organization.

3.4. Get acquainted with draft orders of management relating to its activities.

3.5. Improve your professional qualifications.

3.6. Inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings identified in the course of your activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.7. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties.

3.8. Other rights provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility

The operator for issuing goods is responsible for:

4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of the duties provided for in this instruction, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document].

Head of HR department

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


[job title]

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

I have read the instructions:

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]
