Job description for furniture production master. Job responsibilities of a production foreman. Other knowledge and skills

PJSC "Company"
____________ V.V. Umnikov

"___"___________ G.

Job description
machine shop foreman

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description establishes the job duties, rights, service relationships and responsibilities of the foreman of the mechanical assembly shop of OJSC "Company" (hereinafter referred to as the enterprise).

1.2. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in production of at least 1 year or secondary vocational education and work experience in production of at least 3 years is appointed to the position of foreman of a mechanical assembly shop (hereinafter referred to as foreman). In the absence of special education, work experience in production for at least 5 years.

1.3. The foreman reports directly to the site manager.

1.4. The appointment, transfer and dismissal of a foreman is carried out by order of the general director of the enterprise on the recommendation of the head of the workshop.

1.5. The following work areas are subordinate to the foreman:

— drillers;
— milling operators;
- turners;
— fitters;
— machine operators;
— drivers of electric and auto trucks;
- cleaners of industrial and office premises.

1.6. In case of temporary absence (business trip, illness, vacation), the duties of the senior foreman are performed by another person appointed by order of the production director of the enterprise on the recommendation of the workshop manager with mandatory familiarization with this job description.

1.7. In his work, the master is guided by:

— labor legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation;
— regulations, instructions, other guidance materials and regulatory documents on the production and economic activities of the site;
- orders, instructions, instructions from superiors;
— The company’s quality policy;
— documentation of the enterprise’s quality management system;
— rules and regulations on labor protection and safety;
— norms and rules established at the enterprise;
— this job description;
— regulations on the mechanical assembly shop.

1.8. In addition to the orders of the deputy head of the workshop, the foreman carries out written and oral orders and instructions from the head of the workshop.

2 Job responsibilities

The master is obliged:

2.1. Carry out management of the production site in accordance with current legislative and regulatory acts regulating the industrial and economic activities of the enterprise.

2.2. Monitor the completion of production tasks by the site in a timely manner in terms of volume of product production, quality, specified nomenclature, increasing labor productivity, reducing the labor intensity of products based on the rational loading of equipment and the use of its technical capabilities, economical use
matfials, energy.

2.3 Organize work on the timely delivery of components and assemblies to the assembly site. Monitor the rational placement of teams and workers.

2.4.Monitor workers’ compliance with technological processes, promptly identify and eliminate the causes of their violation.

2.5. Check the quality of workpieces and assembly units arriving at the site, as well as carry out operational control of processed parts.

2.6. Monitor workers' compliance with production standards, proper use of production space, equipment, safety equipment (equipment and tools), and uniform (rhythmic) operation of the site.

2.7. Carry out the formation of teams of their quantitative, professional and qualification composition.

2.8. Stop and timely complete production tasks for teams and individual workers (not included in teams) in accordance with approved production plans and schedules, standard indicators for the use of equipment, raw materials, materials, tools, fuel, energy.

2.9.0 carry out production training for workers, carry out measures to comply with labor protection rules, safety regulations and industrial sanitation, technical operation of equipment and tools, as well as monitoring their compliance.

2.10. Make a proposal to revise production standards and prices, as well as to assign working categories to site workers in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions. Participate in the pricing of site work and assigning qualification categories to site workers.

2.11. Analyze the activities of your site. The results of the analysis should be brought to the attention of the site manager and workshop manager.

2.12. Ensure the preparation of cervical documents for accounting of working output, wages, and equipment downtime.

2.13. Ensure the safe organization of work on the site and compliance by subordinates with rules and instructions on labor protection and safety.

2.14. To take part in the implementation of work to identify production reserves in terms of quantity, quality and range of products, in the development of measures to create, improve favorable working conditions, improve organizational and technical culture of production, rational use of working time and production equipment.

2.15. Conduct safety instructions to workers in the prescribed manner, assign highly qualified workers newly hired or transferred from other subdivisions to permanent work in order to teach them safe techniques and work methods.

2.16. Complete certification of knowledge of rules and regulations on occupational health and safety in a timely manner by the enterprise commission.

2.17. Monitor workers’ compliance with labor protection and safety regulations, production and labor discipline, internal labor regulations, promote the creation of an atmosphere of mutual assistance and strictness in the team, and develop among workers a sense of responsibility and interest in the timely and high-quality completion of production tasks.

2. 18. Prepare proposals to encourage workers or apply material sanctions, to impose disciplinary sanctions on violators of production and labor discipline.

2.19.0 organize work to improve the qualifications and professional skills of workers and foremen, training them in second and related professions.

2.20. Determine the training needs of subordinate personnel.

2.21. Evaluate the effectiveness of staff training.

2.22. Ensure that site personnel understand the Quality Policy.

2.23. Determine the responsibilities, duties and powers of subordinate personnel in accordance with job and work instructions.

2.24. Ensure that your staff is aware of the relevance and importance of their activities and their contribution to achieving quality objectives.

2.25.3 know the relevant documentation of the quality management system and comply with its requirements.

2.26.Participate in the development of new and improvement of existing technological processes and production modes, as well as production schedules for the assembly of electric motors.

2.27. Take part in the acceptance of completed work on site reconstruction, repair of technological equipment, mechanization and automation of production processes and manual work.

2.28.Follow the requirements of the “Instructions for the person responsible for the safe operation of cranes.”

2.29. Ensure that the department’s employees comply with local and Federal regulations in the field of industrial safety, labor protection and the environment.

2.30. Prepare reports in accordance with PDO forms -3- (log book for accounting of dust, gas cleaning systems and treatment facilities).

2.31. 0ensure the collection, storage and timely removal of production waste to temporary waste storage areas.

2.32.0 ensure timely implementation of regulations, instructions, orders in the field of industrial safety, labor protection and the environment.

2. 33. Timely prepare requests for provision, replacement of auxiliary materials and equipment (replacement of lamps, containers, slings, etc.).

2.34. In the event of an accident at work, provide first aid to the victim, call an ambulance if necessary, report to the fire safety and environmental protection department, save
the situation as it was at the time of the accident or accident, if this does not threaten the life and health of people.

2.35. Monitor compliance with fire safety rules by workshop (site) workers, ensure clear passages to workplaces, and passages on evacuation routes.

2.36. Organize and carry out the work necessary to comply with fire safety (rolling hoses, replenishing sand boxes at fire shields, recharging fire extinguishers, etc.)

2.37. Participate in the elimination of fires and hot spots and involve subordinate personnel for this.

2.38. At the beginning of the shift, inspect workplaces, machines, mechanisms, equipment and take measures to eliminate identified deficiencies.

2.39. Conduct initial, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings of employees, as well as on-the-job training with filling out the relevant documentation.

2.40. 3familiarize workers with technological processes - regulations, modes, maps, diagrams, etc. and ensure that work is carried out in accordance with these documents.

2.41. Monitor the availability of safety certificates for workers to work on this type of machinery, mechanisms, equipment, compliance by workers with labor protection instructions and rules for the technical operation of equipment, safe performance of production operations and the use of personal protective equipment.

2.42. Prepare subordinate personnel to perform high-risk work and supervise their implementation.

2.43. Proper storage and use of sling sets.

2. 44. Carry out safe storage, transportation and use of dangerous, harmful and explosive and fire hazardous substances.

2.45. Ensure the safety of posters, signs, signs, warning notices, etc.

2.46. Draw up and maintain documentation established by the provisions regulating work on labor protection (work books of the foreman, logs of registration of briefings, control logs, etc.).

2.47. To remove persons from work in accordance with Article No. 76 of the Labor Code
Code of the Russian Federation:

— appearing at work in a state of alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication;
— those who have not undergone training and testing of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection in accordance with the established procedure;
— when, in accordance with a medical report, contraindications are identified for the employee to perform work stipulated by the employment contract;
- at the request of bodies and officials authorized by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts, and in other cases provided for by federal laws and other
regulatory legal acts;

2.48.Takes measures to prevent accidents.

2.49 Adequately improve the results of your professional activities

2.50. The master bears the responsibility established by the laws of the Russian Federation. order, liability for failure to fulfill production plans by the site.

2.51. The foreman bears, in accordance with the procedure established by the laws of the Russian Federation, responsibility for failure to fulfill his functional duties and violations of production and labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety by his subordinate employees.
2.52. The foreman is responsible for providing false information about the state of implementation of production plans by the site.

2.53. The foreman is responsible for failure to comply with the orders of the deputy general director for production and his deputy, the head of the workshop.

2.54. The master is responsible for violations committed in the course of his activities.

2.55. The foreman is responsible for causing material damage to the enterprise.

2.56. The mechanic is responsible for failure to take timely measures to prevent accidents, allowing someone who is untrained and has not undergone instruction to work, and checking their knowledge for the right to be allowed to work independently.

2.57. Provide the accident investigation commission with complete information necessary for the exercise of their powers.

2.58.0 ensure timely attendance of employees for periodic medical examinations.

3 Professional requirements

The master must know:

3.1.Legislative and regulatory legal acts, normative and methodological materials relating to the production and economic activities of the site.

3.2.Technical characteristics and requirements for products produced by the site, technology of its production.

3.3. Equipment of the site and rules for its technical operation.

3.4. Labor legislation and the procedure for tariffication of work and workers.

3.5. Standards and prices for work, the procedure for their revision.

3.6. The current regulations on wages and forms of material incentives.

3.7. Internal labor regulations.

3.8. Labor protection rules and regulations.

4 Rights

The master has the right:

4.1. Get acquainted with production plans (annual, quarterly, monthly), with the decisions of the workshop management.

4.2. Give subordinate employees of the site instructions and tasks on issues included in his functional responsibilities.

4.3. Monitor the implementation of production tasks, timely execution of individual assignments by subordinate employees of the site.

4.4. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the issues of his activities from the workshop management.

4.5. Submit proposals for improvement of the activities of the site, workshop, enterprise for consideration by the site manager.

4.6.Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

4.7. Suspend work on faulty equipment, when using raw materials and materials of inadequate quality until the specified deficiencies are eliminated.

4.8.Has the right to receive assistance from shop managers to assist in the performance of their official duties and the use of rights.

5 Service relationships

5.1. The foreman carries out all orders of the deputy head of the workshop for

5.2. The master interacts:

5.2.1. With the dispatcher regarding receipt:
— protective and hygiene equipment for site workers (gloves, caps, soap, overalls);
— auxiliary materials (rags, brushes, brooms) according to approved standards.
— receipt of components and workpieces (eye bolts, etc.)
5.2.2. With the technical control department regarding:
provision of: orders for work performed, measures to eliminate non-compliance of products with the requirements of technological documentation, reporting documentation within the framework of the quality management system.

5.2.3. With the department of industrial safety and environmental protection
for questions:
- receiving: regulations, safety instructions, a list of professions for receiving free specialization. clothes;
— providing: measures to eliminate comments (response) to the order.

5.2 4. With the HR department for questions:
— training of newly arrived workers;
— advanced training in professions.

6 Responsibility

The master bears the responsibility established by the laws of the Russian Federation. order, responsibility for:

6.1 Failure to fulfill plans and production by the site.

b.2 Failure to fulfill his functional duties, violations by subordinate employees of the production and labor discipline area, fire safety regulations.

6.3 Inaccurate information about the state of implementation of production plans by the site.

6.4 Failure to comply with the orders of the production director and his deputy, the head of the workshop.

6.5 Violations committed in the course of carrying out its activities.

6.6 Causing material damage to the enterprise.

6.7 Failure to take timely measures to prevent accidents, admission to work of an untrained person who has not undergone instruction and knowledge testing for the right to be allowed to work independently.

Head of the mechanical assembly shop K.K. pickers

Head of HR Department I.I. Ivanov

Head of Legal Department S.S. Sergeev

Leading QMS engineer V.V. Vasiliev

The site foreman is the person who manages the production unit. This specialist can have a variety of categories: housing and communal services section foreman, workshop foreman, etc. The features of this important profession will be discussed later in the article.

Job responsibilities of the site foreman

The job description of the site foreman states that a person who has the appropriate education (higher or secondary vocational) and sufficient work experience (at least a year) can obtain the profession in question.

The site foreman is appointed directly by the head of the organization. The specialist himself is obliged, like any other employee, to know labor legislation, job descriptions, and other rules and regulations established by the enterprise. What responsibilities do the job description of the site foreman prescribe? Of course, everything here will depend on the category. However, the general functions look something like this:

  • management of the site;
  • performing tasks in accordance with standards;
  • timely preparation of production;
  • providing all necessary conditions for workers;
  • records management;

Thus, the responsibilities of the site foreman are quite extensive. It is worth noting that the functions of a specialist will also vary depending on the category. For example, an electrical installation foreman, a repair foreman, etc.

About the responsibility and rights of the site foreman

Like any other employee, the site foreman has a number of professional rights.

What exactly are the rights assigned to the specialist in question by the job description of the site foreman?

  • Giving orders to employees.
  • Participation in recruitment and placement of personnel.
  • Presentation of requirements and wishes to management to improve the efficiency of the enterprise.
  • Request from management the necessary documentation.
  • Participation in meetings regarding the work activities of the site foreman.
  • Passing the certification.
  • Training.

What can you say about the responsibility of the specialist in question? After all, the responsibilities of the site foreman are incredibly extensive, and therefore his responsibility is high. The job description prescribes the following points for which he must be responsible:

  • for the high-quality performance of the duties assigned to him;
  • for carrying out orders;
  • for the distribution of resources;
  • for maintaining order;
  • for maintaining documentation;
  • for labor discipline.

In case of violations, the master may be subject to liability - from disciplinary to criminal.

Who is a senior site foreman?

To become a senior master, you need to have quite a lot of work experience. The specialist is subordinate to the site manager.

And the general director appoints and dismisses him.

The senior site foreman supervises turners, drillers, various rotary turners, milling operators and machine adjusters. If the senior foreman is temporarily unable to perform his duties, he is replaced by another specialist appointed by the head of the site.

This specialist can be guided in his profession by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as by the acts and rules of the enterprise.

Responsibilities of the senior site foreman

The senior site foreman is endowed with much greater functions and responsibilities than a simple foreman.

The typical specialist in question prescribes the following functions:

  • fulfillment of production tasks in accordance with standards and established time;
  • inspection at the beginning of the working day of the elements necessary for work;
  • control over the work of specialists with lower qualifications;
  • checking the quality of manufactured products;
  • ensuring competent and correct operation of equipment;
  • control over workers;
  • familiarizing workers with certain rules and processes;
  • records management;
  • analysis of production results;
  • organizing the necessary conditions for improving the skills of employees;
  • independent timely confirmation or improvement of qualifications;
  • compliance with safety regulations.

Thus, the responsibilities of the senior site foreman are quite extensive, because the work is very responsible and important. Supervising workers is a very complex activity. It all depends on the category, be it a foreman of a construction site, a workshop site, etc.

On the responsibilities and rights of the senior site foreman

The standard production instruction for the specialist in question states that the senior site foreman must be responsible for:

Thus, he bears quite a lot of responsibility for performing his job functions. And this is absolutely fair: after all, the position in question is very important. The job description also prescribes the following rights for a representative of the profession in question:

  • make various suggestions and proposals to the management to improve the efficiency of the enterprise;
  • get acquainted with innovations that in one way or another relate to the work of the senior site foreman;
  • interact with superiors;
  • conduct documentation within your competence;
  • stop work in case of equipment malfunction;
  • give various instructions to workers within their competence.

Requirements for a senior site foreman

The job description of the senior site foreman has an extremely important section: requirements for the employee.

It is worth citing the most important points from this section. So, the senior master should know well:

  • all necessary regulatory and legislative acts, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • technical data and characteristics of the equipment with which work is carried out;
  • production planning methods;
  • labor standards;
  • provisions on income, wages;
  • fundamentals of economic knowledge;
  • production rules;
  • safety precautions and some other things.

Thus, slightly greater demands are placed on the senior foreman than on any other worker with lower qualifications.

Production site foreman - who is he?

The job description of the production site foreman states that the specialist in question is a person who is engaged in the implementation of the production plan in accordance with given standards, and also uses and develops various methods of management, ensuring order in the team, production calculations, etc.

If production foremen are included in complex teams, then these specialists become leaders in them. It is also worth noting that they are subordinate to the site manager.

Only a person with sufficient work experience can get this job.

About the responsibilities of the production site foreman

This specialist has a fairly wide range of powers and functions.

Here are just the most basic of those indicated in the job description:

  • ensuring the fulfillment of all necessary tasks prescribed or specified in the plan;
  • ensuring proper operation of equipment and its elements;
  • development of production plans;
  • provision of necessary materials in accordance with the established time frames;
  • confirmation and advanced training;
  • control over documentation;
  • providing training for workers with lower qualifications;
  • control over various types of technological processes carried out by workers with lower qualifications;
  • ensuring labor discipline;
  • ensuring safety precautions.

A large number of rights also gives rise to high responsibility. This is exactly what will be discussed further.

On the responsibilities and rights of the production site foreman

So, what rights are assigned to the specialist in question? Here are just a few of them:

  • the right to nominate highly distinguished workers for bonuses;
  • the right to submit to penalties and fines employees who violated discipline rules;
  • the right not to allow specialists with lower qualifications to work if the working equipment or its elements are faulty;
  • the right to remove from work specialists who do not know the instructions and rules, and other rights similar to those listed above.

What about responsibilities? The job description for a production site foreman does not have a large number of subclauses here. You need to know first of all that responsibility rests with this specialist in the event of failure to fulfill or improper performance of his professional duties.


I. General provisions

  1. The master belongs to the category of managers.
  2. A person with at least 1 year of work experience in production or secondary specialized education and work experience in production of at least 3 years (in the absence of special education, work experience in production of at least 5 years) is appointed to the position of foreman.
  3. Appointment to the position of foreman and dismissal from it are made by order of the head of the enterprise.
  4. The master must know:
    - regulatory and methodological materials relating to the production and economic activities of the enterprise;
    - technical characteristics and requirements for products manufactured by the enterprise, its production technology;
    - enterprise equipment and rules of its technical operation;
    - forms and methods of production and economic activity of the enterprise;
    - labor legislation and the procedure for tariffication of work and workers;
    - current provisions on wages and forms of material incentives;
    - basics of economics, organization of production, labor and management;
    - internal labor regulations;
    - rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  5. The production site foreman reports directly to the deputy director.
  6. During the absence of the production site foreman (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for proper execution.
  7. _________________________________________________________________.

II. Job responsibilities

  1. Ensuring that sections meet production volume targets, producing high-quality products, increasing labor productivity and circulation output.
  2. Ensuring maximum use of production capacity, full utilization and proper operation of equipment, productive operation of all work areas.
  3. Ensuring timely preparation of production with materials, semi-finished products, tools, devices and uniform operation of the site in accordance with established tasks.
  4. Receives products and semi-finished products from adjacent workshops and sections, maintains records of the quantity of manufactured products and semi-finished products, delivers products to adjacent sections and workshops.
  5. Monitors the use of raw materials and materials.
  6. Systematic verification of the completion of tasks by teams and individual workers, timely elimination of emerging problems that interfere with the normal course of the production process.
  7. Organization of solutions to production and social issues in the activities of enterprise sections.
  8. Monitoring the correct and timely execution of primary documents regarding the acceptance and delivery of work.
  9. Instructing subordinate workers, providing them with the necessary assistance in mastering production standards and fulfilling production tasks, especially in cases of complexity or responsibility of the work performed, or mastering new work.
  10. Checking workers’ compliance with technological processes and stopping work in cases of non-compliance with established technological processes, technical conditions, etc.
  11. Participation in the re-tariffing of work and in the revision of production standards.
  12. Systematic check of the condition of equipment and fences.
  13. Ensuring compliance by workers with labor and production discipline, cleanliness and order in the workplace. Control over timely removal of waste and finished products.
  14. Providing conditions for combining professions. Involving workers to participate in production meetings and discuss the implementation of tasks established for the site, the experience of advanced workers.
  15. Together with Quality Control Department employees, checking the quality of printed products during the manufacturing process, as well as studying, together with technologists, the causes of defects and defects, developing and implementing measures to eliminate them.
  16. _________________________________________________________________.
  17. _________________________________________________________________.

III. Rights

The master has the right:
  1. Arrange workers on the site and, with the approval of the shop manager, release redundant workers, as well as workers who systematically violate production and labor discipline.
  2. Submit proposals to reward distinguished employees, impose penalties on violators of production and labor discipline, and apply material sanctions if necessary.
  3. Do not allow work to be performed on faulty equipment and using faulty tools, fixtures and instrumentation, as well as on equipment that does not have guards, locks and other safety measures.
  4. Do not allow the use in production of materials and semi-finished products that do not meet technical requirements.
  5. Do not allow workers who do not know the rules and instructions on safety and labor protection to work.
  6. Arrange workers at work stations, submit for approval the ranks assigned to them in accordance with the tariff and qualification reference book.
  7. Suspend work on faulty equipment, when using faulty tools, fixtures and instrumentation, as well as when using raw materials that do not meet technical specifications.
  8. Demand timely implementation of the equipment repair plan and measures for safety, labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
  9. Require a logistics economist to provide timely production with the necessary materials, raw materials, semi-finished products, tools, devices, technical documentation, etc. for the normal course of production.
  10. Demand that employees subordinate to him follow orders and instructions on all issues of production activity.
  11. _________________________________________________________________.
  12. _________________________________________________________________.

IV. Responsibility

The master is responsible:
  1. For the quality and timeliness of fulfilling the duties assigned to him within the framework of the labor legislation of Ukraine.
  2. For offenses and causing material damage - within the limits of administrative, civil and criminal legislation of Ukraine.
  3. _________________________________________________________________.
  4. _________________________________________________________________.

I. General provisions

This instruction applies to the shift supervisor (foreman) and is developed in accordance with:

- “Qualification reference book for positions of managers, specialists and other employees.” Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 No. 37 (as amended on 01/02/00).

1.1. The shift manager (foreman) of a workshop for the production of double-glazed windows belongs to the category of managers.

1.2. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in engineering positions of at least 1 year or a secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in production of at least 2 years is appointed to the position of shift supervisor (foreman).

1.3. Appointment to the position of shift supervisor (foreman) and dismissal from it are made in accordance with the established procedure by order of the head of the enterprise.

1.4. The shift supervisor must know:

1.4.1. Organizational and administrative documents, regulatory and methodological materials relating to the production and economic activities of the Plant;

1.4.2. Technical characteristics and requirements for products,
produced by the Plant, its production technology;

1.4.3. Equipment of sites and rules of its technical operation;

1.4.4. Methods of technical, economic and production planning;

1.4.5. Forms and methods of production and economic activity of the site;

1.4.6. Current provisions on remuneration and forms of material

1.4.7. Standards and prices for work, the procedure for their revision;

1.4.8. Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

1.4.9. Fire safety rules;

1.4.10. Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes;

1.4.11. Rules for providing workers with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment;

1.4.12. Regulations on the investigation and recording of industrial accidents;

1.4.13. Regulations on the procedure for development and approval of Rules and Instructions for labor protection;

1.4.14. Labor safety instructions for workers (employees) of their department;

1.4.15. Rules for labor protection during loading and unloading operations and placement of cargo;

1.4.14. Fundamentals of labor legislation;

1.4.15. Internal labor regulations;

1.4.16. Labor protection rules and regulations.

1.5. The shift supervisor (master) must be certified for:

1.5.1. Fire safety rules.

1.5.2. Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes.

1.5.3. Labor protection.

1.6. The shift supervisor (foreman) reports directly to the production manager of the Plant.

1.7. During the absence of the shift supervisor (foreman), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner, who bears full responsibility for their high-quality, efficient and timely implementation.

1.8. Corporate qualification requirements for a shift supervisor (foreman) include:

1.8.1. good knowledge and ability to identify and solve complex problems by adapting existing procedures/technologies/methods, actively participate in improvements and changes, work independently without time limits and with changes in plans;

1.8.2. diligence and discipline, initiative;

1.8.3. ability to plan your own activities and the activities of subordinates;

1.8.4. knowledge of subordinate personnel, their needs and expectations;

1.8.5. self-control, speech culture, ability to listen;

1.8.6. ability to work with documents;

1.8.7. ability to resolve problems;

1.8.8. learning ability, flexibility of thinking;

1.8.9. stress resistance;

1.8.10. loyalty;

1.8.11. constructiveness.

II. Job responsibilities

The shift supervisor (foreman) is assigned the following functions:

2.1. Production site management;

2.2. Organization of the implementation of advanced methods and techniques of work;

2.3. Organization of work to improve the qualifications and professional skills of workers and foremen;

2.4. Monitoring compliance with occupational health and safety regulations;

2.5. Shift supervisor (master):

2.5.1. Ensures the implementation of shift production tasks by departments of the workshop (sections, teams).

2.5.2. Ensures compliance with the established technology for the production of products, performance of work (services), and the rhythmic release of high-quality products.

2.5.3. Organizes timely preparation of production, rhythmic loading and operation of equipment.

2.5.4. Provides material resources (raw materials, components, packaging material, etc.) to both his own and other (night) shifts, while preventing a reduction in material resources to less than the daily supply.

2.5.5. Exercises operational control over the provision of material resources, technically correct operation of equipment and other fixed assets, and economical use of raw materials.

2.5.6. Analyzes, prevents and eliminates the causes of production disruptions.

2.5.7. Conducts work to identify and organize the use of additional production reserves, which increase labor productivity and product quality, and reduce production costs (labor and material).

2.5.8. Takes part in work on operational production planning, improving standardization, certification and rationalization of jobs, disseminating advanced production methods, and reducing labor costs.

2.5.9. Maintains time sheets.

2.5.10. Monitors the correct completion of production reports for workshop teams.

2.5.11. Maintains records of equipment downtime for reasons during the shift.

2.5.12. Analyzes the results of the workshop's production activities per shift, the reasons that caused equipment downtime and a decrease in product quality.

2.5.13. Participates in the development and implementation of measures to eliminate identified deficiencies.

2.5.14. Organizes operational accounting of the movement of products to workplaces, fulfillment of production tasks.

2.5.15. Receives material resources for safekeeping from the head of the logistics warehouse.

2.5.16. Monitors employees' compliance with occupational health and safety rules and regulations, production and labor discipline, and internal labor regulations.

2.5.17. Supervises workers of other shifts working on the night shift, monitors their compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

2.5.18. Presents proposals for rewarding distinguished employees, imposing disciplinary sanctions on violators of production and labor discipline, and applying material sanctions, if necessary.

2.5.19. Organizes work to improve the skills of workers and employees of the workshop, conducts educational work in the team.

III. Rights

The shift supervisor (master) has the right:

1. Request and receive the necessary information from the heads of the structural divisions of the Plant and specialists.

2. Participate in the preparation of draft orders, instructions, instructions related to the functioning of the workshop.

3. Within your competence, sign and endorse documents.

4. Independently conduct correspondence with structural divisions of the Plant, as well as other organizations on issues within its competence.

IV. Responsibility

The shift manager (master) is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. For the implementation of corrective and preventive actions aimed at eliminating identified and potential nonconformities and continuous improvement of the quality management system.

Hello my readers!!! Today we will talk about such a production manager as a site foreman. Let's talk about his job responsibilities and the responsibility he bears for the workers in the area of ​​the production workshop entrusted to him.

Site foreman. Job responsibilities of the foreman.

The main job responsibility of the foreman is, of course, site management. Issuing shift assignments to workers, ensuring that everyone uses the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE). During the shift, the site foreman monitors the working personnel. So that they use safe practices when working on metalworking equipment.

Although the foreman of a production workshop is an engineering and technical worker (E&T), for example, if we take a technologist of the same workshop or a supervisor of parts processed at a given site, then their responsibilities are very different. The technologist is the author of the processing technology, and the master is obliged to ensure its implementation 100%.

In addition, the master is personally responsible for the safety of the parts that are processed on his site, and if during the next inventory of inventory items (material assets) a shortage is revealed, then he will have to reimburse the entire cost of the missing item.

First watch this video about the site foreman:

What kind of education should a site foreman have?

Nowadays, of course, working for a master, a specialist who has a specialized secondary education (technical school, college) can become a specialist, but now it is desirable to have a higher education :)

Site foreman rights.

Since the responsibilities of the workshop foreman in production include fulfilling the production plan and ensuring the safety of personnel (workers), he has the right to not allow them to work in the following cases:

  • Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • If the employee has not passed the labor safety knowledge test (or safety training)
  • Remove a worker from performing a task if his machine is in a faulty condition.
  • Demand compliance with various orders for the workshop, site and production (plant).
  • If a worker uses a faulty test tool to control the parameters of a part.

Working day for a site foreman.

At our company, the working day begins at 7:00 and so

6:30 — 7:00

The manager comes and walks around the area and looks at its condition to see if there are any oil or coolant leaks on the equipment, if the wiring of the machines is working properly, etc. Issues shift assignments to teams.

7:00 — 7:30

Gathers his workers and gives them a shift assignment, not forgetting to assess their physical condition (it happens that they come “under the care” 🙂)

8:00 — 9:00

Operational meeting with the workshop manager. It is attended not only by all the foremen, but also by representatives of all department services (mechanic, power engineer, supply manager, head of the planning and dispatch bureau (PDB)). At this meeting, various issues related to production are discussed.


Everyone begins to complete the task received, and the master exercises supervisory control over this process.

11:00 — 11:20

Lunch break

11:30 — 13:00

The foreman must make sure that there are no obstacles to completing the shift task; if there is any threat to the completion of the task, he must report this to his superiors.

13:00 — 15:00

Checks the implementation of the production plan and issues invoices for sending finished parts to other workshops or for assembly of units.

15:30 — 16:00

Evening operational meeting with the shop manager, where the results of the day's work are summed up and plans for the 2nd shift are outlined.

Of course, you can write and write a lot more about the job responsibilities of a site foreman, and I think if you are interested in the legal side of this issue, you can find the job description for a production workshop foreman on the Internet. I did not set out to simply reprint it; I highlighted the most important aspects that are related to the work performed by the foreman of the production workshop.

If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will answer with pleasure 🙂 and let’s just chat. BYE EVERYONE!!!

Andrey was with you!
