Gas equipment maintenance agreement. Maintenance contract - types and conditions Standard contract for gas pipeline maintenance

Contract for maintenance of gas equipment has recently become mandatory for all citizens of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the agreement, authorized persons providing gas supply services are required to regularly check the integrity of the conductive systems and eliminate any problems or malfunctions of the modules.

But in relation to what kind of equipment is an agreement of this type being drawn up? Are external systems and modules exclusively subject to maintenance? With whom and on what grounds is the contract concluded? What are the rules for drawing up an agreement of this type? How are the rights and obligations of each party determined? The answers to all the questions presented above are in this article.


The concept of a mandatory agreement with a gas equipment maintenance supplier was developed by the Government of the Russian Federation due to the increasing frequency of accidents in premises with gas wiring. In this regard, May 14, 2013 adopted. The regulatory act in question regulates the process of formalizing agreements with authorized companies and determines the types of equipment in respect of which a maintenance contract is concluded. The following are subject to professional inspection:

Rights and obligations of the parties

The rights and obligations of the parties to a transaction under a gas equipment maintenance agreement must be specified in the actual text of the agreement. The direct responsibilities of the performer include:

  • Provision of services specified in the contract;
  • Responsibility for the quality of work performed;
  • Ensuring the acceptance of requests for emergency situations by emergency dispatch service employees around the clock;
  • Mobilization of employees in situations of force majeure;
  • Conducting certification and advanced training courses for employees.

The Contractor is authorized:

  • To disconnect gas-insulating plugs if necessary;
  • Provide the customer with notice of maintenance provided;
  • Demand from the customer timely payments for work performed.

In its turn, the customer is obliged:

  • Adhere to safety rules when using gas for personal purposes, in production or at home;
  • Do not impede the access of GorGaz employees or other specialized organizations to gas systems from 8:00 to 17:00 (emergency services must have access to gas supply modules around the clock);
  • Timely clean the chimneys and ventilation shafts of your own home;
  • If it is necessary to disconnect gas supply systems, promptly notify authorized employees by calling 04;
  • Do not repair, reconstruct or dismantle gas systems yourself;
  • Pay bills stipulated by the agreement in question on time;
  • Additionally finance repair, dismantling and other work of the contractor not provided for in the text of the agreement;
  • Seal the inlets and outlets of gas pipelines and underground systems (in the case of apartment buildings).

IN customer rights includes:

  • Submitting an emergency application at any time of the day;
  • Possibility of requesting additional measures to improve the technical condition of gas equipment.

Both parties are required to follow the regulations prescribed in the official agreement. In case of deviation from the standards of the agreement, liability is provided, the extent of which is determined on the basis of agreement of the parties.

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 AGREEMENT N for the provision of maintenance services for gas pipelines and gas equipment of private households and apartments in multi-apartment residential buildings in the city of Saratov "_____"_______________ 2010 OJSC "Saratovgaz", hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by _________________________________________________________________________, acting on the basis of a power of attorney ____________________________________________________________, on the one hand, and ________________________________________________________________________, which is a private homeowner, hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", on the other hand, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, in order trouble-free and uninterrupted operation of gas equipment, have entered into this Agreement as follows: 1. Subject of the Agreement 1.1. Under this Agreement, the Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with services for the maintenance of gas pipelines and gas equipment (hereinafter referred to as “gas equipment”) of the Customer in the amount specified in the table below: Name of gas equipment Number of pcs./l.m Address of location of gas equipment Frequency those. Maintenance NoteGas stove PG-1 time. 12 months. Gas boiler 1 time. 12 months. Gas meter 1 time. 12 months. Geyser 1 time. 12 months. Heating stove 1 time. 12 months. External gas pipeline 1 time. 3 months d=Threaded connections and gas valves on the gas pipeline 1 time. 12 months. Ventilation duct 1 time. 12 months. Smoke channel 1 time. 12 months 1.2. The Contractor, within the framework of this Agreement, provides the following types of services for the maintenance of gas equipment specified in clause 1.1. of this Agreement: 1.2.1. Maintenance of external gas pipelines: - bypass and inspection of the external gas pipeline route; - maintenance of shut-off devices on the external gas pipeline; - checking the condition of painting and fastening of the gas pipeline, the presence and integrity of casings in places where gas pipelines are laid through the external and internal structures of buildings; - checking the tightness of connections of gas pipelines and fittings using an instrument or soap emulsion; 1.2.2. Maintenance of intra-house gas pipelines and household gas equipment: - visual inspection of compliance of the installation of gas-using equipment and the laying of gas pipelines in the premises with regulatory requirements; - checking the tightness of connections of gas pipelines, gas equipment and fittings using an instrument method or soap emulsion; - checking the integrity and completeness of gas-using equipment; - checking the functionality and lubrication of valves installed on gas pipelines; - checking the presence of draft in the smoke and ventilation ducts, the condition of the connecting pipes of gas-using equipment with the smoke duct, the presence of air flow for combustion; 1. 2.3. Instructs the subscriber on the “Rules for using gas at home.” 1.3. Maintenance of gas equipment is carried out in accordance with the schedule (Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement) within the timeframe agreed upon by the parties. 1.4. The provision of gas equipment maintenance services by the Contractor to the Customer under this Agreement is documented in a maintenance report. 2. Rights and obligations of the parties 2.1. The Contractor is obliged to: 2.1.1 Timely and efficiently service the gas equipment specified in clause 1.1. actual agreement. 2.1.2. Provide 24-hour emergency service for gas equipment when the Customer contacts by phone 04. 2.2. The Contractor has the right: 2.2.1. Stop the gas supply to the Customer in the following cases: - during work to localize and eliminate accidents or incidents; - during scheduled work with a warning to the Customer about the work being carried out 24 hours in advance; - during unscheduled work with a warning to the Customer about the work being carried out 24 hours in advance; - in case of violation by the Customer of the “Rules for the use of gas at home”. 2.2.2. Draw up and issue to the Customer an act prohibiting the use of gas in connection with the discovery of faulty gas appliances, and in the absence or disturbance of draft in the smoke and ventilation ducts, stop the gas supply with subsequent notification of the Gas Supplier. 2.2.3. Check documents on gasification of a household, a household plan, a house register and metering devices. 2.2.4. Check and, if unauthorized installation of gas-using equipment is detected, unauthorized transfer of gas appliances, absence of a seal on the meter and other violations, or deviations from the gasification project, draw up a report on the detected violations, one copy of which is presented to the Customer, the second is left with the Contractor, and the third copy is transferred Gas supplier. 2.2.5. In the event of a violation by the Customer of the terms of this Agreement, the Contractor has the right to suspend its execution with notification of this to the Customer, until the Customer eliminates the reasons that led to the suspension of execution of the Agreement. 2.3. The customer is obliged to: 2.3.1. Follow the “Rules for using gas at home”, instructions for using gas equipment specified in the passport for this equipment. 2.3.2. Provide the Contractor with gasification documents, including a project for gasification of a household, a household plan, and an extract from the house register. 2.3.3. Follow the Contractor's instructions to eliminate identified violations in the cases provided for in clause 2.2.2 of this Agreement. 2.3.4. Ensure free access for the Contractor's representatives (upon presentation of identification) to perform their duties under the Contract by the Contractor in accordance with the maintenance frequency specified in the table of clause 1.1. of this Agreement, at the time specified by the Contractor, and in emergency situations - at any time of the day. 2.3.5. Maintain gas equipment in technically sound condition in compliance with the requirements of the technical and sanitary condition of the premises where it is installed. 2.3.6. Perform timely painting of gas pipelines. 2.3.7. Carry out repairs and replacement of gas equipment, gas pipelines, gas pipeline fastenings, insulating coatings with the involvement of specialized enterprises. 2.3.8. Operate gas equipment by trained persons. 2.3.9. Pay at your own expense for work on restarting gas into gas equipment that was turned off by the Contractor for violating the “Rules for using gas at home”, or in the cases provided for in clause 2.2.2 of the Agreement. 2.3.10. Notify the Contractor within three days of information if there is a change in place of residence or other factors affecting changes in the terms of this Agreement, as well as if there is a change or addition to the gas pipeline or gas equipment diagram. 2.3.11. Accept the services provided under the contract by signing the maintenance sheet, or, in case of disagreement, submit a written reasoned objection to it. In case of failure to sign the statement and provide reasoned objections, the services are considered properly provided. 2.4. The customer has the right: 2.4.1. Receive quality gas equipment maintenance services. 2.4.2. For repair of gas equipment by the Contractor at the request of the Customer for an additional fee. 2.4.3. For work to replace individual parts and components of gas equipment that have become unusable, paid additionally by the Customer, subject to the availability of spare parts and the technical capabilities of the Contractor. 3. Cost of work and calculations of the parties 3.1. The cost of service at the time of concluding this Agreement is _______________________________________________________________________________ (including VAT) in accordance with Appendix No. 2, which is an integral part of this Agreement, based on the prices of the current “Price list for services for maintenance and repair of gas supply systems” and can be changed by the Contractor unilaterally, but not more than 1 (one) time a year. A notice of changes in prices for maintenance services is published in the official publication one month before the change. If the Customer disagrees with the price change, the Agreement may be terminated early, at the Customer’s initiative, with mandatory written notification to the Contractor one month before termination. 3.2. The Customer makes payment on the day the Contractor provides the services before they are actually performed. 4. Responsibility of the parties 4.1. The Customer is responsible for the safe operation of gas equipment. 4.2. The Contractor is not responsible and does not guarantee the operation of gas equipment if the Customer violates the "Rules for using gas at home", instructions for using gas equipment and the terms of this Agreement, as well as before the first maintenance of gas equipment is carried out in accordance with the schedule (Appendix No. 1 ) . 4.3. In everything that is not provided for in this Agreement, the parties are guided by current legislation. 4.4. All disputes not resolved through negotiations are resolved in court. 5. Confidentiality 5.1. The Parties undertake to maintain confidentiality with respect to information received by them from each other or that has become known to them during the performance of work under this Agreement, and not to open or disclose information in general or in particular to any third party without the prior written consent of the other Party to this Agreement. 5.2. The customer consents to the processing of his personal data contained in this agreement (last name, first name, patronymic, registration and place of residence, passport details, contact phone number), that is, to perform all actions with them established by Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal data" through mixed data processing, in order to ensure laws and other regulatory legal acts, and the implementation by the Contractor of the services provided. This consent is valid until the termination of this agreement or until the date of its withdrawal by the Customer by sending to the Contractor a written message about the said withdrawal in any form, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 6. Validity period and conditions for termination of the Agreement 6.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of signing and is valid until "_____"____________________, and in terms of settlements, until the parties fully fulfill their obligations. The term of the Agreement is extended for an indefinite period, unless one of the Parties notifies the other Party in writing of its desire to terminate the Agreement at least 30 (thirty) days before the expected date of termination of the Agreement. 6.2. The parties may terminate this Agreement early, provided there is no debt, by sending the other party a notice 30 days before the date of termination. 7. Final provisions 7.1. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties. 7.2. All annexes to this Agreement are an integral part of it and have legal force. 7.3. In all other respects that are not provided for in this Agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 8. Details of the parties 8.1. "Customer"8.2. "Contractor" OJSC "Saratovgaz" 410076 Saratov, st. Ordzhonikidze, 26 Taxpayer Identification Number 6451114530/645101001 CJSC "Gazenergoprombank" Gazoprovod village, Moscow region, account 40702810300010004840 BIC 044525363 account 30101810100000000363 tel. ____________________ SIGNATURES OF THE PARTIES: Customer: Contractor: ______________/___________ _________________/_____________

 AGREEMENT No. ___ - VDGO for the provision of services for maintenance, emergency dispatch support and repair of in-house gas equipment in the city of Volgograd "__" ___________ 20___ JSC "Volgogradgorgaz", hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by General Director S. IN. Garkushina, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and ___________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”, represented by _________________________________________________________________, acting on the basis of _______________________________________, on the other hand, have concluded this agreement as follows: 1. SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT 1.1. The Customer instructs and the Contractor assumes obligations for the maintenance, repair and emergency dispatch support of in-house gas equipment (hereinafter referred to as VDGO) at the Customer’s facilities on the terms and to the extent established by this agreement and in accordance with the Procedure for the maintenance and repair of in-house gas equipment equipment in the Russian Federation (approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2009 No. 239). 1.2. The list of serviced apartment buildings is given in Appendix No. 1, which is an integral part of this agreement, and during the validity of the agreement can be changed by written agreement of the parties. 1.3. The objects of service under this agreement are in-house gas equipment, which is part of the common property of multi-apartment residential buildings and gas-using equipment (VDGO), connected to the gas distribution network, providing gas supply. 1.4. In order to fulfill its obligations and regulatory requirements, the Contractor carries out the following types of work: 1.4.1. Maintenance, including: Visual inspection of integrity and compliance with regulatory requirements (inspection). Visual check for free access (inspection). Visual inspection of the condition of the painting and fastenings of the gas pipeline, the presence and integrity of the casings in places where they are laid through the external and internal structures of buildings (inspection). Instrumental testing of tightness of gas pipeline connections and disconnecting devices. Checking the functionality and lubrication of gas pipeline shut-off devices. Checking the presence of draft in the smoke and ventilation ducts, the condition of the connecting pipes with the smoke duct. Dismantling and lubrication of taps of household gas-using equipment. Checking the functionality of security automation, its adjustment and adjustment. Adjustment of the gas combustion process in all operating modes. Instructing consumers on the rules for safe use of gas. 1.4.2. Emergency dispatch support - ensuring the constant ability to localize accidents (incidents) and eliminate them by keeping the Contractor's emergency dispatch service on duty around the clock. 1.4.3. Repair work carried out at the Customer's request, including: Replacement and dismantling of individual sections of gas pipelines of the gas consumption network. Replacement of disconnecting devices and connecting parts. Replacement of components and parts. Elimination of gas leaks. Repair of fastenings and supports. Painting of gas pipelines. 1.4.4. Primary technical inventory of gas-using equipment and at the end of its service life established by the manufacturer. 1.4.5. Emergency service - a set of works to localize and (or) eliminate accidents and incidents to eliminate an immediate threat to the health and life of people, performed by the Contractor's emergency dispatch service based on the Customer's requests. 1.4.6. Emergency restoration work is a set of works to restore the operability of gas distribution system facilities after liquidation of accidents, carried out at the request of the Customer. 1.5. The frequency of maintenance of facilities is established in accordance with the requirements of OST 153-39.3-051-2003 ("Technical operation of gas distribution systems. Basic provisions. Gas distribution networks and gas equipment of buildings. Tank and cylinder installations"), the Procedure for the maintenance and repair of in-house gas equipment in the Russian Federation Federation (approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2009 No. 239) and the Work Schedule (Appendix No. 2), approved by the Customer, which is an integral part of this agreement. 2. ORDER OF WORK PERFORMANCE 2.1. Maintenance is carried out to the extent and within the time frame agreed upon by the parties, with prior notification to the Customer of the date of work and in the presence of the Customer's Representative, determined in accordance with clause 3.3.6. actual agreement. 2.2. If it is impossible for the Contractor to carry out planned work in full due to failure to provide access to the serviced objects of this agreement, the Contractor shall re-notify and re-enter the unserviced object. In case of failure to perform work due to lack of access to serviced facilities, the Contractor records the reason in the Facility Accounting Sheet (statement form Appendix No. 4). The Contractor is not responsible for the technical condition of a VDGO that has not been serviced for this reason; a written notification of this is sent to the Customer. The Customer reimburses the Contractor for actual expenses incurred in accordance with Art. 781 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. 2.3. After completing the maintenance work, the parties sign the Work Acceptance Certificate (Appendix No. 3). If within 5 days from the date the Customer receives the certificate of completion of the work, the Customer does not receive a reasoned refusal to accept the work, then the maintenance services are considered accepted by the Customer and are payable on the basis of a unilateral act; no further claims will be accepted. 2.4. If the need for repair work is detected, the Contractor notifies the Customer in writing of the need to eliminate deficiencies in order to ensure uninterrupted and trouble-free gas supply to the house. 2.5. Repair work and technical inventory of gas-using equipment are carried out on weekdays from 8:30 to 17:30, based on an application registered in the prescribed manner, with payment according to the Contractor’s Price List. 2.6. Emergency service is provided around the clock by the Contractor's emergency dispatch service, upon requests from the Customer or citizens living in an apartment building, received by calling 04 or 54-17-16 with payment according to the Contractor's Price List. 2.7. Emergency restoration work is carried out around the clock by the Contractor's emergency dispatch service, upon the Customer's requests received by calling 04 or 54-17-16 with payment according to the Contractor's Price List. 3. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES 3.1. The Contractor is obliged to: 3.1.1. Carry out maintenance and repair work on VDGOs and provide emergency dispatch support in accordance with the Procedure for the maintenance and repair of in-house gas equipment in the Russian Federation (approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2009 No. 239). 3.1.2. Provide information on the progress of maintenance work upon the written request of the Customer. 3.1.3. Notify the Customer of the need for repair work. 3.1.4. Promptly provide the Customer with certificates of completion of work confirming the quality of the services (work) performed. 3.2. The Contractor has the right: 3.2.1. Disconnect gas pipelines and gas-using equipment if: -unauthorized gasification or reconstruction of in-house gas equipment is detected; - redevelopment of premises leading to disruption of the internal gas equipment; - the need to replace household gas-using equipment that cannot be repaired; - identified gas leaks from household gas-using equipment and internal gas pipelines; - malfunctions of safety automation of household gas-using equipment and other malfunctions that may lead to an accident or pose a threat to the life and safety of people in the absence of the technical ability to eliminate them immediately; - lack of draft in chimneys and ventilation ducts; - violation of the tightness of the chimney of gas-using equipment; - lack of conditions to ensure air flow for gas combustion. 3.2.2. Require the Customer to provide free access to the objects being serviced. 3.2.3. Require the Customer to provide information necessary to perform the work. 3.2.4. Postpone the deadlines for completing work in the event of failure by the Customer to fulfill the obligations provided for in clauses. 3.3.2, 4.2. of this agreement unilaterally, as well as in other cases as agreed with the Customer. 3.2.5. Terminate the contract unilaterally by notifying the Customer 10 days in advance. 3.3. The customer is obliged: 3.3.1. Comply with the requirements of the "Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock", approved. Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003. No. 170 and OST 153-39.3-051-2003, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 549 of July 21, 2008 “On the procedure for supplying gas to meet the household needs of citizens”, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491 “On approval of the Rules maintenance of common property in an apartment building and the rules for changing the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in the case of the provision of services and performance of work on the management, maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration", Resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2006 No. 307 “On the procedure for providing utility services to citizens”, Procedure for the maintenance and repair of in-house gas equipment in the Russian Federation (approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2009 No. 239). 3.3.2. Provide free access to the Contractor's representatives to the serviced facilities. 3.3.3. Seal the entrances and exits of gas pipelines and underground communications of apartment buildings; 3.3.4. Provide the necessary information regarding the in-house gas equipment of multi-apartment residential buildings, timely provide the information base and all changes to it, allowing the Contractor to fulfill its obligations under this agreement properly. 3.3.5. Pay for the work performed within the time frame and in the manner provided for in this agreement. 3.3.6. Appoint a person responsible for the safe operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems of a residential building. 3.4. The customer has the right: 3.4.1. Carry out quality control of the services provided for in this agreement; 3.4.2. Receive information about the progress of maintenance; 3.4.3. Submit motivated comments on work completion reports within five days from the date of receipt; 3.4. 4. Make demands on the Contractor regarding the quality of services provided and, as a result, recalculation for services not provided or of poor quality. 4. COST OF WORK AND PAYMENT PROCEDURE 4.1. The cost of maintenance work is determined in accordance with the Contractor's Estimate, which is an integral part of this agreement, valid at the time of conclusion (Appendix No. 1). 4.2. Payment for maintenance services is made by the Customer for the actual work performed, according to the certificates of work performed on the basis of issued invoices, before the 10th day of the month following the reporting month, by transferring funds to the Contractor's bank account, or in another way. 4.3. The cost of work under the contract may be changed by the Contractor unilaterally in the event of a change in pricing factors, with notification of this to the Customer 15 days before the change. 4.4. The work provided for in clause 1.4.3., clause 1.4.4., clause 1.4.5., clause 1.4.6. of this agreement, are paid by the Customer on the basis of separate invoices and certificates of work performed, in accordance with the Contractor’s Price List, within 10 days from the date of receipt of the invoices, by transferring funds to the Contractor’s bank account, or in another way. 5. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARTIES 5.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations assumed under this agreement, the parties are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. The Customer is responsible for the safety, maintenance in good condition and safe operation of the VDGO, which relates to the common property of an apartment building. 5.3. The owner is responsible for the safety, maintenance in good condition and safe operation of gas-using equipment. 5.4. Responsibility for the quality of technical maintenance of VDGO, in accordance with the Certificate of Completion of Work, lies with the Contractor in accordance with current legislation. 5.5. All disputes and disagreements that may arise between the parties will be resolved through negotiations. If controversial issues are not resolved during negotiations, disputes are resolved in court, established by current legislation. 6. FORCE MAJEURE (FORCE MAJEURE) 6.1. The parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this agreement if the failure was a consequence of natural phenomena, external objective factors, or other circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor. 6.2. The parties are liable for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this agreement in the presence of fault only in cases provided for by law or this agreement. 7. DURATION OF THE AGREEMENT 7.1. This agreement comes into force on _____________ and is valid until _______________. (for a period of 3 years). 7.2. This agreement may be terminated: * by written agreement of the parties; * unilaterally if one of the parties refuses this agreement in cases where the possibility of such refusal is provided for by law or this agreement. 8. FINAL PROVISIONS 8.1. In all other respects that are not provided for in this agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 8.2. If postal and bank details change, as well as in the event of reorganization, the Parties undertake to notify each other of the changes within ten days. 8.3. Any changes and additions to this agreement are valid provided that they are made in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of the parties. 8.4. All notices and communications must be given in writing. Messages will be considered duly executed if they are sent by registered mail, by fax or delivered in person to the legal (postal) addresses of the parties with receipt against signature by the relevant authorized persons. 8.5. This agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one copy for each of the parties. 8.6. The parties to this agreement have the right to collect, systematize, accumulate, store, clarify, use, distribute, including transfer of personal data necessary for the conclusion and execution of this agreement, as well as their destruction in the prescribed manner after the expiration of the storage period in accordance with current legislation. 8.7. The parties ensure the confidentiality of information, including personal data, that has become known to them in connection with the conclusion and execution of this agreement, for which they undertake to take measures provided for by law to prevent unauthorized access and dissemination of confidential information and personal data. The specific rights and obligations of the parties to protect confidential information, trade secrets, and personal data are determined in local regulations, regulations on the structural divisions of the parties, and job descriptions of their employees. 8.8. The agreement is confidential and is not subject to disclosure to organizations and persons not related to the implementation of this agreement, except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 8.9. If regulations are adopted that amend the current terms of this agreement, this agreement is considered amended from the moment the relevant regulation comes into force. 9. APPLICATIONS. Appendix No. 1 Contractor's estimate for technical maintenance of VDGO. Appendix No. 2 Maintenance schedule. Appendix No. 3 Form of Work Completion Certificate. Appendix No. 4 Form of the Statement of Accounting of Objects. 10. ADDRESSES, PAYMENT DETAILS AND SIGNATURES OF THE PARTIES. Customer: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contractor: OJSC "Volgogradgorgaz" INN/KPP 3434000560/344401001 Legal address 400005, Volgograd, st. Kommunisticheskaya, 38 Postal address: 400005, Volgograd, st. Kommunisticheskaya, 38 Account number 40702810200010004843 in the Central branch of AB "Russia", Gazoprovod settlement, Moscow region. contract 30101810400000000132 BIC 044599132 Customer Executor General Director _______________/______________/___________________/S.V. Garkushina/ SAMPLE Appendix No. 3 to Agreement No. ___ dated _______. ACT OF COMPLETED WORK dated "___" ________20__. for the provision of maintenance services for in-house gas equipment under contract No. _____ dated ___________ for __________ 20__ (month) This act was drawn up by a representative of Volgogradgorgaz OJSC, on the one hand, and _____________________________________________________, on the other hand, stating that (name Customer) OJSC "Volgogradgorgaz" produced: No. Name of gas pipeline and equipment Unit. change Quantity under contract Position number Tariff Quantity of work actually performed at the address: _______________________________________________________________, and _________________________________________________, accepted_ the work performed. (name of the Customer) Passed by:__________________________________________________________________________________ (position, signature, full name) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (position, signature. Full name) m.p. Representative of OJSC "Volgogradgorgaz" Accepted by: _________________________________________________________________________ (position, signature. Full name) l.p. Representative __________________________________________ (name of the Customer) MGP-__ SVDGO, Brigade __________________ Note: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ The first copy is for the Customer, the second is for the Contractor. Agreed by: Customer Executor General Director ___________________/_______________/ ____________________ / S.V. Garkushina /

In accordance with Part 2, Part 3 of Art. 9.23 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses provides for administrative liability for avoiding concluding an agreement on the maintenance and repair of indoor gas equipment, as well as for refusing admission to a representative of a specialized organization to carry out work on the maintenance and repair of indoor gas equipment.

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VDGO service contract

The main types of work during the maintenance of VDGO are:

· unscheduled repairs at the request of subscribers (VRZ);

· periodic maintenance under an agreement with the owner of the house (PTO).

· turning off gas appliances with the installation of a plug in case of violation of the rules of safe use and failure to comply with issued instructions;

· checking for tightness of all threaded connections, taps and devices up to the burner nozzles by washing or using a gas detector;

· checking the functionality of the valves at the inlet, risers, drops and the devices themselves; the valves must ensure complete shutoff of the gas;

· checking the presence of draft in smoke and ventilation ducts before and after turning on the devices;

· visual check of the gas combustion process and flame stability.

Periodic maintenance without checking the internal gas distribution system for leaks by testing (pressure testing) is carried out once a year.

Periodic maintenance of all types of gas appliances with testing of the gas wiring for leaks is carried out once every 3 years.

Unscheduled repairs upon request are carried out upon receipt of the request, regardless of the timing of periodic maintenance.

Work performed during maintenance of all types of gas appliances:

Visual inspection of compliance of premises, laying of gas pipelines and installation of gas appliances with the requirements of norms and regulations;

Checking the availability of free access to the gas pipeline and gas-using equipment;

Checking the condition of the painting and fastenings of the gas pipeline, the presence and integrity of cases in places where gas pipelines are laid

through external and internal structures of buildings;

Checking the tightness of connections of gas pipelines and fittings using an instrument method or soap emulsion;

Checking the integrity and completeness of gas-using equipment;

Checking the functionality and lubrication of taps (valves) installed on gas pipelines, if necessary, refilling the stuffing box seals;

Checking the presence of draft in the smoke and ventilation ducts, the condition of the connecting pipes of gas-using equipment with the smoke duct, the presence of air flow for combustion;

Dismantling and lubrication of all taps of household gas-using equipment;

Checking the functionality of the safety automation of household gas-using equipment, its adjustment and adjustment;

Cleaning burners from contaminants, adjusting the gas combustion process in all operating modes of the equipment;

Checking the tightness (pressure testing) of household gas-using equipment;

Identification of the need for replacement or repair (restoration) of individual components and parts of gas-using equipment;

Checking the presence of special signs on gas burners, appliances and devices with exhaust of combustion products into the chimney, warning about the mandatory check for the presence of draft before and after igniting the equipment;

Instructing consumers on the rules for safe use of gas at home.

Additionally, when maintaining different types of gas appliances, certain types of work specific to these appliances are performed.

Date of publication: 2015-01-26; Read: 1323 | Page copyright infringement

What is maintenance of in-house and intra-apartment gas equipment (VDGO/VKGO)?

On June 1, 2013, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 410 of May 14, 2013 “On measures to ensure safety during the use and maintenance of in-house and intra-apartment gas equipment” came into force, which approved the Rules for the use of gas in terms of ensuring safety during the use and maintenance of in-house and intra-apartment gas equipment. gas equipment when providing gas utility services.

The document establishes requirements for the safe maintenance and use of intra-house and intra-apartment gas equipment (VDGO and VKGO), as well as the obligation to carry out maintenance of VDGO and VKGO - a set of measures carried out to maintain gas equipment in working condition.

However, citizens are in no hurry to enter into contracts for the maintenance of their gas stoves, boilers, water heaters; they repair and install gas appliances without permission; they are in no hurry to change equipment that has exhausted its service life and the use of which has become simply life-threatening. Such an agreement is needed, first of all, by the owners of gas equipment themselves, since according to the law, responsibility for the maintenance of VDGO/VKGO lies with the owners of gas equipment. Regular maintenance is a guarantee of reliable and trouble-free operation of gas equipment installed in residential buildings and apartments of citizens, and therefore a guarantee of your safety.

Who is obliged to enter into a contract for maintenance of VDGO/VKGO?

Responsibility for concluding an agreement on the maintenance and repair of intra-house and (or) intra-apartment gas equipment is assigned to:

a) in relation to the indoor gas equipment of an apartment building - to the management organization, partnership or cooperative;

b) in relation to indoor gas equipment in a household - to the owner of the household;

c) in relation to indoor gas equipment - to the owner (user) of the premises located in an apartment building in which such equipment is located.

Government Decree No. 410 also determines with whom an agreement on the maintenance and repair of VDGO and VKGO is concluded and who has the right to sign it. It has been established that the owner of a VKGO in an apartment can delegate his powers to conclude an agreement on maintenance and repair to an organization that manages the common property of residents of an apartment building. On behalf of a group of citizens, the agreement can be signed by a person from among the owners of premises in an apartment building; an organization that manages the common property of residents of an apartment building. In this case, it is necessary to convene a general meeting of residents of an apartment building, at which a decision must be made on conferring powers on a particular person.

Who has the right to carry out maintenance and repair work?

The adopted resolution determines that only a specialized organization has the right to carry out maintenance and repair work on VDGO and VKGO on the basis of an appropriate agreement.

"Specialized organization" - an organization carrying out activities for the maintenance and repair of in-house and (or) in-house gas equipment, including a gas distribution organization that meets the requirements established by Section IX of Government Decree No. 410, which has sent a notification to the authorized state control (supervision) body on the start of activities for the maintenance and repair of intra-house and (or) intra-apartment gas equipment in accordance with paragraph 40 of part 2 of Article 8 of the Federal Law “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control.”

You can find a list of organizations on the website of the State Housing Inspectorate of the Kirov Region. Register of notifications about the start of certain types of business activities.

To conclude a contract for maintenance in the Kirov region, you can contact Gazprom Gas Distribution Kirov JSC:

The existence of an agreement between the gas consumer and JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Kirov implies not only maintenance work on gas equipment, but also 24-hour emergency dispatch support.

How often should maintenance be carried out?

Maintenance of external gas pipelines that are part of the VDGO of an apartment building or household is carried out at the following frequency:

  • bypassing the routes of overhead and (or) underground gas pipelines - at least once a year;
  • instrumental inspection of the technical condition of gas pipelines - at least once every three years;
  • maintenance of internal gas pipelines included in the VDGO - at least once a year;
  • maintenance of gas stoves, boilers and water heaters - at least once a year;
  • maintenance of the tank (for one household) and group cylinder installation of liquefied hydrocarbon gases, which is part of the in-house gas equipment - at least once every 3 months.

Government Decree No. 410 determines that replacement of gas-using equipment and changing the configuration of gas pipelines is carried out only by a specialized organization as part of the execution of an agreement on the maintenance and repair of VDGO and VKGO. Independent replacement of the specified equipment by its owner without the involvement of a specialized organization is not allowed!

What are the consequences of refusing to conclude a maintenance contract for VDGO/VKGO?

In accordance with Part.

Maintenance of gas equipment

2, part 3 art. 9.23 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses provides for administrative liability for avoiding concluding an agreement on the maintenance and repair of indoor gas equipment, as well as for refusing admission to a representative of a specialized organization to carry out work on the maintenance and repair of indoor gas equipment.

Administrative liability provides for punishment in the form of an administrative fine for citizens in the amount of one thousand to two thousand rubles; for officials - from five thousand to twenty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from forty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles.

The existence of an agreement on the maintenance and repair of VDGO and VKGO is a mandatory condition for the provision of gas supply to consumers. This norm is enshrined in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2008 No. 549 “On the procedure for supplying gas to meet the household needs of citizens.”

In the absence of an agreement, the gas supplier has the right to unilaterally suspend the supply of gas to the subscriber with prior written notice.

To conclude an agreement on maintenance and emergency dispatch support for VDGO/VKGO, you must contact branch of Gazprom Gas Distribution Kirov JSC in the service area of ​​your home (apartment).

You can learn about the procedure for concluding a contract and download application forms,

look maintenance work schedules for 2017.

Khromykh Larisa Georgievna (02/11/2015 at 12:07:15)

Good afternoon. Maintenance is carried out in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2009 N 239 “On approval of the Procedure for the maintenance and repair of domestic gas equipment in the Russian Federation” link to the order This order contains an exhaustive list work that Gorgaz employees are required to perform. Also, according to the RESOLUTION of May 14, 2013 N 410 ON MEASURES TO ENSURE SAFETY WHEN USING AND MAINTAINING IN-HOUSE AND IN-Apartment GAS EQUIPMENT link to the law ;base=LAW;n=146557 in paragraph 16 it is stated that: Maintenance and repair of indoor and (or) indoor gas equipment is carried out on the basis of an agreement on maintenance and repair of indoor and (or) indoor gas equipment concluded between the customer and performer. According to clause 41, the Customer has the right to demand: a) the performance of work (provision of services) for maintenance and repairs inside the home and (or) apartment gas equipment in accordance with the agreement on maintenance and repair of inside the house and (or) apartment gas equipment, these Rules , other regulatory legal and regulatory technical acts; b) amendments to the terms of the contract for maintenance and repair of indoor and (or) indoor gas equipment in the part relating to the list of equipment included in the gas equipment being serviced inside the house or indoor gas equipment, in the event of a change in the quantity and types of equipment included in it ; c) reduction (recalculation) of fees for non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of obligations arising from the contract for maintenance and repair of in-house and (or) in-house gas equipment; d) compensation for damage caused as a result of the actions (inaction) of the performer; According to clause 42. The customer is obliged: a) to pay for maintenance work (services) inside the house and (or) apartment gas equipment, as well as repair work inside the house and (or) apartment gas equipment on time and in full; According to paragraph 43. The Contractor is obliged to: b) carry out maintenance of internal gas pipelines included in the internal gas equipment in the home and apartments - at least once every 3 years; c) carry out maintenance of household gas-using equipment that is part of the household gas equipment of the household or intra-apartment gas equipment.

Agreement on maintenance and repair of VDGO

Maintenance of household gas-using equipment is carried out at least once every 3 years. According to clause 57. Payment for repair work inside the home and (or) apartment gas equipment is carried out by the customer at prices established by the contractor and valid on the date of receipt of the corresponding application for repairs from the customer. According to paragraph 59. Payment for work performed (services provided) for maintenance of indoor and (or) apartment gas equipment is carried out by the customer, including in the form of a subscription fee within the period stipulated by the contract for the maintenance and repair of indoor and (or) apartment gas equipment equipment, and if such a period is not established by the specified agreement, no later than the 10th day of the month following the month in which the work was performed (services were provided). Thus, it turns out that Gorgaz legally requires the conclusion of an agreement on the terms of payment for all 3 years in advance. At the same time, you also have the right to demand that a contract be concluded on your own terms and pay no later than the 10th day of the next month after the work is completed. It is difficult to predict what conditions you will be able to agree on. “should the price for this service be approved by the regional energy commission or someone else???” There is only RESOLUTION dated May 14, 2013 N 410 ON MEASURES TO ENSURE SAFETY WHEN USING AND MAINTAINING INSIDE HOUSE AND INTERNAL GAS EQUIPMENT, which indicates how the price for the service is approved (clause 57), I cited it above. I also provided a link to this resolution above. According to Article 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, citizens and legal entities are free to enter into an agreement. Compulsion to enter into an agreement is not permitted, except in cases where the obligation to enter into an agreement is provided for by this Code, the law or a voluntarily accepted obligation... ... The terms of the agreement are determined at the discretion of the parties, except in cases where the content of the relevant condition is prescribed by law or other legal acts (Article 422) ... Gorgaz does not have the right to impose on you the obligation to make an advance payment three years in advance, but can offer such conditions. You have the right to accept them or offer your own. This is freedom of contract. If you do not come to a common opinion, then there is a court for this, where all disagreements are resolved.

Tatyana (02/11/2015 at 16:29:22)

Thank you so much for the complete clear comprehensive answer.

A little more than six months have passed since the turmoil around the 80-apartment building number 14 on Parkovaya Street in Kursk subsided. Its residents spent two days without gas. It was impossible to cook food or simply turn on hot water. The growing popular discontent was “removed” by Kurskgaz employees by eliminating the malfunction. The reason for the “gas-free holidays” was the human factor. One of the residents was replacing an old gas water heater with a new one. But the woman considered it costly to hire specialists for this. Indeed, why spend money if a neighbor or relative can help with the installation. In short, there are enough helpers. The only thing that the apartment owner did not take into account was that her assistants were not qualified specialists. And as you know, installing gas equipment is impossible and even dangerous.

As a result, “the amateur commissioning almost ended in tragedy. During installation, would-be specialists mixed up the gas and water pipes going to the pump. Water filled the gas pipeline and cut off the gas supply. What saved us was that the mistake was noticed in time, and the gas workers arrived at the right moment.
Instead of saving money, the owner of the speaker had to fork out a fair amount. Installation of new equipment by gas service specialists would cost her approximately 500-700 rubles. And after the accident, she paid more than eight thousand rubles for repairs.
“This situation might not have arisen if the residents of the house had promptly concluded a maintenance agreement for in-house gas equipment (TO VDGO”), concludes Anatoly AMELIN, head of the VDGO service of Kurskgaz OJSC.
But what do VDGO maintenance agreements actually give us, consumers? This is what we tried to find out.

Previously, in-house gas pipelines and equipment were on the balance sheet of gas distribution organizations. At that time, the apartments were regularly visited by gorgaz mechanics for the purpose of preventive maintenance. These works were included in the tariff, which included payment not only for the gas itself, but also for the maintenance of gas equipment and networks. Then, in the 90s, it was decided at the federal level that there was no particular need for this. And since 2004, the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation approved the “Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock,” according to which the costs of VDGO maintenance were excluded from the gas tariff and transferred to the category of services provided under a contract.
In July 2008, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 549 “On the procedure for supplying gas to meet the household needs of citizens” was published. According to this document (clauses 9; 21), citizens are required to enter into an agreement on the maintenance of gas equipment with a specialized organization. In the Kursk region, such an organization is OJSC Kurskgaz. It is not surprising that initially this decision did not arouse much enthusiasm among consumers and homeowners.

However, a lot speaks about the timeliness and importance of this innovation. It's no secret that in recent years cases of household gas explosions have become more frequent. Unfortunately, rarely does a month go by without such alarming news in news releases at both the federal and local levels. Often, such tragedies arise due to improper operation of gas equipment, untimely prevention and repair, and sometimes simply due to basic illiteracy in handling gas appliances. Systematic monitoring and assistance from qualified specialists are important here. Therefore, the state has set the task of ensuring maintenance of in-house equipment by concluding contracts.

Although Resolution 549 has been in effect in the country for more than a year and a half, not everyone is willing to comply with it. This is how the Russian person works: he hopes for “maybe”, waits until “the crayfish whistles on the mountain” or “the roast rooster pecks.” This is understandable: who needs red tape with documents, going to authorities, and extra expenses from the family budget.

— Therefore, the question involuntarily arises: how difficult is it to conclude a contract for VDGO maintenance?
“The procedures for concluding a contract for the maintenance of in-house gas equipment in the Kursk region have been simplified as much as possible,” explains Anatoly Amelin. — In this case, we can talk about two conditional categories of citizens: residents of apartment buildings and private homeowners. In the first case, the maintenance agreement is concluded through an organization that directly services the house. We are talking about HOAs, housing cooperatives, and management companies. Residents of a high-rise building at a meeting decide to conclude an agreement, and collecting documents and signing is the responsibility of the responsible organization. By the way, in 2009, in general, the Kurskgaz joint-stock company has already concluded 96.7 percent of contracts for multi-apartment housing, and taking into account private households - 75.7 percent.
However, to our great regret, there are service organizations in Kursk that do not consider it necessary to conclude such contracts. For example, in housing cooperative No. 114, located on Studencheskaya Street, 7, they say that this is a waste of money. They say that in the event of an accident, even in the absence of an agreement, gas workers are obliged to come and fix the problem.
Arguing in this way, they are only right in that the emergency gas service immediately responds to any, even small, threat of gas leakage. But this position in itself endangers the lives of the people living in this house. After all, the VDGO service contract guarantees the safety of not only each family, but also the entire residential building. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this.

— Are there penalties if there is no VDGO maintenance agreement?
— Kurskgaz does not have the authority to punish users of natural gas due to the lack of an agreement. However, sometimes we send data to the housing inspectorate. And there it is already decided whether to fine the organization that manages the houses, which refuses to enter into an agreement, or not.

— A significant part of Kursk residents live in the private sector. Accordingly, the concern for the safe operation of gas equipment falls on them, without intermediaries. This means that they must complete the entire service contract themselves.

We find out whether it is necessary to conclude a contract for servicing gas equipment

Can we say that this category of the population is more conscious?
“Unfortunately, this category of Kursk residents is in no hurry to be active in concluding contracts for the maintenance of VDGOs. Currently, less than ten percent of all private sector residents have them. For comparison, I repeat: almost 97 percent of residents of apartment buildings have already concluded such agreements.

— Is it really so difficult for a homeowner to draw up an agreement?
- No, on the contrary. We can conclude an agreement with these citizens in a personal meeting, when the consumer comes to our service at 32 Pionerov Street. The second option is to sign up over the phone. We understand that many of our consumers are elderly, so we met them halfway. If you call Kurskgaz specialists to your home, they will immediately conclude an agreement with you and carry out all the necessary work.
- But the document must probably be signed by the owner of the living space...
- You are wrong about this. Any person registered in the household can enter into a maintenance agreement. The document contains not only the personal data of the person entering into the contract, but also the address of the property and the equipment installed there. So even if the family member who signed the paper is forced to move for some reason, the agreement remains in force.

— Anatoly Grigorievich, I would like to know about the terms of concluding maintenance contracts.
— It all depends on the time of commissioning of the gas pipeline and equipment. If less than fifteen years have passed since the launch, the contract is concluded once every three years. If intra-house gas pipelines have been in operation for more than fifteen years, the re-registration procedure becomes annual.

— How much does the contract cost?
— There are several factors that influence the cost. First of all, this is the number of gas appliances. Servicing one stove will cost 200-250 rubles. If you also have a instantaneous water heater, the total amount will be about 400-500 rubles. In any case, the contract will cost no more than a thousand rubles.

Every day, specialists from OJSC Kurskgaz provide 24-hour emergency dispatch support and, in accordance with schedules agreed with subscribers, go out for maintenance under contracts.
The contract clearly defines the list of works. The master is obliged to check the tightness of connections of gas pipelines and fittings, draft in smoke and ventilation ducts, the condition of connecting pipes of gas-using equipment with the smoke duct, the presence of air flow for combustion, lubrication of taps (valves) installed on gas pipelines; clean the burners from contamination and regulate the gas combustion process in all operating modes of the equipment; instruct consumers on the rules for safe use of gas at home. And this is not a complete list of works. Upon completion of the maintenance, the consumer is given a work certificate. The subscriber confirms the volume and quality with his signature.
Gas workers keep their watch around the clock, preventing disaster. But everyone must remember that everyone must take care of their own safety first of all. Call Kurskgaz OJSC or its branch at your place of residence and conclude an agreement. And then specialists will take care of your gas equipment.

Expensive and complex equipment requires regular maintenance. Only in this case the owner of the property will be able to use it for a long time.

In addition, maintaining the equipment warranty directly depends on the implementation of service.

In order to ensure normal operation of the equipment and maintain the warranty, an agreement should be drawn up with a specialized company.

Warranty service agreement

The provision of repair and inspection services for technical means and equipment is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and, in part, by the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights.

Such relationships between the parties are expressed in the conclusion of an agreement for equipment maintenance.

This document becomes the basis for the emergence of mutual rights and obligations between the participants.

As a rule, these transactions are concluded in relation to technically complex products, the repair of which on your own will lead to the removal of the product from the warranty. Often, independent equipment repair is completely impossible.

Therefore, regular preventative maintenance on such property will preserve its functionality and ensure trouble-free operation.

How to draw up an equipment service agreement

The agreement form must include the most essential terms.

It is important to accurately define the subject of obligations. This could be maintenance of special equipment, car repairs, work with gas boilers, and so on.

The essence of the agreement is that the contractor ensures the operation of complex equipment.

When formalizing the relationship between the parties, all important conditions should be specified as precisely as possible.

For example, it is necessary to indicate the number of units of equipment for which the agreement is being drawn up and the features of the technical equipment: brand, model, identification number, and so on.

Essential conditions for concluding a maintenance contract

When completing a transaction, the main significant conditions should be taken into account and reflected. Important conditions for the provision of this service include:

  • Warranty work must be carried out by a specialized center. As a rule, such services are provided by the company that sold the relevant product. If the center is significantly remote and visiting it causes difficulties, such work should be performed in any other accessible center. The main thing is that the performing company has a work permit. Otherwise, the product will be removed from warranty;
  • The parties to the transaction are the organization - the performer and the customer, that is, the owner of the vehicle or other property;
  • Drawing up an agreement involves determining the period during which the contractor will perform work in the interests of the customer. This period often coincides with the warranty period for the product;
  • Another essential condition is its cost. An organization can carry out work for a customer based on a certain price for the entire duration of the transaction or receive a one-time payment.

It should be noted that a document between the parties must be drawn up in each case of formalizing such a relationship, because we are talking about maintaining the seller’s warranty obligations throughout the entire stipulated period. Therefore, a written agreement must be drawn up.

In this case, the contractor assumes the responsibility to maintain the property in working condition and preserve all its consumer properties.

Sample maintenance contract

The presented form includes all the basic conditions for the provision of services and complies with the law.

How to terminate a service contract

Termination of the relationship between the parties to the transaction is possible if a number of circumstances occur. Among them, the main ones should be indicated:

  • The agreement can be terminated if the contractor performs his duties poorly or evades them. This service requires regular technical work. It is their execution in accordance with the schedule that ensures the maintenance of the guarantee. Thus, the inaction of the contractor can lead to loss of warranty and failure of the product;
  • If the customer becomes aware that the other party no longer has the right to perform services. In this case, there is no reason to trust your property to such an organization, and the transaction must be terminated;
  • If repairs are carried out in violation of previously agreed conditions.

Mutual obligations can also be terminated due to the customer’s refusal to pay for the performer’s actions. Thus, violation of the terms of the agreement becomes the basis for termination of the executed transaction.

Contract for maintenance of gas equipment

The requirement to conclude a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment is mandatory.

Since such instruments and devices pose an increased danger, supervision of their operation and technical condition must be carried out professionally.

Accordingly, special permission is required to perform such services.

Maintenance of gas equipment in the apartment

Such agreements are concluded by all apartment owners with specialized companies.

Due to this circumstance, homeowners pay monthly for such services and have the right to demand their actual performance.

Vehicle maintenance and repair agreement

These transactions are concluded between car owners and authorized centers that ensure and maintain the proper condition of special equipment.
