What is the most profitable thing to sell? What can you sell profitably on the Internet? Souvenirs and unusual gifts

Selling various goods via the Internet is a fairly profitable way to make money. Nowadays, an increasing number of people prefer to make purchases on the Internet, since very often it is more affordable in terms of price, and there is often more choice in online stores and on special platforms for selling goods. Many people who want to start trading online are interested in the question - what can you sell on the Internet to make money? Let's take a closer look at it.

What can you sell online to make money - profitable options

What to sell on the Internet in order to make good money? To really choose a good product to sell online in 2019, there are many criteria to consider:

  • Demand . In order for the sale of goods via the Internet to be profitable, there must be demand for them. Therefore, you should decide on your target audience. These can be both consumer goods and narrower goods designed only for a certain category of consumers.
  • Market size . For some products there are only a small number of stores. However, this in no way means that there is no competition in this category; most likely, the market size of these goods does not require more online stores.
  • Investment sizes . Some categories of goods require serious capital investments in order to make a good profit; such goods include, for example, building materials. Therefore, if you are not able to make a large investment at the very beginning, you should not bother with such products.
  • Profitability . The profit received from the sale of goods must cover the costs of attracting a buyer. You should also take into account the costs of delivering goods and maintaining a warehouse.
  • Product dimensions and weight . If the size and weight of the goods are small, then storing them is much more convenient and economical; you do not need to rent a large warehouse for them, and they are also easier to ship. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to trade small goods online, it is better to give preference to them.
  • Availability of suppliers . If you choose a specific niche, be sure to check for reliable suppliers in that niche. It’s good if there are several suppliers, in which case you definitely won’t have any interruptions in goods.
  • Average check amount . Fulfilling each order has its own overhead costs, which depend on many factors. Therefore, very often it is much more profitable for an entrepreneur to sell one product, but at an expensive price, than several cheaper products.
  • Purchase frequency . As the practice of many online store owners shows, making money from repeat sales of goods to regular customers is much more convenient and profitable than regularly attracting new customers. Therefore, preference should be given to those products that are ordered at least once every 6-12 months.
  • Products without obsolescence . It often happens that new products appear on the market, which are very popular for several months or six months, after which they disappear and become useless to anyone. You can make money on such products, but you need to treat them with great caution.
  • Seasonality . Selling New Year's gifts and other New Year's paraphernalia can bring good income, but only for one month; do not forget about this when selling seasonal goods.

Let's take a look at the most popular products to sell online in 2019.

Clothes from China

Clothing is something that everyone needs, so this product is in high demand. Research shows that women's and children's clothing are most often purchased online. However, is it worth focusing specifically on them, since competition in this group of products is very high?

An important condition for the sale of clothing to be profitable is the place of its wholesale purchase. For this, various Chinese wholesale sites such as , Taobao and many others are best suited.

If you buy clothes wholesale on such sites, their price will be significantly lower, which will allow you to get the necessary difference.

Aliexpress and other Chinese websites engaged in wholesale sales regularly host a large number of different promotions and discounts from clothing sellers. In some cases, you can buy goods at 50-70% cheaper. In addition, there are all sorts of things that allow you to return some of the money from purchases. If you order clothes from such sites, be sure to take advantage of all these savings opportunities.

Toys for children

Many parents who are busy caring for children simply do not have time to go shopping. Therefore, toys for children, as well as simply various goods for children, are very often purchased by them via the Internet.

Toys for children are a very good product, since in most cases they take up little space, which means that they will be quite easy to store and are in stable demand.

Toys for children cannot be called a seasonal product, but for example, during the New Year, the demand for them increases noticeably, so if you want to get maximum profit when trading children's toys, you should definitely take this factor into account.

Handmade knitted items

Handmade knitted items can be very good products if you make such items yourself or know people who make them. The main advantage of such a product is its exclusivity.

You can sell knitted items through Avito, Instagram, as well as special sites for selling handmade items (Skafos.ru, Fair of Masters, Etsy).

Ready-made essays, coursework and dissertations

You can sell both real and electronic goods on the Internet. A good example of digital goods are ready-made essays, term papers and dissertations.

Many students prefer to buy all this, so the demand for ready-made essays, term papers and dissertations is very high, which means they can always be sold at a profit, especially during the session.

Another question is where to get ready-made essays or coursework? Many can be found freely available on various sites. You can also invite everyone to sell you their essays and coursework and sell them at a higher price.

Accessories for smartphones

All kinds of accessories for smartphones (cases, wireless headphones, etc.) are in great demand, since now almost every person has a smartphone.

An important distinguishing feature of this product is its small size, so sometimes you don’t even need to rent a warehouse to store them, since you can even store all this in an apartment.

Leather products

Leather products are also in great demand on the Internet, so trading them can bring good profits. Leather products are, first of all, high quality, so when trading them, special attention should be paid to this aspect.

Men's and women's backpacks

Nowadays there is a big fashion for backpacks, which is especially common among teenagers. Therefore, trading men's and women's backpacks can be a very profitable business. You can always order backpacks on Chinese wholesale sites.

Where to sell handmade products online?

Handmade is gaining more and more popularity, since handmade goods are exclusive goods, and now more and more people are striving for exclusivity.

Selling handmade goods can become a fairly profitable business, since it is a sale with virtually no investment, and you don’t even need suppliers. This is true only if you sell your work. However, you can not limit yourself to selling your works and sell handmade goods produced by other people.

Where can you sell handmade products? There are separate websites specifically for the sale of such goods, through which you can both sell and buy them.

The most popular online resources for selling handmade products are:

  • Skafos.ru . A very convenient and fairly large site where you can sell a wide variety of products from furniture and accessories to toys. To start selling here you need to register on the site as a seller, after which you will have the opportunity to exhibit your products. The site has a large number of very useful functions with which you can increase the number of sales and find new customers for your products.
  • Crafts Fair . The largest site in Runet dedicated to the sale of handmade products. The site is very popular; many people who want to purchase any exclusive goods first go here. All necessary conditions have been created for sellers here. However, you should understand that the site is very popular, so there is a lot of competition here. On the site you can leave reviews about works, and there are also a large number of other features that will be useful both to those who sell handmade products and to those who want to purchase them.
  • Etsy . This is one of the most popular sites in the world for selling handmade goods. That is why if you want to start selling your works, you should definitely use it, despite some language difficulties that may arise (all language problems can be solved using Google translator). This is because people from all over the world buy handmade goods here, and this is a huge market, and very often they pay here in dollars. The sale of goods here is carried out in the form of an auction; the site is somewhat reminiscent of the famous eBay. The site takes a commission of 3.5% from each product sold.

This is not a complete list of platforms through which you can sell handmade goods; in fact, there are much more of them.

Sales through Avito

You can also sell handmade goods through Avito. As you know, Avito is the most popular site for private advertisements on the Runet. A huge number of people come here every day, so if you put your handicrafts for sale here, you will surely be able to find buyers.

If you are a very productive craftsman and produce a large number of handmade products, you can create your own small online store based on this platform. In this case, it will be easier for you to promote it, and you will be able to get even more buyers, however, for these purposes you need to produce a really considerable number of such products.

How to make money on Avito? Today, thousands of Russian citizens are asking this question. At a time when a permanent job no longer guarantees security for life, many are thinking about organizing earnings on Avito and receiving additional income from it. And some are so passionate about this area that business on Avito becomes their main source of income.

How can you earn money

Many people still don’t understand how to make money on Avito? The Avito resource is a full-fledged trading platform. Its main advantage is that people come to the site not just to learn about a product, but to buy something that interests them. As a last resort, choose to purchase for the near future. It turns out that there is a certain flow of already interested buyers.

To make money on Avito, you need to follow a simple step by step instructions:

  1. Place an interesting advertisement for the sale of a service or product.
  2. You update these advertisements periodically.
  3. Answer calls from potential buyers.
  4. Arrange a personal meeting with the subject who called.
  5. Selling your product.

How much can you really earn?

Selling goods on Avito is a really easy way to create passive income for yourself. But how much can you really earn?

If you have communication skills and at least a basic level of computer skills, then you can sell goods on Avito without any problems. Much depends on what to sell on Avito and how exactly to do it.
It is difficult to name any exact amounts, since everything is purely individual. Someone will be able to earn 150 thousand, but for someone even five thousand will be difficult (the numbers are taken from real life examples).

Much will depend on factors such as:

  • Selected product (we will look at what sells best on Avito below);
  • Seasonality;
  • Your city of residence;
  • The time you are willing to devote to your business.

With enough diligence in the first stages, you can easily earn about 30 thousand rubles a month. In the future, the turnover will only grow. Here everyone decides for themselves whether it is a lot or a little.

How to start

Before you make money on Avito, you need to go through a simple registration procedure. Avito is a fairly serious resource that cares about its users. Therefore, nothing can be done without registration.

There is absolutely nothing complicated here. To register you need:

  1. Go to the resource address avito.ru.
  2. Find “Personal Account” in the top right corner.
  3. Click on “Register”.

In the field that opens, you will need to provide some personal information and a mobile phone number. Once you complete registration, you can add ads. We won’t dwell on this too much, since everything here is intuitive and rarely does anyone have difficulties at this stage.

We earn money without extra investments

Everyone has a lot of old things at home that no one uses anymore. Usually we just store them on the balcony or, at best, take them to the garage. And this continues until we finally decide to throw them away. But these things may be useful to someone. So why not sell them?

What can you sell on Avito to earn money? Yes, in fact, anything. There are thousands of examples when people simply wanted to throw away their old things, but for fun they posted them on Avito and they sold. The main thing here is not to try to decide for other people. Let them think for themselves what they want to buy and what they don’t.

How to make money on Avito without investments:

  1. Take inventory at home and find things you haven't used for a long time.
  2. You put these things up for sale.
  3. You sell them.

No matter how simple and banal all this may sound, this scheme really works.

Let me give you an example: “My wife and I started renovations. And in order not to throw them away, they put up old things for sale. All that was left was to be surprised at what people were buying. They bought from us a grate from an old stove (it had been getting under our feet for a couple of years, but we couldn’t get around to throwing it away), baking dishes, an old refrigerator, a shower, a table, a mobile phone and even a home phone. In just a week, all the extra junk disappeared. But the best part is that we got money for things that we wanted to just throw away.

Therefore, when they ask what sells best on Avito, I want to answer, “better ask what is not sold there.” Avito is a universal platform. You can sell almost anything on it.”

We resell goods

But unnecessary things will end sooner or later. And if you want to constantly earn money, you will have to buy goods. This can be done using funds raised from the sale of old items. Then the business will not require additional investments. Here you will have to study in detail what sells well on Avito. After all, you wouldn’t want to purchase a product and not sell it.

There is a simple trick on how to effectively sell on Avito by determining in advance what is most often bought on Avito. Just make a small list of what the most popular products on Avito are in your opinion. The longer this list, the better.

Now you simply find these products on the Internet or from other sellers on Avito itself. You can, for example, search in another region. If a potential buyer is searching throughout the country, then his ads are added so quickly that he is unlikely to be able to notice both your ad and the original at the same time. And if you search by region, then no one will see both ads. In addition, there is little chance that even if someone notices both advertisements, he will notice that they are posted by different people.

Now that the ads have been posted, we determine the best-selling products on Avito. To do this, we simply record which ad has the most requests. If it is possible to quickly find a product after a customer calls, then we find and sell it. If this is not possible, then we simply apologize to the person and say that we cannot help him with anything, because the goods have already been purchased from us. After that, focusing on the most popular requests on Avito, we purchase goods.

Most Popular Products

It was already written above that you can sell almost anything on Avito to make money. What is more important here is that the price matches, and the photos are taken with high quality. It is best if the photographs are taken by you personally. This is especially true if you order goods online. You should not take a photo from the site where you bought your product.

So What is profitable to sell on Avito:

  • Tablets and mobile phones;
  • Laptops and PCs;
  • Small household appliances, kitchen utensils;
  • Cloth;
  • Childen's goods;
  • Various accessories (watches, glasses, wallets, jewelry bags, etc.);
  • Everything for construction;
  • Furniture;
  • Animals and goods for them.

This is an approximate list of what is profitable to resell on Avito. In fact, there are many more categories. When you find your product, you need to decide where exactly to buy.

Resale from Avito itself

You can buy goods directly on Avito. This is beneficial for two reasons:

  1. Often people just want to get rid of some things and do not know their true value. They can be purchased and sold at a good premium.
  2. You can find many things that need a little work or repair. We repair and sell at a premium.

For example, you can buy smartphones, tablets and PCs. Broken they are usually quite cheap. We repair them. Then we resell them at the price of working equipment.

The first category of goods is a little more difficult. You need to look for them all the time, compare their prices and generally understand what and how much it costs. Here everything will depend only on your free time and desire to earn money.

The approximate procedure is as follows:

  • Find out the average cost of the selected product;
  • Find this product at a lower price;
  • Buy it, and don’t forget to bargain well;
  • Sell ​​at average price;
  • Get the difference.

We buy from Chinese suppliers

This option is even simpler, because you don’t have to constantly sift through ads to find an undervalued product. You simply purchase goods on Chinese Internet resources and resell them on Avito.
On sites such as Aliexpress, Alibabai and Tabao, you can buy goods two or three times cheaper than their actual price from us. In addition, there are always discounts for wholesale buyers. Therefore, buying in batches of 5-10 pieces or more can save a lot.

For example, you can consider phone cases that cost 300 rubles there, but on Avito you can safely sell them for 900 rubles. A threefold markup is quite serious.
If we consider more expensive goods, then the markup will no longer be three times higher, but the profit will still be significant. For example, bags that cost 10 thousand on Tabao, but here it can be sold for 15 thousand. Five thousand profit from each sale is pretty good. Just ten sales a month will bring an income of 50 thousand. And even if you spend half of it again on the product, these are already excellent indicators. And in the future the turnover will only grow.

We sell goods received for free

There is another great way to make money on Avito, which is really not talked about often. You can get used goods for meager prices or for nothing.
It's simple. On social networks (especially VKontakte) there are many public pages and groups in regions and cities with various names like “I’ll give it for free” and others of that kind. They are in absolutely every city. So, in such public places, various goods are exchanged, from clothing to furniture and large household appliances. Many are given for nothing. You only need to pay for pickup.

Of course, something valuable is not always given away for nothing. But you can always find something useful if you look for it. If it’s free, then why not take it and get the money?

With public exchangers everything is even easier. They don't give things away for nothing, but they are very cheap. In most cases, generally for food. They have names like “I’ll give it for a tasty treat.” There is always somewhere to roam. You can buy a baby stroller for rolls (700 rubles). On Avito they cost about 3 thousand. Finding profitable products in such groups is very easy. By the way, this is another way to raise initial capital to start a business if there is no money.

If you take the issue seriously, then in about six months you will be able to increase your income several times, or even leave your main job and go entirely into business.


If you want to earn a large amount of money, you can try to do it with the help of modern technologies and thanks to the eternal thirst of our citizens to buy. There are several options for modern business management based on the “buy” principle at your service. Here you must remember the main rule - look for places where things and products are sold cheap, so that you can later sell them at a higher price.

If the first negotiations were successful, you agreed on everything and started, then this is not the time to relax. Now the main task is to control final sales in the region. After a few months, sales of your products will become stable, and then you will need to think about their further development.

Video on the topic

When demand exceeds supply, single sellers and small firms become vulnerable and risk falling out of the market due to a lack of working capital. To prevent the need to pay suppliers for goods that have not yet been sold, you need to come up with a special sales scheme.


Create a network of clients. This could be a customer base with contact information. You must be able to quickly contact all potential buyers. They should know you and be receptive to suggestions. For communication, sales agents, managers working for or electronic mailing lists can be used. To gather your base, use free events where customers fill out a survey to get important information. Warn that you will periodically communicate, but do this only on a topic in which the person is interested.

Take the goods for sale. Agree with the supplier that you will return unsold goods. You cannot guarantee that all people on the pre-order list will pay for the purchase. Therefore, an agreement with the supplier is necessary. During the negotiations, tell them that you work with regular customers, and the goods will not sit somewhere in the warehouse: everything will be decided within the next few days.

Make a specific offer to your clients. Please inform that the quantity of goods is limited and payment terms are possible only within the specified period of time. You can add a nice little thing to the purchase to encourage customers to make an immediate decision. Think about the profit margin and give customers delivery, special packaging or a gift.

Return unsold copies to the supplier. Do everything quickly. Do not keep goods in stock.

Helpful advice

Many people today are planning to open a small trading business. Setting up your own store to sell interesting things sounds like a really ideal plan. How can you successfully open this enterprise?

You will need

  • - business plan;
  • - license;
  • - insurance;
  • - equipment;
  • - room.


Take special courses at one of the universities or small business associations in your city to learn more about starting and running a small business. The more you can know before you begin, the better prepared you will be for any challenges that may arise.

Create a plan for your business down to the smallest detail. Think about all the components: the location and financing of the store, as well as the products you will sell. You must write a detailed business plan, and then submit it to the bank for review. If you need to get a business loan, you should draw up a perfectly balanced and accurate business plan.

Choose a name for the store and decide on a location for it. It would be better to find out in advance all the features of the selected area in order to understand what enterprises can be located in it and what conditions are needed for this.

Obtain all the necessary licenses and permits to run your business, and then start building a store (or rent premises for it). You will also need to obtain insurance and fill out a tax return. These steps can be completed more quickly if you seek help from business associations in your area.

Hire staff after the bank has accepted your business plan, received all the necessary documents and resolved tax issues. Registration of employees should be carried out directly at the stage of entry into the work of your business.

Find a distributor and order the appropriate quantity of products. At first, stock up only on those products that are in great demand and can bring you an initial profit.

In a free market, there are plenty of ways to make money without extra effort. Buy cheaper and sell more expensive, and put the difference in your pocket - what could be simpler? What goods to buy for profitable resale, where to purchase and resell them, how not to remain in the red - we’ll talk in this article.

    • What you need to know for this business
    • Where can you resell goods
    • Where to buy goods for resale
    • How can you resell services?
    • How to make money by reselling goods: useful tips

What you need to know for this business

The history of resale begins from the moment people learned to trade. If at the dawn of centuries the services of intermediaries were not in great demand, then as civilization developed, the chain of intermediate links between the manufacturer and the final consumer became longer and longer. A modern person buys a lot of goods from all over the world - most of them have come a long way and have significantly increased in price during the process of resale.

Before starting this small business, many people wonder what products can be resold profitably in order to earn a lot?

Keep in mind that resale is a delicate matter: in order not to be in the red, you need to clearly understand the difference between the purchase price and the sale price, as well as the rate of sales of this category of goods. It makes sense to resell products with high margins, low overhead costs and fast turnover.

In order to make money on resale, you need to understand all the intricacies of the market, know about your competitors and understand what price is acceptable. Before starting this business, carefully study and analyze all these indicators.

Where can you resell goods

The easiest way is resale through bulletin boards. You buy a certain product and then resell it in your city through Avito or other free message boards. How much you can earn from this depends on the demand for the product, as well as on the ratio of the purchase price and the average selling price of this product in your city. For example, you can cheaply buy some goods for children or phone cases on Ali Express, and then sell them for 2-3 times more expensive. For some categories of goods, the markup can be 100-500%.

It is important to understand whether there is a demand for this product and what price people are willing to pay for it. To do this, it is enough to test the demand by advertising before purchasing the goods. The advantages of this method include the fact that you do not need to register a company or become an individual entrepreneur, pay taxes, etc.

A difficult way for advanced businessmen is resale on a website/online store. You can make a simple one-page website yourself or order it from a freelancer. You can also create your own store or resell on existing large sites:

  • Ebay - on this largest platform you can buy or sell electronics and more. It is possible to sell at a fixed price and put lots up for auction.
  • Aliexpress - now sellers from Russia can register on the largest platform for Chinese goods. True, for this you need to be a legal entity and enter into a contract with an intermediary - the PickPoint company.

Selling through websites is suitable for those who want to build a serious business on the resale of goods, and not just sell an item one time. It is clear that this will not happen without associated costs, including advertising costs.

These are the most popular ways to sell products online. Of course, no one can stop you from doing things the old fashioned way: renting a place in a store or market, or even going door to door, offering your goods. But in the twenty-first century, it makes sense to trade online - it is much easier and more profitable for any seller.

Where to buy goods for resale

So we come to the most important question - where to buy goods for resale? It cannot be answered unequivocally: it is one thing if you want to sell purebred puppies, and quite another if you decide to sell computers.

If you plan to purchase goods from abroad, you first need to select the country. The undisputed leader in almost all directions is China - there you can buy cheap clothes, equipment, and a million other goods. Resale of goods from China is increasingly gaining momentum. But for branded clothing, it makes sense to go to France or Italy. If you do not have the opportunity to personally fly to pick up the goods, you can order online with delivery to the desired city.

Ebay - on this largest platform you can buy or sell electronics and more. It is possible to sell at a fixed price and put lots up for auction. Aliexpress - now sellers from Russia can register on the largest platform for Chinese goods. True, for this you need to be a legal entity and enter into a contract with an intermediary - the PickPoint company.

It is not necessary to order the product from the manufacturer. If you plan to sell a product on Avito and other message boards, it may be enough to order it on AliExpress - provided that you are satisfied with the price offered there.

In rare cases, you can even purchase a suitable product from friends, neighbors, colleagues, etc.

How can you resell services?

Resale of blogs, websites, articles, videos. The essence of this method is that you are looking for a webmaster who will do some work for you cheaply, and you will resell it at twice the price to other people, acting as an intermediary. But here we must take into account that most people are not looking for a ready-made website/blog/article/video, but order them “from scratch” to suit their requirements. Therefore, it is more logical to take a specific order and give it to the contractor at a cheaper price than the customer pays.

This is what video marketers often do - they look for clients for a video, advertise, find a customer and negotiate with him, and outsource all the technical work to a freelancer. Neither the customer nor the final performer in this scheme know each other - they deal only with the intermediary. The functions of the intermediary can be reduced to communication with the customer and the performer/performers, or he can do some part of the work (for example, write a script for a video).

Reselling other people's services. Another way is to resell other people's services; it is very close to the previous one. The difference is that it’s easy to make money here, and your work is not limited to writing test tasks. You can make a website and offer certain services on it, receiving a percentage for it.

This could be the services of a company for exemption from the army, a company for finding domestic staff: housekeepers, nannies, gardeners, and so on. Another option is to simply run contextual advertising or advertising on social networks. Many people, even being professionals in their field, do not know how and do not like to “sell themselves,” and happily transfer the sale of their services to someone else’s shoulders.

Watch the video life hack from Andrey Merkulov on this topic:

What products can you resell to make money?

Below are all the types of goods you can make money by reselling.

  • Electronics. The most popular product today is various gadgets: smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. You can buy in bulk at one price and sell in your online store at a slightly higher price.
  • Kids toys. They can also be bought in bulk and sold on the above sites.
  • Antiques. These goods have been valued at all times: collectors are willing to give millions if the item is worth it.
  • Cloth. Most people buy clothes through online stores, so this category can be resold.
  • Site names. For each domain name you can earn $10 or more.
  • Cars. You can create a company and earn millions by reselling used cars.
  • Cases and other accessories for mobile phones, tablets and other gadgets. As a rule, such things are not cheap in regular stores, but on AliExpress or in China you can buy them for pennies. This also includes adapters, cords, etc.
  • Decorations. Nowadays, many people make handmade jewelry, but not everyone knows how to sell them. Handmade products are always at a premium, so you can take on the role of an intermediary and work for a percentage.
  • Small household appliances - you can find very cheap goods at sales in online stores (especially if you get promotions and discounts), but on Avito or your own website you can sell them for much more.

This is not a complete list of goods from which you can resell. You can sell anything, even greyhound puppies (literally and figuratively), as long as there is a demand for it, as well as the difference between the purchase price and the resale price that is acceptable to you.

If you want to engage in resale, it is important to follow a few important rules.

  1. Test demand. Before purchasing a product, advertise, pay for inexpensive advertising and see how many people are interested in your offer.
  2. Calculate your margin. It is important to understand how much you will earn from selling one unit of goods. Don't forget to factor in shipping costs and other costs.
  3. Consider force majeure. The goods may be delayed in transit, or problems may arise at customs - you must be prepared to deal with such problems.
  4. Prepare your sleigh in the summer. You must always be one step ahead. It is better to buy school backpacks not in August, when their prices skyrocket, but in March. It makes sense to order swimsuits in winter, and fur coats in summer.
  5. Analyze your competitors. You won't be the only seller on the market, so it's important to know what others are offering and at what price. Remember that the buyer almost always chooses the cheapest offer - if you can't undersell others, you'll have to work hard to account for the price difference.
  6. Love your clients - and they will love you back. Hold promotions, give small gifts and always honor your obligations.
  7. Advertise your product. Test different advertising methods and choose the most effective one.

Reselling goods and services can be quite a profitable business if you approach it wisely, carefully analyze the market and choose the right niche. If you want to know more about the best ways to make money online, click here: 50 Best Ways to Make Money Online

How to choose what to sell in an online store in 2018? This question faces hundreds of entrepreneurs who are planning to open their own online business. Let's consider the main criteria when choosing a product for online sales, and also offer ideas for business.

What you will learn about:

What criteria to consider when evaluating a product?

The process of finding a product that is suitable for distance selling is considered the most important step in creating a profitable business. When choosing the right product, you need to determine two things:
  • demand for it;
  • your financial capabilities and development prospects.

After all, theoretically, almost everything can be sold online, but not every product will bring good profits. For profitable sales, it is advisable to evaluate a number of factors that will affect the profit.

Potential market size

Most of the data on the possible market size is publicly available on the Internet. Pay attention to the figures from Data Insight, the Association of Internet Commerce Companies and individual market participants.

True, the volume of the Internet sales market of 1 trillion rubles, named by experts, will not tell you anything. But data on the most popular products is suitable ground for thinking about what is best to sell in an online store.

Statistics show that electronics, clothing, household and repair goods, etc. are well sold on the Internet.

To assess the market, analytics about its consolidation are useful. According to 2017 data, online trading already has highly consolidated industries that have serious leaders (for example, in the book segment there is “Labyrinth” and “Read the City”, in Moscow among online food supermarkets there is “Platypus”).

However, there are niches where there are many small online stores. For example, in the field of goods for holidays, sales of flowers, groups of building materials.

There are also universal niches where both large and small stores do well. These are electronics, clothing, shoes, accessories.

Analysis of search queries will also help to evaluate the market. Google Adwords Keyword is used for this. The information collected by the company allows us to determine whether there will be widespread demand for the product and how many potential customers are looking for this product on the Internet.

You can also determine specifically what to sell in an online store using the Wordstat service from Yandex by entering the phrase “buy + [name of the product intended to be sold].”

Level of competition

How to conduct a competitor analysis? You will also need the Internet for this. Enter the name of the product you plan to sell into a search engine and select 5-10 online stores from the first page. You can use the Yandex.Market service and look at those who sell this product there.

What is best to consider when performing a competitive analysis of online stores? It is considered advisable to look at:

  • price level (how much potential competitors sell this or that product for);
  • traffic of competitors (a counter from liveinternet can be publicly available on the site, if it is not there, the free Alexa service will do);
  • where visitors to the site come from, channels and geography of users (SimilarWeb site analytics);
  • what keywords do buyers use to move to competitors’ websites from search (features of the paid resource SpyWords);
  • how much money is spent on contextual advertising (SpyWords).
In addition, before building your own website, it is advisable to understand how competitors keep customers on their Internet resources, how they encourage them to make a purchase, and what payment methods they offer.
Important! Analysis of other online stores will allow you to find out what else you can sell in your store (related products, services). You will definitely have ideas on how to increase your average bill.
Go to your competitor’s website and try to find a product, add it to your cart and place an order. Write down your impressions, think about how you can improve the service offered by another store. When analyzing, pay attention to the little things:
  • are there any reviews;
  • quick contact form;
  • tips related to using the product, etc.
When opening an online store, use the CRM system from Business.Ru. With this online service, you can manage your product range, automate work with suppliers, quickly process orders, provide high quality customer service, run promotions and analyze sales.

Stability of demand for goods

We wrote earlier that not every product can be sold profitably in an online store. However, there is a group of items that sell well, but only at certain times. We will talk about seasonal goods and goods of impulse demand.

The first, for example, include flowers (peak sales on March 8 and September 1), goods for the garden (peak sales from April to June).

Everyone knows that selling seaside holiday products in an online store in the summer is much easier than in the winter. However, at this time you cannot sell goods for winter sports (peak sales November-January).

Impulse demand goods are those that a person saw by chance, but decided to take. A striking example is a small item no one needs for the kitchen, bought by chance on AliExpress.

Such goods include tea, coffee, chocolate, unusual household items, and accessories. Due to their low cost, their sales level does not fall during a crisis, but directly depends on the activity of the store’s advertising campaign.

Important! If you want to make a profit every month, choose to sell something that does not fluctuate significantly.
How stable the demand is can be found out from the keyword analysis services from Google.Adwords and Wordstat from Yandex.

In addition, before opening an online store, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Decide on the size of the investment. The dropshipping system (when the supplier himself sends the goods to the buyer) allows you to work with virtually no investment, but you won’t earn much this way. If you work with customers directly, you will need funds to buy the goods from the supplier, because often the consumer pays for the goods when he receives them in person;
  2. Find a supplier with pleasant working conditions and ask him for a price list. If the supplier is located abroad, you need to find out whether there are restrictions on the import of goods into Russia, whether it requires additional certification in our country;
  3. Calculate what markup you can put (taking into account all expenses) in order to make a profit;
  4. Consider delivery conditions (free delivery is undoubtedly an advantage for your online store);
  5. Assess, using the conclusions about competitors made earlier, how you can plan an advertising campaign. This could be contextual advertising, promotion through social networks, or even guerrilla marketing. It all depends on the product you are selling;
  6. Draw up a business plan for an online store based on the conclusions made earlier.
The business plan must include:
  • type of goods;
  • market analysis;
  • analysis of the positive and negative aspects of the business, opportunities and threats;
  • description of organizational and legal conditions;
  • advertising campaign plan;
  • calculation of revenue and other financial calculations.

What to sell in an online store: ideas and ways to choose a niche

Before presenting ideas for products that will sell well online in 2018, let us remind you of five ways to choose a niche:

1. Define the problem and identify products that solve it. For example, the rise in crime has caused demand for the so-called “anti-theft backpack.” Statistics from 2018 only confirm this:

2. Find products that you and those around you are passionate about. For example, if you love to run, you could open a running store. You can sell sports accessories, water and even comfortable jewelry for people involved in this sport. If you're excited about new gadgets, sell new products. Thus, there is still an increase in demand for robotic vacuum cleaners (not to mention quadcopters).

3. Look for a niche with branding potential. For example, in the wake of patriotism in Russia, stores with themed clothing and paraphernalia have developed well.

4. Identify a product whose demand has the potential to grow. So, it is now fashionable among men to grow a beard. Demand for beard care products has doubled over the past year. Great demand is observed in the autumn-winter period, as well as before the holidays (New Year and February 23).

5. Identify products that are popular right now: Ask your friends what they are going to buy. For example, many teenagers are now delighted with Bluetooth speakers. The growth in demand for them is confirmed by statistics:

The proposed niches should suggest what can be sold in an online store.

After opening an online store, try the CRM system from Business.Ru for in-depth sales analytics. The service allows you to receive detailed information about the profit and profitability of goods in real time, control the revenue and all expenses of the company, forecast sales and increase operational efficiency.

The list of 2018 trend ideas below will help you decide on your e-commerce product choices.

Goods for home and garden

Product options:

  • little things that make life easier (like AliExpress products);
  • bed linen and pillows;
  • swing chair made of artificial rattan (the original ones are expensive, but inexpensive substitutes can be sold);
  • hammocks;
  • swimming pools and sun loungers.
Please note that gardening products are in seasonal demand.

Digital technology and electronics

Popular in 2018:

  • mid-price smartphones;
  • Bluetooth speakers;
  • video cards (for mining);
  • robot vacuum cleaners.

Childen's goods

This is a good option for an online store run by a woman with children. The owner of a trading platform must understand the main trends in demand and understand popular and fashionable brands.

Demand for children's products, according to search engine statistics, is falling in 2018. The reason is the decline in the birth rate and the fact that women do not use search services, but Yandex.Market and social networks to search for goods for children. So selling children's clothes in an online store is not so easy.

However, there are things for which the demand practically does not fall. Among them:

  • child car seats;
  • children's hammocks (seasonal demand!);
  • scooters, balance bikes and bicycles;
  • children's clothing and shoes.
Many children's products fall into the category of impulsive demand: women on maternity leave spend a lot of time wandering aimlessly through online stores, unnoticed by themselves, filling their basket with things for the child.

Auto parts and accessories for cars

Have you noticed that auto parts stores rarely sell car accessories? This is because those who sell spare parts specialize only in them, because you need to have a good understanding of parts, analogues, etc.

Often, auto shop owners deal only with certain brands, for example, “Koreans” or “Germans”.

Trading auto accessories is great for those who are just starting to understand cars. However, competition in this area is higher. Read about how to open an auto parts store.

Unique food products

Food products are not very often sold online, as it is easier for consumers to buy them in a regular store. However, by specializing in niche products, an online store of unique food products will have regular customers.

When we talk about niche products, we mean:

  • farm products;
  • products for vegetarians;
  • special varieties of tea, coffee;
  • sports nutrition supplements.

Sportswear and shoes

The number of people wanting to go in for sports in Russia is constantly increasing due to the trend towards a healthy lifestyle.

An entrepreneur who wants to open his own sports goods store must get involved in this area himself. After all, you need to understand the trends.

Popular in 2018:

  • accessories for those who play sports (demand is growing even for banal yoga mats!);
  • gadgets for runners and cyclists;
  • sports nutrition;
  • equipment for tourism.

Goods for pets

According to statistics, stable demand for animal feed remains in Russia. Veterinarians regularly remind cat and dog owners that feeding their pets food from the common table is prohibited.

To save money, people order pet food in large packages with courier delivery.

In 2018, the following are in demand:

  • mid-price food;
  • cat litter;
  • carriers, leashes and harnesses.

Natural cosmetic

“Organic” cosmetics is a trend in the cosmetics market that was observed in 2017 and will clearly continue to be seen for several years.

Its main advantage is the absence of harmful ingredients and a low likelihood of allergies.

Selling well online:

  • oils;
  • herbal cosmetics;
  • Korean cosmetics;
  • Indian goods.
It is advisable to promote natural cosmetics through social networks and recommendation services.

Inexpensive goods from China

If you doubt the stable demand for the goods listed above, and are also afraid to start your own business because of expensive goods, start by selling goods from China. To do this, look at the trends of AliExpress, Taobao and other Chinese sellers. And create your own assortment.
