What is a trade union and why is it needed? Union card. What does a trade union chairman do? The procedure for creating a trade union organization in LLC Trade union organization at the enterprise

in your work team

First step

Before establishing a primary organization - a primary trade union organization - in your work collective, you need to decide which industry trade union it will belong to. This must be done for the following reasons:

To avoid the emergence of two primary branches of one industry trade union at the same employer.

To familiarize yourself with the regulations on the primary trade union organization and the charter of the sectoral trade union, since the established primary organization must carry out its activities on the basis of these documents;

To receive advice and assistance in establishing a primary trade union organization.

Regulatory legal acts that it is advisable for employees who decide to create a primary trade union organization to familiarize themselves with:

1. Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 10-FZ “On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees”

2. Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 82-FZ “On Public Associations”

3. Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs”

4. Chapter 58 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Who will be the founder

Founders - persons who directly establish (create) the primary trade union organization. A primary organization can be established by at least three people who have reached the age of 14 and are working, as a rule, in one enterprise, one institution, one organization.

What is needed to create a primary

To create a primary trade union organization, it is necessary to hold a constituent meeting, at which it is necessary to consider the following issues and make appropriate decisions on them:

On the creation of a primary trade union organization;

On the election of the chairman of the primary trade union organization, members of the trade union committee (The chairman can be either exempt or not exempt from his main job. How do they differ? The non-exempt chairman performs his duties without interruption from his main job, that is, work in the primary trade union organization, in fact, is for him a so-called “social burden”. The released chairman, when elected to this position, is engaged in trade union work professionally, an appropriate employment contract must be concluded with him, and his salary is set.);

On the election of the audit commission;

On approval of the regulations on the primary trade union organization, developed in accordance with the charter of the sectoral trade union (as a rule, these are standard regulations);

On applying to the territorial body of the industry trade union with a request for registration.

During the meeting, minutes are kept, which must reflect the following mandatory details:

Place of the meeting;

Date of the meeting;

Information about the founders;

Signature of the elected chairman and secretary.

In addition, it is necessary to decide whether the primary entity being created will be registered as a legal entity. In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 8 of the Law, the legal capacity of a primary trade union organization as a legal entity arises from the moment of state registration.

A few tips

The process of establishing a primary trade union organization should not be treated formally. There are already examples in judicial practice when the decision of the constituent meeting is declared invalid, despite the fact that the employer filed a claim for its invalidation. Not every employer wants to see trade union representatives at their enterprise. After all, for him this means the emergence of big problems and, as a rule, costs - increasing wages for employees, certifying jobs, creating working conditions for trade union organizations, etc.

When establishing a primary trade union organization, it is necessary to remember that abuse of rights is unacceptable. That is, if a primary organization is created, but the employer does not know about its existence, then, for example, when reducing the number or staff of employees, the opinion of the primary organization will not be taken into account (Article 82 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But there will be no violation of the procedure for dismissing employees in this case either: due to the employer’s lack of information about the existence of the primary trade union organization, he could not send it any documents in order to obtain its opinion. Based on this, it seems advisable to inform the employer about the establishment of a primary trade union organization after registration with the territorial body of the industry trade union.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 28 of the Law, the employer is obliged to transfer union membership dues from employees’ salaries monthly and free of charge to the trade union account in accordance with the collective agreement. In this case, the employer does not have the right to delay the transfer of these funds. Naturally, when creating a primary trade union organization, there is no collective agreement or agreement concluded between the employer and the primary organization, which would indicate the procedure for transferring professional contributions. However, in such cases, it seems possible for the employee to pay contributions personally - through the accounting department of the territorial branch of the industry trade union.

In conclusion, I would like to note the following. In any case, contacting the trade union before the start of the process of establishing a primary trade union organization will not be superfluous. Our specialists and lawyers will help with consultation and advice.

Form of the Minutes of the meeting on the creation of a primary trade union organization

Application form for joining a trade union

Application form for non-cash transfer of union dues through the employer’s accounting department

If you want to know how to create a trade union, then in this article we will try to give a comprehensive answer. Creating a trade union organization is a simple process; much more difficulties are usually encountered when conducting activities and registering a trade union.

What is a trade union

What is a trade union? A trade union is an organization whose purpose is to protect the interests of employees of an enterprise or people united by common labor problems. You can create a trade union for workers in any field: taxi drivers, factory workers or entrepreneurs.

The activities of such organizations developed especially actively in the recent past, when many norms protecting people were not yet enshrined in law. Now, with the improvement of the labor code, official registration is often sufficient for the state to protect rights. But the role of trade unions, although decreased, still remains quite large.

Who can open a trade union? Any employee of the organization on the basis of which the association is being created has the right to do this. Trade unions do not require mandatory registration.

How to create a trade union

To create a trade union, an initiative group of enterprise employees is sufficient. According to the law, such organizations do not have to register. You can send documents to the registration authorities, but this is a notification procedure, not a mandatory one. The activities of a trade union are legal even if official permission is not obtained: no one should issue such permission.

If the enterprise already has a trade union organization, then a new one can be created. The number of simultaneously functioning trade unions is not limited anywhere. No one will prohibit the creation of a second or third association. The procedure for creation requires that a meeting of the founders be held. The following issues will be resolved at the meeting:

  • selection of the chairman;
  • selection of a secretary;
  • decision to create a trade union organization;
  • selection of governing body;
  • admission of members to the new organization;
  • approval of the regulations on the primary organization.

During the meeting, it is necessary to keep minutes - this is the main document that records the moment of creation of the organization. It is especially important if a decision is made on legal registration. A trade union requires at least three founders.

Regulations on the primary organization of the trade union

The regulations on the primary organization are the main document of the trade union organization. Just as for commercial companies their activities are regulated by the charter, so for trade unions this role is played by regulations. There may also be a charter, but it is not required if registration with the Ministry of Justice is not carried out. The provision is necessary in order to regulate the work of the trade union in the future.

Topics that should be included in the position:

  • general provisions;
  • description of the governing bodies of the trade union;
  • tasks and goals of creation;
  • rights and obligations of members of the organization;
  • union property, if any;
  • contributions to the union budget. If this point is not defined in the regulations, it must be described in the charter. To collect dues, the union must be registered, as it will need a bank account;
  • what to spend the organization's funds on. Typically, a union levies 1% on the salaries of employees who belong to it;
  • algorithm for voting and electing leaders. It is necessary to describe the voting as secret so that the enterprise administration cannot interfere in the activities of the trade union;
  • type of trade union: autonomous, regional or all-Russian. The autonomous one exists on its own, while the other two types collaborate with senior organizations. Such assistance may not be superfluous if the company’s management does not intend to meet the employees halfway.

How to register a trade union with the Ministry of Justice

If a decision has been made to create a legal entity, then you need to prepare documents for registering a trade union with the Ministry of Justice:

  • application form in form P11001 in two copies. One of them must be certified by a notary;
  • regulations on the primary organization, which addresses fundamental issues regarding the creation of a trade union;
  • minutes of the meeting with the decision to register the organization;
  • passport details of the founders, copies of passports;
  • letter of guarantee confirming the legal address of the trade union. It is also certified by a notary.

Important: the decision to register a trade union must be made within a month from the date of its foundation. All documents must be submitted to the Ministry of Justice, which cannot fail to accept them. But if errors are made in the papers, then the trade union may be denied registration of a legal entity. As an organization it does not cease to exist.

How to create a partnership of entrepreneurs

An entrepreneurs' partnership is a form of impoverishment of people engaged in the same professional activity. Strictly speaking, it does not apply to trade unions, but it is useful to consider this topic here. An individual entrepreneur is an individual, but a partnership created by several such people has the status of a legal entity. face, which opens up certain opportunities for everyone who is part of it.

What is needed to form a partnership? The process is carried out according to the same algorithm as the registration of other non-profit organizations. To found a company, the following constituent documents must be drawn up:

  • charter of the partnership;
  • creation agreement.

The agreement and charter prescribe the methods of cooperation between entrepreneurs. The property liability of a partnership does not include that of an individual entrepreneur and vice versa. The agreement fixes the amount of entrepreneurs' contributions to the common cause. Contributions can be:

  • material (cash);
  • intangible (useful materials, information);
  • The skills of each individual entrepreneur can also be considered a contribution.

The partnership agreement necessarily includes information about each of its members. Insurance and other provided types of liability are also described. The contract can be fixed-term, that is, valid for a certain time, or indefinite, that is, valid until it is decided to terminate it.

Conducting a strike

A trade union may be formed for the purpose of carrying out a strike. A strike is an extreme measure of “negotiation” with the management of an organization if it ignores the demands or requests of workers. The process consists of the fact that company employees do not go to work until their demands are met, or until management negotiates.

The right to strike is regulated by the Labor Code. It can be performed if employee rights are violated:

  • do not pay wages;
  • they don’t allow you to go on vacation;
  • extend the working day;
  • for other reasons.

The procedure for creating a trade union to conduct a strike is no different from registering a regular union. It is much easier to organize a strike when there is a trade union than when there is none. The decision on it is made at the general meeting. The following conditions must be met:

  • formulate written requirements;
  • staff a conciliation commission that will conduct negotiations;
  • record disagreements;
  • notify the employer in writing. After receiving the notification, the employer is obliged to enter into negotiations; he has no right to refuse them.

To successfully carry out a strike, it is important to ensure compliance with legal subtleties. If the process can be considered illegal, then workers may have problems, and organizers may even be held liable.

It is important to remember that there are categories of workers who do not have the right to strike:

  • military;
  • emergency doctors;
  • law enforcement officers and the FSB;
  • representatives of other professions on which people’s safety depends.

How can you properly organize a trade union and carry out a strike without risks? To do this, you should take legal help. The cost of the issue will be less than the possible problems in the absence of legal advice. A legal basis means an effective strike.

All-Russian and regional trade unions

The all-Russian trade union is several trade union organizations from all over the country that are united for a common goal. Such a union has much more opportunities than a regular one created for activities within one organization. There are several all-Russian trade union associations.

The interregional trade union solves the problems of trade unions in the same industry, whose enterprises are located in different regions. Typically, such a union unites employees not only from one industry, but also from several related ones.

All-Russian and interregional organizations often provide assistance to newly created trade unions. They will tell you where to start and what important stages in creation you should not skip. In Russia there is the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR), under whose auspices trade union organizations are united. It consists of several million people and more than a hundred organizations. There are other organizations that solve similar problems.

The largest of them is the SPR, which actively cooperates not only with Russian organizations, but also with international ones. You do not have to be a member of one of these organizations to form a trade union. But cooperation with them, as older and more experienced ones, allows production associations to solve important and complex problems.

Having decided to create a primary trade union organization (PTU), you have taken the right step in choosing an organization that you have entrusted to protect and represent your interests.

Tell your colleagues about your decision, tell them how to create a trade union in the organization, convince them to do the same, find like-minded people. This will allow the work team to organize its own training program. Remember that the more workers in your company support the decision, the stronger the organization will be!

The practice of resolving labor conflicts and defending the interests of the working people shows that only a trade union can conclude an effective collective agreement with the employer, which allows regulating work hours and wages, achieving better working conditions, social guarantees and much more. If someone did not do this, simply because they do not know how to create a trade union at the enterprise .

The Federal Law “On trade unions, their guarantees of activity and rights” states that a PPO is an association of trade union members on a voluntary basis, usually working in one company, one organization, one institution, regardless of forms of subordination and ownership, operating based on the regulations , adopted in accordance with the charter, or based on the general regulations on PPO of the corresponding trade union. The Federal Law “On Public Associations” states that when a public association is established in the form of a public organization, the founders of the company by default become participants in the public organization and receive the corresponding responsibilities and rights.

If you have like-minded people and are ready to take on the creation of a trade union committee at the enterprise, that is, to create a primary trade union organization, then the first step should be the choice of a trade union association, which will include the future PPO.

On the website in the "" section all trade union associations that are part of the Trade Union are listed. Some of them have their own Internet resources, where the Statutory documents and the work carried out by this association are published.

Traditionally, trade union organizations are created on a professional basis, but there is a practice of uniting workers from different industries into one trade union.

How to create a trade union at work step by step instructions

Typically, organizational events are no different from each other. Below we have given an example of how to create a software:

  1. If you are not a member of a trade union, but have decided to become one and you want the company to have a trade union organization, find like-minded people and organize an initiative team (at least three people).
  2. The initiative team needs to agree on the creation of a PPO with representatives of the trade union in which the future organization will be registered.
  3. Preparation and holding of the meeting.

Tell your colleagues about the concept of a “collective agreement”, how exactly with its help it is possible to regulate wages, achieve improved working conditions, and receive social guarantees.

It is necessary to take into account the employer’s opinion about the idea of ​​​​creating a trade union organization. If he doesn’t like it, this should not be an obstacle to the endeavor, but it can make life worse for the organizer. Preparations for the meeting will need to be carried out without much publicity, without informing employers about the time and place of the meeting. There is a possibility that the meeting will not take place on the premises of the enterprise.

If the employer realizes the benefits of cooperation with an organized team that is ready for partnerships for the prosperity of the company, then you need to agree with him on some formal issues: the date, time and place of the first organizational meeting.

The meeting decides to found a PPO and elects an audit commission and a trade union committee.

  1. Participants in the meeting write applications to join the trade union and an application to collect a trade union fee from them.

Payment of the membership fee is the statutory obligation of each trade union member. By law, the employer is obliged to transfer union dues to the PPO free of charge if there are personal statements from members of the trade union about charging them a fee and including this condition in the collective agreement.

If organizational issues arise, City Committee specialists will help resolve them.

When carrying out campaigning and propaganda work, you need to use different arguments for the need to create a PPO, and you need to take into account who you are influencing: the workers or the employer.

Arguments to use in a conversation with an employer

A system of social partnership has been formed in Moscow, and the Moscow Law “On Social Partnership” is in effect. Trade unions act as one of the equal parties. The primary organization at work can be an equal partner to the employer during the conclusion of a collective agreement. A collective agreement guarantees a loyal attitude towards you as an entrepreneur from city governments and authorities.

According to the new labor legislation, representatives of workers in social partnership are, first of all, trade unions. They are the ones who are interested in concluding a collective agreement with the employer.

The trade union organization is interested in the sustainable operation of the company, in the production of good, competitive goods. We guarantee social peace in the company, subject to compliance with the collective agreement.

The trade union organization is interested in increasing the qualifications of the enterprise's workers, in their compliance with internal regulations and the organization's Charter.

The trade union organization, among other things, aims to regulate social and labor relations. If the collective agreement is not observed, the trade union organization is ready to provide assistance in resolving labor disputes.

A trade union is an association of employees of enterprises, institutions, organizations of various organizational and legal forms of ownership, students and students of vocational educational institutions. They unite in order to jointly protect each other from the arbitrariness of the employer and his representatives, jointly achieve better working conditions and pay, and simply humanly help each other in difficult times.

The employer is stronger and better organized. It has the means and specialists.

You are not a merchant or a businessman, but a hired worker who can offer your labor on the labor market. And there are millions like you.

In order to declare and defend their interests, to protect themselves from employers’ intentions to solve their problems at the expense of the working person, hired workers have long united in TRADE UNIONS.

An employer will never give out benefits voluntarily. Workers must stick together to achieve results. We are an association of trade unions in the Ryazan region, offering you protection and support. To do this, we have the rights granted by Federal legislation and experience, and most importantly, the solidary power of unity.

We are almost 150 thousand members of trade unions, 16 sectoral affiliated trade union organizations that are part of the regional association of trade unions.

Why does an employee need a union?

The word “trade union” has become familiar to us and is usually associated with the provision of material assistance, the distribution of vouchers and the organization of cultural work. Trade unions do all this, but the main tasks and main goals of the trade union are the representation and protection of the social and labor rights and interests of its members.

Non-payment of wages, shutdown of enterprises, illegal dismissals, unemployment are characteristic features of our time. The trade union is the only organization that has the legal right to represent the interests of workers and is capable of actually defending them. The basic agreements that unions make with employers are recorded in a document called a collective agreement. It contains a lot, and not just about salary. It addresses issues of labor protection, time of work and rest, social benefits and guarantees, etc. Be sure to read this document (available from the chairman of the trade union organization).

A collective agreement is a legal document adopted at an enterprise, institution, or organization. Trade unions closely monitor that the agreement is fulfilled in relation to trade union members.

You may ask: what rights does a trade union have?

Our rights are enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in the laws: “On trade unions, their rights and guarantees of activity”, “On collective contracts and agreements”, “On collective labor disputes”, “On the fundamentals of labor protection in the Russian Federation”.

It's safer with us!

What does the union do?

Negotiates with employers and government officials on issues of social and labor relations. On behalf of employees, concludes agreements and collective agreements, monitors their implementation;

Monitors compliance by employers with labor legislation;

Demands termination of the contract or removal from their positions of heads of enterprises and structural units, their deputies, if they grossly violate labor legislation, do not fulfill obligations under the collective agreement, exhibit bureaucracy, or allow red tape;

Seeks employment, increased wages and timely payment;

Participates in collective labor disputes. If necessary, conducts collective protests, including strikes;

Provides free consultations on economic and legal (labor, housing, pension) issues; represents and protects the interests of trade union members in bodies considering labor disputes (labor dispute commission, court);

Nominates its representatives to protect the interests of trade union members in the commission on social insurance, on labor disputes, in the commission for monitoring the work of pension and medical funds, the employment center, etc.;

Through its bodies, labor safety inspectorates and authorized representatives, exercises control over the state of labor protection and the environment;

Nominates its representatives to the commission for investigating industrial accidents;

Through Palaces, Houses of Culture, sports complexes, libraries, children's clubs and health camps, it carries out cultural, educational, sports and recreational work among employees and members of their families.

Any employee has the right to become a member of a trade union without permission from the employer or the state.

Why should you be a member of a trade union?

As a member of a trade union, you become a participant in the organized labor movement. By participating in the collective actions of the trade union, you will be able to influence the situation at your workplace, in the industry, in the region, in the country and thereby achieve an improvement in your position and the position of your fellow workers. There is safety in numbers.

Because only a trade union member has the right to count:

  • to protect the trade union in case of dismissal at the initiative of the employer (in cases provided for by Labor legislation);
  • to help the trade union organization and its bodies in case of violation by the employer of a labor or collective agreement;
  • for assistance in resolving issues related to labor protection, compensation for damage caused to health during the performance of work duties;
  • for free consultation on labor, economic, legal, and other socially significant issues;
  • to receive financial assistance from the trade union budget;
  • to receive financial assistance from trade union funds, loans, by becoming a member of a mutual aid fund.

In trade unions, all leadership is elected.

Whoever we choose, we will support, and we will be protected.

Today, the trade union is the only reliable support for workers and only it can really protect against threats of layoffs, illegal dismissal, non-payment of wages and many others.

The trade union unites three main categories of citizens:

  • workers(a person who has reached the age of 14 years and is working under an employment contract; a person studying in an educational institution of primary, secondary or higher vocational education);
  • temporarily unemployed(employees who have temporarily stopped working for the period of maintaining their employment relationship; employees who have lost their jobs due to a reduction in numbers or staff, or the liquidation of an institution for the period of employment, but not more than 6 months)
  • pensioners(former employees, retired, formerly members of a trade union).

How to join a trade union?

Very simple, if your enterprise has a primary trade union organization(hereinafter referred to as primary). You just need to write an application to the trade union committee for admission to the trade union and to the accounting department for the collection of trade union dues and submit them to the trade union committee. A person is considered accepted into the trade union from the day the meeting or trade union committee makes a decision on admission to membership of the trade union. Confirmation of membership in a trade union is a trade union card, which is issued by the trade union committee and is kept by you.

If your enterprise does not have a trade union organization, you can create one together with other, at least 3, employees.

Familiarize yourself with the Charter of the trade union you want to join and the regulations on the primary trade union organization. After this, it is necessary to negotiate with the territorial (city, district) organization of this trade union about the desire to create a primary trade union organization at your enterprise.

If there is no territorial organization, you need to contact the trade union directly.

If a territorial trade union organization (trade union) makes a decision to establish a primary trade union organization, a constituent meeting is held, at which a decision is made to create a primary trade union, and its governing and control and audit bodies are formed. Each participant in the meeting writes an application to the trade union committee for admission to the trade union and to the accounting department for the collection of trade union dues.

Many people come across this term in their lives, but few understand what a trade union is and why it is needed. Let's try to understand this issue and understand how a trade union can help in the lives of workers.

What is a trade union and why is it needed?

A trade union is an association of workers who are bound by their professional interests in their line of work. This is a public organization that is created with the aim of protecting the rights (social, economic and labor) of all members who are members of this organization. There are trade unions of workers in education, medicine, culture, etc.

And now in more detail. As soon as a person gets a job at an enterprise, he is in fact hired by an employer to perform a specific job. Taking into account the specifics of the labor relationship between the employee and the employer, the employee is subordinate and undertakes to fulfill the employer’s requirements. But even if he is faced with illegal or unfair actions towards himself, he cannot apply measures of influence on his leadership. But the manager has the following options: he can fine the employee, fire him, or at least reprimand him. In fact, subordinates individually represent useless “cogs” of the mechanism, and there is no one to protect them.

Of course, an employee has the opportunity and right to appeal to the court, Rostrudinspektsiya or the prosecutor's office with a statement, but for this it is necessary to know the procedural legislation, which will allow him to competently draw up a statement. But even if legality can be restored, the employer will definitely try to get rid of the obstinate employee, as a result of which the hired employee will still suffer.

The role of the trade union

And this is where the union, which consists of specific workers, comes into play. He partially relieves legal responsibilities from each of them, shifting them onto himself. The trade union protects the rights of its members in case of their violation and supports the interests of workers. Membership is confirmed by a document - a union card.

If an employer can easily fire an ordinary employee, then he is unlikely to risk contacting his subordinate who is a member of a trade union. Workers unite in specialized organizations in order to seek justice for themselves and restoration of their rights. If an employee is not a member of a trade union, then he will have to independently run through all possible authorities, initiating resolution of controversial issues in his favor, and his chances of success in this matter are extremely small.

The chairman of the organization deals with organizational issues and often acts as a parliamentarian in negotiations with the management of the company.

Now you understand what a trade union is and why it is needed. However, there is an opinion among employers and even employees that they cannot expect help from the trade union, and that any fight against the employer will end in victory for the latter. But there are many examples where a well-organized union has achieved compliance. To give an analogy, this organization can be compared to an army: just as an army is ready to repel an enemy attack, a well-organized trade union is able to protect the interests of its members. Only such unions of workers are forced to be taken into account by employers. However, for a union to be truly strong and effective, every employee who joins the organization must take part in its life.

Trade union as a tool for protecting the rights of employees

If we think very roughly, then each enterprise consists of two entities: the employer and employees. The first one hires staff by assigning them a specific task. Its main goal is to achieve maximum profitability of the enterprise. And for this, the manager sometimes resorts to all sorts of ways to reduce the wages of his employees. Sometimes managers abuse their powers by imposing various penalties not provided for in the contract and cunning remuneration systems. Some employers even become impudent, forcing employees to go on weekends or do things that are not part of their duties.

In such cases, workers can achieve a solution to their problems by turning to a trade union, in which, united by one interest, the participants help each other, and very effectively.

About the lack of benefits of trade unions

Despite this, many workers are trying to find out why they should join a union. To be fair, not all unions are created equal. Some do not provide real assistance to workers who join their community, and there is no benefit from them. Unfortunately, there are many such organizations today. There are often trade unions of educators and students who do not provide practical or legal assistance. These organizations lack the resources and authority to conduct such activities. Many community members then have a completely reasonable question about what the chairman of a trade union of this kind does. However, sometimes they can offer trips to some sanatorium at a small discount or a gift for the New Year. It should be noted that often the chairman of the organization can provide additional benefits and incentives to participants close to the leadership of the trade union organization. At the same time, everyone has to pay for a union card, which reduces the real benefits of such an organization to a minimum. In large communities of workers there are a huge number of workers, for each of them the organization receives deductions. Within one transaction this is very little money, but in total the payments amount to a rather impressive budget.

Trade unions for workers and managers

Many employers are not interested in paying union dues to join this organization. They believe that the community will only get in the way, although in fact it is primarily interested in the stable operation of the company. In essence, this is a social partner who helps when production or social problems arise among people working at the enterprise.

Does an employee need a trade union?

By joining it, he receives the right:

  1. Receive free legal assistance on issues related to his work.
  2. Receive economic and social benefits and norms that are provided for in the collective agreement and official legislation.
  3. To professional protection in the event of unfair actions taken against him, including dismissal.
  4. For legal protection by the trade union in court.
  5. To the assistance of trade union specialists on issues of payment and timely payment of wages.
  6. To protect interests in improving working conditions in the workplace.
  7. For additional insurance against possible work-related injuries.
  8. Free use of sports and cultural equipment.
  9. For assistance in obtaining a vacation voucher at a discount.

Workers must remember that if they are not members of a trade union, they are depriving themselves of its assistance. Thus, they are left alone with their employer, and if he violates any clause of the contract, then they will have to seek justice on their own.

What does a union card give to an employer?

There are many advantages:

  1. Support of the competent authority in resolving personal and social issues of employees.
  2. The employer gets a partner to achieve better production results and instill work discipline among employees.
  3. Practical assistance when questions arise related to labor protection or compliance with labor discipline.

Any forward-thinking entrepreneur should be interested in the work of a trade union, which will assist in monitoring labor safety and ensuring safe working conditions.


Trade unions originated 100 years ago, and then the purpose of this organization was to solve the pressing problems of workers of that time:

  • unfair wages;
  • fines for various violations;
  • social problems;
  • low security at the enterprise.

Today, the role of this organization remains such only in theory. Unfortunately, many modern workers' unions do not provide much assistance, but still charge members dues. Thus, they do not answer the question of what a trade union is and why it is needed, leveling the very fact of the existence of their own organization. Discount trips and gifts for the New Year are not the goal for which you should join its ranks. But the old school unions are here to stay, and they actually care about the workers who join them.
