What does the concept of branding mean? See what “Branding” is in other dictionaries. What is a brand

If there are people in the world who are not exposed to advertising, then they live where there are no means of conveying information in any form. This is a place where there is no Internet, newspapers, radio, where posters are not printed and there are no boards. Somewhere such islands are lost in large oceans with warm waters. The rest of the population knows global brands.

Brand and branding

By creating a company, giving a name to a brand or a specific group of products, a brand is potentially created. That is, a brand is the name under which a product or service is produced. Branding is a marketing process of launching and conducting events aimed at systematically forming and developing demand and popularity of a product (brand) among consumers.

The English word brend is literally translated as “stamp”, “brand”. Therefore, the interpretation of the word “branding” may have several variations depending on how one or another person draws analogies with the Russian translation.

Almost anything can be branded: the name of an actor, a brand of water, a vehicle, a product. Company branding is carried out with the aim of instilling trust not just in a brand, but in a set of products produced under the auspices of one brand. But in this case there are reputational risks. If the company's image or any product is damaged, the entire line of products or services produced will suffer. A brand is, first of all, an image, once established and infallible throughout the entire life of the product.

The main goal of branding is to create the popularity of a brand among the target audience for whom the offer, product or service was created. This is the common goal of any marketing campaign when developing objectives for all events.

The task of branding is to reach the entire target audience and form strong preferences for a brand, product, or service. Completion of the main task is extended over time and depends on the advertising campaign, which is developed according to the goals and objectives of each stage of the implementation of the marketing plan.

Tools and Concepts

Product branding is a necessary measure for a successful business. Before planning to release products to the market, marketers determine the target audience of consumers (CA). The latter is determined based on several concepts: for whom the product will be intended and who will be its buyer. At a first approximation, the purpose of the product is determined: for the end consumer, for business partners, for government agencies. Further gradation of the target audience occurs according to the characteristics inherent in the group of consumers to which the product is aimed. For the final target audience, gender, age, financial situation, and so on are determined.

Determining the target audience is the most important part of marketing activities for branding a product/service. If you set your priorities incorrectly at this stage, you will have to adjust your marketing strategy as problems with sales and popularity accumulate. Most often you have to start from the first step. And this negatively affects the brand. Branding is the process of identifying a brand's value to a target audience and mapping its image onto customer preferences.

To avoid mistakes at this stage, focus groups are created from people of the main target audience, where brand attributes are tested. The group usually consists of 10-15 people, which gives the main cross-section of perception. There may be several groups. It depends on the scale of the project. If a company is going to produce a regional product, 2-3 focus groups are enough; if the project has national characteristics, focus groups are created in each region in order to get the most representative picture with minimal error in the results.

Complex of marketing activities

A brand is not an established concept tied to a specific product. How many times has it been possible to observe the metamorphoses of long-known brands! They have existed on the market for decades, but are constantly changing, expanding their spheres of influence, finding new trading niches or simply designing a new advertising message or logo. At any stage, a brand needs a set of measures to introduce, maintain or rebrand.

Branding tools

Nothing happens by itself. Creating branding requires certain steps and the use of marketing tools for successful promotion and popularization in the market. The set of measures includes:

  • development of a brand name - naming;
  • brand description;
  • identification of value characteristics for the target audience of consumers - positioning;
  • differentiation of product features in the same category as competitors’ products - detuning;
  • visual design of the brand (packaging, writing, advertising message, etc.);
  • promotion in a competitive environment, increasing brand awareness and popularity;
  • advertising campaign and constant advertising support.

Brand management concept

Any company can launch several products on the market, each of which will be a brand. There are millions of companies in the world with a portfolio of brands, each of which receives a separate marketing strategy, different target audiences, development prospects and advertising campaigns. Branding is a necessary measure to individualize a product and connect its image with the needs of the target audience.


We often hear the words: brand, branding, branding. And, it would seem, we understand them.

What is a brand

We are accustomed to consider a brand to be the designation of a specific product or product line. When we hear the name, we immediately understand what kind of product we are talking about, how high quality, popular and affordable it is. It turns out that by name, we can replace all information about the company, product, service.

There are two characteristics:

  • Visual (guideline), includes: name, logo, distinctive visual elements by which the company becomes recognizable. The guideline is a kind of brand passport, which describes recommendations for the competent use of the visual characteristics of the brand.
  • Figurative, includes: corporate identity, reputation and image. A set of basic elements when creating a brand. Among them: purpose, personality, position, values. The main task is to create a complete concept and recommendations for its use. With its help, a holistic understanding of the brand should come.

Promotions are created with the aim of monopolizing the market in a certain segment. Previously, this word could not be applied to every “trademark”, but only to a widely known one. The higher the fame, the greater the brand value. The activity is regulated by the American Marketing Association. Of course, the main goal will be to create a holistic image about the company and products, so that everyone, hearing the name, can understand what is being said. In the period from 2002 to 2007, a rating was compiled to evaluate global companies. The top three were valued at $50 billion: Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Google.

What is branding

Branding is the process of creating a brand.

Seven stages:

  1. Goal setting. Includes: the purpose of creating the company, the place of the brand in the company, determination of competitive advantages, KPI.
  2. Project planning. Includes: all company resources, determination of the audience of customers, performers, project deadlines, other conditions or limiting factors.
  3. Analysis of the market situation. Includes: competitors, target audience, market.
  4. Formulation of the essence. Includes: consumer utility, personality, visual attributes.
  5. Management strategy. Includes: brand book, appointment of those responsible for development, promotion plan, monitoring plan, performance evaluation.
  6. Promotion. Includes: media plan, advertising products, placement, promotions, customer loyalty programs.
  7. Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of actions. Includes: KPI, comparison of the current and desired state, making changes to the development strategy.

Also, branding is the formation of a company’s image over a long time, the so-called “Brand image”. Philip Kotler said: “A good brand is the only thing that can provide above-average earnings over a long period of time.” When creating an image, they take into account the emotions that the product evokes in the consumer. For example, cosmetics companies use the faces of famous models or actresses as their brand image.

What is branding

Branding is one of the areas of advertising that works to improve the company’s image by applying advertising information to various surfaces (vehicles, display cases, equipment). The most popular is vehicle branding. Companies apply their company logos to their own fleet of vehicles. So, in the city you can often see a courier with a car with the logo of a company offering pizza delivery and so on. Another option is advertising on buses, trams, and minibuses. The company advertises its company on public transport, which provides a good opportunity to attract new customers. Another niche is advertising on shop windows and promotional stands. Beautiful girls behind branded supermarket counters offer to try this or that product. Companies use branding of their storefronts to gain recognition and increase the popularity of their products. Also, you often notice the company’s logo on stationery, forms, etc. When you receive a branded pen, notepad or lighter, you constantly have a reminder sign of whose service you used or whose products you purchased.

Brand counterfeiting - Mimicry

Unfortunately, not all companies on the market advertise their products in good faith. Photographic resemblance. The company creates a similar logo and the buyer, due to inattention, may not notice that he is purchasing the wrong product.

The mass consumer market is inextricably linked with marketing and advertising technologies, which allow brands to more effectively promote their products. Nowadays, it is difficult to find an urban person who could not name several brands from different areas of the consumer market. Moreover, active buyers will probably also be able to point out the positive qualities of a particular manufacturer’s products. All this is the result of using marketing tools, the basis of which is branding. This is a whole set of means and methods that aim to increase demand for a product of a certain brand. As a rule, this process is carried out by large companies operating in the global consumer market, but there are other areas of application of such technologies that are aimed at creating the image of an object outside of commercial purposes.

Understanding Branding

A brand is usually understood directly as a manufacturer that produces a particular product. But this is not entirely fair. Such an association rather suits the concept of a trademark. In turn, branding is a process during which the target audience forms a certain image of an object. Initially, one goal is set - to introduce a set of positive properties and characteristics of products, which allows companies to come out ahead against competitors.

For example, when it comes to cars, marketers in creating a brand rely on such qualities as reliability, safety, comfort and ease of use. These characteristics should be associated by the buyer with a specific brand. It should also be understood that in the eyes of the consumer himself, branding is a way of recognizing products. Obviously, in the process of choosing a product from a wide range, the buyer must be guided by information about the offer. As a result, it is the emotions and associations formed by branding that come first.

Branding– consistent and systematic creation of a popular brand, introduction of a brand approach in the company’s policy. Branding is targeted marketing activities to create long-term consumer preference for a product. Branding is implemented in the process of developing and implementing marketing communications: trademark, trademark, packaging, advertising messages, and other marketing efforts that help highlight the product and create an image of the product that is different from other competitors in the minds and psychology of consumers.

The term branding comes from the Latin word "brand" - brand, mark. The term " branding"does not have an exact equivalent in the Russian language. Any possible interpretation options from the above are considered worthy of attention: “forming an attraction to a certain brand in the buyer”, “ensuring consumer preference for a brand among competing ones” do not accurately reflect its essence. The translation that is closest in meaning - “creating stable, attractive images of brands of goods (services) in the minds of the buyer to establish their differences from the goods and services of competitors.”

The main goal of branding is to convey to the target audience (buyer, partners, authorities) the essence of the offer, issued under the name of the brand, and to form a positive attitude towards this brand. Thus, branding is a set of marketing and management tools that consists of developing a product brand, positioning and promoting to the market, ensuring reputation, as well as regular monitoring of the compliance of a certain brand with market requirements.

Included in the range of branding works turns on:

  • naming, brand name development;
  • brand descriptions;
  • identifying value in the eyes of the consumer (positioning);
  • identifying differences that differentiate the brand and satisfy customer needs;
  • creating brand design;
  • promotion and popularization of the brand;
  • advertising support.

Branding concept arose within the North American school of marketing as a practical direction. It is believed that the brand management system was first proposed and applied by Procter & Gamble in the early 30s. an employee named Nick McElroy, who was responsible for the Camay brand of soap. Since then, the organizational and functional embodiment of branding - the brand management principle, which consists in separating individual brands into independent marketing objects - has become a generally accepted tool for promoting goods to the consumer market.

The mass consumer market is inextricably linked with marketing and advertising technologies, which allow brands to more effectively promote their products. Nowadays, it is difficult to find an urban person who could not name several brands from different areas of the consumer market. Moreover, active buyers will probably also be able to point out the positives of a particular manufacturer. All uses of marketing tools, the basis of which is branding. This is a whole set of means and methods that aim to increase demand for a product of a certain brand. As a rule, this process is carried out by large companies operating in the global consumer market, but there are other areas of application of such technologies that are aimed at creating the image of an object outside of commercial purposes.

Understanding Branding

A brand is usually understood directly as a manufacturer that produces a particular product. But this is not entirely fair. Such an association rather suits the concept of a trademark. In turn, branding is a process during which a certain image of an object is formed. Initially, one goal is set - to introduce precisely a set of positive properties and characteristics of products, which allows companies to come out ahead against their competitors.

For example, when it comes to cars, marketers in creating a brand rely on such qualities as reliability, safety, comfort and ease of use. These characteristics should be associated by the buyer with a specific one. It should also be understood that in the eyes of the consumer himself, branding is a way of recognizing products. Obviously, in the process of choosing a product from a wide range, the buyer must be guided by information about the offer. As a result, it is the emotions and associations formed by branding that come first.

Branding goals and objectives

In most cases, branding aims to increase sales. This is achieved by increasing interest in the product and, most importantly, a favorable brand image. Today, more and more often, several products are produced under one brand. For example, the American company CAT, specializing in the production of construction equipment, transferred the rights to use its brand to a little-known British manufacturer of mobile devices. As a result, the CAT phone appeared on the market, associated with high performance and reliability. But, as already noted, this method of promotion does not always aim at commercial success. In particular, territory branding can be aimed at creating a favorable image among the local population. For this purpose, the same ones as in the consumer market can be used.

Stages of brand creation

Work begins with analytical operations aimed at studying the market and target audience. If the development of an existing brand is planned, then its current position in the segment is studied. This is followed by planning, during which the essential characteristics of the brand are formulated, and a management strategy is developed. Then specialists form a system of verbal and visual identification, as well as image.

So, if branding of territories in a resort area is being developed, then such characteristics as environmental friendliness, developed infrastructure, comfortable living, etc. will come first. In order to convey the formulated package of quality properties to the target audience, promotional means are used. At this stage, channels are used on the basis of which strong relationships are built between the consumer and the brand.

Branding technologies

Depending on the market segment and sales conditions, different branding technologies can be used. Universal means include communication and information tools that provide the basis for the masses. There are also more specialized approaches used by marketers. Thus, branding technologies for consumer goods usually involve various types of comparisons and positioning. In the first case, the product is compared with an outdated product of the previous generation or with generalized offers from competitors.

Of course, such a comparison should leave an advantage to the promoted brand. As for positioning, it can affect a variety of qualities. For example, positions in terms of price determine whether a product belongs to the budget segment, medium, premium, etc. This facilitates the consumer’s tasks in the selection process, since he can easily identify the product and relate it to his requirements.

Branding principles

Experts identify two main principles on which the work of marketers in this direction is based. First of all, it is the correspondence of market needs to the supply provided by its participants. The second principle assumes that the quality characteristics of products meet the expectations and requirements of the mass consumer. In fact, branding technologies are developed with a focus on these principles. There are also many opinions according to which the set of initial settings for promotion should not only be based on the buyer’s needs, but also meet the expectations of society as a whole.

Features of Russian branding

The situation in the domestic market demonstrates a noticeable lag in marketing activities from foreign companies. On the one hand, this has identified practically empty niches in which there are no large Russian brands, but on the other hand, new participants must face quite serious competition in the form of more well-known and advertised foreign brands. In general, the peculiarities of branding in Russia are due to poor communication with the consumer. But this situation is changing, and, even despite the dominance of global giants in the market, domestic producers have their advantages. Firstly, the very fact of the Russian origin of the product is attractive. Secondly, such products are cheaper.

Modern branding

Branding technologies in the modern sense were first used back in the 1930s. In subsequent decades, the concept of creating images about a product did not change, but the tools for achieving such tasks were improved. Nowadays, the development of branding involves more radical changes. For example, there is a clear segmentation of products, multi-branding, as well as the use of more stringent advertising technologies. According to many experts, in the near future, products in each segment will become almost unique, that is, the consumer will not have a choice between products of similar quality, but will be able to immediately purchase something that fully meets his requirements.


One can consider branding as a set of marketing tools or a set of advertising means, but this will not be enough to explain its nature. After all, branding is a process of developing mental perception. You can use its result for any purpose. It is not without reason that branding is closely related to such properties as image and reputation. Another thing is that it is in the sphere of commercial interests that it brings the greatest dividends, which is why it arose in conditions of market competition. The essential methods and principles of creating consumer images are unlikely to change in the near future, but technological approaches in this direction will inevitably develop.
