What you need to open draft beer. How to open a beer store and guarantee its success? We are reconstructing the hall

Have you decided to open your own beer store? Don't know where to start? This material discusses the main steps and nuances that relate to organizational and administrative issues when starting your own business.

I will tell you in detail about what documents may be required to open a beer store, what equipment you need to purchase and how to work with suppliers.

Personally, I myself have good friends who have opened several points selling beer on tap ("live" beer).

I can say that the guys provide for themselves quite well not only in the season (which is usually summer), but also in the cooler season (but for this you definitely need to have a room).

And here, by the way, is a video on the topic of our article on how to open a beer bar:

Guests: Dmitry Sokolov, co-owner of the bars Tema, Help, Aloha, Dream, Free; Vyacheslav Lankin, co-owner of the Delicatessen and Tapa de Comida bars; Stanislav Mukhanov, director of the Moscow Bar Show.

Step one: organizational and legal form

For those who are planning to open their own beer store, it is necessary to study the legislative framework regulating the retail trade of beer. For example, on July 18, 2011, Federal Law 218 was adopted, which tightened the requirements for the conditions for the sale of alcoholic beverages. Now organizations and individual entrepreneurs can sell beer. The law also defines places where it is strictly prohibited to sell any alcoholic products - medical, educational institutions, transport facilities, markets, train stations, transport stops, non-stationary retail facilities.

In addition, you need to know that from 01/01/2013. Another law was passed, tightening the rules for beer trade. In accordance with the law, now only organizations can sell beer and beer drinks. It is prohibited to sell beer in stalls and kiosks. The optimal trading time has been determined from 08.00 to 23.00.

Given such strict legislative regulation, it is worth paying careful attention to which organizational and legal form to choose for doing business. Basically, the owner is faced with a choice between an LLC and an individual entrepreneur. The optimal option is to organize an LLC, since new laws tighten the requirements for individual entrepreneurs selling beer and foamy drinks (obliges to keep records and declare retail sales volumes). In any case, the company keeps records and declares sales, and is also an organization that is “allowed” by law to trade beer. In addition, simplified taxation systems have been introduced for LLCs, which will allow saving on the payment of certain types of taxes - enterprise profit tax, enterprise property tax, VAT. Register an LLC

Step two: business registration

When registering a business, you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. Requirements for the premises of a beer store. The optimal option for the premises in which the beer store will be located is an area of ​​50 square meters, of which the sales area will occupy 20 square meters, and the warehouse - 12. About 18 square meters will remain for the remaining premises. It is necessary that the premises comply with SanPiN and the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor dated 09/07/2001. No. 23 with changes and additions. It must be remembered that any retail enterprise must have a “Consumer Corner”. When choosing premises for a beer store, you need to remember ethical features. So, you should not locate a store closer than 100 meters from educational institutions - this is prescribed by law.
  2. Products. Remember that selling less than 20 beers at one outlet is impractical. At the same time, it is quite rational to divide the assortment into several classes - economy, medium, medium+ and premium. This will allow you to target the potential audience and attract customers from each segment to the store.
  3. Staff. For permanent work that will bring a stable income in the specified area of ​​the store, it is enough to hire two salespeople who will work in shifts, for example, with a 2/2 schedule. In addition, cleaning services are required to maintain the premises in proper condition. In accordance with the new legislation, it is necessary to equip the premises of a beer store with a security alarm and a safe.

The official “collection” of papers and documents for opening a beer store will consist of the following points:

  • registration of a limited liability company - from 1000 to 5000 rubles, depending on whether registration will be carried out independently or with the participation of legal assistant firms;
  • concluding a lease or purchase/sale agreement for the premises in which the store will be located - from 1000 rubles per square meter (approximate cost 50 - 100 thousand rubles);
  • registration of a cash register with the help of which products will be sold, as well as concluding an agreement for the maintenance of this device;
  • obtaining permits for carrying out trading activities in the Administration;
  • obtaining conclusions from SES, state consumer supervision and fire inspection - the approximate cost is from 30 to 150 thousand rubles;
  • concluding employment contracts with store employees;
  • registration of sanitary records for employees - cost from 1,500 rubles.

Step three: tax issues

One of the least pleasant moments for entrepreneurs in running their own business, including retail beer sales, is resolving the issue of taxation. The sale of beer in a specialized store refers to the retail trade of low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, carried out through shops and pavilions, the sales area of ​​which does not exceed 150 square meters.

For this type of retail trade, the following OKVED code (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities) will be used - 52.25.12 "Beer retail".

Step four: assortment policy

It was already indicated earlier that for a retail beer store it is quite 20-25 types of beer are enough. This is due to the fact that we divide the range into approximately 4 sectors, each of which should feature from 3 to 6 different types of beer. It is rational to offer the buyer a choice, and then, focusing on the average demand for a particular variety and type, adjust the product range.

The owner of a beer store must constantly analyze the demand for his product. After approximately 6-12 months of sales, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about which varieties are bought better than others. For an initial stock of assortment, it is recommended to use the latest statistical data on the approximate segmentation of consumer demand for beer in Russia. According to them, the most popular type of beer among modern Russians is “Live Beer”.

Naturally, in addition to beer itself, the store may also require a related assortment of goods, that is, snacks. Dried fish may be the most preferable option for such products. It is also convenient to trade because no permits for sale are required - only a quality certificate from the supplier.

Step five: beer store equipment

It is impossible to imagine a beer store without equipment. What you need to purchase and how much it will cost - read below:

  1. stand - approximate cost 20 thousand rubles;
  2. refrigerator-display for placing snacks - approximate cost of 30 thousand rubles;
  3. defoamers;
  4. kegs.

Quite often, large suppliers and manufacturers offer their clients, that is, retailers, rental equipment at reduced prices. This allows you to save on the purchase of expensive foam carriers and kegs.

It is also necessary to take care of the refrigeration equipment of the warehouse where surpluses and supplies will be stored. Its approximate cost for placement on an area of ​​12 square meters can range from 60 to 100 thousand rubles.

Step six: working with suppliers and manufacturers

In order to organize the retail sale of beer in your store, it is necessary to establish contractual relations with suppliers and manufacturers. It is important to know that reliable manufacturers and suppliers will never offer you self-pickup of products from a warehouse or factory; they will always deliver the goods to the point of sale.

Deliveries of keg beer are made from one keg with a volume of 50 liters. In order to sell beer in plastic, choose the most convenient volumes - 1 l, 1.5 l, 2 l and 3 l. These volumes are most in demand among buyers and have lower transportation costs.

Don't forget that large manufacturers and suppliers can give you a discount not only on large wholesale orders for products, but also on rental equipment for your store.

The supply agreement is essentially a purchase and sale agreement, but it has a peculiarity: the supply agreement is concluded between individual entrepreneurs and organizations, between organizations, it cannot be concluded between individuals or an individual and an organization;

The supply agreement is a document signed by the parties. It can also be an order that the supplier accepts from the buyer. A supply agreement can be concluded for various periods - from a one-time supply to a year. The contract must necessarily contain the delivery range, quantity and quality, as well as timing and cost.


So, this article discussed the main aspects opening a beer store from scratch. Taking into account all the possible costs listed in this article, the initial investment in opening a beer store can range from 575,000 rubles and more (depending on investments in the design of the store premises, the amount of working capital, transportation costs and advertising). With such costs, the basic level of profitability, that is, break-even of running a business, should be noted at the level of 40,000 rubles of current revenue. Sustainable profit generation at such indicators is possible in an optimistic forecast after 3-5 months of the store’s operation.

The most important can be considered the choice of organizational and legal form, resolving issues with permitting documentation, as well as work on arranging the premises and working with suppliers. All other actions and work to develop, promote and improve the store’s activities are part of the business plan, must meet modern market requirements and contain answers to the main economic questions: “What to sell?”, “How to sell?”, “Who to sell to?” ".

And here is another cool video from a professional in his field, Dmitry Morgachev (he is the director of a consulting company) entitled: " How to open a bar and make it successful"The author tries to explain in detail how to make your beer bar successful and not go bankrupt in the first year of operation. Frequent mistakes and various tricks that can help in the development of your business are indicated.



  • Loan consolidation: connecting debts
  • How to buy an existing beer store? What do I need to do?
  • What do you need to know about the authorized capital of an LLC? Rules 2015
  • How to choose a company name? Legal aspects of starting a business
  • How to properly draw up an option agreement? Putting the new rules into practice


    Great idea!) Now it is no longer profitable to open stores with a wide selection of goods. Things are much better with stores with a specific focus, like the same beer store. You can purchase different types of beer, even the most exclusive and rare ones. The prices for such drinks are quite high now, but I want to try it) Therefore, it’s a good thing)

    Just don’t indulge too much in exclusives! You won’t drink it yourself, but the fact that in five days of the beer’s life it will sell out is a very small chance, it will be a shame! And everything seems to be normal, but the question arose, for which city are these calculations?

    Rus, all calculations are statistical averages and may differ slightly for a particular city or region.

    everything is fine, but the numbers are kind of sky-high... 200 thousand is more than enough to open a store.

    Andrey, do you have a business plan for how to open a beer store from scratch with an investment of 200 thousand rubles? Can you share it with our readers?

    Good evening! Tell me which program is suitable for accounting for goods in a warehouse7 What can you say about services to simplify work like MoeDelo, Class365?

    Hello, Natalia! You can try programs such as: My Warehouse or Trade Warehouse. I have two opinions about work simplification services; they are often wrong. If you are just starting your own business, then at first you can use it. There are specialized services for sending reports via the Internet, and for reporting itself I recommend mastering 1C, this will make it easier and more reliable in the future.

    Hello, please tell me what are the requirements for premises by square meters for bottling trade!? (specifically for the subject status - Village). Thank you in advance)))

    Hello Anton. In accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 218-FZ of July 18, 2011, from January 1, 2013, you, as an individual entrepreneur, can carry out retail sales of beer and beer drinks in a stationary retail facility, no matter in rural or urban areas. Therefore, if your premises meet the requirements of a “stationary retail space,” then square meters do not matter.

    what documents are needed if you bought a ready-made business with suppliers and product licenses.

    Yes, something like 575,000 rubles, an incomprehensible amount for opening. Is this for a bar or a store? What area? If 20-30kV, then 250-300t.r. That’s more than enough, but if it’s a bar, then of course there are already tables, chairs, a kitchen, a TV, an antenna, more staff...
    Expand costs 575,000 rub.

    Why can’t you buy equipment for yourself and brew beer yourself? It is not difficult to learn, it is included in the price of the equipment. You can put a brewer in the hall, you can sell it in kegs in restaurants, or retail through a beer outlet. You can take used equipment, either Chinese or German, such as Heinrich Schultz or Kaspari. There are many options, but selling a low-quality beer product is a crime

    good evening! Tell me what documents are needed. I have registered as an individual entrepreneur and registered. The store is already open, but they say the sanitary and health department needs to be registered. What other documents are needed? Do I need a consumer corner? What other work items are needed? Thanks in advance.

    Vladimir, this amount is for a store with a rented premises of 50 sq. m. Plus, in any case, there should be an amount of 20 percent for unforeseen expenses, because on paper everything may be smooth, but in fact the cost estimate may increase (for example: equipment, rent, cost of purchasing goods, etc. have become more expensive) A lot depends on the regional affiliation. That’s why the article provides approximate costs; they may differ for you and significantly. More or less accurate figures on expenses can only be provided by an individual business plan, taking into account the specifics of a particular region and location.

    Mario, then you need to open a brewery, and this is a completely different business. The costs required are tens of times greater than for opening a store selling ready-made beer, which beginners are unlikely to be able to afford.

    Hello, Ksenia! All these questions are answered in the article. Moreover, if your store is already operating, then you should know all this. A consumer corner is needed; it must include the following documents: regulations, sanitary rules, information about the seller, a review book, and other information.

    Here in Volgodonsk, with a population of 250,000 people, you can actually open a pub for 200, and even if you try really hard for 150 thousand rubles, you can still find a rental in a passable place! and the equipment is not necessarily new, just working, because the buyer doesn’t even see it, he only sees the taps and the interior. I have a friend, his pub is open until 2 am, and his business is going pretty well, and people buy the cheapest beer, and the expensive ones mostly go sour, at first he also bought all sorts of exclusives, but people don’t know them and They don’t want to spend money on something they don’t know!!!
    I just don't have enough money for it

    The following questions are of interest. Where is the best place to start? From the opening of an LLC or from the selection of premises? As I understand it, the main thing is to find a room that is suitable in all respects, size, traffic, presence of competitors and compliance with all standards. Is it possible to start obtaining permits from government agencies before opening an LLC or do you need to open an LLC at the beginning, then apply for all the permits, and then look for premises?

    Hello, Ilya. The answers to your questions are here:
    We have also opened a new section “Questions from magazine readers”

    Good day to all! I’m opening my own beer bottling point and there’s a pressing issue regarding rent... it also says at least 50 sq.m. or I don’t understand something... this phrase is not clear to me “So if your premises meets the requirements of a “stationary retail space” "Then square meters don't matter."

    Hello, Vitaly! If you want to open a retail outlet selling only draft beer, then at the moment there are no legislative requirements for premises area for this type of activity, but it must meet the requirements of a stationary retail location.

    Please give me an idea of ​​how long the registration and opening will take, approximately... how much on average and how long if you hurry?

    Mikhail, if everything is from scratch, then it’s unlikely to work out in less than a month.

    Good afternoon! I want to buy a ready-made store, what documents do I need and what documents do I require from the seller?

    everything is accessible and understandable... and at what time is it better to open?

    Good afternoon
    Konstantin, read this, maybe these will answer your questions:
    Irina, in advance. It is advisable to open at the beginning of the season, which is from May to September.

    Tell me, the situation is like this; They are offering to buy a ready-made draft beer business with a location and a point of sale, but I don’t need a location, they plan to open in another city. Will the fact that this business already exists make it somehow easier for me to collect documents and I will re-register it as my company, if possible? I need advice on the situation itself on how best to proceed. Thank you.

    Hello! I want to open a draft beer store. There is a kindergarten nearby. How to calculate the distance from the entrance or from the fence?

    Hello, Sergey! The distance should be counted from the place where the territory assigned to the kindergarten ends.

    Hello! I want to open a beer store with the possibility of drinking beer and snacks there and selling it after 23:00. How to prepare documents correctly?

    Hello! Please tell me what is better to open a beer store from scratch or buy a ready-made one, I’m new to this business. How to proceed?

    Hello, Denis! You must decide for yourself what is best. You can check out our questions and answers section, there are already quite a lot of questions about the beer business:

    Live, unpasteurized beer is a fashionable, and even in some sense healthy, type of drink. There are a lot of opinions about the real benefits of live beer. If the topic of live beer is interesting to you, then it makes sense to find out what difficulties you might encounter when opening a live beer store from scratch?

    Good afternoon
    I would like to know more specifically about the removal of time restrictions. As I understand it, this will no longer be a store, but a bar or a snack bar... but... is it possible to sell beer, even before the limited time, “to-go” and in plastic containers - bottles? After all, in the end, all that remains of my “bar” is its legal form, no tables, no drinking in the premises, etc. In other words, can a public catering outlet sell goods “to-go”? and what laws govern this? Thank you

    Hello! I want to open a beer bar. I have a non-residential premises on the ground floor of a property of 35 sq. m. In an elite 25-story building, but the entrance to me is located only from the parking lot, and not from the entrance, but everyone who leaves their cars has the only access through me. I have a question: how can I open a sports bar, what documents are needed, and can I make money from it? And how to sell beer after 23:00. Thank you in advance.

    Good afternoon Please tell me, is it possible to make an individual entrepreneur for a draft beer store??? And how will this complicate the work in the future???

    Good afternoon, Dmitry!
    The procedure for trading beer is described in detail in Article 16 of Federal Law 171-FZ. Clause 5 allows catering establishments to sell drinks after 23.00. This means that having the appropriate legal status at the point gives the right to sell drinks to customers in the evening and at night.
    Now let's look at the issue of packaging. There is no direct ban on the sale of beer in disposable containers. You can sell using open containers and offer corks as an add-on. The best option would be a glass with a removable lid.
    Selling beer in closed bottles is risky. Regulatory authorities may recognize such actions as a violation of retail trade laws. A striking example was case A65-29706/2015, considered by the Administrative Court of the Republic of Tatarstan. The entrepreneur failed to challenge the administrative fine, since the container in which beer was sold to visitors at night was closed.
    Problems may arise when issuing regional restrictions. Subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to introduce additional rules for the dispensing and drinking of low-alcohol drinks.
    Thus, it will not be possible to take advantage of the situation and open a 24-hour beer store under the guise of a cafe. GOST RF 50764-2009 gives a clear definition of catering services. The owner of the establishment is obliged to create conditions for the consumption of purchased goods. In this case, you will need to install tables, chairs, and comply with sanitary and fire safety standards.

    Hello, Nikolay!
    You can start your activity only after registering an individual entrepreneur or opening a company. We have repeatedly described the procedure, so let’s move on to the key issues.
    Trading beer is permitted if there is a stationary facility equipped with a warehouse. The minimum area restrictions provided for in Article 16 of Law 171-FZ do not apply to your bar. Mandatory conditions are the purchase and registration of cash registers. In addition, you will need to connect to the EGAIS system and regularly report on the volume of purchases of low-alcohol drinks.
    There are no prohibitions on placing bars in residential buildings. You will need to comply with the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, SP, SP Judging by the description, the establishment will be classified as a catering outlet (sale and consumption of drinks on site). From this we conclude that it is necessary to comply with the requirements regarding:
    high-quality sound insulation;
    organizing waste removal at least once a day;
    improvement of the surrounding area;
    ensuring the operation of sewerage and water supply systems;
    carrying out regular procedures for disinfection, control of insects and rodents;
    equipping the premises with supply and exhaust ventilation;
    toilet equipment;
    measuring the adequacy of lighting, vibration levels and other hygienic indicators.
    In other words, it will be possible to open a bar on the ground floor of a residential building only if sanitary standards are met (clause 2.1 of SP Based on the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation 584 of July 16, 2009, you can limit yourself to sending a notification of the start of activity to the SES. However, this will not free you from the need to comply with hygiene requirements. Violations threaten lengthy disputes with apartment owners, fines and regular visits from law enforcement officials. It’s safer to immediately invite SES specialists to inspect the premises and get a positive conclusion.
    Now let's look at the login issue. Unfortunately, it is not clear from the appeal where the premises are located and on what grounds it belongs to you. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to only listing the general rules.
    Clause 2.2. SP provides for a separate exit. Loading of food and drinks is possible from the end of the building. In this case, transportation of goods from the side of a residential yard is not allowed. The requirement is strict and cannot be interpreted broadly. If you have such an exit, you can open a bar.
    Next, you need to solve the problem with residents and the procedure for using parking. The legal status of the site will be important here. If cars are left on a specially equipped site indicated in the design and construction documentation, an alternative exit will have to be provided. Access to public places must not be blocked. The activities of your bar should not affect the well-being of citizens. If the use of parking is limited, the location of the establishment will be considered illegal.
    In addition, you will need to obtain permission from the owners' meeting to use common property. According to clause 4, part 1 of article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the adjacent territory and facade are recognized as such. Advertising and sign installation must be agreed upon with residents.

    Good afternoon, Anastasia!
    Paragraph two of Article 16 of Law 171-FZ specifies organizations and individual entrepreneurs as beer sellers. Parliamentarians do not plan to limit the rights of businessmen.
    Difficulties may be associated with the legal status of the individual entrepreneur. In particular, you should consider:
    1. Full responsibility for the activities of the store
    In case of claims by clients or regulatory authorities, you will have to answer with all your property, including personal belongings. Compensation for material losses is carried out at the expense of the entire property of the entrepreneur.
    Causing harm to people's health may result in the initiation of a criminal case. Legal entities in Russia are not subject to this type of liability. The blame is placed on the managers and specialists who committed violations.
    2. Impossibility of increasing the range
    Only organizations have the right to sell strong alcoholic drinks. By choosing an individual entrepreneur as a form of business, you refuse to expand the line of alcoholic products.
    However, entrepreneurship also has a number of advantages. For example, you will not need to pay personal income tax on dividends. All money earned will be considered your property. The amount of administrative fines for individual entrepreneurs is much lower, and the choice of taxation systems is wider.

    Hello. Individual entrepreneur is open; activities of bars, cafes, restaurants. There is a point of sale (Tea, coffee, fresh pastries, etc.). It is possible to rent a room (18-21 M2) on the territory of one of the city’s MARKETS, but I would like to add to this product the sale of beer on tap (you can put a couple of tables nearby (no problem)). Tell me how this can be done?

    Hello. I was thinking about buying an existing beer store. Not companies, but the purchase of equipment and assignment of lease rights for premises. After registering as an individual entrepreneur, is it necessary to obtain permission to carry out trading activities from the Administration, as well as the conclusion of the SES, state consumer supervision and fire inspection?

    Can I rent approximately 30 sq.m. in a grocery store to sell draft beer to go

    Hello, please tell me, I want to open a takeaway point selling draft beer in a large shopping center, what restrictions may arise in terms of space and permitting documentation?

The ban on sales in tents and kiosks led to a decrease in the consumption of packaged beer. But the number of retail outlets offering draft beer is constantly growing. If the store format and location are chosen well, this business brings in good income.


A relatively low entry barrier and quick payback are a feature of the beer business. But it’s not enough to know how to open a draft beer store from scratch. To avoid having to close it after a year, you need to take into account legislative nuances. There are two main forms of beer retail:

  • catering point: bar, cafe, pub, restaurant - bottling and consumption at the point of sale;
  • store: retail space, place in a supermarket - retail takeaway.

For the former, there are no restrictions on working hours and location. Attendance is more stable, with less seasonal fluctuations. But the financial costs are quite high. Retail sales of takeaway beer are more sensitive to the season; however, less beer is consumed in winter. The costs, however, are significantly lower, and there is also the opportunity to save on taxes and rent, since a large area is not required. When choosing a store, you need to figure out:

  • where is it better and in what format to open it
  • in what order and how to register a point
  • Is it profitable to open a franchise business?

Store format

Since 2013, sales at non-stationary trade points - pavilions, kiosks, and summer tents - have been prohibited. It was through them that most of the so popular “live beer” was sold. Now they use for trading:

  1. non-residential premises of houses, arranging small retail outlets;
  2. rented space or retail space in a supermarket;
  3. specialized stores in a separate building or part thereof.

Retail outlet in a residential building

Traditional type of beer retail. The most advantageous location is considered to be in a residential multi-storey area, or places where there is a large concentration of young people. Entrance is required from the street, store area from 30 to 50 sq.m. The territorial coverage is small, within a radius of 400 to 800 m. The assortment includes up to 10 varieties, focusing on the middle, low price category, popular brands of local producers. It very much depends on the season and the proximity of competitors.

Renting a retail space in a supermarket

An obvious plus is a lot of traffic. The best place is considered to be located opposite the grocery checkout or near the entrance. The rental cost, of course, is increased, but you don’t need a lot of space to place equipment: usually 5-12 square meters are enough, from 5 to 15 types of beer are sold, more than half of them are inexpensive. In advance you need to take a closer look at who goes to the store, what kind of contingent it is: the bulk of potential buyers are men from 20 to 40 years old.

According to the Beer Business magazine, after 2013, the redistribution of buyers actively changed in favor of modern types of sales, flowing into mini and supermarkets. Now this process has slowed down, but their share already significantly exceeds the share of traditional types of retail - convenience stores.

Specialized beer store

The location of a luxury store is usually chosen in the center, near prestigious shopping centers. Good repairs are being carried out, the decoration and clothing of the staff reflect a certain flavor. The assortment is as wide as possible, containing 20-30 varieties of drinks, including non-alcoholic varieties. Solid commercial equipment, cooling chambers, defoamers, racks for fish, cheeses, and shrimp are installed. The share of revenue from related sales is about 25%.

Step-by-step procedure for opening a store

In general, it differs little from the organization of other types of trade, with the exception of one feature. Beer is an alcoholic beverage, its circulation is limited by the relevant law (No. 171-FZ, November 22, 1995). Below we will look at what it takes to open a draft beer store, where to start, and several franchising options. If you do everything in order, you need:

  1. choose a location taking into account restrictions and prohibitions;
  2. register an enterprise; choose a tax system;
  3. obtain the necessary approvals and notify about the start of activities;
  4. prepare and place in the store all required documents.

Restrictions on area, location, trading mode

The location actually determines the entire chain: the number and contingent of buyers, assortment, price category, choice of suppliers, and ultimately, revenue. Note that this limits the choice.

  1. The premises for sale must be stationary; Own or rented - it doesn't matter. This must be a building (part of it) on a foundation, connected to utilities.
  2. There are no minimum requirements for the total area, but a separate retail space and storage space must be allocated.
  3. Stores cannot be placed:

    in children's, educational, medical, sports institutions and in the surrounding areas; the list includes camps, tourist centers, sports complexes, youth palaces - regardless of whether they are public or private; hospitals, clinics, ambulance stations (except pharmacies); stadiums, sports facilities;

    in crowded places: train stations, bus stops, waiting rooms, metro, cultural and recreational organizations; The ban does not apply to the sale of beer simultaneously with the provision of food services.
    Questions regularly arise about determining the permissible distance. It is established by order of local authorities, as is the list of relevant objects. In different regions: from 25 m to 150 m. Measured from the entrance of the store to the door of the facility, or the entrance to the territory if it is fenced.

  4. Trading is prohibited from 11 pm to 8 am. Regional authorities may introduce additional restrictions, up to and including a complete ban. The restriction does not apply to low-alcohol drinks (up to 0.5%).

Business registration and registration

Organizations and private entrepreneurs can transport beer and sell it at retail. The latter do not have the right to engage in production, wholesale, or import. If large scale is not planned, the easiest way is to register as an individual entrepreneur at your place of residence. It will take no more than 5 days and will be automatically registered with the Pension Fund of Russia and the Federal Compulsory Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Advantages: simplification of accounting reporting and cash discipline.

See how the EGAIS system works in the retail sale of alcohol

Your own business or a franchise?

At the start, almost every entrepreneur considers the option of opening a draft beer store as a franchise. The advantages of using a proven business model are known; it provides savings:

  1. on advertising (developed brand, symbols, branded clothing);
  2. on the purchase of equipment (often included in the franchise package);
  3. on the price of the product (supplier discounts due to large purchase volumes).

There are also disadvantages. Some sellers of ready-made businesses set restrictions: based on the population of the city, location. It is not always possible to find a suitable format or assortment, and it is often more profitable to work with local suppliers. Below is a brief description of three draft beer franchises.

  • "Buchen House". The cost of a lump sum contribution is 10,000 (up to 10 varieties) - 60,000 (more than 20 varieties) rubles. Premises and equipment are provided independently. Centralized supplies, with an assortment of up to 30 imported (Germany, Czech Republic, Belgium) and Russian brands. It is possible to reduce the contribution to zero; the royalty amount is negotiated individually.
  • "Beer Boutique". The entrance fee starts from 185,000 rubles, includes: renovation and decoration of the premises, installation of a bar counter, rental of equipment, first delivery of goods, staff training, assistance in accounting. Rent of premises (8-12 sq.m.) at the expense of the franchisee. There are no royalties, but there are deductions for advertising.
  • "Beer&co". Initial payment from 300,000 rubles, no royalties. Own investments - from 1,100,000 rubles. Specialized stores with an area of ​​50 - 120 sq.m. They are decorated in a corporate style, with an assortment of drinks and snacks (snacks, seafood) from only one supplier, Pivzavoz.

If the franchise concept fits well into your plans, it’s a convenient option. But many businessmen choose independence and the opportunity to flexibly manage their business.


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A new area in business that is rapidly rising is the sale of draft drinks and more and more people want to learn how to open a draft beer store from scratch.

Let's speak frankly, so it probably won't work out completely from scratch. You can’t come to the store and get food without paying money. However, it is difficult today to imagine a business that requires less investment than draft beer, and we will tell you how to open it with a minimum investment.

How much can you earn from a draft beer store?

Your personal income from a liter of beer sold will be approximately 40% - 50%. This is very cool! For example, for most food products the markup is only 10% - 20%.

Everything, of course, depends on you. From the place you choose, from how you communicate with customers, from the types of beer you order. But let's say, in a draft beer store, in a year it is quite possible to earn a net 100,000 - 200,000 rubles. By the standards of 2016 and most likely 2017, 2018, 2019, this is very good money. There are also those who earn 350,000 rubles a month, but to achieve this level, you will have to try hard and put your whole heart into it.

Pros of opening a draft beer store

Let's stimulate your interest in this business a little and talk about the advantages.

  • Available trade equipment, which will be partially provided by your beer supplier.
  • High net profit.
  • Beer is one of the most popular goods that people will still buy, despite all sorts of crises and so on.
  • A small group of goods for purchase. This may not seem like a plus to you, but it’s wrong. The fact is that if you decide to open a small food store, you will have to purchase a fairly large group of goods and it will turn out that one thing is out, then another, but you need to have everything in stock. You get the feeling that you seem to be making money, but all your money is in circulation. The situation is easier with draft drinks. 10 - 12 pints of beer of different types, nuggets and bottled beer, in principle, is not that much and this makes it easier to feel your personal income.
  • Low level of costs when entering a business.
  • Fast payback period.

There are also disadvantages

  • Draft beer spoils quickly (7-10 days)
  • Can only trade until 23.00 and for persons over 18 years of age

Another important information!

  1. You don't need a liquor license to sell draft beer.
  2. Individual entrepreneurs can sell draft beer
  3. You will need to submit information to EGAIS about the volume of purchases.
  4. To trade draft beer (and beer in general), the size of your premises must be at least 50 square meters. meters. This does not have to be a trading floor, 50 sq. m. meters can include the total area together with the warehouse.
  5. It is better to open during the season (summer). The ideal opening month for such a store is March-April.

What is required to sell beer and draft drinks.

Premises for a draft beer store.

Most importantly, the premises you choose should not be located in cultural buildings, schools and kindergartens, gas stations, train stations, military facilities and sports facilities.

Let's look at the most popular options for renting premises for draft beer stores:

Rent in a convenience store or grocery store – 40,000 rubles per month

Rent in a grocery chain store – 80,000 rubles per month

Win retail space from the Moscow government – ​​60,000 rubles per month + repairs 500,000 rubles

It is clear that the prices given are relative and average, but let's look at each option in more detail.

Rent in a convenience store or grocery store

Many owners of convenience stores are not averse to renting out a couple of square meters. For the first time, 5 - 10 meters will be more than enough and it can cost you 30,000 - 50,000 rubles. per month. There are also a bunch of grocery stores where you can also rent a room for example with the same price tag.

The advantages of this option are the low price.

Disadvantages: not always a lot of traffic, it may be difficult to install a sign and you will always be a guest inside someone else’s business.

Rent in a grocery chain store

Pyaterochka, Magnit, Lenta, Seventh Continent and others actively rent out square meters at the entrance and often install departments with draft beer in them.

You are practically guaranteed high cross-country ability, but this option will cost quite a bit. This option can cost 60,000 – 90,000 rubles. per month.

Win retail space from the Moscow government

In this picture we see that a room of 57 sq.m., in the center of Moscow, costs 367,000 rubles. per year, or 30,583 rubles per month. If you pay on time, the premises are given to you for 10 years.

The Moscow government is ready to provide you with retail space for a period of 10 years, and it’s worth saying that sometimes you come across very good options. The main thing is to pay on time.

True, most of these premises are in terrible condition and require renovation. Considering that to trade beer you need at least 50 sq. meters, repairs will cost at best 1,000,000 rubles. However, if the selected premises are not trashed, there is a chance to meet the 500,000 rub.

Another plus of this option is that by renting a room in this way, 20 sq.m. will be enough for the needs of a draft beer store; the rest of the space can be subleased.

Equipment and furniture for draft beer

It may seem surprising to you, but it is not at all necessary to buy equipment for draft beer. Most often, it will be provided to you by the beer supplier. Everyone has different conditions and equipment is also different, but it is still quite possible to find suppliers with very interesting offers. Yes, by the way, the installation of this equipment is also done by beer suppliers.

You will have to purchase the furniture yourself. If you open a chain store, then you will have to meet specified quality standards; this option can cost a pretty penny. If you do not depend on networks, then for the first time you can get by with just one rack on which the taps will be placed.

You can search the Internet and find quite a few offers where they will make a ready-made set of all the necessary furniture for you within a week. This option can cost 50,000 – 100,000 rubles.

However, in order to maximize savings, there were also examples when we simply bought boards on the construction market and made a beer stand ourselves, in the garage. It all depends on you, but it’s quite possible to keep within 20,000 - 30,000 rubles.

Beer in kegs

On average, one keg with a capacity of 50 liters will cost you 2000 - 3000 rubles, expensive varieties are naturally more expensive.

For the first time, for a small draft beer store, 6 -7 taps + 2 - 3 taps for kvass and lemonade will be enough. You will also need to buy some snakes. A pack of snakes that retails in a store costs 80 rubles, but wholesale will cost you 60 rubles.

In total, you will spend around 30,000 - 35,000 rubles for the beer and goods.

How much will it cost to create a draft beer store?

Now let's calculate the option at the lowest possible cost.

Let's imagine that as a seller you work yourself and do not use the services of hired personnel. If you do not have the opportunity to stand behind the counter, then you need to lay down another 25,000 rubles per month for the seller.

It is better to immediately take into account the rent for several months in advance. The approximate payback period for a draft beer store is 3-6 months. Well, let’s say that everything went well for you, and you reached the break-even point (began to pay off the rent) already in the 3rd month.

Registration of individual entrepreneur – 10,000 rubles

Rent – ​​120,000 rubles (3 months)

Stand - 25,000 rubles

Purchase – 30,000 rubles

The total amount is approximately equal to 185,000 rubles. Let’s round it up and add any unaccounted expenses and get 200,000 rubles.

From the perspective of creating your own business, 200,000 rubles is a penny sum. Yes, that kind of money is not lying around, but what area can you remember where entry would cost less money?

Today, opening a draft beer store is perhaps the best idea. You can remember how in the mid-2000s the tourism market was gaining popularity, and travel agencies were opening everywhere. Many small, private agencies opened, some of which soon closed, and some continue to provide well for their owners to this day. Now about the same thing prevails in the bottled drinks market. Points of sale of draft beer are opening everywhere, some of them will close, unable to withstand the competition, others will turn into a strong business for many years. Those who are especially enterprising will be able to develop online and compete with existing network companies. So – you need to seize the moment!

Today beer is the most popular alcoholic drink in Russia. According to Euromonitor International, in 2012, 1019 deciliters of foamy drink were sold in our country for a total of 904 billion rubles. At the same time, there is an increase in demand for draft beer. Consumers like the rich taste of “live” draft beer and the special aesthetics associated with it, reminiscent of the times of the Soviet era. How to open a beer outlet and how much money will you need at the initial stages? This question is asked by many beginning entrepreneurs, because this type of business is considered very profitable and promising.

The starting capital for opening a point of sale of draft beer is an amount of 400 thousand rubles.

Financial investments can increase significantly if you prefer purchasing a retail space to renting. It is worth considering the fact that at the initial stage the best option would still be renting. Prices for renting retail space range from 1000-2000 rubles/sq.m. m.

The first procedure you need to go through is registration as an individual entrepreneur. Individual entrepreneur status is the best option for this business, but if you plan to carry out wholesale sales, registration as a limited liability company is suitable.

Next, you need to obtain permission from the local administration and the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor for this type of activity, enter into a lease agreement, register a cash register, register with the tax office, and also obtain approval from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspectorate.

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Your task is to choose a place with good traffic, in a clearly visible area, located at a distance of at least 100 m from educational institutions. How many people can see your sign is very important. The best option would be a residential area, preferably a residential area. Also, the number of sales is favorably influenced by the proximity to recreation parks, beaches, bus stations, and student dormitories. In business districts and places with a large concentration of office buildings, a beer outlet may not be profitable. It is worth finding out whether there are supermarkets, bars, cafes nearby: this may have a negative impact on profits.

You can use a separate pavilion, set up a retail space in a grocery store, or rent a non-residential space on the ground floor of the building. Keep in mind that, in addition to the sales area, you will need space for office and storage space. The optimal size of a retail outlet is 50 sq. m. If the sizes are significantly smaller, you will have to reduce the range of goods.

A mandatory condition is the presence in the premises where draft beer is sold, two exits, a bathroom, as well as an alarm system, a safe and a cash register.

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The main costs are the equipment necessary for trading. To purchase it you will need 200-300 thousand rubles. To save money, you can purchase used equipment. If you wish, you can enter into an agreement with the supplier of a specific brand of draft beer manufacturer, and then some of the equipment will be provided to you free of charge.

So, the main list of necessary equipment:

    Cash machine. (with passport)

    Refrigerator display.

    Refrigerator cabinet.

    Gas cylinders.

    Gas reducers.

    Kegs 50 and 30 l.


    Air conditioner.

Average income in winter is 150-250 thousand rubles per month; in summer, profits double: from 300 thousand rubles per month and above. Therefore, if you want to recoup your business as quickly as possible, we recommend planning to open a point for May-June.

The range of products directly depends on the size of the area at your disposal. You can start with 10 varieties of the drink, so that there are both dark and light draft beers. In addition to the foamy drink, the assortment should include various snacks: snacks, dried fish, cheese, salted nuts. The presence of related products can double your profits.

If you have less than three points, then it is better to purchase through a distributor. Purchasing products directly from the consumer plant is profitable, provided that you purchase in large quantities. Sellers impose a double markup on beer from domestic producers; beer from imported brands, as a rule, is sold at a price 30% higher than the purchase price.

A seller selling draft beer must have a health certificate.

Organizing a point selling draft beer is not so troublesome and difficult if you have a small start-up capital and basic knowledge at your disposal. At the initial stages, you or one of your family members can directly engage in trading. But remember that for a business to truly succeed, it requires constant growth, so aim to expand your network and staff accordingly.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 450,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 80,750 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 380,800 rubles.
  • Payback – from 5 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will draw up a detailed business plan for a draft (live) beer store with calculations of expenses and income.

Description of service

This article presents a business plan for a draft beer store. Such an enterprise can be opened in both large and small towns. The article will consider such aspects as legal regulation, ways to promote your own business, calculations based on real data and, of course, a detailed analysis of what an entrepreneur needs to do to make his business successful.

Market analysis

Considering the alcohol market around the world, it should be noted that Russians occupy 4th place. Thus, per person in our country there are 15.76 liters of pure ethyl alcohol. This figure is very impressive. Only Moldova, the Czech Republic and Hungary are ahead of Russia.

But there is another side to the coin - the quality of alcohol consumed and its harm. In recent years, the taste preferences of Russians have changed noticeably. The majority of the population prefers elite drinks rather than surrogates. This is due to several factors. Firstly, with an increase in living standards (even taking into account the current crisis). Secondly, with the quality and taste characteristics of the products - Russians for the most part prefer to drink less, but proven products.

So, opening a liquor store is a very interesting idea that can pay for itself in a short time. If we consider the demand in this market segment, it is worth highlighting that the most frequently consumed products are:

  • beer (36%);
  • wine (34%);
  • vodka (26%).

There is much less demand for all other types of alcoholic beverages. From this we can conclude that the future store should be associated with these types of alcohol (all or one of them at once).

We must not forget that there are quite a lot of alcoholic supermarkets today. The competition here is very high. It will be very difficult for a novice businessman. Therefore, it is worth taking as a basis an interesting idea, which in itself will already attract customers.

Today, many Russians are interested in so-called “live” beer. Of course, it has a completely different taste, smell and quality than regular bottled products. And there are not as many similar alcohol “boutiques” as there are liquor stores. That is why we will consider this idea as the most attractive.

SWOT analysis

To really assess your capabilities, you need to evaluate internal and external factors that can not only benefit, but also seriously harm your business.

Thus, the following categories can be classified as external factors (which cannot be changed):

  1. Possibilities:
  • Absence of competition as such in the context of “live” draft beer stores.
  • Opportunity to develop a retail network throughout the city under the same recognizable brand.
  1. Threats:
  • Serious restrictions and requirements from the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as local regulations, which can negate all the activities of the organization or lead to fines.
  • Social movement for a healthy lifestyle (developing a negative attitude towards alcohol stores).
  • High level of competition among alcohol sellers.
  • Availability of retail chains with lower prices for similar products (bottled alcohol).
  • The need to meet strict standards of quality and customer service.

There are also a number of internal factors (which an entrepreneur can independently regulate in the process of work), which include the following:

  1. Strengths:
  • Availability of quality products.
  • Favorable prices for consumers through the development of profitable relationships with suppliers.
  • Availability of powerful advertising opportunities that would attract customers.
  • Attracting customers through the emergence of new varieties of beer.
  • High level of customer service.
  • Fast service.
  • Availability of a system of discounts and other privileges for regular customers.
  • Availability of certificates for products purchased from suppliers.
  1. Weak sides:
  • Lack of experience in this field.
  • Lack of assortment (more precisely, other products in the store).
  • Narrow focus of the store.

Of course, opening a draft beer store will not be so easy; the entrepreneur will have to face a number of difficulties and restrictions, so even at the preparatory stage it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the current legislation in order to avoid fines and not commit an administrative offense.

Opportunity Assessment

When planning working hours in a store, you need to remember that there are a number of standards. Thus, the sale of beer is prohibited from 23:00 to 8:00. This restriction does not apply to public catering establishments. But even here you need to be careful. Restrictions may be introduced additionally in a specific region. Thus, in St. Petersburg it is prohibited to sell alcohol from 22:00 to 11:00, and in Yakutia - from 20:00 to 14:00. In some places, retail trade may be completely prohibited on certain days.

The punishment for violating this rule is quite serious: a fine of 5 to 10 thousand rubles, as well as confiscation of products sold illegally in the store.

So, the work of our draft beer store will be carried out according to the following schedule (we took the average time frame, which, if necessary, can be adjusted to a specific region):

By the way, it is also prohibited to sell alcohol on holidays, and in the Ulyanovsk region you will not be able to buy alcohol on weekends.

Total: 98 working hours per week; 420 working hours per month.

The job will require salespeople who will also serve as cashiers. For uninterrupted supply, you will need 4 sellers who will work in shifts (2 after 2).

If you want the store to be open around the clock, then you need to equip it with separate tables and chairs. In this case, the establishment will already be considered a catering establishment.

To have additional profit, you can diversify the assortment not only with different brands of beer, but also with all kinds of snacks. It can be sandwiches, fish, crackers, chips and much more.

Particular attention should be paid to the size of the room. Thus, beer bottling machines can be located in stationary retail facilities and warehouses, the total area of ​​which is at least 50 m2. If a store opens in a rural area, then this value is reduced to 25 m2.

If you want to quickly return your investment, then it is best to open a draft beer store in the spring or summer. It is during this time period that the peak demand for this alcoholic drink occurs.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. First you need to register. You can choose or. OKVED codes must be indicated. In this case they will be as follows:
  • 52.25.12 – Retail trade in beer;
  • 52.2 – Retail sale of food products, including drinks, and tobacco products in specialized stores.
  1. As for the taxation system, it is worth focusing on UTII (if there is one in the region; in Moscow, for example, UTII can be applied to a small number of activities). It is also possible to use and.
  2. By choosing UTII, an entrepreneur can refuse to use cash registers. In other cases it will be required for use. If UTII is used, then it is necessary to ensure the issuance of strict reporting forms to your clients.
  3. It is imperative to obtain an opinion from Rospotrebnadzor, SES and the Fire Inspectorate.
  4. If a cash register is used for work, it must first be registered with the tax service.
  5. To accept payment by bank transfer it is necessary.
  6. The lease agreement must be formalized.
  7. All employees working in the store must have health certificates. They must also undergo medical examination on time.
  8. The store must have natural, artificial and emergency lighting.
  9. It is better to decorate the store with tiles or non-toxic paint.
  10. Fire safety measures must be observed (presence of a fire extinguisher, evacuation plan).
  11. You will have to keep an alcohol declaration (new in 2016).

Of course, these are not all the requirements. It is worth studying the relevant GOSTs, SNiPs and SanPins in order to equip your store in accordance with all standards. When working in the format of a public catering outlet, you need to study additional legislative acts.

Marketing plan

One of the most important stages is designing your own draft beer store. You need to start with cosmetic repairs. Next, you need to not only arrange the equipment, counter, tables and chairs, but also create a pleasant atmosphere that will attract customers, make them stay and drink beer. At this point, you need to carefully consider how the sign will look. It should be large, catchy and eye-catching, memorable.

The interior can be supplemented with interesting items that would highlight the mood of the entire establishment.

It’s worth considering possible options for the name of your draft beer store. It shouldn't be ordinary or boring.

Selling draft beer is a rather specific type of business. You shouldn't try to use all types of advertising, some of them simply won't work, so why spend the extra money? For example, advertising a store on television, radio and other media is not only expensive, but also ineffective.

For work, it is best to use the following types of advertising:

  1. Outdoor advertising. It is the most effective of all possible. Moreover, it should be located in the area where the draft beer store itself is located. This also includes the design of the storefront and façade of the building in the same thematic vein, so that customers can immediately find the store. It’s worth thinking about lighting, so that even in the dark, potential buyers won’t have problems finding the right place.
  2. Distribution of coupons and discounts. This can be done either before opening, or after a visit or purchase for a certain amount. You can also think about a cumulative discount system.
  3. Additionally, you can agree with product suppliers to provide them with special promotional products.
  4. And many do it absolutely free. These can be ashtrays for visitors, coasters for mugs, and much more. You can organize an additional zone

– open a summer veranda with umbrellas and benches. You can also smoke there.

Calculation of projected income

This is a very controversial question. Here everything will depend on the brand of which manufacturer the entrepreneur is going to sell. Thus, the markup on domestic drinks is usually 100%, and on imported drinks – 30%. Our store will sell domestic beer, which will allow us to make a big profit.

Subject to daily work, revenue can be: 30 * 15,000 rubles = 450,000 rubles. This size is quite realistic even for a small store. Especially if it also sells beer snacks.

Production plan

  • Here I would like to dwell on what equipment is required for the work. Naturally, repairs will be carried out first.
  • Cooler. It is he who will maintain the required temperature for beer so that visitors will enjoy drinking it. Hardly anyone is a fan of warm beer.
  • A stand on which the taps will be installed.
  • Kegs. In it, the drink is transported from the supplier to the seller. Products can also be stored in it until opening.
  • Special beer column. It performs two functions at once - it complements the interior and helps the seller pour beer.
  • Drip catcher.
  • Beer tap (you can do without it if you don’t plan to pour the drink into glasses).
  • Special hose.
  • Gas cylinders. With their help, beer is released from the kegs.
  • Gearbox. It is this that allows you to maintain the required level of pressure inside the cylinder.
  • Fridge. For storing other products and beer itself.

In short, you will need quite a lot of equipment, but it can pay for itself very quickly. Beer suppliers can provide equipment. They often give it away for rent or even for free if you buy beer from them in certain quantities.

Organizational plan

Total: 380,800 rubles. These are the initial costs.

Financial plan

  • The profitability will be: 80,750/450,000 = 0.179 or 17.9%. This figure is quite acceptable for business.
  • Payback: 380,800/ 80,750 = 4.71. Consequently, after 5 months the entrepreneur will be able to return the invested funds and receive a net profit.


As with any other type of business, there are a number of significant risks when opening a draft beer store. The most important ones include the following:

  1. Seasonality

It should be noted that in winter the demand for these products is greatly reduced. To avoid serious fluctuations in revenue or even lack of profit, it is worth adding hot pastries, hot dogs, sandwiches or something else to the assortment in winter.

  1. Product shelf life

Live beer can only be stored for a short period of time. Some varieties even retain their taste only for the first 5 days. If planning is incorrect, you can lose up to 50% of available raw materials.

At the beginning of your work, it is worth making purchases in small quantities in order to assess the level of customer demand, highlight the most popular varieties, and only then form a subsequent order.

  1. Strict control by regulatory authorities

This can also lead to large fines and administrative penalties. It is important to conduct your business honestly and in accordance with the law. Then, for sure, the regulatory authorities will not be able to find fault with the work of the establishment.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!
