What to do when you don't get hired. Why don't they hire you after an interview? What employers don't like

2012, No. 56 (740)

Today it is customary to say: “Hiring is the victory of hope over experience.” As you know, the labor market is a complex and contradictory sphere. Relations regarding the use of labor resources are initially based on the law of supply and demand, in which currently the prevailing demand of applicants for vacant positions is mainly observed. In this regard, refusal to hire is a fairly common phenomenon.

The employer faces many difficulties when recruiting qualified personnel. When forming a workforce, one way or another, for various reasons, we have to refuse a significant number of candidates.

Not so long ago, a rejected applicant, not reconciled, continued to knock on the doors of potential employers and received refusal after refusal, often without explanation, although all the formal requirements for his candidacy for the vacant position were met. There were practically no cases in the courts related to unjustified refusal to hire. Employers were not worried about this either.

What has changed today in legal practice in labor disputes in the event of an unreasonable refusal to hire? What is an unreasonable refusal and what should an applicant do if his rights are violated?

We addressed these questionsto the assistant lawyer of the law firm "Yakovlev and Partners" Daria Stefanenkova:

Indeed, today the situation has changed and the practice of protecting the rights of candidates for employment in court is gaining momentum. There are not only legally competent applicants for vacant positions, but also individuals who use the judicial process to profit from employers’ refusals.

For example, such cases are described on the Internet. Enterprising citizens look for suitable vacancies in the press, in various employment services, and recruitment agencies, but when they get a job, they do not intend to work for the employer at all. They come to the interview armed with a hidden camera or voice recorder, and insist that they simply must be hired because they meet all the stated requirements. At the same time, scammers so skillfully construct their arguments and their conversation that the employer does not have the slightest desire to hire such a candidate to the team. Having achieved an unreasonable refusal, they leave offended and return with a claim, threatening to go to court. Some shocked employers are ready to pay any “compensation” to avoid litigation.

Of course, for the most part, job seekers really hope to conclude an employment contract and further employment relationships. Employers are increasingly having to increase their legal awareness by proving in court that the refusal to hire was justified.

- But the employer has the right to count on protection from such scammers?

Of course, when faced with such a situation, you should first of all pay attention to the fact that labor freedom concerns both the employee and the employer. Thus, in the resolution of the plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2004 “On the application by the courts of the Russian Federation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation” it is noted that the employer has the right to independently, under his own responsibility, make the necessary personnel decisions (selection, placement, dismissal of personnel) for the purpose of effective economic activities and rational property management. Concluding an employment contract with a specific job seeker isa right and not an obligation of the employer. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain rules obliging the employer to fill vacant positions or jobs immediately as they arise and to hire applicants without any competition or restrictions.

At the same time, the legislation still limits the employer’s freedom to conclude an employment contract with an applicant for a vacant position, prohibiting denying a worthy person a position for certain reasons.

- What reasons does the law consider unfounded for refusing to hire if the candidate’s business qualities meet the requirements of the vacancy?

In particular, Article 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation providesprohibition of unjustified refusal in concluding an employment contract. It is not allowed, with the exception of cases provided for by federal law, any direct or indirect restriction of rights or establishment of advantages when hiring depending onfrom gender, race, skin color, nationality, language, origin, property, social and official status, age, place of residence (including the presence or absence of registration at the place of residence or stay), as well as other circumstances not related to the business qualities of employees.

Article 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains two more unconditional prohibitions on refusal to conclude an employment contract:women for reasons related to pregnancy or the presence of children (this entails criminal liability), as well as employees invited in writing to work as a transfer from another employer, within one month from the date of dismissal from the previous place of work.

Thus, if the court finds that the refusal to hire was related only to business qualities, and not to the above-mentioned motives, then such a refusal will be considered justified.

- In this case, what qualities are considered business qualities?

The Supreme Court explains what qualities are considered to be business qualities - these are the ability of an individual to perform a certain labor function, taking into account his professional qualifications (for example, the presence of a certain profession, specialty, qualifications), the personal qualities of the employee (for example, health status, availability a certain level of education, work experience in a given specialty, in a given industry).

In each specific case, the employer independently determines the reasons for the refusal, including the right to present his requirements for an applicant for a vacant position due to the specifics of a particular job (for example, knowledge of a foreign language, the ability to work on a computer, the necessary physical data to carry heavy loads and etc.).

- But if you analyze the information about vacancies posted on the Internet or in the press, a conclusion arises - many advertisements are deliberately discriminatory.

Agree. For example, an employer establishes a requirement for permanent or temporary registration at the location of work, almost everywhere introduces an age limit for applicants for a vacancy, most often people aged 25-40 are invited. An interesting requirement was placed in one company’s advertisement for a lawyer’s vacancy - he must “necessarily be married,” that is, single men and women are asked not to worry at all. Quite often you can find the following formulations: “having your own car”, “lack of bad habits”, “having children”, not to mention an advantage in employment for men or women.

It is obvious that such advertisements contain contradictions to labor legislation and in no way relate to the business qualities of employees. But, unfortunately, public relations regarding personnel selection are not regulated by law. By placing discriminatory requirements in advertisements, the employer actually risks nothing, except for exposing his low legal culture. It is likely that it is precisely such advertisements that scammers target, subsequently blackmailing the employer.

- What should those who were rejected for deliberately discriminatory reasons do?

Demand that the employer explain the reason for the refusal in writing and file a claim in court.

Of course, most often the employer hides the true illegitimate reasons for the refusal, expressing his opinion on formally legal grounds. Therefore, understanding in which cases the reason for refusal is justified and relying on the legislation and the position of the Supreme Court, it will not be difficult for the employer to inform the applicant for the position the reason for the refusal in writing.

However, if the rejected applicant does not insist on providing a written refusal, then in the future, in the event of a trial, it will be difficult for him to prove the fact of applying to this company for employment.

In judicial practice, there are already many different reasons for refusal to hire, which are disputed by failed employees. Each reason corresponds to the characteristics of a specific situation.

For example,U. filed a lawsuit against the defendant LLC "NNN" with a demand to hire him, citing the fact that the general directorG. gave instructions to the commercial directorB. hire the plaintiff. However, due to the fact that the plaintiffU. is a member of the United Russia party,B . refused to hire him. To the plaintiff's appealU. Deputy prosecutor to the prosecutor's officeT . in her letter she confirmed the fact of violation of labor laws by the defendant. The court satisfied the plaintiff's demands in full and recovered a sum of money from the employer to compensate for moral damage. However, the court’s decision was subsequently challenged and the appeal court denied the request to conclude an employment contract with citizen U.

The question of whether the specified citizen has the right to force the employer to conclude an employment contract with him is debatable in the literature. Today, judicial practice confirms the position that labor legislation does not contain a mandatory requirement to conclude a contract, unlike civil law.

Most often, a candidate for a vacant position, having received an unreasonable refusal during consideration in court proceedings, is content with monetary compensation in the form of moral damage. It also seems that getting a job based on a court decision is extremely uncomfortable from a psychological point of view.

An indicative case occurred in the city of Voronezh. The court decided to pay the citizen compensation for moral damage and material damage for refusing to hire him due to the fact that he “does not fit the age category.” According to the materials of this case, after seeing an advertisement in the newspaper, a citizenN., Having a higher education in economics and more than 20 years of experience in the specialty, I applied to the organization for employment for the vacant position of an accountant. The next day after the interview, he was given a written refusal to hire, indicating that he was not suitable by age. At first instance the claimN. the court did not satisfy, but in the appeal decision the refusal to hire was recognized as unfounded, and the organization was ordered to pay compensation in the total amount of 290,000 rubles. In this case, the employer did not have the opportunity to explain his actions in court for other reasons, since the organization’s management recklessly stated its essentially discriminatory position in writing.

However, the presence in the Labor Code of a guarantee when concluding an employment contract, establishing a ban on unreasonable refusal, allows an appeal to the court with a demand to conclude an employment contract, to recover compensation for moral damage and material damage for persons rejected from hiring for unjustified reasons.

And one more piece of advice for citizens to whom the employer has not agreed to indicate the reason for refusing to hire in writing. In such a situation, it is necessary, without delay,send an application to the employer with a request to give you a reasoned written refusal within a reasonable time.

Considering the basic requirements of the legislation to regulate relations when hiring, we can conclude that the lawful behavior of the employer will reduce the likelihood of possible disputes during the selection of personnel. When refusing a job, you must provide the reason for the refusal, justify your refusal by the lack of necessary business qualities in the applicant or their inconsistency with the characteristics of the vacant position. And if there is an appropriate request from the applicant, give him a written explanation of the reason for the refusal. Compliance with these rules will reduce the likelihood of possible disputes about the legality of a refusal to hire.

Interviewed by Tatyana Vladimirova

The job search process is not only very labor-intensive, but also quite painful for a person. It’s quite difficult to be in the position of being chosen, waiting for an answer, receiving refusals - all this invariably hits a person’s pride and lowers his self-esteem.

“You are not suitable for us, we have chosen another candidate” - such a phrase is not easy to accept, especially if a person hears it not for the first time. There is a lack of confidence in one’s own abilities and competence, and a fear that one will not be able to find a job at all. “Did I do something wrong? Or maybe take additional courses? Or should I have spoken more confidently?”

It is possible to undergo additional training, and self-confidence has never hurt anyone, however, is it always all about us? After all, we often forget that on the “other side” there are real people, with their own expectations, motives and reasons not to hire this particular person.

Time bomb

Once I was present at the selection of candidates for a certain construction company for the position of economist in the financial department. Many interviews were conducted, some of the applicants went to talk with the head of the department... And then an amazing girl appeared - with a higher degree in economics, fluent English (she had an internship abroad), work experience, etc. At the same time, she is very friendly and calm. We were delighted - for once we had found the ideal candidate! But the manager “rejected” her candidacy. The girl was then perplexed - “I qualified for all positions and know even more than required, but they hired a university student without any experience!” Later, I heard the manager tell his friend, also the head of the department, “such an employee is like a time bomb, she knows the job better than me, I just immediately felt that in a year she would take my place. I’d rather take a girl in whose eyes I’ll be a high-class professional.”

Beauty is a terrible force

And in the difficult task of finding a job, it is usually not an obstacle, although sometimes this happens. My friend works as a personnel manager in a small company and was tasked with finding an employee for the sales department. For five days she studied resumes, characteristics, talked with candidates, and then called me - “I can’t choose!” One has experience but no education, another has the opposite, the third is charming and sociable, but has neither one nor the other.”

The next day we sat down together to complete the questionnaires.
"Masha!" - I showed her the piece of paper, - “look! Here is a girl with both education and experience. Have you talked to her? “Yes,” answered Masha, drawing circles on the sheet.
- And How?
- Fine. He knows how to communicate and speaks competently.”
- Well, why are you complaining that there is no one? And she’s so pretty, judging by the photo... Call her and invite her to work. Will you call?
“No,” said Masha, continuing to move her pencil.
- But why?
- Yes because!! Pretty... She's not just pretty, she's a beauty like few! Why am I, crazy, putting such a miracle in my Dimka’s department? So that he admires her for eight hours every day? Well, I do not!
And Masha, having pulled out one from a stack of questionnaires, with a photograph of a girl of vague appearance, moved the phone towards her.

Wealth of choice

This story was told to me by a friend of mine who several months ago was actively looking for a job as an assistant manager or assistant secretary. She was invited to an interview at a food manufacturing company and asked to bring two photographs with her - a 3x4 and an “informal, live one.” “I came to the office,” says Anna, “I filled out a detailed questionnaire, they interviewed me, although very formally, they mainly clarified what was written in the questionnaire. They promised to call based on the results at the end of the week. One passed, then another, but there was no call, and I decided to call myself, they answered me in a boring voice that I did not pass the selection and offered to pick up the photos...”

When Anna arrived, the manager was not there and she was waiting for her in the corridor, while her grandmother-cleaner was immediately washing the floor. “Are you getting a job?” she asked. “No, I came to pick up something, but your employee wasn’t there,” Anna answered.

"A! Maybe you should ask Oksana, the assistant director, maybe she’ll bring it for you?” Anna asked: “And how is the new assistant?” “Why a new one?” - the cleaning lady was surprised - “old.” It’s been working for many years now...” “How?” - Anya was confused - “why were you looking for something new?” Grandma laughed - “yes, they’re always like that!” They quarrel with the director, Oksana immediately threatens to leave, screams - they will take me everywhere. And the director immediately orders an advertisement to be placed, and then shows Oksana photographs and papers - she saw, they say, how many there are for your place. Just whistle! Well, they’ll make up later, they’ve been working together for a long time, seven years now.” “I felt like a pawn,” says Anna, “I wasted time, came, hoped for something, and I was simply used as an extra in the crowd.”

When we look for a job, employers evaluate not only our education, knowledge, skills, experience, etc., but also much more. When rejected, we painfully think about what is wrong with us, why we gave preference to someone else. However, we must also take into account the fact that when we come to an unfamiliar organization, we are completely unaware of the current situation, requirements and expectations for the new employee.

We must remember that the choice of a candidate is influenced by personal motives, and even those that we are not even aware of. Therefore, you should not attribute all failures only to yourself and consider yourself a bad specialist. It’s just that this particular place is not “yours,” which means that you will definitely find “yours.”

Psychologist's answer.

Ekaterina, hello!

For God’s sake, try to put yourself in order and react a little to everything that is happening now, as if in a cooler way.
Otherwise, it will be even worse unless a miracle happens. And waiting for a miracle is more expensive. This is how your whole life can go!
Ekaterina, gain experience and knowledge!
And we are not talking about your purely professional, highly specialized skills, abilities and knowledge. We are talking about a set of competencies that should be in the “portfolio” of EVERY MODERN TRUE PROFESSIONAL. I'm talking about stress resistance, the ability to "keep a face", effective communication skills, self-presentation skills, etc. Are these terms familiar? I am sure that somewhere somewhere you have heard about this.
In a good way, you shouldn’t delve into psychology, but go to training!
You see, we are now talking about the fact that you have a certain deficiency of what is called “socially active skills.”
Imagine, but every schoolchild in the USA, France, England has these skills... Only for some reason we continue to resist, bringing ordinary WORK moments into the area of ​​deeply personal reflection!
Don't have the skill to "hold a stance"? - Low self-esteem! People who know how to control, say, facial expressions, facial expressions, muscles, etc., are much more resistant to unpleasant “surprises” of communication of various kinds: a boss yelled, a co-worker was rude, a negative response to a request, etc.
No self-control skills at the verbal (speech) level? -Panic! Because it seems to you that you are spending a lot of energy on telling and explaining, but they don’t understand you. You try even harder, waste even more energy (and they are not endless), completely lose your sense of reality, no longer control anything, intensify the negative feeling and impression, and in response - “You are crazy!” Etc.
For you, being fired is a trauma. But, let’s say, in the West, this is a completely working situation. Yes, it’s also very unpleasant! But WORKING! People are nervous, worried, but patiently and persistently search again and again, go to interviews (sometimes tough, cynical, etc.), get rejected and again stand in line!
I’ll say something banal, but this is an excellent learning situation for you. I would say that if you want to preserve what you have, strengthen and multiply, then learn to behave, control and be a professional from the point of view of personal qualities!
Do special relaxation exercises, gymnastics, breathing exercises! Any anxiety and panic PASSES when you start breathing correctly!
Take a light sedative! Who said this is bad?!
But anxiety should not affect business qualities! And your job now is to SEARCH AND FIND A JOB!
If you are in Moscow, then I advise you to look for a good PRACTICAL psychologist. I can advise you to contact me, but it’s whatever you want.
Good luck! Everything will be fine!

The education received, work experience and qualifications do not guarantee one hundred percent employment today. Want to know why? In practice, there are 10 candidate behavior patterns that lead to guaranteed interview failure. And the problem here is not in the structure of the interview, assessment of competencies, answers to the recruiter’s questions, but in the behavior transmitted during negotiations.

Model No. 1. “Liar”

Example: Sabina had an interview in two rounds for the vacancy - office manager. She told the HR manager that she lived with her parents. To the director who rents an apartment with a young man. After comparing the information, the director decided to refuse the candidate.

Example: Natalya wrote in her resume that she is 36 years old. In fact, she was 41 years old. Reduced it a little. Invited to work. The truth became clear during the paperwork. For providing false information, the HR department decided to hire another candidate.

Example: Mehriban could not get a job after graduating from university for a year and a half. When she was asked at the interview what she had been doing all this time, the girl replied: “Repairing.” This option seemed more plausible and respectful to her. However, when asked exactly what kind of question, Mehriban did not find an answer.

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The most common type of candidate is a “liar”. He composes a beautiful legend, thinks it through to the smallest detail, and then presents himself in all his glory. But failures often occur here. No matter how you hide the information, it will still be revealed to the employer. It is better to remain silent about circumstances that seem personal to you than to tell a lie. Internal control weakens as one moves towards open communication. Honesty is now valued more than idealizing one's image.

Model No. 2. “Nightingale”

Example: Anar entered the company imposingly - he applied for the position of head of the legal department. His resume was distinguished by its logic of presentation, qualifications and design. To the standard proposal of the HR manager: “Please tell us about yourself...”, he prepared a detailed and detailed story about his successes, life and business experience. Anar was 36 years old and unmarried. He was involved, in his words, in the biggest cases. The summary was told like a poem in school: all four pages by heart. I was sincerely offended when he was interrupted 30 minutes into the presentation.

A comment

A candidate who uses the Nightingale behavior model is remembered for a long time. Pleasant, sweet, has a well-written resume. Gives the impression of a true professional. But all his attention is focused on himself. On the one hand, there is nothing wrong with this, but on the other hand, he is irresponsible in the truest sense of the word. For the nightingale, reputation is more important than the company’s problems.

Careful preparation for an interview is certainly necessary. But for the employer, interest and motivation are more important than a detailed autobiography of the candidate. An application from a manager for a vacancy requires an answer to a strictly defined list of questions. An interview is just a way to get to know each other and get brief information about the candidate’s professional suitability for the proposed job.

Model No. 3. “Star”

Example: Rugiya worked as the head of the real estate sales department in a large Azerbaijani construction company. The terms of the proposed vacancy seemed tempting to her. Arriving for an interview with the HR manager, the candidate looked at her with a contemptuous look: “What can a young university graduate understand about commercial real estate operations?” When asked to fill out the form, she refused: “I will only talk to your supervisor!” Despite the obvious violation of the interview stages, Rugia met with the director of the company. "I'm professional. How much are you willing to pay me? This approach clearly discouraged the interlocutor. But when checked, the candidate’s experience turned out to be not so significant and important, and there were a dozen more “stars” standing outside the door for the interview.

A comment

Not only representatives of show business suffer from star fever, but also ordinary job seekers. It manifests itself after successfully building a career in a local brand company. At some point, the candidate realizes that he is a “star” and deserves a higher salary and a better position. You should only talk to the director, and filling out a form in the personnel department is below his level.

Each candidate considers his qualifications, education, and experience to be exceptional, but suddenly it turns out that in a day the HR manager can receive up to a hundred resumes of similar candidates. Pride and excessive ambition are not the best assistant in finding a job. Sometimes you need to be able to not only embellish, but also downplay your achievements.

Model No. 4. “Greedy”

Example: Lala came for an interview for an office manager position. My work experience was only six months in a small real estate agency. I received 350 manats. I was happy for the first three months because I combined work with getting my first higher education. Then I looked at a website with offers for office staff and quit. In the questionnaire she wrote that for a trial period she would agree to receive 500 manats, and after that, when she gets used to it, at least 700. To the HR manager’s question: “Why should we pay you that kind of money?”, she answered simply: “Everything in Baku is becoming more expensive, inflation , and I don’t have enough to live on.”

A comment

“Greedy” is guided by one indicator when choosing a job: “How much?” Having looked at a website with job vacancies in his spare time, he makes a simple conclusion: if everyone wants 500 - 700 manats, then why am I worse? And it doesn’t matter that you don’t have much experience or completed higher education. As a rule, newly minted university graduates become “greedy”. Of course, the high cost of living pushes people to earn a salary sufficient for a comfortable existence. However, salary expectations must correspond to the realities of the labor market.

Model No. 5. “Careerist”

A comment

The “careerist” immediately asks: “When will I become a leader?” The proposed vacancy interests him only as a springboard for building a professional ladder. The more prospects the candidate sees when meeting, the more motivated he will be to achieve his own goals.

University graduates often change jobs and get rejected precisely for this reason. Simple work seems humiliating to them, managerial work - attractive and tempting. Building a career and professional development is a completely understandable human desire for growth and self-improvement. But for a competent career strategy, desire alone is not enough; you need experience and professionalism, which is developed over the years.

Model No. 6. “Sloth”

Example: The company urgently needed a driver with a personal car. Vugar arrived on time. Lounging on a chair, he honestly admitted to the personnel officer: “You know, I actually don’t want to work, I also have my own small business.” To the question: “Why did you come then?”, he answered simply: “I need work for now, so as not to sit at home.”

A comment

The “lazy man” needs a job for objective reasons, but he has neither the motivation nor the desire to work. Laziness is an indicator of a lack of motivation for the work performed. It serves as an indicator of internal or external trouble. Perhaps the candidate did not have time to fully relax at his previous job, and vital necessity forces him to take a job in a new place. True, there is a category of candidates for whom laziness is a normal state for them. In Soviet times they were called “parasites” and they carried out educational work with them. In modern Russian reality, this function is performed by the economy and life itself.

Model No. 7. “Flyer”

Example: Aysel came to Baku from the region. At the age of 36, she left her husband and family and, after working as a teacher for 10 years, decided to retrain as a realtor. During the interview, I shared problems from my personal life. She had no sales skills. With her behavior, she created the impression that she ended up here by accident and for a short time.

Example: Samir worked as a professional guide-translator. Due to family circumstances, I ended up in Ganja. He could not find a job in his specialty due to his advanced age and lack of offers. I came for an interview to get a job as a driver. To the question: “Why?” He just shrugged his shoulders nervously, not knowing what to say.

A comment

Everyone knows “letuna” due to frequent job changes for no apparent reason. However, in practice, a new variety of it has appeared - “lost”. A “lost flyer” is a candidate under stress who wanders off, quits his old job, and shows up at your office. Without knowing why, but with a request: “Take me to work, please!”

Psychological crisis, material problems, and the need for development push people to change their profession and occupation. Candidates do not always clearly understand their goals and, in pursuit of work, run for any vacancy that comes their way. The task of the HR manager is also the professional guidance of a person who has decided to change his profession. The decision to choose a job should be carefully thought out and free of impulsiveness.

Model No. 8. “Shirker”

Example: When interviewing for a vacancy as a computer operator, Yegyan was interested in only two questions: “Is it possible to work half a day?” and “Will they be allowed to attend the session?”

Example: Tarana, having arrived at the personnel department, said from the doorway: “I can only work until 18.00 and there will be no delays. I need to pick up my child from kindergarten on time. And next week I’ll take two days to go to the clinic with my second child.”

Some people take no more than a week to find a new job. Others are forced to go to interviews for different companies longer. When you don’t get hired for a long time, it’s worth thinking about the fact that this is not just bad luck, but that the person is doing something wrong.

Errors may vary. It is important to understand the reason for numerous failures and correct the situation. Employers, due to their professional activities, see in a person what he himself may not notice.

Applicant's assumptions about the reasons for refusal

Job seekers spend a lot of time looking for a new job and gradually come to the conclusion that they are simply unlucky. This is only partly true. To get the desired place, you need to show your best side. Luck plays a role, but not the main one. A job application is denied for a specific reason. It has nothing to do with luck.

Job seekers believe that they are not hired without experience. A person is invited to an interview after reviewing his resume, which already indicates work experience in a certain field. Therefore, a refusal to an applicant for this reason is unlikely. You need to analyze your unsuccessful attempts to find a job and understand what causes a negative reaction from a potential employer.

Employer's motives

Typically, the reason for refusal of employment is related to the applicant’s mistakes during the interview. Everything matters: appearance, behavior, manner of speaking, etc. To understand the reasons for the refusal, you need to analyze everything that happened during the interview. An employer refuses an applicant for the following reasons:

  • negative personal characteristics;
  • unattractive resume;
  • mistakes during the interview;
  • bad reference from a previous job.

Applicants may lie in an interview if they want to get a position in a well-known company. A person drives himself into a dead end: his words will be checked by potential leadership.

Candidates make mistakes in the first minutes of an interview. The recruiter asks the applicant to tell about himself. What a person says in response can ruin a favorable first impression of him. Rules of conduct during an interview:

- do not give unnecessary information about yourself;

- talk about your attitude to work and hobbies;

- do not talk about your family and family workaholism.

Negative Personal Characteristics

The employer has certain requirements for the personal and professional qualities of the new employee. A simple example is an applicant being late for an interview. Every employer is looking for a responsible and punctual person. If the applicant is late, he can remove himself from the list of candidates. There are other reasons for refusal:

  • unkempt appearance;
  • diffidence;
  • inattention during the interview.

The first impression of a person is his appearance. The employer will not be able to communicate with an unkemptly dressed person who chews chewing gum for long. It is important to think through all the details of clothing.

The employer will like a calm and confident manner of dialogue more than nervous rubbing of palms or long silence instead of answering a question.

Inattentiveness manifests itself as a lack of interest in the interview. A person may not turn off their phone during an interview or look at items on the employer's desk.

Unattractive resume

A properly written resume is the first step to successful employment. Before a personal meeting with candidates, the employer can determine a list of potential leaders. He makes his choice based on the submitted resumes and letters of recommendation.

A bad resume needs to be fixed. Job applications are denied because the resume contains something that should not be there:

  1. False information. During the interview, the qualities, work experience and other information stated by the applicant are easy to check.
  2. Template phrases. An experienced recruiter will easily identify such a resume.
  3. Information about excessive professionalism. A person who has already achieved a lot in his career is not needed by enterprises. Such an employee may become bored in the proposed position. He will quickly cope with his responsibilities and ask for a salary increase.

Problems with a resume can be discovered during the interview, after the interview, or before the interview. The timing of receiving a refusal depends on the employer's opinion of the resume. If he has any doubts, the recruiter can meet with the applicant. If not, then the interview date and time will never be set.

Mistakes during interviews

Regular invitations to interviews are a sign that everything is in order with a person’s resume. You need to understand what goes wrong during the interview: does the applicant’s appearance correspond to the dress code of the company he came to work for, does he behave with restraint and calm. In addition to being late, there may be other errors:

  1. Lack of preparation for recruiter questions. “What do you know about our enterprise?” - the recruiter will ask and receive a vague answer. Or there will be no answer at all. This means that the candidate is not ready for an interview.
  2. Criticism of superiors or colleagues from previous jobs. This phenomenon is not uncommon. This spoils the impression of the applicant. Criticism is characterized by experienced conflict situations. Nobody needs a conflicting employee.
  3. Lack of interest in work. This indicates a lack of motivation on the part of the candidate.
  4. Inadequate response to the proposed salary. This problem is the most dangerous, because high expectations indicate high self-esteem, and low expectations indicate a lack of experience and self-doubt.
  5. Impoliteness. It appears in people with extensive work experience. This phenomenon is similar to star fever. The employer won't like it.
  6. Refusal to answer questions or complete a test task. If a person refuses this way to test his professionalism, then the employer will not consider his candidacy.
  7. Inadequate reaction to interview features. Recruiters use innovative approaches to finding candidates for vacant positions: games, professional logical exercises, artificial recreation of a work situation, etc. The applicant may not be ready for such methods and makes mistakes.

Look for every opportunity to correct your own mistakes. The sooner you do this, the better: you will soon be able to find a job.

Bad reference from previous job

People who were fired from their previous place of work will face failure in the future. Information about serious violations may be entered into the work book. It happens that a denial of employment is associated with a negative review of a person from a previous place of work. If a former employee has a bad reputation, the former boss may point this out to recruiters.

If a person is denied a job, then the reason is himself. Refusal from potential management may be due to an unattractive resume, mistakes during the interview, and even appearance.

To find a place, it is important to work on mistakes. The main thing is to show your professionalism and readiness to perform any tasks that the employer sets.
