What does a concierge do? What are the responsibilities of a concierge in an apartment building? Job Description for Concierge of a Residential Housing and Utilities Building

Ensuring timely transmission of operational information about identified violations to the HOA for taking action. 4. Record in the logbook all observed violations and other information that may be of interest to residents of the house. 5. If necessary, be present when workers of public utilities (elevators, plumbers, etc.) perform work upon presentation of an ID or other documents proving their identity (pass with a note in the Visitor Log). 6. Workers carrying out repairs in apartments should be allowed into the house according to the lists provided by the owners of the apartments, upon presentation of a passport. 7. Immediately report to law enforcement authorities any suspicious persons present in the house, as well as the removal of furniture and other suspicious actions. 8.

Actions of the concierge: 1. If an incorrectly parked car is detected (closing a through passage): - finds out and clarifies its owner, and takes all possible actions to inform the owner and clear the passage. 2. Identification and prevention of violations - drinking alcohol, violating the rules of living in an apartment building (in terms of administrative offenses), rules for walking dogs, throwing garbage from balconies and loggias and petty hooliganism: - tactfully warn the offender about his violation of law and order.

If you refuse to comply with legal requirements, call the police. For violation of the regime and improper execution of this job description, the concierge is subject to disciplinary punishment up to and including dismissal.



  • 1 Duties of the duty officer
  • 2 Concierge workplace
  • 3 Improper performance of work, sample contract

Previously, concierges worked in hotels and prestigious buildings, they were hired by wealthy residents who were able to pay them a salary. Today, they are hired by property owners in apartment buildings, and the duties of the concierge are spelled out in the contract that he signs upon joining the job.

The salary of this employee is made up of contributions collected by tenants, but sometimes funds are provided for this from the local budget. Some consider such work useless and unnecessary, and the cost of services is overpriced, but, for example, during purchase/sale transactions, the presence of an attendant is a definite plus, which indicates a certain elitism of the house.

Job Descriptions

  • immediately report suspicious persons and unlawful actions to the internal affairs authorities;
  • when transporting large cargo in the elevator cabin, ensure that there are no overloads or blockages;
  • after handing over the shift, check the safety of locks in basements, electrical panels, garbage chutes, attics, and make appropriate entries in the journal;
  • deal with submitting applications for replacement of electrical equipment throughout the entire entrance;
  • quickly respond to the activation of an alarm system, if one is installed at the entrance of the apartment building;
  • if various problems arise that relate to breakdowns of the drainage system, malfunction of the central heating and hot water supply system, as well as malfunctions of elevator equipment, the duty officer calls the appropriate utility services.

House concierge: responsibilities and requirements

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), - find out and clarify the owner of the car and take all possible actions to inform the owner and clear the passage, and if there is no information about the owner (not in the list of residents), a notice is left on the car (Appendix 1); when identifying cases of drinking alcohol and alcohol-containing products or consuming narcotic drugs or psychotropic drugs in public places, as well as appearing in public places in a state of intoxication that offends human dignity and public morality, including by minors (Art. Art. 20.20, 20.21, 20.22) - warn the offender about his violation of law and order, and if he refuses to comply with legal requirements, call the police (in the case of a minor offender, if possible, inform the parents). 23.

Responsibilities of a concierge

Responsibility The concierge is responsible for: 4.1. for failure to perform or improper performance of their job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation; 4.2. for offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document].
Manager [initials, surname] [signature] [day, month, year] Agreed: [position, full name.


Apartment owners also have the right to terminate the contract with the concierge and instead recommend another person for this job. This is done at a general meeting; a majority of property owners must vote for such changes.

If job duties are poorly performed, you should immediately change the person on duty to a person who is responsible and punctual. The services of a concierge should be assessed based on the results of its activities.


If the entrance is clean, the lighting is in order, all breakdowns are repaired in a timely manner, then the duty officer is in his place, and the cost of his work is justified. Add a comment Popular articles What is included and at whose expense are major repairs carried out? Contents 1 Who pays for major repairs2 Fund for major repairs3 List of works...

Job description for a residential building concierge

The concierge must know: - regulations and instructions on access control; — residents of the house/entrance; — plan of the house/entrance, including the exact location of apartments in it; — telephone numbers of residents of the house/entrance. 2. Job responsibilities The job responsibilities of a concierge include: 2.1.

duty in the lobby/hall/entrance of a residential building; 2.2. access to the house for residents and visitors; 2.3. registration of visitors using identification documents, indicating the time of arrival and departure and the number of the apartment to which they are going; 2.4. restricting access to the house/entrance of unauthorized persons; 2.5. receiving mail and messages for residents of the house; 2.6. assisting the management organization in providing residents with the necessary information; 2.7. maintaining order in the lobby/hall/entrance of a residential building and the concierge room; 2.8. storage of keys to technical rooms of the house. 3. Rights The concierge has the right: 3.1.

Download the job description for a residential building concierge

You can download the concierge job description for free. Job responsibilities of the concierge I approve (Last name, initials) (name of the organization, its organizational and legal form) (director; other person authorized to approve the job description) 00.00.201_g.

JOB DESCRIPTION OF CONCIERGE (name of institution) 00.00.201_g. No. 00 1. General provisions

  1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of the concierge (hereinafter referred to as the “enterprise”).

Name of institution 1.2.

A person who is not required to have education or work experience requirements is accepted for the position of concierge. 1.3. The concierge is hired and dismissed from the position by order.

(position of the head of the organization) 1.4.
The concierge is not responsible for the safety of apartments and personal property of residents. II. Job responsibilities. 1. Maintaining cleanliness in the workplace.
2. Compliance with the following access regime to the house: residents of the house enter the entrance using their magnetic key, or by calling the concierge through the intercom; if a guest (including delivery, courier) asks the concierge to open the door to the entrance, you should call the apartment through the intercom (or, if not possible, by home phone) and clarify whether they are expecting a guest, and, if positive, open the door in the elevator hall; residents of the house, if there is no connection with them via intercom or home telephone, should meet their guests at the entrance, or inform the concierge about them in advance; Entry and exit of visitors should be recorded in the Visitor Register, indicating the apartment number and time of visit. 3.

At the request of residents, submit applications for replacement of lamps in the corridor on floors 2.17. control the operation of elevators, loading and unloading operations, prevent overloading of elevators and the use of a passenger elevator for other purposes, check daily communication from the elevator cabins with the dispatcher; 2.18. receive information from residents with indications of expenses of apartment metering devices and keep records of them 2.19. transfer payment documents to residents for utility bills and monitor their payment 3. Rights The concierge has the right to: 3.1. do not allow suspicious persons or visitors into the entrance without the consent of the residents; 3.2.

do not allow the removal of residents' property or common property from the entrance by unauthorized persons without proper permission; 3.3. require visitors (entering the house without the owners) to present identification documents; 3.4.

Job Description for Concierge of a Residential Housing and Utilities Building

I approve (organizational and legal form, (signature) (full name, position, name of organization, enterprise) of the manager, or other official authorized to approve the job description) » » 20 M.P. Job description for a residential building concierge (name of organization, enterprise, etc.) This job description was developed and approved on the basis of an employment contract with the concierge and in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations.


General provisions 1.1. The concierge is classified as a worker and reports directly to him. (name of position of immediate supervisor) 1.2. A person is hired for the position of concierge without presenting requirements for education and work experience.

1.3. The concierge is hired and dismissed from work by order.

How necessary a concierge is in an apartment building and whether it is needed at all can only be decided by the residents. Only they have the right to install additional posts at the entrances. At the same time, there is often an opinion among the inhabitants of the building that the job description of a residential building concierge simply does not exist in nature and people in this profession do absolutely the wrong things for which you need to pay money: they watch TV, talk tirelessly on the phone, and sometimes they can even look into other people's bags.

However, if you approach the selection of such a candidate responsibly, clearly specify the job responsibilities of the concierge in an apartment building, then this person will turn out to be a real person on duty at your entrance, who will monitor cleanliness and order, will not allow suspicious guests in, and will also be able to act as an intermediary between residents and management company or HOA.

Why do you need a concierge in a residential building?

Previously, such an employee could be seen in hotels and hotels or in an elite house - the concierge was hired by the owners of the living space, who could afford to provide this person with a salary. Nowadays, this is no longer a rarity, and many people resort to the services of a concierge in an apartment building. Sometimes funds to pay remuneration are even allocated from the city budget.

As mentioned above, people often perceive the duty officer as an unnecessary unit, considering the benefits of his presence questionable. However, when selling or buying an apartment, having a concierge in the house is an undeniable advantage that demonstrates the prestige of the property. What is this person's job? What are the rights of a concierge in a residential building and what are his responsibilities?

The duty officer's job is to closely monitor order at the entrance. For this purpose, a special room is allocated, often equipped with a video surveillance system, and the person must monitor who enters and leaves the house. When strangers visit, the concierge usually clarifies which apartment the guests are going to and for what purpose. However, more often than not, passing by this employee even in our entrance, we may think why we should pay a salary to a concierge in a residential building if his functions consist of such a small set of responsibilities and at the same time he constantly talks on the phone or goes about his business. This question is logical when the work of this employee is poorly organized or not regulated at all.

The main responsibilities of a concierge in an apartment building

Since a concierge is a paid post, an appropriate job description is drawn up for this employee, which regulates all the functions, rights and responsibilities of the position. In each specific case, such a document can be developed individually. However, there are a number of basic responsibilities that should be required of a home concierge.

  • Know all the residents by sight and have a list of them.
  • Behave politely and kindly towards both property owners and visitors.
  • Maintain order at the entrance.
  • Stay on top of things, especially when any emergency situations occur.
  • Promptly inform the relevant authorities about violations that occurred during the shift.
  • Carefully monitor the performance of utility services.
  • Regularly fill out a logbook that reflects all incidents and measures taken.
  • Be vigilant and report suspicious persons to the authorities.
  • Act as an intermediary between residents and the management company, transfer complaints and wishes of the population to the company or HOA.
  • Submit requests for minor equipment repairs.
  • Monitor the use of elevators, especially during the transportation of large items, to avoid overloading and breakdown.
  • Eliminate the possibility of property damage and theft.
  • Monitor the integrity of the locks on the doors in the house.
  • Promptly notify property owners about dangerous situations.
  • Ensure that the lighting in the house and surrounding area is in good working order.
  • Walk around the area before turning in your shift.

Very often, the job description also reflects serious violations that are unacceptable in the work of an apartment building concierge. So, this employee cannot:

  • disclose confidential information about residents;
  • be at work in a state of alcoholic intoxication;
  • behave unrestrainedly and conflict with residents;
  • be absent from work for a long time.

An important aspect is organized feedback, thanks to which property owners will be able to inform the concierge about their long absence, about the upcoming reception of a large number of people or the delivery of important cargo, and so on.

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In addition to the range of responsibilities indicated above, other requirements for the work of a concierge may be adopted at the general council. In some houses, security cameras are installed for the entrance, remote controls with fire alarms, etc. If this is a trusted person and is trusted, many residents can leave the keys to the apartment so that the concierge can monitor the safety of the premises during their long absence (if, for example, , breaks a pipe, he can come in and shut off the water).

To organize a good concierge service, you need to take care of equipping the workplace, where there will be a telephone, a special panic button, a minimum of furniture and a bathroom. If residents show a desire to make their employee’s office more comfortable, then you can provide his post with a minimum set of household appliances (heater, kettle, microwave).

Since the person on duty must be at the workplace around the clock, it is necessary to hire at least two employees who will be on duty in shifts. The main requirement for these people is a good attitude towards apartment owners and a serious approach to business, which will ensure conscientious performance of their official duties.

How do the residents themselves want to see a concierge in their home?

What kind of concierge will satisfy homeowners in full? Responsible, executive, disciplined and attentive. This person must strictly adhere to the established work schedule and impeccably follow job descriptions. Many property owners do not want to see elderly women in the post of concierge, but often it is the elderly ladies who try to do their job conscientiously, being home-conscious and thrifty due to their age. This is especially evident in the case when such a duty officer also lives in this house as an owner.

For the concierge to be as effective as possible, the workplace must meet the requirements. The premises must be equipped with a telephone connection, plumbing, a special panic button, a minimum set of furniture and necessary household appliances (at the request of the residents).

A big advantage in the work of a concierge will be the presence of a name and surname list of people living in this house, as well as knowledge of contact phone numbers in order to have ways to quickly report any emergency situation. At the same time, feedback also plays a very important role, that is, residents should also be able to communicate about their imminent departure on vacation, plans for renovations, renting out an apartment, and so on.

Sometimes management companies, trying to keep up with the times, try to involve those on duty in organizing the delivery of goods. However, we should not forget that the concierge has a lot of main responsibilities, according to job descriptions, and in order to perform them well, one should not overload.

How to hire an employee for the position of concierge in a house

We offer you several options for formalizing relations with concierges (indicating the main provisions necessary to document one or another option).

  1. Ownership group (for example, entrance)– individuals hire a concierge independently and at their own expense to service only one of their entrances:
  • an agreement between the owners on sharing the costs of maintaining a concierge;
  1. A legal entity - the owner of a residential apartment or non-residential premises in an apartment building independently hires a concierge to service the entire entrance:
  • minutes of the meeting of the owners group;
  • employment contract with the concierge;
  • concierge job description;
  • general information about taxes paid and their calculation.
  1. The HOA hires a concierge under an employment contract:
  • minutes of the meeting on the decision to hire a concierge;
  • employment contract with the concierge;
  • Concierge job description.
  1. The HOA enters into an agreement with the concierge - an individual entrepreneur:
  • civil contract with a concierge - an individual entrepreneur;
  • act of completed work under a civil contract with the concierge;
  • claim (in case of improper provision of services);
  • sample claim to court (in case of improper provision of services).

When an agreement for the provision of services is concluded between individuals, the payment of taxes is carried out by the one who receives the remuneration. In other words, the one who takes the money must keep financial records, accrue and pay off obligations. In the next year after receiving income, before April 30, the provider of services under the contract (the one who received the remuneration) must submit reports to the tax service in form 2-NDFL, and also pay the tax themselves. Thus, the customer of services (the party who pays the money) is not a tax agent.

When such an agreement exists, it is possible not to enter into an agreement to reimburse residents for the costs of paying the concierge due to the fact that in this case it could be interpreted as the management company’s desire to evade paying taxes on wages.

What apartment owners should consider when hiring a concierge for their home

Despite the fact that an in-house concierge is a pretty good idea, residents still often encounter certain problems. This is due to the fact that the duty officer may not always fulfill his job duties conscientiously. Most often this is caused by the low salary of a concierge in a residential building. That is why such posts are most often filled by elderly people who, due to their age, will not be able to give a good rebuff to violent strangers or unwanted guests.

Sometimes homeowners may have conflicts with the attendant. To avoid such situations, it is better to try to warn the concierge about the guests you are expecting, otherwise he will be forced to clarify this information with the people who come to you.

During the move, it is also worth informing the duty officer about furniture or large cargo, otherwise the concierge may call security. This rule is no exception for those who rent out their property. In addition, by informing the person on duty about this fact, you will have the opportunity to find out who visits those who rented your home, how the tenants behave, and so on. Moreover, if the number of people living in the apartment is greater than the number of sets of keys, then you can leave them with the concierge. This even makes the process of going on vacation easier, because your friends can take the keys from the attendant and water the flowers or feed the cat.

The concierge is not allowed to engage in extraneous matters at the workplace or leave it unless absolutely necessary, especially for a long time. To avoid the desire to leave your post over trifles, you can install a TV in the office space and bring interesting books.

It is best to involve a professional who already has experience in such work. You can really rely on such a person.

How to control the concierge in an apartment building

Sometimes residents may complain about the dishonest service of the attendant, then we have to look for ways to improve the efficiency of the concierge in an apartment building.

The work of a person in such a position and its productivity can only be positively influenced by a good attitude on the part of the apartment owners. Analyze how often neighbors and residents greet the concierge in general. In most cases, people simply pass by without paying any attention to him. But the basis of security lies precisely in feedback from the person on duty at the entrance. A timely warning about cargo delivery or about guests who should come to you can help avoid unnecessary conflicts between the concierge and your visitors. In addition, without warnings from the homeowners, the duty officer often has to let dubious individuals into the entrance. It is worth remembering all of the above and not making claims to the concierge of an apartment building; analyze how much you help him do his job well.

In general, the activities of the people who maintain the house are always controlled by the management company. In this case, the responsibilities of employees must be documented in the form of job descriptions, which are endorsed by management and normally comply with the standards of the Labor Code.

The so-called human factor plays a big role in the work of a concierge, but you won’t be nice to everyone. The duty officer always has to look for compromises in order to avoid conflicts and perform his tasks efficiently. In addition, in order for work in this position to be as effective as possible, it is worth immediately selecting candidates, taking into account all the requirements for this position. A person must correspond to them not only in professional qualities, but also in personal ones.

The duty officer is the guardian of order and security at home. In accordance with the law, the management company is not required to operate this post. Therefore, the decision to place an attendant at the entrance depends entirely on the residents. This issue is discussed at a regular house-wide meeting. However, you should clearly understand what goals you are pursuing and whether you really need a person on duty in the building.

So, a concierge is a person who continuously monitors order in the house. Let’s say that if someone else comes into the entrance, the attendant must clarify the apartment number and the purpose of the visit. If there is no one at the specified address at the moment, the concierge may ask the visitor to come at another time. Sometimes the job description of the duty officer states that he is obliged to record the passport details of arriving people (guests, casual visitors, utility workers, etc.) who do not live in the house. It is also important to understand that this is not an exhaustive list of responsibilities for this position.

Why the concierge in the house fails to cope with his duties

The root of the problem, which is expressed in the failure of the duty officer to complete his tasks, actually lies in fairly banal reasons. One of them is very low wages which is typical for this position. Another reason is directly dependent on the first - this post is often filled by the elderly or people with disabilities.

Of course, we are not talking about hiring people who, due to their physical condition, simply cannot perform the functions of an attendant well. Here It's about age restrictions, because, as mentioned above, older people often apply for the position of concierge. If a middle-aged person comes to this post, then it immediately becomes clear that he cannot perform any other, more paid and profitable work due to his health. At the same time, in both cases, people do not strive to hold on to a low-paid position and openly begin to ignore some of their official responsibilities.

At the same time, failure to comply with labor instructions often does not become a reason for any administrative penalties, much less dismissal, since the management company simply does not want to burden itself with additional labor. Of course, this can only continue until the number of complaints from residents of the building simply begins to go off scale. Then there may be a change in the concierge of the apartment building, but this does not mean at all that the next candidate will be more responsible.

All these points become the reasons for residents’ dissatisfaction with the work of the duty officer. People living in the house begin to doubt the need for such a post. Some even suggest that they do not need these services at all, and that an armored door and a video surveillance system can act as protection from suspicious citizens.

Sometimes the question of whether a house concierge is needed comes down to the amount that is charged from the residents of the house (most often the collection occurs on a door-to-door basis) to pay him a bonus. After all, if the building has, for example, 20 floors, then the size of the monthly fee for the apartment will not raise as many questions as it might in a five-story building. After all, the amount of work in the latter case is much less, and the requirements from residents will then be much higher.

So, most often the matter lies not in the idea as such, but in the process of organizing the work of a concierge in an apartment building. Sometimes it is enough to simply replace a rude and dishonest employee with a more responsible and friendly one. In some cases, it is necessary to completely revise the work pattern of the duty officer, as well as adjust the job responsibilities of the concierge in an apartment building.

Attached files

  • Document No.1.doc

The desire to make life comfortable and home safe is natural. Everyone provides it for their family differently depending on their capabilities and conditions. You can resort to technical means: security alarms, high fences, video surveillance services, even a guard dog. City residents are increasingly choosing the option where order will be monitored by a person performing the duties of a concierge in an apartment building.

Important! The presence of a concierge will be a plus when selling an apartment; it is a guarantee of order and even an indicator of elitism.

With the right approach, residents of not only an elite house can organize the work of a person with the functions of monitoring the condition of the local area.

How to hire a concierge

If the majority of the residents of the house vote positively for such a service, this decision is recorded in writing in a protocol. Next, you need to contact the homeowners association or management company. They must resolve issues with the search and selection of a candidate, as well as with the allocation and equipment of premises for the new employee. Contractual relations with the duty officer are documented.

Concierge salary

The wages are paid by the employer.

This can be a group of individuals (residents of the same entrance), a legal entity (the owner of the premises), or a homeowners association. In this case, we are talking about an employment contract. If this is an agreement between individuals. persons, taxes are paid by the one who receives the payment.
If the concierge is an individual entrepreneur, the HOA may enter into a contract agreement.

Electronic concierge

In addition to the usual option, you can consider a access system, in which it is enough to equip one workplace for the entire house. Access control at entrances will be carried out by one person using video cameras. To evaluate how much more profitable this method is, you can compare the costs of maintaining several people for a long-term period and calculate how long it will take to pay for the equipment.

Job responsibilities

The entrance duty officer must:

  • Know all residents personally.
  • Be polite when communicating with residents.
  • Record in writing all incidents and actions taken to eliminate them.
  • Respond in a timely manner to reports of malfunctions in heating and drainage systems. Inform the appropriate authorities.
  • Monitor the operation of elevators and, in case of breakdown, call specialist services.
  • Control the transportation of goods in elevators, avoid overloading and actions that could lead to damage to equipment, interior, or stop their operation.
  • Control and maintain order, prevent accidents and crimes.
  • Report to the appropriate authorities about all offenses, suspicious people and actions on the territory of the house (removal of furniture, equipment).
  • Do not let strangers through without presenting an identity card, keep a list of visits.
  • Prevent incidents of hooliganism.
  • Give warnings or report to the authorities if cases of vandalism, fights, consumption of alcohol, drugs, aggressive obscene statements are recorded.
  • Provide access to the site of emergency work, call repairmen, monitor the progress of work, check certificates.
  • Check for locks in attics, basements, and electric meters.
  • Monitor the condition of window and door structures and panels, promptly report the need for repair or replacement.
  • Communicate information and decisions of the governing body to residents.
  • Monitor the switching on/off of lights in the local area and in the entrances.
  • Hand over duty at the end of the shift, checking the required objects and recording their status in the log.

What is prohibited for the concierge?

In addition to the set of responsibilities, it is necessary to agree on and prescribe actions that are unacceptable for the employee on duty at the entrance.

  1. Communicate any information about those living in the house to strangers.
  2. Use alcohol, drugs and similar substances in the workplace.
  3. Coming to work while intoxicated.
  4. Invite strangers into the duty room or house.
  5. Sleep (except at specially agreed times).

Important! If the employee fails to comply with the prohibitions, disciplinary measures, fines or dismissal may be applied.

Concierge rights

  • Request the necessary information about residents, lists of persons who are allowed to visit the house.
  • Check IDs
  • Do not allow suspicious persons in.
  • Do not allow strangers to remove residents' property without presenting permission.
  • Require residents to provide assistance in performing work duties.
  • Require management to organize the workplace appropriately.
  • The concierge also has the right to all conditions specified in labor legislation.

Responsibility of the duty officer

The concierge is not responsible for the safety of personal property, apartments, cars.

He can only be held responsible for incomplete fulfillment of his duties. If, in the event of detection of illegal actions in relation to the property of residents, the law enforcement agencies were not informed in a timely manner.

Work organization

In order for the functions of monitoring order to be carried out in full, it makes sense to prescribe an algorithm of actions in the event of a particular violation in a job description or a separate document.

Based on it, it will be easier to evaluate work and identify inconsistencies with agreed responsibilities.

The most common cases can be recorded.

Actions of the concierge in case of violation of parking rules in the local area

It must be indicated that if an illegally parked car is detected, he is obliged to take all possible actions to identify, find the owner and inform about the need to move the car to another location.

It should also spell out what to do if it turns out that the car does not belong to the resident, and there is no way to find the driver.

Actions of the concierge in case of hooligan behavior

Describe what actions should be regarded as violations and how you should respond to them. If construction waste is left in the wrong place and there is no desire to remove it, causing damage to the playground equipment, the caretaker must call the police.

Possible scenarios described in this way will help you react quickly and correctly.

If the neighbors are against it

Every house has uncooperative neighbors. In a situation where some residents would like to see an employee with the functions of a watchman and watchman in the house, and the decision must be made by a general majority of votes, explanatory work can be carried out. Explain with positive examples who a concierge is in a residential building and how he will actually be useful.

Important! The picture of flowers, rugs and clean, unpainted elevators in the entrance pleases everyone’s imagination. When they wish you a good day and greet you when you return in the evening, you get a feeling of home, where you want to return. The mailboxes are intact, correspondence will not be lost from there. When going on vacation or for a long time, you can be confident in the safety of the apartment.

If something happens to utility networks, there will be a person who will react as quickly as possible. The chances of not being flooded and stopping the fire in time also increase if there is a watchman. The entrance cleaning schedule will miraculously begin to be followed.

Everyone makes a choice in what conditions their family will live. In an apartment building, it is more difficult to combine opinions, desires, and organize order and security. But the efforts spent will pay off and are worth it; a concierge at the entrance can take the quality of life to another, more civilized level.


Executive Director of the JSC



"____" May 2012

Job description

residential building concierge

1. General Provisions

1.1. The concierge belongs to the category of workers and is directly subordinate to the administrator -Service, whose jurisdiction includes a residential building.

1.2. A person is hired for the position of concierge without presenting requirements for education and work experience.

1.3. The concierge is hired and dismissed from work by order of the General Director -Service"

1.4. The concierge must know:

Regulations on access to the house;

Residents of the entrance in person, have a list of residents;

Entrance plan, including the exact location of apartments in it;

Phone numbers of residents of the entrance, including owners who do not live in the house.

2. Job responsibilities

The duties of a concierge include:

2.1. duty in the lobby/hall/entrance of a residential building;

2.2. access to the house for residents and visitors;

2.3. registration of visitors (entering the house without the owner of the apartment) using identification documents, indicating the time of arrival and departure and the number of the apartment to which they are going;

2.4. restricting access to the entrance of strangers and suspicious persons;

2.5. receiving mail and messages for residents of the house;

2.6 providing residents with the necessary information from the management company or, on the initiative of the building council (if there is one), or the homeowners’ association;

2.7. maintaining order in the lobby/hall/entrance of a residential building and the concierge room;

2.8. storage of keys to technical rooms of the house.

2.9. monitoring the sanitary condition of the MOP, the state of lighting of the MOP, identifying various types of deficiencies through daily periodic floor-by-floor walks in the period 9.00-9.30 and from 17.00 to 17.30.

2.10. prompt report to the management company about all shortcomings and violations identified during inspections and during duty (to the administrator, the duty officer of the SDS and, in emergency cases, the Chief Engineer - Service")

2.11. when communicating with residents of the house and representatives of government and other structures, observe respect and politeness;

2.12. record in the logbook all observed violations and other information that may be of interest to residents of the house;

2.13. respond in a timely manner to the activation of emergency systems, as well as security and life systems of a residential building;

2.14. promptly respond to messages from residents about problems with house communications: sewerage breaks, problems with the heating supply network, water supply, breakdown of elevators and any other emergency situations (with recording in the log - to whom it was reported and at what time);

2.15. at the end of duty, check the integrity of the locks on the entrance doors, the doors of the electrical control room, the garbage collection room and the exit to the roof of the house, about which a corresponding entry is made in the log;

2.16. if necessary, make an application to the management company to replace burnt-out lamps in staircases and elevator cabins. At the request of residents, submit applications for replacement of lamps in the corridor on the floors

2.17. control the operation of elevators, loading and unloading operations, prevent overloading of elevators and the use of a passenger elevator for other purposes, check daily communication from the elevator cabins with the dispatcher;

2.18. receive information from residents with indications of expenses of apartment metering devices and keep records of them

2.19. transmit payment documents to residents for utility bills and monitor their payment

The concierge has the right:

3.1. do not allow suspicious persons or visitors into the entrance without the consent of the residents;

3.2. do not allow the removal of residents' property or common property from the entrance by unauthorized persons without proper permission;

3.3. require visitors (entering the house without the owners) to present identification documents;

3.4. require residents of the house to provide information about persons who have the right to freely visit them;

3.5. submit for consideration to the management company and the owners of residential and non-residential premises proposals for improving the organization and improving the methods of work performed by him.

3.6. require residents of the house to assist in the performance of their official duties;

3.7. require the management company to create the necessary conditions for the performance of job duties, including the provision of the necessary equipment, inventory, a workplace that complies with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.;

4. Responsibility

The concierge is responsible for:

4.1. for failure to perform or improper performance of their job duties provided for by this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.2. for offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.1. leave the workplace except for daily inspections.

5.2. provide information about the residents of the house to anyone;

5.3. drinking alcohol and using drugs while on duty.

6. Access mode to the house:

6.1. residents of the house enter using their magnetic key or by calling the concierge on a public telephone;

2. if a guest (including delivery, courier) calls the concierge on the intercom or telephone, you should call the apartment and clarify whether they are expecting a guest and only after that skip or even give any information about the tenant, and make a note about it In the magazine.

Concierge actions:

1. If an incorrectly parked car is detected (closing a through passage):

Finds out and clarifies its owner, and takes all possible actions to inform the owner and clear the passage.

2. Identification and prevention of violations - drinking alcohol, violating the rules of living in an apartment building (in terms of administrative offenses), rules for walking dogs, throwing garbage from balconies and loggias and petty hooliganism:

– in a tactful manner warn the offender about his violation of law and order. If you refuse to comply with legal requirements, call the police.

For violation of the regime and improper execution of this job description, the concierge is punished disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

For the absence of comments from residents after the development of the bonus procedure for the company's employees, Service receives additional remuneration from the company's funds in the amount determined by the specified provision.

A concierge is understood as a person on duty at the house, whose workplace is located directly at the entrance, where he must remain throughout the working day. He always looks neat and performs his duties in accordance with the relevant job description.

The concierge at the entrance is subordinate to the Chairman of the Board of the housing cooperative or to persons who at a certain point replace him. The main responsibilities of the concierge include monitoring compliance with the basic rules of the instructions.

As a rule, his shift lasts seven days, of which the period from 21:00 to 9:00 in the morning is allocated for sleep. Shift change times range from 9:00 to 21:00. Such employees usually have lunch in the house itself.

The responsibilities of the concierge include:

  • know all the residents of the house;
  • be sure to follow the rules of good manners when communicating with residents of the house, as well as with representatives of various structures, including government ones;
  • monitor the timely transmission of information in the event of various violations, promptly report this to the housing cooperative so that they can take appropriate measures;
  • keep records of all violations that must be entered in a special journal, and also display all the necessary information in it, which can be useful for residents of the house;
  • if there is such a need, the concierge should be personally present during the performance of various works carried out by public utilities, which should be carried out only upon presentation of a special document (the latter certifies the identity of the employee);
  • respond without delay to any offenses and urgently report them to law enforcement agencies, even if furniture is removed from the house by suspicious persons;
  • if loading or unloading work is taking place in the house, then it is advisable to control the elevator to avoid overloading it, as well as monitor for clogging and damage to the elevators and the entrances themselves;
  • after handing over his shift, the shift worker must check the integrity of the locks in the basements, as well as the electrical panel, in the garbage collection areas and at the point of access to the roof of the house, the results of which must be recorded in a log;
  • if necessary, submit special requests for replacement of lamps, both in the corridor and in the elevators;
  • respond promptly when emergency systems, such as safety and life systems, are triggered;
  • if the residents of the house have any problems related to a sewerage break, disruption of the heating supply, water supply, as well as breakdowns of elevators, etc., the concierge must take appropriate measures;
  • in the cases mentioned above, the concierge must quickly report the problem to special services and record this fact in the application log;
  • if necessary, assist the chairman of the board of the housing cooperative and convey to the residents of the building all the information they need;
  • carefully monitor the timeliness of turning on and off the lighting in the courtyards near the house;
  • monitor the identification and prevention of violations of vehicle parking rules.

For a more detailed discussion of this issue, we suggest that you read Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Violations related to failure to comply with the rules of stopping or parking vehicles:

  1. Failure to comply with the rules of stopping or parking directly on the sidewalk, as a result of which an obstacle was created for the movement of pedestrians.
  2. Failure to comply with the rules of stopping or parking directly on the roadway, as a result of which an obstacle was created for the movement of other vehicles, namely garbage collection vehicles or ambulances.

What is prohibited for concierges?

Concierges are not allowed to:

  • disseminate information about the residents of the house;
  • drink alcoholic beverages and use drugs during the period of duty;
  • The concierge is not responsible for the safety of the residents’ property, as well as for their apartments.

Access mode

Access to the house is carried out according to the following regime:

  • entrance to the house occurs using a special magnetic key or by calling the concierge;
  • If any of the residents have a visitor, he is obliged to inform the concierge about it. The latter informs the resident himself about this visit and receives an order as to whether this guest should be allowed in or not, which should be recorded in the log.

The concierge at the entrance must:

  • conduct close monitoring of the safety of residents, and if violations are detected, take action;
  • make sure that no petty hooliganism occurs at the entrance. These include violations associated with various types of offenses, such as defecation in the house, elevators, yard and generally on the territory of the facility, throwing garbage in inappropriate places, breaking elevators, railings, children's swings, etc.;
  • Make sure that no alcoholic beverages are drunk in or near the entrance. If this fact of violation is detected, the concierge is obliged to issue a warning, and as a result of failure to respond to it, call the police.

If a concierge does not properly perform or does not perform at all his duties as specified in the job description, he may be deprived of his salary.

If the entrance attendant does an excellent job, then he has the right to receive a remuneration, which is accrued from the funds of the housing cooperative, based on the monthly results of his work.

It is worth noting that residents of the house have every right to refuse the services of a concierge and, in return, nominate their own person for this position, which should take place at a public meeting by voting. We advise you to avoid completely abandoning the door attendant; if you are not satisfied with how he does his job, simply change him to another, more responsible concierge.

Of course, the best indicator of the level of performance of one’s work is its immediate results. If the entrance is in perfect condition and everything else is in perfect order, then your concierge, as they say, is in the right place.
