What is relevant to sell in. Review of new business ideas for Russia. – Products at fixed prices

We have more than enough optimism. Neither pressure from inspection bodies nor the constant leapfrog with taxes discourages entrepreneurs from building a business. Let's find out which business ideas for 2019 can take off, which niches will be attractive for creating successful projects in the foreseeable future, and how starting capital of 5-10 thousand dollars can be turned into a very profitable business in a matter of years.

For several years now, we have been writing about promising areas for starting your own business. Some of them lose their attractiveness, while others, on the contrary, suddenly gain enormous popularity. But the key business trends have not changed much over the past two or three years. For example, the demand for a healthy lifestyle, environmentally friendly products, household chemicals and cosmetics not only does not decrease, but is also gaining momentum. Handmade labor and handmade products are increasingly valued. And the deeper the penetration of high technology and the level of automation, the greater the benefits of crafted items. The topic of “green” energy and energy efficiency does not fade away.

However, in 2019, certain niches will become especially popular. This is a business with a social idea, the service sector, tourism, as well as projects with an IT component, which are designed to make our lives more comfortable both in terms of solving everyday household issues and healthcare.

Instead of a preface

It would seem that all markets have long been torn apart at the seams, and there is almost no free space left to flourish. And the economic situation in the country is not stable, which significantly narrows the opportunities for starting a business. But in practice, entrepreneurs, thanks to perseverance and flexibility, find a lot of opportunities to realize their ideas. Moreover, many of these ideas lie literally on the surface. Are utility rates rising? We are looking for ways to save money and learning how to make a profit from it. Is there a demand for handmade and exclusive goods? We monetize our hobby and turn it into a craft.

The cost of starting a new business is still low. Craft production can be launched by investing 5-10 thousand dollars, and a larger-scale project - for 20-30 thousand dollars. Moreover, the investment will pay off in 2-3 years. But this is provided that the product or service falls into a free niche and consumers learn about it. What promising business ideas are there for 2019?

We grow and sell

Contrary to popular belief that the agro-industrial complex has a place exclusively for large companies and corporations, the reality is a little different. Small farming has not disappeared.

Small farms have a great opportunity to earn money not only from growing crops or breeding animals, but also from processing and producing final products with high added value. Examples? There are a lot of them. For example, a nut farm is not only hazelnuts, cashews or walnuts. It is a source of valuable raw materials for the cosmetics and confectionery industries, as well as for medicine.

Growing berries involves both selling them fresh and frozen, as well as processing them into juices, jams, and toppings. Breeding rabbits will allow you to make a profit not only from the sale of meat, but also skins and fur. And the farmer does not necessarily have to spend money on expensive equipment. At first, the processing of your own raw materials can be established on a “foreign” production line.

Yes, in this case you will have to share profits with contractors. But the entrepreneur can easily jump out of the business if it turns out to be a failure.

No place in the domestic market? We are going for export. For example, supplies of berries from our country abroad doubled during 2014-2016. Exports of honey in January-June 2017 doubled compared to the same period in 2016. Domestic vegetables are also in great demand abroad. And, what is important, in these niches there is a large share of small and medium-sized farms.

Business ideas for 2019: Stylish, fashionable, affordable

About three years ago, our country began to experience a boom in demand for clothing, shoes and accessories from domestic designers. True, many manufacturers immediately and without any reason set price tags at the level of famous fashion houses. Buyers shrugged their shoulders at this, chuckled and turned to the already familiar brands. Maybe that's why the excitement around local code tags has died down a bit.

But the market remains, as well as an army of consumers who are looking for a worthy replacement for expensive imports, on the one hand, and low-quality consumer goods, on the other. What’s important is that domestic consumers have before their eyes the eloquent experience of Turkey, which for many years won over buyers with its cheap prices, fought to improve quality, and then began to raise prices to the level of European brands. The textile industry of Poland followed the same path at one time.

And even if you buy raw materials abroad—it’s not always possible to find high-quality fabrics and accessories here—it’s quite possible to maintain an affordable price. Especially if you set it up, bypassing retail, which increases sales up to 200% and higher.

Well, along with an attractive price tag, our manufacturers must also compete with quality. Otherwise, they will hang around at the bottom without a chance to increase the markup. Moreover, all this is true not only for the contents of the wardrobe, but also for other everyday goods: cosmetics, furniture, household utensils. Buyers remain hungry for domestically produced products. But for the most part, they are willing to pay not for a beautiful inscription on the package, but for its contents.

A-star service

The service sector in our country is a completely unplowed field for small businesses. But the difficulty is that our native consumer is still poorly accustomed to buying services. Going to a hairdresser or cosmetologist, washing your car is commonplace, but taking things to a dry cleaner or laundromat, ordering an apartment or house to be cleaned is often perceived as an extravagance on which there is no point in spending money.

However, the situation, albeit slowly, is changing. First of all, the demand for maintenance of housing stock, utility networks and communications, and local areas will grow.

In addition, due to the rise in price of household appliances, provoked by devaluation, the population has a reasonable desire to extend the life of household appliances, which requires their high-quality repairs.

If you are looking for a promising business idea for 2019, then pay close attention to the niche for a business related to energy efficiency, because... this niche is still very far from being saturated. At the first stage, these are any measures aimed at energy modernization and savings on housing and communal services. Be it insulation of walls and roofs, or installation of climate control equipment, installation of alternative sources of heat and electricity. The second stage is service. Starting from cleaning boilers and air conditioners to restoring solar panels.

Everything for the brain

Our compatriots increasingly understand that the most profitable investment is education and advanced training.

Employers are becoming more selective; beautiful “crusts” are no longer enough for them. Knowing the quality of training at local universities, they simply do not believe them. Therefore, there remains a huge demand from the population for obtaining all kinds of knowledge and skills, which are wrapped in the format of trainings, seminars, master classes, and business schools.

A separate cohort consists of specialists who suddenly found themselves out of work. Many lawyers, economists, and financiers are ready to retrain and retrain, trying to find themselves in another profession. And there are plenty of such “clients” who are willing to pay for retraining.

By the way, practicing accountants, auditors and lawyers are lining up for courses that will provide them with real tools to reduce their tax burden and help them fend off attacks from auditors. And since no real improvement in business conditions is expected, such knowledge will be in value for a long time.

Priceless innovations

The whole world knows technology startups from our country. And this, of course, is nice. But most IT entrepreneurs are focused on selling their “brainchild” as quickly and as expensively as possible, or they choose other markets for business. But within the country there is plenty of work for IT specialists. What business ideas for 2019 should IT specialists try to implement?

Well, for example, the intensification and automation of agriculture, precision farming in particular, is impossible without software and hardware solutions - sensors, drones, navigation systems. Energy efficiency and energy saving are also directly related to IT. Starting from a banal energy audit and heat loss assessment and ending with complex home life support control systems. Medicine needs innovative solutions and developments.

And within any average company that produces, sells, delivers something, IT takes on a new meaning. Firstly, this is software whose task is to optimize sales, reduce costs, and establish accounting. Secondly, it is data protection. After the June virus attack, the issue of cybersecurity for businesses has gained new colors, and they are ready to spend money on it.

Useful and safe

The prefix “eco” has been used for some time by manufacturers of consumer goods as a marketing ploy. But now the concept of sustainability has reached a new level, and consumers want to buy truly “clean” and safe products.

In the food industry, this is everything that is grown without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and during processing, all kinds of additives, stabilizers, dyes and other substances that artificially extend the shelf life of the product or change its taste are not used.

In the European Union, for example, products of agricultural origin are considered ecological if the “purity” of raw materials is about 96%.

In household chemicals, the key feature of “eco” is the absence of phosphates. Manufacturers usually use these components to reduce water hardness and improve the cleaning ability of products. But phosphates are dangerous: when they come into contact with the skin and the human body, they provoke various diseases.

Eco-cosmetics differ from other personal care products in that they consist entirely of natural ingredients of animal and plant origin. And this naturalness is extremely important in the production of goods for pregnant women, young mothers and children.

A business can be built not only on the production of products, but also on their packaging and further distribution. As an example, fast food establishments that have been eyeing the eco food market for a long time. At the same time, investments in opening such a business will not be colossal, since many restaurants develop their network as a franchise, which gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to save money at the start.

Buy domestic

The production of clothing, footwear and accessories generates consistently high margins. But the “Made with Us” boom is becoming calmer.

Why? Too often, domestic brands openly raised the price tags on their products. Moreover, a high price does not always correspond to quality. Therefore, many buyers are forced to settle for the mass market, they buy things from less exclusive, but more affordable brands.

How to attract the attention of buyers in conditions of fierce competition? Offer reasonable prices and at the same time work to improve product quality. Unfortunately, the consumer is not yet ready to overpay for brands of our origin, even despite his patriotic feelings.

At the same time, owners of designer sewing and shoe workshops have every chance to maximize profits. Handmade goods have a different level of perception and in this case buyers agree to pay more. Because this is not a conveyor product, but a product that is made specifically for them, taking into account individual requests and wishes. So in our top business ideas for 2019 with craft products.

In addition, craft has open doors to the world market. Abroad, the demand for such products is much higher. Tens, hundreds and even thousands of our entrepreneurs trade on platforms such as eBay, Amazon, Ersy. And they do this quite successfully, receiving foreign exchange earnings, which deprives their business of the risks of exchange rate fluctuations within the country.

Business for those responsible

Our business sector with a social component is also developing. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the state cannot provide the proper level of social standards: preschool education, training and treatment.

But the point is not even in the number of educational institutions, but in the low quality of education in general. The educational process is carried out in accordance with outdated state programs and very often the level of knowledge that schoolchildren receive lags far behind the realities of the modern world. In addition, school preparation is not enough to enter a university. Therefore, there are great prospects in private education, as well as in preschool education of children.

In private kindergartens, by and large, the advantages are even greater than in private schools. Because children receive not only an individual approach, but also comprehensive development, care and safety. And parents are ready to spend money on the comfort of their child.

Another direction is the construction of houses for the elderly. This is a huge and almost free niche. For us, as a country with an extremely low level of pension provision and an aging nation, the need for such boarding houses will only grow.

Also, many entrepreneurs hire people with disabilities and mental disabilities. On the one hand, this brings an idea and a good purpose to the business, on the other hand, it helps to attract money, because investors react positively to socially oriented projects. And the main thing for business on such projects is that there is a chance to mobilize irreversible funds (grants, etc.).

Business ideas for 2019: We consume sparingly

The demand for energy-efficient technologies and “green” energy continues to grow. And here you can do business on almost anything. On the insulation of apartment and private buildings, non-residential buildings, modernization of heating systems, installation of autonomous water supply, energy saving. Moreover, in the next 5-7 years, entrepreneurs will definitely not be left without work, since the housing stock throughout the country is in a very worn-out condition.

Regarding alternative energy sources, there is also an uncultivated field of work in this direction. There is a clear shortage of domestic manufacturers of solar panels, solar collectors, and wind generators. There is a shortage of experienced installers and adjusters of this equipment, as well as specialists in its maintenance and repair.

In addition, many owners of private houses have realized all the advantages of making money on the feed-in tariff. Essentially, this is passive income that you can receive throughout the whole year. Accordingly, the demand for “green” energy will grow not only due to the opportunity to save on energy consumption, but also to earn money.

Travel with a twist

In recent years, domestic tourism has been actively developing in our country. Tourists en masse choose to travel not only popular resorts, but also those regions that have never been tourist destinations before. In addition, travelers who were satisfied with a traditional holiday in an excursion format began to increasingly look at non-mass and, in a sense, exotic types of tourism. What business ideas for 2019 in this area are of the greatest interest?

Green or ecological tourism is one of the areas that has great prospects in our country thanks to the picturesque natural landscapes and the color of rural settlements. Tired of the busy pace of life in big cities, people are increasingly seeking not only to escape beyond the metropolis, but also to plunge into life on the periphery and return to their “roots”.

And if you add gastro tours to this, then you can’t think of a better way to escape from the bustle of the city. At the same time, there are still very few travel agencies that are ready to organize trips to the outback at a decent level. That is, the market is almost free.

In addition, interest in outbound festival tourism (tours to concerts, fairs and other public events) has increased. The countries of Western Europe are literally replete with such events. Especially in the spring and summer. Another little-known form of tourism in Ukraine, but very developed outside its borders, is caravanning. Despite the fact that campsites provide great freedom of movement, travelers with motorhomes are a rarity in our country.

The reason is bad roads, inaccessibility of scenic spots, as well as a lack of equipped campsites. Therefore, entrepreneurs here also have places to expand and ways to make money. Starting from the production of the caravans themselves and ending with the creation of infrastructure for car travelers.

Entrepreneurs' experience

Gennady, creator of 3D puzzles

In my opinion, the agricultural sector is very attractive. But due to corruption, innovation has been slow in the industry. Therefore, in the coming years you should not count on any revolution in the agro-industrial complex. Although the Netherlands can be an excellent example for us, which, despite its specific climate, was able to achieve incredible efficiency indicators in agriculture. No less interesting is the IT sector, as well as energy efficiency, which remain the undoubted leaders in terms of development rates and investment attractiveness. Online trade and logistics have enormous potential. Personally, I would be happy to invest in the production of original devices that consumers need.

Firstly, this topic is close and understandable to me. Secondly, hobby segment products have a large field for development and scaling. The only caveat is that such products must be adapted for Western markets, since in our country this segment still has low potential. The starting investment amount can start at $10,000 and reach millions. It all depends on the project, its scale and prospects.

Yaroslav, co-owner of a berry farm

What business ideas for 2019 would I recommend? Personally, for myself, I put agribusiness No. 1. Also eco-tourism. This type of business is just beginning to gain momentum here, and with the right approach you can make a good product. Of course, food production. Considering that the agricultural sector is developing, the availability of high-quality raw materials and an unfilled market is one of the most promising niches. Perhaps the most painful topic for any business is personnel. Not all entrepreneurs recognize that business should pursue employees rather than customers. After all, finding a good specialist and forming a great team is extremely difficult. “Let’s free this one, find another one” is the most dangerous approach that can break everything. And the reluctance to pay decent wages to those who deserve it will also not contribute to development. In addition, the inability of managers to plan, the reluctance to “upgrade” their skills in order to keep up with the times, leads to the fact that yesterday’s “successful” businessmen fall out of the picture and cannot find themselves. No less a problem is the reluctance to develop and the attempt to keep everything as it is.” The project has just begun to generate income, and the owner is immediately trying to step away from operational management. As a result, there is a minus and there is no business.


The domestic agricultural market is just beginning to develop, and it is still far from saturation. And since, due to devaluation, many products become unaffordable for consumers, this provides a chance to organize the production of products from local raw materials and compete with imports. For example, on our farm we are not only preparing to establish a new berry garden on 27 hectares, where work will begin on four hectares this fall, but we have also organized a small jam production and established relationships with good contractors for the production of berry pastilles and juice.

Another fashionable trend in recent years is the cultivation and production of eco-friendly products. Although the idea is correct and promising, most producers are solely focused on selling what they grow. And even if their products have all kinds of certificates, history is silent about how they were obtained. As a result, a paradoxical situation is created: one farm sells a high-quality product without “papers,” while the neighboring one sells a low-quality product, but with all the certificates. There is already plenty of this. Therefore, it is very difficult to compete in such a market, and it will still take a long time before it takes on a civilized form.

Ekaterina, co-owner of a company sewing women's coats

Food and clothing are something that will always be in trend. Both after 3-5 years and after 30-50 years. Moreover, to start making money in the food industry, you don’t need to invest a lot of money in expensive restaurants. Nowadays simplicity is in fashion. An eloquent example of this is the incredible number of visitors at street food festivals. Therefore, it is enough to choose one direction, improve the quality and taste of the products and go ahead, develop a base of grateful customers. Clothing is an equally interesting niche.

Interest in everything that is produced and sewn within the country, which took off on the wave of patriotism, still remains. But the problem with many brands is that they often appear simply out of nowhere and just as quickly disappear into obscurity. It is necessary to enter the clothing market with a clearly defined offer, understanding of your audience and production capacity. Although you don’t need colossal investments to start. You can start a sewing business by investing about 30 thousand dollars. It all depends on what exactly to sew, in what volumes and what quality. After all, you can create your own brand with a thousand in your pocket, but will this be any good?

Ruslan, owner of a nut farm

Business ideas for 2019? I would look at the service sector. Now a new market has opened up, such as housing management. Therefore, large managers will contract small organizations to maintain the housing stock - cleaning areas, entrances, repairs and maintenance of communications.

Let me give you a simple example. Among my contractors, I have a family where 4 people mow the grass. They bought a tool for $750 and four of them work. When fully loaded, they can earn up to $1,500 per month, recouping their investment in essentially a month. I think the production of agricultural products is very promising. Primarily growing berries and fruits. Farms ranging from 50 acres to 10 hectares are actively developing both here and in Europe. And a family of 4-6 people can serve up to 10 hectares. Hence, another promising business is the processing of agricultural products, the production of jams, candied fruits, and small retail. Even craft products, despite the higher price, are in demand in large cities. But, for example, I wouldn’t risk opening retail, which everyone invested in massively 10 years ago. Now many processes are going digital, and this is a very risky story.

Pavel, co-owner of a company producing flax chips

Speaking about promising business ideas for 2019, I, first of all, see prospects in the development of electronic services in all possible areas. When you go online and try to find a doctor or plumber, rent an office or order a bouquet of flowers, you are faced with incomprehensible and low-quality systems, outdated advertisements, and an inconvenient payment system. In addition, we have a large number of empty industries, lands, sanatoriums, recreation centers, natural parks, but there are few services that combine these objects into one database.

The second direction is the production of electrical equipment: drones, electric vehicles, electric scooters. Essentially, these devices consist of batteries and electric motors, which can be freely purchased in China. But production is associated with capital costs and the protection of private property. And for now, in our country, “werewolves in uniform” will decide who gets into business and who doesn’t.

The third area is education and healthcare. Private kindergartens and schools, high-tech clinics. The demand for health and education is growing all over the world, and we are no exception. As soon as state control is weakened, we will see a massive opening of kindergartens, schools and clinics.

Alexey, co-founder of the educational center

From my point of view, our country is a “silicon valley” with amazing prospects. We have nothing, and therefore we can do almost anything here. For example, my company survived two crises, and at the peak of the crisis we managed to open a restaurant and a year later a brewery, which exist perfectly in today’s realities. This is an important point to understand that the prospects are actually enormous. If we talk about more specific areas, I would highlight the agricultural sector and education. It is clear that differences in exchange rates have a negative impact on pricing and costs, so producing your own product could solve quite a lot of problems. And with the agricultural sector growing in popularity around the world (due to the desire to consume organic products) and given our natural resources and climate, the potential is incredible.

It's the same with education. This has been mainstream for a long time. In the West, no one has been chasing oil for a long time; everyone is looking for bright minds, realizing that this is the world's main capital. Another excellent and very promising area is energy efficiency. True, in the realities of our state it is too early to talk about this, but I know companies that are successfully doing this.

Alexander, co-founder of an IT startup

Everything related to IT and agriculture remains in demand. Moreover, in the agro-industrial complex we are talking about various related services. In IT, these include various developments, as well as the opening of R&D centers to provide services to foreign companies. The advantage of such a business is that income is in foreign currency, and expenses are in national currency. The topic of energy efficiency is also gaining momentum. We all understand that we have a “trouble” with this, and rising utility tariffs force us to look for new ways to save.

For example, we calculated that if a cryptocurrency miner is installed in an apartment in a multi-storey building and the thermal energy it produces is used for heating, this will completely cover heating costs. As for production, the question is what to produce. It is quite difficult to produce anything with a high technological component. And sometimes only because people simply don’t want to work. For example, we needed to purchase a transformer for a lot of money. But for three months, not a single domestic company offered us not only a finished product, but at least its concept. As a result, we overpaid and bought these components in Italy and Turkey.

Alexey, company owner

Trending business areas are the opening of specialized homes for the elderly (we have an aging nation, and there is a great need for care for the elderly); production of medical cosmetics (kosmoceftika), which will maintain the beauty of the body without medicinal interventions; eco-food (fast food is an element of modern life, but it is now very difficult to eat quickly and efficiently); green tourism with the effect of complete “immersion” in rural life, when you can milk a cow, mow the grass, fish and hunt.

At the same time, the normal development of business in our country is still hampered by constant changes in the conditions of the game (tax, accounting and other legislation), the low purchasing power of the population, as well as the lack of competent personnel.

Alexandra, founder of the home textile brand

In my opinion, the construction of modern, cozy and stylish complexes for outdoor recreation is attractive for investment. There is a huge deficit in this. Innovations and IT products will also be in trend for a long time, since the world is rapidly developing and all kinds of ideas are quickly born in it. For example, developing software for the medical industry will be very useful. Private kindergartens and schools are in demand. Everything related to food production and recycling of secondary raw materials is interesting. The production of home textiles and other household goods are also open niches. The “painful” points of any business today are the lack of people ready to work for results; closedness from the outside world; a huge gap between entrepreneurs and the government; lack of the latest technologies, due to which many of our ideas cannot be implemented or are very expensive.

Konstantin, CEO of the company

Our country as a rule-of-law state is just being formed. And this is the main factor hindering the development of business in our country. An ineffective judicial system and imperfect legislation discourage investors. Both internal and external.

As a result, we only have businesses with quick results; no one wants to play the long game. Business is mainly focused on today, not tomorrow. Therefore, tomorrow this business will be obsolete.

Well, the inefficiency of various kinds of regulatory bodies and mechanisms leads to the fact that companies that operate transparently lose to “gray” competitors. In addition, many entrepreneurs underestimate the importance of business reputation.

Business ideas for 2019: Andrey, head of the import marketing department

One of the key trends is businesses that offer alternatives to public services, primarily in the field of education, where there is a noticeable shortage of places in kindergartens and schools.

Projects related to increasing energy efficiency are no less attractive.

Distribution and installation of solar panels, “green” electricity, energy-saving LED lighting devices. And this equipment cluster will also take its place within infrastructure projects. The problem has been and remains a shortage of personnel coupled with an overheated labor market. That is, when a person without the necessary experience paints a picture of the conditions of the head of a department, which he clearly does not qualify for. There is no point in even remembering the unstable exchange rate and investor distrust, because business should have gotten used to these phenomena and taken them into account when planning.

Oleg, director and co-owner of the company

Business ideas for 2019 that involve investments in information technology that make it possible to automate routine processes and replace human labor where necessary and feasible will be extremely attractive. Innovative projects with humanistic ideas have definitely been and will be successful.

The most important thing remains to invest in yourself - in new knowledge and skills. At the same time, business continues to be hampered by a high level of corruption and the lack of systemic solutions to eradicate it; outdated, confusing legislation with vestiges of the USSR; lack of a fair judicial system, for which entrepreneurs cannot defend their interests in conflicts with the state and security forces; constant pressure from fiscal and other authorities; low level of automation when receiving government services; a tax system aimed at milking business rather than developing it; lack of qualified personnel due to low business culture and, as a consequence, high level of labor migration.

Still relevant video “Business ideas for 2018. TOP 10 proven niches for business from scratch":

Oksana, head of the trading platform and online document exchange service

Automation and digitalization of processes both in the B2B (business to business) sector and in the B2G (business to government) sector is one of the main trends.

Starting a simple business should be easy and affordable. And the simplest and cheapest solutions are unified Internet-based services, that is, SaaS (software as a service). They are needed so that you can register your business without leaving your home: register a new company using an electronic digital signature (EDS), open a bank account (EDS and bankID again), choose a cloud accounting system, find an outsourced accountant, assemble a team in cloud CRM and sales took off. At the same time, domestic business has two troubles and one difficulty. The first problem is the low solvency of the average client. Both private and corporate users. And this problem clips the wings of many entrepreneurs; they literally have nothing to develop.

The second problem is the lack of interest among potential foreign investors in our market. Why? Let's look at point one: low profitability. Plus the “magical” image of a country with corruption risks and an unpredictable political situation. In addition, we have not yet matured as entrepreneurs. As corrupt officials - yes, as entrepreneurs - no. We have a low tolerance for failure, ruin, and a very small percentage are ready to create their own business. But this can definitely be fixed.

Igor, CEO of the postal company

The global trend not only for 2019, but also for subsequent years is the rapid development of the e-commerce market. People will increasingly buy goods and services online, receiving them at home at a time convenient for them. We, too, can act in accordance with this global trend, but taking into account our specificity as a “country of small towns and villages.” The share of entrepreneurs who work specifically in the field of e-commerce will increase, and the market for postal and logistics services will gain momentum. The direction of “smart homes” and everything related to the control of home equipment, temperature and, where possible, “green” technologies will develop.

Interesting areas related to a healthy lifestyle and telemedicine are sports bracelets, apps, etc. In addition, this is a convergence of the first three directions. Let’s imagine that a sports bracelet monitors sleep or heart rate, a mobile application analyzes what a person lacks, for example, vitamins, and automatically orders their delivery through an online store.

Alexander, co-founder of a furniture brand

I believe that businesses should be created for specific niches. If it’s marketing and branding, then only for the corresponding categories of enterprises; if it’s clothing, then it’s for certain groups of people. There are fewer and fewer generic products as consumers choose and value variety. In general, whatever the direction, the most important component is the brand, the emotion that a person will feel when interacting with the company and its product. If we talk about business ideas for 2019 with not the highest entry threshold, then the first thing we can recommend is a specialty cafe. Nowadays there is a huge trend towards cafes with rare varieties of coffee, and it is too early to say that there is competition in this market. But, unfortunately, in many niches the market is being killed by dumping. Until this time, this tool for increasing sales is the most understandable and effective for many, and market participants begin to reduce prices to almost no margin. Thus, they leave a low-quality product on the market and hinder the development of companies that strive to create something better.

What business ideas for 2019 are you most interested in?

Future entrepreneurs who decide to open their own business need to know that not only must they like the planned business, it must be on the list of promising areas for development. After all, the market does not stand still, it changes hourly, some directions die out, others suddenly appear and attract customers. When thinking about what kind of business is profitable to open in 2018, it is worth analyzing the current situation and highlighting the most relevant niches for development. You can begin planning and drawing up a business plan only after information about areas of activity that are profitable this year has been collected and analyzed.

Business idea opening a show room

Previously, the concept of a show room was used in the world of high fashion. This was the name of a special room where fashion designers interacted with sales managers. Nothing was sold there, but viewings and negotiations on the purchase of collections of famous brands took place. However, a show room in Russia is a kind of boutique that sells clothes from famous brands at low prices, and this is exactly the kind of business that is profitable to do. In such places, things are presented in a single copy. Opening a show room is a profitable business idea for small businesses, since such establishments are in demand among certain categories of buyers. Entrance to such an establishment is possible only by appointment. Entrepreneurs in our country open three types of showrooms:

  • Places where wholesalers can get acquainted with different models of clothing;
  • Boutiques offering exclusive items at low prices;
  • Studio shops.

When thinking about what kind of business to open now that will be profitable, and having a sense of style and taste, take a closer look at the idea of ​​​​organizing a show room. The risk of being left without profit will arise in the event of an unsuccessfully selected assortment of goods, or unsatisfactory quality of things. Therefore, an important stage in opening a show room is searching for suppliers. You can buy things at ready-made clothing factories, outlets, and online stores that sell goods from China. Today's entrepreneurs are unlimited in choosing a supplier for their showrooms, which are considered relatively.

The cost of purchasing one batch of goods can be 30,000-60,000 rubles, renting premises - 25,000 rubles, advertising campaign - 15,000 rubles. Thus, the starting capital required to open a show room is about 100,000 rubles. The profit from running such a business can reach 80,000 rubles. per month, and selling even 10 units of goods during the “off season” will provide an income of 25,000 rubles. Payback period is about six months.

The disadvantages of opening such a business is the risk of “not guessing” with the assortment and not finding “your” buyer. For wedding dress showrooms, the presence of an atelier is a must, since every bride wants to wear a special dress, tailored to her figure, on the most important day of her life.

The advantages of implementing this idea of ​​which business is profitable to open from scratch are the low financial threshold for entering the business and the opportunity to work in the fashion industry for the fair sex.

Business idea for opening a watch repair shop

A watch is not only a device for measuring time, but also serves as a stylish accessory designed to emphasize the status of the owner. Modern watches are mechanical, quartz (electromechanical) and electronic. Clock mechanisms, like any other, fail and require repair. Based on the fact that a considerable number of people wear watches, a watch repair shop is a profitable business that can be opened and successfully developed this year.

The most common breakdowns of watch mechanisms are:

  • Contamination of the mechanism;
  • Failure of parts of the mechanism, straps, broken glass dials;
  • Stopping the clock.

To eliminate such breakdowns, the technician only needs to have a standard set of tools, the cost of which is about 15,000 rubles. Expensive equipment that allows you to check the accuracy of movement, magnetization, and tightness is usually not used. In the event of such serious breakdowns, owners of expensive watches turn to the manufacturers' service centers, and cheaper watches are simply thrown away.

The fee for replacing a battery is usually 120 rubles, a strap – 170 rubles, glass – 250 rubles. A watch workshop can bring in about 1,500 rubles. arrived daily, subject to its favorable location. The area for the repair point is small, and the workshop must be located with high traffic. To open a watch repair shop, you need a comfortable workplace for the master, good lighting, a set of tools, and an equipped space for receiving clients.

The estimated cost of opening a watch workshop is 80,000 rubles, monthly profit is 30,000 rubles, the payback period is about six months. Such a workshop is ideal for entrepreneurs with small investments.

To do business, you must register an individual entrepreneurship by selecting OKVED code 52.73 (repair of watches and jewelry).

The disadvantages of opening such a business is the risk of lack of clients due to an unsuccessful location or the presence of a similar workshop nearby. It may also be difficult to find a good watchmaker.

Business idea: organizing tours around the country

Excursion tours, as a form of recreation, are quite popular among the population of our country. Due to the fact that in addition to world-famous attractions in Russia there are many interesting places, organizing tours around the country is a profitable business to open in 2018.

To open your own agency, it is enough to create a website containing information about the tours offered and the ability to order them. The most important stage will be drawing up original excursion programs. To carry out such work, as well as as guides, you can invite local historians and local historians who have deep and unique knowledge about a particular area and will be happy to share it for a fee. The answer to the question: “Which business is the most profitable when traveling abroad has become more expensive?” will be “Organization of tours around Russia.”

Attracting customers will require certain expenses. Thus, opening a tour desk will cost 35,000–50,000 rubles, taking into account the costs of creating a website and advertising. With proper organization of an advertising campaign, the business will pay for itself in a few months. A tourist group can travel on small comfortable buses rented for the duration of the tour, since buying your own bus can cost several million rubles.

The disadvantages of this business are seasonality and high competition. Advantages: the opportunity to simultaneously earn commissions from the sale of railway tickets, hotel bookings for groups, banquet orders in cafes and proceeds from the sale of souvenirs. Thus, opening a travel agency in Russia is an excellent answer to the question: “What business is profitable to open in 2018?” The main thing is to bring something new to the standard excursion program in order to interest buyers and stand out among competitors.

Confectionery as a business

The number of sweet tooths does not decrease with the onset of the crisis. A large number of buyers of confectionery products makes them think about their own confectionery shop when thinking about the question: “What is a profitable small business to open?” But first you need to think carefully about what such a confectionery shop will be like: a point selling products produced elsewhere, a cafe with its own bakery, or everything in a complex. Depending on the format of the confectionery, it is necessary to select different OKVED codes when registering activities. The area and characteristics of the premises also depend on the list and scope of services provided. And of course, the amount of starting capital will be different for each of the confectionery formats.

What business is profitable to start? The most profitable business will be a comprehensive confectionery shop, which itself produces and sells products, both for takeaway and for consumption on the premises. When choosing a place to locate such an enterprise, you should take into account the requirements for the premises where the confectionery shop, shop and cafe will be located, and also not save on rent and open a confectionery in a busy place. This move will pay for itself quite quickly, and will also significantly reduce advertising costs. In addition to significant financial costs for rent, a lot of money will be required for the purchase of equipment, display cases, and arrangement of the cafe area. Approximately, it will be necessary to invest 1,500,000 rubles in opening a pastry shop-cafe, the monthly profit will be about 250,000 rubles, the business will pay off in 1.5 years. Thus, if you feel that making and selling sweets is your calling and want to open a business in this area, you will have to look for start-up capital. Despite the advantages of a confectionery, such as high profits from operating a cafe and the opportunity to earn extra money by organizing children's parties and producing sweets to order, there are some disadvantages: a high financial threshold for entering the business and possible losses associated with the short shelf life of products.

Mobile point selling coffee and tea

The idea of ​​selling hot drinks at mobile points came to our country from Denmark and Great Britain and is one of the types of businesses that are profitable to open during a crisis. Investments at the initial stages depend on the type of mobile point itself. The simplest configuration can be purchased for 100,000-120,000 rubles. (bicycle or scooter with a body), while a fully equipped car will cost 550,000 rubles. Revenue from a mobile coffee shop can reach 300,000 rubles. per year, profitability is 30%, which refers to the advantages of such a business, which is profitable in Russia.

The disadvantages of such coffee shops are:

  • Difficulties in obtaining permits;
  • Seasonality (revenue from the sale of hot drinks is supplied in hot weather, and at 18–20 degrees below zero the equipment stops working).

To work in mobile coffee shops, it is necessary to hire people who understand the types of coffee and can give practical advice to the client. Points of sale should be located in crowded places, near office centers and parks. The opening hours are from 7–8 am to 21–22 pm, in other words, as long as there are potential customers nearby, the coffee shop should be open. Thus, mobile points selling coffee and tea are the type of business that is profitable to open today.

Dog training courses

It's no secret that dogs need to be trained. However, many owners do not have enough time, or knowledge, or both. By helping dog breeders solve this problem, you can open a profitable business - dog training courses. Of course, to teach, you will have to find a person with the necessary knowledge and experience, buy equipment for classes and find a suitable place, but such a business will undoubtedly bring good profits.

What dogs are taught in such courses:

  • Living close to people;
  • Execution of master commands;
  • Behavior in specific situations.

The most common training courses are:

  • General;
  • Security;
  • Training in scent detection skills;
  • Search and rescue training;
  • Training of so-called “social” dogs – guide dog, rescue dog.

The cost of courses varies depending on whether the lessons are group or individual, with or without a host.

To organize, you will need a site of at least 50 square meters. meters with high fencing (about 2.5 meters) and equipment:

  • Springboard;
  • Single and triple barriers;
  • Labyrinth;
  • Sloping slide;
  • Balancer, etc.

The purchase of equipment will require about 160,000 rubles.

In addition, you will need trainer equipment, including:

  • Protective suit, sleeves and apron;
  • Leashes, grips, chewers, biters;
  • Training sleeves, etc.

But purchasing equipment will cost another 40,000 rubles.

In total, to open a dog training course you will need about 230,000 rubles, which is not so much for those who are already deciding which business is profitable to start now. The cost of one individual lesson starts from 2000 rubles, group - from 700 rubles. Profit will depend on the number of attracted clients. On average, a small training base pays for itself in 9-12 months. A profitable promising small business would be dog training courses located near populated areas with a population of about 500,000 people. One of the disadvantages of such a business is the difficult stage of promotion, because animal owners will not trust their pet to just anyone; it is necessary to gain a good reputation, which will require considerable effort and time. The advantage of opening training courses will be the opportunity to sell related products to customers.

Clothing repair

Some types of repairs on clothes that are so expensive today can only be performed by an experienced craftsman, so there will always be a demand for such services. Opening a clothing repair shop can very well become a profitable business in a small town for beginners. However, before organizing such an enterprise, you should assess the level of competition, draw up a list of services that will be in demand among the population of nearby residential areas and think through pricing principles.

Studio equipment:

  • Industrial sewing machines in the amount of 2 pcs;
  • Overlock;
  • Ironing board and high-quality iron;
  • Consumables.

You should know that this type of business has very low profitability and will pay off in about 2 years, but during this time the studio will already create a certain image for itself and will be able to expand by offering clients more expensive services, such as custom tailoring.

The cost of opening a clothing repair shop will be about 300,000 rubles. monthly profit 30,000–50,000 rubles, payback 2–2.5 years. The advantage of organizing a clothing repair workshop is the prospect of expanding the business, the disadvantage is a rather long payback period and low profitability.

Production of bio bags

Packaging materials, which are very relevant in matters of environmental protection, are not that expensive to produce, and the demand for them is growing every year. Therefore, to the question: “What business is profitable today?” You can safely answer “Production of bio bags.”

The equipment required to produce 200 bio bags per hour consists of:

  • Semi-automatic machine for making paper blanks;
  • Machine for gluing the bottom of bags;
  • Machines for cutting and stitching bags.

In general, to open a small workshop for the production of paper bags you will need about 1,500,000 rubles. This amount is not so large, considering that the production of environmentally friendly packaging materials is an excellent answer to the question: “?” The advantages of this type of business are: growing demand for products, an abundance of suppliers of recyclable materials, a high level of automation of production equipment allows saving on labor, applying advertising inscriptions to bio bags significantly reduces advertising costs. When considering which small business is the most profitable to open with a small start-up capital, you should take a closer look at the production of paper bags, thereby helping to protect the environment.

Fitness studio, yoga

Sports services do not lose their popularity even in times of crisis, because women always strive to take care of their health and the beauty of their bodies. Organizing a fitness or yoga studio is undoubtedly the type of business that is profitable now.

Important points when planning a sports business are a good location (near large residential areas, office centers), highly qualified personnel and high-quality advertising. The investment needed to open a small studio is 250,000–300,000 rubles. The business will pay off in 1.5-2 years. The advantage of opening a fitness or yoga studio will be the popularity of these sports among the female half of the population of our country, the disadvantage is the high level of competition.


When searching for profitable business ideas, it is necessary to take into account the latest market trends in order to be able to expand your business in the future by increasing the number of services provided or products produced.
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The services market is developing rapidly. It provides an opportunity to implement bold ideas for promising businesses. Looking at the situation in Europe and the United States, the service sector in 2018 promises disappointing defeats and unexpected victories. We will list 12 areas that we advise not only novice entrepreneurs to take a closer look at. Experienced businessmen will also have something to learn from this article.

Note: Illustration features Clint Cummings, a tattoo artist based in Dallas, Texas. Read the article to the end and you will understand what indirect relation this person has to the topic.

What services will be popular in 2018?

All service areas can be divided into two large groups. We talked about this in detail in the article about types of services. This is a social and household service. Some of them require studying at a university or taking special courses. For others, experience and passion for their business are enough. The scope of services provided may oblige the entrepreneur to rent and furnish the premises. Or allow work from a home office.

Remote work from home, judging by Europe and the United States, is rapidly gaining popularity. The service is related to the provision of orders or completion of tasks via the Internet. In a calm and quiet environment, sitting at the computer or in front of the phone. Outsourcing, as a larger business model, may require renting space and hiring staff. We touched on this area in an article about services to the population in a small town.

Classic forms of service will not lack attention from potential consumers. Entrepreneurs who make efforts to move their business to the next stage of development will benefit in 2018:

  • own resource on the Internet,
  • presence on social networks,
  • use of new promotion technologies.

Modern smartphones and tablets are convenient due to the simplicity and speed of obtaining information. They allow you to search for service advertisements from anywhere and at any time. People do not buy newspapers, preferring to check out offers via the Internet. Companies and individuals who fail to pay attention to this fact will continue to lose the market to competitors.

Young organizations and entrepreneurs also need to keep up with the times. They get an enviable opportunity to avoid transforming an existing business by starting from scratch.

The following information is useful for those who have not yet decided on the type of services they will provide. As well as companies wishing to expand their own business. Listed below are 12 promising business ideas based on current trends and statistics.

Popular services for business in 2018.

1. Software development

A programmer creates, tests, and maintains software for various platforms. Development environments for mobile systems are especially popular. In the latter case, in addition to stand-alone applications, adaptation of Internet sites or programs is often ordered. According to the US Bureau of Statistics, the average salary for a programmer is more than $100,000 per year. And demand in this area is growing by 17% every 12 months. Analysts say the trend will continue until at least 2023.

2. Business on services for children

The effectiveness of television advertising can be measured in terms of the child's perception. Signals sent by adults on a subconscious level are received especially acutely by children. The plan for promoting children's products and services primarily focuses on the younger generation. The most expensive toys are displayed on the lower shelves of stores, and the game demonstration is provided with dynamic visual effects.

It is almost impossible to place an advertisement about a service in a text version using the same principle. You can compensate for the loss of efficiency through bright illustrations that attract the attention of all ages. And thanks to good traffic to the resource by consumers interested in your offer.

The idea of ​​a business providing services for children can be implemented in several areas of the market:

  • pre-school education, including eco-gardens, popular in Europe, located in the open air, away from city smog;
  • art and music classes;
  • preschool preparation of the child;
  • tutoring in elementary school subjects;
  • live-in and non-living nanny services;
  • fitness classes for children, training in popular sports disciplines.

If you enjoy working with children and have a specialized area of ​​expertise, why not turn it into a business? Private kindergartens and preschool classes in Europe are especially popular. The USA, compared to the latter, has somewhat complicated the process of opening child care institutions. The reason for this was the imperfect judicial system and the litigiousness of citizens.

3. Sale, service and rental of bicycles

Despite the climatic conditions, the popularity of cycling in Russia is steadily growing. The popularization of a healthy lifestyle and environmental protection has swept the entire planet. In 2017, the number of Americans switching from cars to bicycles increased by 47%. In Europe, the total figure is 73%. Among other things, the popularity of other types of environmental transport has increased.

In 2017, more than 1,200,000 bicycles were imported to Russia. Slightly less was delivered in 2016. In the United States, more than $87 billion is spent annually on purchases and maintenance. The Russian Federation's figure is more modest. But the prospect of approaching this mark, we believe, is not far off. Opening a bicycle repair service becomes a profitable solution in terms of payback.

Rent, as another service sector for small and medium-sized businesses, is more susceptible to seasonality. You can rent bicycles only in the warm season.

Your future clients can be divided into two target groups:

  • consumers who want to try before they buy;
  • clients who consider short-term rentals more appropriate.

Considering the rise in prices for environmentally friendly transport at the height of the season, your business will not lack representatives of both groups. If cycling is your passion and you want to become an entrepreneur, this business will be the ideal opportunity to realize yourself in what you love.

4. Elderly care

Elderly people make up approximately 1/4 of the total population of Russia. According to analysts, from 2010 to 2017, the life expectancy of Russian citizens increased from 68.9 to 72.5 years. The United States has approximately the same indicator. American experts assure that the figure will continue to increase. Consequently, the demand for elderly care services, medicine and medicines will increase.

Objectively, any state considers the life expectancy of an elderly person as a loss from free social security. From a business point of view, this is an excellent opportunity to generate additional profit. Old people experience health problems. It is increasingly difficult for them to move independently. An honest business based on paid assistance to elderly people is not only profitable, but also noble.

5. Piercing and tattoo studios

According to US data, since 2014, this service industry has generated revenue of $3 billion annually. We were unable to find statistical data for Russia. Given the steady growth in popularity, it is not so difficult to assume that the following indicators are close to domestic ones. In the USA they have at least 1 tattoo:

  • At least 1 adult in 40% of families;
  • 22% of youth are over 16 years old;
  • 30% of people 25-39 years old;
  • 40% of adults 30-39 years old;
  • 30% aged 40-49 years;
  • 43% of older people are over 50.

In Russia, a medical education is required to work as a tattoo artist. The specificity also requires artistic skills and creativity. Do you meet the above criteria? It’s surprising that the business idea of ​​piercing and tattoo services has so far passed you by.

6. Counseling and therapy

10 years ago, the services of a psychotherapist in Russia were not in great demand. Since 2012, the situation has changed dramatically. Demand for in-office and online consultations is growing at an average rate of 13.9% each year. The British Statistics Agency predicts that by 2020 in Europe this figure will be 41%. In the United States, more than 73% of families attend weekly and monthly appointments.

Psychotherapist services require appropriate specialized education. Psychologists can also open a private practice. More often than not, two similar specializations are mistaken for the same thing. In fact, issues of mental health and rehabilitation are the prerogative of the former. This applies to tobacco, alcohol and drug addictions. Suicidal tendencies. Deep depression.

Psychologists take on less aggressive directions that require appropriate training. Conduct trainings in the field of motivation and self-development. They advise companies and train staff in such disciplines as team building and time management.

With the growing demand for the supply of psychologists and psychotherapists, the density of competition inevitably increases. As practice shows, in 2018 there are still enough opportunities to start in this service sector.

7. Financial consultant-planner

Financial advisors are expected to be in good demand, according to a forecast from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. They are guaranteed a projected growth rate of 30% until 2026. With the development of business based on the Western model. And also thanks to the opening of representative offices of foreign companies, in the projection on Russia the demand trend is no less relevant.

A financial consultant-planner can apply himself in collaboration with organizations and individuals. It is noteworthy that, looking at Europe and the USA, the latter concerns not only individual entrepreneurs. Management of personal finances of heirs and other representatives of private capital also takes place.

Briefly, a financial advisor is a person authorized to select products from a particular market for a client. Analyzing and comparing proposals, he chooses the ones that best suit the needs and capabilities of the principal. Plans and controls the movement of funds in short and long periods.

Having a higher economic and legal education in this profession is welcome. A significant advantage will be the ability to draw up a business plan, experience in successful investing, trading securities, etc. People trust advisors with their money. Often, all they have. It is not recommended to connect your life with this service sector without appropriate preparation.

8. Outsourcing of accounting services

You can conduct company business from anywhere in the world. Large Western organizations came to these conclusions several years ago. In 1992, through an independent survey, researchers from the USA discovered an interesting fact. Every second accountant in New York, while working officially, simultaneously managed the affairs of several third-party organizations.

The demand in this service sector gave rise to the emergence of the first companies specializing in accounting outsourcing. Following the USA, agencies began to open in Europe. Much later, the demand trend also affected Russia. Having the appropriate education and leadership talents, you can easily apply yourself in this matter.

9. Telephone service

Each of us comes across Call Center services quite often. After a car is repaired at a car service center, people call us to ask about the quality of service. Social survey operators are regularly interested in our opinion. Medical centers and clinics also do not miss the opportunity to inquire about our health. The interesting thing about this issue is that the three callers may be employees of the same company.

Telephone services are another service area that organizations have outsourced. This is economically feasible because it takes less time, effort and material costs. Companies are not required to maintain their own staff. Transfer funds to the pension fund, report for each specialist. Spend resources on receiving requests and informing existing and potential clients.

It’s easier to order the service of a third party who specializes in telephone conversations. Speaking about the latter, we mean all voice communication channels. If the business idea interests you, we recommend that you pay attention to it in 2018.

10. Selection and diagnostics of cars

Placing private advertisements for sale rarely distinguishes the honesty of the applicant. People tend to raise the expectations of potential buyers. Especially when it comes to used cars. Due to high taxes on aging transport, the service has not taken root in Europe. Russia, on the contrary, has a high demand for such specialists.

If you understand cars and their structure, are attentive and prudent enough, perhaps you can build a good business on this.

What services are offered in the field of automobile selection:

  • consulting a potential buyer;
  • search and inspection of transport that meets the customer’s criteria;
  • diagnosing the general technical and visual condition of the car;
  • identification of hidden and obvious defects, compliance with the seller’s statement;
  • checking credit history, cleanliness of documents;
  • negotiations and reasonable cost reduction;
  • support of purchase and sale, registration and registration.

Purchase initial diagnostic equipment and place an ad on the services website. Look at the reaction of consumers in your city. You can add to your proposal later. For example, make an urgent purchase of cars or select car parts.

11. Copywriter services

The transmission of any information through the media begins with text. For video, a script is required, for audio, a text by the narrator. Advertisement in a newspaper, article for a website, publication on social networks. Offer of services and goods, optimization for search engines. All this justifies the high demand for the skills of an experienced copywriter.

In Europe and the USA, this specialization has a narrower meaning related to marketing. In Russia, writers, screenwriters, journalists and other authors of unique texts are called copywriters.

You can become a copywriter and offer your services if you have the following qualities:

  • love and know how to write,
  • write competently and interestingly,
  • ready to plan your own daily routine,
  • punctual and hardworking,
  • You learn easily and take criticism calmly.

It is noteworthy that copywriting, web design and programming do not require virtually any financial investment from you. You are selling your time and knowledge. The purest product on the market of goods and services.

12. Services of a master or husband for an hour

Versatile specialization related to minor and major repairs. A “jack of all trades” performs tasks of varying degrees of difficulty. Today he is called to install a shelf, tomorrow to fix the plumbing. If you are not afraid of work and know how to work with your hands, this can turn out to be a good business.

Place an ad on the service website, get support from intermediary companies. Agree with representatives of similar areas of the service industry. For example, loaders, carriers, small stores of construction and finishing materials, plumbing and other things. The services of a master are in demand every day for an hour. You will be surprised how quickly the business will begin to generate decent profits.

Let's sum it up

The article examines in detail 12 business ideas for 2018, which have enviable prospects. Some of them are already in demand in Russia, others are just finding the market, opening up great opportunities for those who decide to work in this service sector. In any case, you will have to work hard, since none of them will allow you to “lie on the stove”. The master's work is scary, try it and you will succeed.

We recommend paying attention to 5 common mistakes of novice businessmen. The article will help you avoid problems in the development of a small business.

Oleg Nebogatov

Portal City services

On January 11, the CES 2019 exhibition ended in Las Vegas, presenting promising business ideas for the new year to the attention of entrepreneurs. Among them are “smart” headphones, “talkative” combs, interactive umbrellas, subwoofer bracelets, a touchscreen laptop and other gadgets that can revolutionize the world of small business in the next 2-3 years. New items are capable of remotely connecting to a smartphone, collecting and transmitting information. They monitor their owner’s tastes, his condition, and give advice and recommendations.

The market for such devices will become even more interesting in 2019. So far, 70% of “curiosities” for the Russian consumer are either too expensive or imperfect, but manufacturers are tirelessly busy testing and improving their products. If you timely purchase a batch of goods that have not yet been presented in Russia and promote it competently, you can make good money from other people’s business ideas.

3D sweets: production and sale

Soon no one will buy hamburgers and cakes unless they are made on a 3D printer. The new product excites minds and promises to become the main business trend in 2019. This technique is used to make not only sweets - original plastic figures, toys, souvenirs, and accessories. But food 3D printers are of particular interest to representatives of small businesses in Russia.

What can you “print” with their help?

  • exclusive sweets;
  • sugar figurines;
  • original baked goods;
  • fancy pasta and spaghetti;
  • extraordinary cookies;
  • decorations for cakes.

The list is not limited. Who might be interested in such products? If we are talking about small businesses, then the main consumers of 3D sweets will be cafes, restaurants, confectionery shops, and services for organizing festive events. The imagination of culinary specialists with a 3D printer is truly unlimited and will allow them to create sweets in the form of an exact copy of an orchid flower, a steam locomotive, a DNA molecule or a self-portrait.

The strengths of a business idea include novelty, originality, and inexpensive consumables. And the cost of the printer is affordable for ordinary small businesses. A budget device costs from $1,000, a high-quality device costs $3,000, but these are the so-called home options. For mass production, you will need an industrial unit - its cost is from $15,000. The price of a spool of thread is about $50 per 1 kg.

Important information! So far, food 3D printers do not print dimensional models. Figure sizes are limited. But you can add flavorings and colorings traditional to the food industry.

Coworking center

The number of people who are looking for a convenient format for communication outside the home is growing. For various reasons, cafes, restaurants, entertainment centers, and libraries do not suit the new generation. We have to take into account the growing army of freelancers, who are not always comfortable working from home. In 2016-2017, the idea of ​​organizing coworking centers – unique offices where visitors come freely for an hour, two or a whole day – was developed abroad. People pay not for food, but for a certain amount of time to stay in a cozy room, where they can have fun with friends, work on their project, or just be alone.

Owning your own business gives you financial stability and prosperity. No, not right away. You have to work, work a lot. Including yourself. The success or failure of a future business is determined by:

  1. Model.
  2. Attentiveness to documentation.
  3. An idea.

What business options are popular in Russia in 2019? A lot of them. Some models are time-tested, while others have yet to prove their profitability. Each has advantages and disadvantages, unique ways of scaling and development.

Coffee to go

Just going to a cafe and drinking a cup of aromatic coffee is how managers and office workers now like to end their day. Previously, the situation was different. Coffee shops were associated not with simple friendly communication, but with an establishment at the restaurant level. This opinion left a negative imprint on companies’ turnover, their revenue and profitability. Today everything has changed diametrically. The growth of market volumes has also led to increased competition. Organizing a point of sale of coffee to go is a profitable investment. Moreover, in 2019 such a business requires minimal expenses.

Previously, entrepreneurs themselves bought cooking equipment, but now this is no longer necessary. Coffee sellers provide the necessary machines for rent for a long time. The only condition is to purchase finished raw materials from them. Additional costs include:

  1. Renting premises.
  2. Purchase of coffee, syrups, cups.
  3. Window installation and decoration.
  4. Registration with the tax office.

To reduce costs at the start, it is recommended to work in the island format. The premises are rented either in a business center or in a shopping complex. The first option is the prevailing one. The only disadvantages of the model are that sales decrease to zero on weekends and holidays. Saving on personnel will help make investments profitable. In the first stages, the entrepreneur himself usually works as a barista.

Joint procurement

A great business idea in 2019 for young mothers. The business model is simple. You need to form a customer base, decide on the type of order for each buyer and select the desired products on the wholesaler’s website. The markup on the product is low, but the advantages of the idea are different:

  1. You don’t have to invest your money in the first stages.
  2. There are no inventory items.
  3. There is no need to register with the tax authorities.

At the same time, the activity has a bright scaling option. In this case, we are talking about creating your own online store. For a successful reorganization, a lot of issues will have to be resolved. For example, create a website, think through logistics and decide on where to store the goods. In this case, everything will have to be formalized.

Clothes showroom

A promising type of investment in 2019 is opening a clothing showroom. The business concept is simple. Items are ordered from suppliers and sold at a certain markup. In this case, the place of trade is not a classic boutique in a large complex, but an ordinary premises in a business center. As a rule, the rental cost there is much lower. The approach allows the entrepreneur to reduce the markup on products and thereby compete with stores. The profitability of a business depends on the correct choice of the target audience. Most often, clothing showrooms are aimed at women; for men, this format of trade is less common. At the first stages, difficulties arise with:

  1. Choice of assortment.
  2. Advertising.

To sell, you need to purchase only popular clothes. Otherwise, inventory balances will “freeze” a significant part of the funds, and more money will have to be found for development. Advertising is more difficult. You can attract customers through social networks, your own website and outdoor advertising. In the latter case, the simplest option is an ordinary pillar.

Commission shop

For many people, thrift shopping is a relic of the past. But experts predict a change in the situation and growth in this segment in 2019. This is caused by difficulties in the economy and a drop in the level of real incomes of citizens. In this case, you can open your own business with minimal investment. In the first stages, if there is a complete lack of funds, it is recommended that the entrepreneur receive a lump sum payment from the employment center.

Important: in both cases, before applying, the merchant draws up a business plan.

This type of store is profitable for another reason. The entrepreneur does not need to purchase goods. The first customers will bring it themselves. To reduce risks, consider:

  1. Seasonality.
  2. Appearance of the product.
  3. Range.

Items must be offered for sale only in accordance with the season. The better the clothes or shoes look, the faster customers will buy them. Therefore, you cannot take worn-out wardrobe items. They will lie on the shelf unclaimed.

Sushi to go

A profitable business in 2019 is trading Asian food. The popularity of oriental cuisine is constantly growing. To start, limit yourself to small investments. It is recommended to open the first point in a shopping complex. You can start activities on an area of ​​10-15 m2. The main equipment includes:

  1. Refrigerated display case.
  2. Cutting table.
  3. Set of knives.
  4. Rice cooker.
  5. Fridge.

The salary fund in the sushi business is the main expense item. According to statistics from employment centers, the work of cooks in this area is valued 20-30% higher than the average salary in the region. An entrepreneur will increase profitability only by independently learning the basics of cooking Japanese dishes. You cannot save on raw materials. There is often a desire to use cheap rice or fish, but customers will quickly feel the decline in food quality and simply stop ordering.

Waste collection

Garbage is an opportunity with serious growth prospects. This direction is also relevant for 2019. The business model is simple. An entrepreneur organizes a point for receiving certain types of waste from the population with subsequent sale to large resellers. You can work with almost anything: plastic, glass, paper, metal. To accept certain types of waste you will need to obtain a license. Experienced businessmen recommend starting small. Resale of waste paper, glass and plastic shows good profitability. Sometimes acceptance is organized in an ordinary garage of a private house. The growth prospects are obvious:

  1. Increase in purchasing points.
  2. Expansion of the range.
  3. Recycling.

Such waste collection points often develop into waste recycling points. This approach multiplies profitability.


Installation of vending machines is promising. Since 2019, rating agency analysts have predicted an average annual growth rate of 10-15% in this area. At the same time, regions will become leaders of development. Nowadays, the largest number of distance trading machines are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Other cities are lagging behind. An entrepreneur has a huge choice of installed systems:

  1. Snack products.
  2. Coffee machines.
  3. Lens mats.
  4. Children's play attractions, etc.

Previously, payment terminals were in demand among vendors. By 2019, their share had fallen significantly and continues to decline. Investments have become less profitable due to the development of Internet banking.

Important: one installed device is not enough. The network is being built immediately. This is the only way to achieve a high level of income.

The main difficulty is finding a place. The entry threshold is minimal. For example, machines that sell chewing gum are in demand. The cost of such equipment rarely exceeds 5 thousand rubles.

Cakes to order

You can start a business in 2019 at home by preparing culinary products to order. Exclusive cakes are ideal for any occasion. At the same time, an entrepreneur can start in this type of activity at any time. Everyone has a gas or electric stove. Properly organized advertising will help increase your income significantly. You can attract clients in different ways:

  1. Familiar.
  2. Social media.
  3. Website.
  4. Ad aggregators.

Almost all entrepreneurs in this type of activity make the same mistake: they avoid official registration. Tax authorities may conduct test purchases from such confectioners and require reporting. Therefore, it is necessary to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur.

Peasant farming

Rural residents will also be able to start small businesses in 2019. Livestock and crop farming are considered profitable businesses. For example, areas such as raising laying hens or organizing a small greenhouse are popular. There are now different areas of support for rural entrepreneurs. Some banks have launched separate lines of credit specifically for households. They feature preferential rates and other preferences. Investments in agriculture are considered to be maximally profitable. This was facilitated by:

  1. Food embargo of foreign producers.
  2. Subsidies from federal and municipal authorities.
  3. Increasing the purchase price of products.

These factors make rural business popular and promising.

Important: in 2019 it is planned to increase the volume of grants issued to support peasants.

SMM marketing

There are many options. The services of specialists involved in business promotion on social networks are popular. In 2019, the work of SMM marketers is considered one of the most promising areas of the entire industry. This form of doing business has many advantages:

  1. Free schedule.
  2. High salaries.
  3. Opportunities to hone professionalism.
  4. A chance to build your own business.

Anyone can start making money by promoting on social networks. You don’t need any special education for this, but before negotiating with your first potential customer, it is recommended to acquire a certain amount of knowledge. The scope for self-realization is enormous. You can enroll in courses from experienced professionals and read relevant literature.

Phone resale

The phone resale business remains a profitable investment in 2019. This direction has two possible development paths:

  1. Trade in new equipment.
  2. Resale of used products.

Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, buying new gadgets carries a number of trade restrictions. Devices are most often ordered from China. At the same time, the maximum tax-free amount reaches only 1 thousand euros per month.

Simple example. The businessman ordered 10 phones in his name for 100 euros each. That's it, the limit has been reached. The user will have to pay tax on their next purchase this month. The profitability of entrepreneurial activity is reduced exponentially. Reselling used gadgets does not have this disadvantage. Its only downside is the difficulty of finding a phone at an affordable price.

Important: You should register your activity only when your turnover increases, for example, before starting to sell used laptops and office equipment.

Loader services

This type of business has also not lost its relevance in 2019. People move from place to place often, and sometimes you really don’t want to carry heavy things yourself. This is where the need for professional movers arises. The business model is simple:

  1. Search for an artist.
  2. Search for a customer.
  3. Execution of work.

Let's sum it up

You can start a business in 2019 with different levels of initial capital. Some entrepreneurs make a number of mistakes when organizing their activities, for example, being careless with documentation.

Your business requires registration. First you need (if you don’t have one), then apply for registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Yes, some forms of business may not need to be registered, but such activities will not be scalable - everything will remain at the level of self-employment.
