The list of employees of the organization is empty. List of employees. List of employees

An important indicator of an organization’s activity is its number of employees. This is the number of persons working in it on a certain date or period; the starting point for determining the average headcount, a value widely used for statistical purposes and taxation.

Regulatory regulation

The determination of the above indicators is prescribed by legislation and regulations in these areas.

The main issues of determining the payroll number and composition are regulated in:

  • Instructions on statistics of the number and wages of workers and employees at enterprises, institutions and organizations, in force to date, approved. September 17, 1987 by the State Statistics Committee of the USSR (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions);
  • Order of Rosstat dated August 3, 2015 N 357, which approved the statistical report form 57-T (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 357), and other orders.

It also determines who must submit these reports and within what time frame.

List of employees

To determine the number of employees, their payroll composition is first determined.

The payroll includes all employees of the organization who are employed in it on a given date or period, with some exceptions. Moreover, each employee is counted in it only once and as one unit; It includes both actual working persons and those absent from work.

The number of employees on the payroll must correspond to the information contained in the time sheet.

Part-time workers and some other categories are excluded from the payroll.

Some categories of workers included in the payroll are not included in the average payroll, for example, those on parental leave (clause 14 of the Instructions).

Staff list of employees

Based on the staffing table and payroll of the organization's employees, a document such as the staffing list is issued.

It is one of those that are formed when documenting the same type of management functions of various organizations, regardless of their forms of ownership and other factors. Its preparation is prescribed by clause 74 of section 1.2 of the List, approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 N 558, which also establishes the storage periods for such documents.

Sample list of employees

The employer is obliged to organize periodic medical examinations of its employees, and compiling a list of contingents is an important part of this process. Since this document contains a list of positions that are subject to mandatory professional examinations, the personnel department or labor protection service must know who should be included in the lists, how to prepare them and where to send them. To avoid problems with inspectors, we provide a sample of the contingent of persons subject to periodic medical examinations.

The procedure for conducting medical examinations is regulated by Federal Law No. 323 of November 21, 2011, Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 302n of April 12, 2011, as well as Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with these regulations, the professional examination is carried out at the expense of the employer, and the employee retains his average monthly salary.

How to make a list of contingents

This is the first stage of preparation for a medical examination, and the medical commission focuses on it when drawing up criteria for assessing the health of employees. Based on the contents of the Order, in order to issue it, it is necessary to identify harmful production factors and types of work in accordance with the staffing schedule.

The algorithm of actions when compiling a contingent of workers subject to periodic medical examinations is as follows:

  1. It is recommended to first draw up a list of the contingent, and then by name, but many do the opposite. To facilitate the procedure, personnel officers often first create a list of all employees of the enterprise by name, and on its basis they compile a list of persons subject to periodic medical examinations.
  2. A list of all professions in the organization is compiled, focusing on Appendix No. 2 to Order No. 302n.
  3. For each profession, harmful factors and work are indicated in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Order in order to determine the list of professions subject to periodic medical examinations. To determine which factors need to be specified for each specific job, you can use the results of workplace certification, the production control program, or last year's contingents. If you have employees for whom there are no harmful factors and jobs, the corresponding cells in the contingents for this profession should be left empty. Such workers do not need to be sent for a medical examination.
  4. Approval by the head of the organization.
  5. Sending the list to Rospotrebnadzor at the actual location of the organization within 10 days after its approval by the employer (clause 21 of the Order).

Be sure to receive and keep a note indicating that you actually sent contingents to Rospotrebnadzor (signature, incoming number and stamp of the office, postal notification, etc.).

Sample contingent of employees for a budget organization

Since the current legislation does not establish a unified form of the list, you can develop your own.

Who should undergo a medical examination

The Labor Code and the Order also contain a list of professions subject to periodic medical examinations. These are employees under the age of 21, as well as those who work:

  • in harmful and dangerous production;
  • at high-altitude works;
  • in transport (drivers, machinists, etc.);
  • in the field of catering;
  • in educational and children's institutions;
  • in pharmaceutical, medical and sanitary institutions (spas, saunas and laundries);
  • in beauty salons that provide hairdressing and cosmetology services;
  • in the cleaning service;
  • in the field of water supply;
  • at livestock enterprises and poultry farms.

The list is open, and the employer, in agreement with subordinates, can organize regular medical examinations for any other professionals.

The legislator also establishes the frequency of such medical examinations, which depends on the working conditions and is detailed in Appendix No. 1 to the Order. On average, the listed categories of workers should be examined at least once every 1-2 years.


If an employer ignores its obligation to compile a list and does not submit it to the supervisory authority, this will be regarded as a violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population. For this offense, Article 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for administrative liability:

  • for officials - from 500 to 1000 rubles;
  • for individual entrepreneurs - from 500 to 1000 rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days;
  • for legal entities - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

The formation of a list of LLC participants can occur at any stage of the organization’s activities. This document provides information about all participants of the LLC, the distribution of shares in the authorized capital of the organization, as well as those shares that belong to the company. This also includes information about the entry and exit of participants, movement of shares, etc.


Document role

The purposes of creating a list of LLC participants can be very different - from notifying company participants about holding general meetings and distributing profits between them to a confirming function (including the fact that a given citizen or organization is a participant in the company).

List of "founders" or "participants"

The title of the document contains a small but important nuance: the list should not concern the founders, but rather the participants of the company. The difference between them is that founders- these are persons or organizations that made the decision to create a company and actively participated in this process. A participants are considered subjects who became part of the company in the process of its further activities.

Other sources of information about LLC (in terms of participants)

Information about the founders and participants of an LLC can be gleaned not only from the list compiled by the company itself, but also from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The state register contains complete and detailed information about the activities of each organization registered in Russia, including limited liability companies.

Who has the right to be a member of an LLC?

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, an individual with or without citizenship of our country, as well as a legal entity registered or unregistered in the territory of the Russian Federation (with some exceptions), can act as a participant in an LLC.

Receipt or transfer of a share can also be carried out in various ways:

  • directly during the formation of a society;
  • acquisition of a share or shares as a result of execution of purchase and sale transactions;
  • through inheritance;
  • by transferring a share to the company as a result of the withdrawal of one of the participants.

Based on what documents is the list compiled?

The main documents that certify the subject’s right to the share of a participant in a limited liability company are: agreements on transfer of shares(certified by a notary office), as well as extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Who creates and maintains the list

Compiling and maintaining a list of LLC participants may be the responsibility of one of its participants, or the job functions of one of the hired employees: legal adviser, secretary, etc.
In any case, this must be a person who has gained access to the company’s constituent papers, knows how to use the state register (information from which is in the public domain) and has an idea of ​​how to create this document.

How to make a list of participants, sample

Today there is no strict unified form for the list of LLC participants, i.e. representatives of organizations and enterprises have every right to draw up this document in any form or, if the organization has a developed and approved template, based on its sample. There are only two conditions that must be met: in its structure, the list form must comply with certain standards of office work, and in content, it must include a number of certain data.

In the "hat" of the document, it is necessary to indicate its name, the name of the company whose list of participants is being compiled, and the date the form was generated.

Then in the main part Some details need to be provided:

  • full and abbreviated name of the organization;
  • date and state registration number;
  • legal address (all this and further information must be provided in full accordance with the company’s constituent papers);
  • information about the authorized capital and changes related to it;
  • data on the number of participants (enrolled and dropped out);
  • information about shares owned by the company.

Next part The list is usually formed in the form of a table. It includes:

  • participant status (individual/legal entity);
  • Full name (if we are talking about a citizen) / name (if we are talking about an enterprise);
  • passport data (series, number, date, place of issue) / information about the legal entity (TIN, KPP, OGRN, etc.);
  • address (residence according to passport) / location (legal);
  • Contact Information;
  • size of the share in the authorized capital (specific amount and percentage);
  • information about the alienation of shares to third parties.

Final part The document concerns shares owned by the company and their movement. It is also presented in the form of a table. Finally, the form is signed by the director of the organization (this can be either one of the company’s participants or an employee).

Subtleties and nuances in the design of the form

The design of the list, as well as its content, can be arbitrary: the document can be printed on a computer or handwritten on company letterhead or on a regular sheet of any convenient format (preferably, of course, A4 letterhead).

Only one rule must be observed unchanged: the list must be certified by the “living” signature of the director of the organization or the person performing his duties (in this case, the use of facsimile autographs is unacceptable).

The need to put a stamp on a document arises only when the norm for endorsing papers using stamp products is enshrined in the internal regulations of the enterprise.

A list of participants in a limited liability company is compiled in one original copy, but if necessary, you can make certified copies of it in the required quantity.

Information about the formation of the list is entered into a special accounting journal, and if the list is required for presentation to any third-party institution, also in the journal of outgoing documentation.
