Business plan for organizing children's holidays. How to Start an Events Agency and Succeed Children's Party Business Where to Start

Holiday agency - 2 risks that can deprive profits + 3 schemes for working with personnel + 5 effective advertising methods for the agency.

Capital investment in the agency: 150,000 rubles.
Agency payback period: from 8 months.

is no longer the line of business that is focused exclusively on the VIP category of clients.

The demand for various events has grown so much that it has created a vast niche in the service market.

And everyone can try to take their place in it.

And yet: you are far from the first who decided to make money on holidays.

How to become successful?

Is it possible to start a business with minimal investment?

Or do you need a whole staff of professionals of all stripes and expensive equipment to succeed?

You will find answers below.

Analysis of the possibility of opening a holiday agency

Before you open a holiday agency, it is important to “test the waters” in your area.

High competition is a ubiquitous phenomenon.

However, some can become almost monopolists in their small town.

There is a downside to this state of affairs: sometimes a service does not “appear” simply because there is no need for it.

So do not be too lazy to assess the demand in the city, the needs of the population, its ability to pay.

Decide on a list of services and draw up a detailed portrait of your “target client”.

If you are "lucky" to have competitors, you can analyze their work under the guise of visitors.

What you need to pay attention to:

  1. List of services and their demand.
  2. Reviews of clients about the spent holidays.
  3. The quality of video and photo reports.
  4. Price list for the services of the holiday agency.
  5. Potential weaknesses and clear strengths.

What documents are needed to open an agency for organizing children's parties?

Some entrepreneurs are in no hurry to officially register their activities, but in vain.

Without the necessary paperwork, it is only necessary to “test a niche”, but not to conduct an active activity of an agency for organizing children's and adult holidays.

This will not only negatively affect the image and prestige, but also interfere with the conclusion of labor agreements and may result in fines from the tax office.

In the worst case, the agency will be closed.

So spend some time and money to register as an individual entrepreneur (to work exclusively with individuals) or an LLC (to serve legal entities, institutions).

As for the choice of OKVED code, the main one is 90.01.

Of the minor ones, you can specify 59.11, 90.03 and 59.12.

There is no need to obtain additional licenses and permits.

Moreover, the holiday agency may not use the cash register.

But you need to be thoughtful.

In this business, the "name" plays a particularly important role.

Choosing the right location for your agency

An agency for organizing holidays is also good because you can safely do without renting any office.

Agree, this is a major savings item.

However, meetings with clients “in neutral territory” are not very convenient, and besides, they are not very respectable.

If you are ready to allocate some amount for rent, choose a room with an area of ​​at least 50 sq.m.

Such an area should be sufficient to divide into three zones:

  • workplace of the sales manager;
  • client area;
  • a place to store equipment and suits.

Opening an agency for organizing holidays with minimal equipment

In fact, to start a holiday agency, you need the bare minimum - a notebook, a pen, a computer with Internet access and a mobile phone.

But if you are planning to start “in a serious way” and will equip a separate workplace in a rented office, you will need the following set of equipment:

Item of expensesAmount (rub.)
Total:39 000 rub.
Desk and chair for sales manager
7 000
Sofa and table for clients
11 000
A laptop
15 000
wifi router
3 000
Mobile phone
3 000


The success of an event management agency depends entirely on the skill of its employees.

It is they who are the key link: they are developing ideas, contacting clients, decorating the environment, creating or buying props, and so on.

The number of employees of your particular company depends on the list of services that you plan to provide.

There are three schemes for organizing the work of the agency for children's and other holidays:

    A large agency has its own extensive staff of specialists in various fields, and independently organizes any holiday on a turnkey basis.

    Requires significant financial investments and labor costs at the start.

    “On the balance sheet” of the company no one is listed, and employees are selected for a specific event.

    Most beginner owners of holiday agencies prefer to work with contractors, because this option is the most financially affordable.

    But there is in this barrel of honey and fly in the ointment:

    • the contractor works on his own, so you cannot guarantee that everything will go smoothly;
    • the average mark-up for such services is up to 15%; this is the maximum amount of profit from the event that the holiday agency will receive.
  1. The most stable and common job option is still a combination of the two options above: having a few key employees in the state and attracting contractors for other services.

    "From outside" they hire dancers, magicians, clowns, animal trainers - that is, all those who will not be required regularly.

    But in the state it is usually enough to hire three people.

The staff of a small holiday agency might look like this:

PositionResponsibilitiesSalary (rub.)
Total: 30 000 + %
Sales ManagerOften, entrepreneurs themselves perform these functions (attracting customers, communicating with them).
However, attracting an “outside” employee with experience will allow you to get a certain number of his regular customers as a bonus.
10 000 + %
DesignerEngage in decorating holidays, creating holiday paraphernalia.
Can work as a contractor for other firms, bringing additional income to your agency.
5 000 + %
DriverBring and pick up contractors, employees, equipment.15 000

Search for contractors for a holiday agency

All the contractors that are needed for the holidays can be roughly divided into two categories: presenters and artists of different genres.

The host is the person on whom the holiday will “keep”.

He must find an approach to any guest, make sure that no one gets bored, be able to resolve conflict situations in the bud.

Before the holiday, he carries out serious preparatory work, develops personal scripts and details.

Often, the opinion that will develop about your entire company as a whole among those who are present at the holiday depends on the behavior of this person.

Therefore, it is important to choose 2-3 reliable contractors and cooperate with them on an ongoing basis.

It is conditionally possible to define three categories of leaders:

    budget segment.

    Novice presenters or, conversely, people of "age".

    As a rule, they do not differ in creativity.

    You can find such people in the nearest DC or on classifieds sites.

    Main group.

    Average prices, a portfolio, energetic, sociable, versed in current trends.

    Often these pros have their own customer base.

    Often they "locate" themselves - they send their resumes.

    Hosts who deal only with major holidays.

    Prices, respectively, are high - from 30,000 rubles per event.

    It is worth looking at specialized forums or using the recommendations of other holiday agencies.

Artists and various show programs are easy to find: they all have personal websites or at least publish information about themselves on forums and classifieds sites.

Be sure to look at the portfolio before hiring contractors for the holiday.

For most, it is important to have a video that will demonstrate the work "live".

Also, do not be too lazy to study reviews about the quality of the services provided on the Internet.

How to advertise your holiday agency?

Obviously, the level of professionalism of the staff and the quality of the equipment will not matter if your agency does not have clients.

Depending on the list of services provided, these can be parents (children's holidays), corporations, newlyweds, birthday people with an average and above average income level.

To promote a company for organizing holidays, use the following methods:

    Order designers to develop a booklet with a brief description of services and business cards.

    These materials should be distributed in places where your target audience is.

    Create a personal website, but do not spare finances for it.

    Texts should be literate and selling, photos should be of high quality, prices should be relevant.

    In the future, you can hire a specialist to promote the resource - this gives a significant increase in customers.

    Join a charity fair or arrange a party for children in a city park.

    This will increase the recognition of the name.

  1. Become a member of forums for organizing and holding holidays, and also actively communicate on websites for parents (if you organize children's events), on resources about weddings (if the target audience is newlyweds).
  2. Do not forget to take pictures of the holidays that you spend, shoot video cuts.

    Use this material to regularly update your portfolio.

One unfortunate situation can become a stain on the reputation.

Do quality work, and information about you will spread.

How much money would it take to open such an agency?

One of the key advantages of organizing a holiday agency is the ability to open a business with minimal investment.

The amount of start-up capital depends on the list of services, the form of cooperation with performers, and the set of equipment.

Consider the cost items for organizing an average firm.

Capital investment in business

Regular investment in business

As a business scales, recurring business spending can grow exponentially.

However, in the first months, the amount can be relatively modest:

Holiday agency payback periods

In the first months of its existence, an agency for organizing holidays can receive only 2-3 orders with an average cost.

However, gradually the profit will grow (it will take 6-7 months).

Let's estimate the potential profit after six months of the company's operation:

  • 4-6 events/month;
  • "average check" - 50,000 rubles;
  • average income - 200,000-300,000 rubles / month;
  • the amount of profit - from 140,000 rubles / month.

With such indicators, an event agency can pay off in 7-12 months.

The main thing is to achieve a stable flow of customers and increase the average bill.

His experience in opening and running a business for organizing holidays

shares a successful Russian entrepreneur in a video:

Potential business risks in the event industry

For a company that organizes holidays, there are two major risks:

    Seasonal demand.

    This risk is more typical for children's parties and corporate-oriented agencies.

    Since the most activity of these categories falls on the New Year period.

    Regular emergencies.

    Each event is "built" from scratch.

    Therefore, it is simply impossible to predict all punctures.

    Artists caught in a traffic jam, a power outage, mixed up scripts - anything is possible.

    It is impossible to prepare for this, but you can develop the skill quickly and with a smile to solve any difficulties.

Event organization agency- one of the most relevant business ideas for our time.

Celebrating in style and on a grand scale has become not just a fashion trend, but even an essential attribute.

What used to seem like a whim of the “rich” is now actively used by people with an average income.

Therefore, despite the growing competition, there is still room for new “players” to enter the event services market.

Perhaps you should take it?

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A profitable business can be built on the creative branch of activity. One of its varieties is the organization of children's parties. Therefore, novice entrepreneurs are interested in where to start a business and how not to lose the invested capital?

Agency registration process

When the question arises of where to start organizing a children's agency, you need to find out if the entrepreneur has the necessary amount. If you have start-up capital, it is advisable to create a client base for the business, and then register your business. Making a portfolio and finding clients can take a long time, and business taxes will have to be paid. Therefore, clients are first developed, after which the case is officially registered from scratch.

The optimal form of foundation is an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). At the same time, OKVED 92.3 "Other entertainment and entertainment activities" and 92.7 "Other activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment, not included in other groups" are selected. By choosing this profile, the entrepreneur will maximize the company's capabilities. You need to register your business with the tax office. It is better to switch to the simplified tax system (simplified taxation system). There are two tax regimes:

  • Six percent of all income.
  • Fifteen percent of income including expenses.

The advantage of the USN is that the report is submitted only once a year.

You do not need a license to establish a children's holiday agency.

Plan for the organization of the necessary premises and equipment

An entrepreneur who opens a children's holiday agency from scratch must have:

  • Car or any mobile transport, preferably a minibus. Since you have to travel a lot and carry various auxiliary materials;
  • A room for holidays, which needs to be designed in an original and bright way to attract customers. You can decorate the hall with flowers, garlands, figures of fairy-tale animals, cartoon characters and balloons. When creating themed evenings, an entrepreneur will need appropriate decorations.

In this material:

Children's holiday - what could be more fun, exciting and joyful than this event. Parents want to make a birthday or other important date for their baby memorable. Fortunately, today there are plenty of companies providing such services. Starting entrepreneurs are increasingly paying attention to this particular area of ​​business, because it does not require serious investments, and creativity and imagination contribute to the rapid progress of the business. A business plan for organizing children's parties is not only writing scripts and preparing a show. This includes a full-fledged market analysis, determining the level of competition, creating your own competitive advantages, finding animators and much more. As a result, with the right organization of the business, it is able to pay off in a short time and bring good income.

Business organizing holidays for children: relevance, pros and cons of the idea

Every year, the relevance of services for organizing children's holidays is increasing. This is due to several factors:

  1. Increasing birth rate – Since 2010, Russia's population has been steadily growing. About 2 million babies are born every year.
  2. Stability - the economic situation in the country is quite stable, wages, although not sharply, are still increasing, which allows people to save for vacations. For couples with children, leisure is primarily a visit to recreational activities for kids.
  3. Availability - the criterion partially consists of the previous one, as well as low prices for organizing children's parties.

Taken together, we can assume that 80% of families can afford to give such a gift to their child, and more than half of people do just that. The demand for companies and private animators is so high that the appointment is carried out for weeks, and sometimes months in advance. This is especially true of the New Year holidays and the summer period.

Positive aspects of business:

  1. Demand - if earlier children saw clowns and animators only in the circus or at citywide performances, today, for little money, funny characters personally visit children and give them joy.
  2. Client base - with quality work, a wide range of scenarios and an affordable price, an entrepreneur quickly gains regular customers, ensuring regular income without downtime.
  3. Profit - organizing holidays does not require huge investments, like other types of business. There is no need for monthly purchases of goods, the return of expired products, etc. It is enough to purchase or sew costumes to order once, and then only update the props. At first, you can even do without an office and conclude deals exclusively by phone, and hold meetings with clients in a cafe. This results in a high net profit with minimal investment.
  4. No limits on earnings - a businessman can earn exactly as much as he has enough creativity and imagination. Some limit themselves to 2-3 bookings per week, while others organize 15-20 performances during the same period, collaborating with several groups of animators or registering them as permanent employees.
  5. A job that brings joy is an important factor for creative people. In this case, organizing children's holidays will not become a daily routine, but a hobby with a good profit.

Negative sides:

  1. Competition is the main disadvantage of business. In every medium and large city there are already a number of well-known companies organizing children's parties. It will not work to surpass them at the start, because the beginner has neither reputation nor fame in this direction. The entrepreneur has a hard job to promote his project, develop a client base and create competitive advantages.
  2. Personnel - the number of employees and the format of work directly depends on the expected scale of the business. But in any case, unskilled animators can seriously damage the reputation of a new player in the market, so you need to take the most responsible approach to the formation of staff. For the first time, it makes sense to conclude one-time contracts for holding festive events with famous animators of the city. In the future, it is better to recruit your own team, for which the success of the business will be as important as for the leader.
  3. Lack of demand for services - several factors can serve as a reason: inflated prices, lack of advertising, boring images and scripts, unsatisfactory work of animators, complaints and negative reviews online from customers. As a result, an entrepreneur who has worked for 1–2 months may face an unenviable fate in the field of children's holidays.

Reference. Before moving on to organizing business and making money, you should analyze the market, identify customer needs, determine the average cost of the show and the cost of props, calculate the estimated costs and income. Only on the basis of the information received, it is possible to move on to practice if the potential profit of the project is identified.

Market analysis

The target audience

The target audience for the business of organizing children's holidays is children and their parents. And there is a little trick here. Many novice businessmen mistakenly believe that if the event is paid from the pocket of the parents, then the advertising campaign should be aimed strictly at adults. From here, associative videos are created incorrectly, advertising products are placed in places inaccessible to children, etc. In most cases, all PR attempts go unnoticed - parents ignore advertising, and children simply do not see it.

That is why the main target audience is children. The entire advertising campaign must be directed specifically at them, placing products in places where the kids will definitely notice the information, and only then they will certainly convey it to their parents. Moreover, they will do it in such a way that adults will not be able to refuse their children in holding a holiday.

Price policy

The cost of organizing festive events is a loose concept. It all depends on the duration of the program, the number of animators involved and props.

You should be guided both by the costs of holding the show and calculating the potential benefits, as well as by the average prices in the city.

An approximate price may look like this (rub.):

  • 2 500–3 500 - 30 minutes program with the participation of one animator;
  • 6,000–7,000 - the same, but with the participation of animals or birds;
  • 9,000 - 1 hour program with 2-3 animators (animals are allowed);
  • 15,000-20,000 - group performance from 7-10 children.

In addition, the price segment of the show can be divided into:

  • "premium";
  • "standard";
  • "economy".

For each option, its own price is built that satisfies the needs of customers.

Assessment of the level of competition and risks

Conducting competitor analysis is not that difficult. Single animators, for whom this type of activity is a part-time job, can be ignored. Only firms and individual entrepreneurs with a staff and offering a wide range of programs are taken into account.

Up to 90% of all competitors can be identified via the Internet - Yandex or Google maps, 2GIS, regional print media.

Based on the information received, a list is formed of the most popular agencies and individual entrepreneurs that provide services for organizing children's parties, and the format of their activities is determined.

What is taken into account in the work of competitors:

  • price segment;
  • number of programs;
  • quality and quantity of props;
  • the presence of animals in the show and other original steps;
  • staff;
  • the specifics of the work is the conclusion of contracts with everyone, including individuals, or cooperation only with educational institutions and speaking at city events.

The information obtained is sufficient to determine the level of competition, the capabilities of other firms and the formation of their own competitive advantages.

Despite the many positive aspects of the children's party business, the activity is associated with some risks:

  • Reduced demand for services - the risk is associated with high competition, as well as with the well-being of the population. The increase in prices for food, utilities and the lack of growth in wages is directly reflected in the number of orders to the downside.
  • Long-term payback of the project - with an insufficient advertising campaign, the promotion of a business can drag on for months, during which efforts, time and money are invested in the project, but it still does not pay off.
  • Other factors beyond the control of the entrepreneur (changes in legislation, higher tax rates).

Seasonality factor

The business of organizing children's holidays can be conditionally called seasonal. This is especially noticeable on the eve of the New Year holidays. During this period, the demand for animators in the form of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and fairy-tale characters increases tenfold, so you can earn 3-month revenue in a few weeks.

In addition, there are several other peak periods in the year:

  • the end of winter and the beginning of spring, falling on Maslenitsa;
  • May - graduations in kindergartens;
  • September - the beginning of the year in children's institutions;
  • The end of October is Halloween.

This all applies to orders from public and private structures that, together with parents, want to please children. Orders for birthday parties do not depend on seasonality and are received regularly throughout the year.

Reference. It is a mistake to think that the organization of children's events provides for work only on weekends and holidays, because on weekdays children are busy with their studies. In practice, birthday greetings are ordered on the very day when the child was born. You can’t explain to a kid - “today is your holiday, but it’s Monday, everyone is at work, so let’s celebrate a birthday on Saturday, when relatives and friends can get together.” There are plenty of orders from animators at any time.

Business organization step by step

Activity registration

The answer to the question of how to start a business for holding children's events is always the same - registering as an entrepreneur. It can be an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. If there is no experience in this area, and the scale of the project provides for a staff of no more than 4–6 people, then it is more expedient to register as an individual entrepreneur.

The procedure is simple:

  • preparation of documents - passport, TIN, application, paid state duty receipt (800 rubles);
  • appeal to the tax service;
  • indication of OKVED codes;
  • choice of taxation system;
  • submission of documentation.

Within 5 days, you can pick up a certificate of entrepreneurial activity.

OKVED codes:

  • 93.29 - recreational activities;
  • 96.09 - personal services not specified in other groups;
  • 74.20 - activities related to photography.

Taxation system - STS 6%.

Premises for rent

Office in the business of organizing children's parties plays a secondary role. Many entrepreneurs working in this field claim that it is possible to successfully start a business without a premises at all.

In practice, this is possible if you store props and take orders at home, and meet with clients in public places, demonstrating a portfolio on a tablet or laptop. How convenient and practical it is, everyone decides for himself.

Office benefits:

  • entrepreneur status;
  • work comfort;
  • the possibility of demonstrating the work performed, programs and props;
  • convenient place to store props;
  • the presence of a permanent workplace away from loved ones who in one way or another can disrupt negotiations.

Requirements for the premises are standard:

  • area - 15–20 sq. m;
  • the presence of a small warehouse for props;
  • fresh cosmetic repairs;
  • availability of necessary office furniture for work;
  • location - the city center or a busy neighborhood.

Even though more than 50% of orders will come through the Internet and by phone, having your own office will create a good impression about the leader.

Drawing up a list of company services

The number of programs depends on the preferences of the entrepreneur. Naturally, the more, the better, but, as they say, “overdoing” is also not worth it. Some of the programs can be borrowed from competitors, the rest you can come up with on your own.

Reference. More than 50% of all show programs of entertainment agencies are identical to each other. This cannot be called plagiarism, so you can safely use the established schemes.

Writing your own scripts is a great step towards success. If there is no experience in this area, then screenwriters and writers can be invited. Once written successful programs generate income for several years.

What must be required:

  • programs with famous cartoon characters (Luntik, Masha and the Bear, Smeshariki, Disney characters) - activities are designed for younger children;
  • soap bubbles show;
  • the program "Young Alchemist" - is an original tricks based on knowledge of chemistry;
  • quests and intellectual games for children aged 10–12;
  • disco and light show;
  • holiday fireworks.

In addition, individual programs can be developed based on the child's preferences, age and interests, which is already discussed with the parents in advance.

Purchase of equipment

Purchasing equipment for the office is not difficult. It is necessary to buy a set of furniture and office equipment. It would be useful to have a widescreen TV or a projector to demonstrate a portfolio or individual moments of the program.

In addition, costumes are required. They can be sewn to order or bought ready-made, which practically does not differ in price. It is better to order those characters that cannot be found on free sale.

Scenario development and purchase of props

The specific list and volume of props depends on the developed programs and approved images. Be sure to require high-quality acoustics with a microphone and light music.

At the initial stage, scenarios can be developed by professionals, but in the future, the business manager will in any case get to the heart of the process, understand the relevance of a particular program and the need for improvement. Writing scripts on your own is much easier than it might seem at first glance, and after working in the field of children's parties for at least six months, everything becomes extremely clear.


It is easy to guess that the main actors in the organization of children's parties are animators. At the initial stage, 3-4 people should be invited to cooperate. They can be issued both for permanent work and part-time, if people are simultaneously employed in other projects.

Reference: it is best to have your own staff so that the same people do not participate with competitors and you.

Requirements for animators:

  • experience;
  • age up to 35 years (possibly older, depending on the format of the available scenarios);
  • pleasant appearance;
  • sociability.

In addition, the office will need 1-2 employees to keep records, receive calls, and supervise projects.

Advertising and marketing policy

Promoting the business of organizing children's parties is one of the main tasks of an entrepreneur. It is necessary to use as many resources as possible:

  • television and radio;
  • outdoor advertising (banners, billboards, streamers, posters);
  • own website is a prerequisite for the successful promotion of services;
  • groups in social networks;
  • advertising in city publics and communities;
  • advertising inside and outside public transport;
  • distribution of leaflets and business cards in supermarkets, entertainment centers and cinemas;
  • cooperation with kindergartens and primary schools (distribution of brochures to parents);
  • contextual advertising on the Internet.

Financial calculations

Investment in the project

Costs per stratum (in rubles):

  • 10,000 - registration of business activities and execution of additional paperwork;
  • 35,000 - conclusion of a lease agreement (advance payment);
  • 50,000 - repair of the premises;
  • 100,000 - purchase of office equipment;
  • 250,000 - purchase of costumes and props;
  • 100,000 - advertising;
  • 25,000 - payment for services for the development of scenarios and programs;
  • 20,000 - unforeseen expenses.

Result: 590,000 rubles.

Current expenses

Costs in the first month of work:

  • 35,000 - rent;
  • 10,000 - utilities (office);
  • 70,000 - wages for office employees.

The salary of the animators will be piecework, so the total cost is not indicated.

Result: 115,000 rubles.

Revenues, profit calculation and payback period

The income of the business for organizing children's holidays consists of the volume and cost of orders.

The average price tag of the event is 6,000 rubles. The number of shows per week is 12-15.

The total income per month is 360,000 rubles.

Mandatory expenses are deducted from this amount - 360,000-115,000 \u003d 245,000 rubles.

About 145,000 goes to the animators for salaries (4-5 people), as well as for updating props.

The net income of the entrepreneur is 100,000 rubles.

For starting a business, this indicator is above average. In the long term, total income, as well as net income, increases from month to month.

The payback period of the project, taking into account all investments, periodic expenses for advertising and props, is from 8 months to a year.

When planning a business for organizing children's parties, one should take into account dozens of nuances and subtleties, if ignored, the project will turn out to be unprofitable already at the opening stage. A well-written business plan, detailed financial calculations and pre-prepared scenarios will eliminate many problems related to the incorrect allocation of funds.

The post has been changed:

How to open a holiday agency?

The theory of the famous Scottish economist Adam Smith that demand generates supply has so far been refuted by no one. And that's exactly how the business operates today. There is a need for a product, which means it will be produced and sold. However, people now live more according to the principle of the ancient Romans, who shouted to their rulers: “Bread and circuses!”. And they knew how to organize spectacles. The topic of entertainment events is still relevant today, and since only a few can put on a really good show, and therefore only a few remain afloat among such companies, I decided to tell you how you can create an agency for organizing holidays, what kind of “underwater stones" to avoid for a novice entrepreneur, and how to achieve success in this business if possible.

Surely you have heard that there are more holidays in Russia than in any other country in the world. And it's true: our compatriots have come up with so many holidays that there are even more than 1/3 of them by working days. For example, this year we work 240 days and rest 125, that is, every 3rd day. The question is: when to work, and what are the dissatisfied with people who believe that they are overworking? One way or another, Russian people love holidays, and they are used to celebrating them on a grand scale - if you really go for a walk, so that later you will remember about it for a very long time.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:500,000 - 1,500,000 rubles
Relevant for cities with a population: from 100 000 people
Situation in the industry:supply market is saturated
The complexity of organizing a business: 4/5
Payback: 1-1.5 years

Our citizens are quite successful in this, especially considering that in just a few days of the holidays they “lower” everything that they have managed to save up over several years. Vivid examples of this are weddings, anniversaries, the birth of a child, etc. So the sums in this business are quite considerable, and the "entry ticket" to the market for such services is also by no means cheap. But the agency for organizing holidays also receives orders all year round, in contrast to the seasonality of other areas of entertainment, such as, for example, beach attractions, or an open-air cinema.

By the way, according to the “fashionable” tradition today, to call everything that is possible and everything that is impossible in foreign words, you can now hear the expression “event” about agencies organizing holidays. Of course, the concept itself is somewhat broader than the word "holiday", but company owners do not particularly pay attention to semantics, proudly naming their company in a foreign way.

However, modern agencies for organizing holidays are engaged not only in the holidays themselves, but also in holding other events that can only be called holidays with a stretch:

  • Awards ceremonies
  • Organization of presentations
  • corporate events
  • Picnics
  • PR promotions
  • And so on and so forth

We draw up a business plan and register our activities

A business plan in any business is the foundation of the foundations, which not only allows you to paint a picture of the future of the business, but also to prevent the risk of failure, or “mitigate” the consequences of bankruptcy. I have already told my readers about how to create a business plan, I will not repeat myself. Those interested can see all the information on this link.

If you want to simplify your task and get advice from professional lawyers and accountants or help in preparing all the necessary documents, then you are here.

We organize a workplace

Feel the difference? Not an office, but a workplace. Because almost always meetings and conclusion of contracts are held either in a neutral place (cafe, restaurant), or on the territory of the customer. Therefore, you will need the room mainly for work - discussing upcoming events with the team, writing scenarios, etc. But it also happens that the client wants to meet you at your square, and therefore the workplace must be designed accordingly.

Photos from various events you have hung on the walls (at first, these may not be your photos at all), good office furniture, testimonials from grateful customers - all this should impress customers. In addition, you should always have a portfolio at the ready, consisting of videos organized by you for the show.

Recruiting a team

The organization of holidays is just the kind of business in which "cadres decide everything." 2-3 specialists cannot “pull out” this business, except to work on holding events with a small budget. In order to achieve success in your business, you need a team of first-class specialists:

  • Animators
  • Drivers
  • Screenwriters
  • Leading showmen
  • Photographer, videographer

In addition, cooks, assemblers of light and other structures, dancers, circus performers, musicians of various genres, pyrotechnicians, waiters, decorators, and a bunch of other people will be required. Of course, it is simply impossible to keep all these people on the staff, so I put the specialists I needed first of all on the list, and listed the rest in the line.

Who exactly to invite to your team on an official basis, and who will be involved as necessary under the contract, is up to you. But the fact that in the course of the work of the agency organizing holidays you will have to “acquire tentacles” of useful connections is a fact, not only among the “sharks” of show business, but also among municipal authorities, directors of schools, kindergartens, theaters, cafe owners and restaurants, and other "necessary" people.

“Along the way”, several “related” businesses can be singled out as a separate direction: decoration with balloons, providing a bus for parties, etc.

Scenarios for holidays

A competent, interesting, exciting script is half the success of your team, so you can’t save on screenwriters. It is better if 2-3 people work on it, and the necessary adjustments will be made after writing by the whole team. You won’t surprise anyone with the usual “drinks-party-dances” now, people want creativity.

By the way, about saving. Since there is fierce competition among event agencies, and they literally “fight” for clients, especially large ones, you cannot save on all staff, especially if they are high-level professionals, since, having gained experience, gained certain knowledge, working in your team, no one will prevent them from leaving for competitors (such poaching is widespread in the entertainment business environment). Corporate "loyalty" should be supported not only by banknotes, but also by a loyal attitude towards employees, and some corporate "ideology", the cohesion of the entire team.

And one more thing about scenarios: they must be protected by intellectual property rights, otherwise, after competitors “copy” your holiday, you will have to come up with something new every time.

Necessary equipment, inventory, and equipment

When organizing a business, the acquisition of all the necessary equipment and inventory will be perhaps the largest expense item. You will definitely need a car that will transport equipment and artists to the venue.

  • Light and sound equipment
  • Suits
  • Photo and video equipment
  • Scenery

- of course, you won’t succeed in everything you need, and you don’t need to purchase it right away, everything will appear in the process of business development, but you should have what is listed on the list.

We are looking for clients

The most important thing for you in business, especially in the first year or two, should be the filling of the portfolio. No one trusts a company that has hosted several children's parties, a couple of proms, anniversaries, and one wedding to organize a show worth a hundred thousand dollars. That is why you should always aim upwards, developing a portfolio, and not being afraid to offer your services to eminent clients.

"Pitfalls" of the event agency

The main mistake of beginner event agencies is the desire to do everything, and therefore, without the necessary experience, they often take on events that, to put it mildly, are too tough for them yet. You need to move towards success smoothly, gradually, but steadily, and then you will definitely succeed.
