Automation of technological processes and production - what is taught. How much does a specialist in the automation of technological processes and production earn? Revenue in foreign countries

Currently, it is quite easy to reduce the cost of fuel and raw materials, thanks to the latest production methods and technologies. Despite this, human resources are still an integral part of production. Labor is not only considered costly and adds to the cost of the final product, but also causes a lot of problems in the system.

This is why people go to study to become engineers, designers, researchers, and planners. Having received and mastered this profession, the graduate will be considered a narrow specialist in his field.

Automation of technological processes

This specialty is considered in demand and promising, after which you can master:

  • microprocessor control technology;
  • production technology;
  • circuit design;
  • electronics;
  • work on a computer using application software systems;
  • knowledge of mechanical equipment and more.

The goals of process automation are to improve the safety and efficiency of the production process. These goals are achieved by improving the quality of regulation and labor ergonomics of process operators, as well as increasing the readiness ratio of equipment for production. Having gained at least a little experience in this field, qualities such as accuracy, responsibility, ingenuity, perseverance and attentiveness are developed. The graduates' activities will be related to the setup, manufacture, operation and design of automatic control systems in production.

Description of professions

Having decided to become an engineer, you should understand that in production you will be required to know, implement and develop new control systems, as well as maintain them in working order. It is necessary to be able to correct minor problems in the operation of automated equipment and plan its operation in the future.

Designers and planners at different stages of work create completely new projects, formulate and set tasks. It is these employees who are closely connected not only with science, but also with production itself, since they clearly understand what they should get as a result. The final stage of their work is the preparation of documentation, which engineers will work with in the future.

If, back in college or even at school, you noticed your ability to correctly solve theoretical problems, then perhaps you will like the profession of a researcher in the field of process automation. Private campaigns pay more but require proof of their intellectual expertise. Working in a government structure can bring recognition from colleagues and the opportunity to conduct one’s scientific activities.

Nobody will trust you with the position of project or department manager after receiving your diploma, since it requires a clear understanding of the process and a certain amount of knowledge. But achieving this position over time is quite possible if you are good at your job and perform your duties well. I would just like to remind you that in the event of a promotion, the level of responsibility and number of responsibilities will noticeably increase.

In conclusion, it should be noted that even if you got a job through an acquaintance, you don’t need to shy away from it or, on the contrary, be proud of it, because they won’t keep a bad specialist in the field of automation of technological processes for a long time, since it is on such people that the quality and speed of the work depends final product yield.

You can order high-quality automation services using this link.

To paraphrase the famous proletarian poet, let's talk about a graduate who is considering his future life and thinking about acquiring a profession, let's talk about a specialty to which all sectors of the economy are submissive. In general, we will talk about getting the graduate to pay attention to the specialty of automation.

So, the profession where the name and code of the specialty is “Automation of Technological Processes and Production”: 03/15/04

This specialty involves participation in the creation of modern software products for design, automatic control of technological processes, diagnosing mechanisms and equipment for product production, as well as monitoring the quality indicators of the products themselves with minimal human intervention.

This specialty is also related to “Automation of control systems” - a specialty that deals with the processes of design and implementation of programs for control and automation systems.

What is the specialty “Automation of Technological Processes and Production”?

A university graduate with a diploma in this specialty must know and apply methods, mechanisms and tools for the development and application of systems that manage technological chains and even production without involving or with minimal human participation, leaving him with the ability to control and make important decisions.

Automation control systems are used in industry, energy, agricultural and processing industries, transport, trade, etc. These control systems are now used in all sectors of the economy.

Specialty "Electrification and Automation"

This specialty is also in demand in almost all industries, for example, in industries that extract or produce raw materials - in mining, as well as in agricultural production.

For example, “Electrification and automation of agriculture” is a specialty according to which graduates receive engineering qualifications and can be employed in agricultural, processing, repair enterprises, in enterprises operating electrical networks and power plants, as well as in research, scientific organizations and institutions.

Automation job

In addition to the above-mentioned employment in the specialty of automation, holders of diplomas in this specialty can count on getting work:

  • for an engineering position at enterprises of any form of ownership;
  • designer in a design organization;
  • designer in institutions for research and development of automation systems;
  • employee of a production or operational site or department.

It is quite obvious that over time you can count on the post of manager of a project, department, production, or even an enterprise or institution. Everything will depend on the desire for career growth and personal ambitions, as well as the appropriate level of personal responsibility and professionalism.

Azarova Victoria Sergeevna, teacher

Oskol Polytechnic College STI NUST MISIS, Stary Oskol

Humanity is constantly moving forward. We create new and more versatile tools that allow us to increase the efficiency of the efforts of each individual person. The next step, which is being actively implemented today, is automation.

Automation is one of the areas that uses self-regulating technical and mathematical means with the aim of freeing people from participation in the receipt, transformation, transfer and use, or, or significantly reducing the degree of this participation or the complexity of the operations performed.



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    and other areas of human activity.

Automation makes it possible to increase and improve management processes and remove people from production processes that are hazardous to health. Automation, with the exception of the simplest cases, requires an integrated, systematic approach to solving a problem. Automation systems include (), (), computers. The computational methods used sometimes copy the nervous and mental functions of humans. This entire set of tools is usually called systems.

In the age of automation and mechanization, technical education becomes relevant. In the West, already in the 17th century, they realized the need for engineering specialists. This was due to the construction of the first roads and bridges. In Russia, Peter I was already interested in technical sciences.

Currently, the pace of development is accelerating in all spheres of human activity. Enterprises increasingly find themselves in small-scale production. Intense competition forces them to quickly and at minimal cost restructure to produce new products in accordance with market demands.

The production automation program turns out to be a reliable means, leading not only to the adaptation of enterprises to new socio-economic conditions, but also to a significant number of technological advantages that provide a significant increase in the added value of products. In addition, automation of production processes helps to perform many technological operations that were previously inaccessible to humans. Thus, the introduction of automation contributes to the overall technological progress of society.

Automation is a technological process that no enterprise can do without. Automation serves to simplify process management, to reduce production costs and to facilitate labor in the enterprise. Automatic processes do not stand still; they are improved every year, that is, they are automated. Further development and improvement of technological processes is associated with the creation of high-power plants equipped with modern equipment. In this connection, the requirements for their reliability are increasing, which leads to increased requirements for the calculation, manufacture and operation of equipment. Modern installations must operate reliably for a long time under optimally intensive operating conditions. Solving these problems is only possible if technology and equipment are improved.

Therefore, the specialty “Automation of technological processes and production (by industry)” is one of the most popular professions.Graduate qualification – technician. A graduate of this specialty is ready for professional activities in organizing and carrying out installation, repair, and maintenance of devices and tools for measuring, monitoring, testing and regulating technological processes.

In modern enterprises, specialists with this level of education can work as technicians, and they must know: the structure of the design and technology departments; rights and obligations of the designer and technologist; rules for working with standards, ESKD; responsibilities and rights of engineering and technical workers, the scope of work performed in workshops, departments, etc. on operation, repair and adjustment of automation equipment; must be able to: develop and draw up simple design and technological documentation; use computer technology in design; maintain automation systems; perform the functional duties of duplicated engineering and technical workers of a workshop, site, laboratory, etc.

The characteristic of this profession is to ensure the optimal functioning of automated control systems for technological processes and production. The objects of professional activity are technological, energy, transport, information and other production processes. A technician is trained as a direct organizer of the production process at a site in a team, shift, or workshop for the operation of automated control systems. He must have soldering skills, design and read design documentation, have a good knowledge of measuring equipment and be able to use it, and calculate the parameters of various electrical circuits. The technician must be able to organize the work of the production site in compliance with safety regulations.

The main activities of the technician are: production and technological activities - installation, adjustment, adjustment of automatic control systems; conducting standard and certification tests, performing metrological verifications of measuring instruments; analysis of the causes of failures of automatic control systems, their devices and functional blocks and development of measures to eliminate failures; control and analysis of the functioning of automatic control systems, their devices, functional blocks, measuring instruments; maintenance of automatic control systems; hardware and software configuration and maintenance of microprocessor technology of automatic control systems.

The graduate must be able to implement the technological process of forming standard devices and functional blocks of automatic control systems; draw up design, technological and other technical documentation in accordance with current regulatory documents; use regulatory and reference literature to select measuring and automation instruments, devices and functional blocks of automatic control systems, materials, equipment, etc.; determine the capabilities and scope of standard measuring instruments, draw up diagrams for their connection; perform pre-installation checks, verification, installation and adjustment of measuring and automation equipment, repair and maintenance of automatic control systems; carry out hardware and software configuration and maintenance of microprocessor technology of automatic control systems; calculate parameters of typical electrical circuits and electronic devices; use computer technology for calculation purposes; carry out technical control of the compliance of devices and functional blocks of automatic control systems with established standards; calculate the main technical and economic indicators of the activity of a site or workshop; evaluate the efficiency of production activities; analyze and evaluate the state of safety technology.

Basic requirements for professional training, the technician must have an understanding of: the main scientific and technical problems and prospects for the development of automation of technological processes and production, their relationship with related areas; about trends in the development of technological machines, about the structure of flexible technological complexes, integrated and automated production; on the basic principles of constructing control computer systems for automated technological processes and production; on indicators of quality and reliability of elements of automated process equipment.

Knowmain objects, phenomena and processes associated with a specific area of ​​special training, mathematical description of linear automated control systems, quality indicators of automatic control systems, operating principles of typical elements of automatic control systems.

Be able to calculate the main indicators of automatic control systems, select typical elements of automatic control systems using reference materials; master the techniques of setting up and operating the main types of technological equipment, use methods for developing, debugging, monitoring and implementing control programs for automated equipment.

Have experience in: constructing images of technical products, designing and reading drawings, diagrams and drawing up specifications, assessing the strength of elements of mechanical systems, calculating standard electrical and electronic circuits.

Despite the fact that in the conditions of the dynamism of market relations, vocational training cannot guarantee a graduate a job not only throughout his life, but also in the near future.

In the field of production automation, there is currently a shortage of highly qualified specialists.

Therefore, a technician for automation of production and technological processes is in demand both in mechanical engineering and in various enterprises where there are automated production control systems.

List of sources used:

1. Kapustin, N. M. Automation of production processes and production: Textbook. for universities / Ed. N. M. Kapustina. - M.: Higher School, 2014. - 415 p.

2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 2014 No. 349 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education in the specialty 02/15/07 Automation of technological processes and production (by industry)”;

3. Article 59 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; N 23, Art. 2878, Art. 3036, Art. 6165;

4. Shishmarev V.Yu.,2015 – 50s;

Automation of production processes is the main direction along which production is currently moving throughout the world. Everything that was previously performed by man himself, his functions, not only physical, but also intellectual, are gradually transferred to technology, which itself carries out technological cycles and monitors them. This is now the general direction of modern technology. The role of a person in many industries is already reduced to only a controller behind an automatic controller.

In general, the concept of “technological process control” is understood as a set of operations necessary to start, stop the process, as well as maintain or change in the required direction physical quantities (process indicators). Individual machines, units, devices, devices, complexes of machines and devices that carry out technological processes that need to be controlled are called control objects or controlled objects in automation. Managed objects are very diverse in their purpose.

Automation of technological processes– replacement of human physical labor spent on controlling mechanisms and machines with the work of special devices that ensure this control (regulation of various parameters, obtaining a given productivity and product quality without human intervention).

Automation of production processes makes it possible to increase labor productivity many times over, increase its safety, environmental friendliness, improve product quality and make more efficient use of production resources, including human potential.

Any technological process is created and carried out to achieve a specific goal. Manufacturing the final product, or to obtain an intermediate result. Thus, the purpose of automated production can be sorting, transportation, and packaging of products. Automation of production can be complete, complex or partial.

Partial automation occurs when one operation or a separate production cycle is carried out automatically. At the same time, limited human participation in it is allowed. Most often, partial automation occurs when the process proceeds too quickly for a person to fully participate in it, while fairly primitive mechanical devices driven by electrical equipment cope with it perfectly.

Partial automation, as a rule, is used on existing equipment and is an addition to it. However, it shows the greatest efficiency when it is included in the overall automation system from the very beginning - it is immediately developed, manufactured and installed as its component part.

Comprehensive automation should cover a separate large production area, this could be a separate workshop or power plant. In this case, the entire production operates in the mode of a single interconnected automated complex. Complex automation of production processes is not always advisable. Its field of application is modern highly developed production, which uses extremelyreliable equipment.

The breakdown of one of the machines or units immediately stops the entire production cycle. Such production must have self-regulation and self-organization, which is carried out according to a previously created program. In this case, a person takes part in the production process only as a permanent controller, monitoring the state of the entire system and its individual parts, and intervenes in production for start-up and when emergency situations arise, or when there is a threat of such an occurrence.

The highest level of automation of production processes – full automation. With it, the system itself carries out not only the production process, but also complete control over it, which is carried out by automatic control systems. Full automation is advisable in cost-effective, sustainable production with established technological processes with a constant operating mode.

All possible deviations from the norm must be previously foreseen, and systems for protecting against them must be developed. Full automation is also necessary for work that may threaten human life, his health, or is carried out in places inaccessible to him - under water, in an aggressive environment, in space.

Each system consists of components that perform specific functions. In an automated system, sensors take readings and transmit them to make a decision on system control; the command is carried out by the drive. Most often this is electrical equipment, since it is more expedient to carry out commands with the help of electric current.

It is necessary to distinguish between automated control systems and automatic ones. At automated control system the sensors transmit readings to the operator’s console, and he, having made a decision, transmits the command to the executive equipment. At automatic system– the signal is analyzed by electronic devices, and after making a decision, they give a command to the executing devices.

Human participation in automatic systems is still necessary, albeit as a controller. He has the ability to intervene in the technological process at any time, correct it or stop it.

So, the temperature sensor may fail and give incorrect readings. In this case, electronics will perceive its data as reliable without questioning it.

The human mind is many times superior to the capabilities of electronic devices, although it is inferior to them in terms of response speed. The operator can understand that the sensor is faulty, assess the risks, and simply turn it off without interrupting the process. At the same time, he must be completely confident that this will not lead to an accident. Experience and intuition, which are inaccessible to machines, help him make a decision.

Such targeted intervention in automatic systems does not carry any serious risks if the decision is made by a professional. However, turning off all automation and switching the system to manual control mode is fraught with serious consequences due to the fact that a person cannot quickly respond to changing conditions.

A classic example is the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which became the largest man-made disaster of the last century. It occurred precisely because the automatic mode was turned off, when the already developed programs to prevent emergency situations could not influence the development of the situation in the plant’s reactor.

Automation of individual processes began in industry back in the nineteenth century. Suffice it to recall the automatic centrifugal regulator for steam engines designed by Watt. But only with the beginning of the industrial use of electricity, wider automation became possible, not of individual processes, but of entire technological cycles. This is due to the fact that previously mechanical force was transmitted to machines using transmissions and drives.

Centralized production of electricity and its use in industry, by and large, began only in the twentieth century - before the First World War, when each machine was equipped with its own electric motor. It was this circumstance that made it possible to mechanize not only the production process on the machine, but also to mechanize its control. This was the first step towards creating automatic machines. The first samples of which appeared in the early 1930s. Then the term “automated production” itself arose.

In Russia - then still in the USSR - the first steps in this direction were taken in the 30-40s of the last century. For the first time, automatic machines were used in the production of bearing parts. Then came the world's first fully automated production of pistons for tractor engines.

Technological cycles were combined into a single automated process, starting with the loading of raw materials and ending with the packaging of finished parts. This became possible thanks to the widespread use of modern electrical equipment at that time, various relays, remote switches, and of course, drives.

And only the advent of the first electronic computers made it possible to reach a new level of automation. Now the technological process has ceased to be considered as simply a collection of individual operations that must be performed in a certain sequence to obtain a result. Now the whole process has become one.

Currently, automatic control systems not only conduct the production process, but also control it and monitor the occurrence of abnormal and emergency situations. They start and stop technological equipment, monitor overloads, and work out actions in case of accidents.

Recently, automatic control systems have made it quite easy to rebuild equipment to produce new products. This is already a whole system, consisting of separate automatic multi-mode systems connected to a central computer, which links them into a single network and issues tasks for execution.

Each subsystem is a separate computer with its own software designed to perform its own tasks. It's already flexible production modules. They are called flexible because they can be reconfigured for other technological processes and thereby expand production and diversify it.

The pinnacle of automated production is. Automation has permeated production from top to bottom. The transport line for the delivery of raw materials for production operates automatically. Automated management and design. Human experience and intelligence are used only where electronics cannot replace it.
